Newspaper Page Text
Wliat the People are Doing, and
Talking About.
Sipcietj Mews and neiglibov.
hood Notes-Pcrsenal
Harris’ free hack for the hotel meets all
Mr. J, M. Found, oi Upson county, is
in town..
Mr. W. r, Alien visited Macon this
week on business.
Politics. & Co, “busted” the Knoxville
railroad barbecue.
Mr. Emmett Houser, from Fort Valley,
was iu our office yesterday.
The man who has his hair cut shortest
is most in fashion these days.
Mr, W. J. McAfee made a business trip
to. the Central City this. week.
Col.W.]^,Blasingame visited Salt Springs
and the Chautauqua this week.
Cols. Winslow and Troutman, of Fort
Valley, were in town yesterday.
Misses Alpha McManus and Lea Ellis,
of Sandy Point, were in town Sunday,
Mr. Thomas ..Camp,, of Atlanta, was in
town several days this week prospecting.
Mr. John YV; Blasingame went up to the
Gpte City th,e first of the week to buy
Miss Alice Vitlrams has resumed school
duties-at Sandy Point, after a pleasant
Miss Bessie Smith, after a visit of two
or three, weeks,, has returned to her home
at this place.,
Track laying on the A. &., F. has-been
retarded some days oiA account of a spike
famine in Atlanta.
The prettiest depot, on the line has
been completed at Cullodau. Agent
is proud of his. new quarters
Miss Leila Webb, of the southern part
of the county, spent sonio time this week
in town with relatives and friends.
Mr. ,J. 0- Roberts, representing Tidwell
& Pope, Atlanta, was in town a few days
ago making friends and taking orders.
We bear that Col. R. D. Smith, of-tins
place, has been appointed attorney for the
Allan'.a & Florida road in three counties.
Misses Leila Webb, Mamie Blasingame,
Lena Jack and Mr. Wesley Blasingame
spent Monday at Culloden. They had a
big time.
Mr. W. H. Harris, a salesman.for J. H.
Hertz, ofMacou, spent several days this
week with liis mother and numerous friends
;,t Knoxville.
Mr. H. D. McCrary has had his land on
and near the railroad laid off into lots. It
is thought that some of it will be built on
at an early day.
When you visit Atlanta stop at Mrs.
Talmadge’s Select Boarding House, oppo¬
site the custom house and next door to Dr..
Hawthorne’s chnrch.
Mrs.Freuk Wright and several children,
Miss Eddie Jarrett and Miss Lena Jack ail
went up to Zebulon yesterday to visit
relatives and friends...
New quarters foi LeSueur &. Jones’
drug store are being fitted up in I ho west
end of the building occupied by Mr. J. \V.
Blasingame aud Mrs, Pie ice,..
r -T- j“" J i*«•* 1
asjipol. in vocal music at lhomastun, and
‘i tjesirous of having a good attendance of
* 1 ^ old sch-lavs iu Crawford county.
The .protracted,meeting at the Methodist
church, closed on Sunday night.., nine
members were added to the church and a
great deal .of interest was manifested.
J, W, Blasingame has. aold'bi&stoe&rpf
dvugs and put the money in, groceries and,
crockery, glassware, tinware, notions, etc.
The goods are new and fresh and cheap,-.
Our people ara greatly pleased with the
preaching of Rev. Mr. Mahone, the bey
preacher of Columbus. Per a-youth only
nineteen years, old he seems -remarkably..
gifted 1 ,.
Miss Dora Armstrong, who has been vis¬
aing her sister, Mrs Carter,, of this plrce,
left - Wednesday ior her home in Washing¬
ton county. Miss Dora won many friends
while here who regretted to see bei leave,
Mr. Sim Blalock, ot Fayetteville, passed
over the road during the first part of the
week on iris way to California. He will
take in most points of interest in tha far
west, including the National Bark in, the
Yellowstone Valley.
Mr.. JeiT, Dr McGee, Captain- of the
Crawford Guards, has been appointed by
Adjutant-General Kpllto make an, inspec¬
tion of the standing and working order of
that splendid military company, the Ferry
Rifles. This is a compliment to Mr. Me-.
Gee., and to,the,Rifles as well.
A negro came into- town yesterday and
had a wound dressed,, th.e, manner in
which it was inflicted-being rather pscnUtir..
Ho was driving,spikes on.the. railroad
track, when the face of the hammer was
shattered and a piece ot steel about an
inch in- length entered his arm near the
elbow and ranged upwards about time
inches, almost going through the arm.
The. track has been laid eight , miles
beyond this place and to within nine miles
of Fort Valley. In the the course of
eight or ten days the road will likely be
completed to. Fort, Valley
A switch track .has been laid-on Mr. Jy
Matbc.vfc’ place .near. Clark's mill, .where
there will be a flag station..
A Pushing tVoigan, .
A few days ago the editor caught part of a
cove!nation between, some railroad men
which may, in the. repetition, interest our
The train war,.rolling a pie ty
fair rate of speed when a woman came out
from the woods with hair flying iu ibe
wind and a wild look upon her face. She
signalled frantically, and the train was
brought to. a stop.
“What is .the- matter?” asked the con¬
ductor and everybody in the same breath.
“I, want to know if you want to buy
some blaeberries and a-iggs,” said she.
“All aboard” was all that tiro conductor
said; except some quiet words, and the
passengers returned to their.seats to
the. progress of the times.
ftSarO to S e 1chlc„
When ibe line for the A. k F. railroad
was being surveyed a line was run through
a little patch that belonged to a widow
she thou grit the mad noiiia be bab<.
through her premises... Accordingly see
seutf r the engineer in charge.
“CaDtain tbL ” said she, ‘‘I want to sov to
J- the railroad ought not to be run
through my place. It will nun.
laud] have ”
“All right-madam,” said the engineer,
who had already the* found a cheaper surveyed route,
will move line,” and it was
and the grading commenced just back of
the old lady’s house on the land of another,
Again the old lady sent for the surveyor.
“Captain you Live ruined me,” moaned
“1 am ruined,” she repeated. Now 6?7 the
can come up to my house the back
wgy when I won’tknow it,”
p's*» M ;?
I keep an assortment quality of General of goods Merchandise, and try to suit
everybody both in and in prices. I have now
on hand;-a-lot or Fresh -Gabden Seeds, also a variety of
Farm CsTooltw
of i he best makes which I sell cheap. Call on me.
F. H. WEIGHT, Knoxville, Ga.
Oscar, the twelve-youwald son of Mr.
W. E. Champion, of the Gth district, this
county,, has invented a guano distributor
whieh-is do.gocd works;
> R ule ni si to fore
Miss Jimmie Meara l-close mortgage in
vs. |> Crawford Superior
ChftS. Jl. Meara. j Court, April 1888. term,
It appearing to the Court by the peti¬
tion of Miss Jimmie Meara that - Clias.
H, Meara on the delivered 1st day of to January, said Jimmie 1887,
executed and and tract of land lying
Meara a mortgage wit: undivided half
in said county, to an
interest in 415 acres of ,land owned as
tenants in common by said parties. For
the purpose of securing the payment of
a certain promissory note dollars, for the made prin¬
cipal sum of one hundred
by Hie said Clias. H. Meara, on the said
1st day of January, Meara, 1887, and One payable six months to
the said Jimmie
after date; with interest at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from date thereof,
and attorneys' fees of 5. .per cent per
month, which said note the said Ciras, H.
Meara refuses to pay. It is therefore
ordered that the said Clias. II. Meara
pay into this Court on or before the next
term thereof, the principal, interest,- and
attorneys’ fees due on said proceeding, note together
with the cost, of this or in
default thereof the Court, will proceed it is
as to justice shall anpertain. And
further ordered this rule be published iu
the Knoxville the Journal, of a newspaper Crawford,
published oflee 'month in for; four county months previous
to tiie uoxt.torm of this Court.
G W. Gbstin, J. S. C.
True extract from minutes,
H. M. 13up.nett, Clerk,
EORGIA. Ckawfoup County : W. J.
U SkM-u-nibas-Administrator Cum tes
ta-iiiewta-aiinexo of Sarah J. Williamson,
deceased,. discharged having represented, trust and that peti¬ lie
lias fully his
tioned that, lie ho discharged cite-all from-the
same. This is therefore to per¬
sons concerned to show cause before me
by the first Monday iu Octou.-r next why
said application should discharged not be from granted ins
and said petitioner be
Witness my hand officially, June 25,
1888. GEO. L. SAWYER, Ordinary, ,
TiEQRGlA, Ohawioud County.—To
\J ail whom it may coneevn : Whereas
J, U. Fowler, executor of the will of T.
I). Hammock, deceased, has applied his Exec- to
me for letters dismissory from
therefore, all persons con¬
cerned are hereby have, required before to show
cause, if any they August next, me, why on
tiie first Monday Fowler In should not be dis¬
tiie said J. B.
charged, Given under my baud and offi¬
cial signature, this April 30tli, 1883.
GEO. L. SAWYER, Ordinaiv.
U EORGf Chawfokd County—To all
wliom it may concern J. Wesley
SiSSISpiz This there* me
ot' said county, deceased : is
r ove to cite all persons concerned to show
cause, if any the>\ have, before* mv
the first Monday in August next, why S3
' j i signature this the 18tli day or
0 rt c j. d SAWYER,
June, 18C8v GEO. L, Ordinary,
g gj § sts* MMi
feg|g <VI£DIC1N€
gBSSESa -cheerful the despondent, depressed iu
makes oSuNiiGvN^V'EEU^ij’^'^jand^
Ask your Druggist... ------- ——
Office in the Court House. fb 2 T'
Attorney at Law,
Prompt attention given to all business
entrusted to his care. jy27
Calls, promptly attended day and nightv .
P hysieian [;%>o Surgeon,
Patronage respectfully solicited. fb’8'
The Knoxville Drag Siore:
Is tbs. place where yon can always find.
Reliable Goods.
Besides Drugs a-od Medicines I keep
. Whenever you conic to town come to see
- When y ou want a first class meal oris
good place First to Glass sleep Fare, come to Comfortable the* Harris
Rooms, Reasonable Charges, Aee«mn*e
datums.Not Excelled ! :
I am prepared to loan money
on improved $200 farms and to wauls tile
amount of up
on most liberal terms. I rep
resent the Georgia Loan & Trust
Co. '“f American , Ga., a ebai
tered institution of the State,
-H will guarantee that our com
missions are at least from two
to tiiree per cent cheaper than
that of any other ompany. Pay
merits can be made at.auy tune,
and the loan may be taken up
whenever desired, Quit the
warehouse and try us... We are
cheaper ana give you more lib¬
erty, and we don’t' want your
laird. The warehouses are get
ting it. Walter P. Blasingame