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Page 6B
Wednesday, August 31,1994, Houston Times-Journal
Under and by virtue of the Power of
Sale contained in the Security Deed and
Agreement from Robert T. Cribb to Bank
South, Houston CountY, N.A., dated May
29,1991 and recorded in Deed Book 918,
Page 526, in the offices of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Houston County , Georgia
(the “Security Deed"), the undersigned will
sell at public outcry to the highest and best
bidder for cash before the door of the
Courthouse of Houston County, Georgia,
during the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in September, 1994, the following
described real property, to wit:
ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in Land Lot 147,
Fifth Land District of Houston County,
Georgia, being known and designated as
Lot 1, according to a plat of survey for
Corder Center Business Condos prepared
by Clements Surveying Co., Inc., dated
December 22,1989, and recorded in Map
Book 39, Page 28, Clerk's Office, Houston
Superior Court. Said plat and the recorded
copy thereof are incorporated herein by
reference for all purposes.
ALSO GRANTED herein is a 20.0%
interest in the common areas which shall
be deemed to be the driveways and parking
In addition, under and by virtue of the
power of sale contained in the Security
Deed, the undersigned will also sell at
public outcry to the highest bidder for cash
before the door of the Courthouse of
Houston County, Georgia, immediately
following the sale of the above-described
real property, the following described
persona! property owned by Robert T.
Cribb, or his successors-intitle, and secured
by the Security Deed, to wit:
All personal property described in and
subject to the
Security Deed, which is hereby
incorporated by this
Less and except any fixtures subject to
the security
interest on the above-described real
The debt secured by the Security Deed
is evidenced by a Commercial Promissory
Note, dated May 29, 1991, executed by
Robert T. Cribb to Bank South, Houston
County, N.A., in the original principal
amount of $80,143.68 (the “Note”), plus
interest from date on the unpaid balance
until paid, and other indebtedness.
Default has occurred and continues
under the terms of the Note and Security
Deed by reason of, among other possible
events of default, the nonpayment when
due of the indebtedness evidenced by the
Note and secured by the Security Deed
and the failure to comply with the terms
and conditions of the Note and Security
Deed. By reason of this default, the Security
Deed has been declared foreclosable
according to its terms.
The above-described real property will
be sold to the highest and best bidder for
cash as the property of Robert T. Cribb,
the proceeds to be applied to the payment
of said indebtedness, attorneys' fees, and
the lawful expenses of said sale, all as
provided in the Note and Security Deed.
The sale shall be subject to the following:
all outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or
assessments, if any; possible redemptive
rights of the Internal Revenue Service, if
any; and all prior assessments, easements,
restrictions or matters of record.
To the best of the undersigned's
knowledge and belief, the real property is
presently owned by Robert T. Cribb.
To the best of the undersigned’s
knowledge and belief, the party in
possession of the real property is Robert
T. Cribb, and tenants holding under him.
All personal property will be sold in one
lot to the highest and best bidder for cash
as the property of Robert T. Cribb, or his
successors-in-title, on an ‘‘as is, where is"
basis and without representation, warranty
or recourse, express or implied, of the
undersigned, and subject to all matters of
record affecting said personal property,
the proceeds to be applied to the payment
of said indebtedness, attorneys' fees and
the lawful expenses of said sale, all as
provided in the Security Deed.
Bank South, N.A., successor to Bank
South, Houston County, N.A., as Attorney
in-Fact for Robert T. Cribb.
M. Todd Westfall, Esquire
Macey, Wilensky, Cohen, Wittner &
Suite 700, Carnegie Building
133 Carnegie Way, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(404) 584-1200
Document # 53772-1
8-71 8/10-8/31
Arthur H. Clarke, Jr., has applied to be
appointed Administrator of the estate of
Yoshinko Endo deceased, of said County.
(The applicant has also applied for waiver
of bond and/or grant of certain powers
contained in O.C.G.A. §53-15-3). All
interested parties are hereby notified to
show cause why said application should
not be granted. All objections to the
application must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objection, and
must be filed with the court on or before
September 6,1994, at 10:00 a.m.
Betty J. Kees
Chief Clerk of the Probate Court
8-72 8/10-8/31
LOAN #210013488
Because of a default in the payment of
the indebtedness secured by a Security
Deed executed by Beverly R. Cowart to
Houston Federal Savings and Loan
Association dated December9,l9B2, and
recorded in Deed Book 621, Page 702,
Houston County Records, said Security
Deed having been last sold, assigned,
transferred and conveyed to FGB Realty
Advisors, Inc. by assignment, securing a
Note in the original principal amount of
$75,000.00, the holder thereof pursuant to
said Deed and Note thereby secured has
declared the entire amount of said
indebtedness due and payable and,
pursuant to the power of sale contained in
said Deed, will on the first Tuesday,
September 6,1994, during the legal hours
of sale, before the Courthouse door in said
county, sell at public outcry to the highest
bidder for cash, the property described in
said Deed, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in Land Lots 149 and 164
of the Fifth Land District, Houston County,
Georgia, and in the City of Warner Robins,
known and designated as Lot 9, Block “A”,
of Tanglewood Estates, according to a plat
of survey prepared by Waddle Surveying
Co., Inc. on November 11,1963, a copy of
said plat being record in Map Book 8, Page
281, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court.
Said plat and the recorded copy thereof are
hereby made a part of this description by
reference thereto. This property is also
known as 121 Tanglewood Drive, Warner
Robins, Georgia 31093. Together with all
fixtures and personal property attached to
and constituting a part of said property.
Said property will be sold subject to any
outstanding ad valorem taxes (including
taxes which are a lien, whether or not now
due and payable), any matters which might
be disclosed by an accurate survey and
inspection of the property, any
assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning
ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and
matters of record superior to the Security
Deed first set out above.
Notice has been given of intention to
collect attorney's fees in accordance with
the terms of the Note secured by said
Said property will be sold as the property
of Beverly R. Cowart, the property, to the
best information, knowledge and belief of
the undersigned, being presently in the
possession of Beverly R. Cowart, and the
proceeds of said sale will be applied to the
payment of said indebtedness and all the
expenses of said sale, including attorney's
fees, all as provided in said Deed, and the
balance, if any, will be distributed as
provided by law.
FGB Realty Advisors, Inc. as Attorney
for Beverly R. Cowart
File No 94-1238
Shapiro & Swertfeger
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
P.O. Box 49047
Atlanta, Georgia 30359
(404) 634-7270/tlp
8-73 8/10-8/31
Under and by virtue of the Power of
Sale contained in the Security Deed from
Robert T. Cribb to Bank South of Houston
County, N.A., dated December 12, 1984
and recorded in Deed Book 675, Page 31,
in the offices of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Houston County, Georgia (the
“Security Deed”), the undersigned will sell
at public outcry to the highest and best
bidder for cash before the door of the
Courthouse of Houston County, Georgia,
during the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in September, 1994, the following
described real property, to wit:
ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in Land Lot 136 of
the sth Land District of Houston County,
Georgia, known and designated as Lot 28,
Block “E”, Section No. 1, Phar» No. 1,
Fieldstone Subdivision, according to a
revised plat of survey of record in Plat Book
16, Page 296, Clerk's Office, Houston
Superior Court. Said plat and the recorded
copy thereof are hereby made a part of this
description by reference thereto for all
The debt secured by the Security Deed
is evidenced by a Promissory Note, dated
May 20,1993, executed by Robert T. Cribb
to Bank South, N. A., in the original principal
amount of $8,298.00 (the “Note”), plus
interest from date on the unpaid balance
until paid, and other indebtedness.
Default has occurred and continues
under the terms of the Note and Security
Deed by reason of, among other possible
events of default, the nonpayment when
due of the indebtedness evidenced by the
Note and secured by the Security Deed
and the failure to comply with the terms and
conditions of the Note and Security Deed.
By reason of this default, the Security Deed
has been declared foreclosable according
to its terms.
The above-described real property will
be sold to the highest and best bidder for
cash as the property of Robert T. Cribb, the
proceeds to be applied to the payment of
said indebtedness, attorneys' fees, and the
lawful expenses of said sale, all as provided
in the Note and Security Deed. The sale
shall be subject to the following: Security
Deed in favor of Colonial Mortgage
Company, dated May 4,1977 and recorded
in Deed Book 498, Page 213, Houston
County, Georgia records; all outstanding
ad valorem taxes and/or assessments, if
any; possible redemptive rights of the
Internal Revenue Service, if any; and all
prior assessments, easements, restrictions
or matters of record.
To the best of the undersigned's
knowledge and belief, the real property is
p esently owned by Robert T. Cribb.
To the best of the undersigned’s
knowledge and belief, the party in
possession of the real property is Robert T.
Cribb, and tenants holding under him.
Bank South, N.A., successor to Bank
South of Houston County,
N.A., as Attorney-in-Fact for Robert T.
M. Todd Westfall, Esquire
Macey, Wilensky, Cohen, Wittner &
Suite 700, Carnegie Building
133 Carnegie Way, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(404) 584-1200
Document #:53772-l
8-74 8/10-8/31
Notice is given that articles of
incorporation which incorporate Metro
Fashions, have been delivered to the
Secretary of State for filing in accordance
with the Georgia Business Corporation
Code. The initial registered office of the
corporation will be located at 142 Houston
Road, Warner Robins, Georgia 31093 and
it’s initial registered agent is Young Ae
8-85 * 8/24-8/31
Notice is given that articles of
incorporation which incorporate Quail Pointe
Developers, Inc., have been delivered to
the Secretary of State for filing in accordance
with the Georgia Business Corporation
Code. The initial registered office of the
corporation is located at 303 Smokerise
Drive, Warner Robins, Georgia 31088, and
its initial registered agent at such address is
Larry E. Warnock.
8-86 8/24-8/31
Notice is given that articles of
incorporation which incorporate Gayton
Publishing, Inc. have been delivered to the
Secretary of State for filing in accordance
with the Georgia Business Corporation
Code. The initial registered office of the
corporation is located at 108 Olympia Drive,
Warner Robins, Georgia 31093, and its
initial registered agent at such address is
H. David Moore.
8-87 8/24-8/31
Notice of Intent to Incorporate
Notice is given that articles of
incorporation which will incorporate The
Larry Walker Company will be delivered to
the Secretary of State for filing in accordance
with the Georgia Business Corporation
Code. The initial registered office of the
corporation will be located at9o9 Ball Street,
Perry, Houston County, Georgia, 31069
and its initial registered agent at such
address is Larry Walker.
Larry Walker
Walker, Hulbert, Gray & Byrd
909 Ball Street
P.O. Box 1234
Perry, Georgia 31069
8-88 8/24-8/31
State of Georgia
County of Houston
Personally appeared before me, who
on oath deposes and says that Angela D.
Brooks, address 406 Birchwood Drive,
Bonaire, Georgia 31005 and Gwendolyn
M. Little, address 215 Debra Drive, Warner
Robins, Georgia 31088 and Miriam L.
Johnson, address 735 North Houston Rd.
Apt. B-1, Warner Robins, Georgia 31093
are doing business in Houston County,
Georgia at 215 Debra Drive, under the
name and style of Johnson An' Little Poetry.
The business to be carried on is Poetry on
This affidavit is made in accordance
with the Act of the Georgia Legislature
approved August 15,1929, and amended
March 29, 1987, and March 20, 1943.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
16th day of August, 1994 Lisa M. Chambers,
Notary Public Houston County, Georgia.
8-89 8/24-8/31
Notice of Intent to Incorporate
Notice is given that articles of
incorporation which will incorporate Atlanta
Import Export Company will be delivered to
the Secretary of State for filing in accordance
with the Georgia Business Corporation
Code. The initial registered office of the
corporation will be located at 909 Ball Street,
Perry, Houston County, Georgia, 31069
and its initial registered agent at such
address is Larry Walker.
Larry Walker
Walker, Hulbert, Gray & Byrd
909 Ball Street
P.O. Box 1234
Perry, Georgia 31069
8-90* 8/24-8/31
Notice of Intent to Incorporate
Notice is given that Articles of
Incorporation which will incorporate
Southern Italy, Inc. will be delivered to the
Secretary of State for filing in accordance
with the Georgia Business Corporation
Code. The initial registered office of the
corporation will be located at 269 Carl
Vinson Parkway, Warner Robins, Georgia
31088 and its initial registered agent at
such address is J. Hatcher Graham.
Notice of Intent to Incorporate
Notice is given that Articles of
Incorporation which will incorporate Naples
Restaurant, Inc. will be delivered to the
Secretary of State for filing in accordance
with the Georgia Business Corporation
Code. The initial registered office of the
corporation will be located at 269 Carl
Vinson Parkway, Warner Robins, Georgia
31088 and its initial registered agent at
such address is J. Hatcher Graham.
8-92 8/24-8/31
Notice of Summons
Plaintiff, Dorothy Bradsher, Civil Action
No. 94-V-25210, filed on 03-21 -94, verses
Defendant, William Urquhart.
In the State Court of Houston County,
State of Georgia.
Date of order for Service by Publication
is 08-10-94.
Mr. Urquhart: You are commanded to
file with the clerk and serve upon plaintiff’s
attorney, John R. Francisco, PO Box 181,
Macon, Georgia 31202, an answer within
60 days of the date of Order for Service by
Robert Richardson
Judge, Superior Court
Houston County
Carolyn S. Gann, Clerk State Court,
Houston County
8-93 8/24-9/14
Georgia, Houston County
Personally appeared before me, Alonza
D. Monroe who on oath deposes and says
that Faith Construction, address 105
Esterine Drive, Warner Robins is doing
business in Houston County, Georgia at
105 Esterine Drive, under the name and
style of Faith Construction. The business
to be carried on is Construction, Painting
This affidavit is made in accordance
with the Act of the Georgia Legislature
approved August 15, 1994 and amended
March 29, 1987, and March 20, 1943.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
19th day of August, 1994 Sharon K. Clayton,
Notary Public Houston County, Georgia.
Trade Name Affidavit
Georgia Houston County
Personally appeared before me, who
on oath deposes that Rosemary L. Vail,
address 284 Lakeshore Drive, Warner
Robins, Georgia 31088 is doing business
in Houston County, Georgia at Warner
Robins under the name and style of Bare
Wood. The business to be carried on is
retail sales.
This affidavit is made in accordance
with Act of The Georgia Legislature
approved August 15, 1929 and amended
March 29,1987 and March 20,1943.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
19th day of August, 1994 LisaM. Chambers,
Notary Public, Houston County, Georgia.
In The Superior Court of Houston County
State of Georgia
In Re William Lester Hodges, a minor,
Docket No. 94-V-51043-M by William Lester
White, 111 Petitioner
To: Jerry Wayne Hodges
You are hereby notified that the above
styled proceeding was filed in this Court on
August 22, 1994 and that by reason of an
order for notice by publication entered by
the Court on August 22, 1994, you are
hereby commanded and required to show
cause, if any you can, at the Courthouse in
Perry, Houston County, Georgia, on the
Houston Times-Journal
6th day of October, 1994 at 9:00 a.m., the
certificate of live birth of the child should not
be amended to reflect that William Lester
Green, 111 is the father of the child and the
child's name be changed to William Lester
Green, IV.
Witness the Honorable L. A. McConnell,
Jr., Judge of this Court, on this 22nd day of
August, 1994.
Linda E. Meens, Deputy Clerk of Court
8-96 8/24-9/7
All creditors of the estate of JAMES
SPURGEON WALLACE, deceased, late of
Houston County, Georgia, are hereby
notified to render in their demands to the
undersigned, according to law, and all
persons indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment.
This the 1 st day of August, 1994.
Executor for the Estate of
2040 Meadowside Lane
Centerville, Ohio 45459
8-13 8/10-8/31
Under and by virtue of the power of sale
contained in Deed To Secure Debt dated
May 20, 1993, recorded in Deed Book
1026, Page 391, on May 24,1993, Superior
Court Clerk’s Office of Houston County
from Opal Stone Davis to Associates
Financial Services, Co., Inc., the
undersigned will sell at public out-cry during
the legal hours of sale before the doors of
the Courthouse in Houston County, Georgia
on the first Tuesday in September, 1994 to
the highest bidder for cash, the following
described real property.
All that certain property situated and
being in Land Lot 225, Fifth Land District of
Houston County, Georgia, being known as
Lot 5, Block 3, of a resurvey of Block 3 of L.
Gardner Watson and Mrs. Mattie J. Watson
Subdivision, according to a plat of record in
Map Book 2, Page 398, Clerk’s Office,
Houston Superior Court, and which is more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point, said point being
the southwest corner of the intersection of
Second Street and Seventh Street (Gardner
Street) and from said point extend South 1
degree 19 minutes West for a distance of
200 feet to a point; thence extend North 88
degrees 41 minutes West for a distance of
82.3 feet to a point; thence extend North 1
degree 14 minutes East for a distance of
200 feet to a poitn on the South line of
Seventh Street (Gardner Street) thence
extend South 88 degrees 41 minutes East
for a distance of 82.6 feet to the point of
The debt secured by said Deed to Secure
Debt is evidenced by a mortgage note
dated May 20,1993 in the principal amount
of $5,743.73 executed by Opal Stone Davis
in favor of Associates Financial Services
Co., Inc.
The debt secured by said Deed to Secure
Debt and evidenced by said mortgage note
has been and is hereb y decked due and
payable because of the grantors' failure to
comply with certain terms and conditions in
said Security Deed. The deb remaining in
default, this sale will be made for the purpose
of paying said indebtedness, including
accrued and unpaid interest thereon,
attorney’s fees and expenses of said sale.
The property will be sold as the property
of Opal Stone Davis to best of the
undesigned's knowledge and belief, is the
party in possession of said property.
notice has been given of intention to
enforce provisionsfor collection of attorney's
fees and foreclosure in accordance with
legal requirements and the terms of said
Security Deed and mortgage note.
This property will be sold subject to any
and all unpaid taxes, assessments, general
subdivision restriction, if any, and other
restrictions and easements of record, if
Associates Financial Services Co., Inc.
Attorney In Fact for
Opal Stone Davis
WM LEWIS VAUGHN, Attorney at Law
P O Box 951
Macon, GA 31202-0951
(912) 746-0073
8-65 8/10-8/31
All creditors of the Estate of Walter
Edward Arnold, Sr., deceased, late of
Houston County, Georgia, are hereby
notified to render their demands to the
undersigned according to law, and all
persons indebted to said Estate are required
to make immediate payment to me.
This the 4th day of August, 1994.
Charles Arnold, Jr., Executor for the
Estate of Walter Edward Arnold, Sr.,
8-82 8/17-9/7
Notice is hereby given that MELANIE
JOY CLANCE, filed her petition to the
Superior Court of Houston County,
Georgia, on the day of 1994, praying
for a change in her name from MELANIE
HARBUCK. Notice is hereby given
pursuant to law to any interested or affected
party to appear in said Court and to file
objections to such name change. Objection
must be filed with said Court within 30
days of the filing of said petition.
This 2nd day of August, 1994.
Attorney for Petitioner
127 Carl Vinson Parkway
Warner Robins, Georgia 31088
8-83 8/17-9/7
All creditors of the estate of BENNETT
G. BRANTLEY, JR., deceased, late of
Houston County, Georgia, are hereby
notified to render in their demands to the
undersigned, according to law, and all
persons indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment.
This the 22nd day of August, 1994.
as Executrix of the Estate of BENNETT
204 Burns Drive
Warner Robins, Georgia 31088
8-97 8/31-9/21
IN RE: William McKirdy Mcewen, Jr.,
Civil Action No. A-2145
Adoption Proceeding
Rled June 28,1994
Order For Service By Publication
Dated June 28,1994
You are hereby notified that on the 28th
day of June, 1994, WILLIAM MCKIRDY
MCEWEN, JR. filed a petition in the Superior
Court of said County to seek adoption of
You are hereby commanded to file any
objection to said adoption, in writing, on or
before September 28th, 1994, and to show
cause before the presiding Judge in
Chambers of Houston Superior Court at
2:00 o’clock, a.m., on the 28th day of
September, 1994, in the Courthouse in
Perry, Houston County, Georgia, why the
adoption proceeding filed on behalf of the
petitioner should not be granted without the
written consent of the NATURAL FATHER
of said minor child.
Judge of said Court, this the 23rd day of
August, 1994.
8-98 8/31-9/14
Notice is given that Articles of
Incorporation which will incorporate
Akshay & Bunty Corporation will be
delivered to thb Secretary of State for
filing in accordance with the Georgia
Business Corporation Code. (O.C.G.A.
The initial registered office of this
corporation will be located at 801 South
Davis Dr., Warner Robins, GA 31088 and
its initial registered agent at such address
will be Bansilal Khatri.
8-102 8/31-9/7
Notice is given that Articles of
Incorporation which will incorporate
Scarborough Land Surveys, Inc. will be
delivered to the Secretary of State for
filing in accordance with the Georgia
Business Corporation Code. (O.C.G.A.
14-2-201.1). The initial registered office
will be located at 5998 Houston Lake
Road, Warner Robins, Georgia 31088
and its initial registered agent at such
address is Terry Scarborough.
8-103 8/31-9/7
Notice is given that the business
operated at 1600 Watson Boulevard,
Warner Robins, Georgia 31093, in the
trade name of Commercial Check
Recovery is owned and carried on by
Houston County Collection Bureau, Inc.,
a Georgia corporation having its principal
office and place of business in Houston
County, Georgia, at 1600 Watson
Boulevard, Warner Robins, Georgia
31093. The statement relating thereto
required by O.C.G.A. 10-1-490 has been
filed with the Clerk of Superior Court of
Houston County, Georgia.
Houston County Collection Bureau,
By: Deborah A. Story, President
8-104 8/31-9/7
By order for service by publication
dated the 25th day of August 1994, you
are hereby notified that on the 25th day of
August 1994, Frankie Denise Westbrooks
filed suit against you for Divorce.
You are required to file with the Clerk
of the Superior Court and to serve upon
plaintiff’s attorney, Carl E. Westmoreland
201 Second Street Suite 1150 P. O. Box
Macon, GA 31297-4199 and answer in
writing sixty (60) days of the date of the
order for publication.
Witness, the Honorable George F.
Nunn, Jr., Judges of this Superior Court.
This 25th day of August, 1994.
8-99 8/31-9/21
IN RE: Freeman H. Phillips, Deceased
All creditors of the Estate of Freeman
H. Phillips, deceased, late of Houston
County, Georgia, are hereby notified to
render their demands to the undersigned
according to law, and all persons indebted
to said Estate are required to make
immediate payment to us.
This 26th day of August, 1994.
Helen E. Phillips
Executrix of the Estate of Freeman
H. Phillips, Deceased
c/o Kushinka, Calhoun and Godwin
• Attorneys at Law
1512 Watson Boulevard
P. O. Box 8219
Warner Robins, GA 31095
8-101 8/31-9/21
All creditors of the Estate of Adean R.
McQuain, deceased, late of Houston
County, Georgia, are hereby notified to
render their demands to the undersigned
according to law, and all persons indebted
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company has filed an application with the Georgia
Public Service Commission to consider and approve its “Georgians' FIRST Plan 1 ' designated as
Docket No. 5258-U. Simultaneous with its review of this petition, the Commission will review
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company's Incentive Regulation Plan designated as
Docket No. 3905-U. Copies of these applications are on file with the Georgia Public Service Com
mission and also available for your inspection at the offices of the Company in its service areas.
These matters have been designated as Docket Nos. 5258-U and 3905-U respectively and
assigned for public hearing before the Georgia Public Service Commission pursuant to O.C.G.A.
§§ 46-2-20 and 46-225, such hearings to begin at 10:00 a.m. on September 28-30,1994 (Docket
No. 5258-U) and October 5-7,1994 (Docket No. 3905-U). Staff and Intervenors will present their
testimony in both dockets October 26-28,1994. The Company will then present its rebuttal testi
mony November 16-18,1994. These hearings will be held in the Commission's Hearing Room, 177
State Office Building, 244 Washington Street, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30334, at which time anyone
interested in this matter will be given the opportunity to express their views.
In accordance with O.C.G.A. § 46-2-59(c), persons wishing to intervene must file a Petition to
Intervene with the Commission within thirty (30) days of the first publication of this notice in the
Fifteen (15) copies of any prefiled testimony must be filed with the Commission's Executive
Secretary no later than ten (10) days prior to the parties’ hearing date. Also, each party of record
must file with one another a copy of any prefiled testimony no later than ten (10) days prior to the
parties' hearing date. Any expert testimony or testimony of a technical nature must be prefiled.
If you have a disability and will need assistance or accommodation to participate, or need
further information, please contact the Executive Secretary’s Office, Georgia Public Service
Commission at (404) 656-4539 or 1 (800) 282-5813 (inside Georgia only).
This Notice is published at the direction of the Georgia Public Service Commission.
Thomas L. Hamby, Assistant Vice President
Regulatory Affairs
to said Estate are required to make
immediate payment to me.
This 24th day of August, 1994.
Timothy P. McQuain
Executor of the Estate of Adean R.
McQuain, Deceased
c/o Kushinka, Calhoun & Godwin
Attorneys at Law
1512 Watson Boulevard
p; O. Box 8219
Warner Robins, GA 31095
8-100 8/31-9/21
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