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The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011-7
Letter to the Editor
Councilmembers Suffering From
Severe Shock
Letter to The Editor
Minister Calls For Dialogue on Race
Fmc H
Thommi Odum
As we celebrate Black
History Month this year the
Family of Thommi Odum is
casting a congratulatory
Spotlight on her many accom
Thommi (Tommy) as
she is known to her family
attended the Public School
System right here in Savannah
(Chatham Co.) Ga., she is a
graduate of Jenkins High
Her family is casting this
Spotlight not just to congratu
late her but to encourage and
remind our community and
especially our young people
that we can accomplish and
become whatever we desire.
The color of our skin,
how much or how little
money we have is not an indi
cator of our success.
Education however; is a key
factor and Thommi has cer
tainly proven that.
Thommi has been fea
tured in the September 2010
Publication of Career
Magazine in an article Titled
“Movers and Shakers” Under
Age 40. She has also been fea
tured in a publication of
“Career Spa” which featured
Atlanta-based Career
Guidance Coaches. (Portions
of the article(s) are shared
here by a very proud family
about a very present day
Black History Moment that
started right here in Savannah)
Thommi earned her B.S.
in Accounting from Mercer
University and an MBA in
Information Systems from
Kennesaw State University.
She is also a certified Project
Manager, PMP, and a certified
HR Professional, PHR.
A life-long learner,
Thommi is continually read
ing, attending workshops and
studying personal and team
development. She is currently
pursuing her Masters in
Professional Counseling.
Thommi’s 15-year
corporate career path reflects
a wide range of experience,
encompassing project man
agement, talent management,
consulting, coaching, and
training and development.
This has given her a
unique perspective in facilitat
ing teams in removing blocks
and taking action proactively
in meeting their objectives.
Thommi provides her clients a
unique individualized
approach to accessing what is
stunting their growth person
ally or professionally and
designing a GROWTH action
plan to revitalization.
During construction, the temporary Main Office is
at the rear of 701 Martin Luther king, Jr. Bh cl.
Dear Editor,
The white race really is a
racist group of people. For
some reason, they feel they
are superior to every race on
this planet; especially the
Black race.
They always want
everything to go their way and
when it don't they brings out
the Calvary (The State
Attorney General). The White
members of City Council
became terroristic when the
Mayor and other Black
Council members chose Mr.
Alfred Lott and Ms. Rochelle
Toney for their finalists. It is
obvious that the White coun
cilmembers wanted Mr.
DiGiovanni as one of the
finalists, but his qualities did
not hold up against the final
two people.
There were other quali
fied people who were not cho
sen as finalists, but the White
Councilmembers did not get
mad because they ah were
The ironic side of this
situation is the white
Councilmembers are contend
ing that Mr. Lott is not quali
fied and he comes with bag
I remember when this
same Council approved Mr.
Berkow for Chief of Police
despite his misconduct of sex
ual harassment.
In addition, he had an on
the job training mistress and
he was involved with rapper
Biggy Small's death.
As long as the city was operat
ing under the “good ole boy”
system, these
Councilmember's were fine
but as soon as the Mayor and
the other Black
Councilmembers stood up and
began to act as equals, they
began to holler racism.
How could any white person
in Savannah ever cry reverse
Let's see what racism
mean. In order for a person or
a group of people to be a
racist, you must first have a
deep hatred for a certain race
and view that race as inferior
to your race. In addition, you
must have an overwhelming
love for your race and will do
anything to protect your race,
such as cry like Mary Ellen
Sprague or get fired up like
JefFFelsher and run for Mayor
so the Black woman Edna
Jackson won't be elected, or
call in the GB1 like Tony
Thomas. Once this is estab
lished, the so-called superior
race must use its power and
money to lockout the inferior
race from good jobs, housing,
complete freedom, equality
and the American dream.
The city of Savannah
was established by racist
white people in 1733 and in
1754, the city became a Royal
Savannah partnered with
other countries to steal Black
people from Africa. Once the
Africans unwillingly landed
on the soils of this blood drip
ping city, they were worked
from can't see morning till
can't see night. As a result of
100% free labor, Savannah
became a wealthy and pros
perous city.
The University of
Georgia, the Juliette Gordon
Low, and the Savannah Golf
Club was established and
became rich off of the blood
and tears of Black people. You
see, Tony Thomas, Mary Ellen
Sprague, Larry Stueber, and
Jeff Felser are suffering from
severe shock.
They can't believe that
the children of the slaves are
finally taken their rightful seat
at the white man's table but
this time the role has changed,
the slave's children are in con
This is a prime example
of chicken coming home to
roost- The bad deeds of your
ancestors have rebounded and
the white city councilmem
ber's and their kind are running
scared. I think it is a good
thing to see white people
squirming at the short end of
their mental rope.
Thank God, Chickens
Do Come Home to Roost!!
Marilyn Jackson
Black History Month Spotlight on
Ms. Thommi Odum
In addition to her career
Thommi is an avid runner and
volunteers with several non
Dear Savannah,
It is time to have a
community wide discus
If a dirty wall is paint
ed, is it clean, dirty or just
painted over? When the
wall is disagreement of any
type, it all depends on your
perspective, what you know
about the wall and if the
wall is blocking your way.
My read of the op-ed
pieces and the online dis
cussions over the past
month leads me to assess
that the wall of race/racism
is still standing in our great
City of Savannah. What
troubles me is that the
words 'race' and 'racism' are
being used decisively. Can
we admit that not every
White person is racist and
not every Black person is
devoid of racist thoughts
and statements and that
civility is a gift that every
one could use for more
rational discourse?
As a relative newcom
er, my assessment is that
the issues surrounding the
City Manger search are far
more political than racial
yet race and racism are
quickly used in excess
instead of looking deeper.
To that end, the citi
zens have spoken at Town
Hall last week: we expect
our politicians to work
things out - my only hope is
that it is grace filled for
everyone. But because
race keeps coming up,
Savannah, perhaps it is time
to once again sit together
and reason with one another
along the matters of race
and racism in our communi
Rev. Cheryl Parris
These conversations
needs to be two fold, reach
ing both the natural opinion
leaders of our community
and the general public, all
who have experiences and
insights to share in ways
that ensure growth, affirma
tion and mutual respect.
Dialogues are a lot of
work. No one can gain
every insight in their reli
gious books in just one
reading. Likewise, dia
logues need to occur over
and over, in new and differ
ent ways. Trust is a process
and it begins in this situa
tion by taking a look at the
walls of disagreement that
stand between all of us, pre
venting us from moving
See Community, pg. 16
hi Memory Of
/if £&<97
In memory of the one who is missed by young and old, lar
and near because he was so loved by all races, and
genders. Ronald B. Thomas was a very thoughtful, giving,
and helpful person lo nil who knew him. Ron is misled
very, very much by us all.
His family mother Rachel, brother Anthimy,
and Kevin, (kmghlcrs Mira mm. Nicole,
mid Rachel - grand * daughters Nikiyah, NyAmui, arid
Hayden. Audi Rtbwei and L Fide Norman Vliichdl,
Uncle Kugcnc and Aunt Vinotn Thomas, Uncle David,
and Aunl Gladys Thomas, L ride Bernard Thomas, and
Many, Many Cousins. We all loved y ou Ron. Imi God
hived you best. Ton are in a better place now in the
Arms of God.
7110 Skid aw a v Road
Front view of tbe new Carver Main Office to be completed during the spring of 201L
H 701 Martin Lather King, Jr, BN
On -July 22.2010. officials of Carver Statu Bank and St, Philip AME Church lusted
a ground breaking ceremony for Carver Common*, a development that will include
a new main office for the bank and a Food Lion supermarket.