Newspaper Page Text
U nr^ntdar-; ,
2ioilfet*e, retired chief of battalion, bis
ttceornf <-*her retvarda of le£* amount
an* offered for the evptur? et* C"hrvet, usher
anVixille; Bunt, ex-major of Vanjaury &i
H}l&ene tjid Guiflot, two officers on Jtuif
pay, res-idiag in the commune of La Mure.
The disarming continues with success
throughout the whole of the department.
It is carried into effect by commissaries,
who are accompanied by a detachment of
troops of tl e line.
David, one of the persons condemned by
the prerotal eou r t, was executed ou the 16th,
in pursuance oftho order of gcvernmeai.
Venice, May 12. “I
Tito andaei-y of certain malcontents
ssere appear® to m a mock of the mea
sure* which the police take against them.
Almost every morning placards inviting toj
yesistaace are fiiiind stack up in the public
(squares, especially tlose of St. Mark and,
the Arsenal. One of thrse placards stated
that the association of bns l;e
----enmf European. It is thus that some gi
taloi think to eotaect the political aiff irs
of Europe with thir iacrjndikry reveries.
A mat! from Holland also arrived this
fW reLcoo, with Dnteh papers to the'26th.'— |
They are chiefly occupied with details re
specting the late disturbances at Grenoble,
but the ammo's are less recent then have
k already been before our readers. Several
Inhaliitaufs cf Coiide have he n pumrconed
to Parie as witnesses apon the trial of gen
oral Beuimre, for the murder of eoloflel
Gordon. Several French officers who late
ly quitted Fruiiee, are a6l! at Brussels, 6
ttmeng them general Gerard, formerly chief
•f the st ff of marshal BernadoUc, now
erown prince of Swe<l n
LO f 1 SVILLg. s
nr'.XMUitx#':: f.twwf .nir'tHuymrit :**
Dttr Patron* &ro notified, that egree
*h!y to the <nns of subs-ription — ft one
dollar at the expiration of six months" —
will fall due ab the 15'h iust. While wo
return our sincere thanks to those who have
|junetuilJy complied with their engagement,
veare constrained to ay that too much in
difference-its observable on the part of others.
o —— o— ~
lit. Bra'* hss pablsshed nVery lengthy
piece on the subject of the Compensation
HaWy sn which he endeavors to justify his
Vote in favor of its passage. He makes
Some exposition of motives, Sco. which ought
to put vo electioneering party !!
We shall publish it aS length in our next.—
Firmly believing <h.t a stri t regard to jun-
Ciee drnvßtidcd an ioginen’atlon of pay to
the members of Congre@—i>vd that the
measure was founded on the best of ptliy.
exposition of the politics of Mr.
Cobbs?, in the day* of federalism, is now
taking place in the Federal —
The ofcfy number we have seep, wil I be found
Ja our columns of to-d y. Wat the mo
tive may be for publishing Cb b'iet’s wri
tings of those <fe.ys, the re-idvr wiil judge
frith the sfcrac fkstii’y we do o'jj'sefves.
It ix elated In the Savannah Repub
lican, th&t ths How. Wii/liam H- Craw -
!sobi>, secretary at war. has ‘‘set oft'for
Athens, {from Augusta] Georgia/*
It is reported, that tht United States 9
fHgate Macedonian bae received orders and
will sail from Baltimore in a few d?.;y for
£/ma (Pacific Ocean) to demand of the
royal Spanish government the immediate
ireeteraticn of afi American whale ship,
HVhfoh lately put into a port oh the coast of
of Porn for supplies, and vves siezed on the
ground of not having a sea letter, which,
yovir treaty with Spain is not requisite,
Hjaiess the European powers feed at war.
JV*. Fork pup.
A letter from &n other of high rank in
•nr Mediterranean fleet, to bis fiend iti
Jportland, says— u Major Hall fees return
ed from Madrid : Mr. Murray, foie seere
tary of legation, came with him. They are
of opinion that Sp;.in will declare war a
gainst u* $ but each is her present deplora
trfe conditicn, that ! am persuaded she dares
ftot do it. She has however, a regular ar
my of one hundred thousand men, many
* ©f them gCod troop —and if England could
te induced to jin her by the cession of
Florida, they might make sud work oa our
’ foutkera frontier/*
We understand by a recent arrival from
Ireland, that American vessels are put on
♦he sams footing as English vessels, as far
its respeels the conveyance of passengers
to the United States—that is, that they are
•IJowed to bring one passenger for every
two tons. Formerly, they were only al
lowed to bring one passenger for every Jive
jtoia.—A. F. Gaz.
New-Ycrk, July 16.
By the arrival tfcis day of the brig Aid,
captain Meldram, in 33 days from Bordeaux,
vut Jhave received Paris Pp°rs to the 3d
m Jciuo inclusive* JUUftcti follow s
Paeis, .Tune I,
PrintC Tallyr&nd !;?. returned to Paris.
The Maresnfml Grayer ha>.,
been condemned so d*Kth at Stratsbourg. for
hiving joined tl?e usurper at the period of
Ms landing in France.
Letters from Cronstadt of the 4th olt.
say that on account of the ice no merchant
vessels had yet entered that ptm.
The court of RtfEsia has gone into mourn-;
ing for two months, on account of the death j
of the empress of Aas‘rja.
The report of lord Wbfiinoulh having 1
been appointed an| :assador to this court is
wholly destitute of foundation.
We hear from Rome, that the murderer
of Cardinal Doria’s Champlain has bee>?
found and exneoted. Bi* dact! was ‘sh ,, k i
ing, he washeaten dead with clubs, and as-j
terwards quartered.
The duke Ferdinand* brother to ibe king’
of Wirtembcrg, has been appointed by the
t emperor of Aostiia governor of V ienna, &
of upper and lower Austria.
Marshal Grouchy is under trial (rmr
Paris, Juno 2.
Aagvreoo, doke Ceetiglione died
a few rfoys of a dropsy in iii*s chest at
one of his estates.
His tnrene highness the duke of Orleans
is eipeeted at v r?, t.lie 10th or 15th of
this month.
City of Washington, July 15.
M. De Kantzow, the 8 wet dish minister,
b now at/the seat of ?oiorrimettt.
3U De Neu viße, the Frets - h minister, has
proceeded from this city to hiaceat in New-
We are authorised by documents we have
seen, to state, that the pa’jmnstefoven ral,
Mr. Brent, Los. since the ioih of’ April,
1815, placed at the disposal v.f His'deputies
in the state of feuttessee, about ISujooo
dollars, for the pay &. es the troops off hat
state, exclusive cl Indian Warriors wfcolifcve
bet a separately provided for,
The Baptist Crunch of En
! oree, in Newberry district, have
| set apart Saturday the 17th day
lof August next to be observed by
‘them as a day of fasting and
prayer God in his providence
has visited our country with a
sore judgment; the power of true
godliness appears to languish; &
with&ll, we tear the people are not
duly humble :• —The Church
therefore request all professors of
Christianity, and their brethren
particularly, to join with them on
that day, and beseech the Al
mighty God to remove his afflict
ing hand, lus people more
of the spirit and life ox true -god
liness, and to awaken in ail the
human family, a spirit of humility
and godly fear.— Telegraph .
I A General Court Martial will
assemble at New-York on the 2d
of September next, for the trial
ot General Gaines ; Maj Gen.
Scott, President. Another Court
Martial will convene at Nashville,
(Ten ) on the 19th of August*
for the trial of Gen. Bissell and
Col. Nicholas Coi. King Pres
ident. | Ken tuck ey paper.
1 The English Prince Regent’s
wife, discarded by her unworthy
husband, is traversing Europe
and Asia. She visited the Bar
bary Powers in April, and was
received with distinguished hon
ors at I'unis. The cidevant allies
of her country treated her with
much respect.—P Pat.
An article from Spain verv
gravely states, as an instance of
extraordinary filial affection, that
the infant Don Carlos has em
broidered for his mother a gir
dle enriched with dimonds, valu
ed at 60,000 piastres, in which
the skilfull hand of the king is
said to have taken a part. This
reminds us of the petieoat which
“B£LoV£i>” Eerdiaand em
broidered for the Virgin Mary.—
Kingston Chronicle.
Notice.—! Those soldiers be
longing to the late army of the U.
States entitled to pensions, are
informed that it is only necessary
to forward their discharges and
certificates of disability to the war
department, stating, in what par
ticular state, territory or district, i
they reside, and wish to receive
their allowances, when certm-1
cates of pensions will be issued (
by the secretary at war, and for- j
washed to them, free of all charge j
whatever,and also, the services;
of an agent not at ail required in
precuring for them their pen
sions, awarded by the govern
ment to their gallantry and their
wounds.—-Nat Intelligencer.
The order of Jesuits was foun
ded at Rome in the year i540,
by Pope Paul Sd, in the reign of
the eighth Henry of England, &
their number limited to sixty.
During his pontificate the cele
brated council of Trent assem-
bled, and Henry was excommu
nicated, The limitation of the I
inumber of Jesuits to sixty did
not long continue. Their num
bers in 1603, were ten thousand
five hand red and eighty one, in
1679, seventeen thousand six
hundred and fifty five in 1/7 iO,
nineteen thousand nine hundred
and twenty-eight. In 1717, they
had seven hundred and fourteen
colleges and other establishments
more than two-hundred missions
one hundred and sixty one spmi
raries, and nineteen thousand,
eight hundred and seventy mem-*
bers including ten thousand and
fifty-six priests. The affairs of
the order were conducted by one
general, thirty-seven provincials,
three hundred and fifty priors, &
other officers. After having been
for some years abolished, me or
der was restored in IB 15, by the
j present monarch of Spain Ferdi
nand VJlth ? who at the same
time, and in the same pious spirit,
re established the office of the ho
ly inquisition.— 'Aurora.
mi'MtxmuK'* Ziawimmfmmmamiam9irmmMafwummJK M .ratiflWf
Jefferson County. $
WHEREAS Hudson Rag
land applies to me for Letters of j
Administration on the estate and j
! effects of George Jones dt c.
I These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said dec.
to be and appear at my office,
within the time prescribed by law
to shew cause (if any they have)
why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at office
this 29th of July, 1816.
I A. WRIGHT, c. c o.
All persons indebted to the es
tate of Noah Minton, late of
Burke county, deceased, are call
ed on to make immediate payment
-—and those having demands,
will render their accounts within ■
the time prescribed by law.
Jonathan Minton ,
Av 2% 1, lsi£*
% 9
Will be sold, on Friday, ths
27th day of September next, at
the plantation of Jonathan Lew
is, of Burke county.
All the personal r s
Noah Minton dec. consisting of*
One Horse, bridle and Saddle,
j and-a Gigg, &c Lc.—-Terms
j made known on the day of sale*
Jonathan Minton,
I Aug. I, 3 816.
* On Monday the 15th. ult. a ne
gro man named JIM, aged 27
years ; 5 feet II inches high—a
blacksmith by trade. He was
seen near Rocky Comfort bridge
.on Thursday last, enquiring the
| way to Columbia county.
I Any person who will lodge
‘■him in Jeffirson county Jail, or
bring him to me, shall be liberal
ly rewarded, and all reasonable
expenses will be paid by me*
July 29th 18(6.
OF LETTERS* in the Post-Of
fice at Louisville, cn the fir si
day of July, 1816,
John Alexander, Alexander
Augby, Samuel Andrew, Buys
Alford, Eliza Atkinson, Ebene®
zer Bothwed, Kindred Braswell,
2, Martha Braswell, 2, Andrew
Crossley, David Cos tier, Sarah R*
Cobb, Cliaries Cunnirgham t
Howell Cobb, 2, John Cowart t
John Coleman, Ann Daniel, JuS n*
athan Drake, Benjamin Davis,
Ludweil St John Earnest, Tho
mas Frlto'n, Alexander Good*
game, Alexander Gordon, Juni
per liali, Francis Hemn, James
Jordan, John Kenedy, Stephen
Kelley, William Lewis, Aquilla
Lowe, William Lhtle, Rev Jo
seph Lov/ery, 2, Aaron Low,
John Land Jun 2, Al ter Lot%
Alexander Morrison, Caswell
Moore, Samuel Moore, Stephen
Minton, Miss. Mary M’Bride,
Thomas Mathis, Jehugh Mash,
Hugh Montgomery, John Nor
wood, John Overstreet Sen. John
Overstreet Jun. Mrs J. G Pos
ner, Redden Pate, Polly Purvis,
John Powell, Aden Powell, Wil
liam Renn, Taac Robinson, John
i Hicks, Charles Salter, Moses
! Smith, James Stoker or Bills
Fountain, George Stapleton*
sjames Stone, Elijah Sutton, Dan
iel Sturges, Margaret Triplet,
JoS: G Telfair, John B. Terrell,
(Thomas Wells, H. B Webster,
Samuel Willson, Isaaq Woods*
Nathan Warner, Jonathan Win
gate, Hugh Willson
A. WRIGH F, a- p. h.
Will be sold, on the first Tues
day in October next, at the Mar
ket House in the Town of Lou
isville, 150 acres of land, lying
on Rocky-Comfort, in Jessi rsorr
County, belonging to the estate
j of Thomas Ford, dec.
Terms made known cn the
day of sale.
August Ist* AJm’r,