Newspaper Page Text
‘ruin uor/r.
F A M E.
T* * tr*rit C'k* r. p**/r*
\ ninir rii On- fo|i i,f all ;
1 o’ *l"1l *!• W U|C <■■ r.artdcU
\,i i ih>> F.wun ooiiira'-ti: 1 hii<;
•fiien i).iiki!> •*> I'-mk that <lo
tx iiMilod ])■■ a ‘’ .rial’s .'.p..n !
*> vru: g.i t„ (jliurtll just f>:• u ■,
t ' , '’ r ' r t!> •>•'> “'> liiimit anil talk,
Jiiviv- frr> tli Tu fur sjj filiation,
; M’ 11n• :•,• fill’ o!is I V,Vi >.
X o ‘ ‘o ’ n r>- to fiii’f-t , triMid,
So Os fO) ‘ ? | -1-.; ill if liillf to HjX'lfl,
S tnf i ‘ thorn v> ,h>/t and n*l,
H'.i low I hero to worsf.i]) *.od.
■ -■ ■ .. ... - /liitT),
To the night which followed
the long an 1 bloody burle of
Arcole, tire commander in chief
going the rounds of the camp
himfeif difeovered a centinel sass
‘bleep, with h : s head inelinrd on
?hu but en i of his muffiet ;he
ii’ e.l his l.ead gentlv, reffecl on j
hue ground, and taking the so!- j
diers gun and performed the ‘
n .Mtiidor of the duty hirnfclf,
u u.l the ndi e of the corporal I
c- “u ng to relieve hitn awoke the
fohb.r, who rubbing his eyes,
and hirnfclf without arttib
cxchiimed “By God ‘ I am nj
iM ’h, fhiS is the genera!,” “ Yts,
* ‘ i-’d Bmap.irtc, “it is inyitif,
b it i>e not alarmed, my comrade
vv.t ire not ruined forthis alter
:o rich iatigue. to brat e n inm
as you may he allowed i.)U,|p,
bm you ought to make a better
choice oi the time.
r “lh iit M v VI VI </. This wondr r
of the Wv .’tern region has arrive.i
in town. IVe are aeßlorifed to
fay, that Cbmies Wilkins, eilj
Kentucky. (Hie geritlernr.n
‘y/hv fir if: difcoVered and poffdfed
herk immediately pr dented her
ib the American j\rtiiquariaa
Society, and tf-.t he never ::u
---thorikd he** ex!-ibid y\ its any
put of i!m ’United States. I; is
hair juliice to n.;\ W, to (lore
tin ie .fj'As, wh; h we trull will
not iHlcn the public coriohty to
fee ..Its il J rutar exlno.’M.. i
( iivs!cu P:'!vhj.
T v i 1. \NCHDi. ; i.VKM i\ j u t \
as °U’ |K*por til's day oisis
to pre *l, a funeral, with a io::rr
t-* >:u ot mourning ccachei,paif
ca the ilov'.r. b proved to bs
: e rc mains ofthe much rcfpecl.
W• oi Lear. The folJotA'iit * >'s
-• bHf account ot lis A hf
)’ ‘-lav morning after break*
ft'-i,col l obi a.-. Lear, accounrant
of the wa/ department, retire!
iV,r _> iis #ard-a, „:d sh t hitntcli
\> th a r-iite.;, !.;• : oi\ ;,.nu nii
nthi I Ll.t, difcaven-U by the
his unto tenure t.vher,
‘'ho immediately expired. hi
h11:l V. It :s C oji;. tui “-L OCCU
iioiu-J ?I;hi r. •>! •idi )ly ~th
{ i .(tj 1 yh’ii:!,
Nl'.'.v YORK, Si PT. r;.
T\. • CH!: < >,f .... ,i t ') . O n
iVednclda; evenin fill, the bo
dy oi a i'e.v. born infant v*n,
jeJLian o’ s ;>!, iket, was lb- ..j
the c;.;:a . in Can TIL fcl
i id yed -rJay th . Tog the b >dv
’id anot .r u born iswant,
ed i ’ a black ud; hat and
k- ■ hid, was on the :> >tte -y In
both, <*-ihs the (ioronsrhs jury
re* lrnebvvr l-cC of wdifu! n'
‘d- !, y pefhi. ? unknown.
Will Be Sold on the i dtii of
next Decernber at the late refi
deuce of j.dfe Norffion, dec’d,
on Newford creek, all the pe
ri(haule property U said dneed
ed—St >ck of ail kinds, house
hold and Kitchen furniture—
let ms of faie will be made
known on that day.
!a \vi.> Norman)
J 1 Luton, j 7 ,
’ Not 8. iSi . (43, — y)
i an;: no net:.
Will Be Sold, on the firfl
Futfday in January near at the
relidenoe oi George Wikis, de
cade i, alt the perhhab.e proper
ty of laid dcccalcd, ccrdiiting of
hoiifchold a: J kitchen furniture,
corn , .1 ix drier, hog?, (beep, 1
hot leg cows, or. Aral will oc ;
hired on that day, the negroes j
belonging to said Deceafed’s !
edatc. Terms made known on 1
the day of bale. (
David Allison, adnir. |
Milly \V ii i its, adm
Nov 8, 13 i f>, (±\*i?s) I
—— . ■ * _. .r •
A t.L peffons having claims
again* the* elf.-te of ‘ Wiliiam
Reeves, dereafi'd, are requTted
to bring them in properly ar
tetied, for pavjncm, and tin !b to
whom the laid .'!eceafcd is in
debted, are defiled to make im
niedii tt payment.
Il immii Reeves, j 3
Kustus Li. Khi.des,) S
Nov 8, j 8:6. (ag-‘{i*)
WILL be be fold, at the court
hotde in the town of WaHung
ton, on the tirii ‘l’ucfday oi De
cember next — 173 acres of land
Fithing Creek, arljoiniug Wylie
Pope and others, ievie i on as
the property of Benj:.,tnm Smith
and I.ehui ! Wootteu, in fa ,- cr
of Job:* Dyfon for the use or
NiiiKM Sutton. Conditions rjih.
jC IN RILEY coroner
('dobor 7t, if iG. T 12-cl
Iv'oentoi Sale.
WILL hi-i SOLI), an Saturday
Me 2 til dry or i) (temper next,
at the tats vetuience oi tits L)e*
cealed, part oi the pcrfonal pro*
P- ; , ’y or Vv iiiio.u iveevus, tie*
oeaieih confd.i;-f liorii't • ,
cat!ln, ihetn an outehcld 1•-
niton:, and it ’ Tat ijes too
tedious to rn rcion.
i 11anna’’: veev ) C
■ iidi aJ i. Rnotlcs, p
i T ra ■f. (4 y )
aomSitiT: ALORS So :z
W ILL b” i)\ \ on 1 hin'd rv
ti t 28th of November next, at
the plantation’s bclongirg to th •
edat *oi Baphnil VVhee’er decM
oi Wiik •$ Cos. nty ; part of the
ptribnai ptop- iiy or fM decM ;
Confiding ed and- kof all kinds,
P *i.tatto . utf:•*’!. liou.ehck* &
Kite lien furauu e, brandy, dr>rn,
louder. Stc I';h {'Jcm ill
tneuce 011 f\. viay ,u ike plr ra
tion in Lincori (’a, nty, on the
next day at tb*> i;- ■ t( derce o r
Iki decM in Wi'k , mo v.i!j !
no; tirute Pom day to cay unti’l :
all is lid i, [ we've niorahs eie ,
•kt will be litvefi theptucluT. a, |
io eiro ne . s with ai'*voy<?d ti - I
< i
aiimy, t > bear intereit rvotn the
kite, it not yriCuahy tid. *. I'e. Ici ) % 5 ?
1 * t > > Aui .1 s 1
.bum I)\ .on, j
October jpkiO.
On the firth d’nefday of IV
j cernber next, V 11L BESOM).
I at the Court heufe in the towi
!*d afhington, ihi2 followic nro
! pertv, viz :
ONE neg“o g ; rl named Lucy,
now in pollelli m of Ilober
, Sirripfim, hjppofed to be ; y or
18 years old, levied on as the
property of John Raimey, fen ;
to fatisfy an execution in favor
of lhoma< Car die, pointed ou’
by Jolm i<.ainicy, jun,
Aifo, one fray horfs, one
Mack mare and ?• It, ten bar-C?
of corn, four (backs of fodder;
levied on as the property or Sa
mud Hairell, to fatisfy an exe
cutiou in Gvor of ‘1 arltonSheets
Conditions, cafii.
It. !. WILLIS, D, S.
Nov. i, 181 6. (4 ig)
SliEi vl Eh fi onL ia.
? ILL A E SOU), at the
; 'V 7 Court-house in Albeit
county, on the iiGt Tuesday in
December next, between tM u
fuai hours, the following pro
ty, to w it:
One negro child Coalman one
yen - old, one negro child Cam.
fine four months old, levied cn
as the property of Lewis Lions
dec e a led, to faddy i’undry exe
cutions, Gid property pointed
out by Wn Irions and now in
his pc iicfiion. A*ifo twenty eight
barrels ot corn, three Hacks of
fodder, ten (boats, three sows,
and feventcen pigs, two cows and
two yeariings, one leather bed
and one I (raw bed, two sheets
and two counterpius, and enr
bed quilt, two ix-ci ftrud:', one
walnut cable and one pine table,
Oiu lliot gun and fleet pourh,
one liaif dozen common chat's,
one coffee pot, fovea earth a
plates, three earthen diin ut. *
final! pitcher, three fined: -v
two tumblers, one rrex 1
i on-- loom, one iron r, one,
! and led, two nails anu n>- ,
! one k‘ ii i* ’ . ,Lx k r , ,r ‘Mi
ven fotks, one on all til. pan, fix
bocks oi various k nds, one pair
cotton cards, two c!v>p axes,
-i four chlfcls, one gouge, one iron
| fquarc, two drawing knives,
■ B tec or four acres oi cotton as
• it Hands m the fUM, a quantity
;of f. ib ‘ for wag go: 1 ! ; le-ir-d
I on ns t!K propel ry ,i j. hn Sca.e
! tc {itisty an execution in favor
j°f The a'S Napier, thel it above
i property now in tuv polltfiion.
Ter cadi.
jOS Hl. T A Ci.AP.K. I) SHFf
Off c its, T 8: r { £jf*|
LOS r, forne i! ij>TTtlTe finTct ™7f-T”
temk •* !alt, one leather pocket book
coniaisirig- tne notiof
ihan! : One on Jno V’ ood fc. fifty
, clc• i v * v• : oin ft iG. #•
■ (\i so oi'c Hi.l on ie* 1 *5
15 t. pay.i!>'“ on <b iar so one
note for throe _!.*!! ar s on N J.irr-a
pHy.ioie flic w.>m Ilf*. eniber 131l—
a'fo S np's on Isa o t)o .v.ic ; cue ; i-
VC.) ‘llf I,i !l /Ivgllfi If< • i, pi t/i |-> i. 1
;one day niter date f twenty one
I dollars ...ako mu- oil J i ira? * went’
de;;;ue, viven .\uguif, p.iyabie
j tw -’ days after do. for!
j twenty-; wo dollars or 7.1 rts. the ]
j tune, and pa*, ab-t* three days •
! : *tun--f-,,e due hit! Cn D Ter.Vi j
j f -i: -b).h Stipuft nr one do: j
j l; -‘ CG f - F“) Tie on dcc ind—:lfo
| a our- rof receipts.. dfo one note
;-.mi Lwc IJrutnmb. for nine dollars
• two and a half cents, due j
J : Y Mir. All perio : ate fore j
v ii-.eU from paying anv of the air ve j
rn " :s < or any war trading for the i
laid ■ >cs. bur mrfeif. N.I.F.a. j
I\ W
* K * *• *
! r.A-liter’s Sale,
j TILL RESOLD, cn the 2I
| i'ru ; a> O Dtceinber next, a: ,’ )e
da refid. nee of John Carter,
| dececfid, a part cf the perfimal
Hate of said cfeccafipd, cocfiftuig
| • fhorffs, ho ;- , cattle, fhtep Ac.
; Terms of fain will, then anj
there, be made known,
; C R Carter,
1 Nov 8, iBi.C. is. executor.
bank of Georgia.
It being deemed expedient by
n • Board of Directors that a no- inifaimept of the flock of
‘OO Bank of the State of Georgia
I;’- uid be called in, and that
the Stockholders thou Id be ie
ci’jii ed to pay a proporiitm
of It. ipeele.
l ot 1 e;. is hereby given that,
agreeably to a Retaliation-of the
i ):• Cedors cl this date, tvvemy.
three psr centuni cn each furc
ot the Lock or rue Bank, i
quirod to be paid by the S. • k
•; MAh m. on or before the f cond
i g’vraday In Decet. ber next, tha
j five dollar?, itilpecic be paid on
- each (hare, as part of the fin. 5
i bvemy-!hre* n-r cent; and the
j Lah-ncf ,n bids of ether of f ' i o
barks of Georgia.
-in.’ otc:.-kno,n,.rsare ;u T ?
fioritn**!, Cm?ier*s < nfi -
| cate? of Stock will be i ued 1
; ln'ii of the CommiflDner's ?m.
! sic. tes,heh! by the f-tockhcfilers,
i the deliverv rs the Con.
n iifio: y*s ce iificatcs ar to
;tu • lying the infhi ner
3 s “ qui red.
••V • ‘"tcck.holcc.'S ?re la*
. formed to . yn. >7 pav
mkaiment. and* recede their
j Stocjc certificates oil dciivnit r.
; ie Xlc m : uiff otier’s certiScare
at either of the offices efl AlitY
Augufia and Milled?i-wfi 5
” I-y (half t- n
to- will be in a fhor
eleazar ea
! CAfU 1
Sav.vvmb, the 2 ~>tb ) c
‘September * idis. 3 1
C();ME anFseeT
E--ui S A-I.E. The tn & of l. anj j
and preuifes whe'-eon I live, s ,j w
joining M? John Wingfield, am i
containing 285 t-c. acre;-, well
improved. A.O the of
L-.:;d rod td'ca he late the pro-.
Py rf y °i John Main, adjciTtjg
cap: M 1.-iibot, and confainir
by eid. nation yej 1 2 acres, v
ry wc:l improved, ferns made
known for both or either of fnd
tmeta, by appii .atioa to the full*
feriber, h\ r-g on the find men*
honed met.’ \V M . M. Kmjt,
Nov i, i3i6. {42-1 ai 2m)
Nttiv Cos ruve.TNr.xsMip.
iH ! :, Suhlcnbers having entered
; nto co.-partiic.ihip under the
him of iVT'vVHORTJ.R AND
, ‘ 1 ii.d.d A MS, ami opened in the
it .- e formerly occupied by lay.
: 1 ‘ r ‘*od Sayre, lohcit the patron
j gtC ot their friends and the pub
i : c in general. They Lave on
j Land a general af-.>i tmeat of
j ! 'ry Goods, Hard Ware
j AK n Ct.YTi.ERY; which they
I Li* Cfpota of on the tea
j ibnable terms.
; Oft. 23, 1816. [42Cj
! _ sußrasKNAs,
m blank, i’or sale here.
.A ;o. Marriage licensed