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INSIDE: Special section saluting our Warner Robins American Little League champs
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September 1-3,2007
The Home Journal’s
Library to display
9-11 paintings
Nola Brantly Library, according
to a release, will be letting The
Fine Arts Society of Middle Georgia
display paintings that depict Sept.
11th. The 9-11 paintings, according
to the release, show the emotion
the artists felt when they saw, or
heard about the tragedy. Anyone
can view the artwork in their display
booth at the front of the library now-
Sept 15.
For more information regarding
the display of paintings call Jimmy
Maine* at 923-1984/397-4313 or
Ann Hinds at 923-3949.
Mount Calvary to start
Sunday School venue
The education staff of Mount
Calvary Lutheran Church, 336 Carl
Vinson Parkway, announced the
start of its new rotation Sunday
School Ministry for youth ages Pre-
K through fifth grade beginning
Sunday. It is slated to run from
9:30-10:30 a.m., with, according
to a release, the goal to create a
place where children learn from
God’s Word within creative learning
environments and grow in relation
ships with each other.
The theme is “God’s Plan." As
children study each lesson and
the characters contained in them,
station leaders will focus on what
God’s plan was for His people and
creation. Children will participate
in one station each week, and
each lesson will take four weeks
to complete. For more information,
contact Peter Leßorious, Director
of Christian Education, or Heather
Louis, Director of Children's
Ministries, at 922-1418.
■ Amber Stylianou (Happy 21st!)
■ Alan Haynes
■ Patty Rainey
■ Austin Martin
■ Cheryl Snay
■ George Abernathy
E-mail your birthdays to: or, or
send them to: 1210 Washington
St., Perry 31069 attn: Don
Moncrief. You can also call him
at 987-1823, Ext. 231.
8 "55108 00001 11 4
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Geojc&a Herwsoa&er PrcnecA
Main Library
University of Gearcpa
3-DtGiT 306
Sepf. f, 2007
Serving Houston^ 'orWmSfyiT:JS7J)Jj
Weather Isolated T-storms
High: 84 Low: 70
Web Man charged with
killing mom
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From the publisher
Beginning next week The Houston Home Journal will return to a twice a week publication, responding to suggestions from many of our sub
scribers who want a truly hometown newspaper “for and about the people of Houston County.”
Daily publication for the past five years has been an interesting experience, but our readers tell us that they want this newspaper pack
aged with information that they cannot get anywhere else in the world. They want something unique to Houston County.
In the future our news staff will concentrate strictly on the human side of the news in Houston County, providing more human interest stories
and more pictures. In most communities the only times most people get their names in the newspaper are when they are born or die. We want to
fill a void and tell our readers about the accomplishments of the people in our community. We will devote more stories and pictures to the educa
tional and athletic accomplishments of our children. We will provide comprehensive insight into our local government activities. The Houston Home
Journal will be received in the mail on Wednesdays and Saturdays beginning next week.
Many of our subscribers have been telling us that they get all the state, national and world news they want through other media. They want to
read about themselves and their families. They want recognition when they accomplish something and we intend to package it in two weekly edi
tions that will be easy to read and can be read at leisure. A common complaint that we have heard is “there just isn’t enough time to read so many
things on a daily basis.”
The Houston Home Journal will record the kind of stories and pictures in a package that can be saved for reading later or as a source of scrap
book stories and pictures they can find nowhere else than in this newspaper. Subscribers who have paid in advance will have the length of their
subscriptions extended on a pro-rata basis.
Julie and I believe that you will like what you see. It may take us a few weeks to get the bugs out of the new Houston Home Journal. We’re work
ing on it. And, on a personal note, we are anxious to relieve ourselves of the stress that goes with daily publication.
Danny Evans
city of Perry, city of Warner Robins and city of Centerville
SPORTS: Lady Bears play
Inspired; Rain washes
away Lady Eagles;
NS vofleyball splits 1Q
matchups. More. | D
Business expo
* k ffo
Three sections • 24 pages
add burst to
landscap- QD
ing. More. OD
Sean and
Schubert try
out the choco
late fountain
from Lee’s
Rentals at the
Perry Chamber
of Commerce
Expo, held
in the Perry
Arts Center
LEFT: Anna
Willaford, left, is
tempted by the
goodies from
the Front Porch
Tea Room.
Hostesses are
the owners,
Sandra Morgan
and Betty
the Bank of
Perry at the
Expo were Lisa
Britt, Marc
martin, Karen
shown here
talking to Kelly
ENI/Gary Harmon
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"We built too many
walls and not
enough bridges. In
the future, people
will talk about
Eddie Wiggins,
bridge builder.”
- Maj. Gen. Tom Owen, on
Eddie Wiggins
Bridge nimed
after longtime
local leader
Journal Staff Writer
The bridge to Robins Air
Force Base has been named
for a man known for building
bridges - Eddie Wiggins.
Warner Robins Air
Logistics Center Commander
Maj. Gen. Tom Owen point
ed out the symbolism of a
bridge at Friday’s ceremo
ny naming the bridge on
Russell Parkway - the one
that extends over Ga. 247 to
the base - for Wiggins, the
former chairman of the 21st
Century Partnership.
“A bridge overcomes an
obstacle, it takes you to
achieve what you want on
the other side,” Owen said.
He quoted Sir Isaac
Newton: “We built too many
walls and not enough bridges.
In the future, people will talk
about Eddie Wiggins, bridge
Owenadded: “Hetakestime
to become an expert in things
and is fearless to engage in
things. He speaks from a
foundation of a man who
See BRIDGE, page jA
LE unit plans
haunted house
From staff reports
Law Enforcement United
is getting ready for its 4th
Annual Haunted House.
The haunted house is
the biggest fund-raiser of
the year for the charitable
organization composed of
the civilian and military
law enforcement agencies in
Houston County.
Last year the haunted
house raised SB,OOO for local
charities and local officers
See HOUSE, page SA