Newspaper Page Text
Council Proceedings.
Thomasville, On., Feb, 8.1#M.
Council net in regular session, Mayor
Roddcnbery presiding.
Aldermen Herring, Lewis, Pittman,
Watson, Beverly and Boyer, present.
Minnies last meeting read and confirm-
Corner Broad and Jackson Streat, Thomasville, Georgia.
License of A. W. Beasley was trans-
i ferred to J. S. Sweet. License of H. M.
Cave was transferred to the City Ba
kery. «
Following communication was read
and referred to the health committee,
with power to act; .
Thonuuvilie, Ga., Feb. 8, 18G4.
To the Hon. Mayor and Council, Thom- •
1 asville, Ga;
Gentlemen; We ' the. undersigned
respectfully request' that'the nuisance .
occasioned by the cesspool at the resi
de ace of Messrs. Wolff' on , Fletcher
street be abated. The scent from this
is very annoying, but the most serious
featureXis the Infection of our wells
near tills cesspool, which will be cer
tain to beoome infected unless this nuis
ance is removed.
E. P. Ward
H. L. Kelly
J. D. Cummins Jr. -
G. M. Smith
and seven- others.
Alderman Pittman stated that the-
city treasurer had filed his bonds and
they were approved by the finance com
Superintendent of water works made
the following report:
Thomasville, Ga., Feb. 1, 1901s
To the Hon. Mayor and Board of Aldjr-
men. City;
Gentlemen—I beg to submit the fol
lowing report: -Nomber.'of taps, 2: num
ber of Meters sold, 4; Cordsjof Wood
received, 44 1-2; Cords of Wood con
sumed, 47; Gallons of Water pumped,
6,600,000; Hours pumps in operation,
>20; Repairs to machinery, none.
Yours truly,
J. A. Epply,
City.marshal |made. following re-
Mannfactnrera of
Tin Foil Gins,
r e Have Two Tables Left of Our
White Madras
- 12 l-2c.
Pique Welts,
12 l-2c.
h Art W inter Suits
31 ' ■■ ■ ' - - ' - ' -
For the Knife is going to Cut and the Prices are going to
Talk, and that is going to empty those two tables. They
are new, well tailored, the best fitting, the most durable, the
newest styles and the best values in the world for the money.
We are compelled to make room for our large Spring and
Summer Stock coming in.
White Oxford
Black 'Polka
Spot Madras.
mm TONi
Costume Lin-
A New selenitic Dlscwer?
It purl fie* tha blood by eliminating
Our High Art Majestic $1.25 Shirts
;o while they are new for |i. Our furnishing Mock a)wayi fresh and n<
Our Jersey Fleece Lined Under Suits,
i |s will go for 75*cts. Cold weather is ahead of u», so come right along a
1 keep you warm.
& Yamedoe'
3 yards, $1.00.
mute matter and other Impurities :
destroying the germs or microbe.
40 inch Lawn,
infest the blood. It builds up the hi. ■
by restoring and multiplying the rut o
piracies, making the blood rich anil r*
It restores and stimulates the ocp"
rausing a full free flow of nerve fo.
throughout the entire nervo system,
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervor
ness, nervous prostration and »H '"too*
if the nervous system.
We are going to conduct this sale
Soft Finish
Misses Cora and Annie Hurst, who
have been visiting friends in Cairo re-
turned home Tuesday.
County Commissioner H O. Copeland,
of Metoalfe, was among the prominent
visitors to the city ^toosday.
A new way to spell perfoction-
A sale Of this kind lias never before
taken plaoe so early in the season, bat
we want to give yon a chance at a
Mr. imd Mrs. E. J. Redfeam of Bar-
wick won recent visitors to tha city.
Mr. W. E. Applewhite of Moultrie
. ~ a I„ sUa tart 111 rflllltlVM
India Linen
12 I-2C.
in the city with relatives
Senator J, B. Nortnau of Obe, Qa.
was a visitor, to the city Tueaay.
Senator Norman ia one of the moat
prominent citlaens of Bonth Georgia.
Messrs. W. A. and J. J. Boswell, two
well known merchants of Meigs, were
here Tuesday baying hones, males
and hardware.
Mrs, D. B. Price, of Quitman, Is the
uust of Mr*. R. A. Weldon on Dawson
i lot Embroid
eries, •
12 l-2c
Dotted Swiss
For Dress,
dealers handling our remedies to return
,hc purchase price for every bottle o
Miss Katie Bigg, of Atlanta, Is the
guest of Mrs. Junius Smith on South
RYDALES TONIC that does not giv
Mr. F. J. Winn, is at home again af
ter a two week's stay In Rockledge and
Palm Beach Fla. v
Mr. 'W.T. Bubers of Ooolldgo was
among the prominent visitors to the
• city uu Saturday. 1
Miss Emma McIntosh entertained in-
formally athOartsFridaynlglit in lionor
ot Misses Houston and Carroll.
Among the elegant homes on Hansell
street, that of Judge Roddenbcry just
being completed ranks among tho- beat.
Miss Olivo QosttlebLum who has
been the guest of Mrs. B. Edwards for
several days lias returned to her home
la Oohlookonee.
Mr. 0.1. Wood left Monday for
Boston. His friends hope to see him at
the Plney Woods again before the sea
son is oror.
A small party of young people went
on a poaeum hunt Friday night. They
Rad a good time, bnt no possum dinners
Rave yet been reported.
i lotEmbroid-
Misa Annie Sanford left Tuesday for
San Antonio, Texu, .where she will visit
flier brother. She will return to Geor
gia after a stay of some weeks.
Buy Your
White G6ods
' Now.
Get a new dress at a
Persian Lawn,
The Baltimore office of tho Granger-
dtubbe Lumber Company was destroyed
by the fire. It was in the Cnlvort build-
ing. Mr. Geo. S. Cox is local repre
sentative of the ohbctM.
Early Goodrich,
Early Rose,
Bliss Triumph,
Respectfully, .
J. J. Stephens.
Superintendent of Water Works and
Sanitary Inspector [instructed to inves
tigate the condition of the water doeet
atjChurchwell's store, Moilcr's gallery
and the printing office and report to
The condition of J. W. Groover’s
eloset and that of tho Atlantic Coast
Line] referred to the committee on
health with power to act.
The following communication was
To the Hon. Mayor and Alderman.
Gcutlemeu; Several years ago I
bought and laid a 4 inch pipe across
Clay street, without any expense to the
city, on tapping same last , week your
marshal called on me for flO which I
pa'd, I would nsk if you will refund
tliat as I have had considerable expense
in connecting same.
C. B Quinn,
P. S. I would also ask you to take ‘ up
the matter as regard the Electrio Light
Co’s wires being so low as to injure trees
in front of my house. Is ia really neces
sary to have them raised, as they are
Rev. Jas. Barton Smith left Tuesday
morning for Spring HiU. Ho began a
revival sorvioo there that will
last for a week, consequently the Chric-
tain congregation will hold no services
Pride of South,
Lou js^Steye r man,
Corner Broad and Jacjcsou Street, Thomasville, Ga.
of Hebron,
Dr. Charles Martin Nile* who has so
successfully conducted the Parochial
Mission at St. Thomas church, left for
his home, Ossining N. Y. Monday
morning. He will atop at Colombia 8.*
C,_aud preach there tonight. Dr. Niles
presence in Thomaaviile was greatly en
joyed by all and our city hopes to lee
him often in the future.
Thomasville, Georgia.
|Wanted to';Bu>.§
I Ten fliHion ff
1 .Car Loads. 1
Rev. H. G. Griswold, pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Quitman has
resigned to go to Oordele. Mr. Gris
wold is well know here, having frequent
ly filled the Presbyterian pulpit here.
IF so, write to L J Walker,
Florida Passenger Agent, Nash
ville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Railway. . _
“Dixie Flyer feoute”
Jacksonville, Florida.
Low Rates now in effect to
Colorado, California, Washington
Oregon and other Western States
Doable Daily Services, Feet Schedules
Guide Book, Time Tables and des
criptive Pamphlets nee.
Prof. B. L. Heald who lives In the
Fredonia neighborhood spent Saturday
In the city. His family bad the mis
fortune to lose tlieir barn and several
hundred bushels of 00m by Ore on Fri
day night. The cause of the oonflagn-
/ tkm la nnknnwn
vCYfciaJvRJM h»ve their beginning
iJlT l-’VqQ-.Dl in the disorder of
Br - />wT these most important
vWUin| I organa.
ytyiULJlJ The kidneys filter
and purify the blood—
riQ that is their work.
Therefore, when your kidneys are weak
r out of order, yon can understand how
uickly your entire body is affected and
| Cow Hides,
I - Fur, -
I Beeswax,
I = Etc. -
£=•' Highest Gsh Prices Paid.
Jj. W. Watkins &Co
I J. B. WATKINS, Manager.
Office at Williams’ Stables, 328 West Jackson St,
£ Thomasville, Ga.
damaging my trees. I respectfully ask
you to take np this matter at once.
Yours Respectfully
O. B. Qoino,
On motion $10.00 was ordered re
funded to Mr. O. B. Quinn and the
chairman of the oommittee on lights
was requested to see the light company
and have the wine moved as requested
in petition.
Bids for removing garbage were
Mr. T. Oalam Lawrence, of Owdnli g,
N.Y., and his mother, Mr*. Lawrence.
, who are well known winter visitors
lure, are at present at St. Augustine.
Th*y are expected here later iu the sic*
opened and read and the contract was
let to W. H. Batch A Son far|US.OO
per month.
Tha opening'of bids for wood wax
8slary of Chief of Fire Depart
ment was fixed at $48.00 par
month and Hie firemen at $86,-
00. William Singletary was elected
chiaf, R. UDortin*,airiitant chief: Os
car B. Lee and D. O. Blanton, firemen.
Ordinance introduced by Alderman
Mr*. O. O. Hall, ot Thomasville visit-
. «d Mrs. Minnie R. Beasley tha latter
-part of last week. She was en rente
homo bom lamps Fla. where she had
been on an extended visit.—Valdosta