Newspaper Page Text
THL FIRST COMMUNION class at St. Joseph's Home, Wash
ington. Front row, left to right, Raymond Bussey, Michael
Dickerson, Michael Rodrigues, Marc Parent, Reggie Jackson;
second rcm, Henry Darby, Francisco Tamayo, Rev, Walter
Mattiato, F.S.C.J., Eugene Dickerson, and Carl Parent.
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Decentralization A Major Council Issue
The following is one of num
ber of special articles the N.C.
W.C. News Service plans to pro
vide in which an assessment of
the Second Vatican Council will
be sought from leading partici
By Claude de L’Orme
VIENNA, - - - Decentra
lization within the Church will
be a major issue in the second
session of the Second Vatican
Council, Austria’s Cardinal
said here.
Franziskus Cardinal Koenig,
Archbishop of Vienna, said that
although the matter was not di
rectly discussed in the first
"session, it "appears likely"
that episcopal conferences and
regional assemblies of bishops
will be accorded "greater scope
and importance in the future".
THE CARDINAL served on
the Central Preparatory Com
mission for the council and then
was elected to the council’s
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Doctrinal Commissionfor Faith
and Morals, headed by Alfredo
Cardinal Ottaviani. He was cho
sen as a member of the special
commission named to recast the
controversial project on the
sources of Revelation.
He shared his impressions
of the council’s first session in
a special interview conducted in
his episcopal residence.
The Cardinal, who described
himself as gratified with results
up to now, gave special Impor
tance to the council's prepara
tory work and said "fruits will
be reaped" from this in the
session beginning in September.
HIGHLIGHTS of the Cardi
nal's interview were his be
liefs that some steps will be
taken to rearrange available
clergy in the world, to experi
ment with married lay deacons,
to discuss fully the question of
freedom of conscience of indi
viduals and to delve deeply In
to the lay apostolate, a topic he
said has one of the "most
comprehensive " prepared
On the possibility of efforts
to arrange for greater distri
bution of the available clergy
throughout the world, the Car
dinal believes action may come
on two levels.
He said it could come as a
result of direct contacts be
tween bishops and in the form
of an appeal of the council,
urging cooperation between bis
hops with many priests and
those facing a shortage.
"IT IS, of course", he said,
"possible that the council may
take even stronger action, but
at this point it seems likely
that the form of a specific
appeal will be deemed suffi
cient to stimulate such neces
sary transfer of clergy. In
former years, some work al
ready has been done in this
The Cardinal pointed to a cir
cular letter sent by Bishop
Emile De Smet of Gruges, Bel
gium, to his priests. The Bis
hop, he related, told of his
conversations with mission bis
hops who need priests and ask
ed Bruges priests to volunteer
for service in such areas.
On possible use of married
men as deacons in mission
countries and other priest-
short areas, the Cardinal said
this will be dealt with in the
next session.
HOWEVER, he said, when this
proposal came up during prepa
ratory work it met with divided
DENVER -NC- The Second
Vatican Council apparently has
diminished the once flambou-
yant zest of antl-Catholic tir
ades of Protestants and Other
Americans United for Separat
ion of Church and State (POAU)
This was evident at a recent
two - day POAU get - together
here when the organization Cit
izens for Educational Freedom
came in for more criticism
than the Catholic Church.
DR. STANLEY I. Stuber, a
Baptist, who is executive di
rector of the Missouri Council
of Churches, was billed as one
of the chief speakers on the
subject "The Pope’s Ecumen
ical Council." He was an ob
server at the council sessions.
"I never felt embarrassed
for a single moment," Dr. Stu
ber said. "I thought I would
be. But there was a real desire
on the part of the Roman Catho
lic bishops to make us feel at
ease. There was no strategy,
To his surprise, the Cardi
nal related, several bishops
from mission countries were
against the idea, "mostly, they
claimed, for practical and bud
getary reasons, the matter of
paying lay deacons."
Mission bishops who opposed
the proposal said such an item
on their already tight budget
was difficult to justify, "all
the more since lay catechism
teachers already performed to
general satisfaction some of
the functions envisaged for the
lay deacons," he said.
no insincerity in their friend
Dr. Stuber said, "to put it
mildly," he was "pleased and
impressed by the kind of treat
ment" he received and he gain
ed "a much better and fairer
understanding of how the Roman
Catholic Church operates."
EVEN Glenn Archer, POAU
executive secretary, who has
delivered a number of anti-
Catholic tirades at past POAU
meetings, appeared to have
mellowed. He said: "Pope John
XXIII is trying to resurrect
Christian love from the tomb
of institutionalism where it has
been too long buried."
St. Joseph Dine
The Altar Society of St. Jo
seph’s Maronite Catholic
Church will serve a Fried Chic
ken dinner Sunday, February
17th from 1:00 p.m. to5;00p.m.
In the Social Hall of the Church
at 502 Seminale Ave, N.E. All
are cordially invited to attend.
ON THE other hand, he ad
ded, there would be "many
voices" in favor of such a pro
ject—"at least on an experi
mental basis in special terri
Asked if the council will de
fine more accurately and clear
ly the matter of full freedom of
conscience for all individuals,
the Cardinal responded that the
key to discussion of this will
be "national attitudes and the
specific situation prevailing in
the individual countries."
"It will not be easy to ar
rive at uniform formulations
in this matter", he said. "The
question itsetf, however, can
not be sidestepped".
CARDINAL Koenig said he
felt the council will have to
make a "major effort" to find
"widely acceptable solutions"
to this "crucial matter."
He expressed the hope that
the council will succeed In com
ing to decisions "which would
do away with all existing mis
conceptions," but at the same
time will not lead to any com
promise with the body of Ca
tholic doctrine.
On stimulation of the lay
apostolate, the Cardinal thought
that although this was touched
upon during the first session,
it would be "an important point"
on the agenda of the September
assembly. "One of the most
comprehensive schemata pre
pared is the one dealing with
the question of the lay aposto
late", he said.
CARDINAL Koenig was asked
if he anticipated steps to clari
fy the role of secular institutes
within the Church.
He said this question would
come up in the context of dis
cussions of religious orders and
the relations between these or
ders and the bishops of the dio
ceses in which they are located.
He predicted that the council
is unlikely to set down any de
finite rule for secular institutes,
but might offer such guidelines
which would be subject to the
interpretive work of commis
sions engaged in application
of council decisions. He said he
did not anticipate direct legis
lative action by the council.
ASKED for comment on an as
pect of the council of particular
interest to Austria, the Cardi
nal stressed that matters before
the council are international in
scope and he does not like to
speak of "specifically Aus
trian" questions.
But, he said the Church in
Austria has drawn satisfaction
from the apparent acceptance
by Council Fathers of some
ideas and suggestions for the
liturgy explored originally by
Father Pius Parsch, O.S.B.,
and his liturgical movement at
Klosterneuburg, near Vienna.
The Klosterneuburg school,
he said, has begun to bear fruit
for the Church throughout the
St. Mary's Rome
Altar Society
The February meeting of St.
Mary’s Altar Society Rome was
held last week at the Rectory
with Mrs. B. W. Willis, presi
dent, presiding.
Miss Janie Fahy reported that
165 cancer pads had been made
by the ladles of the Altar So
ciety during the past month.
The group voted to purchase
a new vacuum cleaner for use
in the church.
Following the meeting a lunch
and social hour was held. The
hostesses were Mrs, Stanley
Wojeck and Mrs. Louis Curry.
Vatican Council Took
Steam Out
Cancer Home Benefit
Knights Pick the Court of Their Mardi Gras Queen
OUF EN JOSEPHINE and her sons Gene and Fred. Selected
by Atlanta Council #660, the queen is the wife of William
M. Sherwood, past grand knight of Atlanta Council #660.
Father Thomas J. O’Reilly Council. Maids and
Dukes. (1 to r) Bea Miner, Thomas J. Costello,
Betty L.nch, Charles L. Vann House, Sr.
The four metropolitan area coun
cils of the Knights of Columbus
have selected their maids and dukes
for the court of their Mardi Gras
queen. The accompanying photos pre •
sent the queen and her court. The
king, to be chosen by the Immacu
late Heart of Mary Council, will be
announced at the Mardi Gras.
With Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Free Cancer Home benefitting, the
6th Annual Metropolitan Knights of
Columbus Charity Mardi Gras Ball
will be held at the Dinkier Plaza
on Saturday, February 23 at 9:00
With dance music by Paul Hay-
nie and his orchestra, the even
ing’s program will consist of dan
cing, the Mardi Gras Pageant, cos
tume judging, and presentation of
awards for best interpretation of
the Mardi Gras theme, “Out of
This World.”
Tickets, available through mem
bers of the Knights of Columbus
upon an advance sale basis only,
are $10.00 per couple.
Reservations may be made
by calling:
William Coyle (636--9237) Mark Lunday (DI 4-4849)
Shirley Vick (ME 6-3857) Fred Spears (HE 5-9545)
Immaculate Heart at Mary Council. Dukes ahd
Maids. (1 tor)EvelynMaddock, JohnL.MaddfCk,
Emma Lee Romano, Ladd Vuchetich
St. Joseph Council. Maids and Dukes. (1 to r) Robert F.
Coheleach, (seated) Sarah Spears, Joan Clark, Carl K.
Atlanta Council 660. Maids and Ckikes. (1 to r)
Donald A. Wallace, Nancy Eaton, James J.
Cronin, Mary Ann Simon (Seated).