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Lakes, from 6A -
I find it very hard to believe that a
lot of fish wentdown the stream.
Just like homes can be rebuilt,
so can dams, lakes and poods. But,
lakes and ponds must be restocked.
Even after the restocking, a pe
riod of four-to-five years has to pass
Houston County School Super
intendent Tony Hinnant, the former
principal at Warner Robins High
School, said that the principal of
the school made the decision on the
chewleading coach. "In a lot of in
stances, the principal goes down the
hall and has to twist peoples' arms
(to get someone as cheerleader
coach)," he said.
However, Flowers and Warner
Robins High School cheerleading
coach Jenifer Pritchett said cheer
leading coaches were doing the job
because they wanted to. Pritchett,
who cheered in high school, but not
college, said that coaching cheer
leading was something she always
wanted to do.
"There are real injuries," said
Pritchett. "This is a real sport. The
girls can be hurt."
The board agreed to look into the
matter of increasing the supplement
for the cheerleading supplement. "It
needs to be addressed," said board
chairman Zell Blackmon.
Roley, from 6A,-
most outfielders can play all three
outfield positions. All all-star
games would use the DH, since the
all-star game is the only place the
DH should be allowed.
No less than six, nor no more
than nine, of the pitching staff
could be starters. The rest of the
pitching staff would have to come
from the bullpen.
Of course, that brings us to the
third change. There is no way that
you could get all 45 players into
one game. After all, managers have
trouble today getting all their play
ers into a game, even with smaller
rosters. What good is it to be
named to an all-star team if you
don’t get to play?
Major League Baseball deter
mines the league championship
with a series and the national
championship with a World Series.
So, why not the mid-Summer clas
My move would be to make the
all-star classic a best of three affair,
with the first game starting in the
afternoon, followed by the second
game in the evening. Both of the
first two games would be full nine
inning affairs. The third game,
" i " 1
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Warren L. Griffin, M. D.
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Announces with pleasure the association of
Matthew Jerles, M. D.
for the practice
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
August 1,1994
before fish will be large enough to
harvest. Larger impoundments will
not suffer as greatly since they don't
require restocking, as nature will
help. But, it will still take a long
time before any appreciable popula
tion of harvestable fish will be
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P|T ( '*■!£? jjßrjl
When these cheerleaders get to high school, they will see a sport far different from
what Is now, as evidenced by the BOE considering Increased supplements for
cheerleading coaches.
needed, would follow the second
game, and be a seven inning affair.
Such an arrangement would al
low fans to see the all-stars play
longer than the current arrangement
allows. Also, there wouldn't be a
problem with pitching, since each
all-star team would carry 15 pitch
ers into the series, allowing for
two, possibly three, of the starters
to actually start a game.
Remember, an all-star game is
different from a regular game. A
player playing the full nine innings
is rare in an all-star game, since the
substitute the manager can bring in
is just as good as the player. Only
in case of a rubber game would we
likely see a player break double fig
ures in innings played, and that
would be rare.
Also, it doesn't matter if a
pitcher, especially a starter, goes
three innings or five or six, he is
still out for at least the next four
days. Under these circumstances, we
could see starters of all-star games
going five or six innings.
In many respects the all-star
game is fine. But, I think that these
three changes would improve the
game greatly.
aV and I really don't have
the heart to tell our readers about a
goodplace to fish. First of all, you
St not be able to get there, and,
secondly, right now fishmgrsthe
furtherest thing from everyone s
It is time we had a good listener on the
Houston County Board of Commissioners
Leadership is not found in those with rehearsed
answers to obvious questions. On the msyor issues, it
conies from those who listen to your concerns, weigh
the options and come up with common sense
solutions. That’s where BILLY HUNTER enters the
• You’ll be listened to before Hospital Authority
members are appointed.
• You’ll be listened to before any county/city services
are consolidated.
• And you will be listened to before your tax dollars j
are spent.
t is time to have a good listener on the Houston
bounty Board of Commissioners. It is time to elect
SILLY HUNTER. Small businessmen, retired law I
enforcement official, Public Servant. Democratic
candidate, Post 2 Tuesday, July 19. Paid for by the
candidate 987-3766
C. Warren Dunn, M. D.
Keith D. Holmes, M. D.
So, our article is short this
Please remember two things:
help those you can and remember
that, even though you may have
suffered greatly, there is someone
who has suffered a greater tragedy
oMuruary, juty is, 1554 Houston Times -Journ*-
than you have. So, let's all help
whatever or whenever we can.
Believe me, the reward of a
smile and a "thank you” is a lot
greater than anything else. A
YOU—God Bless, especially to
those who have suffered more than
we have.
Until next week ... we've gone
to help.
In accordance with Saction 36-37-6 of
tha Official Coda of Georgia Annotated,
notice it hereby given that the properties
described In Exhibit ‘A* attached hereto
ant offered for sale by the City of Party.
Said properties are offered for sale under
the following terms and conditions:
1. The sale shall be by sealed bid. Bid
blanks may be obtained from tha Clerk's
Office, Perry Municipal Building, Perry,
2. The properties shall be sold
separately and a separate bid blank must
be obtained for each tract.
3. Said properties shall be sold forcash.
4. The City of Peny reserves the right to
reject any and all bids or to cancel the
proposed sale as to any or all tracts of
5. All bids shall be opened at the
regularly scheduled meeting of the Mayor
and Council of the City of Perry on Tuesday,
August 2,1994 at 7:30 p.m.
6. Each tractof property which is hereby
advertised for sale shall be conveyed to the
successful bidder, if any, without warranty
of title, by Quit-Claim Deed.
7. Notice of the sale of this property
shall run in the Houston Times Journal on
July 16, 1994, July 23, 1994 and July 30,
TRACT 1: All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in Land Lot 19 of
the 10th Land District of Houston County,
Georgia and containing 20.066 acres
according to a plat of survey prepared by
Richard L. Jones, Registered Surveyor No.
1591, said plat of survey dated May 28,
1984 and being recorded in Plat Book 27,
Page 49, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior
Court. Said plat of survey and the recorded
copy thereof are hereby made a part of this
description by reference thereto for all
Said property is shown as Parcel 37 on
Map P-38, Houston County Tax Assessor’s
Office, Houston County Courthouse.
TRACT 2: That certain 1.7 acres of land
Tkust Co. Bank
of Middle GA Customers
Due to the recent severe weather
our hours will be 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
until further notice
Thank you for your understanding!
Call Eddie Wilson 987-4616
\ \ 1 /
\ \ /S^ ROWAM /x\J
\\ Lr / 11 \jvi
Incumbent Bobby Rowan - the PUPPET of the Utllltlesl
State-wide Democratic Primary, July 19.
Paid for by JOHN FRANK COLLINS for PSC Committee • P.O. BOX 444, PINELAKE, GA 30072
William L. Brown Farms
Monday - Satuday
8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Sunday 1:30 - 6:30 p.m.
472-8767 • Montezuma
Second pecan orchard on right
Highway 49 North
For the Best
Read the
located in the CityofPeny, Houston County,
Georgia bounded now or formerly as
follows: on the north by lands of Georye W.
Roberts, Willie and Viola Solomon, Henry
Lee, and Cora M. Ridley: on the east by
Fannie Gresham Branch; on the south by
property of the Mary Lightfoot Estate; on
the west by lands of Janie and Walker
Davis, Freeman Roberts Estate, and Lois
E. Ragin.
Said property is shown as Parcel 6 on
Map P-6, Houston County Tax Assessor's
Office, Houston County Courthouse.
TRACT 3: All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia and known as
Lot 9, Block V, East End Subdivision, as
shown on a plat of survey recorded in Map
Book 1, Page 18, Clerk’s Office, Houston
Superior Court.
Said property is located at 1109 Jackson
Lane, Perry, Georgia an is shown as Parcel
12 on Map P-20, Houston County Tax
Assessor’s Office, Houston County
TRACT 4: All that lot or parcel of land
lying and being in the 13th Land District of
Houston County, Georgia, and in Land Lot
274 therein, in the City of Perry arid being
known and designated as Parcel “C"
according to a plat of survey prepared by
Richard L. Jones, Registered Land
Surveyor No. 1591, said plat of survey
recorded in Map 800k23, Page 61, Cleric’s
Office, Houston Superior
Court. Said plat of survey and the
recorded thereof are hereby made a part of
this description by reference thereto for all
Said property is located on Bradley
Street, Peny, Georgia and is shown as
Parcel 67A on Map P-26, Houston County
Tax Assessor's Office, Houston County
By: James E. Worrall, Mayor
Walker, Hulbert, Gray & Byrd Attorneys
for the City of Peny, Georgia
7-88 7/16, 7/23, 7/30
FOR ITSELF: '...Recent news reports raise
the suspicion that (Bobby) Rowan's
loyalties may be to the utility companies...
However, it looks like Georgia Power
Company is in such trouble with the feds
over taxes that having helped elect Rowan
won't do them any good. * - Cynthia Tucker
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution writer
Page 7A