Newspaper Page Text
Ad^rHtemmtt^dhnay /omd
i<Vx P<hw / Local and Businas Notion
on Fotirtt Pagt.
Chang* tf Omr ftwbserlptlon Price
We auk attention to out new tonne oi
*ob*eription in the Amt column on Amt
r Mommm Scrmana 21
r of tha Belton (Tom)
i tie foUovrfng item:
Cowl—We baza that
" '*1M hundred and
JaatmeetrelatQeo. W.hMeHat
rate lot of Boota and Shore, wkiefe nil
be aaid cheap for aaafc, a wbolerele, No.
37 Peaobtrae street aepl20-'H
(A- Full Line of QalMajM> Hosiery,
at .JfMb MU«ABuu<VU
43 Whitehall Street
aacti^saft 1- *' 4
IS. Fnfl'lfne of ^ftifce Embroidered
Low*, Douglas* k Daubs’,
■eptao-u - da WbitahaH Htoaai
Go and re* Abe Boot and Shoo man of
Atlanta, at HA 87 Peachtree street
( Twy ^aaT«>l>al Hmm u Riwt.
Baa the notice o75n. Dr. O'Keefe in
Tu Son this morning.
i go to Geo.
) a, No. 87 Peach
Who is' running the street carts in the
4th Ward? Tbe condition of Baker
Street, between I*jf Aid Dollies, is abso
lutely bad. Resident* are load in their
*•'***> *t* O^Hsspatri-k,
of Albany, is abbut removing to Eaton-
ton, where he will settle permanently, in
the practice of the law.
Justice Butt’s Court.
Only one case before this Court yester
day, and that was a trivial civil affair.
Not more than thirty dollars ware at
stake in money, but a flood deal of
"bile" manifested itself.
Halted B 3Tc
Circuit Court#
The testimony in tbe Simms case yes
terday waa conoluded, .and Judge Pope
delivered his speech for the prosecution.
CoL Peeples followed, and during bis ar
gument the Oourt adjonrnod till tan
o'clock this morning.
Hi -*■ -
We learn from a private source that
two gentlemen of Augusts, a Mr. D'Au-
tignao and a Mr. Dell, were playing a
game of billiards on Saturday last, when
a dispute arose about the game, and Mr.
D’Antiguan struck Dell over tbe heed
with hk cue. Mr. Dell immediately
challenged D' Antignac, and a meeting
took place Sunday morning at Granite-
villa, in South Carolina. All efforts to
le the difficulty prove ineffeetoal; and
the distance was marked oft The weep-
used wan navy repeater*. At the
Arst fire D’Antigaac was shot through the
lapel of his ooat—the bail earning away
ntatypn. At the second Are tbe ballet
from D'Antiguac’s pistol penetrated both
legs of his adversary, cutting tbe femoral
•jr. This pat estop to tbe Agfak We
lam that Dell is in a very critical cou
th. ■**« City KlMttM.
We publish a card this morning, ree-
~1ir JI Tg certain gentlemen for mem
ber* of Council tor the next year. All
WW nan say upon the ticket proposed, is,
that they are tbe right kind of men, and
that the Council should be composed of
■Mh men. It is not now the proper
time for *s either to indorse or oppose
the election of the particular gentlemen
named by ‘Many Citizens,’’ but this
much we say without hesitation: We
want • good sound Democratic Mayor
and Council, and wo want tbe same to be
composed of just such representative,
The Coart was opened yesterday morn
ing by calling on a man who wanted his
cose continued until to-day. This boon
was granted.
jim ododlktt,
a barber, was morejjtbsn half inclined to
carve Dim- Huff, another barber, a little,
and for that purpose flourished one of
bis keenest rasters. Doe took up a chair
in self defence, and- the police stopped
the row, Jim paid $5 and costa
hud cut up an uproar on the streets and
a policeman took him in tow. It appears
that an argument had sprung up between
Hintons and another man about “ Fatty”
Hurria and his railroad “ informalities,”
and Simons was contending that Harris
bad no right R> appropriate tbe State
Road property (o his own use, and grow
ing warm with tha anbjeot, said it was
d—n hard thst a pack of worthless
pet-baggers should come upon us and
steal all we had, and there was no law
to punish thim; that he was
Radical himself but would be willing to
haog the d—u pack as high as a Banian.
This attracted the attention of the police,
and a* Simons was only letting off a
little superAaotm gam the Court charged
him the costs.
busts*** man as are recommended by sharp reprimand.
“Mirny Citizens.”
And just here let ns say to our people
that we shall, no doubt, be rid of that
odious "Holcombe Law,” as it is called,
tha sazt eity election. The Legis
lature Will soon meet, and wc hope that
one of tbe first things done by that
body will bo to restore to us onr ancient
rights. No doubt our next election will
be by general ticket.
Our young men are actively organizing
Democratic clubs iu the different wards.
Of oourso, some persons will be scheming
for nominations. We trust all such will
be kept at a distance by tho lire Democ
racy of this city. Let men who are mod-
*et enough not to be preeeing their claims
be selected; and let them, in every cose,
be first-class men. Let the office seek
{he man, upon bis merits and the sound-
new of his faith. We want a city gov
ernment of dignified business men of
first-daw standing and ability.
The price ttaMas *n
nearly one cent lower than the day pre-
vtas*. H waff setting yesterday at 17*
and dail. Tha dadiae in tbe New York
market caused it Beside*, freights have
gone up a quarter of a sent on ootton
between this point and New York.
*«aH*as JtkuM'a Mart.
Only one oas* was before this Court
yesterday, aral that was a suit for data-
agw agriw* B. Lanas, lor puttiag a tea-
amt oat dt pnwaarinn and luaa of proper
ty. Judgment for 82 80 wan rendered.
It wa* qaite an interesting aaae. Colli*
fa* plaintiff; Robinson for defendant.
ered up to the proper afloat*. lit
(awupdp gore ball tor tea appaarenoe at
court Worreaton is* bis nstive place,
wharaba baa Many IHwttj wba weM
astonished to And him under arrest with
■uqk* dials* against Mm. fc>'
'M* I'jyitlTT-jClmi-s J*»l
Messrs. Echols A Wilson have ordered
a large quantify of seeds from tbe best
sasj grnu^ig establishments in Engfoud
*od Scotland, to be aft hand for IMt
Spring's planting. They expect to be
able to a«l garden scads at lower priow
than they have beretofore been *Me fa
daft iff Ltd
to* Hstk«ls^ra*s,aa* PraipsMa.
ieaterday badness was only
iRqillll to U|e day before.
vi*|*n bale legl* off Andy, and up to
tbHtimo,-it has rather surprised deal sea
tft an agsawhla way. Mwahaala have
Ihelr "drummers” oat in every direction,
*Bd1h*y daily return order* for goods,
■sigh abtisw > healthy beginafng, to mp
mu in dniiy increasing.
the dlf gboJ* Hid, tbe season bn*
hsrMy *my il|y*fr though thestor^
are threngil wkthff !*■**,40 anxi<
inqpoettbe styles an^kiddt, *o a* to
“»k* ■tttfoft* niada mMcH re toy when
lb* anew fauty opens.
Tha addition of aavenl Urge whole
sale houses to the eoeaaseieial cirolca of
Atlanta will increase the bade of this
dtj in § ratio.
Por dry good*, hats, clothing, crocke
ry and provision*, no on* Bond go farther.
hug been miooeasfully demon-
to the aatistacUon of thoanamlH
of purchaaen.
We loam that there are no leas than
three l»cnch warrant* against Coppege,
was arrested by the bravo O’Shields,
Os reported by ns on Tuesday morning.
He is a nan who is said to have either
defied or ©ludod the polico and conn ta
bles and sheriff for a long time. When
the police would get after him, he would
outrun them, till beyond the corporate
limits. He was always armed, which
was well known, ami ho had made him
self ft terror to many. Ho woh required
to give bwl in the sum of $500, but could
not* and is now in jail. All honor to
O’Shielda—the brave policeman.
ft Men R«n Over on Site State Road.
Yesterday, as the down train was com
ing in the neighborhood of Oartersville,
e man was seen standing on the track,
and notwithntsnding the engineer rang
mpeii aad blew tha whistle, ha re
mained there until tho engine struck and
threw him off the track. His foot was
caught and terribly crushed.
Parent. SkreU Pajr AMcntlaa.
We have several time* spoken of the
erewda of little boy* who throng around
and jump on the atreet oars, thereby en
dangering their limbs. On yratordny, a
bright little fellow was swinging to the
platform of one of the street oars, while
it xr*a moving, and losing his hold, he
fell, the wheels passing over liis foot,
tenfbly bruising and >lac*rating the
Heat. It was at first feared that ampu
tation would be neee*8arr, but learn Into
yesterday evening that hopes are enter
tained of aaving the foot
The employees of tha read are ia no
wise responsible for these accident*, as it
ig • impossible for them to keep these
little chaps from tho cars. While the
jfolfeoaMptolffug up the boys for jamp
ing on tbe steam oars, would it uot be a
good ides to pay some attention to the
atreet railway! _
plead guilty to the charge of drunk and
disorderly, and it cost him $5 and the
costs. ^^^^k
Was another little chap who hod lxjen
jumping on the can while in motion,
ft&d after keeping him iu the calaboose
•H night, the llapov let him off with a
3. W. BASH
it and old offender. He is no Stranger
to prison walla and May or’h Obgrts. He
can't help from getting drunk when he
onn get hold of the whisky, ftnd was
taken up in a reduced state of Blind and
body. He begged hard to got oil, but it
amounted to nothing, and Johnson was
told to collect 85 and costa, to lock him
tip. As he had no money, ha will prob
ably gnash liis teeth in the calaboose for
aovend days.
Th© Court udjonrtiad.
fifth Ward OtttMKrgllc Clmh
Was organized at Bell’s Hall last night,
by calling Col. C. A. Pitts to tb® Chair,
and H. W. Wooding to act as Secretary.
OoL Hulsey explained the object of tho
m4eti#g. Mr. Fowler moved tbe ap
pointment of a Booiuess Committee.
Mr. Fowler, Moj, ft H. Witt, V. H.
Holcomb, A. Loydtfti^d R. C. Mitch-
oll, were appointed. Daring the ab
sent)© of the Committee, Col. Thomas
and Col. Hogo addressed the meeting.
Tho Committee reported the following
That, For tho purpose of an organiza
tion of the friends of our principles and
party of the 5tli Ward, in order that wo
may oarry out our objects and aims, we
now go iu$n an election for
permanent officer* for the 5th Ward
Democratic Club, which shall consist of
a President and threo Vice Presidents,
Secretary and Treasurer.
R. C. Mitchell was elected permanent
Frerident; A. Loydeu, Maj. H. H. Witt
and W. H. Holcomb J Vice Presidents;
H. W. Wooding, Secretary; J*-W. But
ler, Treasurer. A, Ii. Fowler, J. N.
Langston, E. F. Hoge, 0. A. Pitta, R.
F. Maddox, M. L. Lowe and J. R. Wylie
were appointod as an Executive Com
Col. Hoge offered the following: Re
solved, That wo will suppotfcv avowed
Democrats only for Mayor 'mkI Alder
men. Adopted.
Speeches wero made by Cpl. Hulrey,
Captain 8. 8. Joars, Col. Pltis, Rice,
Wells, Fowler aud W|bb. Tho meeting
adjourned to meet Tuesday night.
' ' Reported Killed. *
Joseph Pry left the city last Sunday
for parts unknown. The report ia circu
lating round town that he has been
killed. We cannot soy authoritatively,
who started this report, or what the ob
ject is. We think it eafe to give it as
our opinion, that Fry is not dead, and
that Foster Blodgett, aud perhaps others,
have induced him to leave. If, in any
trial hereafter, he should testify, as he
already haa, it i* certainly to CapL
Blodgett's interest for him never to
No doubt this is oue of Foster’s bung
ling tricks. Ho is considered shurp on
sly tricks and cunning schemes, and
has been dubbed “The Augusta Mink,”
but all his tricks and schemes to hide the
raeemlitiea of the “ring,” have been
bungling botch work, and will fail in the
end, moat signally. Such, at any rate,
is our hope.
Before any arrests were made, when
very few persons knew that any actual
trace of the plunder had been found,
and while those, who had been quietly
but earnestly pursuing the matter, were
urging the delinquents and defaulters
to pay up, on agreement was made with
certain potties that on a certain day some
$36,000 or other large sum should be re
funded; and Foster Blodgett himself
seemed very anxious for the settlement
to be made, and agreed to pay $20,000,
if all investigation could be hushed up
and kept from the public.
The day passed, and the money was
not refunded, whereupon tbe parties
were notified in writing, that arrests
would be made, unless the restitution
was made by the following Tuesday, (this
waaon Friday;) and late Saturday, or
very early on Sunday, Footer Blodgett,
of his own motion, without consulting
those who were pressing the investiga
tion and in violation of an agreement with
them, bad Fry very quietly arrested and
bound over in a sum of $250! and by
next train—Sunday evening—on the
Stato Road, Fry left.
But tho train wus intercepted that
night at Bell wood, by Foster Blodgett,
and Fry was brought back, remaining
at Blodgett’s house that night. Next
morning ho voluntarily appeared before
Judge Smith, and gave bond in the sum
of $2,000, and took the next train going
We mention these matters connected
Fry’s first arrest, and his leaving the
city, because they point to Blodgett as
having something to do with bis present
The CoMtlnuanrc tf the Cat* Afmil
Mtj. C. P. MrCmlla.
Our notice in T«» Run of yesterday of
the case ugataat Maj. McCalla, did not
correctly present the circumstances im
mediately connected with the discontinu
ance of the investigation. Wo were not
present at the time, aud what we said
was the sulwtanco of What was reported
to us by a gentleman who was present—
Yesterday Col. Farrow called our atten
tion to tho matter—at the same time fur
nishing us with aphenographic report of
what wos said by Hoi^ B. H. Hill, on
the part of tht pressontlon, at the time,
which wo cheerfully lay beforo our read-
Ool. H. P. Farrow, Attorney General,
stated that lie had tbe pleasure of an
nouncing that Hon. B. H. Hill had been
retainedl iu the prosecution of all partiea
We tire informed by g< utlemen who
have given special attention to tho science
of pomology, that an acre of hunt set in
the best varieties of apple trees will pro
duce, when in full bearing, 600 bushels
of apples, or more, worth in the Atlanta
market from one to two dollars per bushel,
ty one dolin' i*r buiihel friMI
□o acre iu standard pear., too bnaliela, wertii
about ft per 'ui.liel In ltd* market, say ,1.00
per buali.t boo
Olio acre uf dw.rf pram, 300 builiela, 11.50per
buob.1 ISO
nc acre iu peacbea, 600 bushelo, ,1 00 lo r
trnabol 600
One acre in otbrr frujto 600
Look Out for Trick..
Joseph I' r} u ubseuce may be procaretl
by some one for a purpose—a scheme—
to have a large reward offered for the
peculiar benefit of dome of the pigs
who have so|long been feeding' and
fattening at tho public crib. Perhaps a
cunningly-conceived scheme of Foster
Blodgett or some co -conspirator, that he
may swear out a warrant for Fry, and
gain tho great credit of hnriog him re-
arrested and pluced under another S200
bond, by a bondsman provided for the
occasion by tho prosecutor.
There is a device in Fry’s absenoe, no
doubt. Let the movements of these men
be Batched.
Tke Truth Sul Cuaa.
Ad artiele appeared in the New York
Herald of the 16th, born a correspond
in this city, in which it is stated that
Capt. Foster Blodgett denies ever having
proposed to make any settlement of the
defalcations, or refund any money due
the State road.
Now wa bate no donbt the public will
soon be tarnished with the evidence that
on several occasions, before any arrests
were mado, he expressed his deep
concern and great anxiety to have tbe
whole matter adjusted without any pub
lic exposure, and offered to cancel the
claims against Fry, and pay 820,000
himsvlf, if publicity could thereby be
Foster Blodgett yet wants a seat in the
U. S. Senate.
A Valuabl. AAv.rtl.lm, liiii*. jfe
Few Literary Swirly.
Wo acknowledge the receipt of an ill
to attend, on the 20th inst., tin
Ternary Celebration of tho Few late-
iety, Emory College. Orator,
LaPrada. Florida; Committee
itation, Ini E Smith, Oeorgia; If
[air, Florida; W. M. Crow, Texas;
.re, South Carolina; B. E. An-
Georgia; M. Johnson, Florida.
IT allowod to judge of this ooaosion by
tho almost universal success of tha O*
ford students -at th«ir- last Commence-
mint, wo are ready to predict another
triumph for Emory College. A alight
ado, and tho popular verdict
nm.tng litre ^n.Ltnlre that, fio IB tUo first ill
ability ia the College, justify us in prom
ising for his hearers a rich feast, and for
the^iooieto aaothtf gem to add to their
arehiyffi already iimrklmg wRB the bril-
lisnt offofts hfibaay of Georgia's di.tin
gufshed msff. **>*•■' ■ -■ *
charged with fraud aguiust tho W. t A.
'that Mr. Hill being present
Railroad, and
to nssist in thisUtoc, will announce to
tbe Court tho direction which we pro
pose to give it.
Mr. Hill then addressed the Coorh
saying: I have been returned by Uie Stats
of Georgia t* prAtoante all parties, in or
out of office, who ore implicated in these
frauds on tho W. A A. Railroad, and
while I shall do so against all parties
where there is reason to susiieot guilt, t
have no dis|>auitiOB to prosecute any in
noceut man if I kftow it
I have come into this case this morn
ing, and have just learned from counsel
on iHith sides, who seem to manifest hon
orable intentMtrand dispositions, that
Mr. McCalla, who is a stranger to tne,
was arrested Itocanse he refused to make
a showing to certain gentlemen who
wished him to mtiko to them a
foil showing and explanation of his
reoeipts and disbursements of the fnnds
of the W. A A. It R. In eonseqnenoe
of that refusal, tho attest was made.
His counsul now inform* us that he is
willing to make that showing, and asks
mode. We are willing to suspend fur-
Tbe Washington Chronicle of tha 13th
contains the following: "Joeeph W. Al
exander, deputy reoorder of Sacramento,
committed suicide on Monday by taking
poison. Tbe oaose of the rash act was
the opposition of the parents of hi* affi
anced to the marriage. He wa* twenty-
nine years of age, aud a native of Atlan
ta, Go.”
illing to suspe
tlier proceeding, and to Hire him an op
portunity to make a full and complete
shewingr That ia aff wa bare Wnntad,
and for that purpose we are willing to
give him rime. If be ean make a fail
and satisfactory showing we will inform
the Court; but if lie fails to mate such
sUowtnfe wc win inform the Oourt,
And proceed with tho prosecutioi).
We, therefore, propose that the case
be cominued fur the present.
If the showing ia satisfactory we will
so notify the Court; if not, we will pro
ceed with the prosecution.
Onr merchants—owing perhaps to the
fact that the publishers do not canvass
for advertisement*—are not folly aware
of the advantages the pages of the Rural
Southerner offer as an advertising medi
um. No daily paper in the city has a
larger circulation among tho farmer* and
planters of the State, and the circulation
is daily increasing. The rates for adver
tising are reasonable, and those of onr
merchants who desire the eonntiy trade,
would find it to their interest to have a
card in the Southerner, We hare exam
ined the subscription books and know it
has a largo circulation.
?«■'* )
**• f
71. )
Omc* or Jonhs k Bsatik, Pnop's
Atlanta Live Stock Yabds,
September 18th, 1871
Stmt/d A. Echols, Srretary: Dear
Sir—We will give a silver medal as a
special premium, at the Fair in October,
tor the fattest bullock intended for tho
Atlanta market. Yours respectfully,
By inquiry of Dr. 0. J. Register, of
this city, who has had several years ex
perience in raising vegetables for tbe
Atlanta market, we have been furnished
by him with tbe following facts, with
reference to tbe product of live acres of
land cuitivoted in the several articles
named, all of which were sold in the At
lanta market.
The five acres were subdivided, as fol
Local and Buslnoss Notice*'
Ticket tor Conacllmea.
Popular iumilp Stating Hlaitpn**
lOcflOtl eficb.ii $1,000 00
Saji it* l»n«l, second crop, 2W bn.
turutpH, 75 cuntii per bu»b.. 150 00
Value of product.....
firnt ’crop, 250 bunh.
Irinh potatoes, $3 per bunh.
eland,‘id crop, 4*0 do*, cern.
12}a cento per do*..
Same land, 2d crop, 200 buab.
turnlpe, 75 cento per bu»h..
Value of product..
4. Half Here. Brat crop, 50 buali.
beans, $3 per buib
Half acre, first crop, 2,000 bcb.
beeta, 10 cento per bunch.
200 00
500 00
turnip*, 75 cen(* per bunk... 150 00
Value of product
5th acre, carrot*, parsnip*, to
matoes, etc 200 00
Total product of tb* flv* aore* 3.403 I2y %
From which the following
deductions are made:
For throe bands, 12 month*, at 75
per month 900 00
For expense of horse end wsgon
■ix months.. 130 CO
For seeds..
For tools..
For baskets, e
For 250 loads stable and slaughter
pen manure, 50 cento per
Met profits.....
150 00
25 00
5 00
$1,»5» ia*
Leaving net profits tbe handsome sum
of nearlv two thousand dollars from the
cultivation of five acres of Fulton county
land l What has been accomplished by
Dr. Register can be done by other gar
deners of intelligence and industry.—
Every acre of land within five miles of
Atlanta should be placed in a thorough
state of cultivation, without delay, giving
to the city one magnitieeut garden, thirty
miles in circumference.
Leaving as net profits $2,000
It ix said tbut strawberries will {tra
duce 17U0 gallons to tho acre, worth from
oue to two dollars in tbe Atlanta market—
say one dollar—81700; from which ex
penses must be deducted — say $300,
leaving a not profit of $1400.
may be obtained, however, by combin
ing a dairy farm, orchard and vegetable
garden. This combination would sup
ply the gardens with mnuure and the
laborers with milk and butter, and a
large surplus for the market; the dairy,
perhaps, yielding eikough income to pay
the current expenses of the whole estab
Fulton County is capable of producing
all the milk, bntte'r, fine fruits and vege
tables consumed iu the Atlanta market,
thereby keeping at home, for the im
provement of her local interests, and the
enhancement of her wealth, hundreds of
thousands of dollars annually, which ore
now remitted to distant markets in pay
ment for these produots. If produced at
home .fresh, choice butter, fruits and
vegetables will be abundant, and there
will no longer exist any necessity for the
use of the stale (and often unhealthy)
vegetables and butter now sold iu our
Atlanta is now a large city, and in ten
years from date may number one hun
dred thousand in population.
Handsome fortunes have been realized
from tbe growth aud extensions of the
city already,
Suburban lands, that were sold, ten
and twelve years ago, for five and ten dol
lars per acre, are now commanding from
one hundred to one thousand dollars per
The building of street railways from
theoentor to the circumference of onr
oily, along the main thoroughfares, will
give a great impetus to the building up
of villas and suburban settlements. In
order to accomplish the greatest results,
in this direction, it isdesuable that those
who hold lauds, in excess of their own
wants, shoqld sell such surplus to those
Editors tf The Sun: You will oblige
many citizens by placing the following
names before tho people of Atlanta for
Couneilmen, at the next election. They
are solid, representative men, who will
doubtless give satisfaction, if elected:
1st Ward—G. W. Adair, Wm. Gram-
2d Ward-Green T. Dodd, W. J. Gar
4d Ward—Lemuel P. Grant, James
4th Ward—John H. Flynn, John 0.
5th Ward—C. W. Huunicult, C. A.
Pitts. sept21tf
IS, W. B. Moses, at the Kimball
House, slways bus The Bun for sale.
BO^ Messrs. Ferrington & Quigley, at
tbe Post Olfice Stand, successors to Orion
Dozier, keep The Bun for sole.
1,000 Old Papers for sale in quan
tities to suit purchasers, at the
tf Bun Office.
Peek, deSaulles & Co. have re
ceived their entire stock of fall gooda.
They have made more a specialty of dress
goods than ever before. 4t
Pair Peek, deSaulles & Co. have re
ceived a new assortment of Volenoienne
lace edges and insertions of all widths.
Kjjf* Peek, deSaulles k Co. have a fine
stock of Valencienne, Point Applique and
real point lace collars, at moderate prices.
sjp Peck, deSaulles St Co. call par
ticular attention to their stock of black
silks, as being the cheapest and best as
serted ever brought to Atlanta by them,
Peck, deSaulles k Co. havo a very
large Block of linen collars aud cuffs, lin
en seta, uudcrsleeves, chemisettes, etc,—
all of the latest style and neatest design.
Bgk, Peek, deSaulles St Go. have ladies
cloth of several colors and qualities, as
as well os cashmeres—suitablo for ladies’
jackets. sepl8 4t.
Regular Order of Busiucss.— Casts yet
to be Decided.
10. Tallapoosa 5
11. Atlanta 33
12. Rome 12
13. Cherokee 18
14. Northern 5
15. Augusta 10
16. Middlo 1
17. Ocmulgee 5
18. Eastern 6
19. Brnuswick 5
September 6—If
895.00 Bare* » 896.00 8ar«4!
Sewing Machines.
NETT CASTI. $10 r» MO. $5 PS MO.
$« m
Ho. 5. plttin Table « 46
Ho. 6, hslf-esse, pin bx 60
Ho. 7. do ftn'jr 56
Ho. 7, Folding covet 70
Hs. 8, Full Csbinet. 100
Hu. 8, Folding Cover. 120
We wish It distinctly understood thnt these bps our
terms from which we never deviate; end _
Machine* to have every point of excellence
jund in »ny Underfeed Shuttle Machine, and
ah durable, made of M good material •* *ny Machine
in the world, aud thst it will do as slsgsnt work.
W. H. GRIFFIN, Gen. A*ent,
82 I’esolitree Street, Atlanta, G&.
Nougat de Marseilles, at Block’s
Candy Factory, jy29-tf
Nougat do Marseilles, at Block's
Candy Factory. jy29-tf
Offices to Rent.—One room on
2d floor; also a portion of the office, in
cluding one window on the first floor—in
The Sun Building, on Broad street.
Apply to J. Henly Smith,
tf. Sun Office.
“Alexander H. Stephens on the
Study of the Law.”—A 16 page pam
phlet—one of the profoundest of Mr.
Stephens' many productions. Single
copy 15 cents ; 50 copies $5.
Address J. Henly Smith,
Manager San Office,
sept4-tf Atlanta, Oa.
Lock-Stitch Sewing
jvtA.o ihhukties
We have been revising our city list,
Perhaps some errors have occurred in it
If any ono entitled to The Sun fails to
receive it, we will take it as a favor to be
informed. tf
a Aqbi- )
kss’N, y
6, 1871. )
who will improve Mid cultivate Stem.
Lovers of fine Qoahen butter can find
somast Stokes A Bro., No,
Block, Broad street.
AI1..U Fair.
The Chicago Journal tf Commerce haa
the following to say of oar approaching
There is to be a Grand Agricultural
and Industrial Fair, in Oglethorpe Park,
Atlanta, Georgia. It opens on Monday,
October 16th, and will ooutinne five days.
Ample provisions are mode for the com
fort and auavwnieaoe of 25,000 visitors.
Premiums to the amount of 810,000 will
be distributed in prises and premiums.
BhohmI A. Kchoia, Atlanta, Georgia, is
tho Secretary, to whom oil communica
tions should be addressed. We grate
fully acknowledge tho receipt of a pro
gramme of the Fair and a card of admis
sion. It would gave ns greet piesonre to
attend. Whether we do or not, we give
the Association a word of cheer with the
sincere hope that saocess may crown
their efforts.
HuFBminOoi'Rt dFObaiWHA, i
September 20th, 1871. f
A. C. Von Epp, Esq., of Atlanta, Oa.,
os admitted to the bar. Argument of
No. 10 and 13, consolidated, was con
No. 11 was, by consent, put to tbe heel
of this circuit.
No. 12 wos argued. It Is J. 1>. Owe
cron vs. W. Akin. Relief, from Fultoa.
L. J. Genu A Son|for plaintiff iu error;
Hill k Candler, contra.
No. 14 was withdrawn.
No. 16 was argued. It hs U J. Hil-
Iniru vs. Geo. B. Black. Relief from
Fulton. Win. H. Dabury, A. B. Culber
son, for plaintiff iu error; E. F. Broycra,
No. 16 was argued. It is E. W. Mon
day vs. John G. Martin, R. Arnold, A.
C. Van Epp, for plaintiff in error; Hill
k Candler, contra.
No. 17, Kerwioh vs. Steelman, and No.
19, Payne vs. Ormond, were put to the
heel of the circuit by consent.
No. 18 was withdrawn. It is Hebert
Secretary's Omci, Atlanta Aobi-
Atlanta, Ga., Bept 16,
Editors Sun: The clause in the pub
lished regulations in our premium list
relative to entries reads, “ For articles
completing for premiums each 32 00. ,;
The public will please notice that the
following is the proper oonstrnction of
the above danse:
In either deportment 82 00 pays for
many entries as the exhibitor msy wish
to make. But 82 00 entitles the exhibi
tor to compete for premiums in one de
partment only.
To illustrate: Any one paying to ex
hibit in the department of live stock
would pay 82 00 additional to enter an
article for s premium in the department
of Manufactured article*. Very respect
fully Bam’l A. Echols, Secretary.
A Po*t-0®ce Kitttbliihcil ret Norrro**,
Atlanta Post-Oitioe,
Atlanta, Ga., 9 Sejit, 1871, ,
Editors Sun : Please announce that
the papers necessary to establish a post-
office at Norcross have been perfected,
and that a daily mail for that place will
close at this office at 2 o'clock p. ir.
tf James L. Dunning, P. M.
Special Premium,
But inetarv’s Ovttcb, Atlanta Aoriuul- 1
tubal and Industrial Association, y
Atlanta, Ga., September 9,187L J
No premium having been offered in
the List of Premiums fur tho Fair of
this Association in Ocloticr on the publi
cation of papers, the publisher* of At
lanta generally offer special premiums.
Tbe Press of Georgia generally, will
oblige by copying the following commu
nication. Bam’l A. Echols, Bcc'y,
Atiakta, Ga., Hsntemllcr 4th, 1171.
, .tcrMur* All.mla Agriculture an
IMutrU JeocUmt—Dost Sir: Tbr- uuScrolaned,
be ..HilM at the rnmlOR 1X1 r «
In Seotal |
Duly leper pub:
•nil manner of deptreneali, %» end GeU
• * • • Per the heal printed Weeklj
lube*! in Georgia—uutaide or Atlanta
W. A. HuuaiwAOt, I'libliabw! of Utr Atlanta
Baugh, Guardian, vs W. A. Bass, Ad
ministrator. Baht. Raufth, fo» plaintiff
Da You west a City Lull
If any one wants to bny s city lot, with
easy terms of (nyment, read the adver
tisement of, and coll on J. K. Wylie, on
Peachtree street
in error; tu E. Bleckley, T. f. West
moreland, contra.
No. 20 was withdrawn. It is G. W.
Morris vs W. J. Clark, Certiorari from
DeKslb. Hulsey k Tigner, for plaintiff
in error; GartreU & Stephens contra.
No. 21 was argued. It is George L.
Ruthop vs. It B. Bullock. Governor.
Illegality, from DcKalb. S. J. Winn, A.
W. Hammond k Bon, for plaintiff in er
ror; E. P. Howell, .Solicitor General,
No. 22 was takeu np. It is Lydia A.
Smith re. T. C.(Willingham, et si. Pend
ing the argument of this cause court ad
journed till 10 o’clock a. ii. to-morrow.
8. W. Qbobs, Publiaber New Era.
Samuel Baep. Publisher True Georgian.
1. J Tho*. Publiaber OhrtaUan lades Bad Gwrglt
Medical.I ourral.
0. W. lluwaBn, Fur Plantation Publiebing Com-
Hobos. A WiLeoB. PbbUsbenr Karai Southerner.
Tu Prlwlerse
Tw*lre newspaper chase*, suitable lor
paper* from 22x32 to 24x36, will be sold
ohesp. Address
J. Henly Smith,
tf. Busioeas Manager Bun.
coMMuazoir merchant,
Commimion tor Selling Cctlou, J \ Per Cent
the tension*, and the unpermlleled wide range of
work they are capable of performing without chinge
or re-adjustment.
At the Groat
Exposition Universalle
in Paris, 1857, they were awarded the Highert Prizo
- • —w — 1=1=3 —
A MMBlve Gold Medal—over 82
clearly shown by the unproooftestod sale of tho
Howe Sewing Machine
during the past year, being ter in *xo*m of those of
any other one patent.
More than ONE THOUSAND of these ex
cellent maebinesaroin daUyulT£&rtrgie,and of
this very Urge numbers single case of disMtiffteo-
tiou cannot be lound. They m*k* the
‘Howe, or Lock-Stitch’
which baa tha aaipa beaotifql «PP*r#bce oft cither
aide of the fabrl* sewed, and they *r* the only ma
chines that mako this beautiful stitch to perfection.
The office haa baan reoantly established at tha
prejudiced In favor of any partkmlar machine, at
least examine tha Howe before you purchase. Ha-
member that Mr. Howe was the original inventor of
Warranted fbr 3 Years
ty of plaiu and ornamental sewlhg.
w ‘ ufcc “ i oo,,,toi **
Genuine Wheeler A Wilson..
The Howe Machine Oo
Cop. rtroatl A Alabama Bt.,
ulTEAJTTA, «.*.
*ug)9till out JO
Notice to Contractors.
According to plaun and npeci fixation ft to be seen sHho
and npecificatiMU —.
office of r&rkin* * Allen, Kimball House. The right
reject any and aU bids r«*orrcd by Uie
C. V. U4S8IN,
Chairman Dnilbing Cbrnnilttpu.
sppti 12t At office of Parkins k AJkn.
Bavaiinau, Oa.. August 1st, 1871
mHW Company having extended ‘ *— w *“
X river, is now prewired to reco
track to the
JL river, is now prepared to receive heavy c*rg«>«*
of freight on tta car* direct from the wharf ior tram*’
portatiou U> tha interior.
Persona desiring to avail themselves of th*8 direct
mods of shipment, should have expressed oo tbclr
ano, aud other heavy articles v freight, which par
ses may desire to have stored for totmw shipuent,
' 2m Forwarding Agent