Newspaper Page Text
- ’*TO*r
tin (tut
al. But
. DU 40M
drtw torn
the tlmo of
Mar. to Utun. Pa»m»
* York,on 8tturdVl
1 eltfM . o'clock,
Wo *» M .ueutl.ludobteditothe oo*
it Purnr OUu la lurakhlet ot with
Oluof.ptpeto, la tdttote oMt» mull.
Hot* OoUl-OmttroUa—to«u> lm<rln, «i.
mil ttuollhlp. Ohio,
the moral.* ot the
eupplled with one
■uooth'ilettriimfromAuatrallt. From*. EngUlh
peoel ooloujr, Auetnllo btp litelj warned.. Impor-
tuoe of the tret mtgolladt u e gold producing
country i end ee etch i^le ftit enquiring t degree of
oltrUletlloa ehd.reSnemcqt emoug lie people erudite
hie to the egi|h which oel lire, the detelle Of the
newt from tint qcertu, to he fouud In our column*
th|* looming, to full of Intenet* We tlto publlth
Kon; PoMUmAwatreMa—lowth
, Bythterrlrtlof Ihe tl. 8, null
C*pt. fox, In Stw York, on the
Kth, from Aiplnwlll, we MO . ei
i| while the ntetttbere of tho O' w,«u.u." , “e» *■ ,M, ‘ v * '.Mn* i>hh»,u
WBHM&ttSEM Item* of Intereat relative to the luthntne, Booth -Ame.
eduwuporteofSw. ? rjun,endBendwlchfeUndeUkln.neceeetrUjrcrowd-
man/ wcrlQota were offered. On Ing oat oar asotl miscellaneous rsedlng, though thwe
-jMJ* orUnnrjiMHMtgjyfp., itome will scarcely prove lets triaabU; .tf'udtnore
o*rtog,Jhoej ! e.,hnrneua U S^£(iw.lng»^d, of puelng oeentii Inrcglcn.
were to eMomponythemf They eleo olftr tepidly progneelng In ell the varied ettplninento of
M i iln offering. On nil tbo lucocedlng art, science and wealth which dlatiogutah the moat
- ofltrod the eeme etorlllcc*,only ourtoUIng fc ,omdn»tloo.of Hm
wtofhSl^t^TOtSl to isbr' ; Th* Ohio bring, on freight tl.m.U* In gold duet
leelgbthdey, welch wu kept with greeter eo- from Celirotnle, tboogb her new. from tbnPecillc
Itythuthoreet, they q»tedbet
• On wo
lemnlty tEen the nat, they
rent, end eenn Itmbe (Ur e
E m DOh one Hitt uuo
mt offering, and one
. goal f°™sin offering, with the usual offcnnga^andji;
tations. On thia day they also offered in
. the first fruits of theft latter crops, or of t
one calf, one a |de u no later than that already published.
to maturity.
Psalma 113.114,115,116, Ilf, 1
_ the temple
Oommi at;
b!fcwRh“irBrt: .ta^BiKuSiSSh.fcyii, The gold eenetat*
During the fueat tn.
■ 111,
whioh came leteet to
- -1,1U, Ilf, 118 end
re that though Hone eppnlnter
jam end the devotionof the neo-
' pie here added nnintb to It, which ieoelled the Joy
tssm •" *
Leo, of Hodece, mt
bet eight diye.mniot
’•' Diehare added a ointe. w . — —— — - .
for the recovery of the Uw, becaoae they oomple*
-'on It tho reading of the Pefltateoch.—iy. Y, Tribune.
In the
President of the
Thomas Paine*
autobiography of John Adams, the second
it of the United States, ho says of Paine's
It "common Sense,” that It did but little I
Thzatrioal Perform ancz.—Mr. and Mra. W. H.
Cbibp, supported by a corps of talented Artists, are
announced to appear at the Atbcnaura, in this city,
for three nights, commencing with Thursday next.—
The press, in yarioas cities and towns where this com*
p&ny have performed, speak of them in respectful
terms. The lovers of amusement in onr own city will
of coarse welcome them with a fall house, and pro
nounce upon their merits.
Summary of News*
The Triennial Convention of the Epfaoopal Church,
SSfS the muse it espoused. Mr. Adame save. "He -j reeooUy In sosslon In the city of New York, closed its
probably oonverted some to the doctrine of Indepen j Ubots on the 26lhult.
asnoe, and gave others an excuse fordeclarln ginfa- Th xibany (Os.) Patriot, of the 18th ultimo, an-
vor out : hot tbeMf .snttld have, followed Congress ^ J -
with sell, wd™“tha otbef band It excited many
writers against It, partlcuiariy‘Plain Troth,’ who
contributed very largely to fortify and influence the
party against Independence, and Anally lost us the
UlensVPen^s, ana many others pf weight in the
Consecration.— 1 Tbo Right Rev’ds John Lauqu-
lin, Jambs R. Hailey, and Louis dr Qolsbriand,
were consecrated as Bishops in tho Catholic Church,
community.* 1 ' *'' ’ in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York city,on Sunday
' Mr. Adams gives him no credit for originality in its last, the 30th ult. Archbishop Hughes and Monsig-
production, fie eaya " be came Rom England, and n j or bkdini officiated in tho impressive ceremonies of
got into such oompany as would convene with him,. th oco&gion>
and ran about picking up what information he could ,
. ooncering our affaire f and finding the greatquestlon Charles Eames has ceased all editorial connection
was oonoerning independence, he gleaned from those with the Washington Union,
be eaw the oommon-place arguments—such as the \y e deeply regret to learn from the Vicksburg Sen-
■ wsiS3sW,*ar8S5r?5!iii; «p*-h-».p»«~.- *.
ability to maintain It. etc., etc. l5r. *•*“
, Rush put him era*.
upon writing on the subject, furoiahod him wltli the
arguments which bad been urged in Congress a hun
dred times, and gave him bis title oi "Common
Tho steamer Texas, which arrived In New Orleans
ontbe26tb,from Vera Crus, bad 434,753 in specie,
consigned to mercantile houses in New Orleans.
A Baptist Theological Seminary has just been
opened at Fairmount, near Cincinnati, a new gothic
edifice having been erected for it at a cost of $2.5,000.
Mr. Gough, the temperance lecturer, ia making a
great sensation in England. In one place he had an
audience of Rom 12,000 to 15,000.
^ tad then a dolcgaUi bom that i Mn. Fuel.,. rworito dramatic aotree., tad a le-
,„d to it with an earoeatness that, dy of most excellent character, a native of St. Louis,
doctor said he would give his rea- j la at present filling a professional engagement at
pan oat!
8B ,
A large meeting had been held In London, in favor
of Turkey.
Formal oomplalht baa been- hade to the. Pope re*
wctlng Father GaVusI In New York.
Tbo duty has been token off broadituift In Tuioa*
Tho Eastern Question.
Omar Pasha on tho Oth lust, formally summoned
Gortschukoff to evacuate the Oottoman territory. If
Qortachakoff refers to hla government, Omar Pascha
will allow fifteen days; but if Russia definitely refuses
he will commence hostilities at once. A corps of 160,-
000 additional Turkish Troope had been ordered. The
dergy had ofibnjd to place 200,000,000 plasten of
ohtirch property at the Sultan’a disposal. The Sultan
had represented tQ the ambassadors or foreign gov*
ernments, that, aa bis ancestors bad gained their em
pire by the sword, the Turks would perish la itakap-
port; or if fate ordained that their country shouldfall
to another master, they would quit Europe as they
ontered it—sword in hind. ;
The opinion is that the French and English will al
low the Turks and Russians to fight their own battles,
but if the Turks sre defeated, will prevent the Rus
sians Rom marching-in Constantinople.
Prince GortschakolT, it was reported, bad in effect
annexed the Priuoipalities, having formally notified
thenospodare that Prince Mensobikolf will in future
administer the government. •
Thirty thousand Turkish RediCt, under the French
Colonel Uagnan, had been pushed forward to the Bos
nlan Rontier, to watch the movements of Prince Dan
iel, of Montenegro, who is again arming.
There was a rumor that the Porte hod appointed
Dembinski and Klapka,the Hungarians to bigb com
Austria continues to augment its forces on the
Turkish frontier, arid the supposition revives that in
the eveut of hostilities will attempt to occupy dervia,
which territory is disaffected towards Russia.
Mr. Jackson made hU official visit on tbo 8th Inst.
The qnestlou on American citizenship ia to be dis
cussed soou at Yicua. ’ 7 J
Great Byltaln.
Tito Queen had returned to London, and Ail the
ministers were assembled there; but it was not in
tended to summon Parliament unless events became
more threatening.
The pheffield manufacturers had memorialised the
government against war, and in aid of Turkey.
The quarterly meetings of iron masters at Birming
ham on tho 13th reported tho trade healthy. Prices
were firm. Stock low, and the make considerably re
stricted by colli ora’strike.
Turkish hostilites will be immediately followed by a
rise in prices. The cotton mills at Preston were to
bo temporarily closed by owners, to starve their ope
ratives into submission.
Money continued in demand, but without change in
the rate of discount. Government had advanced the
interest on a portion of the Exchequer bills to three
per ceut. Considerable arrivals or silver havo taken
place. American stocks have been much neglected
daring the week, and the market was flat. Baring
Brothers report sales of 10.000 Pennsylvania fives,
bonds,at 80, and small sales of Maryland Sterling
fives, at 97.
The Continent.
Trad here on the 4th Inst., with sir Hen-
. L O. B.,thGdeiv Govornor or this island.
fa Msumed the government on thoCth Inst, to the
great deiigbtof thbjnbabitahte of tho island, and lisa
Araerably to meet on the 18th InsCwhen
bo will, no doobt, lay before them all the Important
diMUtnentibehas, and I am confident that ne will
bring to a good understanding all the pattdiffereuoos
between the Assembly,the Council, and the late Gov*
ernw^By tho next steamer I shall send you more
tteme of a]| the news. Ac., Ac.
a have.readied
i Kvneton the Ant
rowftU send youth*
*323 ounces, and £702 10s. In money;
e of money far Forest Creek, amount
be eyes of the robbers- Thirty ounces
iw»» mi un ugn>,au., imm
Sir Charlie* Grey,the late Governor, it Uaald, will
fin *>h to England’vlo New York, and the Brisk ia to
take hint when ready. He will leave here with little
u w bulk of the Inhabitants. There are
will bo aorry for Ilia departure ; but, putting
political obaractor, bo was a good ruan, but
hlmseir no' good by hla beta aa Governor.
*t> *a* that the ' "
™—- —jteihent be 4eya I The gold consist
ed of forty-six package#, from Nos. 428 ending with
473, weighingi,823 ounces, eniffi?^*
but one |
__ „
or the gold vraa also luaorod. The ratae or the atolen
Up to this hour—WedneaiJay morning, 0 P.M^-no
further aoconnt has oomo Into the camp. Tho wound
ed men are doing well.
' JulyJT, 1853.
On Thursday forenoon ail the men vrero doing well,
add, in tho morning, I visited the scene of tbo awful
attack, I saw onf horse dead ob the side of the road;
six small guin-irees in a cluster stood close to the
scene; around thorn a number of branohes had been
pfanted* farming a barricade, from which the bloody
vnialns Bred down on the escort as they approached.
Before approaching the barricade, a large tree waa
laid across the road, which caused the escort to turn
towards the ambuscade. The country isscrubby, and
the whole spot was evidently selected with great
judgment. From the deadly attack up to this date,
no due baa been found of the * villains. Numerous
parties, .oofc and borne, consisting of police and vol-
untecra, were scouring tho whole country.
The steamer Unicorn had not arrived at Sydney at
pur latest dates, nor bad she been heard nf since sail
ing from Callao, on the 10th of June. We believe it
waa the intention of Capt. Lappidge to sail the Uni
com most of tho way to 8ydney, so os to be sure or
having a sufficiency of coal with which to encounter
rough weather and the dangers of the coast.
Extensive apd seemingly inexhaustablo coal mineB
. .. had been discovered at Geetong, and a very valuable
tbority of a gentleman who left Spanish Town yes- addition made to the steam marine of that
terday, that Ills Excelleucy, Sir Henry Barkly, was
Mr. Adame rays further: "I saw he had capacity
and a ready pen: and understanding that he wa>
poor and destitute, I thought we might put him in;
some employment where he might be useful and earn *
a living. Congress appointed acommitteeon foreign
affaire not lehg after, and wanted a clerk. 1 noinina- j
ted Thomas Paine, supposing him a ready writer and
• an industrious man. Ur. Wit!
• of New Jersey CoI‘
state, rose aad ob/
surprised me. Tl
•. Witherspoon, the President |
aone, ho knew the man and bis communications;
when be first came over he was on tho other side, and
. had written pieces against the American cause: that 1
he had afterwards been employed by his friend Rob 1 ton,
ert Aikla, and finding tho tide of popularity ruu rap- i bet
The schr. Citizen, bound from Wilmington to Bos-
, was abandoned at sea on the 15th, having lost
ert Aikiu, and finding tho tide of popularity ruu rap- i bet foremast and being full of water. The capUln
idly, ho bad turned that is© waa we^jr lntom-1 an j crew were taken off and carried to Baltimore on
perate, and could not write until he had quiokened .
his thoughts wltli Urge draughts ot mm and water; I th ® 27lh > b J the bark Yfrgmta,
that he was, in short, a bad character, and not ill The bark Hnrward, from Neport, Wules, for Nor
tn be placed in such a situation."—American Mes- ■ folk, with railroad iron, wont ashore ontbe22d, on
' - | Watchapeogue Shoals. The vessel suuk to her deck
in the Band. The crew were saved.
The schr. Benjamin Browning, Rom Port Walthall
for Philadelphia, went ashore on the 24th, in Lynu-
haven Bay. The cargo is a total loss. Tho vessel
will probably bo saved.
The steam boiler in Sohboedkb’s print works in
Smithflcld, R. I., burst about 8 o'clock on the morn
ing or the 25th, with a terrible explosion, instantly
killing two operatives and wounding the engineer and
several other persona, probably fatally. Tho boiler
and engine honso were shivered to pieces, and entire
ly destroyed. One btdf of the boiler was sent crash
ing through the bleach house and dry bouse. The
damage occasioned is estimated at $15,000.
te* The steamer Southerner, on lake Erie, with a cargo
of flour and live hogs, went ashore off the port of
AshUbula, ou the morning of the 28tb. It is feared
that the vessel odd cargo will prove a total loss.
The extensive flouring mills occupied by Messrs.
Douglass & Jackson,la Lockport, N. Y-, were en
tirely consumed by fire on tho evening of tba28th.—
The loss in the stock is $30,000, slid it is not known
whether there is a«V Insurance *•!»**• **• The mill
was valued at $20,000. A small pbrtion only of Which
is covered by insurauce. . "V • -
The Hon. Alfred Conklino, late U. S. Ambassa
dor to Mexico, lauded at New York on the 23th from
Vera Cruz, ou bis homeward journey!
The Sphere off Woman*
Despise woman T No I She U the most admirable
handiwork or God, in her true place and character.—
Her place U at a man’s side. Her office that of the
aympatbteer— the unreserved, unquestioning believer
—the recognition, withheld la every other manner,
tat advent in pity, through woman’s heart, lest man
shoiUd utterly loose faith ia himself—the echo or i
God’s own voice, pronouncing, '* It is well done I
Ail the eoparate action of woman is an^pver has
been, and always shall bo, false, foolish, vaiB$4estraG-
tlve, of her own best and holiest qualities, void of
everjr jfood effect, and productive of Intolerable mis-
Man fa a wretch without woman—but woman fa a
monster—qnd ( thank Heaven, an almost impossible
and hitherto imaginary monster—without man as
her acknowledged principal 1 As true as I had once
a mother whom 1 loved, were there any possible pros-
< ptaVfit womotfa taking the social stand which some
k>_ or them—poor, miserable, abortive creatures, who on-
■ ly dream of such things
woman’s peculiar hap pint
them really neither man
- at nf At fit In t n
ofthemr-pobr,mfaerai-.. f __.
- . .. —v be CaQM th e y have missed
ness, or because nature made
j nor woman!—if there were
_ chance of their attaining the eud which these petti-
coated monstrosities have in view, I would call upon
*my'£ex'to use its physical force,,that unmistakable
." evidence of sovereignty, to scourge them hack within
' their proper bounds I But it will not bo needful—
. , The heart of true womanhood knows where its own
cXsber*te.»»A »*»——«*.« a m w nm .
'Vtomr. 1. -♦
A hootaumv*.—Our first class narrow gauge en
gines. iffcigb.empty, 44,000 lbs., aad are worth 16 cts.
per pound. They will consnme one cord of wood and
and 1*200 gallons of water per hour, and will gener
ate 155,000 cubio feet or steam per hour, of a pressure
' equal to that of the atmosphere. The heating surface
is of tho extent of the bottom of a boiler, 24 feet in
. diameter. The strain upon tho iron of tbs shell of a
boiler .‘is from 6,500 to 11,000 lbs. per square inch un
der ordinary pressure. There is also an addional strain
< of about 4,000 lbs. per square inch exerted length-
• wise of the boiler, to pull it apart crosswise. The
whole pressure exerted against all tho Internal surfa
ces of the boiler amount to 2ff millions of pounds, or
104)00 tons I Tho usuul distance travelled by the lo
comotive, being in motion but one-eigbth of the time,
.. fa equal to once around the globe every year. In go*
iog.eO miles an hour, 88 feet aretraveraed per second,
5 Evolutions of tbe driving wheels are made, requir
ing strokes of tbe piston, and 201utermidiate periods
of action iu the valve, equal to a division of a second
into 40 parts.
, Show.—Snow to tho depth of four or five inches
fell in Now Hampshire on Monday night. In West
Randolph, VL, it is stated that it fell on the higher
• land on tbe same night, to tbe depth of six inches or
• more. Italso fell In Burlington, Vt.
The Portland State of Maine says :—
" On Tuesday, the 25tb. snow fell at Gorham, N,
H., Island Pond, Sherbrooke, C. E. f and Montreal.
- Rom six to eight inches in depth. Our informant
says that at Island Pond the sleighs were flying about
At merrily as one may well imagine.’’
- A Hooaixa’a Drsokivtion or a Dinner at ms
Aetor IIouml—I mot open tbe train an elderly Hoo-
■icr, who bad been to the show case exhibition at
New York, and who bad also seen the Uippod-ro-me.
as bo called it.
" Did yon remain long in New York?’’ I asked him.
" Well, no," answered he thonghtlully, " only two
days, for I saw there was a right smart chance of
starving to death, and I’m opposed to that way or
going down. I put up at one of the taverns, and I
allowed I was going to be treated to the whole."
. “ Where did you stop?" said I. interrupting him.
" At the Athtore House. I allow you don’t ketch
me to no such place agin. They rung a gone, aa they
called it, fonr times afore breakfast, and then, when
I went in to eat, there wan't nerry vitties ou the
table l"
" What was there ?" I ventured to inquire.
“ Well," said tbe old man, enumerating tbe items
centioosly,as from fear or omission, " there
;4, clean plate—wron ” Li, ‘ ’ ~ '
split spoon and a
added mroomnat
asked what I wanted: " witUes," says I, " bring in
per pittles and Ml kdp myself!"
Good humored wit IstheellxIrTJf lire. Your genial,
jovial, oomlo, graphic talker or writer does more to
postpone the summons of grim death, than ten col
leges of doctors and a thousand cords of drage~-
>ng side up.—a knife, a clean towel, d
r i hand bill I and wbat was worse,"
my companion, "tho Insultin’ nigger up and
er, perform better, and wear louger.
The world fa full of poetry, Tbe sir fa living with
Its spirit* and the waves aance to the nrasie of lte
r fBBWHrt;itffa>pafkle in its brightness.
Good HumoA—Good humor is a bright oolor in
.the webof 11W; tat self-denial only oen make it a fast
oolor. A person who fa tbe slave of selfishness has
so many wahts of his own to be supplied, so many
intereaULOf his own to support and defend, that he
hw no faiedra to stpdy the wants of others. It fa
impossible that he ehonld be happy himself, or make
.others ardnod him e» r . ,
Prog Bass-—Geo. W. Clinton, Beq„ tbe "hard
' Irdqtid ihdtt bi tmbraCsd tn our arms,"
ALAROB'PAiMjaa.—A letter/rom Cuba to a mer
cantile firmin Boston, In tlia Transcript, announces
tbe failure of the ■ brothers Diego, for the sum of
lljSomThey «Sr lopay tfelr credltcra at the
rate oL$5b^00:per eauum, with Intorest at six per
’ OSUt. 'V' - ' g , • . , ,' T .
: AtUniMMMlm of itaOnltod GW* dMjit
Coart rt Ootaaboi, Ohio, Jod«. UoUw raoJo. do-
lolao tho oonrtltattoallUy of (!» (*“>;“•
. Uw'-lo Oblo-. law b, wblob, If tho
ntart to p.Y tbalr i«m, tbo aolloctoro oro ou*
M lo opoo too bools nalto with . orawbw. ,od
Ip UotooItm to tbo foopU-a moo.)'. ■
i' polled at her loeoat .leetioo
-ippMita polled llSjboe.
Chius in St. Louis.—Tho Democrat, of tho 21st.
publishes tbo semi-annual report of tho Recorder’s
Court of that city, ending ou tho 10th inst., by which
it appears that the whole number ot cases on the Re
corder’s docket was 1,709; amount of fines imposed,
$10,000 ; fines remitted, $1,848 20 ; amount of flneB
collected, $1,943 80 ; Recorder’s fees collected, $445;
Clerk’s fees collected. $310 ; City Attorney’s fees col
lected, $820; City Marshal's fees collected, $550 57 ;
fines andfeesofconvictsattho Workhouse. $7,320
number of oonvicts sent to tho Workhouso, 283 ; num
ber of cases in which fees were collected, 620; num
ber of cases continued, 160 *, number of State case?,
256; number of cases discharged or dismissed, 565,
amount of fines and fees appealed, $350 40; surplus
remaluing iu the hands of tho City Marshal, $369 57(.
Robbery.—A young man named Wm. Stbbl, for
some little tlmo past clerk for Mr. Alexander, Gro
cer, corner of Dull A Congress-streets, in this city,
robbed tbe safe and money drawer of his employer of
about $250, on Monday evening last, about 7 o’clock,
while Mr. A. and another clerk was temporally ab
sent. 8t*kl had only recently obtained his situation
and had resided iu the city but a short time. He was'
searched for soou after the money waa missed, but up
to this time no traces of his whoreabouts have been
gained. •
The Sandwich Islands, Oregon and Utah.
The following interesting items of news were
brought by the Northern Light:
Russian Invasion oe the Islands.—We learn
frbm private advices received in this city, that a vast
emigration of Russians, said to be 12,000 is in pre
paration for the Sandwich Islands, uuder tbe imtne-
liate auspices of the Emperor. If our informant is
irrect, and we have no reason to doubt its truth, it
111 be necessary far the Government or tho United
Itatcs to take immediate possession of tbo Islands,
they will (all into the bands of some one of the
kropean powers. It fa not probable that the jeaV-
twenty-seven Archbishops and Bishops, French and
Tho Diet of Denmark opened on the 3d inst.
A Prussian squadron of four ships were telegraphed
off Deal on tho 13th, proceeding to the Mediterranean,
Numerous arrests were recently made in the Ve
netian provinces—tho prisoners were taken to Vero
Naples is threathened with acarclty.nnd tho govern
ment contemplates buying grain.
Athens advices to September 13, mention another
shock of earthquake, there and «t Thebes.
Turin papers mention the discovery of Mazzlni
plots at Sarzamn to invade Piedmont.
Giardini, the Jesuit, condemned to death at Na
ples for his share iu the revolution of tho 4th, bad es
caped to Turin alter four years concealment.
Miss Cunninghame was liberated from prison at
Count Cmsnr Snlluzzt. an eminent author, Is dead.
Tho Papal government has forbidden the export of
Washington News and Gossip.
The Suits ok the Government aoainst James
Collier and hib Sureties.—^Tho suit pendingagainst
Collier, and another just brought against his other
sureties than George Law—both pending in Now York
—will not be reached until tho term of the Uuited
States court there, next succeeding the present term.
Onehnudred thousand dollars of the payment into
the Treasury on account of the balance due Rom Col
lier. which we brought to tho nOtico of public more
than a month since, was on account of Georgo Law’s
liability as one of his sureties. Mr. Law. who was on
his bonds for that amount, has thus relieved himself
from all further responsibility on his account, having
K id up tho whole penalty in which he was bound—
e balance still claimed by tho Government is very
The Revenue Cutters Win. L. Morey and Jefferson
Davis and tho rest of tho n?w cutters, are expected
to leave New York on Wednesday next.Ier their re
spective destinations ; the first mentioned for San
Fraucisco, and the second for Buget’s Sound, Ore
gon. The other four are to set sail at the same time
for their various posts on tho Ationtio coast gad in
V&s in the Third Auditor’s Opkioe.—Tho
country, in view of tho fact that not long slnco Sena
tor Hunter complained in tho Senate, that the busi
ness in thia bureau, in its most Important parts, was
then five years bebind-band, will bo glad to learn that
it is now all up to tho day, except in its quartermas
ters branch, which will be even with the hour s de
mands there by the 1st of December.
The Current Operations op the Treasury De
partment.—On yesterday, the 27th of October, there
were of Treasury Warrants entered on tho books of
tho Department: ,
For the redemption of itooka $103,192 86
ForTrcanurr Department CTelnalreofetocks... 40,790 72
For the Interior Department 18,224 40
For the W*r Department 21,882 72
For the Nary Department 61.395 61
For the Customs 114.302 97
For the repay warranU, War Department 197198 72
[ Irashington Star, 28th.
Judge McLean and the Press.
Cincinnati, Oct. 26.
The press and public are quite indignant at Judgo
McLean's order, forbidding the publication of the
Martha Washington trial during ite progress.'
The Daily Sun sot the order at defiance, and pub
lished a full report this morning. To-day Judge Mc
Lean ordered tne Sim's reporter out of the oourt, and
the proprietor of that journal threatens to bring a
civil suit against tbo Judge. Tho reporter had taken
hla notes outside the bar. The press hero contend
that the order is unconstitutional, and smacks of des
The Cincinnati Commercial pnblisbes n report of
Friday’s proceedings, when Thomas Ewing, tho at
torney for the defence, made a motion for the arrest
of the publisher, but Judge McLean refused to enter
tain it, on the ground that the testimony was tho
same os given on a former occasion.
The Opening off the Mills House.
The now Hotel, erected by Nr. Otis Mills, and ap
propriately named the Mills House, is now finished,
and will be opened on Thursday, the third ot Novem
ber. for the reception of Travellers and Boarders. It
is situated on tin corner of Meeting and Qaeen-sts.,
two or the principal thoroughfares of our city, in tbe
immediate vicinity of the main publio bnildings and
places of public resort, and abont midway between
movement, and in doing so, anticipate ourselves.—
• Alta Californian.
•Utah.—Lieut. Beale, in passing over tho table land
between Colorado and Gilla, discovered a number or
rains of bmnan habitations. Some of them were
very extensive and of stone, and showed that a nu
merous and industrious population once existed where
all fa now barren, A multitude of remains of crock
ery and domestio utensils were found. It fa supposed
that tbe rnina are of Azteo origin.
Obeoon Immigration.—A gentleman who left Salt
Lake, August 1st, estimated tbe number of wagona
on the way toOrcgon at not exceeding 2,000-500 had
firoased at Salmon Falls, and almost 1,200 bad gone
Interesting Copyright fioefaw.
The intereetfaf case of Calvin E. Stowe and***-,
riet Beecher bfa wife ra. F. W. Thomas is now being
argued before Judges Grier and Kane, In tbe United
State* Circuit Court at Phlladepbla. The female
plaintiff fa the author of the romaaoeM Unofa Tom’s
Cabin, and the defendant Is tbe pnblSber of a- Ger
man translation of that production in DieFmtPresse,
a German newspaper printed in Philadelphia. Tbe
plaintifflieeekto recover damages for this alleged
violation of their oopvright, and tbe question at issue
fa whether a oopyrigntextends to any other language
than that In wuoh the work is entered. This ques
tion fa said to be entirely now, there being no anal*
gone precedent In tbe Eugllah or American tow re
ports. Publishers, and autbore will look for tho da-,
ofatoo with much Intereat. If/ thto oaee la decided
again* Mr. Thomas, the booksellers who oflhr trans
lation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin for sale, may be sut
•d to similar prosecution* We notloe that La £
Uterairt, a Canadian magazine which baa some clr-
Witn > Buona&-l|r..B. hu ihomi
birds in everything tat oolor. Us breeet.
part of the Wejk are white, wMle their*
and bead are btook. It. to dertalntor 1
of amatonmatlon. ;
- Jgh „—,—
decidedly one of the most imposing edifices in Charles
ton. The wbob number of rooms in the building is
about 230, of which 180 are devoted to the accommo
dation of guest*. These numbers are doubtless ex
ceeded by some of the largest Hntola nt tho North,
but there are, throughout this building, no signs of
excessive economy of room; there are no pigeon
holes, hot and dark, for tbe stowing of green custom
ers ; all the rooms are large, and so well has the
bullding'been arranged, that they all have all that is
desirable of sunshine and of breeze, while there is a
liberal provision made for throwing the rooms into
suites, for tbe accommodation of families and parties.
As to tbe fitting up or tbe rooms, we are almost
aftaid to say bow much of cost and or taste have been
lavished in oonverting tbe whole building into tbe
resemblance of a luxurious palace. The fashionable
traveling pnblio will appreciate all this tatter tban
we can; ont wbaterory one can understand and valne,
is the broad and perfect system of conveniences that
pervades the entire establishment Every room ia pro
vided with the means of warmth, light and water,
without tbo intervention of servants j-^nd every story
fa provided with baths for ladles, and appurtenant ac
commodations. Ample bathing arrangements are al*
no made for gentlemen, with sbnving and dressing
roam ‘contiguous. The publio rooms of the Hotel are
ou a scale eommensurate with tbe general extent of
the establishment, and In the elegance of their finish.
' the costliness and beauty of their furniture, will
v«VvT^PfJ' 8on "iti 1 the most famous Hotels of Nsw
LAVJitivMJiraKh® remarked, as one of the happl-
eatfeatareain thfWvwrt^entaof the Mills House,
i^ffatejooms. the de-
cisncy,nowhere obtrudes itself ootheSw!: orff*
terferea with tho comfort,and convenience.'hr-«“
‘“SmImm of Hi. tag B ‘
Nickerson, who i. not owJVj’IJjJ-NfcSU
wtth all tho debit, of hotel
br niton with n m *
tho coonoUl pleuMtWM of>mo, tl» oturwlM
used; .but aa soon aa ell fa done, I shall let you km
A fee oMfi*. sterling, or $3 76. payable by all v
eels entering.tbe island, has been abolished Rom
10 th Instant.
Tbe weather fa vfiry warm and we expect plenty of
rain. ** -' l '
Wo had rather, a smart shock of an earthquake ou
tho 2d llfsti; at 2 P. M. *
(topper Iff still engaging tho attention of many, and
some splendid ore U now to be seen at Kingston, and
persons Rom Guba^tato that it fa far superior to any
.from that island. No other news.
The Kingston Morning Journal, of tho 10th inst.,
adds t
" With much regret we havo to state, on the an-
... ,,, lenry
then complaining of foyer. We trust that his Excel
lency's illness fa but temporary, aud that it will be'
followed by a speedy restoration to perfect health."
It was rumored in Kingston upon tlto 19th instant
that the Connoil was to bo enlarged.
Amongst the gentlemen who attended to pay thrir
respects to the new Governor, was IL J. C. Hitchens,
Esq., acting Consul for the United StntCB.
The Kingston* House of Assembly was, upon the
30th of September, farther adjourned to the Friday
after. T •*
The R. M. Co.'s steamer Teviot, with the English
mails, went up the harbor of Kingston early upon
the morning of the 7th, having arrived at Port Royal
fate on the proceeding evening.
The Kingston Morning Journal ot the 6th, says—
Tho Danish brigantine Enchantress, for whose safety
such serious fears have been entertained, and in quest
of which H. M.8.Buzard has been despatched, is, or
was a day or two ago, aafo at anchor in Black River
Dixor-In Kingston, on the 26th nit., after a short
illness, the Rev. John Duff, native Baptist preacher,
aged fifty-eight years. The luto reverend gentlemen
was a preacher of the gospel for thirty-six years.
The Ohio brings ua a flic of the Kingston Morning
Journal, dated upon the 13th instaut—one day later,
from which widen we mako some extracts.
The Journal alines to the begiuing or an economic
reform by his Excellency: ho had declined to ap
point a medical attendant to the Surry jail, and that
be had expressed an opinion that the surgeon to the
penitentiary should also attend the inmates of the
Surry jail, rot;the same salary.
Among thefpas>engers arrived at Kingston in the
Northern Light on the 12th Instant, were Sir Joshua
Rowe, K. B. O., Chief Justice of the Istand, and Lady
The Journal contains the following additional itcmB
undor the head of '• Provincial Intelligence: ’’ Mr.
Jamos Taylorj agent for emigrants to Demerara, held
an interview with our present Governor, Sir Henry
Barkly, when the Brisk touched at Madeira, on her
way to this falaud—tho result of which was that the
former gentlemen arranged to send out two hundred
and eighty to three hundred Portuguese emigrants to
Jamaica. The emigrants have since been shipped on
board a vessel'named the Clarendon, which fa expect
ed to arrive at Fuimouth, consigned to James W. Fish
er. llamstcad estate, Trelawny, in a few days
Tho weather in Falmouth has been excessively hot,
and nsickly season expected. Several coses of fever
have already occurred. A good crop is, however, an
ticipated during the coming year.
Over fifty residents and natives of tbo island of Ja
maica had sailed from Kingston for South Australia.
St Thomas.—The weather during the 27th Septem
ber, the Times says, was rainy, and the island was
favored for several hours with some slight but very
refreshing showers, *-»*—■ -—* - * ” *
thunder, and a few . .... ,. o „ o>
had not tonded much to allay the Intense heat. Wo
are, however, approaching the end of our hurricane
season, and have as yet been preserved from any of
tho disasters incident tn the season, for which we
ought to be truly grateful.
A smart shook of earthquake was experienced in
this island on Monday morning lost, (tho Times says,)
tho 19th September, at a few minutes before 5 o’clock.
Wo do not remember, for some time past, to have
felt a shock of aucb long duration; but happily no
injury has been sustained. The neighboring colonies
to windward no doubt must have felt this earthquake
more severely than wo did.
Tho weather previous to the 27th was very oppres
sive, and the thfrmomcter bad ranged as high as 91
Tortola—We regret to perceive by the St. Thom
as Times, (bat another attempt has been lately made
to set fire to Road Town, Tortola. Fortunately, it is
aaid, " tho attempt waa discovered before the Uames
took-possession of Abe building where the !»>«.» j»-* j
had nut bis lighted torch, »Lot unfortunate
R laco may havo bteen another of ruins. Tho of-
inder bos not been traced; and it fa no strange thing
mow, we are told, to rise in the morning, and find
several horses and other animals lying dead about,
having been stabbfed by tho assassin’s xnlfe on the
previous night. It is also stated that tho Governor
General wds about issuing a commission to institute a
8peclal Court, for the purpose of trying tho rebels.—
Privy councils were being held dally, and govern
ment had advertised for tenders for thoroughly re
pairing the Poor House, in order to convert the same
into a military barracks for tbe troopB."
From the New York Herald. 29th ult.
We have received, by tbo way of Cailoo, thirty days
later news from Australia.
The ship Plymouth Bock, Capt. Farnham L. Tuck
er, from Melbourne, Port Philip, wheuce she sailed
on the 20tb of August, arrived at Callao on tbe 29th
or heptember— tluw making the passage iu thirty-
nine days—the shortest on record. Our late nows
from Australia came by the P. R. She came to the
southward ol tho Snares. Oft' New Zeland, passed
the parallel of 53.30 south, when she was driven to
the northward by an easterly wind which lasted two
days; tlienco she steered to strike her original track
to the eastward; passed to the eastward or St. Felix
Island, and made tbe islands of Cldnchn on the 30th
day ont. She was becalmed two days off Callao. No
vessels were spoken nor seen on the passage until
land was made.
Tne state of trade and gold receipts at Sydney were
unusually dull: but we learn from the Melbourne Ar
gus, of tho 18tli of August, that from tbe 1st of Jan
uary to the 18th of August, tho export of gold from
Victoria amouuted to.57 tons, 7 cwt., 8 qrs., 11 lbs.,
or £.5,165,370, or nearly twenty-six millions of dollars.
Added to this, it is stated that a number or new nnd
rich mines had been discovered, but tho workers in
old mines were sp well satisfied where they were that
□ot many had gone to the new discoveries.
The Sydney Empire is occupied chiefly in combat
ing the proposed new constitution. In an article un
der the head of " Tho Crisis is Come,” the editor
" In the present bills wo have tho concentration of
all political wrong that can befal tho colony. Every
tyrannical measure, minute or large, will become jus
tifiable by tbe final passing of these bills into law.—
There will bo uo remedy them against the corrup
tions of government but revolution. The whose depre
cate that, let them deprecate this pretended “ con
And :—
• * * It fa tlmo to bring this nefarious Imposi
tion to an end, especially now that a step further fa
being projected, in the gonstitutloa 0 f a nominee
Upper Hoa«. with even the foreshadowings—the
ambitious foreshadowings—of a baronage, to clinch
the nail which lias already been so artfally driven.—
It fa timo for the people to arise with ono voice, and
by earnest representations tea ministry whose strong
ly pronunced opinions are already on tbeir side, to
declare that these things shall not be.
. The Empire calls upon tbe people to hold mass
meetings to oppose the projected constitution. A
meeting was held accordingly on the craning of the
the third of August, at which about five hun
dred perrons attended, comprising numerous re
presentatives of every class of the cofampnity—mer
chants, professional men.ahopkeopefs.and citizens—
ell apparently actuated by the most eartiest good will.
towards the object of the meeting- .PGunMolationa
were propdsea add carried Without opposition or dis
sent, and the proceedings, which were prolonged till
ten o’clook, were characterized by tho utmost good
temper ana zeal.
The third resolution cq nBt,tutcd 0 committee of
placed I nit
it to Panama gilt
. -Jf
JHrarp that an accident
ravin®,of so tor
Idge I
SrSsffiPiJKSW’’* Ullr, j f '« *5 d.pth;
PUMDftr onwereW
Lucy Stone ha* commanced conraea of lecture* to
young men, on the uae of tobacco and toddy. She
•tayJonboth. or the women folka
them. Lnoy says It la no more natural
rink !,° d .. c&ew tbe weed.than to
oonvinoe tbe women folka that fashion fa faiiy,
■POftiioiagf 8 ^
It la stated that Hon. John Y. Mason. Minister to dira,' J B cffi3!ir A Gnr p,0D, i 3 & fife
den’ ....
brouckk .
k Rikamao,
the purchase of a roaguifleout steamer called the La
At Victoria the directors of the local bank had pre
sented a very favorable report, which was well receiv
ed by the shareholders.
The criminal courts were In session, and a large
calendar was presented for trial. There were many
reorrested convicts put on trial for attempting to es
Tho Melbourne Argus of August2d briefly sketch
es the present condition of business and wbat it oilers
in tho new Ei Dorado:
Grant ns the emigration fa, tho wants and require
ments of tbo colony are fully equal to the supply of
labor which has been thrown upon the market. At
this moment no person able or willing to work need
be unemployed. Skilled laborers are earning from £7
to £lo per week, and the commonest workmen £3 to
£4. This is independent of the diggings, aud profita
ble employment can always bo fouud immediately ou
landing in Melbourne.
Tho Argus says that clerks, shopkeepers, and em-
grants of that class, are a drug in the market, and
that these and adventurers unaccustomed to trade or
labor cannot expect success.
Rents are enormous and increasing. Erectlous ol
buildings of all kinds are proceeding with amazing
rapidity. 8hops, and even whole villages, start up
like mushrooms, being imported ready made from the
Old Country. Building materials of all kind are there
fore enormously dear.
From Adelaide our files extend to tho the 30th of
1 ho Legislative Connell had met, and tbe Gover
nor’s address waa satisfactory.
The government had brought In bills for constitu
ting a Parliament for reforming tho proceedings in
the Supreme Court; also a postage act, which pro
vides for the pre-puyment of letters by means of
stomps, and fixes a uniform rate of postage of two
pence per letter, for letters transmitted to all parts of
the colony, when such do not exceed half an ounce
in weight, aud of sixpence per letter for all letters
sent by sea.
A new bill has been introduced by tbo Railway
Directors of the liue to Port Adelaide, authorising
deviations in tbe route previously surveyed. Tho
cost of the railway Is calculated at £150,060.
extracts prom the latest gold circular.
The latest information from the different fields is
aa follows : From Bulaonit, the dldest of our gold
fluids, some astonishing lumps have turned up, aud
great excitement lias followed thereon. At the
Ovens, matters are going ou pretty steadily, tbo
quantity coming to Melbourne being rather over that
sent to Sydney.
We observe an appointment lately made of an as
say master for this colony.
Number of ;*emons wlm hare arrived in the col
ony during tho week
•Number who havo left..,..
Addition to onr population thin week
Tho government escorts brought from—
Mount Alexander and Uendlgo
Dal an rat (including Geelong)
The Melbourne Kucort Company brought from—
Mount Alexander and Dendigo 6.919
M’lvor 3.088
Total 44.496
Gold shipped from Victoria in 1863 1.316.622
l’er Madagascar to London 60.460
Per Hboderlck Duh to Glasgow,.
/ Total 1,377.432
Dr 67 lone 7 owt. 3 qre. 11 Iba. at 75* £6.165.370
Exchange on London, drafts against gold taken at
par. The banks advance Rom SOS. to 60s. per ounce.
Freight of gold delivered at the Bullion Office, Lon
don, 4&d. per ounces. Insurance, 2£ guineas per
Edward Khali;. Bullkm Bronk-r.
Mti.uoin.VK, Aug. 1, 1853.
month, £8 10s. to
„ j 7s. per gallon . «,„•
dials and perlumcd spirits, 7s. do.; wine of uli kinds,
Is. do.; tobacco in all forms, 2s. per lb.; tea, 3d. do.;
coffee, 10s. per cwt. These duties are charged from
whatever country they may come. All other goods
Tree, with an eutire exemption from all harbor dues,
light dues and wharfage rates.
Freight and Insurance on Gold and Specie.—
Freight to India or China, 1 per cent; do. to England,
1| do. Insurance to Singapore £2 per cent; do India
and|China, £2 10s. do.; do. England, £3 los. do. N.
B.—Gold dust is valued at £3 10s. per ounce for
Nevra from the South Pacific.
The Aspinwall Courier, of the 14tb inst., contains
tho following notice of Lady Franklin’s searching
Wo regret to learn, from the Valparaiso Herald.
that a disagreement among the officers of the Isabel,
Lady Franklin’s vessel, sent out in search of her
husband, has caused the abandonment of the under
taking. The Isabel had arrived at Valparaiso, and
the disagreement between the officers having been
laid bofore the British consul, oneof them afterwards,
by application to the captain or tho port, imprisoned
sorao of tbe mon implicated in the difficulty—and
thus the matter passed ont or tho hands of the consul.
Ecuador.—From Ecuador we learn that there is
every prospect of another Flores expedition. Don
Domingo Ellas has escaped from Lima, and joined
Fiores in Ecuador.
Chili.—Congress had under consideration a pro
ject for tho passage of a law for the appointment of
a postmaster-general, one for tho Institution of a
corns ol engineers, and one for steam communication
with England through tbe Straits or Magellan.
The Amazon gold excitement still continued in full
Tbe Chilian Industrial Exhibition was held In San
tiago on the 16tb inst.
U. S.
arrived . ........... ..
ship fa Intchdcd for the U. S. storeship at this port,
Tho Valparaiso Herald remarks: We can now
count upon two excellent British built screw steam
boats, tho FosfoTO and Firefly, as regular traders be
tween this port aud Constitocion.ou the river Maule.
The Firefly, now commanded by Mr. Rugg, for many
years well known as master of vessels in the coasting
trade, is, we understand, to run between Coqulmbo,
thia port, and Coustituclon.
Tho Caupolican screw ste racr bos again com
menced trading between onr port and Talcahnano.
The Arauco, formerly Vulcan, under the British flag,
is announced to eliter tho field, as competitor in tbo
trade between this and tho soutborn ports.
A destructive fire occurred on the morning of the
1st inst, on Victoria street, Valparaiso. The loss is
estimated at about $200,000.
On the Oth inst. bfa Kicellenoy. the President of
tbe Republic, granted the usual exequatur to Reuben
Wood, Esq., appointed United Statea i
On tbe 2d inst tbe Brazilian corvette Bahiana ar
rived in port at Valparaiso, in twenty-four days from
. lull. This fa the first vessel bearing the green
aud gold flag of the Brazilian empire that ap
peared in Chilian waters. On the 7th}—*-. Wing tbe
anniversary of the independence .° r B™ 11 ** the cor
vette dressed ship, and sainted
the like oomrti»w»* iwifi8 punrby the fort and
tional vessels of War.
fovernment transport Frcdonia. 1,000 tons,
bWM n San Francisco on the 12th inst This
„»X ncflnt *? r tt r ’ of 0hl ? > WM detected last week, of
Ei!n£Si? Tr rf* oro ^ tla . trKkof «>. Indl.n.poIi,
nnd Mlrotinuln. railroad. Alter, patient hearing
before»m.gUtmte.howMoomtnltted to tell led. 0 tteamoont 0(11000. HI. defence wu
that be wanted to take paaaage in the can, and the
train Would not stop to take him np. Tbe obatnu-
gnUy™ DCar * ^dge, end only ten feet from a deep
„ Poisoning.
, TJiouitndJ of Parents who use Vermifuge composed
Castor Oil. Calomel. Ac., are not aware that, while Uiey a
war to benefit the patient they are actually laying tl
foundation* for a aeries of disease*, tuch as aaUvatlon, io
of light, weakness of timbs, Ac.
Hobensack’s Medicines, to which we ask tho attention ol
all directly interested In their own aa well aa their chil
dren’s health, are beyond all doubt the best medicine now
In use. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from _ - ■ -. „„ B
those of a bilious type, should make use of tbe only genuine 55'?Tj5 v,ln *. Jacob SclnlTer. Ja* 9iilli,»» r '
medicine, Hobensack’s Uter Phis. H E Turner, J M Turner. VPm AW
"A 6 . deceived,» but ask for Hobensack’s Worm 8yrup
nnd Lirer Pills, and obssrvo that each has the aignature of
III. Pmn^alA. T ST UnMvn ■ OH .. .1 f
'rt.lwm 8 h.„, Wm H.K h r>*[»S
«U, O A^cOesky. R Mayer T W^
M Miller, Wm H Hiller, lfmVjKSwi 0 **}!? 1
bon A Doyle,I ff Morrill kSSSiAy, T v R J*A
Jno 11 Moore A Co, MeCoil er A iw * -V e hok ai£_
Hlebblns, J S Norri*. Geo 8 Nlchol* °j LuSl
Hunker, U Pendergast Pierson h.m'i
brick A Beil, Ue«d A Tim n Robert.! i. lo " k Vtil
rr'*5T\ Tanl ' Jacob Chaffer, Ja* Sifi!|*{i r '
« KTuraw. i M Turner. Wm A it.,' ^ k W
W C Wadsworth. E P Wood ACo W
and Lirer Pills, and obssrvo that each has the aignature of g Waldbuw. W T Williams, Wm K^’ 8 *
the Proprietor, J. N r Hoaxxuca, aa none else are genuine. ® * H Weed, ft Washburn. Washburn
msrl9—6m " Wlltberger A Co. Webster & pZI b? !r k (VC
Yonae, W D Zoghaum, 0oS? 1 ^ !
Per schr Enchantress, from V.* v j. . ‘
£°« Bothwell A Smith, S E BothweTucb 8 ^^ 1 ^
Co, Claghorn k Cunnlneham J P r. t ^ R ikiml
Co, J Jones, JD Jesse. l.AM Ullen»K.i C °J' ,k f
Co, La Roche A Bowne. I.ulTburrow k ilL o!' l| Si
Morrell A Co. J B Moore A Co. Morse fc vu f
Ogden A Bunker. T
>, PbRbrick A Bell. 8wl
R Mill.. IV wflood,*"
Per steampacket Mctamors. from CberlesnuL r •>
S Solomon* Finchley ACo.URoehe, ^fijftft 1
A Herts, JA.Brown.8 8 Sibley. BuSk%
Expreu. A B Hartwell, Brigham, Kelly fc Co ^ 01
Per Steamer T S Metcalf, from Auzuits-aii v..
to C Boston, F T Willi*, Phllbrick A^Il* 1
„ ^r SteamsUp Florida, from New-Y^vtTvrd
Mrs Jm Jone*. Miw H Newell. Ur. JoiKJfJJi
dren, Mbe J Hanscom. Mis* M Dsridvm,
C Beach,lady and child, Mis* Atwater.MrstSfiffl
S children aud art. Wm H Harris. Udr and jV A
J.. M MoM„o. Mil, Uuldon,
tl*IU,Mr, E Rice, Mr. Mnrrii .
Mrs N Cruger, friend and art. Mis* Carter Uilsi.,
MIM O Cohen, Cb*. A Greene, C 8 fflr ffift
Jss Johnson. JohnColemsn. Jos 8 Far ind «ti i «C
ley, R p Howell, Miss C Perdral, uitt
W SUrr. Calvin Fay, J W Mulden. P bSSwMSi
Mr* Storen* and3 clilldren. Miu Wilkins APvJ»73
FalligS"* W Rnhln.tnn P«X U...„V,— «
Jno A Breckenrldge, P Wardner.E A Bradkj gglk
Wm Crowder, lady, child and svt, Ju H RormlllB-
Rob’t May. 8 S WaUley. Dan’l l'ratt, 11 Kj
Gillett, N Thurber. Edward A Skete, J Moody M«n-
H Cullenan. Jno Bowen. J B Gilman. H D RicludU
lady. F Gartner, B B Moore. D \Y Holly, CffgMlrr !■
Godfrey, H Grub. C Ogletlre.8 M Wakenunindblr ol
Precloriua. C Howard, J Aret. F L Isphim. Kin AVd
ham, E A Benham and art, Wm Ragllo.CBointk.AlJ
day, J F Condon, and 169 steerage-total 283. f
Per steampacket Metamora.IYom Cliarlestno—J jaL
dard. J O Maolay, Mr* Hazel, Mr* Radi*, chill id imtl
Wright C P Landeralilne, Mr* H Parson,
Mr* Mathew*, R W Brown. B F Rryao. J B Smith,fl|U
-B G Porter, lady and child. O W lively, A Rsrrer.CTriJ
P Smith. IIA Brend, Mrs Mechlin. 2 children srint |1
C White, Smith Morry.D Griffin, lady, child sod lomH
A White. Master Powers, and 6 deck. ^
Professor Alexander C. Barry’lTrieopherovi
or Medicated Compound, for nreaerrlng.fMtoning.aortenln
and promoting the growth or the hair, dcanaing the head
and curing diseases of the akin, aad external cuts, bruluc*.
Ac. Tlie common consent of air who hare used Barry’s Tri-
copberus. whether for the improvement and Inrigoration of
tbo hair, or Tot eruptions, euU. bruise*. Ac., places It at the
head all preparations intended for the like purposes. This
i* no ill-considered assertion. Figures and tecta bear it out.
The Mies average a million of bottle* a year: the recoipts,
in cash, $100,000. This year the business will exceed that
Amount. The number of orders which dally arrive at the
depot and manufactory, 137 Broadway, New York, address-
od to Profewor Barry, enclosing cash, and requiring imme
diate attention, would scarcely be believed. The wholesale
•k-iusnd is from 2.000 to 8,000 bottles a day, probably ex
ceeding that of all tbe other hair preparations conjoined.
Tho popularity of the article everywhere, and tbe liberal
terms to dealers, combine to Increase Ua sale* with great
rapidity; and improvements in its composition, made at
considerable expense, add* to Us reputation aa well as in
trinsic value. For sale, wholesale and retail by the princi-
cipal merchant* and druggists throughout the United 8tates
nnd Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain and France,
and by Moore A Hendrickson and A. A. Solomona.Bavannah.
Sold in targe bottles Pnco26cenU. may 19—6m
Why suppose Rheumatism Incurable, when there la an
Intelliblo and accredited remedy within the reach of all?
From the universal success that hu hlterto attended the 6 children and ist. Wm H Harris,"ttj/'j'Sa’jeULwE
Administration of Mobtimorz’s Rhtomatjo Compound and ?*• M Guidon. MIssMuldon. Ml«* b Muldoo. J itj
Ri/iod Pl'KIFIEit, It .tend, uurirailed « tbo .ol. rolteblo '* d ' ’" J CBI ™
remedy for this dire complaint. New evidences of IU ml-
raculous powers are daily received fron every section of the
United States.
CmrcraI am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of your
county at tho election on tho first Monday In January,
1854, nnd respectfully solicit jour support.
ELECTION NOTICE.—Messrs. Editors i Please announce
Captain ROBERT W. POOLER as a candidate on the Peo
ple’s Ticket for the Mayoralty of the city daring the ensu
ing year, and oblige
Crrians: I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of your
county, at tho election In January next, and respectfully
solicit your support. octfi ALEXANDER THOUAfl.
Missm. Editors—Please announce Mr. JOnN A. JJTA
?<FY, a candidate fbr the office ofSneriff of Chatham coun
ty. at tho ensuing election in January next.
Common and Fine Candies.
(Kiln dried and warranted to resist effectually the hot or
damp atmosphere of a southern climate.)
Corner of Brouqhlon and Whittaker streets, Savannah. On.
Builder’s Notice.—Mr. T. C. R. la agent for the
Worcester Terra Cotta Works, oct29
No. 6 IPAitafcer street,
Cwrfia are Printed at $3,50 per Thousand.
Tlie undersigned physicians are of the opinion tbata reg
ular system of Gymnastic Exercises, such as will be taught
at tho Savannah Gynaalum, by Mr. LimviR, Is In the high,
est degree conducive to health and vigor of •<m«M*ntton,
and desire to *»«■»-—.uj h most cordially to the puotle.—
It Is such a school of physical exercises that parents msy
expect to find the means of establishing for their children
that robust and elastic strength which repels the attacks
disease, and it particularly commends Itself to them.
8. N. Harris, M. D., Geo. T. Cooper, M. D.,
I*. H. Wildman, M D,, James S. Morel, M. D.,
C. Ganahl, M. D., E. Yonge, M. D.,
C. W. West. M. D. octlfi
Ea-rannah, Oa., October 29th, 1853. j
On and after Saturday, the 6th of November, two trains
a dsy will be run between Mmedgevlllo and Gordon, until
further notlco. W. M. WADLEY,
oc 130-6 (j en >i 8up . t .
Macox, October 26th, 1853.
Tho subscribers to tbn stocks of this Company for the
Americas Extension are notified that they are required to
pay the third and last Instalment of Fifty Dollars per share
on said stock, on or before tho first day of January next.
Stockholders InBavannah can mako payment at tho Cen
tral Railroad Bank.
Prompt payment wlU bo oxpected, as (he funds arc re
quired for tho purpose of paying for the Iron now dally ex
pected to arrive. JNO. T. UOIFEUILLET,
ocl20—UJ ... Treasurer.
Bavatxah, Sept. 1, 1863.
Alter this day, by resolution of the Board of Directors,
up and down freight will be payable at the merchants’
counting house, or by deposits mado with the Treasurer,
»emi-weekly,on Mondays and Fridays, from 0 o’clock, A.
M , to 2 P. H.
Bills to be rendered through tho post office on Wednes
day* and Fridays.
Failure to make payment when called for as above, will
slop parties’ account.
»ol W. M. WADLEY, Gen. Sup’t
aorpoRTEb nr
whose performances for tke past two jan kin h
attended by
Unequalled Success,
NOVEMBER 3d, 4th, and to.
Beyond which time their present visiteanaetbe|n
longed. Tickets and seats can bo procured oo imT ’’ '
to Mr. Coolige, at the Marshall Housed it u
Stores and Hotels.
AnxnTANCN—Dress circle and Parquritt it tnU-
Tler or Family Circle 50 cents—Gsllerr W
See pro0r**nme* fur the perfordianct.
C O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-Tli» uodenfew! hariJ
this day unites! thenuclres under tbs Bra. bun iu
stylo of Kinu ft Taylor fur the purpose of eimitg iu
General Factorage Commission ilutineM tender "their *<
vices to their friends and the public, and re*peetitilr ski
clt thoir patronage. Tliey may bofound it Mesirs. Willi
Kuo’S Counting Room, to whom they mpectfullrnfa. I
iicLBODlKt I
W. 8. TATLOt I
8avannah,October31»t, 1853. cwl-tl I
N EW WHITE IIK.VN8, Ac.—10 bbls new white but J
hlids new Codilsh, 100 boxes new scaled Herrisc.
do white and colored Cheene, 100 do Star Candles Iiikii|
prime Bacon Shoulder*. 00 bbU butter, lugir triwi
Crackers, landing and for rale by _
P OTATOIN.—130 bhls prime Potatoes 50 b«fi
do, juit received from Boston. In »tore. tndfor ukljl
novl CHAMPION k ffATK. I
T ABLE CUTLERY—A choice and large SsmtustU^I
C HAFING DISHES, hot-water, venlion and steak iukaB
some very Quo and Urge, for sale by |
novl 6 J.P.COUig, I
1311 COVERS, plate covers. hot-w»ter oUtre. ctAOtl
gins, grccques, swing kettles, egg boiler*,tie..
by novl J. P. Ct)UiM«
/SaSTOIW—Silver Phricd,~Brhanul» and Polished ***
Castors. For sal* by n l J. P. CUUitt i
a ’O COMMISSION MERCHANTS—A psrtn»rdiipl»l*-1
od in a Goueral Commission House, or with an up- ■
enced business man. in Savannah, by s gentltmu•**re ■
siding In upper Georgia. From hi* exUmlresejui’b” ■
among the planters and bu*lne»* men of tbe nwa* »* ■
northern sections of our State, be flatter* bimsrlfI®* I
can bring with him not only *• paper reference' ■
sirable business, which heretofore h** beendM*i*W"l
market*. If there are any inSavsnnsh who desbi»«»« ■
alliance they will iileaaa addres* B. D., n ® ceo,l “*2 i . I
nah Georgian. *£*£. F
D uponts gunpowuik «a*umirfcrL
facturers' price*, by o3Q OuHBf * 1
J UST RECEIVED per "turner Augu*U. * M "HjjJ I
strictly prime Goshen Butter. »l*o. cholcd DuWi ** I
for l^teir Butter, 6 lb* fur *1.for rale DICKS o!f,
DOCTOR R. SOUTHGATE (late of the Medical
Staff of the Army.) will devote his attention to
the practice of his profession Id ths city of Savannah. He
offers his professional service* to the public, and may be
found, until further notice, at the Pavilion House.
DOCTOR HARRIS has removed to the reel-
denco formerly owned br Capt. John B. Gallle.
north east cower of Whitaker and Harris streets. Offioe
lu tho basement. oct26—“
of South
A. M.,
ewnna-rha fsilowlnjf reraa containa every 1<
tioo wbatoar w j,|blj fa a letter em;
■—TV . WUMMI w • lower w
A Jovial swain may.raok hisT '
And tax bfa Infancy’s mtgh
To quia lo rein, far Hla paget;
Taat what leW. waa rfaht
In our prorioua accounts we made mention of a ru
mor tliat a gold eaoort bad been robbed, and several
of tbe gnarda, aa well as robbers, were k%d. -Joitta
Empire of tbe lat of August, are -
or the affair * JaI J 1853.
_ .. «* ntr moat-painfal report that our
escort was thfa dayattackad, about fourteen miles
from here, otf tho road to liUm-Mltm Inn and Kyne-
ton, by a body of buahrangera. Mr; Bryce Boss baa
jait left thfa offlpe, baring reoeirrt ^ detailed aooonpt
from Mr. Dulna, or oar force, who arrived hertf at fall
gallop, with htehorae wounded by two talleti. Iln-
etantly gaveerory Information to >be poliq6 at tbe
government camp, an expire# wm immediately dee-
patched to Melbourne.. ‘ , »
As yon will perceive by tbo aoooaata in tbe Argaa,
Mr. Warner and Mr. Dnlna were the only pbreona un
hurt. aJibough they were exposed to a perfoct ahow-
eroftfoHete endabot. Tbe three troopers nod the
*iver were ell shot. Moreton Is saTorely wounded,
having received e tall in tbe Ahoulder, Just above tbe
longs; Davis is shot through the ebbek; “ '
Bolivia.—At an Inauguration ceremony at La
Paz. a cooRidcrable number of peraona were killed,
and several more wounds* giving way of e
^Frofn tire*wwJ’ {emit that the revolutionjau
W retired &nwQg the Indians, and were seeking
thelr^rotecW *«d that Balia and hia minister
were at L» ni ‘ yitri *iiao xxsaart.
TwroKT*--Ver/ .light additions a re. making to tbe stocka
.rV^Tand tho sales are very light.
iTffWL—AU that is kaown of to artlv* l* takes up at
tall grazed hla Ucapte 'Astm£%!
volley, It wm ofoonne impaaalMrfa
"inloa to make toy —" - - —
Offfor MSfaH
the steamer of tbe
Inquiry. No Ame-
fi* TTii’uews brought by
rise In California m #1# has stimulsteu
riesn flour in the nurket.
fotoTBioxa.—A fair supply of moat kinds. Butter very
Vrelgbta continue hi k h, with no prospect ot adscUnt,
VVILDMANhavlngMttIc<lpo^ua n en^
1 J r , ,n .^ T,inn » h ' r ®»P«otfnUy offers to Its eitirens
his services In the practice of Medicine and Surgery.
Residence and Office, No. 20 Abercorn, oraerof
Broad-street. Houre of consultation, from 8 till 10.
ami from 3 till 6. P. M. v m
. spectftilly Informs hla patrons, that he will opi
his Academy la November proximo. On which day di
notice will be given.
Satawsah, October ia; 1863. oetlS
the Club will be held, at the Hall of the Chamber
of Commerce. In the Exchange, on Wednesday evening, the
3d November, at half-past 7 o’clock. A full attendance of
mombm is requested for the transaction of business,
m*‘29—3 il, GUMMING. Beers tart.
Savannah Imports, November L
ST. JOHNS. (N. B.)—Per brig Oliver Frost—114 casks
Ume, 300,000 Laths, 100 hhd* Herrinf, and 60 bomb Po-
Savannah Bxporti, November
BOSTON—Bark 8«.bools-88,006 feet Umber, and 10.000
feet Flooring Boards.
PORTLAND-Brig Sophia—30 bales Cotton, eud 80,788
feet P1* Lumber.
Savannah AXarket, November fl,
COTTON—The sales yesterday were 829 bales, as follows:
94 at VA. 12 at 8.8 al 8*. 15 at 8#. 8 at8#. 11 at 8 8-16,
62 at 8X, 247 at 9, 29 at 9)tf, 22 at 9J{, 9 at 9^, and 116
bales at 9X4.
gool.SUk «—'fg&’WSS I
A N iddllloIIaT of Io«ul«»* I
jait reoelrri; Oi . ... .lyl-of KSfi* I
which a premium was awarded br tbe I
to which we Invite the attention of our coitonen. ,
July 22 AIKI.Vaw^. I
QniBtS,SHiiVW.—Ju*t received* new »uppl/,ol ’ I
“• ’““‘j.rjcE * I
TtyTOLARShM.—60Tibi*. Portlind^ynip; W io - tb " rt I
d0 -’ for “ ,eb/ wismwML ,
B utter and chekse.—*u.t ,nW I’fJ'SSwJ I
p«u, * iu*. cRoic. ’
bbU nmottm»Wt» flKSm
■ “W 0
Ho, 1
sale by
M iwniuo. TALMAS, m-—T t nu, ■
vet Mantillas; cloth, silk, satin »" d "Jf link I
of the Utest and most approved style, br n*” l
nst»««» firj,,n K afpftyssysg. I
U sortment of emb'd bl'k. pbln bl k, *°^_f^pply if I
Cravats aud Ties, of Isle strle*. Abe. a Wp r |
three-ply Shirt Collar*, for sale low by _ eyyoXF, .
mp7 rfl
riLICQUOT CHAMPAGNE.—50 ba*keta olASuHWjfg
V rfor Wine, whose reputation U sd
familiarly kuowu, now l
for sale by
R eligious works.—The Young curituM ^
to the good; the Corner Stone. b I 3 fff ( £ aa i& r '*l
Young MauT* Counsellor; the 5ounw
Young Mau T a Counsellor; the Young “tJA.faiwin: I
Wise : Infants Progress. Cbristisn Tb^Wirf I
Christ; the amforter Fulfilment of I
- * la re on Jn»t flcstlon : The **““25’j*. J
- • The RrstWonun I
..NOVEMBER 2, 18.-1
Baw Granada,
Io the Gronica Ofatal of Um 44b inst fa pnblUhed
deanateh from tbe Seoretary of State to tbe Cover-
nor of Panama, in reply to hfa note of the 2Qth of
Jane, relative to tbe atablfahment of steamers be
tween the various points on the ooaat between Gittte
Bloa and Boenaventura. The Goveroor fa empower
ed to bear all the propositions upon tbe anbjf«t, and
to enter into arrsogemente, for which the approba
tion of the Executive only fa necessary.
A meeting of the male owners wm held on Tbnra-
_jy, 6th Inst, attho off!oe of tho Pacific Kail Steam-
Relawetter abip Company,Panama, for the snrpeae of eetablbh-
ng a stated tariff for transporting passengers and
baggage across the Isthmus in future. We presume
the arrangmenta abont being entered Into will be
satisfactory to all parties.
r r he ? • aariooadlrtnrbance ooonrred
U 8 U steamship Florida, Merritt 8 Woodhull, commander.
— hoars from New York, with Mdse and Passengers, to
Padelford, Fay k Co. Monday, October 81, at 4.20 A. M„ 46
miles 8onlh-west from Cape Hatteras, exchanged signals
with steamship Jaa Adgsr.bound North; at 6.45 A.M,
|Muuted steamship Augusta, Thoe Lyon, hound hence far N.
“ IOllmFrost.Smith,8t. Johns,N. B.,toE ASonllard.
g Caribbre, Dunton, Bath, Me. Lnmber, Bricks Aad
^-.jrMEWelfa^lbney, Philadelphia, to Ogden fa Bun-
ffahr Georgo P Mercer, Higbes. 4 days from Philadelphia,
Knowledge; Hare o
Scenes, by D.W. Clark, I). D.;
Vo. 135
5f ‘ ‘
60 barrels Flour. L
■ale by aug3 rAiwv»- • j—ggf 1
QUPERIOR SILK H.iTa.-Just Mjmf » 1
O meat the test In the city. Osl! at 14T B*y * ,
OCt8 ■ ■ —r—5 — (p
ANAL FLOUR—60 bbls and 26 half bbU, fssfiiH .
U.8 M steam-packet Metamora. PosteD, Charleston, to 8
M Laffitean. ' ^ -
CschrPUndorae, and for sale by
B ACON BIDES and shouujiocs.-*» -r;
l and are »owj»