Newspaper Page Text
u Snfnetfy liiat be ba3 been lei*
bv bis soldiers, ami is to be tri
'ed bv a crfnrf martial. We believe
it. was never* expected that be should
. defend M id* and; lie is said to have
BivUrd ‘**it Estpemadura as the
* ’ p] a ee where mil'llary operations
might commence with success. We
a!< sufioo*t, that without virtue e
m.oMi to be a patriot, he had want
ed nT/ be a decisive eraitn**.
If ho, hr-uiiJ have arurred ’he ha
tPeif. and xvill |e exposed to thg
ven ‘cnrsp-e pf froth parties. 19
O’heA sutmises. and those, we
thi*>k, most probably he pnnfir
nip b * that Nbisbal's defection,
to wh''*b Vm-illn, PalKterrs. and
evco M are supnnsed to have
hf*i iii'ivy, was a concerted scheme,
bv means of which
mod .tion with die French would he
ino‘c readily jjpened; nnd we * >rdi
no* i;e so’■poised to find this eor-j*'.c
turc ih*. hW r some time since Inz
acth‘d <■oofictncdjV 2: that the arrival
cf th * French at might !e:i‘(
to immediate negotiations, f Isr*
fftHoyitiy b.ogila?c ot the t miner
of *lc S<t, vcArriog *o Ab fbalN
.. pro ppib''*s seems to favouf this
<‘tVSij|fppoet tothc true character
o? that ail'iir, and ail the Important
consequences that may fl >w from it,
V,<* are sliil without suffi ient data
to Arm an exact judgment. We
can state, however, that in the Inch
cs’ nolilinal circles, the conviction
remains unshaken that an amieabla
arrangement take place.”
) To other part# of Spain, nothing
f diaeburSpng to the Spaniards had
’ ocourreo. On the contrary, n a
aortic from S. Sebastian, of whi h
the details will he found in another
p!a*e, the RpanidUroops obtained a
decisive advantage; and as to the
Mcfopfc which, In his •* flobsdil 99
Gep. Donnadieu eKim* to
have ob’ained over Mina’s forces in
• Catalonia, we susp A t*t a few more
such v ouM ruin the French Gener
al As far as we can mate out,
M jua would seem to have bullied his
|)*ie‘-u p r, ad to hav.e k*ui
st‘l r: nto Harcelona.
The Fren b funds had declined,
owing as is supposed, to the inten
ti .n whi h find been announced of
nern iafing anew loan ’
tv-ts—in o’her word's^-of borrowing
sU‘* 000,000 frurcs—a itm exceed
ing ti-e whom debt of the Inked !
States; and that nil for the pleasure !
of Imposing, or trying toepp se,an
absolute King, or the Spaniard^.
The disturbances in in la.ol eoa
i,inued no abater!.
A" v to; lug to an arti *le from the
T*nv*, wn’.eh we puldish. -three-.
wnu*<l be s>-->e?erminathar
on the part of die Holy Albrs, to
interfere <va n wnb !t freedom of
‘B'tizer';u and. bv.eomp • Unghee to
restrii i flu* liberty of *he press, and
to haul b from tcr ti mm the un
.l'oi iuj ?** nf o her nadous. o whom
sV bar* ffirdcd h i asylum, Thus
daring a*d t. snlent. b ve those eid
lergiied h roots become.
• l J ris. May 26.—The Moniteur
co !:v * die tollowiug proclamation:
Ii hubuunU of Modi id.—ls miii
ta"y operations, aril a desire no’ tfi
compromise the generous people of
Madrid,- force me to evacuate the
oapbal.lsball not abac dor; it un'ilan
other hostile fori e relieves the
which shall be bound to pip.
serve the public tranquillity, by
means of a comention authorized
bv the laws at* war. If a few evil
disposed persons flattered them
selves with the hopes of pillage and
diso/W. they must renounce their
cri.ninul designs, apd be assured
that exemplary punishment will be
the reward of any movetneul not au-
hv law.
“ I have respected, and shall re
ipect the opinions of every individ
ual, because 1 am of opinion that
a liber and ouglit to do so,
whilst til se holding different -erti
on the merit of established
laws do not perm t the fury of par
ties io stain whh blood *he streets
cf the apita! of Ibis high minded
uatioi ; n r shall the ambitious and
pr iid• hi* designs of a lew persons
eniupiauuse the tranquillity of a
town distMigui&beti -for. its paUiotispi
and iiilelligence.
( lg-K-d e The Fount iK'l AI’ISBAL
•* May Id.TSiS.”
Vtins Jiiiy ‘l7, — The Moniteur
of i'aesdiH e**itans an article from
I\ tersbtii’jiji, dated the fs( of May,
v ni di states as eei tab;, th&l the vrnr
between France and Spa :* will not
ntaV any vbattle io (hr harmony
between Great Britain and
JUitsf -, nr.d ih it the Intter. “ fi Ufiw
.i*;t ’ * example of (he Cab n t a*
hi. .lames' 3, is resolved under all
eireuun'a . es, vo timi a • ihc
suieUoi neutral in .**
The fact reo *m stated, that at
the time of the sailing of the Ue-
J Ijoy tirom Thompion ? a and
on her passage to Norfolk, during
which a malignant fever appeared
among the crew, there was not ou
board a Surgeon’s mate, has, as
might be expected, caused some
animadversion. If the following,
from the Democf a *c Press. ina>
be relied nn, *i * f > indeed, time to
jirt* enquiry into this iode
; V-j c io!e conduct on the pt ct of those
who are receiving the money of the
people. Our brave seamen, who
are sent into climates every way un
congenial nod dangerous to their
constitutions, have, at least, a
if common humanity did not dictate
its necessity, when disease lias blan
ched their cheek and prostrated
their sire g*h, to receive evr*y rs
sistance in the power* of medicineto
bestow. 1i u they will he wHnl
l\ left to perish for (!:e war.t of me
dieal assistance and advice wlien ex
posing their lives in our fervid . ie
do not believe—but il e glr if g ne •
ligeucc w!:> !i hsu ljr*un exhibit di )
this instanee, we hope. v ii! e er
F ! repealed. “TTr.lcss U different
ivitem is pursuer! at Washington,
says the Press, we shall vim soot*
And all our public H(*Hsc!'j guff-ring
fo T want n r medu al ussigtan* c. t
rt quires I i>t a very hosiy pla-ce at
the .Nava? U'egistei', tr. ober vc the
names ol men who are mtivirg
(he pay ardeinoltm.ents e.rfinrgeons,
w l ‘u have n, v r rendered the conn*
’ try any service, witolrave not been
j to sea for seven years. a?jd who lie
j ver ihtend'going to sri $ men who £rc
j en joying a lucrative prat tier at home
ami are also drawing thousands of
| dollars from the Treasury fui* ser
j vines never rendered.
“There have been instances in’
1 which seven Surgeons have been or
d- red by the Secretary of the Na
vy to join a ship before one w ould
obey/he command. The excuses
were altogether of a private nature.
If the Secretary of the Navy had
dove justice to the country, he would
have stri(ke from the colls those.
who refused to oliey die rcascuu
ble orders of the department.”
Snv. Georgia ti.
From the National Intelligencer.
Americans in the Pacific.
Extract of a letter from att o fficer ort board the
United Suites’ kif> “i > ■l bn 74. to u t>’e?itie
r.wv in >bia city duied Valparaiso. J\hrch
10 1823.
We nrr a?l heartily sick of lSi<;
hut presume we * must bear*
with patience vet ant t her year
Our firs* s?e> from here af?er you
soiled, was to eomoy the ship fan
ton ti Arica end Qnil'a, which ports
were in n declared :t. <e rs bh> kade;
but which the f t mmod re did not
see proper to roc el. U Afiea,
we witnessed a fight Ik tween the
troops on dnre, and the Pafiioi
schooner—the. letter wa* oh; <*ed a
cut her cable and stad .ft*. > th
lo*s. F <m this we u Qifl
ca, ard completed *he sale e. * he
Fanton’s or ego. On the &<h es Ju
ly we gave a dinne’* to whii-li sev
enty persons sat down. The quests
consisted of the ofli *ers ot the Fan
tov ;tnd a French merchant ship,
(being be only vessels there,) and
the rest of the number were made
up bv ladies ard gentlemen .ftvm
Arequipa. (a city 90 miles in the in
terior.) and the officers, eivil and
iniiiiary, of the port; which, hy the
h}e, is nothing; more tba-, a small
ni“he st the rocks, where poods
can be landed, there bring not (be
least shelter for shipping. Here
we lay six weeks, rolling the lower
deck ports in, ard. hut for the live
ly vivacity of the givls* who came
upon mules from the city to visit us,
I know not what we should have
done. The coast presents the most
rugged and barren prospect I ever
saw; but nothing can exceed the
fertility oT the interior. Many of
the todies who came to see us*nan
never before seen the ocean*—much
less a vessel. But the grandeur of
tlie ship was represented in such
glowing colors, that ladies of more
than sixty years of age performed
the journey to the coast, doling
which it is necessary to pass from
extreme heat to exit erne cold.
Their feeli* gs of admiration and
surprise he described, Mrs,
Stewart was called the Anglo-Ame
rican lady, who spoke ail tongues
and could play on all instruments.
I could relate to you many anecdotes
of this portion of the country , and
say something of {lie wisdom of their
politicians, in opposing the army id
the part of Peru called independ
ent, but perhaps it might not be
itiieresiitig in the relation: saffi e
it to say, that (hey still are Royal
ists, ard the reasons they ghe for
chosingto remain so,are,that (heir
neighbors who • all themselves iude
peude ti, ace nj> re niiseiable than
they ate, aud they say they like uo
cichatiga except for Ihe belter. |
Their politeness to us exceeded any ,
tiling we had experienced from the
Patriots, or even anticipated from
so savage a race. 1
From this place we sailed to Cal- ;
lao, where we lay some months, {
thence bm k to Qnb <• j
~,j, ,-.i a then to (hi- place, (biiiao I
is a miserable place; and we are •
much disappointed in our autlcipa- |
lions of the grandeur of Lima—save j
(he Churches, which exceeded ia j
richness, splendor and folly, any j
tiling I had ever witnessed. vv t}
have h°en in this place about a
week. Irom Juin Fernandez, where
we lay a immih overhauling aid
painting. At ti*e above place, we
bad much amusement, hunting and
fl-bi'g. An. vVc established on
she-re a hospital, a bakery, and
biylf a •i'vboc.uer AH (he marines
and the band, sail makers, c.arpeu-.
tersj, armourer*, bakers &.*, Jived
c -tis’ *!t'v #n s!;ot *, a*d * ’ fuel, l
w<* seM .m & \v mme tbaii 150 men
We circumnavigated, in bd&ts.
the If hind, and * xplored it in every
direction, in spile of eloud-capped
rn<*u r trios, and rugget! pre*iioes.
I) tiring one stay, we killed 60 bu!- |
ks, some g- ats and caught about
\ 0 000 fish. Ml shared in the sport,
and no accident, except one man j
tvnuuded by a musket ball, in at) at- j
lack upon some wild bulls: many (
risks were run from the ferocity of ‘
these animals when Wounded, and I ‘
myself had a narrow escape fiom <
one which made n desperate charge j
at me, after I bad wounded Lint: j
he ran upon my bayonet, which for
tunately turned him.
Coalition between the Friends o f J)!r.
.dditmsand J]fr t'ulUoun.
failed upon, S3 we frequently
-Hi e, to state the authority on
w announced th'contemplated tm
nliti<in we see no good reason for
withholding if; especially aa we do
not learn that it in pretended to be
kept a secret.
The lion. William Darlington,
lute member of Congress from this
district, the intimate and confiden
tial fne n d of Mr. Calhoun, since his
return frotn Washington, in cunver-
ion with several gentlemen, iias,
we understand, suggested:
That Mr. Calhoun was yet com
paratively a young man; that Mr.
vdanis wis considerably older; that
M" Adams would not probably,
hob! a situation in the government
under Me, Calhoun, be being so
much younger than Mr. A.; that
therefore, in the event of the election
•>t* Me. Calhoun, at this time, the
distinguished abilities of Mr Adams
would lie lost to the milieu; but
that, if Mr. Adams should be elect
ed, Mr. Calhoun would have no ob
jection take the office of Sec re
‘arv of State under him, and at the
end of sight years Mr. Calhoun
might take Mr. Ad ms* place.
Not having keasd the remarks
ourselves we do not pretend to give
the Word*, but such, vvn believe, to
he the substance of them; and from
the high authority from which these
suggestions owe, snob we have rea
son to conclude, was the course of
p liey agreed upon at Washington,
to l?e pursued by the friends of those
djs*iniru*hcd men.
[Westchester, (P J Village Record .
We have often heard it asserted
—ami as often denied—that an ar
rdngement had been made between
the Secretaries of the departments
of State and of Mar, by which, the
succession to the ‘Presidency was
settled, for several terms to come.
Nothing however, that we have
seen or heard, so much confirms
the rumour, as the above Para
graph, the sobstatire of whi* h was
taken, it seems, from the lips of a
friend of one of the distinguished
negociafors- et—-even with this
proof—we cannot—we will not be
lieve. that these gcutlemon—-whose
talents and integrity it is not our
purpose to underrate—have calmly
entered into engagements, the whole
scope and object of which, are, to
deprive the people of their birth
right—to make the office of Chief
‘ ! agist rate a thing to lie bought and
sold—a mere article of barter aud of
traffic {—What imports it to the
people of these United Slates, that
tlvey possess the right of free suf
frage, and that the best blood of
the Land hath flowed freely, to es
tablisb ami secure to them the
blessings of liberty under the Cou
dilution—ii’ that right, and these
blessings are to be wrested away by
intrigue and cabal;—if one of *the
most important functions of the go
vernment, to be performed by the
people, is to be usurped and exerci
sed by a Jew, to the advancement of
their owr ambitious views. 1 ake he
election of Pie*Ulent from she peo
pie—-krul we would rather see the I
•accession hereditary, than pacing,
/w purchase, like a glittering bau
ble, .from the hsnd< of one cm.* t Fa
vourite to those of another; for,
; h. wever iaielligent the founder of •
! uV>i*>Or may t*e. siCr*j*t3',y
i etijsiou must produce degeneracy,
j whitdi viiil be controlled by the
| wi dinn of oiber-5, or give place, by
| revolution, to a better statu of
• things. If, by a political see-saw,
| one Secretary may be elevated, to
J the end, that another may rise i.*i Ida
turn; —who can look to eonsiqm.n
ces without uiurui ? tVhut si* ill ui
• ford us a gnarrantee ira( <he •* Pre
! sidential Mantle ” nuj not at lust,
descend—nut upon (lie most holy—
t hut. at the Will ol tae incunibi ut,
“ parasites”
1 “ Courteous d’tiroy> rs t bears
I “ (Jr foals of fortune ”
Hut—were so monstrous a fraud
! np ‘ti the Constitution io u attemp
ted, we console ou selves vvitii the
j belief, that it would he ‘lt teded
‘ and exposed bv list- virtue of the peo
ple. —Vo list itut:on u list, ( beo.j
TJ:e letter from Doctor William
Oariiiigt mi, for many years a high
ly respectable member of congress
j from .Pennsylvania, was not re *civ
j ed untit yesterday, or it should have
been earlier published: It di-proves
| the fabricated coalition between Mr.
! Calhoun and Mr. Adams, or their
; friends, ar.ddocs justice to the tuau
! ly and noble character of the Seo-
I ret ary of War. Even that disti*i
guished statesman may feci proud
oi ihe esteem and approbation of so
excellent a man, and so upright a
politician, as William Darlington,
Jh'ntnhlin Gazette.
IVcat Chester, Penn JiduS, 1823,
Mr. JVokybll: The Editoi of
the Village Record, of (tils place,
has (bought proper to state, as up
on my authority, in his paper of
this m -ruing, that the friends of
Mr. Adams .cud Mr. f allioun have
agreed to form a “Coalition.” upon
the basis that “if Mr. Adams should
be elected President, Mr, Calhoun
would have no objection to take the
office of Secretary of S’ate under
him; and at (be end d*eight years,
Mr. Calhoun might take his place 5?
t hat bah tor also ventures to draw
the conclusion, upon the same
grounds, that such -was the course
of policy agreed upon at Washing
ton, to be pu sued by the friends of
those distinguished men ” To give,
us I suppose, a more imposing air
to Use story, he remarks that I am
the “intimate & confidential friend”
of Mr, Calhoun; and thence it is
inferred (hat the statement may be
considered as u heotic A more
pitdul misrepresentation, or a more
unwarrantable reference, lias sel
dom, perhaps, been resorted to;
and I deem it my duty, in justice
to all concerned, including myself,
to hasten to “correct the procedure;”
which I beg you will permit me to
do to your paper at un early day, in
asmuch as the republican newspa
per here is published but once a
week, and will uot appear again
until next Wednesday. Why the
Editor of the Record should have
presumed to make *ueh a statement,
in my name, without first endeavor
ing to ascertain its correctness at
the proper source, I have not been
aide to learn, nor can 1 compre
hend. upon fair principles. The
facts are, that whet I returned fr>rn
Washington, 1 met with a number
of my acquaintances, and. a§ is the
of the place, we had a free
and familiar conversation on politi
cal subjects in general, and, among
others* on the approaching presi- ;
denliai election. I mentioned, that !
some gentlemen, who, however;
were the advocates of other candi
dates, had objected to Mr
on the present occasion, inasmuch
as he was younger Rian his compet
itors; and that the nation ought to
have the benefit of his services, for !
another presidential term, in seme ,
subordinate department, with other j
similar reasons: But that I ever in- j
timated that bit friends had agreed, ‘
or offered to agree, to waive his
pretensions on the ground sta'ed,
or any other ground, except the
will of the people,’ or that I ever
said any thing to that effect, is a I
position utterly destitute of truth,
None of his friends ever spoke of;
such a thing, in my hearing: and it
is preposterous, in the extreme, to
reler to me for evidence of the ex- i
istenee of a “coalition,” or any
“course of policy agreed up. n at
Washing on,” or elsewhere. I ha\e •
no knowledge of any such measure. 1
It may be suitable employment fora
village gossip to glean, af second
hand, from the oo asi nal chit chat
of during their-momeats
of i< ? a \Af cr,
p r *•
\- ■ ; •
K’ < 0 . ‘..' t 1 ,
l; v.'v c. op.- .;• .>! ; ,.'VE|
\*. t,ii ; * ji> ct to M|
‘.*.!! •* h'W., y*j
Mr. huih.H. ■, n
: s aaiiUop t i >t>
Uccf.s-ti Kduof. ! iffi
iht* !> ;car liißM
1 ers, to be tlie
that genth'iuiio, i t t
knowing hib wordi and]
taeu’ >, hat t u .vc :ic pij
being hij ‘'Co'tjlJ ulij
liitK Cl. lit* I. Ut 1 1>
U.cant. :^K
have alv, ivb
:;t urne:
• ■ P-i I
tn, th. ft
s.'.t.■'*-■*'’ ■ ■
: t lis !••’ o
\. b hi- h ‘•’ •• 1
:.. •; .•'•'■ ‘MsBUmI
• :::.. “VIcSH
’ de.i.ici sbii- he
; l.ii >0 1i.i.l (if'riiVH|
iVibJkds ct Mr.
t :i un. up >0 the
it ar. vdauis should ? J
side il, Mr CalhuuiiH
ohjc-tion 10 take titeH
eretary of St-a-te u:
; (hat at the rod of eigo|
! Calhoun uf’g.Ui ]
\Ye view it ; t
quonce whether \lr IV ( dfl
himstriffo t! at effect or w\ if f ias
been suited if* papers lev trd (q
Ml*. Calhoun, aid m-er ileob ij,
that thai geni'rimm w r is the pi-„
sonai friend A!* Mr. id is, w .1;
whom he i* kn w*i to agree >u ;ji
important p>iiils ut Huti.; al’ jk*.
and that •'ii’ iC should her 3if er I.
ti<nu} necessary io tdioose bet .*
Mr. Calhoun -wd Mr. id.mis, ii c
is no doubt that Mr. \ ami !4
frieuds, wii be found amongst tr
strenuous suppoiters ot Mr*. (* 9
It* this be ml a coalition te
federal candidate, it is vea y
coincidence in sentiment u.-ni
which evideuuy points to sac’ a
event, and as both the a
cannot b tdected, jee rioting
so very itnonjjv-Mf’ to a ooalitiu of
llie nature *by the edito o£
the Village Record. Mr, Dariug
ton attributes the observations nacio
relative to to
at Washington, the friends of o'dter
candidate!* who objected to Mr.
i Calhoun, inasmuch as he *as
I younger than his compel’
! that the uatinn ought lo have the
benefit o’’ his services, for another
presidential term, in some subordi
nate department, with other sundae
reasons.’* It is of very little im
portance y/ho broached these t|bser
vaiions—but it would hav':
more to the purpose if Mr.
informed u* whether the rnr j|F\lJj
if they cimGnol from the
Mr. Ca?hnu4| did noi p
the frierd fM r .
ei!ij’v*r-j( .;•<! t-ic “o/nuyjfaMUnHH
occasion.-*. “Suvlf*
-c aEßia
*'< What rnul he
o"r peal *i‘ ail
p:y\; jr 1 l dt!l n ••~~t W^WpP%ipMi&M
divguisrJL that sn
am ifiol t £ an iMo i
s.*\;:ai f ‘“ H?:'§! ft t !oh, i l ‘MmSSSMmXS&,
l\r tho <*• ‘.ifrj
will era -f ?o t . * jpfjfjgjlffi;
lh u ; ,fr * b:' : (■ y- 4 . y/£
:/ i‘:.< i ■ • p.\l
‘ U ‘ • ft r o-f* >\!sg^ ?
‘! ,i- belli
;• -,g ..• • i *srj
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