Newspaper Page Text
-Jiser and £pyc;il.
T.8.8TACT. Mlltr tat tnuMm.
utvhut no«in»o. aARrn iv im.
Among tbe Imcn by the Guuill.
inm Mia Hatton, propriclrm ol
the Ditptlch. Her Iom ia mlimatnl
at *800.
0*milln*bu hml ■ firet-rku. Are,
burning up a Uri(e portion of tlic lm»-
ineaa part ol Uie town. Little or no
Jon Brown ia a eonatant riaitor to
Um White Honae. It ia predicted
that be will bare a band in Qeorgia
Atlanta, ever ready in big tbinga aa
wel] aa email once, baa juet auliacribed
about 130,000 to tbe '‘International
Cotton Expotilion.”
Wn«ahli»trl«»n th<* I'ntlrrn.
The (ollowing anecdote of General
\V.ialiini;ton «p|a-arcd in the Uutrum,
an Kngliali nntgnzine, in 1H23.—
Wtietbrr true or uot, it baa tbe ring
ol tbe true metal about it, and if the
priuciptre therein eonncialed were
acted npoti by officiala of the preaent
day we would bare a better adminie-
tratioii of government Too many
men get plarea wllb aro utterly unfit
to fill them. Men who do not make
a anccoaa of their own biiainma anrely
cannot make a ancccaa of a public
truck Let true merit bo tko qualifi
cation for poaition, and not farorit-
iam, and wo will liavo butter govern*
ment. Here ia the clipping:
" During Ida ndminiatraUon aa
Preaident of the t'nited Status, a gen-
tleman, the friend of tho Preaident
throughout the whole coiirae of tbe
revolutionary war, applied for a lucra
or it JACKSON vu.i.r. i-kttkr.
K Hit c»f llmniett Wnt iipp-Tht* Op
lllwnmw Th» -%«lr*»rtl*«wr
Mini AptmU-Ki>mNiiilinR'«
Vttm Association a grand reception, Washington's tnhle. He had lx*n to
AtiJ entertainment. They don't tlo; a r.-rUiu degree uecrwiary to the do-
thing* by halves -not in Itonie. tucstic repose of n min who bad, for
. j neven yonr*, fought tho battles of his
Prurident Garfield tv a* presented country, sml who hn«l now underta-
with a silver brick by a Colorado »«1- 1 kru tho task of wiHdin^ her political
minx a few dlra since. On it were i e r,or £*'* a . ^ times and in all pla-
niiirewwait J. * ,<m . | ccs, \\ ashiogtou regarded bis revolo- tbe wor.1*. "Thu money of! "ft, an ,, eo f evident
the Constitution. j |^ r ti«|itT an>1 confidence. Ho was a
( jovial, pleasant nii«l iinohfrnsive com-
Tho Savannah Presbytery. erobrac-. p an j on . I r . applying for tho office, it
ing the churches from .Savsnush to J was in tho full confidence of success,
the Florida line, and thence wcatward and bin friend, already cheered him
to tbo Alabama line, will convene , t i in . ,l ‘ 0 I*-'*'!*-' 1 ,,f ‘•i* • rri « l
* riomington. Liberty county, on the ,M qv opiIIlneiTof thia
llth of April
Tbe minietera of tba varionaeliurrb-
ea in TboaiMvilb- pro|ioao meeting
weekly to conault and adviee with
each other touching tbe work in
which they are engaged. Ie the mil
lennium about to dawn?
. A young woman belonging to n
wealthy family at Atlanta, (is, atepped
into a railroad awitcb bouee, removed
every particle of clothing and alarted
out for a walk. Tliia waa tbo firat in
dication of what ia pronouneed ho|w-
lesa inaanity.
tleman waa
known to l»< decidedly hoatile to tbe
poliiiea of Waahiugton. He bad even
made biniaelf eunapicnoua among tbe
ranka of the op|Kmition. Ha bad bow
er, the temerity to ataud aa a candi
date fur the office to which tbe friead
and favorite of Washington aapired.
lie had nothing to nrge in favor of
Ilia preteuaioua, hut strong integrity,
promptitude ami fidelity in bnaineas,
and every uuulity wbicb, if called in
to practice,Hfonld render aervieo to
til Stole. Every one coneidereil tbe
a|ipointiiient of tbia mao bopeloea.—
No llnttering teatimonial of merit had
lie to pri-aent to the eyo of Washing
ton. Hu wua known to be bia |Kilit-
ieal enemy, lie waa opposed by a fa
vorite of tne General, and yet with
aneli fearful odds, lie dared to atnml a
Wlmt waa tho result ? The rue
Professor Vennor predicta that the
spring will bo "fairly early, hot and
dry,” and that the iiiidaumtuor will he
“cool and wet." Hu thinks there will
bo a good doal of aiuknoan. Vennor j ll ' ft ‘•••itituto and rejected. A mutual
haa sustained bia reputation aa a 1 wh ? i "^ r "' U>(1 W “" M . ll '.°
.. * ,, afluir, ventured to romonatrnlo with
wentlior aoor prettytrull thus far. till* i'rcaideiit for the injustice of ilia
_ , j®"" ' “ 1 npiKiiiitineiiL ‘Mv friond' aaid he, 'I
Tonneasoo-bred hornet are now con- receive with a cordial welcome, lie
teating the honors in tho mother conn- ia nuloomo to my liuiiae and welcome
In front of my office, Thuradny last,
a young bone, drawing a heavy cart
Bka thoaanacdoo our rice plantation*,
loaded with dab wood, banlkcd, and
it gave an opportunity for the dfapUy
of that pbaae of bnman nature wbicb
inaiata on knowing just wbat to do in
an emergency, and trying to do it.
Tbe bore* waa driven by a negro
of the colored percussion, who had
evidently bosn taught that where
there waa ambition in tbe borae there
must anrely be in tbe whip. Tbia he
plied vigorously nntil he got tired,
which waa toon. Tbo more be whip
ped tbe nioro tbe borne wouldn't
move, except an inch or two back
wards occasionally. Tbo negro waa a
trno philosopher. Ha quietly submit
ted to the inevitable, giving unmis
takable iutimationa that be waa paid
by the day and uot by tbo load, and
no doubt be would have been there
yet, bad not tbe mania for experi-
meuta iufacted tbe immense crowd
which speedily gathered. It must be
remembered that in Jacksonville there
are a great mauv visiting people who
havo nothing to do. Tl e streets sre
always pretty well filled with them,
and in leaa than five minutes there
were at least two hundred people on
each sidewalk. Tba roan who will
invent an explanation of bow a crowd
gathers in a city will attain literary
distinction. When tbe boy resigned
himself to circumstances, tbe crowd
began to offer aoggeetiuna, such aa
"build a lire under him,” "pat pepper
in bis nose/* etc. Finally a dignified
gentleman laft tbe crowd for the
sheet, and taking a stick, begsn bela
boring tbe bone on tbe back of bis
front legs Result—sudden rise of
fore part of horse in sir, heavy shaft
of cart against gentleman's side, de
risive sbonta from crowd, ami igno
minious retreat of amateur Rarey.—
But there is another Itiehinoml in Ibc
field, evidently from eomo great city,
trained to command among India and
Inn—why should he not tiunn this
horse ? His seboino was to force tbe
baa not, however, been published as
yet, and so we do not know wbat ita
terras are.
The- lumber bnaineas is almost as
lively aa at Brunswick. Aa many aa
twenty-five vessels have bceu in port
at one time.
On tba 23d inat, Fernandina pro
poses to celebrate the completion of
tbe Fernandina A Jacksonville Rail
road. They have raised a large sum
of money, and are going to celebrate
in a way worthy of the occasion
When the road ia completed, tho city
of Fernandina will be only one Lour
from here, instead of four hdurs and
forty-five minutes, as now.
While I am sorry for tbe owners
and occupants as an old citizen of
Brunswick, I am glad, in view of tbe
general interests of tbe town, that
your fire department was not re-or-
ganized and a steam tiro engine
bongbt nntil after the old bold was
burned. Think of the calamity to the
city if you had saved it. Good build
ings will never come nntil tbe fire
fioud sweeps a few of the rotten nud
decayed ones away.
I notice witt pleasure the great im
provement in tbe general get np of
tLe Advetiseb axo Ai-czal since the
consolidation, and hope to bear of
great things accomplished for the city
through your columns. G.
Brunswick, Georgia,
Corner Sswcmtls and Glwwtm IU.
A. E. HEINS, - Proprietor.
Nu as stfasgavtalfcamapla 9t Bnnowfrk. w»
taka lbs liberty of IbtIUm thslf llWUW
to owr otoefc at
nuam ruoM nuom evert pat.
Prjgffi as Low as the Lowest
try with tbo fleetest Dyers in Knglaud,
where n few yesra ago a sample of
Tennessee wool t<*ik the premium in
a competition in which many coun
tries took part.
C-ox, tbe murderer of Bob Alston,
ia nerving out bis sentence (for life)
in the Dade coal mines. Hit work is
that of carrying tools from one part
of tbe mine to another, as they am
Deeded. He baa gained in flesh. The
ocoapalion seems to agree with bim.
Qniney, Fla, has hail a jail burn
ing- Four uegr»«*« were ronfilic'l in
tbo «p|ier portion of tlio luiiMin^, two
bring cliftinctl to t)n« floor. They |*r- j
isbed in tho fluinw. Tho origin of
tbe ire an«l why tin* jitiler eotthl not!
Imi found, *r«> miion.* the inyaterics. |
mv Of Washington was ap|H)inlnd to | 101KUi |,|, 0 , mliticiau, to eat dirt,
ATJEl TE5S5 : «» »• Hand np from the street
nnd put it lovingly into the horse a
month, and, strango to say, tbe homo
eat it with evident gusto. Then lie
look tbo liorto by tbo bridlo and at
tempted to load him. Hu might aa
well have triad to draw a mountain
from ita base. Evidently tho horse
wauled more dirt, nnd eo he gave it
to him by the handful. Tbe horse nto
anil enjoyed it, but would not budge.
Gentleman numlier two retired in
good order. At least a dozen gentle
men tried their bauds, each failure
evoking from tbe crowd (by Ibis time
very merry) derisive sbonta aud
At last a lawyer (what is there they
don't know alaiut with a floe black
suit and clcgnnt beaver, sud 1H0
Over One-Half
Of the male portion of the American peo
ple (5 years of ago snffer more ..r lens
with diseases of the Kidneys auil illail-
ilur. There sre various c.uw . for this,
tint over work is the chief enti-e Noth
ing in tile whole Miti-l-ia Me,lid i
well cslenUted to invigorate mi l restore
heslthy tone to Ibesr organs as ltankin'i
(Tomponnd Extract of Iluelm and Jiini-
|>er. A few doses tikrn .s-eu-ionally
will greatly benefit all those who are af
flicted with any disease of tint Kidney
or Bladder. Prepared only by Hum.
Rankin k Lsintar. druggists, ami for sale
by all ilmggists.
Axtiucu. Tnot rCo., July t. 1879.
I am one of tbe unfortunate -ttfTerers
from Gravel nr disease of the Kidneys,
anil find mom and speedier relief from
Rankin's Barbu amt Juniper than any
thing I have ever tried. I esteem it to
highly were tln re hut one Itoltlr in the
world I would willingly give Slim, or any
it mount, for it. I recommend it above
all other similar preparations.
febt5eow2m E. T. WINN.
to my liunrt, Imt with nil bis guml
qualities bo is not a man of bnsinesa.
His opponent is, with nil hi* political
hostilities to me, a man of bnsincaa.—
My .private fellings have uolliing lo do
in tliis ruxo. I am uot George Wash
ington, but President of tbo United
States. As George Washington, I
would do to this man nny kindness in
my (tower, Imt us President of the
UuiUsI Slates, I ran do nothing.'"
If our Itepreselilstives iu Congress
would think more of the good of tbe
country nud less of tbo good of tbo
party, tbe people „t largo would | |«>UU'I« a»mr*ln|».is. an.l muscular in
The Loaiaville A Nashville Railroad
evensen herself for il.. freight block
ade by laying tint her ears are nil I witn either esm ti
down thia way ao.l '* —-- ‘ — "
aa pnnishraeiit she
aoath of Atlanta
there in not n miik’li
down till* Wfcjr.
I-Hlpr off. Junt now tho
iVnii'H'mtn nro ur^inj» rv-or^noiENti
of coiniuittt th *»*» that they enu hn«c
their wny, uml tho ItrpulieNiiN
nr«« nUiuoiinn nitmiNt itlHxitimotlirro
Ate f.i'ir viir.iiicieN in their i MiikM.vt hi* h
tl.viu iii the minority, (o tur-
il Miiii-'iip, Virginia, won’t meet
Tin* fart in thnl p
- oii«* of
t p*t lMrk,lin«r |Mihliein ride of the II find vote* !
ill riiipnofni^hl with them lie
nit 15
tml riiowinl the
r I him it n.ornl
llllll tV'IUP «Mlt like
tip. In riiort, lie li
No, I am not worih * miltimi of tl.d-1 ^tueuey and gom
4 t*»o to the enemt
(MllltltMlly I.
A xGoon Di vi t.i M..
Inns” arid Senator IImnh, of tieorHin.
•'nor is nut other Moot in (leoriria. if
bia debU sm all paid Yom.g man," | holtert lb public,
continued tbs Senator, looking at him two , ul . ri |
benignly bis s(ieet.ieles, "a mill
ion dollars i* a |(oo-| dr»l of monry.
Img- ( ■
•old tmt hi
•ver bag an,
f«>r the NjKnlm II
W« reh|Ni*t Nil
hut can't nhidr
pro|H<rtioii, walked riowly and uiajea-
tically into the arena, aeized the horse
l»v the noatriU with the k' r *P *»f u
SaniMin, and m i l on. The horse,
►tuntn.k' under thia new inlhction,
»|uinurd aud tv\ luted, and wtill the
l.iwyer held on with a j'rip um firm a»
i they are aaid to attneli tt» n fee. Tri-
Imt sits on the IU- | nn, l’! 1 l,ilk T* 1 " ‘»»je<l,
and tinned, nnd made two or three
r. tended U. ho •’'h' 1 '* ,,,ov “ » ,,J »he crowd
i Hill lifted the u il jthe cuii«|n«rur, when, alaa, the
ri**vvn f.Mit and |M»ini- ^ orm ‘ ol,tf I'Ut Mipretur effort,
cl which mada nml l MI,tin K hia strength in head
• i* iiltle man an I own i RlkKl the limh of f he law
froiu hia fret, bc.ner and nil, and
'threw him from him. The erowd now
J cheered the hor*e, and the law retired
with di«|>ateb, if not dignity, to its
appropriate Nph re of attention to
banlky nwwa and clienta. At hut
some one anggestnl that the barn mb
must Imrt the horse. The load wan
thrown ont, the harneNa wan carefully
rtamineiA. the h.»rss moved off, and
the excitement wna over.
Th« re is to Im an exrnrrion to Or*
•nge Ijnke and th* Harria and Biah-
op orange grovea Tlinraday next—
i lliev am reporte«| in liloasom, and
| the frngninre to fill the air nntil it ia
j ah*ohitely opprraaive. If no, I vote in
1 Vilen-; favor of oppreaaion every time.
The Mayor of Jacksonville haa been
i.urt chapter. The raiding the bunko men. The game j
ia p«rtueiiting the'waa once played on Bay atreet ini
llrioiNwiek. Picturea are hong npon !
I itM lien-t, •MNMier t»r l iter, and bite the the walls, and a man beta on a certain
of the South — j li»i*r, but ladore lit it time atrivea, pir!tire, which either hn* money be-
To na ahe neeuiv to hold out an intit-1 ‘.here will cerbuuh le bloodshed.-* 1 hind it or haa not- mostly not Iain
abeii we c^me we find | WliiUt we ayuipatmxe with the op* uJJ this ia the way they play it—of
«i prewwtl, we eau hut coudtfiun ther«*vh course I don't know from experience.
We desire to cull the attention of
such of our readorn ns may Ih> eonti’m-
plating liotinckccping, or who »ro ro-
plenialiing tlielr stock of hon-o-fnr-
niriiing ncccMurica, to tho card of Mr.
Ij. Hadley, Cooper Institute,
New York city, where may be found
in ntock it complete nftHortmciit of
White and Dccorntcd French C!hiua,
and Engltrii Porcelain Dinner, Tea and
CIuuhIht uetrt, etc., w% well iw nil metal
and wooden wares. Thin firm ban long
made a apccmlty of ►ending their wares
throughout the country, on receipt of
P. O. money order or by express C.
O. 1).; nnd m» they are reliable and ex
perienced, 11.w is often of grent ail-
vantage to our friends ut n dhtnneo.—
Catalogue and Price-list mailed free on
application. oct^J tf
We were pained to hear of tho accident
to the bridal parti* of las: TucmI.iv even
ing. Tho hones in the carriage e mtaiu
iug tho brido and grc>oiu t«»ok fright near
corner of banks aud Leu streets, precipi
tating Mr. John Lowe and his lorely
bride. Miss Annie May, on the stone
cnrl*iog, spmluiog bis ankle uml indicting
a severe bruise on her right di- . k. all .»f
which were relieved |.y Coast us* Light
uing Liniment, a cure for lUieumatiim.
Latue back. Sprains, braise*, etc. Price
50 cents. For sale by F. Joergcr, It runs-
wick, sn l H. J. Master. St. Simon -
HtjrWbite’a Cream White Vermifuge
i% the Irest norm kiher.
i in: i»i:a i n «»i rto:cv..\it
Hl inii.M
j The Cur of Uussiu bus. at last, met
| bia fat**. After sutulry nltempts from
Aud now conies tin great railroad time to time, which caused the death
magnate. Hon. W. M (Srecn. l'resi of the |HX|Ndrat4irs, the Nihiliitv
dent of tlirew Ohio railroads, to At have m*c*MupIiHlied their Idomly de-
lanta, in interviewed, and naya that aigns and laid in the dust tlm head of
tbo Goorgi* Weateri shall be Imiit. j hitu who awaved tin* sceptre with
Id reply to the remark, “yon ae**m to none to any “why ?’' Tbe entire civil-
be impressed with the idea that the i/» d world is slioeke i at the |M*r|M?trif
tion of Ini* dialaduai crime.
tat4 k **, however, may aa well learn
South is gaining some vim,** here
"Beyond a question slit- ia. Kspe ' lesson fioni this i
cially is it so with Georgia. Why, i spirit ol freedom
with u-, and in f.M-t all over the Noith ! whole eaitli and dc*potisiu must I
and West, Georgia ia looked iijMin
the progrrs.ivs State
To tu she seem
log band, and i
B welcome aa corilial, aa genuine
eool<4 be tlcrired. To day Georgia act that «lu>tn»y«hl Uu» *Ckar Of all the
position an pHNimieiit a>
Tnr: l%«t or the ho no
‘Cheapest Goods’
is srsii m
a mlir« »fcxk of
A » Im
A Wintry Goods at a«ch tjan*M laouiu
Slsrk OMlam* «••, sold erttywlir' U 6V A
Mrkrt Nottbtz
• ill ■
' S»mUL Oar 49-Uftcb LuLid
Vm ft Su. tittllu fl. M
stock w too nut
sad rtt ted to nc«U<w.
KI4 (Her* st bottom priret. Comb. Umrot nnd
Stork BvWk. t'sdrnrtsr st peters which de-
Maht the test j«d<M ta tbs Stats.
*“ *r nnmeti** stock
•bite cos*!* a
! sll
other b< iu«. CONVINCE JoUMllfl' XVu
Sot br dissjfotated if jo« s iuu to
Look for the Red Sign.
any SUM in the Uuioti, and ahe m en
titled to it Haa the not shown an
•nterprist worthy of rrcognitioo, and! 1
inoty fur that tertible
lb tu'»rrli>»i la It a tin* Uvonte inspection. ,
ww> i»M •sjwidc ofm^tb/ «it^ I «»p*» •«*»•««>.
oat examining it? No, the eye of t • liMctmt.- Ii • *e4 foil u* avail yuot- ported again in fall blest, ard 'he
tbe Union ia npoa Georgia.
iivr sou.;;;;
jii.I havo lioxnl *> many awful tulronf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE.
ahorp ah oared, K*M0 plaok«l nail " '
o Rwk^yo ndToiiilmrtlt to llm ••»■* I do not
think I
loan by • pennant
Thoy wore nil rei.lod oat
• oyo
_ Shu hu!
•vvty capability
her chmxte aud her peopi. are mvit- I'nv.
i wnatia* in
[ m there ii room: wim.
Until i
ported spun in fall Mart,
aJCLja: M,yor “ ,iwm *»*"" ‘“"'i -.o-.
o IMo Oiuimr.1 — thi* ao-aioo of the lw*Z'*l*turo, tho on- I dooot huixx ssr«w:cm T ^i*S t tI2'«"i
d. M. tnvit- {J;*; , u'f nma,fo1 * protibiUop ( , |
iM.thinz, antf M.-*. M. iww- , m| , stvlo law liconaimy Ij
aUlutr Vunaif.Kau camUins w»* in form . A lnw has I ■- J
Railroad, Steamboat, Bill Supplies
Glas^Putty.Varnishca,Brushes,Plain dr decorative wallPaper
Licit, Sish-Weights, Cord, Hinges, Screws, Lie., List, Plaster, Half ani Cestii,
fi Wfeilaktrand l*a Ray Srrel».
SavaunaH, - • Goorgln.
Leather Belting,
A Specialty.
Savannah, Georgia.
The Jewelry Headquarters
STEAM ENGINES, "PortxWe & Stationary,”
STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills,
STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sizes.j-rawKLEY.
VY A IbllKS,
vr c,,al ' uu r ‘ ari *- A. S. S( IIOKI ELD, Prop’r.
Is tbs Hast P!sc« of tbs Kind, la svsrj rsspsci.
h li.t htn :*rio ii.d it auUftally sa-
Etc,, Eto.,
Which Iim ju-t trrlvnl and Is bslag sold si low
MsiHiIrs •full kinds (tons an sbsri astlcs
awe ItllafkctiH (JHsrsstrrd.
dz M
i ad
iff Ulttnimitofi of th« truth oi
i»r him th* ]>cv ^irto( »>»
n lull# nuzf# nturk (hull IlMt n
t to-dsT on . n.|utnus
uhVoulas of Ihr Inf^.nlno t
tbst. too, rnuUlirts* A ntock id
I# Moat ufc> idlcsl rua arlact with
t Tl #*,'• r-.-rl-.itg r.p*t.'..f
i. at s^d .t . k .out. iLrot .h-
t'Nhnr lat Ouoiu arv-Bs. uh! m
It nil mftii na of Uir coustry mm Wiiriil? ■ i‘i
lto iui‘utai.1- s«14ruc> «d If • pint ■ Utm to that .1 *ti" tios. sa n«mt <>►. jr rr
the r»slr lo tha iuu -rot a vYid- t»r * r<* all nidi laadvsrtln* tiirw . ► tch
sW'loi«mu nl la s»#u atr •*,-r than bsun)vt)n” Ud.wdtaMw J wall
•nflul, but *)no IB kre|8*| Sltb li)a SalUarLrd rtpuUliuS M Mr. WrlalarlB
■ n*|usrr tUaJiits »*»d pcseipt stUat'irt* tu ov,rjr daUll of hka h»*iB<m. li« m
• r#Bdy via hi* atorh f**r tin tell *4.1 attUr Irhk, which«i«a all of
r Utoat UOT. lira tl h.a llflu . f Iruln, au.l Ihtw who t. rtf ’ll 4 * Itb nfdrt
r hi
•111 1
a id ii
nUt !:nh'..
•lo»ff of s»#-y cimtiMb-r, In f* l. U fire tl r d>-rt of rt ry boom -ti *»*ry rrum
r«**l t»y hi* «j alsiu. uauiciy. Asy t>w# who wnisa Ibr aam|>lns r%<-#,»». Uvm I t
Ik# Sail tiatl, with prl(re iii>l prre Jhf, fewu whkb aeLmth'i*# sr?- nab, a'. I
Ibc or.k r forwsrtl^L VUtn lb*unkr am«uuU U ha dollars, sad lb« muwey
la •#•>!, b« |fr|«)i th# fTitabl. If ths aowtla ir* ordered " C. 11. It," and the
•>r<t#r an.ouuta to twcuty dsllan, h# ptspaya tha frsl«ht. H*i.c , rvsry cow*
UWU ran «i!ac« UU ^mI- l.uhdrsdn of tblliS away fMu KaTaubali.juatiw. s. II
aa if they a.rr la aataauak. asd (*l th#m 4ali*#rwt to th«ir B#armi .laitoti,
frrw of or ffrlffhi chant**, at hla bus |<fft'sa. an I th«r»L* •.run- a yrmi
aavintf to thso-stlfas -Ustdaa U#y am wot romp*Usd lo hsy from a cvwbirj
atom, who wuly kanp a Luxilsd aaaortw*aal of ffvoda.
li^EiliblitlMil KOG.
-A.-J. MILLER 6c Co,
Wliolosulc ami Ilotnil Uualcr* iu
Furniture, Carpets, Oil Glottis,
Window Shades, Mattings, Etc.,
: I s . 1.V' 1 if Broil, >11 Strert.
S V A. iJO- 1ST Jh. KL.
; 'U- »*»»| «uiii uiici.
iwif ly U-vi* pjwwJ tu rvuiwly the evil, which j
V U.. ISufcliL |(U1 a: Vu.<i.
T u for your iutoreat to tra«ic with u», fur Ike following, among many, rra-
vVe have a very large aril well Mlivtol sU*ck.
We give y.*u rjoU «rk :it ’ >w nrievs.
c .1. up oar gi-al# t'.oro i,.My.
We jack oar goods very carefully.
Wc ship goods prompt*y.
Wc make do charge for j*ackiDg and shipping.
We secure low. at rates of ffright
We therefore soliHt a trir.1 nler, f.-linc nasured that too will be satisfied
will* our goods *od prices* iV*.e3 a.iu vtLcx .ufurtu-Ucdi cltocrfiUy fmidwL
w. r. vonruitaEM. sr«t
Miultk k Uniter baUdi&s, two doors frass r O
White & Decorated
Frrucb Chinn nnd
nsawhiuFrvwrhChiosDtaasr IsW. las
I OK '• hit* frrt) h ' •). t»Tr*BiIs.’*4 iz'V'a s as
I mafb.i i Hai.drr*wrbChlMT#wasls.4«B. S «
Ito blT IkviCxire) rmwcbC'hlsaTaBaaks.Mf is sa
(-kaiuW Itol., Il 1 •Lara. |« 3A: «UU « •*
W bit# t^iditnb i'..r. rUib lawa#r IM*, istw U «
• MUrff |4atod laanrr Kblssa.fsr*Mse.... ••
lUnntratoI Cbtal. gws asd PrlmdUt auMsd
a- on ap|)Itc*ti.,«. KatiBtolm luralabad.
« I* II UH.I. k .1 •M»|.rr iBatllwl#, * V City ta.i'd and ;>U#d * Car orWasi*r.
I. • f 1 barf.. Hsn lC.o. II. of P.O.M.* * Or-
tzcOa U
Hanker and Broker,
Exchange bought and soli
laMirnnJcA. ttcalilrtnfc Aismt.
A.-a*, fur r.irU.fci IfcUr. tut ll.rrla*-
Ku * ) 1 __
Travelers Ins. Co.,
Lite ami Accident Insurancu.
JJLDexter,Insurance Ag*t,
ix- tlmn^Oo..1 Br.u.lck,<U.
Ah.SK.Tfv, . $5,500,000
r id •-U..I p. :ida wrtttmmmmt
J •*’!■ • UMurium. ia* Mlfc-
M liuMMM r.,Uf rf. fcU 1}
DlU &.D.G&LE*
Brunswick, - - Georgia.
O ITICI ont Ik. .far. .rlUwl InUii-
Tb.w. .UXla, wuffc fan «Ulte*lt ItUMlr
IOUfa.1 fa nil. M,|il
GME CITY"nursery.
* Lit 111 J |«|>«ia/ ran- <t«s of Afplssawd IWk-
«Y •• 1 ti 4.-I irl la ». .T.-c* »lt*i a »hf
• l. t t. 1#*l MlJl'tf III I ill d isst
W U*f * u I »: • k'. wwalU. acd If r Of U •
'.r « 1: |r*- i* mj. A« U«S
1.0 Ftx^ri.
lrcjA.U ML JS»owa Milla. Oa.
On* & Q. Best,
I wil.-vr.
Tiswarr* liwbwy,
hrwil# by