Newspaper Page Text
p? oVsioto yvwn BciEKnnr.
*kAfT no,..-^,« Ik Ii. Iloved In
'"I". In lh<- world lino
wnlk, Hhadwoll, Eo*lan,l. n in n Knn -
”f M \ 10.000 (kUioidk Iniio, without
hi?!!, “‘’’i"! 1 ' I ‘“* ,M ‘“" run '"' f«r lb"
TJEE* u - | «’f? r <‘!-li oomp.nv. It ia ramie
«»r throe strands, (ho diameter of the
completed rope being two inches.
Titk Hramon in Ki/uoTr.—The sprin
»»r summer season opened with minimal,
v hot w«aM»ir in Europe, hut noon af.
! WW W " evorG cold Booms to lmto set
in. Tlio Hmldrn change in nooonntod
for . b T *{. JU Fonvielfo, ft French ra
vnut hr the fact that (ho earth in puts-
ing behind a ring of naUroids, which
ai»Bor > a. portion of thn stiuVi warmth,
duo to while it romafns above the
horizon. Tho tcraperntnre will not re-
"timo in ascensional movement until
tho annual rotation almll have carried
our nplmre from tho shadow of tho mul-
titndo of email planets which ia always
projected on tho aamo point of onr orb.
On,K Hthram Hoitniunoh. — It ap-
* fntm M** no'wding* made by (ho
Ufa!longer expedition, from both the
how York and the Halifax spotiona, that
the true Gulf atroam or Florida cur-
rent in a If mi ed river of superheated
water of which the breadth ia about
nixlymjbMi near Handy Hook, whilournr
ilaUfax it has separated into divergent
nireama, forming a aort of delta, its
depth (as determined by tho iiae of the
current drag) being nowhere more than
one hundred fathom*. Thin river rosts
upon the remarkable atratmn of alxty to
Mixty.flye degreea, the thioknes* of
which distinguishes tho Wealern from
the Lantern Atlantio between Jtorinudu
and Azores, while at lean than double
, /Wil l that layer wo oome into
wiiat in clearly polar wnter.
xiw5 m . ,>,,,Ttfrr nut OitR.—Mr. F.
Gerhard, of HtnfTordahire, haa lately
introduced a new process by which pud-
died iron ia obtained direct from the
ore the blast, fnrnnoo being diapenaed
with. In at cad of using pig-iron, Mr.
uerJmrd employs oompoiind of ore of
nny substance containing iron, the nec
essary fluxes, and the equivalent of
nnrbon. A lump of thin compound ia
put tnto the furnace, and by the Mingle
nroooHM known to tho puddfor an " ball
iiifb" ii “heat” may bn obtained in
much eaa time and with comiidorably
leaa labor than under tho old method •
• lie prooeRM of '•melting” and “boiling”
being entirely dispensed with. The
special features of tho invention ia the
f,,ol » il bo *t‘8 catimated
that 8.7(10 pounda of coal are saved in
manufacturing ‘2,400 pounds of iron.
In the opinion of somo Ironworkers thin
method of making wrought-iron irniat
very loon aiiperaede the preHont labo-
none and eoatly mode of manufacturing
it from pig-iron.
Danokiih op Mrtjiyuo Ai.nonor,.—
HerioiiM maladien, auya the Lyons Mot],
leal, nave boeu engendered among tho
workmen in two industrial establish
ment* by the employment of methvlio
nluohol—that ia wood naptha, or alco
hol derived from wood. The material
ia lined in the flninhing of felt hats nml
nilli fabriea. If« action ia directly upon
tho muona inoiubrune exposed to ifs
emanations, aud olao through the neiv
riuaayajem upon the entiio organize-
lion. Tho etTeot ia tlrat noticed upon
the ocular. voi\fuunUvn, which become
mil uned and injected, producing a sen-
Nation of a ml in the eyes. A copious
{low °! team and extrema sensibility to
1 ght (jihotoplioblll) -JhMnaeitn
symptoms inoliuie iutense oorvru and
inflammation of the pharyx and brou-
cbtnlI tubes, together with trouble of
the digestive orgaus. Hevere hcadaohoH
end fooling of heaviness and dopres-
Nion are Always present. The rigor of
the malady depends upoti the extent to
which t he person ia exposed to thealco-
", 0 I’ho workman who tin-
ihiioa tlm bottom of a hat is attacked
more auverely than the one who pro
jmreH the rim. It Ima also boon noticed
that cabinet-makers who use the mate-
rial in varnish arc frequently attacked
'viln tetanic convulsions of the lingers
il "’ ,i
which tho rope soon made a channel for
itself, after which (he wear was not rx*
eessive. The pulleys roil at the rate of
llfty miles per hour, and tho ropes lust
from one mid a half to two year/.
Patrons In Texas.
The following extract and tho eon-
eluding portion of (he address of Hon.
W. W. Lang, worthy master of the
loxas state grunge, are timely :
I he opponents of the order of Pa
trons of Husbandry license us of parti
san objects, just us they might, with
equal propriety, accuse us of endeavor
ing to form u new church, or interfere
with the present modes of religious
i p°Jy restrictions in thn organic
iaw ol the nnl. i «r«, t.„ut no rnliRlmiK
or political questions shall be discussed,
nor religious or political tests applied
to nppliriintn for membership. This
does not mean (list we should bo any
the css citizens, or release us from any
or the duties or responsibilities of cit
izenship ; nor does it in the slightest
degree control the course of our free
dom And conscience, thought or action.
What thn social and noral influence
m ly bo upon i,k, it. » rnlv iioiioil
that. we. bo none tho worse, but the v®ry
reverse in expected, and that, we will be
bettor clUzcns.
steadily pursue the legitimate
purposes of our association, uninflu
enced by the prejudices of our adver
saries, looking to the reotitudo of our
intentions nml tho justness of onr prin
ciples, n» our vindicnation from every
Tho education of the farming inter
est in the knowledge of their own bus
iness is of the utmost importance. To
educate is to improvo thoir labor, to
promote their well being and to elevate
their calling. Following immediately
in the foots tops of such amelioration is
the augmented prosperity of the gen
eral community. I,at mo, in the name
or the order, and for the snko of tho
great interests intrusted to ns, invoke
your earnest and especial attention to
the business before you. You are as
sembled under no ordinary circum
stances. The suflwriug and oppressed
people of t lie state are looking anxiously
lint with hope and confidence, to tins
powerful aial popular order for the in
auguration of some system of agrinul-
turul reforms that will work their
and their country’s deliverance,
cooperation is the very base of
noble order, lot their he co operation of
thought ami effort in all your works.
Let, prudence and wisdom guide yom
counsels. Lot harmony and modurie
sion mark your conduct, sustained aud
supported by the convictions of right:
labor with faith, hoping to attain the
accomplishment of great good, enlist
ing the aympalhicu and securing the
co-operntion of all other industrial in
terests in the cause which you are ho
zealously laboring to promote. You
may riso to the frill importance of the
duties nml responsibilities resting upon
you, nml may you, in your conduct on
this occasion, exhibit, tho truth nml
beauty of holy scripture, when it de
clares : “ How good and how pleasant
it is for brethren to dwell together in
T/^ 0 ^‘T °. no «™nge8 were organized
in Virginia in May.
—Tho grango mill at Janesville, Wis.,
has jost received an order from Kentuc
ky for tho shipment direct to a grange
in that state of a car-load of flour.
—Thn Kioc county (Minn.*) grange-
mill company bos purchased six acres of
land in Faribault, paying £1,000, and
work has already been commenced upon
mark that ho considered tho pickles
wero moro injurious tbnn the copper
tuey contained. Ultimately, the case p«n»»ry, buffalo, Now York,
was withdrawn on tho ground that ai Tetter, salt rheatn, scald bead, Bt. Anthony’s
small percentage of copper might an- “f®* n ?.* rt * h or erysipelas, riugworm*, ptm-
?:r r .7 n ^
WIlion they are prepared ; and tlin. tho , wrafnloiu wre. and .welitueK t.rer ntw
raanmaoturerfl of theao articles are • -td!. swelting., turnon,, old .ore. uid .well-
taught that they may now rosnmo thoir i .. .. „ ,,, „ _ , ,
old practices no far ninkloM nra /win trloo*! !• the life. This is i* true u
t . hnt 1,10 a* mu' i
not tonoh snob oases.
Vrom the blood wo dorlro our dtronsth
manner before being salted and smoked
—a tablespoonfal of sugar to a five-
pound flan—possesses a mnch more
agreeablo taste.
Do Not Fall.
Do rot fail to send to W. H. Stecnett,
General Passenger Agent Chicago and
Northwestern railway, Chicago, for a
little book entitled “Tho Northwest
Illustrated.” It will be sent you frre.
trjiriL TOO HAVX
oun nxrilTTtr
r powers of enduraace and the withstand-
will have tr> consolidate witli other
granges or surrender their ohm ter.
—The Kansan Farmor objects to the
order taking so much money out of the
state, and shows that if the dispensa
tion feo wero gr, instead of $1/} the sum
of $14,000 would have been retained in
^Agonta for a Chicago “grango
store, nro selling coffee by sample in
Monroe county, Jnd., thirty pounds for
°° club of sixty are made,
delivery of
82, where
one-half cosh, balance
goods. The goods have not been de
livered, os a matter of course.
^ — The Patrons at ^Faribault, Dodge
raloi ° r ’
! Cherry drove, Minn., hnvo
lolriptod tho plan of taking toudor« for
limit trade, which ia givt n to tho mor-
oliaot nuking tho loaat ndvnnca on oo.t,
the iuvolao indng open to fnnpootinn.
I'.ight per oout. i. tho present rate,
which reprononta an iranmu.o paving. . . ,
ooureo, tin* I-atroiip will noo Ihnt tint j oro P 11 Bn .v of thn farm prndnctH. One
rchnntH don’t got two invoici-p, one thouaand poundH of grapn doooniiw.pod
’ ’ In the poil will fnmiph four timen as
much potash ns will ho rnmiirod to
, wll -n this waroo i. | It will .how you where ami howto
I r^ n ‘ ! >"'> ho. to got to
blood our ►yhtnfns »ro built np sr.d kept in ro- l ' 10 _
Ti'o .ireugth of our oonititutloiia .,,.1 “ Cnn.,mil th.n dirt,"
•very ptiy-
tho mill “ —— WM.H.HNWSU ujiuu «u* nt/iiuii #noa cahcb. i v—~*-*—«— . * .■*,
r „~ I '" l , rori " ^PWijl, Honry oounty, Vogctablo Manure.
Iowa, have been sont cl culnrs from „ .. , .... ...
Cldeago swindl rs proposing to forward lr , ^ Agricultural
Lnglish Hfwing machines” for $22 University of Ooorgia, has made a ro-
which are worth £K) or 870. * J”" °* c ;? rla ' n ^P^iments with ma- mg of^Jucing sg.odis idthlmTO-1 «*l*r«Mion and very true when applied
The Kansas executive oommittee -IS u rj V S i n R r,on,t # ural con- | "Uv depoml largely upon the e ndition in 1 Proctor A Gamble« Extra Olive Hosi*. One
warn thoao who organize gZgre iu ™ ‘ f° n ;‘ ,D " “ ,,ra0 '" 0 '" th “. 1 S '.lon'or ^llo^X- , ", If bold ", T, b " of “ ->«'!» * —k'« «Mhtn 8 of ten
ocoupiod territory tlfot in iLJ t|.,,v ; "vegetable ra™nre. m ho”-. n J“ 'Xm SS&ffiS!SSftr!i5SSaRLS3^“e52 K ”‘* b " 1 •“ «•»-■ f '«L -«
wm to bj: roor bMhh *-*—
used in oonjnnotion with fortiligcrs those poisons in tho blood is, many times, Go w Blvsndde Wator Cure, Hamilton, Ill.
was tested ns follows : One row with m0Bt disastrous. Hence, It behooves every ' ' - »■
enough mold from tho wootls to half *i ,e b,ood in * |H»rto«Ttlj healthy m B«o«»i or 0*mvmo».-rMi W M of o«-
llll the Inrrtw, with ammoniated plm». f’ 00 *''' * • -Uamd “■> l—.unfuilr
photo nt‘he rate of 200 11,,. per acre, “u ,raSf, r ™lri,K cur. S ^ ’" 7
rnodo 900 lb,, ol Bead cotton. Tho (nr- «uy ory.limlre linmor. yim not only cur. tiiou
tilizor wilhont Die mold mwlo 712 lb.,- <li.ere»i, hot you pat your «y.l*m In >uch ,i, “““ “"'b.' ,.luw: .twr >u
the natural soil 432 lbs The fcrti!i7«*r ' n, P rov ®d condiiion that yon are Iifrt so liable <*pUvaUu« Of all womanly charms
with I ho vegotnhlo mold made tog ” *"? 0U " r •‘re——- No ni.tmr what tin, ex- «"» •»* OrulWct «
1,1 iT, P rr ‘onial or exciting canso may be, the real or di- ta^taatlon any isdi
ccn . on production ; without it only 71 reel cause of a large propoitiun of all ohrenic Uaoas i Ma«i»oua Daum.
percent.: showing that the presenoe of j «>f tlaKoringdlseaeee is bad blood. The mol- .. M
organic matter in a soil adds much to f,,r " " in which 11 «>»'*ifeets iuelf ™ 0|U * **'<n.vnow a Medical raasi-
its production when fo tili/erH am niMl w *” Ild form aubjecu upon which I might write «“»»* wblcb was eommeoetd in ISSO, U »UU In pro.
Importance of kaSt .^«S«k'r
of the alcohol.
Oi.n Hath' 1**iiauihk._'Tho gro-
topi pm fnnoy of Bav,ig,. M f„ r tho onpt-oir
linlullmentH of olvillzul rnroa in' a
enuiiio of niiiiwoniont In traveler, the
’ ia rare, however, that
o such a passion for a
ia exhibited among the
Young and old,
these “ Hummer
Binoklng StatlstlcB.
We copy t he following siatomont from
a tine work entitled, “Hmoking and
Drinking,” by James Purton :
“ It ia gravely asserted, in Messrs.
Hipley and Dwtm’a i xeellent and most
trustworthy cyclopedia, that the eon-
aipnptioQ of cigars in tluba—the more
ooiisnmption-amounts Loten eigarp i»er ife Jirtr-.i{^niiy
to trado on and one to pay by.
—The spirit of all secret orders is too
often lost sight of—moro form taking
the place of that purer, higher, and
moro noble sen!iment of fraternity upon
which all secret orders, nml especially
the ordor of Patrons, arc professedly
founded. The moral instead of tho
mental faculties—the heart instead of
the head, should guide and govern the
thoughts and actions of Patrons in n
far greater degree than they do. We
do not fulfill all our solemn obligations,
Inntnrilj taken, when we go through
vegetable matter of the soil cannot bo 1 Xh
impressed too often or too deeply on cured, or best treated, bv iS ^
tho cultivators of the soil. Where a ,nw,lril '*’" »" ‘*ko up from this fluid and ox- ! •** • , p^« ,1M ■«»«*»
good crop of grass weeds or m u vin, 1 from.tlie s\al®m the noxiona elements. ; Pl *" T4T * 0 » nrrraaa u a ptwrloM lartsorant, m
or other plant, h.'vo dtoayj in . aoil,' i fclf “ [ '”‘ bU
tnore is mionglj of all tho mineral sub- authorities describe about fifty varietin of *
stances left in an available condition. ! " k n * M,t they all roquire lor tiieir v» Ou> Uuiium Mimko Ugmiirr hi* 1^
cure very lunular treatment, it is of no prac-ti- more core* of rb«*unj»u»ni, iMiiralgta,
“!Jf ly . l,, kno . Vr J”" 1 ’That name to apply to ap nli>«, •ceIcU, Uuru», »alt rJieiun, sore ulpi^,
iliHeaae, no you know twelllns, UraoneM, chapi^d hand*, potaonou* bl(«A,
» cm tain form of
owlet to cure it. Thou again. I might go 'n t ,
n and 'leecril»e vartnoa kinds of scrofulous , " n * br /‘* — •
make one thousand pounds of 1
. fever sores, white swellings, enlarged •“* •prain*, rtrain*, «*iu, stiff Joint*, laflamma-
kIsikIh and uloem of various apjiearaiice • but Uon » •**♦« 10 bea«u, ihaa *11 other imiraeut* put to-
Wheat, and half cnnngh phosphoric 1 “ ^ ^
acid, with qmto on overplus of all thn deem snob aoourae uimeceawy. Thorouaii- • „
uthtr mineral mitotanw,. Thn straw iy ri.Kn.i! Hi. blood, which util, gre.t °°un. ' H-ununx. ninm-vkuiuu.awi
of the cereals will furnish more than !“*" of l,fo * l " , 8°°^ digestion, a fair nkin. , to draw from the *c*lp Ui* uatursl lubricant which
enough of every one of Ibetn nrnnnt btu»> ant spirits, Vital strength, and souudnee* !■ It* eu*leoaDC», IU viunty l«, m It were, •uuj'^nd-
ZTrrit 'h ph ° H ° SSB - „ lood i sris = ur r::::
nnunh of «m .forme, »_nd ono-fourth , th « “V‘ ILIW! -H-r.
with tho forms and cere monies of th
ritual; there is, or ought to be,
holier motivo for our actions than the
too common one of sordid gain or ox
ocllenoo in prescribed formality.—hr
—About 7,00(1 of the Patrons of Ht.
•Joseph, La Porto and Elkhart couiitiea,
Indiana, together with a few from the
neighboring counties nf Michigan, met
for the purpose of having r good time
at. South Ba&d recently, Thn principal
event was at) nddres by Henley James,
the at ate grange master, who stated
that, though a year ago they only Lum
bered twenty-eight granges, the whole
number of subordinate granges
2,100 and rapidly increasing, ho
July 1 ho expects to hoo Indium
of any other state in the Union. He
estimates the membership in Indiana
to < xceed 100,000. no gave a sketch of
tlm doings of tho order, among which
he mentioned that it auved $1,000,000 i«.
Indiana farmeia in the year in the pur-
chare of goods and itnplomeutH.
A Patron given this advice to bis
brethren: “I),, rot meddle with '‘x*
> that hy
, 1*1 lit aw*
ire method
-gi. or th. i»tu r, 1 ’ to s u z - -’vsi’KSb r sura r M ,
there arc enough of all tho miuerafa in l,,a , ,0 7 l corni l»t o«>" which gaitelerin the blood ; 7.
grass, with nuito an overnln.“ IIJLw *'" 1 r " t .°"V, M 11 w * re * th ® machinery of life. ^ wl “ , P^ dn ^ b * T * n<1 P r *‘
tthcsnborift 2*5,1 . f" ’ x , 0o P t sro grulitally expelled from the system. For »«>‘l‘from falling otlt
phospliorio acid just half enonuh of ihls porposo my Golden Medical Diaoovsry
inis, ami double enough of potash. ““J Purgative Pellets aro pro-emittemly the « OMlia>ll*Si often ixkik pale aso
vines furnish a superabundance of j “““*•* «very kind of htt- ! ^ sick
. . . -- , , lUltDMk.
eating ulcere kindly heal under their BROWN'S Vkhmipcok c\ MPITB
fghty curative influence.
. ... nirifiHii n MupsrnDiindanofl of , *“ D 7 c '*™ «vory stna or hu-
potnsh and lime, (o make both corn nnd ?° r ^® x0#pt ou *)' fr ? m V 1 * WOr " t "crofula to
fyorv mineral ‘.SaZ! : {ftL^SS?
kalf nnnnpli of tlim Ui
kindly heal under their
tipply the . l-'ilargod glamlh. tuigpin and nwellings | NaJLTeiu/vv
loivnov in |
1 being put unde
worm* without Injury it
BROWN, rro|irl*uira.
Fnlioi* min*t. New York.
4 rliruiicu. ana <lMU*r* I
X“jo mSr. re..,Irani",1 I ZSZST*'™
,11 ran 0,1.1 pliniphorin ,aonl. Tlm ! ““I vnlrety uni, bntng lllumln.tre with tto
KtneliK cotton will iiIko fnrniih m" w "< t»H«ci in.uh rron, within, true t*.»,i-
cnvnch of nil tin. mineral food nxocpt i ly T *"'i ,0 , nb , l “ * 1 , UU /f l ' ir f
Tlicre* tlrrcu aro ^ruiU '.'iUZcot'" 'n 1 '' I 7TS
i e« biircw are qillio deficient. I bus I'IimmI aro nocenearlljr soraewlut slow, •,«. mat- I Mr*, winaiow. -,- ti Hl
di.mirm that tho KtalkKof cotton left ‘cr l,„« K,»»Uh,. TU. can. i or.,
tho red I “J HI til-.*-—., howc.r, with It,. u,o I lo Ool.M „„
matter of year* with n*v*r railing **irty
it we have 12 QOOD REASONS why they -*■
do your work
III Tlif)' nrr rlrnipfsl to liny.
Thry arr lirxl to Bv.
CO They Mr nrnly an,I q/tirhljr.
D Thnr ,i|/ration it perfrrL
Ttiry hair alwayi a run,I draft.
< Thrj- arc mndr of the beat tnalrrial
Tliry roaat prrfrrlly.
O Thry rtquirr hut little tart.
Thry arr yerjr low prirrd.
m Thry ire rosily in»u;i*nl.
M Thry ore inilnl to all luealitiu.
Ktrry itote tuuranltrt) to yitr uttiifnr'o
which operate riimry x kahh* kipkiiieni k ok an
a field weigh as much ^k,.,, , ,
,»kcn from them, for every thoueand |
t potent agent* only a
Ileus of mother* anti chllilren
Yanl of one week old to the aaluli
Ilia bowels, and glee* real, health
rut.liter and child. We bellev* It t.
aur«*i rfinedy In the w,.r d In all
tewjr ami dlarrhiM ! u children, wh
Mio fancy rise
singlo article ..
Nicobar Inlandcm.
chic.H, ami aubjeots,
. . , ... . , TZuSu atiH child ....
tlm ,aland. IfeftftlnN thia Cuba exporfa
l,w - billioiiH of cigars a year, which
vary in price from t wenty oents each
(in gold) lo two oonta. Jn (bo nmnu-
fucturo of Manilla cheroots- a nnmll
ituni in tlm Irado — tho labor of hc"'"'
IlnniHand men and twelve hind rod
men ia absorbed. Holland, wlmrc much
of the tobacon iihimI in smoky Germany
ia niantifnclured, employs, it iH HitiJ,
om> million pale people iii tho bu in,
In Bremen llieio are four thousand
pallid or yellow eigar-make
the United Hlutes tlm weed exhmiHts
four hundroil HiouhuiuI acres of excel-
lent, land, and employs forty thousand
aielily aud cadaverous eignr aud tobacco-
makers. In England, where tlicre it
duly upon tobacco of seventy-live
»*» 11 l’U'111,1, iwfl upon „l K „rK of Hoar-
pound, the govern-
tnillion pounda
pounds (hero Will bo taken away eight I do not winli to pi«- a my Ookl«n M«.hr»i
pounds of phospliorio Itcid in (he Heed, I Unco very in tho catalogue of (ittack pMent
more (Imu is left in tho stalk—ten • "‘••’irum* by recommeiiduig It to cure every
ponnds of potash and six pounds of n,, . r do ^ " 0 reoonimei»U it ; on tho
magneriit. And when it in renieml>ero<l ^kf.oVT^Ho It 155 SS d 0 3i".°»
under our system of clean culture, the Shita uTuHuS' *o,
cotiou stink is about, all tho organic blooti dinoMe that it will not cure, mil that
matter left in the field, mid (ho cattle dboam i* miner. I do not tumend my Non* *«imii.. ,, ,
lake off a good portion of this during ' ,i > “ < ’,«!® , , y for V 1 ,* 1 >° l 1 know It to be ruts in*. ^ /.Lm*'
t wlntnr, it i, „„t wr„„l,.,f„| ttmt our ^raTthra^'i!''SmlZl‘OHM?J™ ' - «
, ,.,1k ,1, t rii.ratfl, onroroiM rn»t and our „f kii ij.ku pm,,,,,., re ,b., nOL'HFHOI n in,,
know nothing of. Have t 1 "^ l mft, “ 0®nty. The inferonoe vegeUblo, or mineral. Illolid asdi-! w,,y w, “ »**• »*>'■"
•rder, aystein, regulaiitv and nronint- frora a, >° vo fneta that a good '."T'’ Vl*, 1 ar " ■dvortisad to cure cancer should j PANACEA
•••* " fesAunlL i «MUtial5>4aj!ag. *<-»• “l-n will. H„.|,ictoK. Tl,. y „.,.r| a UlbA
patli.' Word ‘"Jh"/,* 11 _and| Hre TWrffWtltll rliiiP '“
Iy four" dollars
nient derives about
sterling every year from tobacco.
French government, gets Irom its ......
nopoly of tlm tobae.'o (ratio nearly two
hundred million fraues per annum, and
AiiHlrin over eighty million frauoi,
is computed that the world iH now pro
ducing one thousaud million pounds of
tobacco every year, at a total co>t of
live hundred millions of dollar
Eden,” alike endeavor lu
outvie each other in the accumulation
of old hats, priding themselves on tho
extent and variety of their collections
aa other people d.t on thoir wraith of
gold or jewels or works of art. Guri- i
ously, second bund huts arc most in rc-4 Harrowing Uorn After Planting.
Mi-pioion raid ! j * ‘jf™,* f,irm,.™’,ire of tlm opin-
ir,nZ„r is?! s 1 r :i t -” w ^
oiouraiona to tbo Nii-idinre xxitl, oaraoi k ' Rr ■ 1 , l "' n ? 1,,h,b| i,’,'h foot in t},,.
of old lmlK ivi.ioli tliov Imrtor for o,,o„„. [ !!'“J 0 " ;? "f r,m *~ '! '» «'>« .l»'xxt tiling
nuta, tho prinniim, iirnduotion ,,f 11,,, ..., ’ ’' M poomlly m it, tin, oiiko
‘"Iraida. A gi od tall wliilo lint, with „ lfl l,lto Uko tho proKoilt
Idaelt band, fotohoa from llfty.I!vo In I'n.f,,,.,. i
mitydivo primo ooooanntn -»omoti„„.„ !,„ ! ,.V' „ ’ ,- h, ““ * "P. “‘a 1
more. a.s. > immr *l... IH lun 11 oiin
moro an, during tin, intouKooxoitoni.nt onouol? ? n m,
wliioli porviidi-K tlm inlamlK xrliilo tin. I rl ??! 1 ■!,. 1 ’ ll '"K>'o““,l noodn Htir
Irndo ih going on, fnnoy nrloon nro ofton I i„
HKkod and obtained, wl.on tlm markot N^'ho,;-
The ground must bo moistt n-
that t ho corn may get a good
. yon to do this
oovered in the soil and
miles can be made in n day by going (^ will furnish a. blood puriilem ami liver mVkitotuaa "contain
steadily on, than stopping by tlm u-nv j ">»ni6tonoy of nil tho mineral substances 6a, 'or m«ui-ury, in some form, or potoMiium
"ido. ‘fndnavnr to avoid ail hard word. ; to rank ''" ««“',~rn. ootton 01
and personalities. Learn to nny 'no.' i I'"°?P* ,o r»« acid ; that t
No necessity for snapping it, out dog ,n < !°, , 1 ton 1 for * n,,n > ■»» „ijir. im imiu
fuahiou, but say it firmly and respect- i I ,* n r H .. W| . rft P“*v bo deprived, *m! suoulil, ihoroforo, betltaoard*].
fully. A grange of honor respect their U » ° n ,V n 1 ,troj?Pn * ,,nt
amt iodlim variously combined. All of thsM
BRem* t'avo a strong temleucy to break dowu
tlm ItltHttl coquteolcn, a id dobilitate and othor-
t'oriuaimiitl.v iujttro tlm Iitituait evalem,
Hilly. A grange of honor respect their • v V, D , uro K (,, b out its pi,oh- .
word os they do thoir bond. They aid I pn° r >o acid, and gradually of its pot- '!
hut never beg. Pay ns you go. Never | “J 1 *. mn 5 n08m ! Hint in n system |
fool ill business matte
of rational agriculture,
My Golden Medical Dacovery, .... W » MW ,
baml, In ing uompoeed of lluid extract* of
native plant*, bark*, and root*, will m no ca*
produceiiijmy, tin effect* beingBtrengtbenlu,
» moro punitive
i later midical
iry have brougnt to
/>«iu nu uuic | : m , *i| a , , and curative only. Kama pan ^a, wii!cb”uBed
fidiiiits ; at least, tho fewer the bolter. | J n, P or Jf nt l< ? husband the organic mat- »o«*Joy quito a ropuiatiun a* a blo»*lpurifler,
Learn to think nml act for yoursolves 11 7 °* t , ! 8 ‘," ,,H ,H to »ppl j fertilizers * rejnody of thirty year* ago, and
Thoroughly investigate before going in- ! kn " 1 : ot >‘' of tlm most iin- W'’ 1 Sit* iu« P l,,v nK ’ ‘ 0 , l, 7 ‘V or
to any businecs of gtent imjHirt.uice. ; Jl']' [or obtaining soluble invl.iigation atid dlscore
Keep your tables and stands well spread 1 , m , ft ‘. 1 foo(1 for Pj»nt* «" to furnish the light.
with journals of seientitlc matter u " .' Vl *h vogctablo matter by a proper »*,itb Dmcovenr and Pellet* are *old bv all
... ’ j relation of oops; that the mineral flr * ,l ‘ ,| a M * druggists in all part* of tbo world.
" rP 0 ™ w V oh ' no “ t mi list,nice nf plant, tooomo“J, tto
with adveHisemontlTsrilic^tilHr^^o^niiR^ VOr ^i ,l’ ro,,, ‘ WH ' vlli(>l1 dwolves them, J‘»mn A. Wumoil Est|., Meignvtlle. Morgan
Inn. nf tin- ttrangOK in Now York oi‘v , ""vmoUhl« P «Snwtb’ 0e bi“ U R " , "’;" lion •«••• • ,»™i!r!t"km,”
and other distributing centers. While mechanical fim ness to Jl.iob° .r xtremp !'*•• a,,d . b 3 r •ouatant dootoring. it would heal
m many instances these cards are those 0,1,!..,^ In ° h n ! P - v aro **»1 break out in another. ltal*o
of trust-worthy and responsible deal ,», ! C ’ Hio notion upon thorn of .ft ° l u i l ! , , l m - vl , flft n * r ' I *ont ton mile* for
era, it is impossible to a^id oxpressing I , 0ftr '-y.. wb.ob did
tto opinlnn that they are f,n | pr^„ nf ,i;.na? '' Um '“ "'a
fraudulent purposcH. Great grango ten
or iurnishing companies will frequently, i
if traced out, be found to have for ii A Woman Walks Across tho Con-
warehouse a fifth story, ten by-nine of- ' tinent.
Hoc, aud for stock uotliiiur but Hwiiinlino i i
oiroularK, anil tin, iiKKurnmm ra„l ,1|k|,om i to?"",? , ,1,rHn « h Tninkoo
*':r -r"'-t
K°°;t tl>sn all other iQMUcino* I
real* old. and doctored with
of them help *t mo ho
' doctor*
I much a* one lKittle of
well and able to do a good day'* work"
Mr*. A W. WiU/IAMs, Claverack, Columbl
Y.. write* t 1 I *' ~
Salt Klieu
iL'tiSS- ffaBssfoisfs!
'* f r,V , •!• V, 'Ve*t (irove Station, Iowa,
July li. 1S,J. write*: My wife tir*t became
s year* ago. Swellfuge would ap| <
racelv*, free,
by Novelty Co . lie Hen
any po.l oOlre *,1(1 r« oil
in America. (Ireate^t (nt
Nh,::!,: Lebanon Business College
I/,,, j and Telegraph Institute.
I'loscH, hr tlm eibmintion of tto atVmk" I ti.« w,... i
,,f hills for Njitu or niixmantu to hnv r corn 1 "*? ! ‘ l '.“ r0, ' l .V lwni-trntml tho
then, witli. the ‘"inrauUlv I I? I T’T' , ‘" d ° a " m " '< »
“!!!! ?,,.! "! I i.?. p |o . w , ,l wit| > " "“itiviitor
take a common barn
with a cask or two of
tire population, clad
loins in i
I’J 8«ttlug tlinronuhly ilrnuk
s,?^h:;i,K ,, :,"z„Zt I ?to ; vr Tr' ? f "' v • , «y *««• b “"
ililition, i-olobrnlo tb„ ,„v««ioi, ll?ra v. wiil’to '^ ilmi’l
g thoroughly drunk ; t „, n ' l 1,1 7 amply lepnul for your
, “'; i or - Miuiv farmers think the lmrrow
Tkansmiusion or 1‘owkk by Wini- Wl Hl ' ft Her the grain, but this isjnot the
Hon:.—At a meeting of tho institution , () ' 10 R^td harrowing is equal to
of inechauical engineers, Imndon, Mr, I'* 0 " 11 , 1 ? after the ooru 1ms at-
Morrison describ 'd the mode of tmi
mission introduced by the J] n ,the
the harrow more after
Him, and now extensive v used** at I . 1 armers, ,i„now more a
Heltttffliausen, on the upper"Uhine It I " Ulg 7, 1,1 l ! e f° ro P b) "« p R. and \
ii|i,icor«Hbnt Ibi'v llrst ureil Hat motal 1 ir '' 1 ” ll,irr„\> ...„
lio btiiulH to IrnuHiuil tlm nowor • )mt ! 1 " ,,> K"-!' 1 Pj».v "„t ,'mix j,nt nft.-r
boiuR fouuil olijootioiHih),,, romiil I i',!*," "if ' urll "' r “ lll “K ‘‘i tbo aen-
wire rope was giibsequoutlv adowtetl in 1 you nnve no cultivator, take
Tbo ropo 2 ’oi tV.o rV^ h %r ,,r ,, ,; ' ir r r
flue steel Wire, as it must bo verv tonab 1 ’ *'iorow tho rows. This often dots
and llexible. This wiro rone whidm-t i , RO '^» au ^ 0HU ho easily done be
,'lmut ono inch in ilinmoti'r,’ami cun InT "l' Mb onoiiRh to bo R »n«
‘mill Bimmtv-two HtrumlK is run at „ ' * lr01 Rb " 1,b tbt ‘ l*f° w . AN,•/,«»,/,.
hi«b velocity, over poll.■,«' ot largo ,li. !
n mo tor. The total loss of power bv 1 Household Pets.
.mob 0 .?! " “ k i d ,! 0 1> " t "'° n “ :! " llowti witli 1-elK !" BiivH tbo cvnio—
wheel, 100 horse power was utili?. d at ! 'olernte3 R f, / n ' , 8h ° U, / I 1 !* lwrt -' 8 ,H> ^‘atmue. A groe. r at Glasgow was r.
Vi7t ' , a" , r :b,u «... jlr, V.v^v i.oWLitoid’: w". , h5T r *~ n “ y mnnme * ' ,>r i-««'
.igureoba,. bfLrriSE* \ low?.',? tin? ^
ZCWu Z:T , , "V W 7 n " 1 " f Tbo ,
-ivo tbo ore Ol.ivonn of material, lifeI !h!.l
ilolltir lo largo olu"bo~ Tlio ^Itr* r,vri ‘", 111 bn»lian,l oomowboro nin,. ,r.r.
11 ret. man who eon,Ik bin mnnov goi» tin. i “ llfl ' rn "!; wbomKlio wua reeking. Nu- u,l diMgpoar outor litp, »„d".lio BmliT
ooflbo ; tbo oluba oanturoil bv* this bait U1 "!i ,Uft . 0 .: s wt ' ro nilld, ‘ bor of a ri,lo ally hrenmnig i-i-ilui-oii. k„ , her ,vi„,ic .vru.m
win, h 8 '?t r ;;“'” r “ n ''’»-« w “ lkwl! ""
B Mo lUVistS IS Ollt HO much. On goner It J, • . . , i 11 I v IS IS71 l, n -v,.- ,, ,, . , IhlH Hlmiil* m*nl*l *<-unln-m*nt all t-Aii ikhkow
al liriuoinles it is Rntn fnr n.<> * Her dies* consisted of a pair of loose .„ r ..,*, I ' ■ *\° ,nlM tlms: My wifo h*t Ihk*. by m»ll. l,.r irrnu. lowthpr with a marrl
I Limiipi, s II, IS Hirni lor (he farmer to TiTk ; uh bnna«M I . certainly reooivod * great honetit from thn n«A 1 ••‘•snide. Ktyptlan onu-io. rtr**nii hini* toiMlIra
romtt no money to advertisers who offer inrin/^xi’iuV ° f ,° H , nVfl8 ’ • H,m " of - v ‘ mr ***« »™or%ri, fnV*Se ww“ot *b * A <,H ^ b 2S^ Aa., n ri^” nlH
particularly brilliant inducements } r i 1* 1 t ,rtt URP1 by . m,ncrK J? « ot ,,ff ‘*»e> b«d snd w*« U ot exjiociml to
Something is net to be had for nothing I r J ‘/“ n t un,n K- A woolen ' l ' u * " xok when *ho conimoncwl using it. »
even in this day of granges and clwao * l ier , ,10ck a,u ‘ «»«* \Z k fTi mrl d “i n * ” f her
stores, and it is extremely doubtful aromu her'shmildcr^ 1 "R PP *a lH ’ M ‘ eH am * ,H ««» *it- Ifir
whether thou « who fall victims to these !“,* •nonlders. In height snd coiwitlortHl ** :vlmo*t a mirao e *n
sharpers, after fair warning, desert o auv i ^ . her ,, 0W tho modinm - u V 1 UHe of J°» r v»ln»ble medtdne.
sympathy whatever. - AVie y 0 rk World. kH*! 0 .?.?'*™ 1 ral,1 ‘/ r < '; )drR i °- *nd, JraeoranmeMd it m a blood-puri-
'i.mpany atnu |iri prI uni I
ised twenty
recovery i*
d we attrib- | School
features wero rather coarse, and, I c*n cheerfully recomtneud it
is may bo sup|H>flod, severely bronzed flfr a,,d strength restorer,
by exposure to the sun and weather. THoesAsns or testimonial*
The distance from Winnemueea to shown at the World'* DiHoennary, Hnf-
follows to the “ ftdsworth—13«» miles—she made in , . * ' : expressing tbo gi»titude of those -
' ' tbo raUj of thirty-four re'd"Klu!?
1,0 m»da „n h.H in ait form, of blood di.. JJXtog ,to.|dS * " ' *" “
threat and bon*“
l*r. Hussall wri
London Times : Many years since, f °ur days,
when I first took up the subject of the i miloa a di-v. .She made
adulteration of food, it was scarcely in K through Truekee.
possible to meet with a sample c>( A great many persons here were aware
bottled fruits snd vegetables j ,u r coming, but thought sho would
fact, was not made green witli i uot - make her grand entry until about
In some cast s the : Hie middle of the forenoon yesterday
Greenwood Seminary,
liatcaremaoiiable wilvantng.
P*rtxMilitr> ,
,tM fn . r h0 *"S mural Iy rigniilvaal', i
the grooves of the pulleys, such a»i cop 1 then: us unworthy of <
* puller
-.'.uer, ere., ”them either was
vo wear in tie groove, or the fac
droved the rone. Tbo best nr
nt was foiintl to bo a dovetail
filled in wit! guttn perolm, in
pickles or oottled fruits and vegetables j ot lu r coming, but thought she would Properties of White Simsr
which, m fact, was not made green witli i uot make her grand entry until about r., . ,
a salt of that metal. In some cast r the Hio middle of the forenoon yesterday* Li many cases white sugar has been
copper was added directly to the fruit oi l, nt the walk of this remarkable pedes ^“Pv** Hs efl, ®*oionsly in remedying
Nogetablrs ; in others tho viuegar was 1 tr > ft n was “ mysterious and past tludine ‘ ,r,ulKtMlu ‘' R « as ammonia. No rationale
allowed to not upon the copper vessel* out,” and ahe'stroda on ahead of time ‘ )f 11 very Battsfaotory character haa yet
ui which it whs placed. Well, this arriving here at such an early hour that l)ee “ adduced for tho notion of so simple
practice since that time has been vigor- * scarcely half u dozen were able to take 11 8Ul) 3tanoe as sugar under these cir-
onsly denounced, and now it is a iare j observations of the evout • iumstanoeB, except that it serves to
(lung to meet, even a trace of copper in It had betn the intention to give this ,, P H dlff ® r ® nfc fermentation than
any such articles, with the exception of wonderful woman a sort of triumphant ,l10 existtng one in the stomach, and to
West. India pickles. 1 much fear, how- reception in Truekee (and surely the noutral,2 V b J the formation of new
XMsion warranted it), but she stole the o° m P? un d8, the action of tho liquors,
inroli ou ns and passed along rapidly A eurioua fact has.long been observed,
proper . coutly summoned for selling Indian l siloutly, and determinedly, aa if bent ^ 1l l e I . ,fe - of anil »al« which
If they fur- pickles adulterated with copper. Dr. on an important mission, tho fulfillment °. reatbG ln water is incompatible with
Ihorp,., Ibo l ily Kualxst. ,1, l ore,1 llmt „f wliivli mlmitted of no delav, ,-ironra- Pf™”™ tbfrem of evvn nu ineon-
lie foitud tho pickles to o mtaiu fi ll per j locution, ►peecli-muhiug nor public re- 81rtt ' raulG fi” a ntity of sugar. In some
- Tl„- ,lor,W.. wan that -vp'.ions. Tho oaae iaf xxo vouture to of the method.
contained copper, «a.v. one of tlio most singular on record Lou Jn'L • P rGserv . at, on of hsh con-
quantity was too small to be | — Iruckec Republican. ywcera-and sprink
i not coude
I ies/me kit*.
brav».. ! 1 dogs--.>n I •
terry-no tried vhildn
ened a»'d g'.iddened a:
world to many.
0*1 lip**
ling sugar over the interior, keeping the
mi , , fish iu fl borizjntal position so that the
vn -t ,om P GrftUL ‘° crusaders in Cal- sugar may penetrate as much as oossi-
i.utotano* end another* eerrifl! .■ t . ll « lr «» ble. It is said that f,,h t.r,-pared in
.to wss Lauded iu from another analyst ■ and sinir a?th« ^’ P,V pray can be kept completely fresh
call, d for the dt fence, urging these ’ • ! hav ® m man - Y !° r a ll ? n « t,mG . eavor being
- ’ ,,K . ,u b. lUG6 ° instances turned the victorv from the . feotasf r-— 4| - • • • •
injurious, and that, moreover, Mo*
' "'upro lial found that cop-
omul up ivith the re- rnmrellore
■centiy caught from the water
and salmon, especially, treated
Situ if ionV guaranteed
i iii >3i a - TON r. T. u-h.iu n, i>i!
61, St. Chorlos Street, St. Lenli, ho
:!!^r,r.-*,*'.’ 1 " *- n.
, ,fr. rarula «*d rrlUbl i B ••'• bl Ube4 to awura
•' ’-'*1 rnih-'e—. ,„rha»ln. B, L M * * r » da »" r <
*"’1 ■oeeetaful iff, ia M. ?*, r h * »
arTtolV "ui:"7 eC ' U *l 10 *” l>,1 ' “ni in/pltleeia
M w .10 p;i«r». . ■ ■ bl * rfl * r »**
OPIUM 85282?
for trratmrnt until curetl. CmII ., n or atljpj*
112 John street, C1.SC1X.VATI, OHIO.
Llr.ire.wr' In ^Tory“UrK^ c.'ly!" X oi'^. r ?|.'/.'."^'re.*’
e Mcnurr cedlcinra.
needed hy everv lady— i’atent^Sjaoot
!■ tr-
i OT»ii ol ’y t d^tr 11 * 16 ,,,a " la 's®-
j Klchtii street. Ht. Louja.M
ihOf* «v)io are married
Price arty cinu, b»
PlapenAary. 12 Nortr