Newspaper Page Text
®'Ornate, on the 8th, tho reporth
©renen oommltto©* on (I10 disagrec-
,v 4WfcK '"J^olldtto and ament the laws relating
to |Hin«iotiM and on tho hill to incroaa© llm
pension* of soMiors and aailora who have boen
totally disabled, wore agrood to A Mil'wan
panaad- -34 to 10—for the bolter organization
of the diatrict ooiirta within the stato of Louie*
Una II on mo bill filing the tiino for the
•leotlou of ropreeenlatlriw from tho atate of
i'annavlvaol* to the forty-fourth onngrttas wae
naeeotl.. . .Consideration wae rosumed of tho
bill relating to tho diatrihutfon of public! docu
mentor which wae laid over and the moiety
iiivnin, miiuu nan lam UTOr BUM inn moieiy
bill tabrn up and debated till tho oloae of tho
In tho honno, on tho 8lh, Mr. Dntler,
of MaaaachiiaottH, mnvod to atiaiHUid tho rulen
and tako from tho npoaker'e table aenato civil
righto hill, and refer it to tho Judiciary com
mittee, with tho right to report at anytime.
Tho motion wae rejected—1.30 to 180 -not two-
thlrda in tho affirmative Tho bill for the
adralanloti of Colorado aa a atate waa paanxl-
and the bill regulating ponaioiiH 'for total dia-
abllltlea. which were agreed to Tho h>
took up the Louialana contented election
of Hberidan and Pinchback. Hpeechee In
K rt of the majority report were nidlo by
wara. Hmith andHypher, and againnt it by Mr.
Lamar. Tho dlHcuaeion oloaad with apeoohea
from tho oontealauta, and tho aubjed wae
poetponod tib to-morrow.
In tho nennto, on tho 0th, a joint ro«-
olutlon providing for the termination of the
treaty between the Unltod Htatoa and Bolgl-
um, of July 17th, 1868. waa adopted.... A bill
wae Introduce'! to oatahllah tho Commercial
rahroad company. It propoaea to incorporate
the Commercial railroad company, with a capi
tal of #200,000,000, to construct and operate
a rail load with four or more tracka, from New
York city tc the ditto* of Chicago and Hi. Lou
ie, dividing He main lino at hiioIi polnte aa
may bn found beat to reach theau cities, with
tho right to oitond ita road to any point on the
Miaalaaippl ri
nd fin
r abovo Hi. Louia.
o be commenced within two yi
}"bed within twelve yeara of the oiiactment
bill.,. .The committee on torritorina reported
) enable the jinoplo
favorably on house bill t
of New Mexioo to form a uonatllutinii
atate government, for the arlrniaalon of aald
atate into tho union on an eoual footing with
original atatoe, and It wan placed on (he cal-
“ .Conaldoratlon of the moiety bill
ntlniiod till Uio clone of tbu
reanmed and
In tho liotmo, on tlio (llli, tho Louie-
lanaonntostcd election
aulted in doolaring tliai neltlinr of tlio oon-
teaUnta (Hlierldan and Pinchback) woroahon-n
by Uio teallmouy to have been legally elected
....A bill waa panned Incorporating the woh
tern with the eaalnrn Judicial diatrict of Ar
kanaaa... .Tho (Ionova award bill waa debated
till the hour of adjournment.
Iu thn Mc.nnto, on tlio 10th, a bill wan
Introduced to aboliab tlio board of Indian
commiaaloiiera.... A bill waa reported relating
to tolngrapliia communication between the
United Htalea and fnrolgn oountrloa. It au
thorises the aecrotary of atate to grant pormla-
alon to any oltlaons or aHHociatiun of Uio Uni
ted Htatoa to oonnnot this country by cable
telegraph with any foreign country conceding
Fon Colored Goods that “ Won’t
Wahii."—-To sot blue : Take ono tea*
spoonful of powdered sugar of load,
l>our ou enough boiling water to dis-
solro it, odd this to ono gallon luke
warm water, stir it up, and tako care
that no sngar of load Hottlos around tbs
edges or bottom ; put fabrio iu for half
an hour, wring out and dry before wash
ing. To set green : Use alum in same
way, taking caro that tho fabrio docs not
lio upon bottom of tho vossol, while it
is soaking, as the alum is very apt to
sottlo. nnd if it comes in direct contact
with fabrio will injure it.
A Frrqurnt Tnoonnn with Krhokknr
Lamps.—The light often is unsatisfac
tory whilo all is Apparently in good or-,
der. It should bo oorne in mind that,
though tho wick is but very gradually
burned, it is constantly becoming less
nblo to conduct tho oil,* During several
weeks some quarts of oil ore slowly fil
tered through the wiok, whiob stops
every particle of dust or otbnr matter
that will with thn utmost oare he in the
best kinds of oil. Tho result is that
tho wink, though it Ia of sufficient
length and looks as good as ever, has
its conducting power greatly impaired,
us its pores, so to speak, or the minute
channels by which tho oil reaches the
plnoo fo be burned, becomes gradually
obstructed. It is often economy to
substitute a now wiok for an old one,
even if that bo plenty long enough to
servo for some time to come,—Ayrieul-
"Oomb Boyh," must bo tho motto of
tho farmer who employs muoh labor.
Ho roust ho with his men. But, unless
ho is a remarkably vigorous and healthy
man, ho ought not to try to do as muoh
work as his men nnd superintend Ills
farm bosidos. Work occasionally, and
out now vigor into tlio men. Hliow them
now to do the work to the best advan
tage. Plan, direet, bo quick to boo the
weak spot and prompt to lend a helping
hand. Htoady work, like plowing, will
almost do itself. It is tho odd jobs that
rnquiro brains. You roust do tlio think
ing. A good boy will ofton do ns muoh
work us a mnn. But you must know
how to treat him iu ordor to make him
useful. Oivo him tlio best tools, the
host plow, tho steadiost team, and tlio
newest harness. If ho breaks anything)
it has KrautimI. or may kraut
anna ; provided, however, that tlio pormlHHinn
Kraut ml to foreign oltlsona shall ha subject to
any and all rights of nroportjr ami state Juris
diction iu ami over oahldM to ho landed on our
loltitlon to pay W. V. Hykcs,
Isle contestant for a scat iu (lie
• tQfftjta.OOO as salary
. .The
moiety bill passed and tlio senate udj<
In tho house, on tho 10th, tlio oom-
mltloo on ways nnd moans reported adversely
on tho following hills : To nhollsh tho tax on
cigars, tobacco and snuff; to repeal tho tax on
deposits In savings’ hanks; to repeal tho taxes
on distilled spirits and tobacco; for tho issuo
of oonvorllhlo hoods; to imposo an incomo
taxi to repeal tlio duty on salt.... A hill for
tho rollof of owners and purchasers of lands
told for taxos In lusurroctlonary states was re
ferred. .. .Tlio (ierman award Ml was tukeu
up, tho ipiestlo being on tho suhstituto of-
ferod by Mr. Ihttler, of Massachusetts, reject
ing Uio claims of insurance companies, which,
after a spicy debate, was adopted, and the
liouso adjoin nod.
In tlio Hmintn, op tho 11th, homo bill
to admit, free of duty, arllaloH intended for tho
centennial exhibition wan passed.... A memo
rial of workingmen of Pennsylvania was re
ferred, asking for the restoration of tun per
cent, duly on iron and stool, and for free
banking....The resolution to pay Hykos, tho
A abama rejected senatorial contestant, frt,-
600 was voted down, as was also a motion lo
Maori $3,000 aa tho amount of compensation.
....Tho currency hill brought on further dis-
udon, and without. ..
Iu tho lmmp, Oil tho 11th, tho olvll
service rulea wnro tho prluolpat subject of dis-
mission, and wore generally denounced by tho
apaakota as luoffootlvo.
In tlio Bpnnto, on tho lath, tho hill lo
incorporate tho oastnrn am! western transpor
tation company, with authority to construct a
railroad from tho coast of South Carolina to
tho Missouri rivor, was referred to the com-
oonnidoratlou of
miltee on railroads
tho ourreuoy question waa^rosumod, ami.
dobato, tho report was agreed to 32 to 23.
Iu tlio house, on tho l'Jth, n bill wna
passed appropriating #800,000 to cnahlo the
secrotary of war lo oxeouto tho acts of April
23. 1874, and May 23. 1871, for tho rollof of
persons suffering from tho overflow of the
Miaaissippi river, amt of (ho Tomblgboo,
Warrior and Alabama rivers, and of tho Ton-
tho civil appropr
c<l tho remaining hours of tin
Tho Pencil nnd -Memorandum-Book.
Lot every Patron make an experi
ment this scasou of what it coats to pro
duce a bushel of ooru. Try ono Held
if not tho whole crop. Keep an aeon-
rate account of the time and cost of
breaking the ground, nnd preparation
for planting ; what implements he uses,
whethor harrow, roller, or drag, or all •
how planted, whether iu hills or drills ;
how muoh and what variety of seed ;
tho kind of land, whether bottom or
upland, sandy or day, sod or fallow ;
how muoh manure, if any, used, and
what kiud and how applied. Also keep
the dnto of planting, aud tho manner of
cultivation nnd tho implements used.
Charge reasonable wages for nil the
labor expended, charge reasonable rent
for the land—whatever is customary in
tho vicinity; also, cost at gathering and
marketing. Give your fields credit for
the number of bushels produced at tho
market prioe at husking time, and we
can easily oompute the profits.
Ladies, keep ou account of the eggs,
butter, chickens, ducks and turkeys you
sell, and the amount of groceries and
other things purchased with them, and,
perhaps, many of your husbands will
bo not a little surprised at the amount
of money you have saved for them, and
will conclude that you are helpmates
indeed. Attend to these things care
fully, that w« nmv know tho profits of
farming,—Indiana Farmer.
lo not soold, but help him to repair
damages nnd enoourago him to do bet
tor. Above all, <lo not lot tlio mon im
pose on him. If you breakfast early,
a growing boy that is at work iu the
field should have a lunch at half-past
nine or ten o'clock. No ono can work
long without eating, espeoiully a grow
ing ooy.-'-A/jribulturiHt.
Boijji and Tiirih (Untie.—My oxpo-
rienoe of this peculiar iitllietiou entitles
mo to speak with authority. I linvo
given my mind ns well ns my body to
experiments with thorn ; I have cultiva
ted thorn in tho best a d tho most ineli
gible situations, nnd tho roHtilt is that 1
ant fully convinced that a boil is a su
perfluous tax that needs to bo resisted,
and that onn bo successfully prevented.
Drive from you with soorn all those who
toll you “ a boil is healthy," roliof to
tho system, eto. Boils aro a severe
strain upon tho strongest, aud nearly
kill a weak man. They aro symptons
of trouble, that onn ho bettor nnd more
dirootly ottrod in some other way. All
treatment of hoilH is empirical; my way
is to umlorstand why I have them.
Somotllnes for months I have little ap
petite, feol well nnd work hard, but
waste; then I have boils nnd suffi
body nnd jeopardize my soul by bad
language, or I usod to do so—now I do
M At tho apponrnneo of
pimple, 1 paint it throo or four times a
day with colorless iodiuo (not to stain
linonb This produces great action of
tho absorbents and tho pimplo disap
pears. A plethoric mnn with boils may
bo helped by taking yeast throo or four
times a day, aud a bottle of Hathorn
wator, overy morning for a work. Nc
olmrgo exoopt for medicine: B, tine,
iodine, -1 ox.; camel-hair brush. Use
as directed.
(UnDKN and Lawn Ounamrntation.
—Among thoso who have given atten
tion to landscape gardening, some are
in favor of not only oxtending thn archi
tect ual nppourauoQ of tho dwelling-
house to tho grounds, in tho form of
vases, statues, fountains, eto., but also
of carrying its spirit into the grounds
themselves, by architectural flower
gardens, not forgetting soulpturesquo-
lookiug piculs iu close proximity to tho
house. The reader must decide for
himself whether, with tho exception of
a sparing, dolioato, and g aoeful distri
bution of vases, eto., which might bo
thought to ooutain enough of tho arohi-
teoturnl spirit, he would not prefer to
the merely architectural flower gardens
tho green volvot lawn grnoofully inter
spersed with flower bods, borders, flow
eriug shrubs aud treos mingled iu the
grounds iu tlio same spirit) t>lmt tho real
artist paints portions of ,tho finest
lamlsanpoB. That tho latter is applies
bio to oottagos of simple aud unassum
ing struoture, graced with sttoli climb
ing plants as the twining honeysuckle,
sweet-scented olematis, tho morning
glory, Mexican ivy, eto., and to all pas
toral scenes in the immediate neighbor
hood of dwellings, few will doubt, nor
will it bo deuiod that oven the modest
wild flowers will oroate more lastingly
tender and inspiring emotions than all
that art ever lias or can accomplish.
“The lilies of the field, they grow,
thoy toil not, neither do they spin, yet
l sav unto you that Solomon in all his
glory was not arrayed like ono of these.
—Pen and Plow.
Thk Fa
Change.—Hinting the
possibility of a famine in this country,
tho Rural Now Yorker says : From till
nunrters comes tho informatiou that
ibis oouutry has not been, in many
years, so shorn of farm produce—of
wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley aud veg
etables. Talk of more ourreuoy! Of
what use would it bo to the tariuer who
! has nothiug to exchange for it ? The
; south has to purchase food, and thou-
sands along tho Mississippi valley have
; got to be fetl by oharitablo lianas aud
| furnished with the means wherewith to
make a crop. Iowa and Mississippi
I have had to feed farmers, oooupving
AfiTONisniNa.—Few persons aro aware
of the time, talent, and expense neces
sary to develop aud perfect au invention.
The now Wheeler A* Wilson No. 0 Sew
ing Machine, advertised in our columns,
has already cost that Company over
8300,000, aud to bring it well before the
public will require §200,000 more. It
coats as much to desigu, construct and
introduce a perfect sewiug machine as
to launch a first-class ocean steamship.
large arras on their western bordi
else they would have starved, ths past
winter. Seed must be furnished them
for tho spring plautiug. Michigan
farmers have nothing to sell, nnd arc
buying hay for their stock. Central
Illinois is cleaned out of wheat, corn,
etc., and a failure of a crop tlioro would
compel importations, according to re
liable testimony. The reserves of
grain are not largo. In Europe thoy
aro smaller proportionally tliau with ns.
; A bad harvest in Europe aud a short
| one here will ciuse suffering. In view
: of tho vast number of non-producers,
of the diversion of farm labor to stock
I and dairy lmsbaudry instead of the
i production of food crops, the growing
! inclination of farmers to “ sell out ” and
j “live on tho interest of their money,"
there is some reason of apprehension as
j regards future supplies, aud muoh res*
son why those who cultivate tho soil
do so hopefully, so far aa prices are
concerned. Wo cannot help thinkiug
that the wisest farmer for 1874 will ho
lie who dovotes the least time to farm
er’s oonvontions, spends tho least breath
in class denunciation, and who devotes
himself moat earnestly and intelligently
lo the producing of food fund n variety
of it) with which to supply tho demand
that the year is sure to give him, and
reap therefor the remuneration to
which ilia labor will be entitled and
which ho will surely roali7.e. For, with
the present slock of all food material
in all quarters of thn globe, we can
not imagine a chango that shall bo un
favorable to tho farmer who has food
to sell at tho close of 1874,
Management of Yard Manure.
Opposite the Government Hqnaro and tho new Federal Buildings, is, witho
_ rp , . _ . doubt, the most
perfect hotel iitructnro in tho world, and tho largest edifice representing private enterprise iu
tho United Htatos. Its four fronts, ou Jackson. LaHalle, Quincy and Clark Htreeta, ha
WHEAT—lied a
FRUIT—Applet. Orrwn.
CHEER R—Choir*
former Hlierman House, July 8, 1801.
OniCAOo, May 1, 1874.
Is manure in tlio heap better for bo
ng covered by a roof ? Will it pay to
build open sheds to put it under, boards
oosting $25 per thousand ? Will it pay
to use supor-AUlphato of soda at 818 or
plastor at $15 per ton to fix the ammo
nia on ? I« there any other substance
that ran ho used to auvnntngo nnd not
too oohtlv ?—E. Thompson, Jefferson
County, N. Y.
Answer : It is, of course, a great
damage to roantiro to drench and lurch
it with excess of water, nnd then to dry
it out to a snuffy consistence by expo
sure to hot sun ; and it is.especially bad
to allow those preoessess to succeed
each other repeatedly. If building
sheds were the only or the most easy
mode of avoiding this damage it would
undoubtedly be iu order to put them
up. But there is a more excellent way.
aud it ia doubtless better to spend
money in proparing a good bottom for
tho manure heaps than to lay it out in
roofing. Tho dung-yard should have,
first, a bottom nearly impenetrable to
water. Tf tho soil is a clay or clay
loam Hint in sufficient, hut if gravelly
or ooarao sandy, it should he clayed, or
or bo floorod with flags or paving-stones
cemented with olay. Second, the floor
should ho made dishing, so that all the
rain-water falling upon it shall remain,
nnd, third, tho ground should incline
away from it so that rain falling outaide
shall not flow in. Fourth, it is good to
have a water-tight pit, or hotter, a cov
ered cistern near tho center, which will
hold all tlio water that may drain from
the xnamiro. Fifth, it is well to have a
stone wall laid iu eeniont, some four or
live foot high, inclosing a rcotanglo of
so much space as tho heaps require,
willi i> jmhH.Ro nt fltlior cud (or U nm» I ,)o.orlnlion o( 'tiio"plant: “ Tho moth
I" till? y»rd tho nmnuro onn ho Inid I of thin plant aro round -some as large as
to a flnnl depth of am or olght tent if « walnut, othora much largor; tliry
nxtontof ton handrod aud twonty-two (1,022) foot. Itwaaopeued to tho public ou the 2d
day of June, 1878, and has proved to its multitude of patrons, rnpreaunting the beet elements
f the traveling community, the well-chosen ami unsurpassed character of all its appointments
WHISKY—Old Hour bon..
POTATORH—Irtah, f bbL.
(of which special mention may be made of tho Baths—Turkish. Electric
and Vaporj, secured with a laviahncnn of outlay, aided by experience and careful atudy, never
before gi von to an entorprino of ita class.
The magulficeuco of the exterior, its great interior rotundas, superb public apartments,
tho unoqualod suites of private rooms on its mile of corridor*, aud thn aystom and detail of
its managemont, have not only won tho pride ami a/1 miration of our citizens aud guest*, but
furninh tho koy to tho *uoocsh of the Guano Pacific, which from tho outset has never been Family”V.”.'
equaled by any previous or cotomporary enterprise. Central to all the groat railway depot*, OORN MEAL— Backed..
.jks, wholesale store*, and places of elegant shopping anil amueen.anta, it ia l.
i, by its lightness, spaciousness and perfection of ventilation, the most comfortable aa 1 OATS— L«o*e^
elegant borne for tho re*idnnt guest and tourist ever offored. .4 mi it will be rruiirUained .
Ha/ ked
-Rest .
twenty years.
Tho potato (Solatium tuburotum) is
a native of America, and is probably in
digenous from Chili to Mexico. Tho
wi:d plant differs littlo from tho eulti-
vated, excopt that its tubers are small
er. It was first introduced into
Europe early in tho sixteenth century,
by tho Bpauiords, who discovered it iii
tho vicinity of Quito. From Spain* it
spread into tlio Netherlands, Burgundy,
nnd Italy ; but was for mnny years cul
tivated us a ouriosity, and not as an ar
ticle of diot. In 1505 it was carried
from Spain to Ireland byCapt, Hawkins,
a slave-trader ; nnd in 1585 it was taken
to England by Sir Francis Drako ; but
it attracted little notice until it was a
third time imported from America, by
Sir Walter Raleigh, in 1028. Thomas
Heriot, n mathematician, nnd one of the
adventurers who accompanied Sir Wal
ter Raleigh in his voyage of discovery
to tbia country, gives tliw following
True Enterprise.
Tho Chicago nnd Northwestern rail
way is showing true enterprise in the
way it is making known the resources
of the great Northwest in line of
summer resorts. Bend to W. H. Sten
nett, Oeneral Passenger Agent Chicago
and Noithwestern railway, Chicago, for
a copy of “The Northwest Illustrated.”
It will bo sent you free, and will give
yon many valunhlo hints about summer
“The Common Sense Medical Advis
or, in Plain Kugliali. for alt People or Modicine
HlmplHlo'l,” is tho roniprohoustvn and ox pres
to nlno hundred I
Buffalo, N. Y. Pr
needful ; the rain, however copious, can I grow in damp ground,—many hanging
carry nothing away. All kinds nnd together, as if fixed on ropes. They
quantities of rough vegetable matter, j aro good food, either boiled or roasted/’
inuek, straw, weeds, saw dust, ota, may ! The plant to which Bhakspearo alludes
he iuterstratifled for oomjioHt; hot I in “The Merry Wives of Windsor”
liorao mnmiro ami oolil liog m-imroor where /’ahloffmy. :
oow-dilllR may b. intermixed, or hot i, ol u |loUlOM hM klMl .
w»T I 1, ' ll " r K . nm J l, .° ,1 ‘ n, ‘ Hl waa Ilia awcot potato, which waa a great
tern should ho frequently pumped up 1 (t 'lJh, mentions’ w*’
(twice each week, and applied to all tho , 1 n r “ |" 1 '™ t laflh “1 1 T
aurfnoe in quantity niifllololit to main- 1 <Mmrai!ml " lll « r<K>t '<> ho eaten aa a del-
tniu a uniform moistnopa, but not
enough to keep tho mass saturated. If
tho drainings bo not onough, water
should bo supplied iu proper quantity.
The norfneo ahnuhl ho kept level and ,
moderately oompnot. Finally, when | w ,, .
tha manure 1 *-* i *
ionte dish, nnd not ns every-day food.
Tu thn time of .James I., potatoes were
furnished for the royal table at tho rate
of 2t. per pound. Through tho enc
oding reign aud tho commonwealth
. ..... . oy remained extremely scarce, nor
mutated J'tho hdl I .ft*
depth, or the supply ooaaoa, tho aurfaoo llon Irom Virginia. Ho littlo waa the
ia covered until a ow inehea of oamy ,„„ t tlmt LoI , (1) „ w
or mucky earth which ,» a perfect pro- | ,‘ |o not monUon it in c , minn " , , , ir
teotiou agaluat loan hv evaporation. .. 0 , im , lk , t , Oard.mcr," puhliahed in
moot enough to break up the fiber of ,L"t tho Lmolim"
tho litter, deatroy aeeda and yield a „( leaa notelhanhoraeradiah ad ah aoor-
perfect manure Any addition of gyp-. Rollo „ t boot., and akirrot "
o' if°da. will not bc K Toward tlm oloae of the eighteenth
needed lo III ammonia, for with thla „.Bt.irvth« m ‘ ,0 , ? igl ‘ U ' 1,u h
treatment there will ho no loa, worth | Ta’ iet’l'e’d ‘ „°n i°ZlZ'“l,°
mention. If some hundred weight, of « AT
uvnntim nntl nlsn of Ann (IhnrlAMtnn nr I . . . fl . n r r, ' R w,, rc
gypsum and nlao of flno Obarloaton or | |)lMlod tho I uber for tho anppiy
Navnasa phosphatiorook and of German ; *»,i... t T ^ I J. '
potash ealta or wood ashes ho uniformly I lho I '"" d Hoothuul tho
mportanoo of the potato as an nrticlo
it will he so much the rioher and more | f' ^ l KjgE% a '%£,
intermixed, aa thn mnnuro acenmuhitcs
valuable for thoso additions.
Before oomtneuoiug to carry the
began to cultivate it generally. Tho • J *»*« | HOVOntV Of tllfi VO into such n ynrd, a well-trodden | its oult J u „ „ nil ' t of u raw nnm-ii.t irrauu <1»r nr ... ’
layer of straw, coarse grass, flu
similar vegetable matter, or of peat,
s a serviceable crop
Hwamp tussocks and the like two feet iu | ”‘ <0 “of tto'Tdaat'on"r^ious’gioimla"
at a i tioned in the lhblo.
oollent nmnuro. If manure that is ! mi w , ,„ vl „s . - . ... ..
L for iiro ia iUo l’ otttto oarao into cultivation
Germany ami Franco about tho same
time as iu Great Btitaiu. In some part
made under
to be heaped for a
to be kept against the time of i\i | vth« In /° m ° ’T*?
>,it may ho thrown up in windrow. ilH nll i,.„ r „- |“ L K ^,,w” n .J’”. l SSif. d
mo, n may no u.ronn up ... w.nurow- . i|a ouKllre l)V „ ompu i sorv r0
K it i. /o.«y jssn
base, nnd bo simply covered with any ...u, !, ' J
road acrapiuga, of any flue soil whioh, ' ,H . gfc 1 , to 1 ra,to '
tho proper material.—Tribune. 2T2T? 'SSHt?
Solauuccie; aud, though
Carrying liable. I mod aa food or aa an agreeable etimu-
_ l«nt, nil i»owu>h8oh, iu a greater or less
Tlio Asiatic Indian woman carries her degree, the name poisonous properties,
bnby in a blanket hanging iu front somo- An extract of the leaves of the uotnto
thing below the waist ; the Bengalese lx powerful narco tie, ranking between
woman, with tho child astride low i belladonna aud ooniutn. Henbnuo is n
down upou her left hip, and her left ; dangerous narcotic at the time its seeds
arm supporting its back. The figure rtro forming, although comparatively
seems quito indifferent aa to the diflloul-1 iooft at an earlier period. In some
ouutries its leaves are dried and smok-
tioH in this style of carrying, which must
bn a highly artistic performance if dono
so oloverly in reality.
The Egyptian woman carries hers in a
stately manner, the child sitting astride
her shoulder, with its hands upou hoi
Ml in lit
•f tobacco. The deadly qual
ities of belladonna are well known.
Every part of the plnut is poisonous.
It is supposed that Shaksoeare refers to
this herb in tho line, "The insane root
Tho Cl
head, aud without any clothing to speak j that takes the reason prisoner.” Oil of
of. j tobacco is one of the most violent of
Tho Brazilian woman carries hers known poisons. Tho ground berries of
iwlmfc similar manner, also oftpaioum form the pungent condiment
idresp, it sitting astride her j kuowu as Cayenne pepper.
Tho family Solouaceie includes up-
lose baby is earned upright I wards of niuo hundred species, which
up »n tho back, in a blanket; and the j lire scattered over most parts of the
South African in a bag in front formed world, within tho Arctic and Antarctic
by a blanket, round the hips of the j circles.
m m IO j . . .. A Full” Description.
rue .Lower Australian woman carries ! —
hers by swiuging it in a blanket over ; A St. Louis Jenkins goes into details
one shoulder upon her book, while , over tho toilets of a recent ball with the
tho North Australian woman oarries following result: “ Miss A—a : Dressed
hers bound upon n board, after the style i in sow-colored more antique a la poult
of OAudy models iu confeotiouery stores de soie, with a puff up behind, corner-
Tho Lapland baby is carried iu a wise. Miss B—b: Snuff colored rose
sledge-shaped cot, made of leather. It geranium tulle, with cross-eyed 1 ace-
scents to have been chucked in feet fore- work in the back seam, joining in| a
most, and then a frame tied over the tuck ou tho deconetee waist, a la pom-
opening for its face, whether to prevent padour. Miss C—o : Hoop la corsage
it from crawling out, or to keep tho dogs with buttons to match, fen de joie of
from kissing it, is more that can be im- ; liver-colored velvet on the rampage up
agined. and down tho middle. Miss D—d :
Tho most unique style of all is that of j Quilled skirt worked in boot-jack ouill-
tho Esquimaux woman, who wears wide, iug, corsage equipoise with a left-han-
high-top boots, and puts the baby, right- ded bias looking nt it ou tho gored
end foremost, down in the outside of one side. Miss E —e : Chiguou of hair with
of them, and doubtless, according to Dr. j arrow-root fringe; skirt of gamboge
Kano’s description of her style, carrying j swiss, with a slippery elm ruohe ala
her oookiug and eating utensils in the Louis Quatorze. Mrs. F—: The most
other. architectural costtime in the room—
Tho North American woman carries i pannier immense, Globe, Times, and
her papoose strapped to a board, and that I Dispatch—vol au vent of piuk ribbon,
strapped upou her back by a baud over j zigzag over the eccentric polonaise, hair
tho forehead. ' ohevreaux de frise, with game rooster
m , 7 . . 7 , 1 oouchant. Mrs. G— : Black-aud-tan
They hnvo dumb p.«uos m Uondor, | overskirt and Puzssioli powder on ohcek«,
for the benefit of those who vr.ab to white gloves ole,mod n 1» hrazine, nnm-
leeru 1 halh; rRian lingering ; and onr | her twelve slippers and palm leaf fan."
Ilioir soksoripllon, tlio pr
3) 00 t# 22 a
PEANUTS J 40 <4 I «
BAOON—OlMr RtCea 10 ua 1
HAMH—Hnjfar Our*«l 191*4 1
LARD 19 V* 1
BUTTER 2«i <4 J
EOOH II i4 19'
GINHENO I 08 (4 11
WOOL—Un w*ab*d 28 .4 3
Tub wax' e<i 40 <4 4
W1IIHKV—Oomm/w 1 IK) ut 1 9
Rnhloaon County 1 75 14 9 C
R/iurt^.n IM 14 ft®
Lincoln County 1 78 .4 2 2
monwiNKH t oo 4 —
OUTTUN—Inferior 7 i4 1
Ordinary... 12 (4 1
Oood Ordinary.... 18H 4 1
Middling IS >4 !
HERTta—Gloror IU) % 7 <
Timothy 8 T8 <4 If
Blun Ursa* ‘7.' 1 W 4 1 2
FLOUR—Extra fl 80 (4 Tf
rami y... 7 78 4 » <
OATS 69 i4 »
HAY 21 nt) .4 IU
PORK—Ursa 18 t0 <4 IS :
1IA(X>N 9)ii4 1
HAMS 11 (4 1
LARD . 11 <4 I
HUOAR—Fair t/> Prim*. a 4
WHI3KT—Iswtatana. 94-4 5
Otnclnnall . 1C*) A 1 '
Aa w* havs 12 000U REASONS why they wil
do yoar work
U Tlirf art rlicnpcsl to buy.
They are brat lo usr.
(jy Tliri tahf nnily ami quirkly.
D Tliflr oprrntioii 11 ptrfrtl.
Tlity Imve ulwuyi u sood draft.
< Tliry nre maii* "f Ihe hal material.
They road ptrfttlly.
O Tliry require but little fuel.
They are very low prirrel.
m They ore rouly niuimynl.
M Thry ure luilril lo all loeniitiro.
Every stare gluiranleeil lo fi'e saliviur'n
Anci Its Cure.
Carbolated Cod Liver Oil
1 in other lands, tHim
ptil>livlte<i in tlio Kllgllah lai
woinI oncravlngs, will contain a lino atcol |K>r-
trait amt autograph of tho author, amt alto-
r pulillelied. »’■ adrl
krior quality of soap
w, or should you keep it till
shrinks half its origti at
amide's Extra Olive Hoap
r waste, l>ut wears well, vet
Saw Mills,
Wk shoul 1 not hesitate to rooommend
j any friend of ours, Par*ons’ FurgaUvo Pills;
liey are scientifically prepared, and are adapts
<1 to i'll tlio purposes of a good purgative
t arc the most unsociable things
world? Mile-stones. Yon never
) of them together.
I No. 6,
K-alp, will .polity r
ar.1T, which was oommenccd In 1SC0, D still In ;
greas. Nothing cau atop it, for tt Is founded on
principle, now universally acknowledged, I
physical vigor is the moat formidable antagonist
Sold by druggist
OLD Nl’llSK.
Mr*. Winslow’s Soothing syrup Is the prescrip
tion of ono of the bmt female physicians and
s been need toe
experience teaches us that they mak-
bottor music as a general thin<j titan the —Permanent rest is not expected on
other kind. j the road, bat at the end of the journey.
- cause. mil 41-
and Family LJnlmet
1 by alt druggists.
Ha. 617 St. Chirles Street, St. Louis, Mo.,
phincm 1 ’Ar. oirmcrc,
626 Broadway, New York.
Agencie. Thr.oghoat the Civiliied Wo Id.
PAINT*, ready-mixed;
Wax sml f’sper Flower,
AGENTS WANTED for the new boo*.
“TellIt All”
What will It do I Is the tint Inquiry the sick
“* k TAR” A %T5 HKL Z'kK^a'UkHIF.NT
-I'l’I-lT thi. rr-r.’y : ’ Ii /«i, fenr. hV.d' I
Lebanon Business College
and Telegraph Institute.
A UKNTS w.i>„d to^ll our tn.lljr crtebr.t^l .r
tlrlM for ladl. s’ wear. Iudlapon*sb c and *’.«/>-
IntHy nrceesary 10,000 HOLD .MONTH-
K K V, A T’k c AH Oil’ WItRoUT Til K ”.
“ is ajafr. k
N K WlsIScsIi iHr’rfSHiYAt
E,HABIT n ■ 1 y
A DVRRTIHKRSI Send R5 eta. toOso. P. Row
■ ll 4 Ce» 41 Park How, N. T., for Uetr J+im-
phUU 0/ 100 pact, ceniaialng Uste of M new*-
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S72, 1