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The crystal ball sees Hornets win, Panthers lose
By Phil Clark
Sports Editor
Last week wc ran out of space
and couldn't print our picks, but we
missed just one game, picking
Early County over Americus, but
the Panthers surprised another top
ten team, beating Early in a region
lAA game that really throws the re
gion standings into a log jam,
especially with Fitzgerald's win
over Mitchel Baker, the second loss
in a row for the Eagles.
But the key games this week are
closer to home. Let's look.
Westfield at Southland.
Second place in region lAAA is at
stake. The winner will finish sec
ond, the loser third in the region.
So they are playing for home field
advantage to open the playoffs.
The Westfield defense is simply
punishing, and I don't look for
Southland to be able to penetrate it
often enough to win. And West
field's balanced running attack will
cause problems fcr the Raiders, too.
Only the significance of the game
could make it close. Phil's pick,
Mary Persons at Perry.
Perry continues to hang in there for
the fourth playoff spot. Their tough
defense will be put to the test Fri
day night as Dan Pitts looks for ca
reer win number 311. Says here
Clark, from 6A
Cairo, Monroe Albany and Worth
County currently ahead of the
Bulldogs for the four playoff spots.
Meanwhile Rodney Walker, who
left an excellent Stephens County
program to come to Peach, saw his
team go 3-2 over the first half of
the season. Peach moved out of the
perenially weak region 3AAA,
where they have dominated play
over the past several years. The
Trojans are now in 2AAA, which is
considerably stronger. They will
still make the region playoffs,
Longtime Jackson coach Kenny
Moore left Jackson for Morgan
County. He was 1-4 halfway
Lake Oconee hot for hybrids in October
For the last several years, Lake
Oconee has been hot this time of
year of big hybrids
Just about every cove on the
southern end of the lake will see
some hybrid schooling during the
day. These schools will be espe
cially noticeable early in the morn
ing and late in the evening when
the shad start schooling near the
These fast furious feeders will
chase the schools of shad toward the
back of the coves, quickly surfacing
in a feeding frenzy. Sometimes the
action will last for several minutes.
Other times, the hybrids will stop
feeding as almost as quickly as they
There are several methods used
to catch hybrids; but, most people
will use something such as a rattle
trap or a small jig made of deer
One of the most popular meth
ods of Fishing hybrids is to tie a
deer hair jig about two or three feet
behind a popping cork like the ones
used in Florida for flat fishing. Us
ing a rig like this allows you to be
able to cast long distances, which
Panthers, from 6A
Up 13-6 after the half, the Pan
thers took advantage of several ma
jor Bear mistakes to drive the ball
44 yards for the eventual game
winning touchdown.
However, it would be a Panther
mistake that almost cost Perry the
score. Carey Washington raced 44
yards on the first play of the second
half for the score. However, a hold
ing call brought the play back.
Three plays later, on a third and
long, Germaine Brown ran for 10
yards and the apparent first down.
However, a clipping call brought
the ball back. An incomplete pass
on the following play brought up
fourth down.
On fourth down, the Panthers
kicked twice. The first time, Perry
punter Jason Brett put the ball in
the endzone from 52 yards out. But
a holding call on the Bears allowed
Brett to punt again.
Again, his punt sailed into the
endzone. But, another flag was on
the field. This one was big, with
Houston County getting caught
with too many players on the field,
a 15 yard penally and a Perry first
Westfield , from 6A
all, the Hornets had 233 rushing
yards, 144 in the first half
The defense completely stymied
FPD in the first half. It's a defen
sive unit that stacks up with the
best in the GISA, including ends
Andy Smith and Lindsey Harrell,
that he will get it. Phil's pick,
Mary Persons.
Houston County at Jack
son. Houston County is out of the
playoff picture, so they will try to
play the spoiler. The Bears must
beat Jackson, West Laurens and
Dodge to salvage a break-even sea
son. They take the first step this
week. Phil's pick, Houston
Southwest at Warner
Robins. The Patriots lost a heart
breaker to Lakeside Evans Saturday
night. 19-18 in overtime. The loss
throws Southwest, Lakeside and
Baldwin into a three way tie for
third in the region.
The important thing in this re
gion, 2AAAA, is that if a team is
unbeaten in the region, they get a
bye into the state playoffs, meaning
only two other teams from the re
gion have a chance to advance.
Right now, Northside is unbeaten,
but still must play once beaten
Warner Robins.
So Southwest needs a win at
Warner Robins to stay in the hunt.
They won’t get it, though, as the
through the season, while Robbie
Robinson, formerly of Pike
County, had Jackson at 3-2.
Another surprising move, at
least on the surface, was Gary
Guthrie's move from Lagrange to
Rome. Maybe he saw something at
Lagrange, since his old team is just
1-4. It isn't much better at Rome,
though, where Guthrie made the
turn at 3-2.
Rayvan Teague, who left
Lafayette for Swainsboro when Bill
Schofill retired, appears to be the
most successful of the coaches in
new positions. Swainsboro is 5-1,
with an impressive win over Peach
County included. Caldwell is 4-1
and j
. , Susanne Andel
are necessary to reach some of the
schooling hybrids.
Once you have made the cast,
pop the rod tip real fast in an up
ward motion, making the cork
"pop." Doing this at various speeds
will sound like feeding hybrids, and
that will bring other hybrids into
the area.
Getting a hybrid is not all that
difficult. Keeping him on the hook
is another story.
Using medium to heavy tackle is
a must if you plan to land many
hybrids. An eight-to-10 pound hy
brid is like a freight train traveling
in the opposite direction that you
need him to be.
Hybrids fight so hard to get off
the hook that many of the fish will
die after being caught.
There is a length and quantity
Brown ran the ball for five yards
and Dexter Kendrick for 17 yards to
get the ball to the Bear seven.
Kendrick then took the ball over the
left guard and tackle, broke a tackle
at the goal line and went in for six.
After holding a long Bear drive
out of the endzone, Perry scored on
their first possession of the game,
using two long plays to set up the
score. Osiris Ezell started the game
with a 23 yard gain. Two plays
later Kiwaukee Thomas hit Kali
Edgenton on a 33 yard pass play to
the Bear seven.
The Panthers scored two plays
later when Thomas hit Washington
in the endzone flat for six yards.
The Bears were able to drive all
night on the Perry defense. How
ever, the Panthers held deep in their
own territory.
But midway through the second
quarter, the Bears found the key to
the Panther endzone puzzle. Carlos
Jackson was able to complete a 14
play, 77 yard drive with a five yard
run for six. Jackson had keyed the
drive for the Bears, taking the ball
tackles Jason Dcnnard and Mike
Shepard, noseguard Jake Walls,
linebackers Tim Allen, Brian Nash
and Jere Campbell, corncrbacks
John Morton and Ben I lulbci t and
safety Todd Rigdon, with Brian
Staines filling in at linebacker and
Demons come off an open date
rested and ready. Phil's pick, Warner
Northside at Lakeside
Evans. Lakeside has just six days
to get ready for the Manson ex
press. Not enough time. Northside
continues to win in the region.
Phil's pick, Northside.
Peach County at Dublin.
These two teams have beaten
Wayne County in back-to-back
weeks to drop Wayne from the AP
top ten, and into a tie for fourth in
the region standings.
Peach lost back to back games
to Worth County and Swainsboro,
while Dublin has lost only to AA
number one Washington County.
Peach has the stamina to pull it out
late, so Phil's pick is Peach
Windsor at FPD. Phil's pick.
Sumter County at Ameri
cus. Phil's pick, Americus.
Dodge County at West
Laurens. Dodge won a squeaker
over Jackson, but Jackson is no
West Laurens. Phil's pick. West
Macon County at Wilcox
County. Phil's cautious pick,
Macon County.
at Camden.
Greg Oglesby, who was pro
moted off the Manchester staff
when Juby Shiver retired, has the
Blue Devils at 5-0 in Region 5A as
Manchester drops down a classifica
tion. And, Jerry Moore moved up
to replace Willie Oswalt at
Morrow. Last year, Morrow missed
the Region 4AAAA playoffs. Under
Moore, they are 5-0 and ranked in
the top 10.
And finally, Conrad Nix, who
returned to the sidelines at
Northside, has his Eagles flying
high, ranked in the top 10, and at
the top of the Region 2AAAA
limit on the hybrids, and those lim
its are watched very carefully by the
Department of Natural Resources.
If you plan a trip to try your
luck at these fish, I would definitely
check into the rules and regulations
about what you may catch and
keep, and what you may not catch
and keep. That might save you a
little bit of embarrassment.
Even though hybrids can't repro
duce, we urge you to practice "catch
and release" techniques, keeping
only what you want to eat.
By taking your time landing
them, and spending a little time
revving them up before release,
most hybrids will live after being
caught and released.
By the way, contrary to a lot of
beliefs, hybrids are very good to
eat. Filet and skin them, removing
the small portion of red meat found
along the back bone.
Fry up a mess of these filets,
and enjoy.
Until next time . . . we've gone
10 times for 69 yards in the drive.
The PAT was good, making the
two teams tied with 7:42 remaining
in the game.
Where the Bears were driving,
Perry was scoring with the big
play, and its second touchdown of
the night was no exception. With
four-and-a-half minutes left in the
first half, Thomas ran the option to
the left. In a beautiful open field
run where Thomas cut back two or
three times to leave Bear tacklers
frozen in their tracks, the junior
Panther quarterback went 60 yards
for the score. The PAT failed, giv
ing Perry the 13-6 lead.
Houston County would add a fi
nal score with 4:05 remaining in
the game, with Corey Wynn going
in from two yards out to bring the
Bears to within five.
Jackson led all rushers on the
night with 129 yards on 28 carries.
Kendrick was the leading Panther
runner, getting 92 yards on 12
totes. Thomas added 61 yards on
nine carries.
By the way, the most interesting
statistics in this game belonged to
Michael Williams. At halftime,
Williams had run the ball two
limes, gained two yards, and scored
two touchdowns!
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