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About The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1888)
5 the . OLD-FASHIONED HAIR. Oh, the old-fashionpd hair of the sweet long ago Is the kind I shall always love best, And the faces it' framed with its beautiful grace Of the dear ones long since gone to rest. There were tresses, and ringlets, and long braided looks, There were beautiful, bonnie bright curls, And high combs and side combs, and fair shining coils, That were worn by the old-fashioned girls. 11 remember the roach that my grandfather wore, Brushed back from his broad, honest brow, With an elegant, easy simplicity, which, Though I look for, I never see now. And my grandmother’s hair—snowy white— hid away j 'Neath a head-dress of dainty white lace, Curving down from her brow in a smooth silver band, Framed a queenly and beautiful face. As the proud, noble face of my great Uncle George Looks down from the canvas at me, With the “old timey” stock and the fine powdered wig— ’Tis as Uandsomo and grand as can be! But the dearest and loveliest hair in the world Is my mother’s soft, beautiful brown, With a touch of the gold, and glint of the sun, And away to her knees falling down. And it tells its own story of womanly grace, And the -old fashioned modesty, too, Of that sweet, indescribable beauty of soul. And the mother’s love, tender and true | For the angel that painted the rainbow could find I Not a tint so exquisite and rare! Oh the wealth of luxurious, rippling waves, Of my mother’s brown, beautiful hair! So I honor the hair of the sweet long ago Whether silver, or dusky, or fair. For it brings back dear faces, and good, honest hearts— ■And I love it—the old-fashioned hair! —Margaret Andrews Oldham. PITH AM POINT. i Lost at sea—The sight of land. [ A game of cards—Formal visits. . Unbidden guests are welcomest when they are gone. i The choir organ should always he dis¬ tinguished by its high moral tone. Milk has so little to, do with the milch cow that a distinction is made in the spelling. — Lincoln Journal. What an immense town must be Parts Unknown, Ontario, Canada. People \jrress. keep going there.— Rochester Post-Ex ! In the public schools they do not have !to keep up the interest of the scholars in [order [News. to pay the principal. —New York That Ethel is an artist, All must admit with grace; How could one ever doubt it Who’d ever seen her face ? —London Tid-Bils. “Was Home founded by Borneo?” in ’quired the pupil of the teacher. “Xo, my son,” replied found the wise dead man; “it wus g Juliet who was by Romeo.” I —Once a Week At a Traveling Agency.—To Clerk: in ■ “Did you ever realize anything the MGerman lotteries?” “Yes, sir. “Itried lone Ian five times, and realized that I was idiot!”— New York Observer. I I There was a young doctor of Skye, I Whose patients seemed day, destined to die, But he left them one I To go fishing, they well, say, for And they all got just a guy. —Somerville Journal, “What a beautiful child! Yv'hat an ■extremely handsome fellow!” says the ■gushing visitor to the lady of the think.” house. “Yes, he is a handsome boy, I “Oh, indeed, he is. He is the perfect image of his father—the perfect image. Don’t you think so?” “Well, I don’t know. I never saw his father. We adopted him.” The charming damsel had no appetite; Her health was delicate, her mother said; But at the table she put out of sight As much as would have two ’longshoremen fed. “I eat no more than would a bird,” laughed she; she and from the table went. But when rose The landlord frowned and hit his lips; said he. “I guess an ostrich was the bird she meant.” —Norristown Herald. He Rather Liked the Contrivance. Out near the pretty town of Coates ville, _ in Chester County, “The Ram¬ bler” (with a Philadelphia coaching party) able, old-fashioned stopped one night at a comfort¬ country hotel, and a dude from Philadelphia, stopping at the same hotel, kept his eye fixed on Colonel Jamison, who then, as always, was driving. the After a smoking hot sup¬ per, where very best country fare was served in excellent style, the ladies retired to the parlor, while the gentle¬ men of the coaching party strolled out upon the time-stained porch, where they took arm chairs and sat down to smoke their Havanas. Col. Jamison had just begun to blow blue wreaths of smoke dreamily toward the starlit sky, when the dude who had spotted hotel drifted him when he drove up to the up to his elbow. “Good evening, sir,” said the would be swell, condescendingly. “How are you!” “Oh. I’m well. Nice horses you’ve got.” ‘Yes.’’ “I’m going to the village of -to¬ morrow, and it might bo worth wb'G to drive me over,” “What will you give?” “A dollar, and it’s only about five miles - ” Here the conversation dropped for the night, but in the morning when Colonel Jamison’s coach was brought up to the door by the grooms, a pale faced, scared-looking young man was seen standing by a group of tlio hotel boarders. It was the dude and he had evidently been gaining information over night. He looked as if he wished he had never made that munificent offer of one dollor to the stranger who drove up to the hotel the night before. The party had just taken their seats on the coach when the dude rushed out and bowing to Col. Jamison said: “I beg vour pardon.” “Why?” “I thought you were the driver when I saw you last night.” “It’s all right, I am the driver,” said the Philadelphia banker, as he gave the horses their heads and the tallyho dashed on its way.— Philadelphia News. The Great Jubilee. No event of the nineteenth century has attracted more attention than the celebration of the one hundredth anni¬ versary of the Northwest Territory in Cincinnati on the Fourth of July, which is to continue one hundred days, or un¬ til October 37, 1888. Extensive prepa¬ rations have been made for it in the erection of mammoth buildings in the heart of the city; the million feet of space for exhibiting purposes have been allotted; the general government will contribute a handsome display, the best art collection ever seen in America has been secured; there will be the most elaborate electrical display ever witnessed in this country, and, in short, no show of the magnitude of the Centennial Ex¬ position has ever been witnessed in this country. Tiie coins struck at the Berlin mint during the reign of the late Emperor Frederick are already scarce, and are held at a big premium. Beauty Without Paint. “What makes my skin so dark and muddy? My cheeks were once so smooth and ruddy! I use the best cosmetics made,” Is what a lovely in .iden said. “That’s not the cure, my charming Miss, 11 The doctor said—“remember this: If you your skin would keep from taint, Discard the powder and the paint. “The proper thing for all such ills Is “Enrich this,” remarked the blood and the man make of it pills: this you’ll find the only pure— In cure.” Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will do this without fail. It has no equal. Ail druggists. Florida has 2*3,438 farms, and 69 per cent of the number are cultivated by the owners. IIow Intelligent Women Decide. When (he question has to be met as to what Is the best course to a lopt to secure a sure, safe and agreeable remedy for those organic diseases a d weaknesses which afflict the fe¬ male sex, there is but o e wise decision, viz,, a course of self-treatment with Dr. Pierce's Fa¬ vorite Prescription. It is an unfailing specif! for periodical pains, misplacement, internal that inflammation, render the and all functional disorders lives of so man. women mis¬ erable and joyless. They who try it, praise it. Of druggists. A single highwayman in Texas “held up” a stage and robbed its passengers. All males. If you are going to buy- a Cotton Gin this year, don’t fail to wrile to the Brown Cotton Gin Co., New London, Conn-, for their prices and testimonials of the thousands who have used them. Marlon Harland. The celebrated authoress,sr highly esteemed by the women of Ameria, says on pages 103 and 445 of her popu ar work “ Eve's Daughter's; or, Common Sense for Maid, Wife and Mother:" “For the aching back—should it be slow in recovering its normal strength—an Allcock’s Pobous Plaster is an excellent comforter, combining the sensation of the sustained pressure of a strong warm hand with certain tonio qualities developed in the wearing. It should be kept over the seat of uneasiness for several days—in obstinate cases, for perhaps a fortnight.” "For pain in the hack wear an Allcock’s Pobous Plaster constantly, renewing as it wears off. This is an invaluable support when the weight on the smali of the back bee jmes heavy and the aching incessant.” In 35 day’s stay at Milan, the bills of the sick emperor of Brazill were nearly $100,000. By its mild, soothing and healing properties, Dr r. Sage’s of Catarrh Remedy cures the worst cases nasal catarrh, also “cold in the head,” coryza, and catarrhal headaches. 50 cents, by druggists. Many inventors are at work on a machine to execute criminals by electricity. Conventional “ Monon ” Revolutions. large that it forms iKw ( h?t£4 vforfd at the double connecting link of Pullman tourist travel between the winter cities of Florida a d the summer re¬ sorts of the Northwest; and surpassed, Whereas^ its Its elegant “rapid Pullman transit” system is un¬ and Chair Buffet Sleeper car service between Chicago and equal. Louisville, ed; Indianapolis and Cincinnati un¬ and then Whereas, he Its rates are as low as the lowest: it Resolved, it That in the event of starting on a trip is good policy to con-ult wit i K. 0. Mc¬ Cormick, Dearborn Gen’I St.. I’ass. Agent Motion Route, 185 send Chicago, for full particulars. (In any event for a Tourist Guide, enclose 4c. postage.) The U. S. lias the finest 7,500 ton cruiser in the world. Site steams 20 knots an hour. HAT Warner’s f BACK ACHE, BLADDER TROUBLES, RHEUMATISM, -m SAFE CURE NEURALGIA, -3581 HEAD ACHE, TT U 15 V P f NERVOUSNESS, w ; i^DiGESTION. There is no doubt of this great remedy’s potency. It is Bfir'l no New Discovery un klioxvn and mayhap worthless, but is familiar to the public for years as the diseases only reliable of remedy for land Stomach. theKidneys,Liver To be well, Igg-/ jy and our it blood must be be pure, if can never pure the Kidneys, (the only blood purifying ed. organs) are diseas AGUE DIZZINESS, Cured 9 DYSPEPSIA, -ml 8WITH5 FEMALETROUBLES BAD IMPOTENCY, EYES, “©a -w Warner’S DROPSY, SAFE CURE Ask your friends and neighbors what WARNER’S SAFE CURE has done for them. Its re¬ cord is beyond the range! of doubt. It has cured! millions and we have mil-) lions of testimonials to prove our 'assertion. war NER’S SAFE CURE will! cure you if you will give it I “’©a a chance. ' ROANOKE Cotton and Hay The best and cne apestmada. Hundreds in actual use. Bales cotton faster than any M IT ■w/'-f" pin ROANOKE can pick. IRON Address A Blair's Oval Box, Pills.'CSKKf* 34 round, 14 PiiU* i NEW NOVELTIES, For Agents. Send 10c for catalogue, to MSRiraN Notfi.ty Co., Hartford, Conn. G OLD is worth $501) per lb. Pettit's Eye Salve is worth $1,000, but is sold at 25c. a bex by dealers. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly (Jure unlike artificial systems. ol mind wunderiu *reading. Any book learned in one at iso«at Boston, &&£: large of Columbia classes Law students, at Yale, igan University, Wellesley, Oberlin, University of Penn., Mich¬ Richard Proctor, Chautauqua, the Scientist, Ac., Ac. Endorsed by Hons. W. W.Astor, Judah P. Benjamin, Judge Gibson, Dr. Brown, E. Taught H. Cook, Principal N. Y. State Normal College, <fec. from by correspondence. Prospectus post fills PROF. LOISETTE. 237 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. succnssons T0 MORDECAI LEWIS. JOHN T. LEWIS & EROS., WARRANTED PURE White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge, Orange Mineral, Painters’ Colars and Linseed Oil. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Do you want Inspirator? - is t;;;. : ? 4 J 3 *. Toaaiua I s u II WASIC 5 for Shot Guns ,q $ RIFLES » Pistols.,! •g Send ^ Cheapest 3 if ft f ° r ^ rco m V andbest. ^ i bf *S JJ Illustrated %%% i 3 \ Catalogue. Box 1064 V, ideal New Haven, M’f’g Conn. Co. x'cF s* $ Ui66 99 H DRILL All cuttings disclmrtferi of the drill surface in clay, sand, without gravel, removing: rock, Ac., are at tools. Noted for success where others fail. Drill drops 70 to 00 times a minute. Profits large. Catalogue Free. LOOMIS NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. g^ z Shot CunsJ* Rifles, to. ah# d St f * tor Price t List. (ittaWorka.Pituburgh. Single Seiner, Tents, Breech-loaders Breech-loading double Shotgun Breech-loading at $9.00; barrel at $4 to $12; Rifles $ 5.50 to $15; Double-barrel Muzzle loaders at $5.50 to $20; $20 Repeating Floberfc Rifles, Rifles, 16-shooter, $2.50 $3. $14 Guns to $30. Revolvers, C. O. D. examine. $1 to ; by mail to P. O. sent Address to Revolvers to nnv JOHJU ITO.VS GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PltUburg, Penna. Q9QO.OI “OSGOOD” , 0. S. Standard Sale*. BlNSfAHTOH] ™ Sent on trial. Freight paid. Fully Warranted. 3 TON $35. Other size., proportion¬ Catalogue ately low. Agents well paid. Illustrated free. Mention this Paper. OSGOOD Is THOMPSON, Binghamton, N. Y. !WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY1 BALD SPOTS We cure these _CUREQ' P THIN HAIR by Fethter's means Fa* of I 'CLr | DANDRUFF Send moii« for Falrleon. hwKt THIN BEARD ticulars par¬ of HI FALLING HAIR our remedy. FECHTER REMEDY CO., New Raven, Conn. Box 86 F. Send this to some b»l*l beaded friar*'. SI OO to $300 ijreJSS furnish their us. Agents preferred who can business. own horses and Live their whole time to the spa re mom ents may re profitably employed also, ew vacancies in towns and cities. B, r. JOxiH SON & CO.. 1013 Main st.. Richmond. Ve¬ GINSENG AND BAW SUNS Bought for cash at highest- market prices. Send for circular. OTTO WAGN ER. 90 Prince St., New York. COMMERCIAL COHERE of KY. VI1YEB8OT. MB’ I-exington, KxpoMtion. Kv. Highest Award at World’* Rusiuess. Short-Haud and I Ilf Telegraphy taught. 13 Teachers emploved. now. EPHRAIM SMITH, Prect, HERBRAND FIFTH WHEEL. IfffcSiES improvement. 1IEKBKANJ) CO*. F remonw TFY R kAHO AQ 1 LrlftiL? AM Hi 5,000,000 acres best agricul tural and crazing land forsale. Address.GODLE Y «Jk PORTER.D nllnN.Tcx. MIPU C C ute th 8 e a & 7e°e r t th Brewster Safety Rein Holder Co.. Holly. Mich. 150 engravings free. N. P. Boyer Co., Coates vine. Pa. PISO’S CURE FORCONSUMPT10 N A. N. U ........ ........Twenty-seven, '88. V £W/ S & 0 & 40 Q WHITE ' -» L M 3 TRADE MARK. If no, wnee BROWN 3; KING Munutuct‘urers nnd Dealers in Uouuu. erul “'ouh-n .vliH Supplies. “ml Gelh \Vrouuhllrou Pipe Fittings v “ ', xuul flrum-J Hoods. n S.Euow 512. ATLANTA, GA. Established 1772.