Newspaper Page Text
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
Tin. Pimple*,
Moth Patchet,
A Bkla Diwuca.
FEMLT.HOPQaS, Pn*, 37 Grat too SW InrW
B. S. Richardson,
Valdosta, Ga.
I. 0. O. F
Meets every Friday evening at oighl
o’clock, Ashley Building,
Dr. Clarence Whittington.
Office in new Strickland Building,
near Merchants Batik.
Geo. W. KEENE,
Lake Park, - Georgia.
Dr. R. H.(Thomas,
Office!’inEAshley T Buildlnu Over
J. W. Pinkston’siStore.
Office* Ashler building, rooms 1 snd 8.
Janies M. Johnson,
i-Ashley Building.
Annually, to fill the
by ltAilronc! and Telegraph
want YOUNG MEN and L.
labitn, to
Wo furnish*75 per cent, of the Operators
and Station Agents in America. Our aiz
nchoola are the largest exclusive Telegraph
School* IN TRK WORLD. Established 80
years and endorsed by all leading Railway
We execute a $’J50 Bond to every student
to furnish him or hor a position paying
from $40 to «lu a month in State* east of the
Rocky Mountains, or from $7S to $100 a
month in State* west of the Rookie*, in-
Students can enter at any time. No vaca
tions. For full particulars regarding any
of our Schools write direct to our execu
tive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free.
The Moise School of Telegraphy.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, {7. Y.
Atlanta, Oa. La Crosse, Wia.
Texarkana, Tex. Ban Francisco, Cal.
A Wedding There Last Sunday—Oth
er Notes of Interest .
Cat Creek, Ga., Dec. 6—The farmers
around here are very busy now grind
ing cane.
Berried the little boy of Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Smith is quite sick.
Mr. Jas. H. Hall, has recently com
pleted his beautiful home here and
moved into it
Mr. W. E. May, one of our prom
inent farmers, has moved to Mr. E.
M. Giddcns’ place in Berrien county
near Mllltown. We hate to lose him
from our midst.
Last Sunday at the home of the
bride’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Lee Pur
vis, Mr. Berry Shaw and Miss Mattie
Purvis were united In marriage. Mr.
Shaw is the oldest son of Mr. B. F.
Shaw and is a sterling young farmer,
and his bride is the eldest daughter
of Mr. Purvis and numbers her
friends by the score. The couple
have many friends throughout this
section who will extend congratula
tions and good wishes.
Mr. T. J. Smith made a business
trip to Valdosta lact Wednesday.
Mr Joe Wilkerson, one of our most
prominent citizens, contemplates the
building of a handsome home here in
the near future.
The school at King’s Chapel here
is progressing very nicely now.The
attendance promises to be the largest
in the liistroy of the school. Prof.
Casey and his able assistant, Miss
Susie Parish, are giving perfect satis*
faction to all. The Writer contem
plates entering this senool In a few
Mr. J. B. Griffin, one of our leading
merchants, made a business trip to
Valdosta last Tuesday.
The farmers In this community are
engaged in slaughtering some fine
porkers these cold days. Our people
never fail to make plenty of hog
and hominy.
It seems, like our friend from Kings
Chapel Is having fine sport these days
killing squirrels and rabbits. Come
down Mr. Editor and let’s go over and
help him kill 'em.
For the Farmer in the
Winter Course in Ag
riculture at the
-»• State University.
Three months, [Jan., Feb., Mch.] de
voted fo study of your vocation will re
pay you many fold. Forty dollars will
cover expenses. For bulletin, giving
full information, write to
Athens, Ga.
Per. Month., to
Reliable Parties.
prices and Money Saving Plan.
Give References Also.
npa , Cjwter&Dorough
DeP d ^Valdosta, Ga.
8cores of Valdosta Readers are Learn
Ing the Duty of the Kidneys.
Oo filter the blood Is the kidneys’
When they fail to do this the kid
neys are sick.
Backache and many kidney Ills fol
Urinary/trouble, diabetes.
Doan’s /Kidney Pi fissure them all.
ft.*A. Willis, a wen known farm
er living just outside of Amerlcus,
Ga., says: “I believe that your pills
are all that are 1 claimed for them.
They acted quckly apor most effect
ually in my case. I had kidney troub
le and' backache from which I had
been a sufferer for some years,
ter lying or sitting in one position
for any, length of time 1 could hard
ly get up on account of. the dead,
heavy pain In the small of my back.
At times I seemed almost to lose the
use of my back and would have to
take hold of something for support.
The kidney secretions were discolor
ed being dark and full of sediment
and strong of odor. I used many dlf*
ferent remedies but without much i£
any benefit until I got Doan’s Kidney
Pills. Since using them my back
feels strong. The pain has left
and the kidney secretions have also
been restored to a normal condition.
You are welcome to use my name as
a reference.”
Plenty more proof like this from
Valdosta people. Call at A. E. Dim-
mock’s drug store and ask what his
customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price B0
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name—Loan’s and
take no other.
Congregational Meeting Held at Prea-
byterian Church Last Sunday.
The meeting was called to order
by the moderate , a t the close of the
regular morning ervice.and Chas. P.
Henderson was -lected permanent
The following resolution was unani
mously adopted:
"Whereas information has reached
us that the late John R. Young of Sa
vannah, bequeathed to this church the
sum of five hundred dollars. Resolv
ed first, that assembled In congrega
tional meeting, we hereby express our
most grateful appreciation of this
generous bequesL Resolved, second*
that this money be held as a nucleus
of funds to be gathered we trust, at
no distant day for the erection of a
more suitable house of worship.”
The following additional trustees
were named: Messrs. A. E. Dim-
mock, C. B. Henderson, H. C. Briggs,
C. S. Bondurant, E. G. Rankin, W.
B. Conoly and D. C Ashley, who to
gether with the prewnt trustees, Mes
srs J. O. Varnedoe and W. H. Briggs
ar© to onstltute i committee
church erection*
A report of th< Manse committee
was heard and at/the request of this
committee, the IxArd of deacons were
asked to Join with the committee in
arranging for thu payment of the debt
on the Manse, between now and the
new year.
There being no further buslntess
the meeting was adjourned.
Chat. P. Henderson, Clerk.
King’s Chapel, Dec. 5.—Nearly
every one In this section is grinding
Mr. J. T. Smith went to Valdosta
last Saturday.
Rev. E. L. Toda, Baptist minister,
for this section, has arrived. We are
glad to have Mr. Todd with us for
the next year.
The King’s Chapel school has
grown until It now has to have an
other teacher, and wo are glad to an
nounce that Miss Susie Parish, of
Adel is filling the place very satisfac
Following Is the honor roll of the
King’s Chapel school for November:
Stella Mathis, Arlie Gaskins .David
Mathis, Idol Williams, Minnie Gas
kins, Regem Gaskins, Ruth Gaskins,
Ivah Williams, Archie Horn, Edith
Smith, Alma Smith, Maggie Mae
Smith. Tom Smith, Clarence Brad-
Daughters to Have Silver Tea.
At the last meeting of the Daugh
ter* of the Confederacy it was decid
ed tp give a silver tea on the after
noon of, Dec. 12 th at the home of Mrs.
J. M. Harvey.' The following com
mittees have been appointed for the
Coffee and sandwiches: Mrs. Haiv
vey, Mrs. Strickland, Mrs. S. M. Var*
Candy bags: Mrs. Dorough, Mrs.
J. G. Stevens, Mrs. J. M. McDon
Home made candles: Mrs. J. L.
Staten, Mrs. W. E. Thomas, Mrs.
W. S. West.
Fancy Articles: Mrs. Walter
Peeples, Mrs. S. T. Harris.
Doorkeepers: Mrs. Woodward,
Mrs. C. E. Davis.
Advertising: Mrs. C. C. Brant
ley, Mrs. J. C. Wilson.
Any donations will be gladly receiW
ed ’... ^ gjjjL
Torture of a Preachor.
The story of tho torture of Rev. O.
D. Moore, pastor o& the Baptist
church of Harpersville, N. Y. will He says: ”1 suffered
agonies, because of a persistent
cough, resulting from the grip. 1 had
to' sleep j sitting up in bed. I tried
many remedies, without relief, until I
look Qr. King’s Now Discovery for
Consumption Coughs and Colds, and
which entirely cured my cough, and
saved from consumption.” A grand
cure for diseased conditions of the
Throa. and Lungs. At W. D. Duna
way’s and A. E. DImmock’s, drug
gists; price 60c and $1.00, guaran
teed. Trial bottle free.
Died at Dasher 8unday.
Mrs. Francis Elmore died at her
home at Dasher last Sunday morning
at eleven o’clock, of paralysis, hav
ing been stricken with the disease
twenty-four hours before her death.
She Is survived by two children, Mr.
James Dashe* and Mrs. Touchtone.
Hor funeral was conducted at Dash
er Monday morning at 10 o’clock, Mr.
W. J. Haynes officiating. She was
about sixty-two years of age and had
resided for many years in this coun
ty. She was an excellent woman
and her death 1$ lamented by all who
knew her.
Certain Cure for Croup.
When a child shows symptoms of
croup there is no time to experiment
with new remedies, no matter how
highly they may \ recommondea.
.There It one preparation that can al
ways be depended upon. It has been
In use for many years and has never
been known to fall, viz: Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy. Give it and a
quick cure is sure to follow. Mr.-M.
Compton of Market, Texas, says of
It, “I have used Chamberlaln’R Cough
Remedy In severe cases of croup
with my children, ana can truthfully
say It always gives prompt relief.”
For sale by W. D. Dunaway,Valdosta,
• I will sell at public sale on Wednes
day, December 13th, at my home at
Lake Park, ten head of cattle, farm
tools and implements, and other articles
The County Commissioners.
The county commissioners held
their monthly meeting Monday and
most of the day was devoted to ap-
fleld, Curdle Gaskins, Bertie Parish : proving and paying Dills. The grand
and Lillie McDonald. Jury ajld commissioners have order-
ed the commissioners’ proceedings
For Over Sixty Years. , printed, hut we hare been unable to
bee.* used for over sixty years by mil-! secure them yet. They will bo
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and printed as soon an the clerk furnish
▲n Old and Well Tried Remedy —
lions or mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect succesr.
It aoothea the child, softens the gums,
thorn to us.
A Fearful Fate.
It Is a foarful (ate to have *o en-
allays all pain, cures wind colic aud duro the terrible torturea of plies.
la the beat remedy for diarrhoea, (a ; J , ran truthfully say, writes Harry
f uie reuicuj wr umriuuu. “ : Colson, of Masonville, la., "that for
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug- j Blind. Bleeding. Itching and Protrud-
glsta In every part of the world., ing Piles, Bucklen’a Arnica Salve, Is
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Ita value the best cure made” Also beat for
la Incalculable. Be sure and aak Cov 1 cuts, burns and injuries. 26c at W.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has, D. Dunaway's and A. E. DImmock’s,
take no other. • • druggists.
Q. A. Carswell Co
1 W. H. Mashburn,
Headquarters For
Holiday Goods
This store, as it has long been recognized to be, is still
the leader in Holiday Goods and Novelties of every kind.
This season wo have the handsomest line we have ever
carried. It is not only comprehensive, hut the line is new,
showing beautiful and useful goods in both foreign and do
mestic manufacture.
The limitations of space prevent our attempting to name
the hundreds of articles we are daily receiving, but holiday
shoppers may rest assured of finding here presents appro-
priate'for ladies, gentlemen and children of any age.'
We cordially invite you to call and look through the lino,
and the earlier the better.
, A. Carswell Co.
Queen Quality
Full Line Winter Styles
Our Fall and Winter styles and weights of this famous shoe
for women are now in. This season’s line is a surperb one in
very respect, and we want to ask our lady friends to call and
ee the display while it is junbrokenA
Our Urge stock of Men’s and boys’ shoes is also very
W. T. LANE,;