Newspaper Page Text
tur:ne vv s. |
” On thsi 13th init. convened at j
this place, CG$ l onp; and Har- 1
den. Caprs. Jones and l>.irton ;
part at a committee appci.u j
c bylhc lafl legiflaturc. • I this j
State, ior the puipofe of ‘* tram
ing and digesting a militaiy
jvilem, for the militia thereof,
l.ot not having a iriaio*ir\ of the
while, ihtfe gentlemen felt un |
suitborifr. to proceed. Wet’u* j
1\ fruntnt that, the forming, etc. |
of this had not ken con- I
fined to them t xclufivcly, whole |
pundluajhy cf attendance vvotild j
Lave faciiirated, and whoie abili
ties as otli ers, won! 1 have ren- j
tiered hap; y the of At so much j
clefs red.
The following burlesque i
tranfrnitted by a diilant cor ref ;
pondtnt, will amufeour readers 1
while ir happily laud rates the j
prattled aolurditv of the hah- ;
ionabie ablurdity, that a gtand i
jury ought toprefent at lamlotn ’
v. hatever their fancy may fuggi ft: |
At a Superior court In hi at |
ScreatrerJviiie, in and for the j
county o’ * Lower J*— at July !
term 1 8 16—prelent his honor j
Edward Neidary Beidary, O. (>. j
Tizebub Elzeher, Joe IV z r. j
Tranquil lion Poflillion, Saint
Mitchell The grand jury re- j
turned the following prtfefH- ,
marts : j
We the grand jury in and for j
fire county of Lower H T. beg
leave so inform the court that j
Nothing ia our own county lias !
Iran'pi red, d{iug the rectfs of j
the court, which has attracted 1
♦.err attention, uha it vet ha f hap i
fated amiss > we presume •will be j
presented by the grand janes cf j
ether counties, i
Claiming as citizens and ju
rors t j (peak freely upon alt hub
j-cG, we profen: Me congrcL of
the United States for roiuoving
the tleuographers into the gal-
In the exercise of our un
doubted right as aforefaid, we
recommend to the next
of congress to organize the civil
government of Nofakevah, to
take poilliTion cf E. Florida, but
to fake care not to get into a
war with Spain. ‘To attend to
the northern line of demarcation
—-diablifh a port of e: try at
Saint Marks—receive the late
treaty with the Cherokee Indi
ans—ke< p an eye on the balance j
or Europe—and iay a tax on
0 panifh Cigars.
With feelings of the liveliefi !
regret, we feise upon the pre- j
lent occafjon in concurrence!
with multifarious concomitant I
imprefUons, to rnaniftfl the in- j
ttnfity of our feelings in corn- j
soon with tlie true friends of j
liberty in this government, with
itfpecr to the inexpedient, ob
noxious, heierogenious, diplo
matic, eclaircififement, lately
nr de between Lord Extuouth j
‘ and the dey of Algiers.
DTciplcs of liberty, and pat-, j
fieipants in the beneficent con- j
k quenees cf a well regulated j
political aflbclat itru w beg leave j
refpedlully to deplore, and in- 1
dignantly to reprehend the con
duct of the royal Spanifn go- :
•neut in South American—
Nursed in the cradle of equal
rights, and flat vied beneath
the boughs of freedom, and fed
from cur \outb with fruit Irons i
the tree of liberty, winch was
planted by the arms, and na- j
timed with the blood of our mar. 1
tyred ancestors on the bloody
arenas of the revolutionary c
mancipation of ciiienthralledmih 1
lions : cradled thus (haded tlms,
fed thus, and feeling thus, our
lips quiver, and cut blood boils
wi.h republican indignation, to
fee the banners of freedom kiss
the breezes in vain, but on ih j
ramparts of Saiiia ivofa the :
beams of tile orient mom of li
berty rdes to illuminate, to invi
gorate an. guide the funs ci men
to five high defiiiiies of their
In taking a retrr-fpe&ive view
or the cafuailies and accidents of
our Etc mofl glorious and mo- j
mehtous ft niggle, Hr e deem it z. ’
duty which we oweourfelves as
jurors ior the county of Lower
II ’as weii as our fellow-ci- :
tizens generally, to reprehend
the conduct of the bug! -man !
on board the Chefapcake in ne
glecting t:> Liinmon theboarding j
men in that evemiul firuggle \
wiiich had he done, no doubt ‘
but another trophy of tranlcea- ;
datit brilliancy would have been -
added to our flai fpanglcd ban- j
ntr —but alas ! the hopes of our
vailiunt and magnaninuius tars j
were blurted, and the molt lace- !
rating ciifupp.-intments lowered !
upon tlieir brows. Nor can we j
1 ru gleet to p.efent the river Mis- j
fippi when w-c recur to ti;e iate i
lamentable situation of onr weft- j
err. brethren who were not long
since, together with their goods j
and chatties, lands and tone- j
merits, expoied to the unrelent
ing, uuabating fury of a tremen- 1
clous aqueous fluid. We do-;
earned!y recommend to the en- ‘
filing ie dfi.Uure the propriety of {
appropriating money towards
rcjiairing fid crevice. With
fenfaiions of the tnortrcmaikahle I
and pnmgci.t kir.d v c view with i
painful an 1 agotjizing concern ;
the multitudinous aftcrnblage of i
houses of ill fame kept up ancN
inhabited by his Britannic maPi
jjfty’s iubjtcrs in London.
Inflated an; ! elevate:) with fe'rf
timeuts of the liveliefi and lofti- 1
ed indignation at the numerous
abuses which we know to prevail j
and claimine to ourselves tl.e !
right of freemen to speak with |
freedom and boldly to announce 1
! our sentiments without reserve
j on rhe flare of the public road
j leading from Mecca to Medina,
and we cite as a vvitntfs Ilowron
; Bayazet Ben Fed Jen, who in
1 journeying by Alcar, broke his
feg on the bridue of Amraa in at.
tempting ro turn his face toward
We return our thanks to his
honor Edward Nefdary Belclary
(>. O. Elzehub Elzehr.r Joe Ft*-
*>* * w
zer i’ranquiliian Portilion Sa nt
Mitchell, for Hs flri£l attention
to bufintSs during the prdlut
I Larkin b Christ tidier Slim
men Sw Sldenuon i'ur it
imfhant, fox&.ux
Ordered, that theft pref nt
nu-nts be publiilied in one or two
public (Gazettes, t? and in the j
Georgia Journal cf coarse
F<hvard KcUJry Beidary O. j
O. 1 Izebub Flu hr ‘'fee l'cur j
Tranent Ilian Postilion Saint
t \
LAiicheil, judge.
* Vie under stand this to be the !
Luna! cf Lower tlcg iluf
Marshal Souit veas at I’rcflatu
—his pr perty is laid to be I
worth 1 2,coc, 000 francs—a
great deal too much.
Savory and L dlmiiand werent
Smyrna, uhdet the protection cf j
tilt 1 ui ks.
Alexander of Ruflia is said to
have ordered his ambafl'idor at
Constantinople, to vlelivcr a note j
to the divan, ex pref live of his i
pacific wishes—he had no defne
but to fee Europe at peace, after :
her violent ;:gi;ations.
Ai oieks, Ac. Ehe Briiiih i
papers lay that Algiers is deb rid j
ed by I,coo pieces of cannon, ‘
30c of which are hrafr ; and
1 5,000 men.
By letters from New Soutfa
Wales, it appears that the mis
fi -nar.-s have lately met with
extraordinary fucccfs at 1 imto,
an island adjacent to Ota hi- to.
I he majority of the people have
renounced idolatry j the priefls
have burned their gods ; the
cliicfs dcilioyed the Morais, de
.iio'ifhcd the altars, and cooked
| their dinners with the materials
| More tlu-.n 600 perfr.ns, chit fly
; < du!?s, attend the schools of the
n.iflionat ies for inflrusicn.
fjevera! veffds have recently
\ been mot within the Mediterra
nean v. ithout any pcolon on
1 board—frppoNd to have been
! captured by the Barbary pirates.
Riots, with riotous proceed
ings, of a greater or less extent,
abound in England for want od
employment f m the people.
Mr Sheridan was so exceed
ingly poor, that the London pa
; peis arc pulling the prince regent
! to the Skies, for lending to his
old friend and rnofl intimate
j companion,the vast. fuinoi— two
I hundr ed pounds !
Tfie following is from the
London Sun, of the 1 ith of Ju
ly. We much admire its deli
cacy and points :
The frequent indispositions of
j the pvincefs Charlotte naturally
| occasions surmises, that they
| proceed from a cause more agrcca
! ble than otherwise to the i< lings
of a nation deeply inti refled in
happiness of her royal highness.
if may perhaps expole us to a
charge of want of etiquette, to
fdy any thing on this fubjedt,
but knowing how much gratifi
ed the country will be by the in
formation, we cannot refrain
from dating, that authority more
grave than gofrip’s Tories, gives
us leave to lament her iilnels as
slightly as possibly and to in
bulge our warmed hopes, and
utter our heft tv .Hies on the aus
pi cions married condition of one so
dear to tbs British people, —
ftyT ! at ; s *.. (a\\ sr. is with
. hi id ! ! . -V are J
UIBL 8. Ac-
The number of B ides, ? *
tanter.ts, lh-ayt*r Books p. ini u
at Cambridge, Engl uid, din g
thb iaft ievrn years, was i v c *
000. at Oxford, including a o
Catechifrns and Halterl, jq l -
i coo Ike vah)< of tfre Vvhule
i was 94. v doliars
j Mfn sn coin.
The total britifn coinage, du
ring the reign of George El a
mount to the great fuun of ■
tween sixty seven and \i>.ty eight
millions of pounds fie rung.
COT i ON I R \l)i
In 1765, cotton, as a", ar I; !o
! of commerce, was fra .ly
known in ibis c> unfry Cart
jw i ight obtain :d his patent few
■ years afrer. In 1782. the v. 4e
■ of the cotton trade itid o. t t x
ceed two millions flerling. In
1801, the import c f cotton to
i G Brirain was 42 millions of
j lbs ; and the value of that nn
• nufvtftured was t 5,000,000 C.
1 In 1802 the imports were 54
j mi ‘i ms of lbs ; the row me e*
; rial cofl 4.000,0c0 £. It cm
i ploys 30 tons of (hipping, and
I 2,000 feamcn. The capital vert
ed in the manuf.nrture, is 9 0 0
000 £. an employ is given to
800,000 individuals, to whom,
is paid for wages 13 000,00 : f,.
(London paper.
N () T I C E.
A punctual attendance is
require in this place on T'nwf
day the iqih.iiiilanr, of all per
sons anywifo uiiiebted to die
R venue Department ; as no
farther indulgence can be grant
ed. agreeable to the inftrudioll
of Treufury .Dtp: ltnient.
D. C. 4 < ; D. G.
Received from New YcL a
fr. fli fuppiy of SOAL LEA ‘ I I
f R and CALF SKINS of the
best quality. Alio,
Gentlemen* Boots.,
Seal Shins ,
Morocco Pumps,
Ladi s’ white Kid Slippers,
Do. colored farcy P us,
Morocco Shins , f different colon.
Pool Cord,
Boot Webbing,
Peg and Common Awl I basts and
Blades ,
JJr.F.r. Ball ,
Suoe Bn head,
Unci: Bindior,, hfc.
Ail of the above articles will
be fold as low as they can be
bought at retail in Autjnfla.
Wafhingron, ? r s
Sept 20, 1816. \ 3 ;
TO Rl r^j~
The upper Tory of my Store
on Main flrect, with the garden
attached thereto. It is a pi enf
ant fitimiort, and immediate
poffefiion Will be given.
Jno. B. Lenapd.
Sept 20, 1816. (36-31 J
Yil7‘ High wages will be gi
ven at this office, so one or two
journey-men printers, il appli
cation ii made immediately.