Newspaper Page Text
• ^ '' ; -• ■;:. ; ' .. ^ ■ *\ ■, -; r - / .;'•■■ .■
Cures Bhumetlem'n Addition 4o Stor
ing up. Honey.
Tlie i«ople wltodixcovor 1 good lb ev- (
crvililM " lints <jcrentl.r pone to «lio Tn,cn a child I had a very severe at-.
Z length 0» aadftp bdoiac^ 10 H,ae
m°< rirtr 2 $ s s%xdz
Aneot tld* subject Rev, Ale* reduced to ita normal size, but the left
.. writii. ill the Atlanta Journal s»y»: one continued to grow-very slowly at
er writing . fint until , t wa8 tlie siaeof a goose
Every now and then I sen notices in w ),j ch t^an to press on the Jritul-
lmtli the sosalar and tho religious 1»- pipe, causing difficult breathing, and lw-
noth me BUS .. „ camevery painful. An incision was made
pars uboht someono having accidentally #n( j a | ar( , e q Ua „tity of pua discharged,
discovered that the sting o? ahee tsgood •»*£»■*«. %£*%*£
- tor rhuiuattsm. Dr. H. C Ramsey, or y car8 1 wore alittle piece of cloth about an
Thonmsville, I... h-icn urii.g the £t£f,
tincture or ht'O essence, t Imrtlly know cut open by the doctor every time I took
what .0 cab it. in hispt.cthof. ranum. 1
t> r of rearp for rlittfftati*ni uud he w>y* by m y wife to use 8. 8.8., which I did,
, . l rill . floctor strictly in accordance with directions. I
it is ft wonderful remedy. , took twenty-six large bottles, and was en-
attended school in Atlanta,,at the Klee- tirely cured, for I have not suffered since
.1* *u n t that time. . B. 8. Ragland.
trio college and there was taught in at • Royal ^ggVtg. Co., Charleston S. C.
the cw-enue of the bee was ft Hue remedy t «... ,ti
for eruptive disuse*, liks smallpox, »cur- Only a constitutional nmiedv can reach
1 * , ; , . ' ati hereditary disease like Scrofula. \\.he«
let fever and meitsels. Ho used it m tne |j JC j 8 restored to a normal condition
treatment of snob cases with great sac*
C3*», he tolls me.
After settling in Tlimrmsvillo lu» had
a neighbor who was ft homeopathic phy
sician. This neighbor told him that ho
often mod the essence of tho beo in
treating rhumatism, uud claimed to be
the oigpinutor ofdho treatment About
that time Dr. Htuiisoy nuja ho read uu
article from a Berlin paper in which a
Gorman doctor was' using tin* fit lug i f
thehce in the treatment of rhns*ntiein.
He couclndod that he would try it m
his practice. Ho gets ns many bees n*
ho needs and makes them fighting mud,
having them in a gifts-, jar When they
are fighting and stiumug each other tie
pour* alcohol on them atfd seta the jar
awny until it is ready for use.
Soon after he had made his first lot of
i***cnce4io was called to attend a negro
carpenter who hud boenteo that hejconld
not feed himself for several weeks, so se
vere had been an attack of rhnuiatism
in ids shoulder. The first l hing tlie doc
tor <\id was to dive him a hypodermic
injecv* ol 4 of the medicine near the teat
of the pAln. He also put him upon a
condtltutlonal ci catmcnt. The next day
there wen* probably a.x i •’ eight places
just like a b 0 Ming bv<v< ‘.out ground
the puurtufo m-tdo by the
'•Then the »• -non was h do ther
opnslder«ib.»- pan >or a momou or two.
pain .u»e beo had stu«g tiro
man. xiio next day lie was better, and
. in a very few days bo-was back ut woik
4 Dr. Ramsey tells me that ha hnd nn*
other patient, a lady, who wassatVoiing
very much from rlmmatism iu the left
knee. It was so severe that she wire
unable to walk. Tho Lee essence was
given hypodermically. Tlie pain shift
ed to the right shoulder \nd then to the
loft and to rim right kilo*. An injection
was givcu at o.ich place. This, as 1
tho other cave, was supplemented by
oonstitutmiml treatment, and tlie lady
began to improve at once. It was no
long before she was entirely well of lb
trjnbleFOiiu' complaint that haldMre*?
oil her for years.
nV 1
and the scrofulous deposits are carried off
there it a gradual return to health . 8.8.S.
is well known as a
blood purifier and
tonic. It is the
only guaranteed,
strictly vegetable
rcmedysohi. Ifyou
have any sighs of
Scrofula, write us
and our physicians
will advise you free
The Swift Speclflb Company, Atlanta, Ga.
A Resident Makes on Auiioat Fcr
Property Protection.
Mr. H I:!or: —My uiirlemtiiudinp in
that a vomuiit law wappnnawS iu '-ur
city uboot. a year ago. 1 writ^to know
if I he law Is still in foreta or has it be-
cotuo iirilemi letter," Soino ono^hts
brohcin into my lioQse twioo in u week
lint inn the (lav. Tile lirst timo I (lid
not miss niythltift vatuitblfl. Yester
day sumothliiu I highly prised wus ta-
k ill and I supiKjse the nest time my
parse will disappear if the leek of tl.o
trunk bos to be broken. My nearest
neighbor was away from home, so did’
net ?ob mu thieves.
^ A Resident,
Russians Claim That Stores and Men
Wore saved From LleoiYang.
St. Petersburg, Sept: 5.—Tlie feeling
of national-grief and disappointment
caused by Knroiiatkin’s failure to make
a stand at Liao Yang is tempered some-
what by tlie fact .that the Ilassian com
mander has removed tlie bulk of the
stores northward ^.before ;.the battle,
lcaviug a mere shell of Liao .Yang, and
also that he succeeded iu extricating his
army and Gen. StaHtelber« from tlie
The war office here believes that tlie
battle is virtually closed aud.tliat Kuro-
patkio's line .of retreat j is open to
The exact position Jof tho Russian
right flank is not known] at the war
office, bnt it is not believed |tliat the
Japanese can" now develop, .enough
strength to endanger tlie retirement of
the Russians.
Rbtslans Abandoned 200 Guna at
_ Liao Yang.
fit. Petersburg, Sept. 2.—It is"].report
ed here that Gen. Knropatkin was
obliged to abandon two hundred gnusnt
Liao Yang. Some,
crop, the larger part of which Li ra!ie4
in South' Georgia.
: The Experiment Station at Griffin
Interesting Letter From Horn an der the conduct of Hon. r. J. Red*
0. B' Stevens.
ding and bii energetic assistant!, Il
doing a* good work for Georgia in
sending out valuable literature tmough
our dally papers, at vjell a» iu the
great object lesson presented by the
. well managed farm.
Merited Improvement In Both Cotton Tq the , nfluonces ot the Experiment
and Corn—Peach Crop Will Bring | station near Waycross under the man-
*6,000,000 Into tho SUte of Georgia. 1 aeement of Professor Arthur Given,
| of the Balled States Experiment Sta-
Each crop year has Its own peculiar- tlon Department, Is due 'in a very
ItleJ and this is no exception. Last I large measure the increased Interest
year’ corn and cotton were retarded j In the cultivation of sugar cane all
by cool weather, rains and cool nights,' over Southern Georgia,
while this year they were retarded) raise YOUR OWN SUPPLIES,
over large areas by long-contlnuert hove so repeatedly given advice
drouth. Yet the farmers of Georgia i. be8t mcth0(ig of pr - :!! .~; n g
raised paying crops last year andI we ^ ^ cu]t , valtng TarIous cr „, S|
trust that by the blessing of God they ^ ^ wJU eq[ repeat them at , hia
will do the same this year. time But we repeat again the ad-
At the time that we sent out letters, J* Te ^ iven and over
for information concerning the crop ^ ^ ^ [o contlnu>lly 0l .
condltiona for our May-Juno report, thlg . Lct all
thingsdld ni.t lo<^ very L r 0 2b,msex. ral6(i „ WD Bnpplies .
cept for fruit. Since then there has'
bpen marked improvement lu both
cotton and corn, and the promise of
tho best peach yea» ever known in
Georgia has been fulfilled. With
about fG.OOO.OOd coming.into our State
ur farmers
No matter
price of anything th.
you purchase, dt Ip not cheap, if you
f can grow it yourself. Raise your
• own corn, wheat, oats and hay, and
j make on the farm food ouppliea for
man and beast. Have poultry, hogs.
from the pouch orchards and the hops mntton bee( r8is0(l at hom ' e anU
of remunerative crop, of corn and haye ra ., ch B|K cnnu , h to 8Upply
cotton, oven If they should happen to
fall below normal In production, our
farmers should take courage and labor,
}-have milch cow
l your table with milk and butter. Then
you will reduce to the minimum the
. „„ j articles that you will be compelled to
it added, were j WIUl renewed energy. The ravages ^ , nr J uh | e u3e your cotton
damaged iu the lighting and the rest of the cotton bolt weevil In s „ rsne 1v , n th „ n be mune> .
f »'' D > re °, f th< ‘ 1 So , ,,th - . ™’ J a . : chase the .best farm Implement^ and
• not yet Crossed the Mlislrsippi. and it • , .
BASE 8ALL LEAGUE- ) a to ho hoped that the measures for ee ^ * T2 \ ny ?i cv °
preventing its apread may prove buc- * or a ra *' "
South Georgia Will Probably Have aj The, Georgia Department of Agricul* ; j n view of progress already made
vtt&i | tttre, the Slate Entomological Depart*
For Sah. Newly Overhauled.
One 25 H. P. Tubular Boiler
- jo - Vertical “
., g ■* Locomotive" on
One io H. P. Vertical boiler and en
t No. 2 .DeLoach Saw Mill, Simplex
I—is jr„-h Inserted tooth saw.
Small saws. —
I—Soule steam feed rope lee-i a-, good
T_ij H. P. cenft» crank engine
good as new.
i—B»t f on saw mantle.
I—Set 36 stringer -ogging trucks new
J—Sets 36 pole » ••
1—iy 2 Duplex Steam pump. new'.
1—2 1-2 Gardner governor.
1—2 j-2 ,. ., good as
, new.
1—2 1-2 King governor.
1—2 1-2 Monarch governor.
1—2 1-2 Pickering governor.
12—Sets I2 Pickering Carriage truck,
new, the best made.
Prompt attention upon work. We
will he prepared fo furnish cane mills in
30 days.
Works near A. C. L. It. R. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephones 134 and210.
feel that we can congratulate the
! m$nt, the HcrtlcultuVal and Agricul*! farmers of (fecrgla as well as our
! tural Societies held consultfttiona and merchants and manufacturers, whose
The annual talk of; a South Georgia j tb ©outcome Of these deliberations is Access Is largely baaed on that of
base bull league is now going tho rounds. ' the legislation providing quarantine j our agricultural classes, nn the im-
tofthif kind i« regulation against the weevil. While 1 proved conditions nil over our State.
. i It behooyes us to take every precau* andlthe bright prospect of increased
ms eiu e( . against its introduction into our advancement by Georgia !n population,
where it began,—in talk. During thej fields, we feel assured that a remedy wea ;th -n ,j all that goes to make a
fin JLut. to close, the hose ball ini against this insect will be discovered,; pd0i , le great good.
^ I as Has hen done In the case ot all pre- * ‘/o. B. STHVTJNS.
Strong Ono NoxtlYoar.
Every your a
.tarred', »U(1 Invariably it baa ended
thin vicinity law bncu of uj.ier c.iu ,j cneniion of our crop,
aud lua.aftractcd greater intorew than; }.rofc«i:or : 0. F. Cook, of the United!
timo during ihu laid ton yeans. | States Eutomological Bureau, has
Comnilaslonqr of Agricultu
at any
Tiiwrefoi'e t
I give tlii> iu
witlcspreul ati
given to t
not choir tc L
intion in '
m that is t
t. Dr Hi
of 111
iL'ot Ui.t
l in
Alien Normal’s Opening,
taie OJieir.u; ot the Alien Normal
School, Thonmsville’H famous iuaii'utton
colored people ia mlvertisod for
October foul ili." Miss ,V IS, Howland,
tiie priucliwl ii now ut Momiugsldc,
York, I r will i*‘tam to Thuuiiuf*
villa 9U Sepl* i:i-ier 2*1111. The iu*tuu-
tion hasftwn steadily growing In use
fulness, and 1ms bright pros\»cts for the
coming term.
Entrance Card*.
SajHirintendaiit Bar wick uud secretary
Montgomery will issne entrance cards
to the public schools next .week. Tho
hours for white cliildreu are from 8:;;0
until 11,on Thursday, Friday and; Sat
urday mornings. Th3 colored children
can obtaiu their cards on Saturday ai
tiornoon from 1 until 4 oclock lhe It
i teutal fee of oue dollar niuht be pan
before a card can bn issued. School
opens on September lPth, and tho su
perintendent wants to have everything
ready for the event.
Aid Othor Business Tran&actoci by
Ordinary Monday
The “first Monday” was marked I v
|y j Professor Cook claims for it, then
banking «l«| cnugra.uln.e our,cIvc, that thej whlch ar „ , nbjcct fo Kreat
j remedy has hen discovered
* i and tliev fuel that j tcm of
a i hale** '
dy has hen disci
There arc qpmo who claim that the ;
South cun. by a more scientific sys-
iltLyctUm. raise 4-5,0'H^Ooe
of cotton ouch year, uud still
ay t>.at within the present lim- 1
b.t!i:e day
. ■ UJil>0 iV tv t*r! been experimenting with the Guate*
t j tnalun ant. which, he nays, is the great
m-xt years plans tm l . Uebtroyer o7 tlle weevil and other ene-
h».s been the < heretofore. I mies of cotton and itself in no way
The base ball atmosphere in Thomas* I harmful to crops. Of course* we arc
, , inclined -to look with suspicion upon
*“>» »'“» cl,w9 i all such defendant, l. st they provy as
reached fever heat. A tine team was, Rrea , a aa t h e English Sparrow,
scrawll :\u<t fastball ' was played, j p u t. jf the G^temnlau ant is what
Tho Htieudance at the K ;lir *'
fair and the men who wore
teamuameodt- badly * in tfe* hoi'
a tlmuici d point of view, i’hev
d k oil raged how
die p*opte ol the < i y * v i'* 1 Mipi’»» r '
null ^ \liey iigme mal « lu.*gue^ ‘‘
' will endeavor to ^orgaai/.a on >- :
cittea they wish to include are WaVcrot
Valdosta. Quitman* Baiimridge, Thoi
Hsvlllo, Oordele.-Tlfton and Fitzgera
nr Albany.
Dengue plans are* not contin-d
Thoifinsvillt*. Tim Brunswick No
quotes the manager Of tlm \N aven
teftuAs sayiug 1 ♦
• Ndkl ftciwon yon vnll see ouo of \
fastest minor baseball leagues in t
count ry here in south Georgia,the leap
to be COUIpiiiMd of t *‘ x or ci^ht Ul_j
host biisebailj towns in this
probably Brunswick, \\a>cr«vs. dl.o
u^illc. V hlosta, Oordttlc, Vu n;ra ;i
Ono of tho gorat heeds of every
farmer Is a guod country ‘road on
which to haul his produce to market.
Where he possess this convenience,
he can dispense with some of the
many her *s,or mules now absolutely
necessary for the hauling of his wag-
aut rc*>
dated. Everything cieau, comfortable-
a id homelike, good and prompt service
Phone 1#1.
> all.
and tear i
dy hlghwa
How to
rhen drawn ove
SO. uow
tho mud-
onstrpet a good road 19
rdilem to he sulvM upd
it in \\ i- ilr 1-* a question j l
J Al
i 000,000 bales. Wfi«tl\cr tLe«a cxirav-, oi equ,
! agant fiugres shall ever be reached Is : cnot l
! of little practical advantage -to us Just , by roe
I now. / f ’ aurfaci
• We think we can congratulate our
selves that for several years at least
the supply will fall enough short ol
the demand for our great staple, to In
sure us remunerative prices and to j
put the prosperity of Southern farm
ers on a permanent basis.
It is difficult under* present, labor
, ’ conditions to see how onr farmers
, to Increase the production of cotton.
* | Perhaps It may be done, if they can
e* Y r .. a .„ r< y ^-.borers, that have flocked
. to iho cities AmWfo,vusr if they can
1 do this, it may ho io tha detriment ol
manufacturing Interests. Will not In-
•I tensive farming l- far towards the so*
1 hit ion of this problem?
j Some contend that in immigration
1<= found our best solution. The De-
! pa it meat of Agriculture Is in favor ot
I pi-ogre** and 1 considers the bringing
i ji'ti) Georgia of a desirable class of
j Ijr.mlKrania a st?p la tho tight dlrcc-
’ ■ thin. But what wo want is Itnmisra
botican- from other States
portaoci. i.o-.u foci’s can-
ibtructed ami maintained
grading and draining the
the ground. It Is ueccs-
| sary to hiirfsce these roads with some
i durable maierinl that will rndcr tlifrm
pitKif ngalnst the mod and slush that
! often prevail at the very seasons
! when the roads are most needed for
transportation of tho produce of
s and market gardens.
>i 4-.nly the farmer, bnt the mer-
, 0 \ chant also suffers from bad
Masu >*y H<jte 1.
Cow Hide
Fur, Beeswax, Etc. ^
j. W. WATKINS & CO.,
Williams’ .Stable 22S VV
. Thomasvdk.Ga.
Is b*
nd tin
are days v. h
rural district
not for the
th»* people from
would flock into
,'d the stores,
ud that ntaki
’ nut" Impossil
Georgia a bur.
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok-
California, Cloorario,
Utah, ’’ Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
ami other points
travel West, Northwest and Southwest
i. (-. Hi.'t.l.LNUKOK.
;uud. well j
jadamUed 1
i homas-ilis Business Colicge.
t.f th • Unit
vho are Imbued \
»0L :
lucaa and a
•urt of c
Junto V.
■ Vixty T T 'f)r-.
wiiagr«-*t grAM bo
/Jeffemvu v . o;-v.»d •
atiny. A «;i- f
ty>n survive him :
vraj^ajx»rin!c'i 1 •
. 1\% ently btemv’i in
office* It i* now n
outr vriU bring in » i
shot Mf. Fpiw. *Tho . %
crime seems to have bi n
pravity. A svpwt fs <jui:
A'ido'V v- iheexuutri:
'lie va!uc«i at between ^40,0o0 and '. J
The will of Ben Hill Battle, ot Boston. \
was prbbated in common form. N‘v.
j'Httlo bequ cat lied all b»« property to j
his brothers and no aXcntor \vamam«d. I
Application to probate the will of *h»mts
. K. Wilfamt, arPnvft, iu solemn form \v.;s j
bout j tiled- This aviU be hoard at the next j
;, iid of court.
er as I Letters of adtmtristrat'.ou v.'re grau-j
r it ■! led as follows: To G. I« Du ten m the I
one ji stutc of P. F. Durcn, W. W. BiaoLsj
s he j on the estate of Joe Mallard. Ix'm-rs of
had ' hnial disnitN-iou as uimiustratrix werx
Lime j ,-r<uir.‘d to Mr.-. Sarah Wyelie Hays on
ror-.M ^ftti- of Robt. T. Hayes. Mrs. Kmma
who 1 J. Groover of Boston guardian
f the of the minor children of the late C D
de- ' Groover. O. U. McRae was made tern-
( ne porary administrator of the* c?
example of true At
ind in principles.^
than now
:ng country
B o.
of Mr
negro shot dud killed another last night Alex Cochran, colored. This concluded
8 wiles west of TallftbftflMe. , the business of an unusually busy day.
the death
Mrs Brooks was an es:
high Christ iauchanmr-
loved tu the commnuitj
the cause of her death
Mrs. Brooks was a si*
Baum, of Quitman.
lt Mi
also glad-
gia brings
Lii produces
tor ofCol.-4lik*
! that shall place
I are- now onr prii
j in tlio Hold cf agriculture. •*
I During the decade ending with 190**
f South Georgia outstripped the other
I sections of the State in the increase
' of population.
r.>od work
m-J roads as. those which ar.
ride and comfort of both towj
country in th vicinity of oui
cities and some of our larg
id rapidly growing towns—Gcorgi;
much the growth of the sugar cane ! .Department of Agriculture.
I f
dauperora auu -ho-.M be corrected
r Kyda't-'s Liver Tablets speedily
'"-re biliousness Tlisy act specially
• n the liver, bib* bladder, bile duct and
ri-e bowels. They never fail to care
:..-r and bowel trouble*. Price per
- l>ox. containing 50 tablets, 23 cents.
‘ J. W. Peacock.