Newspaper Page Text
Everybody has them. Hentz’s
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not to eat. It took ten minutes
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Better See Us.
•About that winter outfit whether it be for Lady, Gentleman or
Child. We have dress goods at all prices, and prices
below the other fellow. Men’s and boy’s suits,
shoes, hats and underwear at prices to suit
your pocket book.
Men’s Shirts.
Something worth $ t.25 for 1 98c
A complete line of cheaper ones, ranging from 25c to 48c
Genuine 4-ply linen, all sizes, all styles, the 10 and 15 kind 5c
Genuine Hurbuts the best made, regular price 25c to 50c box,
we sell box 15c to 25c. box papers, all grades, all”
good quality for the money, from 5c to 15c box.
Pen and pencil tablets, memo, books, ac
count books, blank note, receipt and
bill books, pencils, pen staffs and
pens, in fact everything you need
in stationery at prices that are
Text of the Lesson. II Kind II. 1-11.
Memory Verses, 0-11—Golden Text,
Gen. y, 24—Commentary Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearne.
(Copyright, 1904, by American Preo* Association.)
The Intervening story between our
last lesson and this is full of interest,
but we are asked to pass It all by auu
give our attention to this most Inter
esting nnd prod table account of tbe
translation of Elijah, our golden text
associating it with tbe translation of
Enoch, who walked with God and wa£
not, for God took him, or, according to
lleb. xi, 5, lie was not found, for God
had translated him. This should be of
the utmost interest and Importance to
believers, for there is always a possi
bility that we, too, may bo translated,
caught up in the clouds to meet the
Lord iu the air (I These, v, 17), for we
shall not all sleep, hut we shall all be
changed iu a moment, in tbe twinkling
of an eye (I Cor. xv, 51, 52). This will
be the experience of all true believers
who shall be alive on the earth when
our Lord shall come again, and, inas
much as His coming Is always Immi
nent, it. might be the experience of
those who are living today.
The time bad come when tbe Lord
would take*up Elijah by a whirlwind
into heaven, and our lesson records tbe
Journey of Elijah nnd Elisha from Gll-
gai to Bethel and Jericho and through
Jordan, and the separation of Elijah
and Elisha, Elisha becoming the suc
cessor of Elijah with a double portion
of'bis spirit. Elisha’s thrice repeated
"As the Lord Hveth, nnd as thy soul
liveth. I will not leave thee" is one of
tbe most Interesting and suggestive
words of our lesson (verses 2, i, C) nnd
reminds us of the devotion of Ruth to
Naomi and of Ittal to David (Ruth
1, 1(1; 11 Sam. xv, 21). and this ought to
be our dovotiou to Christ
The places Gllgal, Bethel, Jericho and
Jordan may suggest different expert
ences in the life of a believer, taking
the suggestions from the meanings of
the words or from Incidents associated
with the places—Gllgal, reproach rolled
away; Bethel, house of God or vision
of God; Jericho, city of palm trees, the
waters healed; Jordan, river of judg
ment » Some believers may have only
tho assurance of solvation, all sins for
given; others have some special roani
testation* of God; others have learned
to let alone the waters that cannot sat
isfy and drink only of the living water
that gives health; still others see that
they are dead with Christ, buried with
Christ, risen with Christ, like the
twelve stones under Jordan and the
twelve at Gllgal (Josh, lv, 8, 0), but to
men like Elisha no experience satisfies,
nothing but a living person, to whom
tbe whole heart says "I will not leave
thee"—not His gifts, not His riches
of grace or glory, but Himself, apart
from whom all Is as nothing.
The bride eyes not her garments, but
her dear bridegroom’s face. 1 will not
gaze at glory, but on my King of grace.
The same thought is presented In the
words of verses 7, D— "They two
With every dollar your trade you are entitled to one
guess in the ,
133 Broad Street, or Stark Corner, Jhomasville. Ga
Rydale’s Tonic
a new, scientific remedy for the
Blood and Nerves
It purifies tie blood b/ eliminating tbe waste
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ft real cure for
BYDALE’S TONIC ii a specific for all forma
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RYDALE'S TONIC is guaranteed to euro the
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price for every bottle of RYDALE’S TONIQ
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O^atch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
This branch of I he business we make a specialty, being
equipped in every way to give you such service and workman
ship, w bich gives satisfaction, a (rial is all that is necessary.
Plain and fancy engraving is done by us.
C. G. GOEHRING, *« 120 South Broad St ‘
went on. they two stood, they two
went over." This suggests "the Lord
ond Gideon" (Judg. vll, 18, 20), and
Enoch's walk with God, and the essen
tials to a walk with God~*'How can
two walk together except they b«
agreedt” "Humble thyself to walk
with God" (Amos 111, 8; Mic. vl, 8).
The Lord hath spoken. We cannot
walk with Him unless we meekly ac
cept Hla word, and we cannot walk In
fullest Intimacy with Him unlesa we
accept all Hla worda, "believing all
thlnga that ore written." To do this, all
of aelf and aelf anlBdency and human
wisdom must be renounced and the
Lord and HJa word become onr all
sufficient oracle. The meek will He
teach Hla way. |f wo allow anything
to come Into our Uvea that la not of
God—coinpanJonabJp, occupation, recre
ation In which we caunot have fellow*
ahlp with nim—our walk will be
marred, our communion broken. He
may have to say to us as He did to the
two with whom He walked to Emnmus.
'Oh, fools, and slow of heart to believe
all that tho prophets have spoken”
(Luke xxlv, 25). Let us not give Him
occasion to any this, but let us be
most surely believers.”
Tbe last helpful word we shall have
apace to consider In this brief medita
tion will be Elijah’s offer and Elisha's
request, "Ask what I shall do for thee,”
"Let ft double portion of thy spirit be
upon me" (verse 9). The condition on
which the request would be granted
was that Elisha should see him when
he was taken. As they still went on
and talked we may not know in what
direction Elijah looked, possibly look
lng upward, but there can be no doubt
as to wherb Elisha’s eyes were, for If
he looked a way from Elijah for only
one brief moment he might rntss that
which he desired. So we see him with
his gaze Intently and unwaveringly
fixed upon ills companion.
It Is the same intense earnestness
that Is required of us If we would be
filled with the Spirit. The word stands.
"Ye shall seek Me and find Me when ye
shall search for .Me with nil your
hpart" (Jer. xxlx, 13). The eyes of the
Lord are still looking over the earth
for those whose hearts are whole to
ward Him (11 Chron. xv!. 9). Elisha
saw Him taken with the whlrlwfjid
and chariot and horses of fire, und It
soon became very manifest to the son*
of the prophets.that the spirit of Elijah
did Indeed rest on Elisha. It Is greatly
nee#*! that tho spirit of Christ should
Building, Burglaries, Cotton Move-
mentend Other News Stories
(By J. s>. r.earcy.)
Mrs. J. A. Grant, nnd her two little
daughters, Sarah aqd Laura are spend
ing a week with relatives near Amer
Mr. F. P. Hay of Ochlockonee was
here the guest of Mr W. M. Singletary
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dnren spent a day
in Thomasville this week.
Mr. Tete Copeland, express messen
ger between Brunswick and Wayeross
waa here Sunday.
Mr. E. D. Siedge and wife of Moul
trie are here this week the guests of P.
J. Lee.
Mrs. M. P. DeWolfe and daughter
Miss Ella DeWolf of Pelham were here
Mr. P, J. Lee made a trip to Monl+rie
Mrs. J. C. Norman and Mr. H. W,
HarroU of thns place are said' to be quite
Ool. E. A. Smith a young attorney
of Valdosta whb here i Sunday, He
claims that^his basineBt^wTMi ^strictly le-
g alt his time. He has a^number, of
friends here and I suppose one (or two)
is asking legal advice.
Miss Genie Stnbbsj[aftcr wi extended
visit to relatives in North-east Georgia
has, to the celight of the entire town
Three attempts' at bnrglary have been
made here this week. A few nights
ago someone attempted to enter the
diuing room of Mr. J. Tom Carter, but
was frightened away. A few nights
later some one entered the Cook House
and went through it, and afterwards
entered the residence of Mr Gibson ox
the opposite side of the street. Mr. Gib
son being awakened engaged with him,
and, hod some other help been present,
he would have towed him in,
The heavy rain Monday afternoon
was soffleient to till the lake in front of
tbe depot. It does appear to thinking
people that the railroad wonld at least
make it comfortable as possible for the
people to get off and on their trair dar
ing rainy weather
The gentleman who 'wrfs elected by
thecounciljaa principal of thekMelgs
Graded Sfchool sent in his ^resignation
a short-time ago. This leaves the town
withonPaJschool, during the 'fall pterin
Miss Mury*I.ou Hooks, 'daughter of
Mr. T. L. Rooks, Ochlockonee district
entered school at Pine Grove Monday.
Mr. J. N. Hancock made\ a business
trip to'ThoniUsville Monday
Mr. D. W. Maxwell a prominent cit-,
izen of Calvary, is^with^his daughter)
Mrs. R. T.[Lewis, who has been quite [
sick. We are glad to be. able to state!
that ho is gradually regaining his usual
Misses* Belle Duren, Jewel 'Arline,
Mamie Hall, and Robert Hal), and Clif
ton Arline from^this place entered
school at Pine,Grove near town Mon
^ Miss Clifford Davis, after a visit to
relatives at Doernn has returned home.
She was'accompanied on her f ret urn by
Mrs. J. D. Atkinson and charming little
daughter Grace.
There are nearly one hundred mem
bersiutho Sunday school at denbr
Hili Kchool’houRe. Rev. R. G. Jacbw n
is the Superintendent. I am glad to
note the fine showing that neighborhood
makes, becuuseJU is at that school home
For Men
who cannot come to the city
when in need of clothes wo
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. We
carry ti(e finest makes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your size ie, stout,
iJim or short,
We Can Fit You.
Sols Agents for
For Lelies
who do not find it conveni
ent to come to the city.
We make buying an easy
task by' sending to your
homes two or three styles of
garments to select from.
We carry *
In /Our Boys’ Department
can be had everything
ready-to-wear for boys, es-
uept shoes.
B. H. LEVY. BRO. <6 CO.
2 here likve been shipped frem Ibis
point to this date, Wednesday morning,
80) bales of cotton. It appears that tbe
entire stop is open tn the field, and
handa are scarce. Enonnona prices ate
paid for picking, hat still the labor la
1 am pleased to acknowledge the re
ceipt of a moat excellent map of door
gia, drawn and colored by Rosoo* Dacia,
the thirteen year old ton of Mr. W, K.
Davis, of Han tell. The map baa all the
counties, principal river* and capftole.
Roscoe Is a popil in Hite Emma Rogers’
school at Center HiU font mite* from
this place.
The frame of the two stray residence
of Mr. T. E. Watson on Qnality Square
it op end toon one may expect a hand-
aome residence on the spot.
Th o materials are on the gronnd and
in a few days Mr J. B. Macon will be
gin the erection of his new residence at
the corner of Esal avenue and Mill
Tl>e hew grist mill Joat erected by the
Joiner Bros, in this plaoe promises to be
a hammer. It turned oat £0 Lnthels of
egreiietit meal Saturday on the trial
About what you will give
that friend who is going -to
get married. Simply -come
down here and tell ns bow
much yon want to spend.
We’ll do the rest—and guar
antee that the present will be
elegant. You don’t have to
spend a fortune to obtain el©-
m ui nix. people (Bom
Cor. fr, Jl). that we mfjrbt be Ifrfnti t that this 'deponent' has been heam g
epistles known and rc-::d of all mtfu. ! lessons for the pa.-t several year*. Tie
ami It would be so it.we lm.1 tl* sump . dtl ’ - „ nutt 0 „ ,
arnest desfre for it that Lifeoa had (
tor the spirit of Elijah (John xlv, 13, 1 questions,orjanythingelse pertaining tf
M>. | the good of their neighborhood.
Cairo Furniture Co.
Carlo, Georgia, .»
Wo oan earn you money on yonr Furniture Purchases because wo
house from parlor to kitchen and have an immense stock of cheap
medinm and fine goods to select from. We have the BEST STOVE
and tho BESTiSEWING MACHINE on earth for the, money. We
gnarnnsee every one to give satisfaction or rnoner refunded. We are
n o Ifiill i for tl.75 that will coat yon 13.00 anywhere else.
Wcibooght a lot of them at a SACRIFICE PRICE and. while they
last’onr cnstomcrB will loop the saving. Yon should see onr Urge
stockjoqilvgs, ArtjSquares, Lacc Curtains and Window shades. We
biiyidirecfftom the manufacturers and save the jobber’s profit. Wo
take’COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds iu exchange, for merchan-
diso'and pnjihighest market price for same.
Cairo Furniture Company,
Cairo, Georgia.