Newspaper Page Text
1994-95 Calendar
Houston County School System
Mon - Thurs
Wed - Friday
Tues - Wed.
Mon - Fri
Mon - Wed
Aug 15 -18
August 19
Sept 5
Sept. 16
October 10
October 17
Nov. 11
Nov. 15
Nov. 22
Nov. 23-25
Dec. 19
Dec. 20
Jan. 3
, Jan. 13
Jan. 17-18
Jan. 19
Feb. 1
March 2
March 30
April 10-14
May 4
May 29
June 2
June 5 - 7
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'Ready To Roll'
Houston Porter (second from left), director of
transportation for the Houston County School System,
responds to a question from GSP TFC Rhod Page
(right). Looking on are school system mechanics Odel
McCoy (far left) and Roy McGhee. All 41 buses at the
Perry bus barn, as well as 81 stationed In Warner
Robins, passed state mandated Inspections with
perfect scores. More than 13,000 students county
wide will be transported to and from school beginning
this Frlday.fHTJ photo by Jimmy Simpson)
Poleto named to
President’s list
Linda Poleto, daughter of John
and Joanne Poleto of Perry, has
been named to the Indiana
University School of Dentistry
(Indianapolis, Indiana) President’s
List for the Fall and Spring
Students who earn a 3.S grade
point average are eligible for the
President’s List
MGT offers free
public workshop
Middle Georgia Tech is
conducting a free two week New
Connections Workshop to assist
individuals in finding employment
or in entering technical school.
Classes began August IS and
will continue through Aug. 26.
Class times are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
Topics that will be discussed
Include developing a positive self
School news
First Semester Begins
Labor Day - Holiday
First Month Ends
Columbus Day • Holiday
Second Month Ends
Veterans Day - Holiday
Third Month Ends
Holiday Students/Inservice
Thanksgiving Holidays
Fourth Month Ends
Last Day Before
Christmas Holidays
First Day After
Christmas Holidays
First Semester Ends
Holiday Students/
Inservice Teachers
Second Semester Begins
Fifth Month Ends
President’s Day - Holiday
Sixth Month Ends
Seventh Month Ends
Spring Holidays
Eighth Month Ends
Memorial day - Holiday
Ninth Month/
Second Semester Ends
Post Planning
image, setting goals, and job
interviewing skills. For more
information, call Middle Georgia
Tech at 929-6800.
Tucker School plans
date for open house
Tucker School will hold Open
House on Thursday, Aug. 18, at 7
The date has been scheduled for
parents and students in grades K-l
to meet teachers for the upcoming
school year.
Perry High will slate
open house Aug. 18
Perry High School 9th grade
students should come to the Perry
High School auditorium with your
parents on Thursday night, Aug.
18, from 7-8:30 p.m., to pick up
schedules and visit the building.
The principals and vice
principals will talk to parents.
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Jan Korea shows off one of several party dishes she
serves up for friends and family occasionally.
Jan's Party recipes
prove to be 'big hit'
Staff Writer
Approximately forty ladies
enjoyed a lovely luncheon Friday at
the King’s Crest home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Kerce. Each guest was
given a lei as she arrived.
The home was tastefully
decorated with a variety of
The party table’s centerpiece was
a real watermelon cut to resemble a
unique flower container, which held
beautiful summer flowers.
An assortment of salads,
vegetables and fruits, surrounded the
centerpiece. Miniature biscuits,
muffins, several delicious cakes,
coffee, tea and soft drinks were
served from the side table.
The hostess had prepared all of
the food herself, except the
miniature biscuits, which a friend,
Nell Shelton, had prepared.
So many of the guests requested
copies of the recipes Jan used, she
finally agreed to let me run them in
the Houston Times-Journal so that
all of the ladies could get copies.
They are listed below:
Jan Kerce, formerly of
Tallahassee, Fla., is a member of
the faculty at Westfield Schools.
Her young daughter, Suzanne
Rowe, resides with her and her
1 1/2 cups broccoli flowerets
2/3 cups reduced-calorie Italian salad
1 1/2 cups cauliflower flowerets
2 cups small cherry tomatoes
1 cup diced yellow squash
1 cup sliced unpeeled cucumber
1/4 cup diced carrot
1 (14-ounce) can artichoke hearts,
drained and quartered
2 cups cooked small shell macaroni
(cooked without salt or fat)
Lettuce leaves (optional)
Place broccoli in a large bowl;
drizzle dressing over broccoli and
toss gently. Add remaining
ingredients, except lettuce leaves;
toss gently. Cover and chill 8
hours; toss. Serve on lettuce
leaves, if desired. Yield: 8 servings
(78 calories per 1 1/2 cup serving)
3.5 grams protein, 0.4 gram fat,
16.7 grams carbohydrate, 0
milligrams cholesterol, 248
milligrams sodium, and 34
milligrams calcium.
1 pound corkscrew pasta, cooked,
1 cup turkey, cut into strips
4-5 cups assorted cooked or raw
vegetables (such as zucchini, bell
peppers, onions)
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
2 cups prepared Hidden Valley
Ranch Original Ranch salad
Toss all ingredients in a bowl.
Chill until ready to serve.
1 package (10 ounces) frozen baby
peas, thawed
1 cup diced celery
1 cup cauliflower
1/4 cup diced green onion
1 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup prepared Hidden Valley Ranch
Original Ranch salaH dressing
optional garnish
(I made 2 loaf cakes out of this
recipe and 3 layer cakes that are
1/2 pound butter
1/2 cup Irisco
3 cups sugar
6 eggs
3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 pint whipping cream
Mix: butter, sugar and crisco
Add: 1 egg at a time
Add: whipping cream and flour,
alternating; add flavoring.
Cook at 325 degrees F.,
approximately 1 hour
1 stick butter or margarine,
juice from 1/2 lemon
1 softened package cream cheese
1 box lOx sugar and cream or milk
as needed
Mix and cream butter, lemon juice
and cream cheese. Add sifted flour
and cream as needed. Frost cake.
May omit lemon juice and use
vanilla, if you wish. Also, may
add finely chopped pecans to icing.
(This is the most festive dessert and
very elegant. The taste of this
cheesecake is truly delightful.)
Use 9 1/2-inch springform pan
Crust: 1 1/4 cups crushed graham
cracker crumbs
4 Tbls melted butter
2 Tbls sugar
Mix and press into bottom of pan.
Filling: 3 8-oz. cream cheese pkgs
(room temp.)
3 eggs (room temp.)
1 cup sugar
2 1/2 tsp vanilla
Mix and pour onto crust. Bake 35
minutes at 350 degrees F. Place
into refrigerator for 30 minutes.
(I doubled this part of the recipe.)
Mix 3 pints sour cream, 6 Tbls
sugar and 2 tsp vanilla. Pour onto
cheesecake and bake 3 minutes at
350-degrees F. Refrigerate.
Topping: 2 10-oz. frozen
1 Tbls cornstarch
crisp-cooked, crumbled bacon
Combine all ingredients. Chill.
Garnish just before serving.
(This is a real conversation piece.)
25-30 chocolate cookies
3 Tbls melted butter
1 pkg lime Jello
1/2 cup hot water
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup sugar
1 tall can Pet milk chilled to ice
crystal stage
1 tsp lemon rind, grated
4 drops green food coloring
Butter a 10-inch pie pan. Line
sides with 12 or more cookies.
Crush remaining cookies, mix with
butter and place on bottom of pan,
saving some for top. Dissolve
Jello in hot water and add lemon
juice and sugar. Let stand while
whipping milk to a stiff froth. Add
gelatin mixture to whipped milk
and continue whipping until stiff
peaks form. Mix in food coloring
and lemon rind. Pour over cookie
crumbs. Make swirl on top. Then
pour remaining crumbs over the
top. Chill at least 4 hours, or until
firm. Serves 6to 12. This is my
mother, Gennelle Jordan’s tasty
recipe. Her family and friends
thoroughly enjoy every bite.)
Houston Times-Journal
Hospitalized: Johnny Brewer,
Juanita Greene (Ray Hooten’s
sister), Melba Mayes (Ray
Hooten’s niece), Bobby Van Buren
(Dan, Manager of Cracker Barrel’s
nephew), Chelsea Tackett (Judy
Poss’s niece), Leila Clifton, Larry
Wagoner (friend of Cliff Woods),
Bill Odom (Judy Poss’s brother),
Mr. Adams (Tom Adams’ dad) and
Ivadell Norton..
Recuperating at Home: Ken
Hunter, Lindsey Bell, John Clifton,
Adrian Harris, Jerry Ingram, Danny
Hubert, Alice Cade (Judy Stewart’s
aunt), Vicky Schemm (Christina
Yarbrough’s friend), W. M. Moss
(Bobbie Newton’s father), Dawson
and Roselyn Mullen (Marie Lewis’s
parents), Mary Julia Fowler
(Rosemari Patterson’s mother),
Robbie Lewis (Tim’s mother), W.
O. Stewart (Joe’s grandfather),
Marvin Barckley (Carol Cheek
Barckley’s father-in-law), Golda
Clark (Joe Stewart’s grandmother),
Sheldon Shelton (Frank Shelton’s
grandson), Tina Davidson, Clara
Cotton, T. E. Tomlinson, Wister
“Bud” Williams, Inez Boswell,
Zach Holmes, Dawn Jerles and Jane
In Nursing Home: M. L. Bridges
- Montezuma Nursing Home; A.E.
Harris - Oaks, Marshallville; Hazel
Norman, New Perry Nursing
Sympathy is Extended:
-To sons,Wade Eubanks of
Louisville, Ky. and Kent Eubanks f
Saraland, Ala., and son-in-law,
Julius Toy Turner, of Perry,
husband of the late Ouida Eubanks
Turner, grandchildren, great
grandchildren, relatives and friends,
upon the death of Ernest F.
Eubanks, 100, on Friday, August
5, 1994.
-To Doris and Matthew
Nicholson of Kathleen, and other
relatives and friends, upon the death
of their grandson, Timothy Andrew
“Andy” Nicholson, 16, of Warner
Robins, on Saturday, August S,
-To Mrs. Kathryn Davis and
family for the death of her brother,
Mr. Frank Moss Gaines, on August
4, 1994, in Dothan, Alabama.
-To Elaine Wright and family for
the death of his mother, Mrs.
Bessie S. Pittman, on August 6,
-To Rudy C. Brown of Perry,
and other relatives, upon the death
of his father, Jesse Clarence Brown
of Perry on Thursday, August 11,
-To Kenneth S. Powers and
family, formerly of the Middle
Georgia area and now of Hull, Ga.,
upon the death of his father.
Kenneth has friends in the Perry
area, and was soloist in one of the
Midstate Music Association’s
presentations of Handel’s
-To Bessie Floyd and Mrs.
Virgie McCool, both of Perry, and
other relatives, upon the death of
their brother, Preston Davis of
Route 1, Milan, on Friday, August
12, 1994.
-To Robert ‘Bob” Harris of
Perry, and other family members,
upon the death of his mother,
Beulah Johnson Harris, of Macon
on Friday, August 12, 1994.
-To Cynthia Knepper, 7, of
Perry, whose cartoon drawing was
featured on the Kids Stuff page of
the Macon Telegraph (Can You
Draw?) on Tuesday, August 9,
-To Paul Wayne Kemp, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright Kemp of
Perry, who has added another honor
to the long list of honors he already
has acquired. A member of Perry
High School Band, he has been
selected to be a member of the U.S.
Coast Guard Academy’s marching
-To Forrest Steven Mitchell and
Merissa Penelope (Hicks) Mitchell
of Kathleen, upon the birth of their
son, Adam Forrest Mitchell, on
July 26, 1994
-To Tanika Irby of Perry, upon
the birth of her daughter, Natalia
Shymese Irby, on August 1.1994.
-To Kenneth S. Hamsley and
Ember Ann (Felty) of :Hayneville,
upon the birth of their son, Andrew
Jackson Hamsley, on July 29,
-To Dennis Tribble and Ruth
Anne (Evans) Tribble of Kathleen,
upon the birth of their son, Jesse
Ethan Tribble, on July 30,1994.
-To Jamie McLeod McKinney
of Cullman, Ala., and Katherine
Perry Potpourri
V ..
'Pauline L
editor I
Elizabeth Moore of Augusta, upon
the announcement of their
engagement. The bride-elect is the
daughter of Dr. Victor Augustus
Moore of Evans and Elizabeth
Stone Moore of Augusta. She is
the granddaughter of Edna and
William A. Stone of Thomson and
the late Mr. and Mrs. Victor A.
Moore II of Roswell. The groom
elect is the son of Anne and Elwyn
McKinney of Hawkinsville
(formerly of Perry), and the
grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Hendley McLeod of Pineview and
the late Mr. and Mrs. Grady
McKinney. He is a graduate of
Westfield High School in Perry and
the University of Georgia, majoring
in history. The wedding is planned
for Nov. 5, at The Church of the
Good Shepherd in Augusta.
-To Angela Michele Rowland
and Thomas Wesley Conner, Jr,
upon the announcement of their
engagement. The bride-elect is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Rowland and is also the daughter
of the late Jerry C. McCommons.
She is the granddaughter of Sally
Daniel of Hawkinsville, the late
Neal Brightwell McCommons,
Lillian Rowland of Warner Robins
and the late Fred Watson Rowland
of Cordele. The groom-elect is the
son of Alice Conner Young and the
late Thomas W. Conner Sr. of
Hawkinsville. He is the grandson
of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. G.
Mims of Tifton, Hildred R. Conner
of Hawkinsville and the late G. W.
Conner. The wedding is planned
for Aug. 27 at First Baptist Church
in Hawkinsville.
-To Joann Elaine Bass of Macon
and John Marion Attaway of Perry,
upon the announcement of their
engagement. The bride-elect is the
granddaughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Elkins of Covington
and the late Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds
Clements of Lumber City. The
groom-elect is the grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. Vaston Kline Attaway of
Perry, Montine Fowler of Dacula
and the late Floyd Fowler. The
wedding is planned for Sept. 3, at
East Macon United Methodist
Church in Macon.
-To Andrea Lynne West and
Troy Jerrell Brown upon the
announcement of their engagement.
The bride-elect is the daughter of
Carolyn West and David West, and
the granddaughter of Paul West of
Kewannee, 111., the late Esther
West, R. Boone Ketchum of
Leesburg, Fla., and the late Betty J.
Ketchum. The groom-elect is the
son of Patricia and Terry Brown,
Larry Curry of Dublin and the late
Doris Curry. He is the grandson of
J. C. Brown of Perry, the late Vera
Mae Brown and Martha and Edward
Greaver of Hawkinsville The
wedding is planned for Sept. 9 at
First Presbyterian Church in
Warner Robins.
-To LaDonna Lynn Chamlee of
Perry and Lt. Thomas James
Watson of Corpus Christi, upon
the announcement of their
engagement. The bride-elect is the
daughter of Joan and Earl Chamlee
of Perry and the granddaughter of
Louise Lasseter of Perry, the late
Eugene Lasseter, Louise Chamlee
and the late James Chamlee. The
groom-elect is the son of Helen and
James Watson of Macon, the
grandson of the late Helen and
Walter Frederick and the late
Margaret and James Watson, all of
New York. The wedding is planned
for Oct. 1 at Rehoboth Baptist
-To Jamie Hester and Neal
Bernard Howard of Macon, upon the
annuncement of their engagement
The bride-elect is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Hester
Jr. and the granddaughter of Mary
Lizzie Langston of Perry, the late
W. C. Langston and the late Mr.
and Mrs. James Richard Hester Sr.
The groom-elect is the son of Joy
Garson Howard of Atlanta, and the
late Bernard Howard, and the
grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Frank G arson of Atanta and the late
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howard of
Miami. The wedding is planned for
Aug. 27 at the Napier Small-
McMullian House.
-To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J.
n«m im Paulina, paga SB