Newspaper Page Text
apprchenfive that no good s intended them by the Prdffia’s
officerUnUftiqgmepo%thsLgwer IHdftC,
Dr. Robentfon, author of the Hiftoty of Scotland, is ap
pointed Hi ft Geographer- royal of that kingdom. v -
This morning John Wilkes, Efqt member of parliament
for Aylefbury, ietout from his houle in Great George-street,
Westminster, for France. _
July 28. What has been advanced in the news-papers
about encampments and wars between the Turks and the
Emprefa-Queen; the King of Prussia going to invade Hano
ver, and to fall upon the Dutch, & c. See. is contradicted
in several Tetters by last Monday’s mail.
It is reported, that John Wilkes, Esq; will visit the court
of the King of Prussia at Berlin before he returns to England.
July 29. His Majedy has been pleased to appoint Ri
chard Neville Neville, Esq; who was his Majesty’s Resident
at the court of France, to be his Majesty’s Plenipotentiary
at that court.
We hear from Lilbon,* June 20, that by the recommen
dation of his Highness the Marshal General Count ULippe,
the King has been pleased to appoint Major Gen. Fraler,
Governor of the town of Chaves, and of the province of
Tralo* Montes, and Infpe&or General of the four provinces
of Trafos Montes, Minho, Oporto, and Beira.
Yesterday were entered 40,000 ounces of silver, and s<so
ounces of cold coin for Flanders, and 3470 ounces of silver
coin for Hamburg;
His Excellency Gen. Monckton is arrived in town from
New-York. *
July 30. A treaty between the King3 of France, Spain,
and Sardinia, has been'lately signed at Paris, by which the
King of Sardinia relinquishes, in favour of Don Philip, the
claim he has by Art. VII. of the treaty of Aix-la Chapelle
in 1748, to the dutchy of Placentia, in confederation of an
annuity from France of 128,000 livres, (14,3501. fieri.) for
securing the payment of which the capital of that fora is to
be lodged at Turin.
We learn from Holland, that the States-General have re
fold to call home the commissioners of the Dutch East-In
dia company, whq have been so long in London, without
being able to feme any thing with the English East-India
Atiguji 1. f -itur4ay’j Gazette contains the addresses of
d*e county of Forfar, the province of Nova-Scotia, the bo
roughs ot Anftruther Easter, Pittenweem, Anftruther Wes
ter, Crail and Kilrenny, the county of Sutherland; the
county of Selkirk, and the borough of Peebles.
brigadier Murray is appointed Governor of Canada, Col.
lames Grant of East Florida, George Johafton, Esq; of
Weft Florida, and Col. Melvil of Grenada and the Neutral
1 Hands. ’
August 3. Private letters from France fay, that an anony
mous letter had been thrown into the King’s coach as he was
oaffing along the ftteets, and that the court had been put
into feme disorder by it.
_We hear that Nicholas Turner, of Bigner-Park in Suflex,
Esq; is appointed Provdfi-marfhal of Canada, a place worth
8091. per annum.
Augnji c. Wednesday 1000 ounces of gold coin, and 2 c,oßq
•unces of silver coin, were entered for Holland.
Same day upward of 800,000 yards of Irish linen, of
Jftercnt fabneks, were entered at the cuftom-houfc from
Augujl 8. We are told that Gen. Amherst has demanded
a reinforcement of three regiment*, to enable him to main
tain nis footing in our new acquisitions in America.
On Saturday last 40,000 ounces of silver, and 1500 ounces
of gold coin, were exported for Holland; and 2015 cwt. of
rngar, and 1188 cwt. of Coffee, were imported from Gre-
Aagufl 10. Yeftcrday’s Gazette contains the address of
the county of Lincoln.
Yesterday morning there was an express from the court
of France, and it is laid there is something in agitation that
has given nfc to the men of war being put intocommiffion.
Augu/t 13. It is said that Sir George Pococke will loon
have the command qf a ftroug fqiudron destined for the East-
r , f L ? n T fpo “> Amsterdam of the zd inst. fay, that fix (hips
Os the line, fu iy manned, are ready to fail for the East-
Indies, under the command of Commodore Ruytcr, son to
the famous Admiral of that name.
’ Wednesday 50,000 oaneqs of gold, and 53,000 ounce,
of were exported to Holland.
* There are zc eminent merchants Mid broke at Am
fterdam, ©ccafioned, it if said, by (lock-jobbing or garni
; in the Englifii funds. / 6
ExtraS of a letter from Dublin , dated J :ly 23.
“ I presume you have heard of an mfurredion in our
them difirid. This fee ms to be the llory : In fome nars
of that province, the inhabitants of a certain trad conceit 1
themselves injured by fome new roads’ made there, an i
therefore assembled in order 10 compel the gentlemen of th •
country to promise them redress in that particu ar; but the
facility with Which they were gratified in thofo inftancej
made them vain and insolent, and from thence they have de
clared again ft the c!ergy*s smaller tythes and church dues ‘
and oppose the payment of them by force. They have pe, e
* to the houses of several clergymen, and obliged them to iwi* c
that they would not infill on such demands. At length th
army has interposed; ten have been taken and one kill-V
We hope this will pulNui and to their farther progress *
he t w-7'ork t September 26.
hear one of our vessels from Lake F.rle
$5 w ® wa3 la **J 7 ca ? away on her voyage from Nia
(S S t 0 Dctroit * lo * dcd with provisions.
W£* **“!? S I 6 * ’ ln an account lately pub.
hiked ol Col. Bouquet’s engagement, Cant
Robert Grant and Capt. John Campbell we e said to have
been killed; but we are now informed that they both efcnped
unhurt, and that Lieut. Dow is net dead of his wounds
Philadelphia, Sept. 29. We hear from Virginia, that
about thr6c. weeks ago, a large party of Indians came down
on the frontier of coehty, defignmg, as was fop
pofed, to ilnke a finall town there; but being difooverti
by fome men, who were out hunting horses, the inha*>l*.
tants were alarmed of their appro ch, and turned out, 1
a large body, to meet them, which they accordingly did,
and an obstinate engagement eniued; wherein, though the
white people 101 l a confiderable.mlmber, yet they kept the
field, and brought off with them 15 Indian fcaLs, and a
considerable quantity of plunder. -
We are also informed, that a party of the Virginia r-ris
ers having, the fame week, com-: on fome trafls of Indians
going out from the inhabitants, followed them till even
ing i when, fendihg fome of their party to the top of a hi 1,
-they difeovered the Indian fire, and made towardsit; and
that as they went along,, they heard the enemy fire 15 guns,
which they supposed was the party emptying their pieces,
as the day had been wet, in order to clean them; upon
which they hafted up, and immediately fired 0:1 the la
vages, as they fat round the fire, and killed three of them ;
the rest fled, leaving behind 13 guns, and a number of
New-York, OS. 3. A letter from Niagara, dated Sept.
16, fays, “ Moll of the provision that was in our Hoop,
when call away on her voyage to, was saved, aid
the people under the direction of Captain Montrefbr, in
trenched themfe.vcs. Captain Cochran with 90 jn.*n. w: 1
sent from hence to fucconr them, ar.d- take the command.
The Indians attacked Capt. Munrefor in his!. !
encampment, and after killing him three men, were r- -
pulsed. The 12th instant, Capt. McClcod, of the Sd: \
off in order to join Capt. Cochran, whose ent. ?n :hmcf.t
was at the Catfifh creek, 12 miles from the mourh of
river. The 13th in the morning, a party w ith a ie"je ,
20 oxen, and 16 horfos were font oIF, and with them w t
Capt. Thomas Johnston of Amboy, and Mr. Stedman. our
sutler.-—At 10 o’clock, Stcdman returned on horfol)aci-,
and said, that about three miles from the landing, bjtwc’ a
two bridges, in a thicket, sixty Indians, all naked, .
tacked the party to which he bes mgeJ, and killed ail but
himfolf; and indeed, on burying the dead, we found ne
had not deviated much from the truth. Lieutenant Camp
bell, who commanded at the landing, hearing the firing,
took part of two companies, with Lieutenant Lrafor, r r
the 80th, Lieut. Rosco, of the artillery, and Lieut. D- . ton,
of the Yorkers, in order to iuccour our people; but he was
fbon also attacked, in a fit nation so dilhdvantag.’ou > to him,,
tlut his men could not do their duty, and ia"i snort ame,