Newspaper Page Text
ri; /. poet.
I li r < but i. .. ]< .(.iry, iiii r. .j ‘i ‘mill— n<i .1 fjooil in tlic
t'ullowi .
u;f tv ay ‘To rr happy.
COM! i'in., ii ;tld u./ik lur ‘heir
O . 1
Aiilion h ii !'*>r on r io.l it v--<? mc-a.V, iiiw: whoC-iTt work liuvc liu ri’Jit *o
br fnl.
Ami tin- nib- it’"’ ni v<>r cmitent.
An hnnr\t {•mjilnymcdt brir pleasure arid
K : ‘ ,n
A’vl our troitMr* IbrifM,
! v Mm#<- who work li.v no time to mm
A'xl ’tin b- tier *o labe.r than fr- t.
And I'We :/:n! ri<l •*f 1 • <*v c'/idil not proctire
A happy ami pettc. vU!- rr-irwi; people have Irouble, as .ell as tin;
Althnuf'h of a ciif" : T'Tjt kind.
•it f>: ; :n.ii’ H nc<liii-'g’ what our stations have
bo n, -
Nor ‘ ! tfvr v.-t'tv I'tlU- or i.u.t
!'• li'ii'p ‘if. -i : s:n the ii rnrx-1 within,
And not in the outward <• ta ; e
M ■ only i:t-’ 1 labor as haul as w can,
J’or nil tli;.’ mu bodies im.\ n-.-i and :
Slid ill mi;.,’ ijmi duty to t .oil and man,
,\d vve shall be happy indeed.
Wit’ Vir ne in life's y-uiddel hour,
Thni ijn Error m:rv ronu nd,
C> i ■ Ik- ves s’ !■ s power.
An i U a’ o “ - • \ (re id.
fO % t li \ I |o X.
For sm ‘ta ‘• t n• ■ 1 1 111 • t ai a lies,
S.-i .11 ni! x . ,l.i i , ( tdosK,
“ I >■ ar mi Iw- b toknow as lio'.v
1’ ’"d -•/ and I'.v It- k t io a ( .w ’
*‘ vt. ,n i< • .. r,” lie Us niU tied,
“N * k■ • a at'nre of ii.r k,i <l.
!<■ ! an,- pi. laijgli, j
n ’ <•; <•’ cad/
1... ... .Tit ir - - I rML
a. l -< < I I Ah v.
■ ■ ~~ j
In ‘die y oi e words; how ir.a
nv th \i s can be grammatically
iii!ex ft e ? Anlwcr, fourteen,
He laid that that, that that
Inaii laid, was that that ihatv.<'i\
flx tild fay ; bui that that that
that man fail, was that that that
man (liouhl not fay.
A country n<wf paper lately
odvertifed a Runaway, whole
1< g were so lore he couldn’t
v IVt imps he run bv pr xy.
*-■ - |
* lhe sold on the first Tuesday
iv \ >Cc >ber next a * the Courthouse in
li tikes county, the following property,
iviz :
( hie likely boy by the name of
| to r or 0 years of age, taken os
the property of Roderick Ea*ley,
to lalisly an attachment in favor of
Benton Walton, and fold by order i
ol the honorable Inferior court of
find county,as p riflvable property.
One hundred acres of land,
tnoie or less, in \\ dks county on
th ■ waters of Wiliams’ creek ;
adjoining Jacob Ray, John Moore
and others, taken as the property
of Jcftc \V. Gunn, to fatisfy fun
dev executions from the juffice’s
court in favor of Martin Pits, cxe- ;
n i 1 and returned to me by David !
AUdcn. confialde.
Thos \\ r OOTTEN SHF.
Augufl ;6, 18 16. (33_5t.)
fJIT l. F>F FijJ.P cn the first Pi/es
day in next at the Court
bT'ttsc , tn Wilkes County , between
t"’ hour* of ten and three e'dcck ,
the feUt wing property, viz :
houi> anvl lor in the
town of Wdfiungton, Wdkes cr.un
ty. .H Joining Dr Abbott and others j
•—in the occupancy of John C j
I timer, and taken as his propertv i
to la'ivfv Inn rv executions agaiuff
> fm in favor of John Heard .\r\A
Joel Bead, and pointed out by said :
’ Ltitncr—esecufed ar:d refugee to 1
ne by JoLph M Dent, constable.
Will be fold at the court house
in Wilkes county, on the fuff
i uefday in Odobtr next —be-
tween tlie hours of ten and tnree ;
o’clock, the following property, ;
EIGHT hundred acres o f ‘
land, more or less, in the county of
Wilks, on Upton’s creel;, adjoin
ing Abraham Simons’ ard others *,
including the law and gird mills
thertpn, the factory house, dwell
ing houses, 3cc ; aifo ten looms,
one spool frame, ar.d warping mill,
fourteen sets of hameL hr woav
! ii.g, five quilling wheels ar.d one ;
cotton law gin—All the above le j
vied on as the property of the i
Wilkes Mann fact tirii Company,
t ) fatisfy sundry executions iii fa
vor of Ricbefon Booker, A Aron
Lipham, and W illiam Hearing, &
Cos; .igainft said Company ; the
land and appurtenances pi intLd
out by Lipftatn arui Hearing ; the
other property pointed out t\ laid
Booker. Cnditior.s c- sh.
’ Aug. 29, 18:6. (:33-si)
“"cTullec 1 UTS'sale.
; Wij j. bk °oi.n, at th-t Court
h<'ufe in Wilke? county, on the
firii t'utfda.y in October next,
the following trach of Bond, or
enough thereof, to i-tisfv the
Tax and colt for the years here
alter narm d—^viz :
87 Acres, third quality, lying
or, the waters cf Little river, in
Wilkes county, joins J Ham
mack, granted unknown, returned
| by I'homas Littie, and fold to fa
i tisfy his tax due for the yens 181 1,
1814, and 1815 —tax due 2 Dol
lars 31 1-4 Cts
202 1-2 acres pine, lying in
Laurens county, 18th district, No.
1 4t, granted to John Ilambieton,
and returned by said John Mam
milton, and fold for his tax for the
year 1314 —Ux due 00 and. 87 1-2
202 i-i acres plr.n, lying in
1 Wilkinson county at the time of
survey r 4th didrid, No 4 1, grant
ed to W. Wilder, and returned by
Volentine Mayo, and fold for his
tax for the year 1814 —tax due
00 and. 87 1 2 cents.
202 1-2 acres pine, lying in
Wilkinson county at the time of j
survey, 14th dillrid, No. 263, j
granted to Jehu johnfun, and re
turned by said Jehu Johnson, and
fold for his tax tor tne year 1814 ;
j tax due cod. 87 1-2 cents.
Conditions, calh—the purchaser
to pay for titles.
Tiios. Anderson, T.C.W.C-
Augufl 2, ISI6. (29...G0d) ;
C O P T.
State of Tenrcsee, ? Personally ap-
K' v \ County y peared before
me, Robert Pearce, who being du
ly sworn on the holy evangel libs
of Almighty God, declared l , that
he was months in the
j vear 1814, at the house of Abner j
Broadaway rending at Traders
J Hill, Camden courty, Georgia ;
i that during h:s fray there, he cc
cntionaliv crofted the river Ft Ma
rvs to the house of one Enoch ,
Danndl, or Daniel, living in L. ,
Florida* near Ty oppofitd Traders
Hill ; that he* there law four ne
groes which l.c was informed were
the property of James Calhcn of
Amelia island, named Dublin,
Rose. Hercules, an i Daphne—de
; por ent further declares that Henry
’ Dance bargained with said, Dannel
or Daniel, for said four,
for the firm of fix hundred dollars ;
that said Henry Dance in company
with Lewellyn Williams (who the
deponent was acquainted with) E*
noch Daniel, and one of his fens,
Abner Daniel,eroded said negroes j
into Georgia—that Dance, Will- j
iams and Daniel (the father) pro- j
needed with laid negroes irdo the
interior of Georgia—Daniel re
turned and brought with him two j
hundred dv>llars in specie, supposes |
he reed; the balance in bank notes;
deponent declares said negroes j
were guarded and or watched at |
Daniel’s when he was there, pre
vious to Dance removing them into
Georgia. Signed
Sworn so before me ct Kncyviilc,
this j 4//? A up. 1816.
ROUT. lANDSAf, a justice
pence , Knox county , Tt'nnesce.
Two of the above named ne*
I groes, Hercules and Daphne, have
■ been defcribecT by me in a former
advei rifement, suppose > 10 be fc
creted or run off by Henry Dance,
Dublin and Rob have been reco
vered. In addition to the above
evidence, the moft unqutft ion able
! proof Car; be obtained of rite nefa
; tious conduel of Henry Dance,
relating to the conduct of tnv
plundered negroes. Lewe lyn Wil
liams residing in St Marys, men
tioned in the foregoing affidavit,
| was one of the principals concern
ed with the notorious robber Wm
Cone of Camden county, Geoa ;
who plundered my plantation on
Amelia Island, in September 1813.
Will be fold to the big heft
bidder, on the 24th October next,
in Wilkes county, at the late resi
dence of Joseph Prather, deed ;
all the personal property belonging
to said deceased ; confiding cf
horles, cattle, hogs, freep, house
hold and kitchen furniture. Also,
one Still, oue waggon and geer;
alio, 3 negroes, ciop of corn and
tlder, and sundry other arcles too
lions to mention ; all of which
■ will be fold on a credit of fix
I months, the purchaler to give
Avail notes with approved security. j
James VV. Prather, admr. j
Sept. 6, 1816. (34-41.
Runaway from the fubferiber !
vn Saturday the 24th last month a j
negro man named John—he is i
a likely strong made felluw of a jet
complexion, has a little hitc’ in
his walk—and it is believed he is
making for making Savannah*—
the above reward be riven to
any perion that will deliver him to
the fubferiber in Wafliingron, and
all reasonable expenses paid, or I
lodged in jail lb that he can be had. i
Sen'6, ISI6. (34th)
The Subscriber returns Ids heft
thanks to the publi'-. for the liberal I
encouragement received in this btt
| finds. }b< frigprocureda&Msnce,
! he wiii herr-.h; r have thr- p.: >.-r to
<o work on the fhorreft notme, >rr.
the best a'd neat est manner;, and
: on t!ie cheap: It terms —-So rhaE
J customer may now expert no more
j dlfappoir/mems ; while In.? la'o
indilpofnion mud conflitute the
bed apclrpy he can mvke, lor
those which have already happen
ed. 0 i li‘ will take on good
terms, an apprentice of the age uF
13 ° r 15 years—one well reeciu
Washington, July 26. (28>
Cheap Bargain, if applied for it*,
rime, may be had :n the purchafe
of a handfcvme second rate horfe->*
gigg. F. l quire of the printer.
Sept 6, 1816 (34)
~ .. . .... ■— -- - -***
All manner of persons are*
hereby cautioned agsinft trading
for a note of hand given by M.ftesv
Jones to Benjamin Hoff, ter thro
fun of five hundred dollars, dateil
17th July, and payable in October
of the prefect year as the note wasw
fraudulenr jy
Sept 6, ISi 6. (pit.)J
NO I ICF is hereby given, tbitt
a’! persons indebted to the effate l
of ji.fiph r daske Anthony, deoM,
are requeued to coihe forward ami,
■*’ ke immediate* payment ; and •,
those to whom the estate is indebt
ed, to bring forward their accounts!
certified, acc< rding to Jaw, and
ceive payment.
! July i9
1 1
,— ...———t >
Administrators Sale.
WILL BF. SOLD, on Saturday
the 19th of October next, at the#
late of Garland Pearfi-n,.
deceased, all the personal proper tyr’
of said deceased ; confiding of
horses, cattle, fhtqp, hogs, geese„.
and sundry articles of household
furniture. Twelve months credit
with fniali notes and good fecurity o .
Michael Pearson, j §
V lizabeth Pearson, 5 p
j Sppt 6. 1816. (vt- r 6t)/
On the find Tuefdayof NoAent-j
ber next, at Washington, the find!
i horse, PIZARRO, belonging to*
. the eftateof the laid deceafed.°
Michael Pearson, ,
Elizabeth Pearson. f ldm *
Sept 6, 1816. C34-3O
r |A\ING established a house of
* J entertainment, on Main-ftrco,
at the sign of the Bo’!, facing the
public fqnare ; the fubferiber;- invite
ail gmttel travellers to call—in giv
ing thit- invitation, they feel confident
of giving general fatisfaclion. The
bar will always be Airnimcd with the
heft of liquors—their fables are
large, airy, and well f-.miffed with
good corn and fodder \ and horses
will be well attended to. If afTi!uj—
ty and uuremitted attention to busi
ness, ensure success—we humbly
hope to meet a tolerable portion ox
honest potronage.
Waffington, 1
MarchS*/. 181 G S
luTATr’ *
Pol* Sale at this Office,