Newspaper Page Text
ciirucii miiKCTouv.
IIai*ti**t CurncH.—Regular Services, 1st
mill 8*1 Sundays in cnch month, Rev. Court
ney Brown. I*u«tor. Sabbath-school at 0
Mctiiodist Ciirnrn .-—Services at 11
o'clock, a. M‘ ami 8 o'clock, r m. every
Sabbath: Rev. Win. II. LnPra le, Pastor.
Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock, a. m
I*KK>nrTF.niAN I’luui'ii.—Sorvloo* 1-t
nm| :M Sahhath every month. Rev. R. F.
Taylor, Pastor, Suhhath-school at 9 o’clock,
t’M.v.t'oNtA Lonoi., No. 121, FA A M —
JUTular communication, the ‘hi Friday
night in cnch nfcnth.
J. S. Sunns, W. M.
N M. WiuntiT, Secretary.
(*>;tv\n Yai.i.kv I.opok, No, 303. 1. 0. («.
T Meets every Friday night (except :l
C. 0. Jam:*. W. C. T.
1 M. 11 a lints, Secret »ry.
T, O (" A I, 1 r f K M K.
Read all the cards in our paper this
week—lawyers, doctors etc.
\\V. huvo rocmitly hail linn r.iinR
and I ho cruh gross is doing well.
Yon 0..11 o ( jt Fruit Jut’s n! Romo
prices from~ __ * *TtM>I).
\Yr. lourtj from an lulvorti.soincnt in
• of I
polk CO
proposes to build a now Jail
Wk wish it unilcis'noil that. it
not our purpose to publish strictly a Coda
. l>apc
Sec advertisement of .1. S. Stubbs A t' •
hey sell exclusively for cash, and can
uisequcntly, give their customers bargains
Si t: advnrtiuPUH'iit of Judge Ji-irbo
i anollicr column, and govern y cursor oh
t:n nod Wood bavo just rucuiv-
nlco fresh poods- - for the ladies—-
Head Burlier A Wa-d * a Ivnt-. v Mit in
another column, and learn where to got
good barging in almost anything you want.
N. M. Wmiutr bus just received a
nice lot or Lady's Straw Hats, which ho
had trimmed to order hy Mrs. O'Connor, of
Atlanta, and v ill sell them very cheap.
Pkukosai-—We iinil the piousitro of
a call last week from Mr. (.' I*. .Icnklns,
Clerk of the Superior Court of Haralson
county. He reports everything <|>iiet in
Ids county.
•Struck in TjioiiTNtNd.—On NYrdnos-
day of last week, during the thunder storm,
u tree in Mr. Dougherty’* yard was struck
hy lightning, throwing tlio hark around in
Mr. Juki. I’vrri.K, who cut hoast of
heing tlie “ phutest" man in l’olk county,
w i- in town lust week. He and Col. Acton,
of tlio Constitution, would make u heavy
\Vt:u. Bouino Mcksis Willies and
machine in a few day . <)!' course when they
get it they will advertise in the Ilia onn.
Two negro women, rcg;i
their “previous condition of
I r« c w jVi rh
Kit dicus, white, charged with horse
ing. David Chisolm and Nathnn f
colored, charged with assault with int
productive valleys of Georgia
with p’enii-
he remedied by tho'propoi
mil li<
rlty. The
ful deposits 0
' rich iron ore
1 dose pros-
court adjourned Tuesday
io meet
initty —with .
flight ful climate
an l ith 01 t
again the thii 1 Monday i
or all milling
uirpores, she
Our paper i - not pt inti
e. k as wo
has attracted
the attention
f capitalists,
would wish, on account of
title fi
in rollers
far and near.
One would lint
1 rally expect,
being b ,d, \Ve will if pi
have new
In a section a
yet only half
developed, a
unes before next issue, an
1 1‘VO.O
it a differ-
Ckpautown.—Its Kori-t rios vt., Moh-
. AM* HKLlOlOl'S Al*V AM AUl.S. — Ill CSti-
ating tlio advantages of a section or lo-
dity we are too apt, in this day of material
•veiopment, to overlook that which is of
the greatest Importance, vis: Its education
al, moral and religious typo, or tendency.
A country the most healthful and fruitful,
if dwarfed hy ignorance, or poisoned hy
vice, would still be uninviting.
Cedartown has long been famous for ad
vantages of site and surrounding resources-
The centre of one of the most beautiful and
Our (\miity Court cot
iy the 16th Inst., persilAnt 1
I'tii'd Mm
a Ijonrnmen
Judge W. F Janes
was in session only l
time six criminal c:
three oftho accused
three acquitted. So
esiding. Tho court
j days, during which
ere found guilty and
i civil business was
i'd comparatively lit -
id din
crudeness of manners
moral and religious claims which are
noticaldcin older e immunities. Not
however. In what constitutes the
typo of Christian culture and mental h
opnicnt, few towns of the State can c
equality with Cedartown. Tho analh
of the community has boon pronoui
of using
retail liquor establishment
id hut one whole-ale. A g.
has been a resident for f
nates that ho has not heard
a while
r Hi a
- IIapt i.*
. Meth-
sllip of
which miiubors almost
adult population ; throe
!1 attended Sabbath
eil population is, for i
1 orderly. There in
ill patronized schools
and a tl.u
the oduca
i’d population. In
fully equal to t
special propllc
Tmgood people of lltu’filhon county
■ •ist. d by the citizens of this place, aro
place lo Buchanan, and ive trust they will
ticcoed. Inpler tho pi esont arrangement,
ill mail matter pa-dug hetweon this place
iml Buchanan ~a distance of only sixteen
miles—goes via Home and Atlanta, and bo-
yVn Unii'lr,'<1 Mil,*, and through seven or
eight counties 1 This should not he thus,
and we hope Undo 8am will attend t • this
It in with r- grot wo citronido tho
death of Mr. Joel Camp, a son of Mr .Ior
dan W. ('amp, of this county, who, after
several weeks ol extreme suffering, died at
with paralysis produced, wo learn, from a
fall from a nmlo sonic twelve or fifteen
ace. We
A. Huntington offers indoeetno its ntul
accommodations in his advertisement to all
parties. His is the olde-t, and one of the
most popular houses in town, and offers su-
TIiorc in need of anything in the drug
line, eari he nccomoduled by culling on our
popular young drug/vt, T. F. Burbank &
do. Their goo Is arc fresh, and fir-t class,
and their prices correspond with the times.
Read advertisement in another column,
Ned Larkin, colored, of tlio 17th Dist.,
(Mine to town last Monday, in chargo of a
Bailif. and wn« given quarters in Hotel D<
(iilcs. He Avng charged with the offence of
assault with intent to mnrdur, and disturb
ing the peace anil good order of society.
ConittfilOXIM.NTS Wantkd—We wish
to make arrangements with a proper person
at every post ofBoe and in every neighbor
hood in the county, to act. ns a regular local
reporter nnd agent to re:eive subscriptions,
to whom a liberal commission will be given.
New Cotton I’tu —MrT T. G. W.
McMickcn, of our town, lias invented a
cotton press, which, for leverage—and we
believe tbnt that is the great desideratum
in a press—is the best we have ever seen.
He lias a model of it, and we presume will
apply for a patent.
N. for till kinds of Sewing
machines; Singer,75eta per dozen—all oth
ers 99 cents. Will send needles by mail on
receipt of price. W. II. WIKLE,
Cartersvillc, 0a.
Remember—Our terms are strictly
cash in advance, and we shall expect all
who have subscribed to pay their subscrip
tion after this, our first issue.
We desire to he prompt in all our deal
ings, hut unless our patrons pay us prompt
ly, it will be impossible for us to meet our
liabilities promptly.
See card of A. L. Davis, Jeweler. He
keeps a fine stock of Jewelry, Watches,
Albums anil many other nice little tricks,
nnd offers bargains in them, too. He lias
It ad nineteen yours experience in the busi
ness, and warrants all work turned out at
his shop. Repairing fine Watches a spo
of tlio time of the court. This court
lid's great inconvimoneo for the want of ri
nsecutipg attorney, on oooount of which
my guilty go unpunished. If Hie court is
i hoped that this di
cut appearance.
A jivolr i'!ed unclin'; lias been In
at the Methodist church nil this week,
the popular and tnlnutcd young pastor,
has labored eimiestly and faithfully, 1
with little visible result.
I Smnl
npkin A
id copies of
the II
and wo think all will admit that it 1« chei
at £2 a year. Published at the county sit
and tho principal tvailing point in tl
county, and will contain nil local news
Importance front every neighborhood in t!
county, makes it nlniost indispeiisihlo
every family. To enable us to print a goi
I wo now ask
ondiliH our rir
cgulnr visitor
1 under Instill;' obligations U:
getting out this,
especially do wo
heartfelt thanks
personally, and lo tlio Hkchuh. Just like
him, though- perfi'.;ily natural We shall
• ap-
lh es
1; iml no
assisjanoe and acts of kindness m return,
in far as we are able and competent.
Ij. it t.i A K R. Albert, colored
school trachcr of tin's place, delivered a lec
ture at the colored Methodist church, in this
place, "ii Wednesday night lai
•Self Elevation
.<1 he had
; ho g
iy. and t(in
it may have
audianoc. who appreciated the
ie ebjecl of the lecturer was In
u the ml nils of his heal era the
of a higher standard i.f iiiorali-
: oninimiieaiKMti
Mu. Jam. 1) lv.i.ow nml S m. t'
arc busily engaged in the erection of a neat
and substantial lease around the Court
ip,use Rofn'd hiug I hut has beebiong need
ed. We would suggest to our able town
council that n well of goa l water, operated
by a “douldo action pump," would bo a
groat convenience to file citizens of both
town and country, more especially during
(hr sessions of the different Courts. We
are of the opinion that the county should
boar at least a portion of tho expense of a
public well, and we hopo our worthy Ordi
nary, Judge Brower, will so consider, and
take scrap action in the matter.
\Yi: liavo, in jiootlioi' fii'ticlo, given n
sketch of Cedartown in a Moral, Religious
and Educational point. We propose in Ibis
article to say something more on the mate
rial advantages an 1 prosp wM of the town.
There are eight dry goods and groc-try
houses, two drug stores, one wholesale liq
uor house, one confectionery nnd bakery,
two livery stables well equipped for a small
place, one hotel, etc. The town is situate I
in Cedar Valley, so nrich celebrated for ith
rich and fertile lands. Tlio rich Acids of
wheat, oats and clover aro now being har
vested. and are yielding abundantly; It is
a lovely sight to look over the broad, rich
fields of cotton, corn and the small grains,
and n c so many evidences of thrif'i and en
terprise. Near hy is nil immense pine for
cst. making building material convenient
and cheap. Within the corporate limits is
The President of this Company is A. 0.
West, who has had much nnd successful ex
perience in the iron business. lie is a
practical, energetic man, with a will arid a
vim that makes things move about where
he stays. If a man expects to stay about
him and be paid, he must work with a free
good will. Laziness and lazy men are not
cultivated there. This company was organ
ised with ft capital of one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars with privilige to increase
it to one million. The actual expenditures
to date are about one hundred and forty
thousand dollars. A hundred and fifty
hands aro employed at the works, at a duly
expenditure of about six hundred and fifty
dollars. Tho Company have built a splen
did rock dam across Cedar creek, and will
erect a first-class grist mill. In about six
weeks the foundry will be making castings.
So upon the whole, Cedartown has quite a
flattering prospect.
Mu. Hut ton : -It is w
outline gratitude that
when hopo was givi
account of repealed
tu a piano of glad
individual i* te.— i i
liusiii -si avocations
•vc know that your
■ pro
LA’ i 11
•igliion the!
i largi
gto the notice of the pnblii
ellenco of our sect ion of con
I wealth, i i<‘h land and i
s feeling, believing and Im-ling, W
d speed
to your labors, caruustly hoping the people
of Folk county will rally lo your support,
iih they should do, and by subscribing, ad-
tliiis foster tlio gevin of advancement, which,
as a beacon light, will attract wayfarers
abroad, in Hearch of ca.i.- or fortune, lo the
id tho
A Novel Puizk.—Wo have sctii va
rious prizes offered and given to the one
who had the best lessons in a Sunday-School
clnss, such as cards, testaments, billies and
other books; but we have, for the first time
in our life, heard of a double-barrelled thohjun
being offered’ One of tho teachers of
the Methodist school in this place, some
time since, offered a gun to the boy
who had the beBt lessons for a given time.
But when the decision was to he made, he
could not decide which of two of his best
scholars was entitled tff it; so lie awarded
it to both of the boys, and they have been
using it us joint properly ever siiipc.. OF
course there was a lively competition umong
the boys for (to them) ?o desirable a prize
Mr. Editor; —A gre
by the people of Bonn
oary i
I to l
that estnblishmeii
its of the i
carry it to the appoint'd place, whore thoss
.ranting to buy can moot thorn. Tlio re
need bo no oxponso attnoliod to thi < Fair,
as thoro Is no need of Oil organir. itlon.
What think you, Mr. Rdiior, of jin* pro*
Joel? I would liko toJnvir IViun olhors uIho,
ami if the subject is thought to ho worthy
ofmitieo, I'uiuv say more at nnolhor time.
His hi: a,
[Wo know nothing about tin- above men-
I ion oil fairs, but would suggest, that parti os
having property to sell or wishing to pur-
cliaso, should advertise Hi tlio Record. Esi.j
Cave SrniNoj (1\.. Juno 17.
Mr. Editor, Hit sines* i> now tin* order
of things in L’uvo Spi 1 in; I’roporatiou.s
dueled In Jack and Him of
paper o ill bo published mi
I will to Hpecialy dev
io 21 tli
> tlio int
tho Deaf and Dumb III
A beautiful fount has just been oreolo
front of tlio A sylum, wliirli will be on
tha chief attractions of il e town.
Tho school examination will come oi
\l -week— the tiitllCH on Wednesday
.'smi’S, King and 1.micas, will oeupy 111
lav.oo of tlio Week. V. lively* pleasan
a tlo
; "el humor seems to nave taken posossiou
• l ilu> people which it in io be hopqd» will
ludd thorn at nil hazards. Wish in IV you a
long Iil’n, and your paper a grand simoons,
I in very truly your -('o.-rv.pondcnl.
The Augusta (Ihrenii le mid Sentinel sayn
oaught from a stream
distant, forty pounds
In-t Tuesday aflernot:
weighed nine pouu Is
too six ^ritinds emit,
three, together,
a iituulrd
nut in one
Duo of the
Tlio Dawson Journal nnounoo* tho death
near Weston, Iasi v.eck, of Mr. Win. II.
Disiuukcs, one of the first setltors of Boutli-
westiim (loorgiu, in the seventy-ninth year
of IiIh agn. fc lle hud livid in Webster county
for I 'Hy live years.
The Conyers Examiner leans that two
negroes, belonging to tlio chain-gang, and
road, from Social llinde to Monroe, Walton
cnurily, nflempted lo escape, one day last
week, and were shot and killed hy the
Miss Lizzie Ureslmm. daughter of Mr.
Thomas (Jreslimn of Hmu-ei county, aotigli-
e I up ruoeiitly apiece of her rib. This
f the
(ions LongHlreut m. l Jell'. Tlioiiipson,
were in Atlanta last Tlnnr-day, mi their
way to Wa-liington City.
Jim Quinn, tlio eoloied mi eegenaliouisi
in jail ill ValUnslii, is wanted ill tiainsville
Florid i, where lie murdered a white woman.
A requisition will be i-sued.
ll'iliert WlliiniiiH, iigi"! eixty years, nml
for twenty years a main deacon in the
Baptist church, lmng himself near Trion
Faeloey last Saturday, says the Rome
• Tlioni.iKVille fa
itoil eight varie
in \VulgUt «m<
..Fudge Hard
mid highly res-
county, diet! at
ion on the night
Macon Telegraph
dale of June It Ii tin
equality bill and the
* be IV
declare, that should i
some IJ law ( as is mi
r wailing patiently
mil at that point. L' t me suggest (Ti<\:t
•rows, as the right and proper place for
Wo have tlio best Iron
lo of t hr cnrpnrata lim-
Kuflieinnt to run half a doz
en furnaces fou flty years.
Tho (Ihcrokoc Iron ty'ouipany’r-i furnaces,
which will soon be completed, are of a very
largo capacity, and in collection with them
is a large foundry, superintended by Mr.
West,' form irly ot New York, who has spent
thirty years in the innnufnciii' e of iron, and
who i- a thorough practical man and a com
petent judge of the quality of iron ore suit
able for ordnance purposes, lie will soon
have a sufficient quantity of pig iron to sup-
plywriich nn arsenal for all time to come.
Our Hail Hoad facilities will soon be ample
for the occasion.
We have a larger quantity of richer land
aroun 1 ami ocurj ;c tart own Ilian any other
town in (icorgia. 1 have no doubt but tho
citizens of Cedartown would do as much, or
offer as many inducements to such an estab
lishment according to her population as
Home would, let every man go to work and
try to get the ar.senu! at this place.
Mr. Editor,—Allow me to express a hopo
that the Cedartown Record will prove to be
a success; but of course it is impossible for
any paper to be a success without patron
age. I hope, therefore, that you will have
a goodly number of subscribers to begin
I commenced, however, to lny hefor • the
people of PoIk county n subject which I
think will bo intc’csting to many of our
citizens, thotigh the idea may be new to
1 saw a gentleman yesterday who said lie
wanted to buy a yoke «.f oxen. It is fre
quently the case (hat some-one is wanting
to buy a yoke of oxen, a horse, a mule, a
cow or some other property, one docs not
know where lie can be supplied. On the
other hand, we often hear persons- sneak
of wanting to sell, and does not know where
1 1(5 find a buyer. Now wliat I am going to
j suggest is this; establish a monthly fair for
the purpose of giving the seller u chance to
! sell, and the buyer a chance to buy. Let
if they attempt to intr-ii.’n their children in
to tlio while schools, lo* would not hesilati)
lo issue his olliol il proclamation niui]iiinliny
tilljxii/uir.ul< to li' , ii , iirrn from the school fund
amt Hill’s practically Abolishing tho sys
tem. In this position lie would be sustained
by the unanimous verdict of Him entire
white population and Hi; Betiornl Assembly,
the only uppoaitloii ojimnatlng from Hie
isre-iblc scalawag ole | r at.
Writing from Atlr-us.'n correspondent, of
!■ Augusta Clirooidv, roferiug to the
tho .Slate Unit the Legislature im ■
little for this institution. Indeed
In- said wi ll truth that it has done
Many persons think Mint, the
dole of .$8,000 a year
-v"’ 1 y
< only i lie lawful in-
lercst on a debt of one limulled thousand
dollars due the Slate. •
The Carroll County Times siiya that the
IliillCHjust over tlio Hlrfie lino mv yi< ldmg
finely. The proprietor, .Mr. Richard Woods,
has j on routined from lial'iimou, where ho
quickly sold I lire • car loadHofoi t’ at■ prices
that lu lled him •‘j; 1,200. lie comes back
determined lo procure the nuoo- nry ma
chinery for smelling tho ore at tho mines.
The Dalton Citizen learns that two little
girls named Ora Nelson and AllioePhillips,
aged respectively eleven and tw lve years,
were drowned in a creek in (Jordon eounly
last motlday afternoon. They were billh-
i t he i
imI boy
<' \ s 11 sTom:
• I. S. SI.ubbs cV Co.,
(7,7>.lKTO H’jY, (/.I.,
I^KEI’ cuiiKfnntly on hand a full lino of
1 Riots mid Shot's;
also a ft tin of
<*il’(|| buyers will find it to I hell* interest
to examine our goods and prions before
IV A.. Solo agents for the sale of Ilia ecle-
brated •• Walls Flows” and fixtures, in Folk
Lively, Sale and Feed Stable,
Mailt Slmd, LTiliirftm n, <•«•
Special all on* lou given to the euro cf
slock left in our charge.
Real Estate Agenoy.
1 HE undersigned respect fully announoo
to the public (Iml they have formed n co
partnership under I lie firm namoand style of
For the purpose of Iransadi ng a general
business in Real Estate in Folk nnd adjoin
ing counties.
We will Buy, Sell and Rent Fanm',
Wild Lands, Residences, Storos and all
kin Is of Really.
Pruporiy placed in our hands will Im lib
erally advertised and no charge will In*
made if we fail to dispose of it us si ipubiled,
but if I In* parly placing property in our
hands disposes of tlio same before the ex pi
rn lien of llic sfipilliUod lilili, WO shall
charge Hie same as if wo had disposed of
the properly.
Everyone havi ig really to sell or rent,
and all desiring lo buy or rent really is re
quested lo call upon or write to usnnd learn
on) tonus IV\ F. THOMPSON,
W. B. I). WIKLE.
flMI E undersigned lias located in (Jedar-
1 town for tlie purpose of carrying on
the business in all its hraiiuhi-H. Il’you want
a shampoo or hair cut, give me ii call and I
will guar.mice satisfaction.
jiiiie 29 ALFRED EVANH.
AX', i!. llurV)(!i-,
Hocknnif, Hii.
I T ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved
\V Lands in any portion of the enunty,
ll.iving been a e t /.mii iif Folk county for
mnny years, and being Hionnighly posted
in Hie. Locution, Value, etc , of l.ainh in ev
ery seel ion, feel confident that, if will lie to
the inlijresl of parties having lauds lo sell,
In pliKio tliein in myhauda; null tlioHewish
ing io piiroluiHo Lan Is can always he nc-
eoiiiliiodaled. 1 will lie in (’udarlown oil
the I si Tuesday in each niontli, for the pur.
peso of inineaotliig buHiuosa in my line.
j it u o 20
W. H. Wikle & Co,,
Uarli'M lllv, - - Oi'oi-ulii,
depth. They were hurried
In the Eoliimb'iH jail arc niuo colored
people, convicted at the present term of the
Superior Court, and senionc-d *o the pone-
tenliury for terms varying from two t(» fif
teen years and arc now a waling the order.!
of tin* lessees of such convicts.
Thomas county has up to this tin
pel over forty thousand bushels of
Middle, South (icorgia and Florida, and
fifteen thousand bu -hels of oats, mostly for
R linoy, tlio negro (JongrosBinan
from .South Carolina, h r purchased
a Hummer rc.sidouco in the vicinity
of Hartford, Conn.
Tho Albany Nuwh nays that crops
in southwestern Georgia are not
discouraging. Cotton back war J Corn
looks wellaixl is free ofjgrass.
Dallas Texas wants some fish-farms
organized. *
Best way to get rid of ants that wo
know is to trap thorn with a sponge.
Procure a largo spongo, wash it well
and press it dry, which will leave the
cells quite open then spriukle over and
in it as much as possible some
fine white sugar and place it where
flic ants do congregate. They will
soon collect upon the sponge and en
ter into its celLs, and then you can cut
short their earner by dipping tlio
sponge info boiling water.
Professional Cards.
,i. it. it a k a i: n,
Nolai’.v l»ul>llc
(Ytlui’fovrn, (hi.
| )ARTllTI.\H a I tent ion given lo taking
1 Depositiuti* and collection ofchuniH.
.i. a. nt.ANt r, a. it ten ah dhon .
Ccdurfovril) da.
O FFICE in Uutlt'l 11 nuso.
’ Juno 20
KI nYj JAN Ids,
(otluhowil, (ill,
O FFICE in Court IIouhu.
Juno 20
\V. T. T (UN Id It ,
Odtufoun, Gn.
Atfoniey sit Law,
O FFICE -East Hide Court. House square,
June 20
('infctsvillt', <J».
^ AFFICK in Bunk Building. june 20
II. II. TS EO>! I*SO\,
CliDA 1\ TO IF.V,
O FFICE over Dr. Rooho’h Drug Store.
juno 20
Drs. Liddell & Richardson,
<'<Mlnrto\vn, tin.
AY he found in their offioo at all hours
profcHnionnlly engaged,
Physician and Surgeon,
CetliiHtnvn, tin.
O FFICE at residenoe, on l’ryor itreof.
june 20.
iVtdh'O (<» Btdtlots anil CictlituiH
A LL per'oiiH ludebled to the EkIiiIo of
J nines Curler, late of Folk eounly, de
ceased, are hereby notified to make iinmo-
diale payment; and all persona having
olaiuiH against said estate will present them
to the uuderaigiied, properly attested, with
in the lime prescribed by law,
.L 2ti, 1871. W‘ C. KNI Cl I IT,
T« A VIdIJdSr-i (ill Did.
Romo Railrood Company.
\’ and after Monday, June IhI, 187-1.
loiihlu daily trains will he resumed on
road and run ub follows:
. Rn
t llo
l H) pm >
? K
pi Suiidnys
Every Day.
Etc., IE to.
X AKE Subscription for any Book or Fi
riodicnl published in the United .Slates, a
publishers lowest, prices.
For all kinds of Sowing Machines, also fur
nish Attachments, Oils, etc. Will send
Needles by mail, to any address, on receipt
of price. Singer, 75 centh per dozen ; all
others 90 cents. Parties would do well to
consult us before buying goods from ped
dlers, or sending North to Hie various
swindlers and humbugs. Any goods not in
stock will bo furnished at short notice.
june 29-11
Each train will nmko close qoiiiioqISoii
at Kiiigsion with Western and Atlantic
Railroad trains bound for I’haltalioogn anil
\t’until. W. S. COTHRAN, Pres.
JOHN 0. PHINTUP, Ticket Agent.
Selma, Romo & Dalton R. R.
Tniiiis on this Road will run ns follows ;
Mail Train Arrives 7.33 a. in.
Mail Traill Leaves H.UH a* In.
Mail Train Arrives 1 00 p. in.
Mail Train Leaves 1.10 p. m,
.1X0. IL PECK, Gen. 8upt.
W. s. MAYNARD. Asst. Hiipt.
RAY ICNKJHT, 0. F. Sl T- Agt.
Wostom & Atlantic Raiiroad
and Connections.
NdllTinVAIII)—NO. I.
Leaves ATLANTA 10.30 p. m.
Arrive at (’arlersville 12 30 a. hi.
Arrive at Kingston 1.03 u. in.
vo at Dalton ».0(> a. in.
ve at Oil YTTANOGHA 5.00 a. in.
Nl '
Arrives at Cartersvillo
A rrives at Kingston
Arrives at Dalton
im 11.
Arrives at Cnrtcrsviilo
Arrives at. I* ingstnn
11 .O'! a. t
11 -15 a, i
2.01 p. i
d.2H p. I
0.00 p. r
8 *13 p. r
10.30 j*. i
A Twonly-Kight Column Paper,
Tho RkooUH will labor fer the develop-
mont of tho boundless resources, both min
eral and Agricultural, of this highly favor
ed section. It will labor for Iho good of*
The Whole People.
And will endeavor to dissominolo a knowl
edge which will invito capital and labor to
assist in const meting nn Independent fit
Leaves CHATTANOOGA 3,15 p. in
Arrives at Gallon 5.35 p. in
Arrives at Kingston 7.11 p. in
Arrives at Cartersvillc H.lti p. in
Arrives at ATLANTA 19.46 p. m
Leaves CHATTANOOGA 8.46 a m
Arrives at Gallon 8.00 am
Arrives iit Kingston 10.12 am
Arrives al Cartersvillc 10.61 am
Arrives at ATLANTA 1.13 p in
Pullman Palace Cars on Trains Nos. 11
and 2 to Lynchburg and New Orleans, and
on Trains I and 2 for Atlanta and Cliatta-
nonga. No change from New Orleans to
Lynchburg via Montgomery, Atlanta and
Dalton. One change from Atlanta to
St Louis via Chattanooga.
52 Miles shorter to New York and
Uiisiorn cities than any other route from
24. Hours Quicker to the Virginia
Springs than any other line from Atlanta,
avoiding an expensive delay and transfer
in Richmond.
Passengers leaving Atlanta hy Lightning
Express at 0.00 p. in., arrive in Now York
at Ml p. in., the seoond afternoon thoro-
11 ft( r— 13 hours 35 minutes Earlier than
Passengers by any other route, rasoen-
gen leoving Atlanta at 10.00 p in, hy this
noiite, arrive in New York at the same time
as passengers who left at 0:00 p in by oppo
sition lines.
Psriies desiring a whole oar through lo
the Virginia Springs or lo Lynchburg
should address the undersigned.
Parti oft contemplating Traveling should
send for Map, Schedule, etc Quick time
and close connections is our motto, AHk
fur tickets via “The Kcnnesaw Route.”
Cen. Pussonger and Ticket Agt.
Atlanta, On.
Will lie steadily and permanently pushed
forward until it. reaches, all parts of tho
country, mid its subscription list, in point
of number, will hear a favornblo comparison
with that of any weekly nowopapor in this
section It. will look after tho Interests of
•A-clvertising- Patrons
and endeavor to make their favors profita
ble. To its subscribers it will seek to ho
furnishing thorn with tho lutest. and fresh
en I news, choice miscellaneous articles and
general intelligence.
Solicit ing tho favors and confiding its
interests lo the putronnge of a generous
public, Tun Rf.coiiii feels assured of a lib
eral support and an opduring prosperity
One Copy, one year 8'2 00
Ono Copy, six months, $1 00
To Clubs of Ten, one year $1 50
Invariably in Advance.
Address all Communications to Tun
Rkcord, Cedartown, On.
W. 8, D. WIKLE & CO.,
Publishers & Pron'rs.