Newspaper Page Text
«*• Mf
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■ - , v “ S \i' 'V.
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NilU!>cuiu:,Gl, ffili April, 1830.
T HE Branch of the United Statei Bank »t
Sa\ anuah bavin' refused to redeem the
I B.lls made payable at that Office,
Public Notice is hniTfcy given,
•HiltefigcrilZc Georgia.
Hi. »u!ner.!.er h ivin'1 en this vre.l snow' .- orwi|| }7iii». T ' ' “ J HUNDRED DOLLAR:?, to any person or per-
'' \cnrs, offers •« bu 1 Mi who mav apprehend and deliver the said fu-
V.W. fallowing is a list of letters remainin' riUve * fo '<« *>!?*>.■ Jai !" r _ ® f ,h<? ««*J ° f
friends am) the public, accommodations a-
c«ii lie found in ' :•• up <■• ( f tienrr's.
Hi* supplies w . I he ol ik; first quality ; and a!!
that «•;« i he done f..r tiieeomfort ■ i >c wbj in iv
favor him with a end, shall
-li* e’r.arf , ■
The whole estaMi Imient i* n liny a
roii'li r. pair, aud wi t contain v.! : run pie ltd.
upwards of si-.ty com'.rtdd* ro
January!. 53—ft.
The l e ler:.l I'nion, Southern Recorder, Con
stitutioualivt. an 1 :■ ' "limi i;«rii*r tie
■hove four ins if on, and forward their nr,•'■nuts
to mu. A. M. il,
NEW ii&om.
Till- .SL'dSCaiBEH
J ® ES?EOTr’L LL\ i' his friends ane
C til J public III till' JP *r»nt ro unties
By WILLIAM SCHLEY, Cuter nor of the
Statt of Georgia.
Whereas I have received official information.
,bat ontltr lothday of March, 1836, in the couit-
■ nat the bids of the tinted Slates Rauk aod its ly of Troup, iu this State, a murder was conunit-
Branches will uo longer he received m payment | ted by WILLIAM TAYLOR and CATLA-
| ai lilts Department. ^ I RINE TAYLOR, his wife, upon the body of a
| l ,J ~ l ] F. I ■ AN Ni:.S, Treasurer. ! negro woman named Caty. tlie property of the
<J7“ Ai! the papers in Milled-evillr. the S Hr .i n - sa “ l " iliinm 'Taylor; and the said William Tay-
i ii i • i < r, in. Geor-ia Constitutionalist. s u „',| i . b>r am! Catherine Taylor having fled fromjus-
| *ni 11 it ii ii ., Macon Te!e;ra|di, and ColnmSus lice ’ I *“ re 'hought pioper to Due this my 1’ro-
-c inim I. • ill give the above two i.serti .us aij j elamatioii. hereby ofiering a reward of THREE
T I11E f
in t!
II fv.w .rs . IS. ,r ! Troun. or One Hundred anil Fifty Dollars for ei-
m l v,. Office at Decatur, Dekalb • tln . that they may be brought to trii.l
0 * >r ~ ia * 0,1 *'*• l,,x y °* *M >r, ‘ ■***»(), I f or i{j r offence with whirl) t!iey are charged*
ill 1 ii not ta.sCU OU, cl ore the 1st day ol July t Uiliiatn Taylor is about 50 years of ago, live
: v, w,ll ic for carded to the I’ost Ot.ico Dc- , feet lOor II inches high, spare made, with blue
lariuicnt a . dead loiters :
John Adams
Jane R imes
Ann E. Bird
U iilia; l Bnr.ies
.1 M Boring
John Blii .1. stock
Levi Brown
Eli Bennett
William Belts
M C Badger
Elizabeth Baldwin
William B.dscr
Elijah Bankston
William Bryce,.
i pul
that he Iris roruxncm ,1 I i ,:V, i.; th • r*t"
jaming Messrs. (». !!•..,t -> 1. rc liu i
rereivliig aud opt nine au er.iJfF. ! °
■ r _ r w \ II Cam
Ifcw SSoe*K ol 75ry (aOOffiS. •,• Ca.penter
cj. ■•fully selected, und . litalds fur the | ( ^
J Cj1.ii an
Spring tiAd Summer Trade.
Having all tiose artic les usually kept .n Dry Coo,I
(Store , l»<: dcciiiv i: miiic. '»•*>’ l: ' r*u„i;icr.itc
them, but iFoii! I :;*vi: till t.i c>:ll lb>r them
»«lvr*<i, ai,.l bo proisihi 1 o»» j» sri lo ^;> n c no
bniuft io cirluHvonii^ t>» j> i ? tlio^e n no in8j
luvor U; n with a co l ; « will be solJ mi ««
r«a*o.nble icruic a» i.i any I > i<e in tl'.e |»- itc—
hr would then:!o/o r , cctlnily solicit a ;ii.iro o;
|*ab!ic patron
MiUefl-cviV,.**. A i ii
IM121 Jh-N
OTIt'E.—In order in
i^l l!i i oi l and oi'.tstf.u
Snaid have thns, 'it it
fare constituted and app
.1 \A1.13 II. SlIF.WAN
is ::
to n close all of
ng ilelils due to til:
i dgcvillc. tlio parem
,, at, end llevV' therc-
ted NATHAN -Mc-
(•EIIEE. E«|., of that place, their Agent and
A Turney in Fact. All p • snas thrrefore who are
sn lehtc I to said Olfiee by note. bond, or oii:or-
wi-e, are hereby retpiircd to settle and arrange
their respective drills withhim.
EllEY H. REES, I', liicr Bank of Darien.
April 1, Ir:»G W 3t
A(» c.;a i l.
rjlEE under ccind will nttenil to the Tlenew-
5. ill of nates iu l i Ceatn l Bank at ilic u«u-
el I*:,* of one dollar lor n il r ncival. Tiny will
eln pa i lliiongn the oilic • and lain aid
Rnuu at on,- < 1.,: 1;i■* for a single Grant, and fitly
cents ct.eli, ii here more than on • is requested.
Coeiiniiiiieaiiniis a.iiiiesst-ii to them jointly oi
separately, post paid, w ill be pum-inally attenucr
to. JOHN (i. PARK,
Milledgcville, April £'» lo tl
SeJtlc tr
—tii.oi ;,avc Hosts
iv by given to ail pri
TK'OTH 1. |§ hereby given to ail person* in
Iv tad ta the suhscri • rs, by not i or e ( ■ i
Account previous lo t!io Hr t of Jniiuary, I'fb
that unless lliey
nc forward am! settle u/i fort!
willi. their notes and a.-i oun:. will be placed i
the hands of rn att « v for colb c.ion.
COON ,v M1CKLEJOIIN.: Jesse Jones
Cornelius Connally
J H Cantpbell
Jesse Clark
Matilda Cochran
Mountreville Corley
David Craw ford
Ii W Cobb.
William Donaldson
\Vdiiam Densmoro
Tliomas Davis
Lemuel Dean ’J
Eliza Davis
John Dobbs
Jajr Eiiim
li I!. E.sketc.
Thomas Fowlor
William II. Fair
Louisa E Ferrell
J C Farrar 2
.Martha Fowler
Jesse Fain.
John Gobi
Abram Glower
J B George
Gillam Goodman
John Gordon.
Wm K 11.iiniDon
Joseph llall
Samuel Hawkins
William llaney
William Henry
Elisha ilentjoa
James Ilickey
William Hooper
James 11 n kins
Sterling Harris
Susan Heard Hardman.
B R Johns
Sarah Jones 2
\V n>. A: J. I surae
Samuel Ingram
Robert Joice
John II Johnson.
John Lawliorn
Charles Lively
T B Lanier
Benjamin Lokev
Tiiomas Alahlfoy
John McCulloch
jMoses Murphey
Yeslita Meador 2
David Miius
r.rtzatiem martin
Ann McLean
Kowlittg Moore
Daniel McGinnis
Alexander McLartv
Benjamin Morris
Joseph Montgomery.
Loftin Nunn.
N. Owens.
Mrs. Pa toy
Susan Penn
John Patrick
Lewis Peacock
James Powers
Isaac Parish
John (I. Parker.
Jesse Redwino
Nancy Rhodes
Jane W. Rambo
Nancy Reid
Maiacliia ileevos
Isaac Itossor.
Martin Steadliam
NIartliu Amith
Henry Stowers
James F. Stubbs
V.’ill: in; J. Sliecklcford
Benjamin Sprayberry
Logan Smitii
James Seav
John B. Smith 2
David Sanders
Manila Spiod
B F Shumate.
R Vr Tarpley
Stephen C. Tenter
W iilia in !!. Tanner.
Isaac Watkins
John J. W ord
Jesse Wood
William Walker
Benjamin Woodson
Joseph Walker.
eyes mnd light hair, and fair complexiou.
Catharine Taylor is a tall woman, about 40
years of age. with black hair, blue eyes, fair com
plexion and coarse voice.
Given under my hand, and the great seal
of toe Slate, at the Capitol in Miiledfe-
ville. this 15th day of April
4 N ACT to appropriate a sum of money .
to improve tlw navigation of Flint River, j
aud to appoint Commissioners to carry the same
into effe ct—also to improve the uavi { alien of
Chattahoochee River.
MILLEDGEV1LLE. Dec. 2C, lS:3o. j
T HE Subscriber returns bis sincere thanks to
those w ho have favored him with the
trausactiou of business in the Centra! Bank ; ho-
Brutc’s Yew York Type ]\T OTiCE. Lost, misplaced or stolen, two
w-, I vl promissory note;
Xo. 13, Chambers Street, near Chatham.
On, otic on !\!arv Counet v
written one clay after <laro, for $ *J7 50 cent#, pay-
able to myself, the dates not exactly recollected,
but I think they were given some time in 1834,
T HE price of Five line Pica, plain and rn- | a °d the ether on Edmiiud Richardson for $35,
tique, is reduced to 25 cents a pound, and ; written one day afterdate, payable to John J. Al-
( . . Six line Pica aud larger to 20 cents, thereby mak- ,en » or hearer. Any information coucerniag said
Ja in General Assembly met, ana ;t is hereby j thuue, and Hamilton R. Gaither, who are autho- *,„cr these perfect metal types cheaper than any o- ,,( >tes will !>c thankfully received. All persons am
enacted by the authority of the same, That j rized^ to ^settle all balance^ due l*» or troni him on ther. | ^utioned against trading for said no:es from any
and they will attend to the renewal Tliis Foundry has a most extensive and unpa- P^*on except myself, as they were not legally ob-
Central Rank, at the usual fee ol ra n e led assortment of Plain, Shaded. Condensed, j ^ined. KIXCHEX STEVENS.
... . . i ntl!1 ,f ? nv ni(*nies in t‘io Yen- cac ^ renevy al- solicits the pat- an# j Ornamental Tvpes, by which Printers at the Mount Zion, G.n., April 28, 17 3t
ov anpropriated out . _ , . rouageofhis former friends and others ta their letter press are enabled to rival the impression ““
trai Bank, for the toP^mcm of the . M . ha , f; he fec!s wnfid , nt that all lu,sines, entrus- ^ in beauty" fauev, J7^te7ul
tion oi Fant River,front Bainjridge in Decatur t( .j their care, will be faithfull v and promptly . disnlav
county, t» the old agency in Crawford county, atteucled to. JOHN BETHI XE. ! 'p llt ;
Section 1. He it tnocied by the^ ciate and j j nj , noiv about To remove to Columbus, be ha.
House oh fit present (dir * * oj Ihe Stall of Gear- transferred hisbook* to his son Benjamin T. lle-
da in General Assembly met, and it is hereby j thuue, and Hanr 1 — " ~ l 1
enacted i, v the authority of the same, That ; riaed to settle all
from and after tlie passage of this act, the sum ! “id books: and
of ten thousand dollars be, and the same is here- ^ ^
bv artnresriateil out "I any monies in the Cen- r._
or to any point above that plare, winch the j
issi.ners hereinafter appointed, shall de- j
January 4,
terminc on.
Sec. 2 Inti be it further enacted by the au
thority of the sam '. That Sanders Durham,: tv, to Etowah toll bridge, on said River; to
A N ACT to keep open the Flint River
rV‘\ from the old agency in Crawford Coun-
Francis Bacon, Walter L. Campbell, Joint L.
ers for managin' and superintending the inipru-
>point commissioners for the same, and
remove all obstructions to the free pas-
tlie Independence* f the United Stales
of America ike sixtieth.
Bv the Governor:
Wm. A. Tr.>S!i,i.r.
Secretary of Stat».
Ml tiic Milledgeville papers and the Colum
bus ^ntiuel will publish the above tw ice.
assortment embraces 250 sizes or varieties,
from twelve line pica to pearl, of Roman. Italic,
Black, Antique, Italin. Title. Condensed, Shaded,
Script, Baekslope, German Text, Ornamented, 1
Music, eve., and also Piece Fractions, Superiors. |
Space Rules, Astronomical and other Signs. Or- |
umeuted Dashes. Long Braces, lira-. Rules, near-
> oiwtrn union senes ji ■- -- , ly three hundred borders, and more thxa 1000 ruts 1
W Cow-in GreeneTinslev' and Thomas Hines ' sage of fish, and such boats and Craft, as may ! or ornaments for newspapers, school book, aud
be * and the v are licrebv appointed commission- ! be'employed in navigatin' said river. ' | scientifle works.
* - 1 - *- . .. i Sec. 1. licit enacted by the Senate and Tlle subscriber furnish C (imposing stick*, cases,
''tale ut l ‘* ,!lses ’ S*ocys furniture, paper, ink. all kinds of
1 J Printing Presses, ami every article required in a
Printing Office. They also execute ordtrs for Ste-
ro typing.
{Ly* Printers of Newspapers tvho publish this
advertisement (with this note) three times before j
the lirst of July, IStJti, and send a paper contain- (
iug it to the foundry, shall receive payment w hen I
they make purchases from the fuuiidrv, of f 0 ui
times the amount of their bill.
New York Jan. 2d, lydti. 12 5t
Rowaud’s Gciii&lne Tonic
or I'egitable Ftbrifuge.
Vl^ARRANTEI) a perfect and lasting cure
V V for the Fever and Ague. For salo
Mav 24. 19—tf.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted bi/ th
ving the navigation Of Flint River from Bain- ; House of Representatives of Ac Sta
hrid'ein Decarer coantv, to anv point which | Georgia tn General Assembly met, and tt is
....... they' mav select on sv‘d river, and they are here- hereby anacted by the authority of the same
sD.n<! cijrht hundred aud thirty-six, mul of, by fullv auiliorizcd \o exercise a general di.scrc- j 3 ^ a mu el \\ in lrev, 1 nomas Nelson, and
Viiabif IMauta^uu For Sale.
SUBSCRIBER being desi-
-BL rous t** remove to Alabama, of
fers hi* LAND FOR SALE, consist
ing of sihout 800 Acres, about 4l)0 a-
cres of which is now cleared, (on which lie now
lives. The above lies in Monroe con my, 11 miles
from Macon, near Lewis'* Ferry, an 116 miles from
Forsyth, on the river road to the Indian .Springs,
and bounded Ea*t by the Ocniulgee river, on
which the»-R is a Fishery. He lias pood improve
meats r#n the Fame, and the situation is as healthy
as any iu the ujr-couutry. Any person wishing to
purchase a valuable settlement, would do well to
call aud view the premises. Terms of payment
will be made liberal lo the purchaser.
OJ 6 * The Standard of Union will insert the a-
hove three times, and foiward its account to Pat
rick & Martin,Macon.
March 23 11 3t
tered into for die purpose of eflcciittsf said im-
Executive I>eparl5!icist, Gst« provement, it shall be the duty of his Excellen-
Millcd'cville, Mnrcli 2, 1836. j £ ,lle Govcr.or, to issue his w arrant upon the
B ,. . . , . , . ,, , . Central Bank in favor ol said Commissioner lor
\ a joint resolution of the General As- j nn(! fourth ofcacll ccntract entered into by per-
seinbly, passed 18.1. December, 183o, it sons contractin . t0 said work.
• ls provided, that tno accounts for services ren- | Sec 4 _ A „ d bt f urt her enacted by the
ion as'to the manner of effecting said object, Jefferson Riley, be, and they are hereby ap-
arni to emplov s uch artists, assistants or niana- pointed by the authority of the same, commis-
gers, as tliev or a »ijoritv of them shall deem sioners of said river, with full power to remove
necessary to carry »»d object into effect; and j all obstructions to the free passage of fish, and
before they niter or the discharge of said duty, j such boats and cralt »s tray be employed in na-
they and each of then, shall severally enter into I vtgaiing said river.
bond with good and sufficient security, payable I Sec. 2. And be ,t further enacted by the
to his Excellency the Governor and his sucres- j authority aforesaid, 1 bat it any person or per
son in office m+tSflcpcmd sum of doable the sons shall, at a*iy time alter the passage ot
amount lie should draw as commissioner afote- I this act, obstruct by dams, ferries, or otherwise,
said, conditioned for their, and each of their more than two thirds of said river within the
faithful divcUrge of duty under the provisions | above specified limits, it shall be the duty ol
of this act - and for their, and each of their su- j “id commissioners, forthwith to have all such
superintendence ofsaid w ork, and in the true obstructions speedily removed, and should such
application of the said sum of money for the ! obstructions be again placed in said river, the
said purpose contemplated bv this act, which owner or owners ol such dams or femes, soof-
saiil several bonds shall hr taken ana approved Ending, shall be subject to pay a fine, not ex
by the Justices of’he Inferior Court, or a nia- ; ‘'ceding thirty dollars fur every such oflence, to
joritv of them of ti e county in which the said J be collected in any court having competent ju-
comniissioners sevt rally reside, to be by them risdiction ot the same, one half to be paid to the
transmitted 'o His Excellency the Governor | informer, and the other half to be paid into the !
aforesaid, and to be by him filed in the Execu-j county treasury for county purposes,
tive Office j Sec. 3* Aud be it enacted by the authority
8er. 3. And be it farther enacted by the aforesaid, That the above named Commission-
aathorily ofil.e sane, That upon the receipts ! ers shall be allowed the sum of two dollars for
of the bonus of said commissioners executed in each day they are engaged in carrying into ef-
conformiiv to the above and foregoing section, feet the provisions of the above act, provided,
and a certificate selling forth the contracts en- they render in their accounts duly authenticated
R EMAINING ill Ike Post Office at Millodge-
ville, April 1st, ItitiG, which if uot taken
out l.efore the first of July next, will be sent to
the General Post Office, as dead letters.
A Lerov Kennedy
James Allen A E Kii'kpatiick 2
llsv. Haywood Alford 2 L
to the Judges of the Inferior Court of Talbot
county, who are hereby authorized to pay the
same out of the county funds.
Sec. 4. And be. it further enacted by the au
thority aforesaid,. That should cither of the
above named commissioners refuse to serve, that
- shall he lawful for the Judges of the lnferiot
dcred during the present year, (183.5) in the | fl uthoritynfthcsam , That the said Commis- Court to supply such vacancy, ard wherever a
counties ot^ Stnrart, Lee, Baber, Randolph, s ; oner s ora maoritv of them, shall let out said j vacancy occurs by death, resignation or other-
| Sumter, Early, and the counties adjacent, jmprovement p v c ' 01tract) and may or shall ; wise, that said Court proceed to appoint fit and
i thereto, in defending and pr v ccting the people , )r0|n j se t0 pav „ a j t undertakers, the amount , proper persons to fill such vacancy or vacancies
Iroin the hostile movements oi the Creek In-1 one f olin |, ( v |,, r ,. t j e wor k is commenced, on ; her. .5. And be it farther enacted by the. au-
diaus,shall be paid by the Governor,out of any j f ()LUt h where the work shall by the commissioners : thority aforesaid. That notliing contained in
funds in the Treasury, not otncrwise appropria- j i, c j u d^ e d to be half &tishedjand the other two- ! this act, shall he so construed as to militate
; ted.” V. ills a view to carry into effect this re- j f 0llr t|, sw hcre the work is completed; Preri- against the laws heretofore enacted to keep open
i solve of the Legislature, notice is hereby given I (ffll ,| le sa id undertaker shall on receiving the : said River,
to persons haying claims against the State un- first pavnu , nt gi-.e bond ami security, payable j
i dcr ils provisions, to make out and transmit t0 j|j s Excellencv tlic Governor, for the faithful i
j them to this department, properly anthentica- . er formance of »id work.
icd, on, or by the 1 it si day oi May next. See. .5. And be. it forth,r enacted by the i
I h >* required that earl, claimant will make authorUu of the same, That should any vacan- »’
oath, before some magistrate, to the correctness C v occur in the B.ard of said Commissioners,;
by death, resignation or otherwise, it shall be; March 29.
the duty of the rennining commissioners, or a ; rn-rfTrs "tT A T ”T A "KT TT 1 71?
majority of them, o fill such vacancies when 1 H ^ / X.,Li U J?
tliev may occur, md in all cases when new :
j of his claim, and also procure the certificate of
the commanding officer of the county, under
■ whose orders the services were performed, that
the services ohargedfor, were rendered as stated
in the account.
By order of the Governor,
II. A. GREENE, Secretary,
March. 8. S—t)
April 23, 1 -
months nfr
npplicatioli wdl lie j
Speaker oj the If ruse of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Assented to, December 22, 1S3.5.
Julius C. Allord
William M. Atkins,
Daniel M. Andrews
T. J. Agnew
Jacob Aulil
Miss M E I) Arnold
Dr William G Littla
John T. l.nuiar
John l.iltcy
David Lewis
William 1) Lingould
John 11. Lumpkin 2
Miss Mary Lane.
' M
Robert McConib
•luti-IHsprptic I*iUs,
F oil SALE bv
Milledgcville, Feb. 16 5 tf
IStO w hom employment and liberal wages will
he given. None but a first rate workman
need apply.
^.{f/^k’he Macon Telegraph am! Standard of U!
nlon wil. insert the ahove three times, aud forward
their accounts for payment.
Decatur, DeKalb co. Ga„ March 19. 11 2.
£!,ii'.WO. A i‘i .(CO'U.kiLC,,
T HIS Establishment is now under
itie control of the subscribers,
who pledge themselves to render com.
fortable those who may call on them.
Felmary 23, t> tf
Miss Mary A. Abbott.
E. Bradley
Gen. Thomas Brown 2 r>tiili P. Myrick
Asa Bishop Mial Mires
John P. Butts
Archibald S. Bryan
Thomas \\ . Brow u
rsre. n. nnu w. u junrir/ enoeieu oy roc seventeen miles irom ouiuniiuii, e
authority ef the sarc, That it shall bo the duty ferry road, on which, there are line
oftho commissioners to krrp a fair journal and fitly m res ot open land; a great pc
record of their proceedings, and report their ac- | h fresh. A good gin house and
7101 .
Puiaaki county, while siti n' for ordinary pnrpo-e
for letters of disirt.- ion on ilia e fate of CIt trios
iKlill*. deccas ■«!, I.y Daniel 15. Rhodes aduii.(is:ra-
This is t'irrriV' to rite and ndinon: b all and
singular the l io 'r d and > r< ditors of .aid d ceas-
rd in lie and n| ,
prescribed by *aw, io show cense {it any) why
letters should not bo grani.-i. Giveu under my
hand this Iriili <i:iy of April, 1' ’••
May tt. If ■>
LI. persons are hereby forewarned from trn-
ry, . „..J . TV . v p ,. ASl ding for ihrce notes of hand, given by the
1. A. at LLl t A.v, 1.51. suhseriber, iaz: one fur 3 30 25 cents, payable to
April ], 1836 13 8t I Nathan Batts, or bearer; one for 3 25, payable to
Culiun I’eacock, «r bearer, and one for 3 20, pay- !
able to Cullen Peacock, or bearer—the considc- , - . • ■ • • ■
. i - , - , , . .. .. and on l.ithire to d< So when required aioresatd,
ration for w lnelisnid notes were given having fail- 1
ed. 1 am determined not to pay them, unless com
pelled by law.
Pulaski county, March 12. IriiO 10 5t
. ,• ...,„■• till > TR A\ hAl.r,.—\\ ill be sold, on the first
tile iilie.-ier t olliloi i t!1 . , , , . r ,■
J I uesday in June next, in the town of Ixnnx-
’ Mile, Crawford enmity, one small CIIESNl'T
i SORREL MARE, one fore-foot uml one bind
foot « bite about llic hoof, about six years old. and
about I3 hands high, and appr .ised to $ 20, April
3d, 183(5. WM. McGEIIEE, C.I. C.
April 5 13 8t
e. e. c.
SUBSCRIBER offers for sale one Lot
irki.ry Land. No. Bll. 4tli
die*.!*,■**, ori. ion!Iy lioolv. hut now Pul, ki coimly,
Iviti: four lull,, i.ooi the town of L iwkinsvillc,
oil |be Stage ran i ioadiiig from llawkinsvillr -
r of Oak and Hid
, j' 1 EOKGI V. Crawford County. Toiled he-
k. Jl fore John Mathews, a Justice of the Peace
m io I for said county,one eslraj l!AY HOUSE,
with mine w hite hairs around h.- kind hoof, and a J ,'Y| ' I " ■
mall novel gall on hi; hack, about five feet high, ” " IC ‘
ibont 15 years old, paces well, arid appraised to
8 50, by John Aders and Darnel Culpepper, March
19th. 1836. WM. McGEIIEE, C.I. C.
April 5 13 tit.
fS^ilE Puhseriber very respectfully informs his
B friends aud the i
publick generally that lie
hat located himself at tlio Marrietta Hotel, Cobh
lie offers his services to search out
and tc«t the value of Gold aud Laud lots, aud to
make a li ne return to applicants iu the counties of
Cobh, Paulding, Floyd, Cass, Cherokee and For-
I'or Scilc.
commissioners are <o chosen, they shall comply Ffl'VIE Mihscriher offers for sale, in Harris corn
with the requirements contained in the second , .3.. ty, one tract ot‘ nine hundred aci*»», ef fine
section of thw act. j ICi.AICSTS)2
Sec. 6. And b‘ il further enacted by the seventeen miles from Columhu*, on the Marshall
ec hundrjd and j Geoipe R.C lay ton, jr
portion of which G Culvcrhouse
screw; a ^ood Alexamler Campbell
tines and doings fro* time to time, to his Excel- ! ! ,8r “ and stah,e 1 ?— a ftory dwell- Miss Elizabeth Cane
i .1 # • ’ i » ...... i mjc house, well nuisheu. A cood kitchen and
lencv the Governor, and wnenevertlicv mav be e f r
comfortable necro houses. A handsome situation;
required l y him, tbe progress ol said work ; fille water; a beautiful farm, and every way desi-
ALSO, a tract in the same neighborhood of six
hundred acres, on which there arc one hundred
and seventy acres of open land; the whole of
w hich, has heenclcared within the last two years.
Tolerably comfortable log buddings. Corn and
fodder, and stock of different kii.ds can he had at
both places. The ahove property will he sold on
p. . i „ » ■ terms to suit purchasers, and at reasonable prices.
that cell and every commissioner ,,
.. . , tut .ii 1 ersous wishing such propertv, would do well to
as aHrrsatd, shall be entitled to j cal| earl y t orlhc y may miss a bargain.
fit 31) HENRY H. LOWE.
iU 3 The Standard of Union and Georgia Joer-
they shall forfeit ilia per diem compensation
hereinafter to lie allowed, and it shall he the
duty ofhis Excellency the Govcrncr, to rep rt
to the next Legislature, all the infor nation which
he may receive frost said commissiot.ers relative
to said work.
Sec. 7. .Inn’ be it enacted by the authority of
the same. That
compensation, aal receive one dollar per day, j
for each and ever ’(lav he shall attend to the su-
Ilarvcy Mullins
A C McIntyre 2
11 iram M core 2
Benton Martin
Janies Gordon or Clerk
of the County Court.
William McCall
John McVav
Franklin McDonald
Patrick McSwain
The owner of the horso
Samuel Moore,
Peter McIntosh
Charles Mathews
Isaac M u I ford
Thomas II. Mulrvne
Robert Mercer
Ahial McFarland
John A Mansi nett
Ezekiel Miller
Mr.. P. i*. M’Minify
Miss A. D. Moore.
Nelly McIntosh.
' N
James Norllicutt
Christian Nuity
Dr A P Xoit
Mrs Phoebe O’Brient
Robert Payne
Robert Patton
E Perryman
James Palmer
O II Prince
John Prosser
Gen. B Pope
William Page
Wilson I’earce
Frances A Colbert Asher S Potter
Eli/.. A Coley P C Pendleton
M C Cogburn Capt II Pool
SarahChcwuing. Mr Prosser
Elisha Parsons
Dr Peters
Clem Powers
Dr Prescott
Miss Caroline Pryor
Martha Patrick
Jane Perry.
I, Robinson 2
William Robinson
Zacliariah Roberson
Francis M Reese
William \\ Ricft
Hiram Reid
Moses Boynton
William II. Burton
Charles L. Bradley
John. Barrington 2
Horrace Bindley
Daniel liuckuer
A F Byington
Reuben Bridges
llenrv G Blunt
A H Black
Jacob Brooks
Edmund Brantley
1. Bowers
James Blackman
James Bivins
Robert Beall
William R Bivins
Joseph Blance
Miss Lamanda R. Bell
Mary L. Bowie
T M Blount
Sarah Bivins
Mrs. Nancy lit II
Martha Butts.
Rev. Squire Chase
Benjamin Cooper 2
Charles J Crews
John Cay
Henry Cook
James M Cole 2
Abraham Colbey 4
Daniel Candee
T HE SUBSCRIBER rcspoctf.l-
ly informs his friends aud th.
public, that he ha. opened a house •
entertainment in the Town of Law-
reuceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia, where he
flatter* himself those who may favor him with a
call will find every thing provided w hich can coa
tribute to them comfort aud convenience.
Lawrencevillc Doe. 9, 1835. m tint)—49.
40<$0 IliixhcK Salt,
JL* 75 cents |>er bi -hel. rash, in quantities te
suit purchasers, from five bushels and upward*.
Milledgcville, March 15 9tf
Mourning Douglass
Derinot Dempsey
Henry Darnell
U O Davidson
Amos Davis
James Dickson
Mai R J Dunn
Bucket C Dean
M iss Caroline Daniels
Nancy II. Davis
Marv Denton
Any person w i-’t!
the subscriU r rt
■tly tlu org l said Tact of l '.cd.
m ' lo pur,*li i e will please cal! on
Wclist t; ilic. romitv (Ja.
perintendencc of ®ul work, which the Gover- nal, will each give the above six insertions, and Mrs Caroline Day
nor is hereby authorized to pay out of the con- \ forward their accounts to Ellerslie, 11 arris county, '■ E
j syth; at the low rate of five dollars per lot; at the j tingent fund, satisfactory evidences being ad- , for payment. j Marmnduke Etheridge Joel Rivers
above stated place, reference may be had to the | duced to hint, that the services have been ren- pglAKE NOTICE. All persons are hereby : ^yrus Eastman Mrs Chloe Rowo
Htate and Check maps, the quality Book, and nu- ; dcred as conteinnkited by tliis act ; Providi J,; JL cautioned and forewarned notto trade for it i Mr* 31 A Ellington,
i inerieal list. Patronage in the ahove business that such term of service does not exceed twen- 1 certain promissory note drawn by myself, and F
tv five davs per annum. ,na,le P !l 5 'dde to Charles Page, or bearer, for 3 45 rl B Foster 2
Sec. 8. Am,’he itfurther enacted, That the i cp nts,^dated l ehrttary 8:h, 183(3, and due Feb.
uk fully received by
fil tf.
mf by >lu-1 nil Uo«>ly. a iTU .SNl V »SOU-
R; A. M AU W *ti;>j>i»'Cfl to he H ci years obf, a-
bortt UHnn.U Appri'iseil tr* *5 by Wiili-
lunM. Ale\.tv ml John V» ait.A. April
\i * I I I \ M \\ HITAKEIS, J.P.
GEORGI A, Elicrohct* con
mr !ij Wm. MrAiee, a /?/»/G/I
n ! ;ou: fan • ,»r five v<»bl, I L- ham!* high, with
white **Ti*• p*N in her f:»rc T ut ami l utli hertiiiul fee:
while. >!» »<! 1 roim I, Mari: mane and tail. Ap-
praiv'i! to ; ). bv \l. F. Haniel and John ;*!.
Mallmi, M;. v
A tn.3 ex’ract •>:« the niinnle* of cstraj>•
JA 'iKS A. M.VDDOX, p. c. i. c.
Mav 17, Jri:J7 IS ;a
V/iIji:un I»\. Kitrhcn,
This distiii"ni^fied sou of Sir ; will be t
yJYjI Charles, beioti ,;in^ to Gol. Wil
1 Lf'v IL Johnson of Virginia | March 11. 1835.
ami .Messrs, T. IL Howard of j
Co!iimi)ijs, and A. U. Kenan of Aliilcdgeville.
will remain the present spring aud fall reasons a:
the stable of Mr. Kenan at Milledgeville. As a T|T|I.I,BF, SOLD on Wednesday the 13th
race.-. 1 SDREir was number one, his colts iu IV day of June mxt, in the Town of Spring
\ lrginn and New York are spoken or in the high- Place.Mnrray Couiity,Georgia,a!l the unsold Lots
cst terms. Man s scut to A MtRIiH'mW he kep : in said Town. Capitalists and others wishing to
V ten dollars per month and receive every atten- pm-diase valuable Village property, n onld do well
linn : they will he under tlie immediate rare of the | { , call anti examine before that time* Terms made
known oil the Hay of sale.
ELI BOWLIN. J. i. r.
same as last season. Handbills will he shortly STEPHEN PAXSAN, J. I. c.
Ordered bv the Court.that the above advertise-
,•, .... . ....ii; iney will oc miner me imuicoiaie rare oi me
1 1 ' 7 proprietor anil kept within sight of AXDREIFS
f 1 , i' V/'I-'! stable. The season will commence at the first,
, ■ i* . • of Fehruarv and end the first of July 'I’crms tbe
sent out.
January 11
A LI* persons arc hereby forwnrncd from trad
s. A. for
ment lie published in iho Standard of Union,
.Milledgeville, and the Southern Banner Athens,
Georgia, once n week untill the day of sale, and
forward their accounts to this office for payment.
A true extract from tbe minutes of the Inferioi
bur Ton Mcgiiee, cru.
April 14tb, 1833. J. c. m.c.
„ r two notes of band given by the sub
scriber, viz—One payable to Jason Plant, or bear- Uourt oi Murray
er, for $ 500, due one day after date, and the o- i»i » i n%z \i~r_
tber payable to William Kirksey, or liearer, for
,, „ . , , 100. The first mentioned uote dated sometime
Wholesale a:,d detail BfJSTisl, An- in lhp moillh <>f \ pr il or May. 1834, nnd the Utter
sometime in the month of Jnnunrv or febniaryof
the present year, and due on the Is dajy of Janua
ry next. The consideration for whieWsaid notes
Resit!. Urorsit!,
" ENG recently purchased the I
-St.*. Stock of I lew.von &: Bacon, on
the cornel of Broad A Iu, io, k streets.
...... ol twenty thensainl dollars be, and the same ' istl le:!7, “lam determined notto pay said note,
it * j .• .1 ,• j or an\ part of it, unless - compelled bv law. ns the
,s hereby approrrmted for the .mprovemet ot t . ongi(Ie ?, lion for M it , v ! ;s f ’ ile( , U *
the navigation of tbe Chattahoochee river from the | CVWTHOX
Florida Line, to die city of Columbus, and for March 9th, 1836 <q
the purpose of removing the shoals and obstrnc- -gy OCR month, afterdate, application wHI he
tions in the same ; and that the same shall be jP made to the honorable the Court of Ordina-
expended under the superintendence of the ) ry of Baldwin county, for leave to sell the real es-
Commissioners to be appointed by his Excel- j rate ofNuhal Moore, deceased, adjoinin' iamls of
lency tile Governor, under the same rules and i Askew- and others, on the East side of the Oconee
regulations, as are prescribed for the disburse- j river.
ment of the funds set apart by this act, for the M TOMLINSON FORT, Adm’r.
improvement of the Flint River.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted. That
his Excellency the Governor do draw from the
Central Bank, the money appropriated by this
act, in case there he nota sufficient fund in the
Treasury to meet the same ; Provided, nothing
contained in the foregoing act or any of the sec
tions thereof, shall be so construed as to autho
rize the Governor to draw his warrant in favor
March 22, 1836
F OUR months after date, nppli.ation willbe
made to the honorable the Inferior Court of
Hancock county, wlien sitting for ordinary pur
poses, fur leave to sell the real estate of Y\ illiaui
Wiley, deceased.
Hancock, county, March 15, 1836
Fifty Dollars Reward?
of any of the foregoing commissioners for the ’ ®R the apprehenriou and delivery of a vii-
sum to be disbursed bviiioiu, until said Commis- "*T r ld ' u ' 1 0 ,t,e name of HENRY ASBURY,
sioners report to his Excellency of the 0|>erations e strungest t :. enmstautial proof, came
Willard Felt
John Ferguson
William I!. Fowler
Marcellus Farmer
Miss Sueky Rice.
William Searcy
John Smitl
Dr L J Smith or T L
William Sanford 2
.Miss Sarah A E Foard. Jeptli t Simpson
Michael Grayhili
James M Gunn
lohn S Graham
Edwin R Goulding
Dr Aaron Gibbs
Anderson Grant
James Gordon
F M Gibson
liailcs Gill
Thomas Godwin
T Gordon
Rev Myles Gretne
Miss Maria M Greene
l’olly Ann Geno
I’eggy Gindrat
Mrs Mal tha Gindrat.
John M Holliday
John llall
R ichM W Habersham
T B Howard
4"1EORGIA, Cherokee county. \\ herca. sjum-ia iq«'i . ma e.-\i uitm i Ul mil (lIXTilimnS ■ . ... , r--'
* ST Elijah Ghaffiin applies for letters of admiiiis- intended to bo adopted hv them, and the proha- stole mv mare —The Z'-'a '.u-.V' 5 lo,h ,u,t - an<l
tratiou on the estate of Thomas Keller, deceased : j Me utility of such expenditure, and to make fifty years ofa-e five f.'et eid t oi" “ an . ab ? ut Edwin Harris
And whereas John R. Bates applies for letters slK -„ report on the application for each instal- highS skin®i,lr^s£' Ci >^-
n f •irltt- mu riit tlio aclxfu fit -\ 111"! '.tint ^ ft 1 l. t , • . . . - 1
nearly opposite r-tosu'.l,
Co., and made extern
• late vi-it to Baltimore, I'hibuh
1 o. k. re»pe< folly invites I'hvsici
Plan tees and others, to call i,„d ,
and prici , laii'ore purchasing els.
Dialers per mail or othc
*nd faiililully attended to.
•Jar.!, 16
i} au
t.. I-,
.>W Sc !
Editions in ,
aud New-
his stock
were given having failed. I am , I terminal not to of admiidstegriou on the estate of Abraham Salo- | „ pnt ? f sa ch oypropnmto ; nndwhenever'his ! anTof aiVr? bad rouw'^, “rith a 2STSKS j »»“*«>“
pay them unless comptiluti by Jaw
6Eoftt.I V, DeKalb C\
Sin-in F. Rm >. )
ise, promptly
10 fit
Given under niy l and, this 9th
j uav of April. 1836.
JAMES A. MADDOX,D.CIk.e.o oflatt
Dtc r. Rnn. S
Lib-! for Divorce.
I T appearing t > the Court bv the return of the
SI.e.all, that t!ie defendant U not to be found
M tne county ot DeKali>—au<| i- ( un her ap-
pearuig to the e oa -. that the driendent does uot
resole within the Mato of Geo ii .—,,,, motion ol
eannsel for plaintiff, it i. orderr,; bv the Conn
that service be peleet.--d upon the defendant, by
puldiration of this Ride, oner a month for tincel
mi*,. Sis. in some public Gazette in State. !
A tree copy from the mimit. s of tU-Cmirt. March i
Term, 1836,
„ 0 JOI1X CLEjre, crk.
M r «j 3, 183b m-ni
: Laml, wsth one hundred and twenty acres fine .
j land, under c«»od fences, aS) fre^h; which will •' n ° l e ?* ai, * rt
j produce from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds
Otton to tbe acre, aud fn m thirty to forty hotbds i .. .
| Corn, there is on the premises, a double log cab- j April *0 *lt same is hereby repealed,
j biu shingle rou^h, and other otU houses* aud two '
j cv client Wells of water, which never fails; the j YfcULASlvI SHERIFF’S SALE. Will le
; above lands a!l lie in the fifteenth and twenty- JR. sold on the first Tuesday in June next. Jit
I eighth district Lee, MU' Sumter count}. all join- 1 the Court-house floor in the town of Hartford.
;r: which will he soul on a credit of one, two comity, within the legal hours of sale, the
Sec. 10- And be it further enacted by the ^ zei !' her face. She has three white feet and
and three years; persons wishing to purchase,
would do well to view tlie premise*, and call on
the subscriber iu Milledjrevih* during the present
session* oral my resideuce in Twiggs county, af
ter the cession. BEXJ. B. S5IITH.
December, 7, 1835* 47—tf
following propci ty, viz :
50 acres oak and hickory land in the Xorth-ea»t
corurr of \o. 11)8, ill the »lst district of original
ly M'ilkiusoit, now l'ulaski county, levied on .as the
proj>erty of John and William Morris, to satisfy a
fi fa in favor of W illiam Pipkiu—levy made and
retamed by a cotslahle.
April 22
si m rv*! 4 ii i " '—'S*» her lail has been very awkwardly cut off; i H v * u *
Vtfmnty nt tbe same, 1 hd all laws and parts , vas very much rubbed hv the saddle skirt,, and U ™ C "
militating tganst this act, be, and the : considers!,lyjaded by travelling.
Fhc st|(iV' .a nftt.
7^OTICE.— X I pem.ii'
d , of Putrirk
sold, on ilie first Tuesday
May next, at
4 iul •>•. Sate c.f Pul aski conn:*,
4*ceased, are re iucst I to come forward without
delay, and settle the same; and :! .... ), ning de
mands agaiusi said < state, will , le - rcr ,Jer them
in to the lubseribcr >u terms of die law.
15. W. RRACF.WaLL. Adm’r.
Padaski .nnstv, fl;>ril 29. Uij J7 (It
T HF. 81 BSCRIBF.R having permanently
established himself at Harris's 8tore. Long’s
Bridge, Hancock comity, where he conducts an
exteu-ivc II 'oOff-ShoV. will give liberal w«- , *‘ c Court-house door ill the town of Hartford
2CS to V <400(1 KuiilSl, who understands Pulaski county, withiu the legal hours of sale, th«
ued to tho estat | Ironing Wagon*, Carts. Ac. lie w ill either give 'olhnving ].rr,|.city. to wit:
wages per year, or furnish a first rate framed shop I Due Lo,t el Laud. No. 28!. ia the 29th district
and tools of the best quality, bv paving modt iate V\ ilkiusou when surveyed, uow Pulaski county,
■ofits accruing. There willbe levied on as the property of Solomon Wi'sou. to
rent, and all the profits i
work enough for two first rate Smith's,including
farming wo. k.
John McAllister
Aprii 13. fll 15
saii.f v a fi fa in favor of James Russell: levied on
aud returned by a ron--table.
March £2
The above reward is offered for the apprehen-
sion and delivery sf the said rogue to me in G .vin-
ne»t County, 18 miles helow Lawrenceville, uear
th- line of Walton and Gwinnett. Any person
that will deliver said thief aud the mare above des
cribed. shall have an additional reward oftweatv-
five dollars, or I will give twenty-five dollars for
| the delivery of the mare to my residence in Gwin
nett County, or a liberal reward will be given for
such information as will enable me to get the
ihlefor the mare- She was three years old last
i June, and four feet, eight or ten inches high as near
, as J can guess.
March 25. 23—3t.
Emanuel county, then sitting for ordinary pur Standard of Union will give this
poses, for leave io 111 all the real estate ofMilIi- three insritions. and forward their account to
am W Heath, illegitimate of Sarah Heath, ot Windsor P. O. Walton county, Ga. for collection.
Scriven county or Emanuel eennty, known by No. j T. G. (j.
county! d ‘ itnCt ’ ori ? iaalI 7 Muscogee now Talbot | ~ OEOKGIA FEMALE ( OLLtfit.
Hardy HEATH, £ U ardia Scottsboeo, Ga.
Speaker of the House oj Representatives I
President of the Senate.
Assented to, 2£’d December, 1835.
Aprii 5. 13—2t.
C W Hall of \ a.
.! Henry
A M Hushes 2
Everett Hamilton
Edwin Hamilton
Merrctt Hughes
Wm B Shepard
A. Searcy
A. Smith, [Polanucr]
William Scott
James Stuart
Janies A Steen
John Strong
Joseph Sessions
Raymond Sanford
Mrs Ann M Slaughter
Benj L. Scott
Miss Eliza Smith 2
Maria E. Smith 2
Matilda J Scott
J L Swiuney,
Robert Taylor
George W Thompson
James M Tillford
Jeplha Thomas
John W Trapp
Atm Thurman
Miss Martha V Turk
Martha A Thomas
Matilda Thurston,
Sanford P. Vandiver,
Pevton Ward
John H. Ware 2
Geo. A. Williams
I’ev'on W alden
W illiam W bite
David E. W ilson
John Williams
L. M. W iley
Jacob W oodall
lioht. W .His
Samuel V\ hitaker
Thomas W iilis
A®f® arsws ©s* ‘jain m r af.
A NEW periodical, of a novel character,
hearing the ahove appellation, will he coia-
meiitcd on the hegiiiuiiigof Jauuary, While
it will furnish its patrons with the leading feature*
of the news of tlie day, its principal object will bat*
serve up a huinerous compilation c.f the numerous
lively and pungent sallies which are daily floating
along the tide of Literature, and which, for tka
want of a proper channel for their preservation,
are positively lost to the Reading world. Original
wits and humourists of our time will here have a
medium devoted to tlie faithful record of the scin-
| tillations of their genius. It is not necessary to
detail the many attractions w hich this journal will
possess, as the Publisher will furnish a sj rcimoa
number to every person who desires it—(those ©ut
of the city, will forward their orders, postage paid)
—ftjr’nml he pled ires himself that no exertions on
his part shall bt minting to make each succeeding
number superior in every respect lo the preceeding
The SALMAGUNDI will he printed on largo
imperial paper, equal in size n^d huality to that
which is at present used for the Gentleman**
Vade is calculated that MORE THAN
500 8: in ^rsavings
will be furnished to the patrons of this Journal in
one year—these,in addition is an extensive aud
choice selection of Satire, Criticism, Humour,
and Wit, to be circulated through its columns will
form a Literary Banquet of a superior am! attrac
tive order; and the publisher relies with perfect
confidence on the liberality of tho Americrn pub
lic, and the spirit and tact with which this expen
sive undertaking will be prosecuted, to bear hint
successfully and profitably along with it.
The terms of The Salma(U t m»i will he two
dollars per annum, payable invariably in ad
vance. No paper will be furnished unless thi*
stipulation is strictly adhered to. Q^/^CIuhs of
three will be supplied with the paper for one year,
l»v forwarding a five dollar note, postage paid.
Clubs of seven will lie supplied for the same term,
by forwarding a ten dollar note. (f^The papers
that are sent out of the city will he carefully pack
ed in stroug envelopes, to prevent their rubbiugin
the mail.
07»The SALMAGUNDI will he published on
alternate weeks—otherwise it would he impossi
ble to procure the numerous Embellishments
which each number v.ill contain—aud the gener
al mterest it will afford must be enhanced by this
F O! R months after date, application
made to the honorable Inferior Court ol ;
Miss Martha M. Harden Joseph West
Walter S Jenkins 2
Green Johnson
Samuel Johnson 2
James ^ • Jones
Augtaus Jaillett
William John, Sen.
John A Jennings
James Jolley
31iss Elite. Johnson 2
S M Johnson 2
Thomas J. Knight
Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, Philadelphia.
W ILL he sold on the firs* Tuesday in May
next, at the court-house ii: Hancock
county, (agreeably to an order of the Inferioi
court of said county,) a \ellow man, belonging
the orphans of Simeon M. Taylor deceased.
S. A. PARDEE, Guardian.
January 2fi. 9 —tdt.
In the Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan
uary Term,
I T PON the petition of Edward Thomas and
J others. Stockholders ot the Merchants and
| Planters' Bank, prating the appointment of a
Receiver of the assets of said Bank, for the pur
pose *et forth in said petition on fiio *
Ordered, That Edward Thomas he appointed
as such Receiver, he first giving bond and secun-.
ty, to lie approved by tho Clerk, in the sum
Thirty Thousand Dollars, payable to the Clerk
this Court, and his successors in office, for ic#.
t’uith fu] discharge of his duty in sa.d office.
It itfurther Ordered. Thai the said Merchant’*,
and Planters’ Bank, do forthwith deliver a^d,
transfer to said Receiver, ail aud singular, th^
Books, Papers, Monies and Assets of every des-.
cription, belonging to said fiar.k and tiiaf ;
Receiver be and he hereby is fully authorized tnd
empowered, tn receive and collect by *uit m bis.
ow n name as Receiver, or by other legal merits* aR
ou’stauding claim’s due to said Bank, and pay
all debts duo from it, aad to defend all suits pend
ing. or that may be brought against said
An on the receipt of said assets, or of su.?h por
tion thereof, as may authorize a dividend, the said
Recei v eris authorized »ud required, fn m lime to
time, to divide among the Stock Holders or their
| legal representatives, iu proportion to their res-
* pective interests, such part of the assets of said
Bank, as he may find prudent aad proper to divide^
vi u vv; , always reserving a sufficient fund to answer tb*
Miss Eliza, cth B. W ilcj | pro( , ahJe responsibilities «>f the lustilutioB-
i > And it it further Ordered, That the said Ro.
a ° ' reive/ do report to this Court, at its sitting m J***
uary next, bis actings and doings on the t»remise»^
and that after the making up of said report, M b*
Master Wm. Ward
Jesse U illiford
A. IL Worsha in
l’hilcinon H. Wilkinson
Edwin Whitaker
James C. Whitaker
N. B. W illiams
Mrs. Mary W'est
F ikrsirj 16. 1 &T, j n ,
T HERE are two vacancies in thisIstitutioD—
one at Drnwin' and Painting, ar.d one in
the department ofXatural Science. The princi-
i pal would prefer both bein' filled by a gentleman
t and his lady. Applicants will address
L. LATASTE, Principal.
Apii! 13. 14—3t.
no loa'er liable to any suit or claim,** Receive*,
by any creditor of said Batik, unless the term
. * * r „/• ,i i .ills xictilior Oi SrlHI I/,--.
07* All persons inquirin' for any of the above hj , responsi , >iUt hr f lirt Herextended,
letters, wil! please say “ they are advertised — /• u further Ordered. That a copy of the abovf.
and tho?" who liave called since tlie first of A- order, ho published in one ef the public Gazette^
tiril.and received letters, will recollect—thatthis of Augusta and MilledReville. at l»astonre a moot*
list was made out on that day.
Milledgeville Ap 5,
S. D. B.
) from this date to the first of January next. ^
\ true extract from the Minutes, this 16th t W**
! FcUuary, 1386.
J.\ME3 M'LAClerk.