Newspaper Page Text
Rev. Pascon. Senlell was a visitor
to the* city this week.
Yesterday's rains will make early
gardens grow like mushrooms.
Mr. B. Q. I.astlnger and family spent
Wednesday and Thursday In this city.
Mr. C. Smendam and wife, of Mor-
ven, were visitors to the city Wednes
Professor J. 8. Stewart, of the Stat *
University, was a visitor to the city
thlr wees.
Mr. William G. Raoul, Jr., of Way-
cross, was a visitor to the city on
Mr. A. Lee Humphries, of Live
Oak, Fin., was in the city c i business
Mrs. Edward Crow, of St I.ouls, is
spending some time In the city with
her sister. Mo*. W. E. Rouse.
Mrs. .1. K. Bailey was calld lo At
lanta this week by \ m-ssage nonoun
clng the serious Illness of her father
Mr. Algernon Blair went to Mill-
town Wedneslay, and from th« re to
Macon anl Montgomery.
Miss I\y Hayes, of Washington, D
C., Is spending some time in Valdos
ta, a guest of Mrs. J. C. McDonald.
Mr. William H. Mobley and wife,
of Fargo, were visitors to Valdosta
last Wednesday and were r'*gl*tered
at the Valdes.
Mrs. Eflli! Sims Rogers came down
from her home In Kentucky this week
and is spending some time with her
father and brother.
Mr. W. D. Upshaw spent a day or
so In Valdosta this week and conduct
ed the prayer meeting at the Baptist
church Wednesday i.Ight.
Mr. W. P. Ik.rough has returned to
the city from Sew Orleans, where he
went on business connected with his
large music louse here
Mrs. Boscom Tlpptns, of Belleville,
Ca., has been -pending a few days with
the families of Messrs. O. M. and A.
B. Smith, but left yesterday on a visit
to relatives at Sparks.
Superintendent J. R. A. Thompson,
of th'- Ik-11 Telephone Company, was
In the city this week, looking after
the Intercut of that company’s busi
ness here.
J \ Thompson, of the engineering
department, and C. W. Fulghunt, of
the toll line department of the Bell
Telephone Company, were in tho city
this week. *
Ur. E. M. Berry, who was fovmerb
with A. E. D! i-.nocU, line returned to
Valdosta to accept a position in the
prescription department of C. S. Bon
Mr. W P. Smith closed a trade yes
terday for the Worthy Martin place,
•lx or seven miles above the city. It
oontnsued 1,500 acres and brought
.about IS.noo. Mr. Sndth bought It
from Mr Frank Fender.
Rev. !.. R. Christie returned to the
city yesterday after spending n week
or so nt Forsyth and Macon. He de
livered a number of lectures at Mon
roe Female College and was booked
for several nt Mercer, but had to can
cel the latter on account of a mild
attack of grip.
Boyh are wanted for the vestry choir
now being formed nt tho Episcopal
church. Training In this choir Is al
most equivalent to an education in
vocal music, free of chnrge. and small
remuneration may bo given besides.
Rehonrssls Friday evening at 7
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lastlngor, of
Waco, Tex., accompanied by their
children. Mildred and Thontns, were
In the city this week on n visit to
relatives and friends. They left last
nlghi for their home. Mrs. Lastlnger
and tho children have been spending
some time at Braldenton, Fla.
The local npschall enthusiasts
ought to secure a ball ground within
the city limits, if possible. Baseball
will draw goods crowds if the games
are placed in town. Tho public does
not like the game well enough to en
dure hardships and extra expense to
see It. Secure good grounds In easy
reach of the people and they will pat
ronize the games.
Parties who are indebted to The
Time* either Mr subscription or adver
tising are requested to make prompt
settlements. Our fiscal year ends on
the first of April and we not'd all
amounts due us. Subscribers In the
city are requested to send tho amounts
to the ofllco and not force us to have
to run after It. We chnrge only a dol
lar a year for the paper, delivered 104
times a year, and subscribers will save
us lots of trouble by sending the
amounts to us.
The last of the Lyceum exercises
will doubtless bo the best. The Kling-
Paee Company will give an eveninig
of song and stoYy jkt the city hall to-
nipl\t. it Is a double star attraction the newspapers of the country
are hmd In praise of It. Those who
secured Hie Lyceum attractions for
Valdosta are 6qt quite a sum on their
efforts to furnish high class entertain
ments. and the people ought to help
them on this, the last of the enter
tain morns.
Mr. George Sloat left Wednesday
for Hoi Springs, to be gone several
Mr. J. M. Srnythe left this week for
Dothan, Ala., where he is to go Into
the lumber business.
Mr. R. O. Bean, of the Southern
Pacific road, was in the city this week
soliciting Western travel.
Mr. Twiggs Clyatt, of Quitman,
spent a couple of days here this week
looking after his Interests here.
Mrs. H. M. Smith, of Cordele, is a
visitor to ihe city this week, and is
a guest of Mrs. 8. B. Breedlove, her
The entertainment by the Kling-
Pace Recital Company this evening
will be the last of the Lyceum course.
It comes highly recommended, and
' hould dmw a large house.
Several car loads of wreckage from
the Ousley Station smash-up nassed
through the city Wednesday. It
:d.owed that the wreck there was pret
ty complete, so far as five of the cars
re eoncerneo.
Mr. L. H. Warllck has been given
the contract for erecting the monu
ment over the grave of former Chief
of Police .1. W\ Dampler. Tho monu
ment Is to be about eight feet tall and
will be a handsome stone.
Tiie a f r yest* rday N had the Tevor of
regular cyclone weather, and fn the
sections that have been visited by cy
clones the people were uneasy. For
tunately for the timber belt, cyclones
are almost unknown here.
We call attention to the large adver
tisement of Oliver, Williams
Grimes, who have Just received a large
shipment of embroidery and will have
a record-breaking sale in this line in
a few days. Read their ad. It will
pay you.
N. Holcomb this week closed a trade
by which Mr. Dana Griffin becomes
the owner of the Rountree house and
lot in the northern part of the city.
The property Is to be greatly improv
ed and then Mr. Griffin's family will
occupy it.
Mrs. J. C. McDonald will entertain
her friends among the young matrons
this afternoon from 3 to 6 o’clock, and
the young people tonight from 8 -30 to
Tho entertainments will le in
honor of her guest, Miss Hayes, of
Washington City.
Mr. N. Craven Shot at J. W. Hooks
Two Times on Wednesday.
Mllltown was thrown Into a whirl of
excitement Wednesday morning, ac
cording to reports which came here,
by a shooting affray at that place.
The affair was indulged In by two
citizens who had been good friends
up to that morning, Engineer N. Cra
ven, who works for the Gress Lumber
Company, being one pf the principals,
and J. W. Hooks, who formerly work
ed for the same concern, being tho
It seems, from the report brought
here, that Hooks was boarding at Cra-
en’s house, and that morning after
Craven had gono to work, he Is al
leged to have said something to Mrs.
Craven which gavo her great offonse.
She promptly notified her husband,
who got his pistol nnd started out to
nvengo tho alleged Insult.
According to the roport which came
here, ho met Hooks on tho street nnd
opened fire on him. Only one of the
shots was effo'tlve and that produced
only a tlesh wound. Parties who
were standing near by Intervened and
stopped the fight nt that stngo.
The bullet which struck Hooks hit
him in the palm of tho hand and made
only a tlesh wound. Tho matter caus
ed a good deal of excitement at tho
Monday sale Staten Oo.
Choice line of bottled ipsplft syrup at
Ousley A Oo.
Doll free at Dorris A Thigpen's. See
For pretty millinery Staten Co.
Apples, oranges, lemons, coca nuts
and beans. Howard & Lane.
Imported macaroni and &ood cream
cheese at J. T. Webb's.
Velvet beans, velvet beans, for sale by
the Paine-Dunaway Drug Co.
Embroidery sale Monday. Staten Co.
Choice velvet bean seed, for sale by
Ousley & Co.
We have just received the prettiest
line of parlor and library furniture.
Come see it, on bottom floor. Thomas
Furniture Co.
Free shines at shoe store, ladies, for
you. Dorris & Thigpen.
Breakfast bacon, hams and country
cured shoulders. Howard & Lane.
Garden seeds of all kinds and guaran
teed to grow at the Paine-Dunaway
Drug Co’s.
For eveirthing good to eat plume
Howard & Lane.
Notice to turpentine men: Do not
contract for barrels until you see us.
Valdosta Cooperage Co. 2-4-s-2m
Finest line of chocolates in the city at
Oasley & Co.
We offer for the next 20 days all iron
beds wo have on hand at great reduced
ioea to make room ‘
onias Furniture Co.
Red Bliss Triumph seed Irish pota
toes, fresh, at Ousley A Oo.
Be sure and get your garden seeds
from Paine-Dunaway Drag Oo., then
you will not liave to replant.
Wilbur’s Stock Powders is the best.
Try it and be convinced, at J. T. Webb’s.
Don’t forget shoo doll, $25.90 for you,
one ticket with 60 cent purchase.
Picnic parties would do well to see
Ousley A Co’s, line of picnio goods.
Wo have just received a new lot of
beautiful Axministcr Squares, 9x12 feet.
Pay you to see them now—they have
got to go. Thomas Furniture Co. i
Ousley & Co. make a sru'claltv, a all"
kinds or picnic goods. 1 *5*1 r *
Chickens, eggs, butter and cheese, the
best at lowest prices. Howard & Lane.
Three special lots embroidery, 4c., 9c.
and J»c. at Staten Co’s Monday.
Eight free shines for ladies when you
buy a $3.50 pair of shoes at Dorris A
Twenty and twenty-five pounds of
good rice for one dollar at J. T. Wobb’s.
We have tho most complote line of
window shades in town, telephone 200
to send up samples to look at. Thomas
Furniture Co. 8-ll-2t --
I want five hundred head of good
lions and largo fryers at onco. J. T.
The A. & G. Free Kindergarten.
Tho Atlantic and Gulf free kinder
garten opened Monday morning at
S:30. There was an enrollment of
thirty pupllh, with tho promise of an
Miss Hcrgeshclniev, of Philadelphia,
is tho teacher In charge nnd is one
mln«ntly fitted for the work. She
ins for some time been connected with
vork of this kind, and those In charge
of the undertaking were fortunate in
curing her services. She will live
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Sylvester Brown,
in Mill-Row.
Tho kindergarten opens every morn
ing nt tho chapel and continues dur
ing the morning hours.
This work is a worthy one and one
long needed. The people realised the
necessity, and as soon as a beginning
made a hearty response was met
with. The school is supported entire
ly by private subscriptions from the
town people.
It Is hoped that this will give the
impetus to other movements In con
nection with the mill work, such as
establishing a free library, reading
room, etc.—Quitman Advertiser.
Miss Isabella Smith at Harley’s will
be so pleased to have the ladies call and
see her splendid lino of crockory, glass
ware, lamps, cheap cooking atensels and
A $25.00 doll for yon, don’t forgot to
get coupon when trading.
Notice to farmors: If you aro need
ing anything in tiie furniture line, come
see ns. Wo will give you ea*y terms to
pay for same. Thomas Furniture Co.
Ladies call for Peter’s chocolates and
I will show you something delicious for
eating and drinking only/, at J. T.
Webb’s. I
We have 50 go-earts on liand to select
from. Quality guaranteed, will not bo
undersold, try and see. From $2.25 to
$35.00. Thomas Furniture Co. 3-ll-2t
Phono 104 whon you wdnt bass, drum,
sheep head and shad tof bake; perch,
trout and shod to fry. Ploase get in
orders by 10 a. in., and 4 p. m. Will
be glad to see you at any timo in our
now house, 112 west side Aahloy street,
at the Messrs. Brinson and Hamilton
old stand. Yours to please,
Td. H. BELL.
Policeman Singleton Resigns,
rollcoinnn T B. Singleton tendered
his resignation as a member of the
police force this week, and Henry
Spell in temporarily filling his place.
/ v
We Know what all good doc- I
tors think of Ayer's Cherry ]
Pectoral. Ask your own doc
tor and find out. He will tell
you how it quiets the tickling y
throat, heals the infiar.icd 3
lungs, and controls the ||
hardest of coughs.
>r»l n w.n know hi., k
l It tb# bc»t imdi : ■
uut fold*.'' , I?
Establishes brsnehes in counties
sll over the stste. They now hsve 48
brsnehes in Georgis and over 30,000
members, collected in four years.
They have the privilege of consoli
dating two or more counties in one
division when they deem it to the ad
vantage of its policy holders, and such
is the case in the division already es
tablished in Valdosta, Lowndes coun
ty. In order to fill this division to
about eight or nine hundred they are
now engaged in transferring the mem
bership'of Brooks county to this divis
Agents will at once solicit more ap
plications, and expect to fill this divis
ion to-one thousand members in thirty
The local board of officers of the
division are:
Mr. John Lane, local president.
Mr. B. J. Sirmani, division mana
Mr. J. T. Blalock, Merchants’ Bank,
secretary and treasurer.
Messrs. Lane and Sirmana are
thorized to appoint directors and
agents and will make a liberal con
tract to fill the division quickly.
Administrators Sals-
administrator on too estate of Thomas Fox,
has applied to the ordinary of ask! county for
Iosto to eell lands belonging to the estate of
Thomas Fox, for the purpose of distribution
among the heirs of the said estate. Said ap
plication will be heard in the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary for said countv to be
held on fhe first Monday in April, 1905.
This of March, 1906.
A. V.8IMM8, Ordinary.
O. A. Whitaker, Attorney.
Tax Receiver’s Notice.
1 will be at the following precincts o
dates given below, for the purpose o
receiving tax returns for the year 1905:
Naylor, * - April 8, 12 and 24
Oat Creek, - - “ 18 and 25
Halnra, - ”5, 14 and
Olub House, “ 17 and 27
Ousley, - - - " 7, 18 and 28
Olyattville, - - “ 10, 20 May 1
Lake Park, - - " 11,21 ** 2
Darsoy’s School House, • . - " 8
Dasher, - " 4
Valdosta on all Saturdays, and daily af
ter rounds are made, until books close
on June 1st. O S. BACON,
3-7-may 10 Tax Receiver.
Notice to the Public.
The Valdosta Fish A Oyster Co., is
now open and ready to serve you at
207 Ashley street, next door to E. A and
H. U. Mathis’ grocery store. We are
prepared to quote you very close prices
on all kinds fresh and salt water fish
and foysters. None hut the best will be
handled. Our stock is complete and
prices consistent. "Satisfaction or your
money back cheerfully” is our motto.
Remember the plaoe, 207 Ashley street.
Special attention given to phone orders.
Phone 118.
Tho Valdosta Fish & Oyster Co.
Puppies for 8a!e.
2 Gordon setter bitch puppies $15.00
each. 8 Gordon setter dog puppies
$20.00 each. At 8 months old. From
my famous Gordon setter "Bob” and a
thorough bred Gordon setter bitch.
Notice to the Public.
All persons aro hereby forbidden to
give employment to my son, Thomas
Lomax, or to receive him into their
homos without my personal consent. A
written consent is not to be honored, as
ho is a minor. Any person or persons
violating this notice may expect to
abide by the law bearing on this point
(Sighed,) T. A. LOMAX.
FOR SALE— Dahlia bulbs, rooted
plants and cut flowers. 305 North
Troup street. 3-11-8L
TYPE WRITER—A 1 No 3 Oliver
typewriter for sale cheap, by J. R. Paf-
ford, 116 West Hill avenuo.
FOR SALE—1 Singer sewing machine
$5 .00. A few pieces of other second
hand furniture at your own price. J.
R. Pafford, 115 1-2 West Hill ave.
FOR SALE—Store house on A. C. L.
tracks 50x80 feet, 2 stories and basement,
leased for over 2 years. H. O. Briggs.
FOR SALE—A good bicycle, cheap
Armisteud Thomas, Southern Bell Tele
phone exchange. 2-18-tf
FOR SALE—A one-horse flat dray,
tf L. H. Warlick.
FOR SALE—Greeu nnd red seed su
gar cano. J. S. Waldorf. 2-11-tf.
FOR SALE—Fifty-acre farm 8 miles
north of Valdosta. Enclosed with wire
fence. Good hooso and l>arn.
H O. Briggs.
FOR SALE—I offer for sale my resi
dence and vacant lot on Patterson street.
Proi>erty frouts 200 feet on Patterson
and runs through to Ashley st. House
has nine rooms exclusive of kitchen
pantry, bath rooms, dressing rooms, etc.
Good barn ou premises. Close in and
verv desirable. H. C. Briggs.
WANTED—A few boarders, good ac
commodations, reasonable rates. Mrs.
J. M. Gatos, 801 N. Truopo St. 8-?-2t
WANTED—Position as book-keeper!
Lumber office preferred. Reference
furnished. Address X, care Times
office. 3-4-tf.
FOR RENT — Office room, second
floor, Patterson street and Hill avenue.
Apply to C. R. Asliley. 8-11-tf.
FOR RENT— Furnished room 112
Valley St. 8-4-tf O. R. Munro.
WATCH LOST—A number 0 Elgin
movement, login turned case gold
watch, lost or stolen from my house
early in February. Had ladies’ chain,
dog head slide, with little red stones for
eyes. Liberal reward for return or for
information. J. F. CROSBY.
book at, or between Valdosta and Ray’s
Mill, containing eleven dollars and one
note against W. T. Gaskin for $,‘>0 00.
Finder will be rewarded. Feb. 28, 1905
A. Smith, F. R. D. No. 2. :L7-2t
Administrators Notice-
GEORGIA—Lows dks Oouxtt : .
Will be aoId In said county on the 23d day of
March, 1906, between the hour* of ten o’clock
a. m. and four o’clock p. in., at public outcry,
at the residence of the late J. W. Harrell, de
ceased, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing personal property: 60 heed of sheep:
7 head of mules; 1 mare; 1 ass; 2 buggies; 1
stalk-cutter, 1 harrow; 1 reaper and binder:
all farming implements, and other personal
property on the home place.
JAMES G. 8GRUGG8. Administrator.
GEORGIA—Lowndee County.
Notice ii hereby given to all persons having
demands against John W. Harrell, late of said
county, deceased, to present them to me prop-
law so ss to show their character and amount.
Administrator’s Noticeto Debtorr
and Creditors.
Notice la hereby riven to all creditors of the
eetate of Mrs. L M. Overstreet, late of said
ooanty, deceased, to render in an acooont of •
their demands to me within the time prescribed
’ P p °P er Iy made out. And all persons
indebted to Mid d&easedere hereby required
to J?! ,k ?. ln,, I' rditU LF , 3 rraen 4 to me.
This March 9th, 1906
Administrator of Mrs. L. M. Overatreet.
GEORGIA—Lowndes County:
Whereas. W. R Massey', administrator of
the estate of K. T. Massey, represents to the
court in his petition, duly filed and entered on
record that he has fully administered K- T.
Massey's estate; this is, therefore, to eita all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show ceuse, if any they can, why said admin
istrator should not be discharged from his
administration, and receive letters of dismis
sion on the first Monday in April, 1905.
This March 6,1906.
A. V SIMMS. Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Lowkdks Coustv :
Whereas. John Clarion and Ivey U. Clay
ton, administrators or Anna C. Clayton, repre
sents to the court in their petition, duly filed
and entered on record, that they have fully
administered Anna (\ Clayton’s estate: This
is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin
dred and creditors, ro show cause, if any they
can. why naid administrators should not be
discharged from their administration and re
ceive letters of dismiseion on the first Monday
In April, 1905.
A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary.
t Ladies! Ladies!...... I
The time for spring house-cleaning is
near at hand, and we have on hand
for your inspection the most complete
line of matting ever shown in this city.
The Latest Ideas
In Art Squares from the cheapest to the best, and st j
that will surprise yon. We aro using & new mat*
the outside filling whioh does sway with stained floors. TUs
idea is beooming very popular with the ladies of Valdosta
Give ns a call and let ns tell yon about it. Oar stock of all
kinds of House Furnishings was neror more complete, and
all we ask is a comparison of oar goods and prices.
Godwin Farnitare Co. |
J 108-110 N. Patterson 8t., VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. X
The Lasses
Whou'sr. melasses^lemamMrbfi-
best syrup obtainable. Treacle
is not molasses, though there
is much treacle sailing under
false colors. The difference
between treacle and molasses
lies in the fact that treacle
comes from sugar in the pro
cess of making while molasses
is obtained in the process of
refining. You can’t get good out of bad—but
you can get the best out of the best—the best
comes out of sugar in the making. We sell
molosses that comes from the best—and it is ;
the best. Try our New Orleans finest quality ;
and be convinced.
Stevens & Company,
PHONE 169, i
The Quantity —
Red Rac/Ginger Ale
That is being sold proves the quality of
the goods. Nothing enters these goods
except that which is pure and whole
some. Always insist on having it when
calling for ginger ale and you get the
best. It contains nothing that tends to
create habit.
Look for the Indian ou the lable
genuine without it. We also
dozens of other fine flavors besides gin
ger ale, Coca Cola among them, which
is too well known for us to try to say
something for or against. V
Valdosta Bottling Works^