Newspaper Page Text
l'nvigti Politicks.
The followin'? interdUng re- ■
jvcuks art* from the London <>H- |
ftrver. of June 24, 10 16, ail an- j
liminifterial piir.r.
Commercial men are not
without apprelunfiun of danger
rn al! our Welt India pcffiilion?.
The riling power of America, h ,
and the inniuttiug facilities
which her filiation gives her, in
regard to our iflauds in the Wtfl
Indies, having an itnmtnfe popu
la 1 ion id Haves, lorded over by a
handful of leelD Europeans,
presents a prolific theatre t tur
bulent changes. Let us suppose
that in the event of another war
with America, the latter were to
proceed upon principles which
lhmgp-wte inaditaied (but did not
put into execution) in Ruflia, ol
proclaiming Ireedorn and nation
al Ind-p ndencetoall whovvould
elpoiifc the cause of his arms a
gainfl ancient authorities. Our
immense colonial fyHem would
be ihaken to its bale, by Inch
a plan 5 and America with her
thriving and vigilant navy would
fp< edily j Let Euiope in an en
tire dependence on her, for a
(hare of all ihe principal existing
channels of commerce. Such a
tremendous facility of tnifchitf
Iras fire ovt r the fortunes of this
once nfghty empire, that it lays
within her ver gralp. to change
the lace of all the civilized rela
tions of m nikiiid.
Europe would break and de
flroy itfdf again!! that resting
position of hotiility ‘which die
may er long a Hume towards the
rarogading empire ol tire old
voilJ. Wc have not any prince
in Europe, who is aware of the
riling advantages ot the new con
tinent ; or who fees the Hulking
Corulcations of glory, teeming
lrom the barbarous broils of le
gitimized Europe— and forming
over head, a haloed the bell ikill,
the valor, the intelligence, and
independence of Europe. But,
which or what of our European
princes is aware of ‘this, in its
true light ? They are happy at
getting rid of that tone and it-m
----per of intellect which would ar
raign their l\vay : but they do not
know that thtfe form tin virtual
ibctigth ofall nations.-*-It is the
spirit ol kn >w!edge* and irnpro
t<* 1 public mind. A debating
and insolent loldiery, who had
scarcely any feeling in common
with community, from which
they had been operated, and a
degraded spirit in the people,
formed, the ulterior and ioweiii.g
elements of fallen Greece and
Rome, and thefpuribus diadem
that tottered on the iall of the
race of tyrants of other times,
c old flatter only the mean til
cider oi minds—iuch as we may
dtlcry in the Ferdinands, the
Beni bens, ihc Fredericks, s:e.
of our own days, i hey prd’ei vc
only tin- perilhablo and eombulii
bit’ fcatl'olding of thrones.—the
dead and main uhL tkdetonsof
royalty, which has loft ail that
purified and nned its atfii
butts, that fai'dified its power,
cr gave puipoft* to its energy—.
the living and breathing fhb
fiance which rounded and cloth
t and the hideous nucleus—tin:
mind that irradiated, and the
which j
Hied such bl..ndtHi3serf3 on its
intercourse wit It the people, are
leen no more; Europe Las not !
a single prince who is capable of i
: regenerating the charaft-.rof royy !
I airy, orarrelting the policy which |
I is hurrying the throne: of our ;
i times into oblivion and decay.
, But thiv.vii! be a plain (farenient
fifty years hence, if all the legit i- j
mat cs continue. America will *
1 then have ti .bled hi r popuhti- j
on. The great moral condition
1 of Europe will then be naturalist
.ed in her community. What
power may not South America,,
yet develope, with futh a neigh
bor ? But the fubiect is full of!
the c!lreft omens. The defpo
tif:;i of Europe will soon become
harmless, if the feene continues •
of “70 a people emigrating, in
one party, to America.” In a
very few years we may have 0-
initted the j
“ Tide in the affairs of nations.” j
And where /hall we trace the j
causes of these momentous chan- I
ges ? Where but in the igno-1
o . r> _ j
ranee and mil'rule of pi incest* |
It was by Handing armies that j
at! the principal nations in the [
I world have fallen. The reason |
lis obvious ; emulation among I
; the citizens ceases. T lie arts
i wiil no longer be lludied when
; wealth and difiinction wait Hot
! on thole who lludy them.
* // celebrated Roman Cat frolic
tourist mentions as fads, in Lis pub’
Heat ion on Laly, that the present ■
Kir* of Naples never knew that ’
such a people as the undent Rom \
a::s ever exist ed, untid accidently
told cf it by our late ambassador ,
Sir r) il-Uum Hamilton—but all Sir
iI. Mam’s arg nments could rrt in
duce his Mnd'styfor one moment to
give credit to that story of beheud
;:/.r vs our Charles I. lie never
believed it possible that common
men could cut iff the heads of Kings,
until the breach cut of that of
Louie X VI.
I On Expensive Government
(From Cobbed s Jong lift Regiffcr of
June ‘J!J )
! We arc totally, by thole,
whose thieve!', it if. to (Revive us, that
a government, to be y/u.l, mult be
es.p v/. ’ mull be, that die
perlons belonging to it, mull have
moiuTioub Inns 01” mone y given to
.them i mull ko p itmuinev.b!:- icr
vauti, arid ho>lt*o ; mud live bedi
! zened uu’ in ait forts ot finery ; mull
I be attended with g.tauls, dr, ifi-J up
| in gold lace clothes 5 ird that a plain
(simple goveinment, v here the per
lons belonging to it have low fuhmes,
is fit for nothing but to rule over a
. Country that is worth t.othirg, aid
1 that is mu much larger than the Isle
j of l Now, n.y fticr.ds cf the
[ county of Kent, nothing can be mere
i falfe .iian this It b not only not
[true, but it U tl.every revetfe of the
’ :ru:fi, as amply licmcniiraicd in the
i case cf tie American Republic,
i th at Republic has as nrany perpie
;i.i it as Kiip land has. It has finer
cities ill a any jrt Enland, or any
Tn Europe None, indeec!; that ate
j near k> populous as London smd
> Wt fin idler, hut two at lead which
surpass in population, and it.finitely
ttup-fi in aii 01 fit r ttfpi As, all the
other cities in the Uri'ifli donduions.
‘ fl at republic has. about fourteen
!;ui iltfit ntilcf ol tea Ceall, many ri
vos : ivi. .LU mme (’ a hundred
liiles up ; republic lias \ roba
bly mote than a hundred lea-pons* &
i harbere. It has very nearly as much
ci n metcial fhippltig .*s Kttlar.d lie
•and and Scotland, ail r ut together,
and very, nearly ar tnan* sailors.
j Xhis then inc trf country ■
| ?.ru! y:f the Chief of that
• country ; w.. ch Iras Uttfy carried
j o;i iingle handed a long and triiim
i phant war againil England ; ti.*
’ Chief Magiura'c of that country re
’ cCives only 6,000 pounds a year ;
i that is to lay my friends of K nt.
; only aaout a seventh part as much
3?. your i.orri Camden receives am u
ally for fns tircecure place of fV.lrr
;of the Exche quer : And observe
that the P.vfident of the Uni-r-:d !
, States, the Clrief Magidr.reof that •
\ great nation, a man of finch tal ents, ,
luch ‘•'tperience, fuc'r tried v : rtuc an ;
he mull be, receives, in the couT’ ;
of twerity years, rio mole than as
, much as the Princefi- Charfotte and
nor hulu.tnd wi 1 receive in pe lion
1 and i:i out-fir, din ing this one year !
Andi beg you further to observe,
that, as the Prince of Saxe Cobourg, .
, is to receive .TfjPOO pounds a year !
for life, in case of the death cf the |
I*rincef9, the least poffib'e sum that I
this nation will have to pay him, for i
fitry years, it he sh :u'd live so long, j
1 and if the law granting the pen lion 1
i lliould remain in force, will be a sum i
; more thin eigiat times as great as I
| that which our bretherin in Amcri
| ca will eayd to pay to the Chi. f Ma
| giflrate ofdie country, tl'* o man who :
perform? f ? them by th, ir authoii- j
• tjr and in their name and behalf, :
1 the offices and acts of sovereignty. j
i Ah, my friends oi Kedt, need we !
j wonder that there are no paupers .
in that country ? Need we won- ‘
der that in that country, the com ;
mon laboring man, with a large fa- |
mi!y, may !iv well go well cloth ;
ed, and fay up 30 pounds HerHng a :
year? they would fain periuade i
us that thc-fe expcnces of govern I
, ment are not felt by the poor. What I
then, does not the poor man help to !
pay the taxes ? C; nhe pi fiibiy o- |
j pen Ids hr.cuth to n.t until he has
paid a tax ? D s e: he not pay a rax
upon his fait, tea, fugr.r, malt, 1 s\p,
’ candles, an. feed, does h: not pay
a tax on his bread, and meet, and
chcefe, and butter ; for liave not the
i land, tire hoifcs, the leather, the iron
and every thing else been taxed by
: ‘he means of which his bread and
I meet have been produced ? Yc-s, &
| the man who called out to Lord
Camden, and told him, that every
rncife! cf bread that went into the
mouths of his wife and ivte c'lren
was taxed to help to pay h‘.s aid
tliip’s fa ! r.ry, ilioxved as much fi.nfe
•! as he did fpirtr ; and had 1 been
at Maidllone, 1 would rather have
gone home ami have dined with that
i brave man, his wife and nine chib
dren off a reol lei of that taxed bread,
than I would have gone to dine up
on the delicate ftuU of the tax, at
the Kell lan.
i London, au. 9. The. Kent
•an Engiiih (liip, was lately at
tacked hv two Algt-rw.e cor fairs,
j one of whom was commanded
; by the fit phew of the Dey of Al
• glens. Ihe Britifii vdTel, a mer
tharutrian only, refilled mod
gallantly til! she was in a finking
; date ; she then itruck. The
British captain reproached the
Dev’s nephaw in terms of * reat
J t * __ O
leverity, which so enraged the
’ pirate, that he laid, he hared the
Engl;fli vvoife than the Tiget of
’ the desert : .and hr should be as
glad to bury their ill and in the
1 Sea, as he was to link the v< {id
‘row taken from them. Two of
1 the Britilh crew were put to
death, others were compelled to
do the duty of trie i:ip, and the ;
red beatan a;*d thrown into the
hold. One of the crew,a hret ch
n:an, was idit cn ilia re ar.d iet
at libeifv.
t J
July 25. The nrofl fafinon- >
able woman in the circle if the
EVeneh court, is laid to he ma
datrte Moreaulire fpteds v hole ;
Jays at Thi ries, k.ughincj
dancing an i tinging. ILr great
* eafrh, high favor at court, aru!
person l charms, have drawa
round hern muh.iruTe of admj.
rers ; Hie ;s laid to have rejecle-T
markial Macdonald, bee mL* he
was too Heady ( hose who have
seen h r in F.ngla i R woclii
I fearer'y recognize her in Pari?.
Arc;. 1-? If is painful to L*
i with what indußry the Sourbonz
[are reviving old fuperfltriotjs
rites. A procefiio *1 of 8 : vouv/
ladits paraded the R-eets of Pa
ris. with lighted tapers in tlieir
hands, on Intrrfdav, to pro;T
i trate .St. Genevieve, the patron*.
’ efs of i'iris, for an impnovement
| in the weather !
We find femething to ap
prove in the conduct of Eei\i ; -
; rund of Spain. On the day ot
ISt Ferdinand he pardoned up.
j wards of 70 per ions who ho J
j been condemned to the gal'it?,
! kc. ‘I he conscription has bin
carried cn to great extent. T"ne
cyrent appears lately to have dif
truked h;s guards—he has rs*
: dured and cnaiiged them,
’ habitants of Zurich in Switzer,
j land, have recer.t!ydeHroved ths
i lightning rod’ on many houfeSj
|on the account, rs they have
| be.n taught by a weak pamph.
I leteer, that the cold and wet
1 weather is o eta honed by their
! extraiTing too great a quantity
j of car die from the air.
1 he total n. pu ation of Sw’t
; zeriaml, by a late enuaieraaca*
! is 1,687.000.
; A friend has favored us with n
i bite Irifa paper, containing the
! iic\v It; ft* :i{Telied taxes, agreed
j to by the Douse cf Comriic r.?,
j e>r the id of Tav, 1816. Thu
! fvilowirg i s a fit etch :
\ Ai lmufe ha ving 4 fire-places
• ha fire, ((loves or ueartfis) pays
j a tnx of tw I!ve fl:id;ngs ,Hr ititl 1
crnrer-cy. lor additional fire
places, the tax is comparatively
Seven windows or lights pay
1 one pound Haling.
A houfe-holdtr ha\ ing 3 male
set vant, A 2 8 o
Do. a clerk, book
keeper & fiop man, 2 o 6
Ore 4 wheel carriage 12 o o
Two v bed carriage
jby one horse, 610 o
Do. two horses 906
A corn h maker for
j making a four wheel
’ carriage, pays 10%
A horse for faddiss
:or carnage, 2 17 u
Two horses, i4 5
A coac fi kept for hire 12 o o
A two wf• e< 1 rarri
■ age, kept for hire, if
| filed with one h< rfie, 610 o
Do. two horses, q c o
T’here are other taxes not her®
Tficfe v bo crumble at taxes
* <
; in-this country, would do well
to lock at ifiis piclu-re. Tiitfie ‘
taxes are r:o doubt amt-r-g the
: caulcs of the great tmigration*
■ Irom that unhappy couiuiy.
(true 42: fit,
vicuna iv Rr.t.AXP.
Ityl. j /:g ten ■B*p tG. 18 fO.
y.rffn Gates bf* Seutcn —The enclo
| ft ci i* an extinct t>f a leiter received
! Sep. 21. by an enngrjinr from Ive
! land la’e'v arrived, and row in this
i city: The name if the per feu, if