Newspaper Page Text
lawyers Met This
Fixed the Civil Docket.
Special Term to Be Held In January
aa Previously Announced—How the
Docket Rune.
The Ihwyera of the city met with
Judge Oscar Smith In the court houae
this morning and fixed the civil dock*
et for the special term in January aa
Sarah Howell vs. A. C. L. Ry Co
Thus. B. Puckett vs. A. L. At
Nanny Walker vs. W. 11. Chltty.
J. T. Dunlap vs. W. E. Algee.
Valdosta Ice & Manufacturing Co.
vs. Present & Tomlinson.
Acme Brewing Company vs. Pres
cott & Tomlinson.
Joe lx*e vs. W. II. Chltty, et al
Armelia Anderson, et al. vs. Wm.
Peirson & Woodward vs. W. B.
T. M. Cook vs. Wm. Jones.
N. A. McMlllen vs. Town of Hahl
J. C. Repard vs. J. Ix>prz.
L. B. Fort vs. McCalium Sc Smith.
Wm. Myers & Co., vs. Davis Bros.
& Co.
Mrs. Mattie Hart vs. S. M. Stan*
Valdosta F. Sc M. Co. vs. DuRant
Lumber Co.
A. Livingston vs. J. J. McCranlo.
T. J. Ix>we vs. W. F. Monroe.
Bailey, Curry Co., vs. John lx>fton.
J. A. Dasher St Co., vs. 0.8 .Sc
F.. Ry. Co.
Doling Lumber Co. vs. J. F. Bal*
8. M. Stanly va. Q. S. & F. Ry.
Dixon Bennett va. Q. S. & F. Ry.
Co.- -
Andrew Hanley Co. va. C. B.
Not Own the Central.
Does City Council to Make Large Im
provements at Water Works.
The Mooted Question Being Threahed
Out Before the Georgia Railroad
Corrnnlaaion—Central Stock Con*
trolled by a Committee, Declares
Atlanta, Dec. 9—Before the railroad
commission today Samuel Spencer
president of the Southern railway,
was questioned by Chairman Hill.
Mr. Spencer said he is president
of the Southern.
"What relation does the Southern
boar to the Central? and who owns
a majority of the stock In the latter?"
naked the chairman.
"The Southern does not own the
Central or any of Its securities,’' he
"Does it own any of Its stock?'’
“No, positively it does nfct own
one dollar’s worth of it, and has no
lease or any control over It," he said
"How and for whom does that com
mittee bold stock?”
"They own It because they were
appointed by the Richmond Terminal
Company to take over the assets and
reorganize. My Information la that
the committee owns the atock ltaelf."
When asked by the railroad com
mission what position be occupied,
Major J. F. Hanson said: "I am the
tin horn president of the Central rail,
road; that Is according to the Atlanta
Mr. Spencer said mrther that the
Southern would own the Central U
It could be done legally. Ho added
that if the Central could bo sold to
morrow the Southern would claim the
proceeds of the sale, and should the
Central declare any dlvllends on Its
dock the Southern would claim them.
President Hanson aald the Central
was the strongest competitor to the
Southern in Georgia and that he knew
nothing definite of the ownership of
the stock.
|), A. It. Lawton said that, so
the Southern had
et al.
O. P. Dasher vs. J. 7. Fender.
Mutual Benefit Insurance Co. vs.
O. P. Dasher.
W. T. Harris v». A. C. L. Ry. Co
A. C. L. Ry. Co. vs. A. S. Pen
dleton Co.
R. n. Myddleton, trustee, vs. Mrs.
O. T. HUI.
R. B. Myddleton trustee, vs Mrs.
R. B. Myddleton, trustee vs. Geo.
Mrs. Annie Hicks vs. G. S. & F.
Ry. Co.
Pate St Moore vs. G. S. & F. Ry.
Young Investment Co. vs. G. 8. *
F. Ry. Co.
Miss Lucie Polkow vs. Vlty of Val
Rose Calloway vs. G. 8. & F. Ry.
C. C. Browu vs. G. 8. Sc F. Ry
8. B. Barfield vs. G. S. St F. Ry.
J. W. Kenedy vs. 0. 8. Sc F. Ry
Mrs. J. M. Briggs vs. G. S. St F.
Ry. Co. (2 cases)
A. M. Buck vs. J. M. Johnson
et al.
Robt. Johnson vs. Bon Jenkins.
J. T. Bush vs. West Yellow Pine
Valdosta Gusno Co. vs. Kentucky
Refinery Co. (2 cases)
Garrett Williams & Co vs. J. M.
Fryer and Mary A. Fryer.
O. H. Hightower vs. Georgia Ferti
liser St Oil Co.
The Kelly Co. vs. Guthrie & Co.
Briggs A Dunbar vs. Cathcart *
R. B. Saxon et al. vs. W. H. Chlt
ty et al.
The R ders are Mostly Bunch ?d 400
Miles Behind the Record.
New York Dec. 9—More than four
hundred miles behind the record .the
nine teams in the six day bicycle race
at Madison Square Garden, are plug
ging along today on the Inst singe of
the Journey, which ends at ten o'clock
More than two thousand miles have
been traversed and only throe tenths
of n mile separates the seventh tenm
from the six leaders.
Tho French riders, Doerfllnger &
Dnssol, nre trailing along ten miles
in the rear.
At 8 o'clock this morning Beddell
£ Beddell. r**'l Root and Folger Vd
with 2,038 milts and four laps
New Machinery to be Added to the
Plant, ao aa to Keep Tsfl NozzJee
at Work for Twenty-Folir Hours In
Cate of an Emergency—-Building 16
be Doubled in 8ize Also.
The new machinery which waa
purchased by the mayor and council
at their meeting Wednesday night
will be sufficient to furnish a water
supply sufficient to keep ten nozzles
running for twenty-four hours.
This means that tho city will be
able to cope with a conflagration
such as may never come, but which
is a possibility and a menace at al
most all times.
Among the new purchases Is a Cor
liss Air Compressor from the Inger-
sol Rand Company, having a capacity
of --no thousand gallons a minute,
This machine costs $7,000 and la said
to be one of tho finest made.
There Is also a new pressure pump
for use In putting water through the
mains and which cost $1,600.
Both these machines are to be put
In as soon as room la provided for
them at the water works station. An
addition of sixty feet Is tolhe made
to the present building. The instal
lation of these new machines will
give duplicate machinery throughout
and will put our water supply In an
absolutely safe condition.
Besides /ft reserve of 200,000 gal
lons of Water, which will be kept on
hand, the eompreisers will pnt 1,100
gallons of wa{*r a minute in the res
ervoirs, - which -win* be sufficient to
feed ten dbssles nadef hlgfr'preesure
for twtpty^fbur hours. It is believed
that this will be sufficient to cope
with any conflagration that may visit
the city. v*
it til doubtful if there Is a small
city In the South that will be la bet*
ter shape, so far as execellent water
for domestic use br quantity fpr use
In case of fire, Is concerned. »
lit Mad PHu
rush In
one extremis rtkfaddlsm
to another, when, If thpy .vo(ild only
eat good food, and keep tl elr bowels
regular with Dr. King's Mew Life
Pills, their troubles woul i all pass
away. Prompt relief and quick cure,
for liver and stomach trt uble. 25c I
at W. D. Dunaway's and A. B. Dim
mock’s drug stores; guaranteed.
Harry M. Stewart the H« brew come
(linn with West and Vokjs In that
funny affair, ”,A Pair of Pinks". Hear
his parodieir^It Is to laugh. At the
Valdosta tbfotetfPec. 22 T
They Promise Plenty of Funds and
That Strikers Shall Not Want.
St. Petersburg. Dec. S, via Eydt*
kuhren, Dec. 9—Ix>cal leaders of pos
tal and telegraph strike have receiv
ed encouragement from Moscow and
are making desperate effort to rally
followers to continue strike. They
promise funds will be provided and
that no one shall want. Loaders have
succeeded in destroying tho telegraph
lc communication with Kleff, Warsaw
and Moscow, which opened for brief
time last night
Subscribe for The Dally Times.
She Inherits Fortune, But 8ticks to
Chlcngo, Dec. 9.—Although .Iss
Edna Dickerson has been awarded a
fortune of $1,000,000, she will con
tlnue to work as a stenographer.
While most girls in similar cir
cumstances would go in for automo
biles and trips to Paris, Miss Dick-
rson is one of tho quiet kind,
fact, it was her devotion to her In
valid mother that was the Indirect
of her good fortune.
The Probato Court or St. Paul,
Minn., yesterday awarded her the
fortune. It was the contested estate
of her uncle, Albert Johnson.
The Charges of Criminal Libel
Against Him Have Fallen Flat
Boston, Dec. 9—The Suffolk grand
jury failed today to return Indict
ment against Thomas Lawson, who
has boon held by the municipal court
on charges of criminal libel
The charges were preferred by
Clarence Barron of the Boston News
"No bill" was reported by the Jury.
This action puts an end to the contro
versy between Uvwson and Barron,
ho far as the criminal courts are con
Don't let the baby suffer from oc-
temn. sores or any Itching or the
skin. Doan's Ointment gives instant
relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe
for children. All druggists sell it.
The regular December term of the
Nashville City Court has been
postponed until tho third Monday of
this month.—Herald.
TV. is of great account
to a baby; that 'is why
babies are fat. . If your
baby is scrawny*, Scott’s
Emulsion is what he
wants. The healthy baby
stores as fat what it does
not need immediately for
bone and muscle. Fat
babies are happy ; they do
not cry ; they are rich ;
llieir fat is laid up for
time of need. They are
happy because they are
comfortable. The fat sur
rounds their little nerves
and cushions them. When
they are scrawny those
nerves are hurt at every
u ngentie touch. They
delight in Scott’s Emul
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
Send for free sample.
Be sure thc.t this picture In
the fern of a label Is on the
wrapper cf every bottle ot
Err.uls on yoi buy-
Scott Sr Bowne
40Q.4IS heart Street
Meur rerk
50c and £1-00
Ail Druggist*
G. A, Carswell Co.,
W. H. Mashburn,
Headquarters For
Holiday Goods
This store, as it has long been recognized to be, is still
the leader in Holiday Goods and Novelties of every kind.
This season we have the handsomest line we have ever
carried. It is not only comprehensive, but the line is new,
showing beautiful and useful goods in both foreign and do
mestic manufacture.
b The limitations of space prevent our attempting to name
F the hundreds of articles we are daily receiving, but holiday
shoppers may rest assured of finding here presents appro
priate for ladies, gentlemen and children of any age.
We cordially invite you to call and look through the line,
and the earlier the better.
G. A. Carswell Co.,
it* m&k?’
Queen Quality
Full Line Winter Styles
Our Fall and Winter styles and weights of this famous shoe
for women are now in. This season’s line is a surperb one in
very respect, and we want to ask our lady friends to call and
ee the display while it isjunbroken.l
Our large' stock of Men’s and boys’ shoes is also very
Valdosta, - - - Georgia.