Newspaper Page Text
~ T "'
State of Georgia, County of
Co the Superior Court of Said County.
The petition of I. R. # Jeffers, P. H.
ZumMallen, W. E. Algee, J. A. Dash
er and B. W. Bentley respectfully
I. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and as
signs, to be constituted a body cor
porate under the name and style of
TURING CO.,” for the term of twen
ty (20) years, with the privilege of
renewal at the expiration of said time.
II. They desire for said corpora
tion the right to buy, sell, hold, en
cumber and otherwise dispose of real
and personal property which may be
necessary and advantageous to the
purposes of said corporation, to sue
and be sued, to have and use a com
mon seal, to make by-laws for said
company’s government, elect direc
tors for the management of its af
fairs and confer upon them the right
to elect officers and appoint em
ployes, together with all other rights,
powers and privileges incident, usual
or necessary to like corporations un
der the laws of said state.
The object of the corporation
is pecuniary gain to its stockholders.
IV. The particular business
tended to be carried on by said cor
poration is
(a) To purchase, lease or other
wise acquire lands or buildings for
the establishment of a manufactory
or manufactories, warehouses and
workshops, and install therein a suit
able plant, engines, motors, power
and machinery, appliances, epuip-
ments, cold storage apparatus and
fixtures necessary to manufacture,
reduce, distill and refine the “CAS
SAVA” plant into “starch” or other
by-products thereof.
(b) To engage in the business of
growers of roots, plants, trees, vines,
cereals, vegetables, seeds and the
curing and marketing of the same
either as a raw material or a manu
factured product.
(c) To carry on and conduct ag
ricultural, horticultural and pomolog-
leal pursuits, and to market or other
wise dispose of the products thereof.
(d) To engage in the business of
buying, breeding, raising, feeding,
fattening, selling or otherwise dispos
ing of all kinds of live -stock or ani
(e) To manufacture, purchase and
acquire and hold in lawful manner,
and to hold, own, mortgage, pledge,
sell, lease, transfer or in any man-
a per dispose of, and to deal with and
trade in goods, wares, merchandise,
machinery, tools and property of ev
ery and any kind, class anu descrip*
l tion, in any part of the world.
(f) To acquire or purchase th<
good will, rights, property and take
over and undertake the whole or any
part of the assets or liabilities of any
person, firm or association; to pay
for the same in cash, shares of stock
or bonds of this company or other*
GEORGIALowndes Oouktt :
The petition of H. K. Miller, D. O. Ashley and
J. Y. Blitch, all of said comity and state, and
W. M. Webb of Hamilton county, Florida,
respectfully shows:
First: That they desire for themselves,
their associstes. 8uoce*sors and assigns, to be
come incorporated under toe name and style of
Second: That the object of their association
ia for the purpose of engaging in, and carry
ing on a turpentine business. and to this end,
to manufacture naval stores; to purchase,
lease, own and dispose of, Sud to hold option*
upon timber and timbered lands of all kinds:
to buy, hold, purchase and deal in all kinds of
property, whether personal or real estate; to
borrow or lend money; to purchase, lease or
own railroad iron and tram roads, and to
equip and manage the same: to engage ia the
mercantile business at retail or wholesale; that
they also desire ths right to form snd enter
into partnerships with individuals or other
corporations in or out of the State of Georgia,
for the purpose of carrying on any of the
business aforesaid.
Third: That their object is to do any or all
of the businesses aforesaid, and especially to
engage in the manufacture of naval stores and
to do all such matters and things aa are inci
dent to, or common, or connected with, or
necessary to either or all of the different
kinds of businesses above mentioned.
Fourth: That the capital stock to be em
ployed by th»m in said business is the sum of
ten thousand (110,000.00) dollars, divided into
shares of one hundred (1100.00) dollars each,
and they desire the right to increase said capi
tal stock from time to time to any amount not
to exceed the sum of fifty thousand ($50,000.00)
Fifth: They desire the power to make such
by-laws as may be necessary for the govern
ment and control of Raid Company; t
be sued, and to have a corporate seal.
ment and control of said Company; to sue and
* * > have a corporate seal.
i the principal, or homoc
said Company is to be in the City of Valdosta,
’ 1 county and state, but your petitioners
hat the right be conferred upon fr 1 - 1
, ration to have offices and agencies el
where, in this and in other states, and to cai
iy or all of the businesses above descrit
cn other placos in or out of this state
may be deemed proper and necessary for the
‘ iterest of said Company.
Seventh: That they desire to be ineorpo-
. jted for a period of twenty years with the
privilege of renewal at the end of said period.
Wherefore your petitioners pray that they
shall be incorporated for the purposes, with
the powers, snd for the • time aforesaid, nnd
-tents. powers and privileges ss a
1 incident to such corporations.
Attorneys for Petitioners.
GEORGIA—Lowndes County:
I, R. T. Myddleton, Clerk Superior Court of
said county, do hereby certify that the above
and foregoing is s true snd correct copy ortho
original petition of file in mv office. This
Feb., 8,1006, R. T. MYDDELTON.
"Lerk Superior Court Lowndes County.
State or GEonoiA—ColquittSCounty:
To Honorable Philip Cook, Secretary of State
The ^Petition of the Georgia Northern Rail
way Company, a corporation of said county
and state, heretofore created, and —
10th. 11
amended on the 10th
amendment gave petit!
tend lte railroad fr *
s,dated Da-
charter was
It of March, IMS. which
itloners the right to ex-
Moultrie, Colquitt Oona-
tend its railroad from Moultrie, uolqum uoun-
county snd from safci point to a point on the
wise; to own. hold, or in any manner. p 5m%£.
9 r mf Ml " -llllt-
part of the property so acquired; to
conduct In any, lawful manner the
whole or any part of any business so
acquired, and to exercise all the pow
ers of control and management neces
sary or convenient, of, in or about
such business.
(g) To apply for, purchase, or in
ny manner to acquire, hold, own, use,
perate, lease, sell, or in any man
ner dispose of, to grant license In
inspect of, and In any manner deal
with, any and all patent rights,
venilons, Improvements, formulas or
secret processes, used In connection
therewith, or secured under letters
patent, process patents, or copyrights
, of the United States of America or
/any foreign country, or otherwise,
• which may directly effect these ob
jects or any of them.
(h) To guarantee, hold, sell, as
sign, transfer, mortgage, pledge, or
otherwise dispose of the shares of
capital stock, bonds, securities, or ev
idences of Indebtedness created by
any other corporation of this state, or
any other state, country or nation
i when taken for debt; and while own
er of said stock may exerciso all the
rights, powers and privileges of the
ownership thereof.
(I) To enter Into, make awv per
form contracts of every kind with
any person, firm, association or cor
poration, municipality, body politic,
county, territory, state, government,
colony or dependency thereof; to
draw, make, accept, endorse, dis
count, execute and issue promissory
notes, drafts and other negotiable or
transferable instruments and evi
dences of indebtedness, whether se
cured by mortgage or otherwise.
(J) To issue bonds and secure the
same by pledges or deeds of trust, or
mortgages upon the whole or any
art of the property held by the com-
ny, and to sell or pledge such
bnds for corporate purposes, as, and
Ihen the Board of Directors may de-
fAV. The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be seventy-five thous
and ($75,000.00) dollars, divided into
seven thousand, five hundred (7,500)
shares, of the par value of ten ($10.00)
dollars each; at least ten (10) per
l cent. of which Is to be paid in before
^commencing business. But the peti
tioners desire that said corporation
lhr.ll have the right to increase said
^capital stock to any amount, not ex
ceeding one hundred and fifty thou
sand ($150,000.00) dollars, whenever
the holders of a majority of the cap-
\ ital stock may so determine.
J VI. The principal place of bust*
_ railroad corporation of
quitt ud doing ft general railroad business.
2nd. That it desires an amendment to its
charter by having granted it, the Georgia
Northern Railway Company, the corporate
powers and privilege* .ranted to similar rall
ied corporations, uti er charters granted, by
[e secretary of said state, to extend its rail-
main line between the ....
Colquitt county, Georgia and Pavo, Thomas
county. Georgia, and to extend from such
8d. The
Lowndes county.
ilroad from such
as Mn bo estimated will be about
..aye miles.
4th. Said railroad to bs built by this amend
ment will run nearly in southeasterly direc
tion to the city of Valdosta, Georgia.
6th. Petitioners ask that it be allowed and
authorized to increase its capital stock to five
hundred thousand dollars ($800,000.00) in shares
of one hundred dollars each, to be common
**6$tu °p3itioner^owe that the said proposed
mendment is authorized by virtue or a reso-
itlon adopted by all of the stockholders and
_11 of the directors of ths Georgia Northern
Railway Company.
7th. Petitioner shows that it has git
weeks notice of its intention to apply for the
amendment of ita charter herein set forth by
publication according to law.
Wherefore, it prays that its amendment to
its charter as herein set forth be allowed as is
By its President.
nary of said county, will be sold at publio out
cry on the first Tuesday of April, 1006. at the
court house in said county, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash,
following described real estate, situated
owndes county, Georgia, to-wit: All that
traot or parcel of land situated, lying and be
ing in the town ot Hahlra, Lowndes county,
Georgia, known and distinguished as lota num
bers one and two and fifteen and sixteen, in
block thirteen, according to the map and sur
vey of the town of Hahlra, made by the Macon
Construction Company. Said property to be
sold as the property of the estate of Mrs.
Dalton O. Lewis.
&. E. LEWIS.
Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Dalton O.
1 ness ol said corporation shall bo
In the city of VALDOSTA, LOWN
DES COUNTY, and state afores-
sald, but petitioners desire that
laid corporation shall have the right
to establish branch offices, manufac
tories or agencies at any other places,
either within or without the state of
ndeia of a major
ity of the §toel: jfiiy determine upon.
VWherefore, ;*» itloners pray that
alter this petitJbu has been filed and
Iblished In accordance with the
Notice to Creditors.
All person* having dfemsnus against the es
tate oi Miss Elvira E. Black, late of Lowndes
county, Ga., now deceased, are hereby noti
fied Vu render in their demands to the under-
BisnOTsceordlng to law, and all peraons in
debted fb said estate are required to make im
mediate payment. This 10th day of Fob. 1006.
Administrator>t *MlM Elvira E. Black, de
ceased. 2-11Gw.
Special Sate of Oil Paintings.
For a few days only we exhibit and
offer for sale in our store a line of flno
paintings from the studio of Prof. Otis
A. Miller. They are in great variety
and are priced at from $10 to $200. The
majority of them are painted directly
from nature.
To introduce his work here Prof.
Miller has authorized us to sell any
painting at half price. This wit.^be ap
preciated when you take into account
the fact the prices marked are loss than
half what they bring in the larger cities,
and that Mr. Miller is one of the most
noted artists in the whole country. We
invite you to come and see the exhibit.
E. H. McMichael Prepares fo r Collec
tion of Money in the Counties.
E. H. McMichael, formerly state sen
ator from this district, but who will
serve In the next general assembly as
representative of Marlon county,
preparing a ,bill providing a method
for the collection of school tax when
local school taxation is voted by
county or community.
Two years ago Senator McMichael
secured the passage of a bill providing
for submission to the people for rati
fication of the educational amendment
to the constitution.This amendment
provides for optional local school tax
ation, either by county or militia dls
trict, to increase the length of school
terms. So far, however, there has
been no law passed providing the
method for collecting these taxes,
is to cover this deficiency that Sena
tor McMichael’s bill is to be Intro
duced. The bill being prepared goes
even further than this, it is said, cov
ering may details of county school
matters, such as the government of
teachers and commissioners, etc.
preparing the bill Senator McMichael
is corresponding with the leading edu
cators of the state and has also
studied the new school laws In Mis
sissippi and Louisiana.
Will Visit Valdosta and Look Into the
Depot Accommodations.
Atlanta, March 8.—Th^ railroad
commission, on account of pressing
official duties, will be unable to visit
Savannah this week, but will leave
for that city on the night of March
22, and spend March 23 there.
From Savannah the commission will
go to Valdosta to examine the depot
facilities. Commissioner Joseph M
Brown will go from Valdosta to Alba
ny to examine the depot there, which
the other commissioners have already
Pope Brown ctill refuses to talk pol
H. M. Holloman, of Texas, called on
Governor Terrell today and Invited
him to attend the Northern Settlert*
Convention on March 21, 22 and 2$.
The governor hopes to be able to ac
The Appropriations of Roosevelt and
Cleveland Administrations.
Washington, March 8.—Statements
were Issued today by Mr. Hemenway,
late chairman of the house commit*
tee on appropriations, and Mr. Living
ston, ranking minority member of the
same committee, relating to the appro
priations by the session of congress
just closed. Their statements as to
tho total appropriations for the ses
sion agree, being $818,474,914 for the
fiscal year ending Jane 30, 1906,
against $781,172,875 for the previous
year. Mr. Livingston makes a com
parison of the four years of the last
Cleveland administration and the four
years of the administration Just
closed, showing that In 1893-1896 the
appropriations were $2,016,343,763,
and during the years 1903-1906 they
were $3,153,334,292.
Georgia Car and Manufacturing Com
pany's Plant in Savannah 8old.
Savannah, Ga., March 8.—The Geor
gia Car and Manufacturing Compa
ny’s plant and properties were sold
this morning. The price was $32,500.
This property was purchased by M.
A. O’Byrne, M. J. Kavanaugh and
Georgia Supply Company. The
property was under the hammer by
virtue of an order of the United States
district court, C. H. Dorsett selling It
on behalf of the trustees, the Savan
nah Trust Company.
which may bo incident, usual and
necessary, under tho laws of said
state for the purposes of their incor
poration. And your petitioners will
over pray.
Dated this 11th day of February,
A. D.. 1905.
Petitioners’ Attorneys.
Georgia, Lowndes County: —
I, R. T. Myddleton, Clerk of Su
perior Court of said county, do hcrc-
^ by certify that the foregoing is a true
order bo passed by this court' copy of original petition as appears
them a body corporate, un- on file { n this office.
Doerun Man Killed by Horse.
Doerun, Ga., March 8.—Perry Fair.,
a prominent voung man of Doerun,
was killed near that place Monday by
a runaway horse. He had alighted
from his buggy, throwing the lino over
one arm. The horse became frighten
ed and ran, dragging him fov tome
distance and hurling him against a
One leg was broken and internal in
juries sustained. He died in r. few
Mr. Fain was 22 years old and was
highly esteemed. Ho was the oldest
son of Mayor D. A. Fain, of Doemn
Engineer for Dooly Lumber Company,
Met with 8erious Accident.
Wray, Ga.. March 6.—Frank Foun
tain, engineer for the Dooly Lumber
Company here, was caught in a belt
this morning and had his entire right
arm pulled out. Drs. Moormon and
Ware are now dressing the wound.
It is a very serious accident, and may
prove fatal, but both physicians seem
hopeful, and he has plenty of courage
Operatives for the Dooly Lumber
Company have been very fortunate.
There hat? been only one accident
here in three years where a life was
lost—-that of a young man, Walter
Hamrick, who lost, his life in a plan
ing mill in May, 1902.
Gives Valuable Information.
Ool. F. A. Dillingham, tho millionaire
advertiser was interviewed in his comfort,
able quarters in this city by parties who
came from a distance to sec him for tho
purpose of being treated and to obtain
his remedies for run-down, debilitated
system, their names being withhold for
certain reason hotter known to them-
selves—bat that makes no difference to
Col. Dillingham, the man whom Plant
Juice has made famous. Ho answers all
questions In :» straight forward manner,
and when asked in regard to norvo force,
'I believe all physical or bodily action
or motion comes from an invisible source
and this source is a substance; i. e.,
mind. Mind is co-existent with * the
nerve forces. Mind wills, and the body
obeys. Mind in cause. Now we have
the mind responsible for the body, and
as we ore dealing with man, we must
consider mind first of all. Mon can
never be well physically while his mind
is forming a false world about himself.
False conditions of mind are contrary to
health, harmony and happiness.
Hence the first step to regain happiness
is t6 remove all obstacles, clear away the
rubbish; clear the temple i e., body and
mind, of all that is wrong. First put
tKe liver into perfect action; see that yon
digest all tho food you eat. I want it
plainly understood that I am not point
ing out conditions from the boginning
of restoration to health. I claim that
all forms of disease can bo snbdned, and
that there is no inourablo diseases. I
believo there is a cure for every ailment
that mankind is heir to Nature’s labato-
, if we only knew whore to search for
» v . aid I believe in offering to the public
BlanTJuftlj I offer you God’s greatest
and best gifts for the cure of liver, kid
ney and blood diseases and all forms of
norvo diseases.
All persons may bo made well and
strong; but before I stretch forth my
hands to save or use the knowledge God
has givon mo to work with, I will make
dear and plain the way; Those who
Book health by my aid must work and
oboy tho laws of their Creator as a part
of the treatment. HOnosty, from the
center to the circumference of your be
ing, Is an absolute prerequisite to your
restoration. You must be honest witli
S ourself and all tho world. This must
o the first step—the bottom round of
the ladder. If you cannot tako tills in
all sincerity, I have no remody to offer
you. I am not preaching a sermon, but
giving you a fundamental law of health.
" ' icjdth depends upon harmony, and
nuv, unadulterated honesty loads us
nto it. Before wo build we must have
foundation. My life is governed bv
fixed lawn, and we must obey nature's
rule before I can reach tiie law of euro
for diseases.
In offering you Plant Juice for the
cure of all forms of nervous diseases,
also liver, kidney and bladder troubles,
I act as a teacher and instructor of the
race. I present for rational minds the
only law of cure over known on our
planet—the harmonious laws of nature
.rom which Plant Juice is composed.
This wonderful remedy can be pro
cured at druggists and country stores.
(.Extract of Hydrangea
DR. mn 0AUSW8JR.
Is the name given a wonder
fully successful tnedich.a!
preparation, discovered and formulated 33 years ago, by the once cele
brated physician ami chemist, Dr. Franz Gauswein, of Weisbaden,
Germany. The curative properties of "SEVEN BARKS” are ex
tracted from the bark of a specially grown species of the Hydrangea plant
—the bark of which, as botanists will tell you, grows in seven layers, each
of different color and each possessing a distinctive medicinal value. It Is
the only plant known from vhich is extracted providence-given elements
which in combination produce a single panacea that is a sovereign
remedy for most ail ailments and diseases of the
Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, Liver, Kidneys and Nerves.
"SF.VBV 11ARKY' wai introduced in America in 187a by Mr. Lyman Brown, of New
York City.a c.icmisi of national repute, who in the early ’70 s spent nearly a year in Weis
baden before he could secure the highly prized formula. Although “SEVEN BARKS"
hmt never been advertised in newspapers, yet thousands of American families are never
without a bottle, while hundreds of physicians and druggists are recommending and pre-
scribing it. By this slow process of personal recommendation "SEVEN BARKS" is today
one of the most popular and most successful remedies on the American market. The
reader has no doubt heard of it.
The undersigned purchased the formula and sole right of distribution in the United 1
States. He realizes that every family desiring continuous good health should always
keep a supply on h ind, therelore strenuous efforts will be made to introduce it in every
home where it l
r you are Inclined to attacks of bilious-
■■ ness or constipation; if your bowels are inactive at times: if your kidneys at
Yftll SJUKK'** 1 U 1 P h » or vou suffer from sick or neuralgic headaches, buv
SO Cent v ottle of SEVEN DARKS '* from your druggist. If this lira
A r « Ilf bottle does not benefit you, or you are disappointed in its action.take the
ArC III remaining portion hack sud get your money. Ji uiUbech*et/iSJtr e )ltnii.
If you cannot afford to pay tor m bottle now, send ua yonr nano aad
wIthTur" , " U *“ ° rd ” r “ ,0ar b ° m * tor • *>«“•,
LYMAN BROWN, Pharmacist, N.Y.CJty
A. E. DIMMOCK, Valdosta.
From Hoy-
wood Bros.
& Wnkcflold
Co., and wo
arc nowablo
to snit yon
in prices and in quality. There is no
comparison. Best mado in the
world. 1 .
It you aro in need ot a cart oomo
soo onr lino. Wo will nrrango payments to suit any ono.
Mail Orders Solicited.
Thomas Furniture Co.,
) and stylo aforesaid, and
to said corporation all the
Ps, powers snd privileges set out
Sprayed for in the application, or
nder my hand and seal this
Februar. ', 1905.
Clerk Superior Court.
Death’s Harvest in Clinch.
Mr. James T. Eason, an old and re
spected citizen of our county, died at
his homo near Dupont last Saturday
night, and was burled Monday at the
North graveyard.
Mr. Eason was about 75 years old,
and has lived in this county for about
twenty years. He moved here from
Appling county.
He leaves a wife, ono son, Mose,
and two daughters.—Clinch County
The number of legal executions in
1904 was 116, as compared with 123
in 1903, 144 in 1902. 118 in 1901, and
and 119 in 1900.
So Tired
It may |io from overwork, but
the chancea are Ita from an In*
active LIVER. —.
With a well conducted LIVER
one can (Jo mountains of labor
without !»tl*ue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can he Ice pt In healthful action
by. and only by
Relieved Within Twenty-Four Hours.
Absolutely Harmless and Costs Only
25 Cents.
Prepared the Remedy and Given the
Advice, '%
Sherrouse Medicine Co., Mfrs.,
W. L. ZIN,
1 J.iiih and super!-1 tendency for all classes
< I buildings. Orders in or oqt of town
givui ruompt attention.
w. I*. ZIN,
! . t lane Avc. V \I,DOSTA, UA.
Builder, Contractor
A~* V—i -
Superintendent ol Coostroctions,
Holi'Ttta an opportunitytr bn opt) klrdaof
housebuilding, of wo6d, bry* oratftne.
The Oldest Whiskey House in Georgia.
Pure Finu Old Rye. By the gnllon 13.00.
4 fall quart** |3 M. Kxprehx prepaid.
Pure PenHylranla Rye, rlch and mellow
By the gallon !£ 75. 4 full .quarts 13.00
Pure Substantial Family *»vhi«key, by
the gallon 12.50. 4 full quart* 12.W.
Kx preen prepaid.
By the gallon 12 25. 4 full quart* 12.65.
Kxpreaa prepaid.
Dirent from the Bonded Warehouse.
Fine and Old. By the gallon $3.00. 4
fall qaartfl $3.25, Expreae prepaid.
Rich and Mellow. By tho gallon $2.50.
4 fall quart* $2.1)0. Kxpreaa pr^aiu.
Wo handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bonrbon Whiskies la the
market, and will save you from 25 per cent, to 50 percent, on your'porcliases.
Send for price list and catalogue—mailed free upon application.
The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Company,