Newspaper Page Text
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^ TlM£S-ENTB!ll*ftrjJ«-inOMA^nLLF. GEOE'ifA, SBP'IEMBKR if 1901,
V ' ;/•
T?«i Klks in Savannali are going to^
btallil themselves a home.
Coffee county is yet to hold its pri
mary for county officers
JkU the Georgia newspapers are wear
ing the earmarks of unprecedented pros-
.p**arh v.
|'^Fitzgerald’s cotton gin is runniuj,
tulday to keep npfwirii the pro
Plucky Moultrie is to have a number
Sue new buildiugs to take the place
S/!h>js» recently burned.. .j
“Hie sons of Confederate veteraus arc
<50 join v it!i the U I). O., in building »i
w«*rans monument ill Washington, Ga
Tne Casualties of third battle of
have already l»egun. Private
Fr*ak Lasseter, of Americas, was killed
bv -k fall from the train at Greensboro,
The :State Normal school will open at
Atlteas■ today with an attendance of
a ire than ,four haudrel. This sciioo
i# doing a great work for the teachers of
C*rdeieis to have a now telephone
"tystenu eonueotiug farmers homes with
tha town. To call up tho twelve blind
«*»•". *1“ <• li ‘» r of 11,3 s «*» boaW * of '.-God. who ha*served them *o.( ably aim
A. A. Wallin* who killed Frank Betts
in. au Atlanta boarding house three
weeks ago will ask for’ an immediate
. tsrial when he h is his preliminary hear
ing th.’.s week.
Plus i* ipullst* of Oolqnitt county it id
enty men at a m etiug in Moultrie
,t w ok. A temporary organization
is efi cted and they will eudoavor to
; ,#c a big Watson vote in November.
Atetcalfe Mention.
(By E. E. Hose)
Miss Mattie Thomas returned from
Quitman Wednesday whore she- had
j been visiting for a few days,
Messrs. Albert and James Dixon two
of .Thomiisville’s popular young meu
spent Sunday here among friends.
Mrs. J. W. Lilly of Mt Pleasant Ga.
atter spending some time here, returuod
to Cairo Saturday wjiere«she goes to l
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Counelle a* few days before returning
Miss Hattie McDonald of Lake Butler
Fla. after speuding some time with Mrs.
Zeigler, her mother, returned home
Mr. E. D. Stringer one of our oldest
and best beloved citizens made a flying
trip to Cairo the last of the week. His
tittle daughter Lucile accompanied him.
Mrs. L. M' Williams accompanied by
her family left for Moultrie last week
whero she will make her f uture homo.
As residents of our town for more than
a year they have made many fast
friends all of whom regret to see them
go away.
Mrs. J. C. Thomas who has been a
guest of her a4nt in Tallnhasseo re
turned home Wednesday accompanied
by herg.mnd daughter Mrs. M, A. Fen
Rev. T A. White of Thomasvillo filled
his regular monthly appointment at the
Baptist church here Saturday and Sun
day. preaching three power nl seiiiiots.
The church in conference Saturday,
called him to tlib pastorate cf their
church for another year, thus proving
tlujifr unqualified love for this luau ol
Young Whito Boys have Organized a
Predatory Gang.
The organization of a gang of. chick
en thieves is not anything new, strange
faithfully for more than twenty tears.
Matron at Y. F- C.
Mrs. *M. K. Mitchell, who will be
matron at Young’s Female College this
year, has arrived from Bainhridgo to
take up her duties. Mrs. Mitchell’s two
daughters Misses Dorothy and Grace
will bo students at the college. Mi*s already here' and her sister will
come over later in the week. ' The
family is a pleasant one and will m-nii
ipuclt to the College.
Go isden c<
. local
oum 'vr of
Fla., is in the rn-dst
j campaign, and a
ia hoc![binders are
School Opun»*Ninetfcenth.
The heart of many a child in Thonius-
llo was made to boat faster, and many
downcast face was seen'yesterday as
- result of the. statement that the
.•hlic schools would open ou September
.Mi The statement was iu accordance
it h rho calender printed iu the school
A number of Georgia Knights tern-
yhxr are attending the tricu’daf-oonclavo
txf tlm Order at Fitzgerald. Tl»e>* took
:»/liions ot money, money to burn. But
it. was Confederate moiieyifor souviheer
I rule mvh that . term shah begin ou
tli 1 third Monday in September, and
! Mondav the 10th fulfils the stipulation
and will therefore be opening day.
- rod Oca- teed by-
. 1* DO ART ON Mfg. C<
will como as a snrprise to most peopWT
Nevertheless such is the fact, A num
ber of poultry raisers have been missinj
chiekous and eggs, aud a nntnber o
delicacies at a low price from gpiall boys.
telfwlio have been in the habit of steal
ingin various parts of town. TJieii
method of operation is a bold one.
They go iu the poultry yards in day
light, run the fowls our, rob the i. *’s,
aud rely on their color and the respecta
bility of their parents tuahve them from
suspicion. Iu case they are caught they
say they were “just playin’.” Their
names are known, their parents have
been warned, aud uuless the thefts
cease some youthful prisoners will be
faciug the bar'of justice. In the mean
time if you see a email boy chasing your
chickens call him into the house and
give him massage treatment \uith a strap
or a slipper.
£ K
20 pay Life j' i
Age SO. j.
M 10
Now \ork Lifo
Mutual Lift* -
Massachusetts Mutual
- Prtdontial
Pena Mutual y.
30 01)
Illinois Life
30 27
Hartford Life
Suit Life. Canada
an 00
:» 25
3(5 95
IT (50
Satiric la.
The Franklin Life Insurance Co,
5prjngfield, Illinois.
Organized 1884.
is given the rales Jfor different forms of parlicipatin^folicies’ortlie Several
rnivt nnniac rinlntr ki<r.nni.n !h O.!.. ** ™ *
*5 (10
#1 63 41
57 7-J :l!( 441
67 47181) w|
69 SI! 40 Sit!
6!) (il ; 40 83
6S 82,89 7(1
59 44 1 10 69
88 SO! 39 56 I
. . 40 per cent. Guaranteed
this exact fprm by an other_ company.
Age. Premiums.
-’1 — 27 15
22 — 27 6!)
28 — 28 23
24 — 28 78
25 — 29 84
27 — HO 50
SO — H2 71
112 — 34 42
85 — 87 25
Dividend Policy—not written
Figures Talk.
In all that constitutes true excellence the FRANKLIN LIFE iead- A
selection of risks enables us to enjoy the Most Favorable rate of mortality—-he I C .‘-’ e ,
the company iu the middle west enables it to earn a higher lite of interest than w-WlT
possible in the easTeifn money centers. ‘ " ou Q ^
he rate of interest earned by the Franklin is a little over c t-2 percent am'
•average of about 4 per cent, of Eastern companies (some are as low - 1 • gainst an
are as much as 4 v-2 percent. WE can afford to let Figures Talk.
3 1-2 while others
Agents Wanted—Best Contract.
• tin
Mr. C. A. Keith £WI!I bo Assistant
Principal of School.
The members of the school board met
at their office ou Madison'nfroot Mon
day afternoon to choose a teacher for the
lust remaining vacancy on the fucnlty
that of assistant principal and teacher
of the 7tli» 8tU amt Dthjgnulus. The
gentleman chosen was Mr. (.’. A. Keith
o' Pendergrass Ga. His election was
j almost unanimous and he received every
j vote but one. jyir.. Keith is a graduate
I of tho University of Georgia. He has
I lmd several years experience iu teaching
: and was with tho Ashviite N. O, pnblic
j schools last year. He isja young man,
unmarried and a member o!*the Metho-
. .it church. Hecotnos highly rocom-
8pots. | monded and will doubtless give eutiro
Ordinary cases in to days, the i
Aflei' 'hese defect !
A few applications will reinovt
allowncss ^na restore the be.' 1
is 1*. n new riiscovcrv,
d m< ncy refunded 11 i
Frcpkle*, Fimples. UvCi
B'ackheads Dncoloratio s and K
are remomFthe skin will be / soft, c ear • Don’t Shoot
and bi autfful. Price 50 cent* at drug! • , .. . . / 1 «. hall ’
. . . , !,Very evoting the h-uig of gniisarol M 0 D ® u<
stores or by mail. 1 housands of lames 1 ( . ,, t ^ •
testify,'to the merits of Satinola. ! in ' llcutlu 8 »Unglitor ot boll-1 BLACK WEED to (OU by aU dm*,
laughter of an eminent physician j hats. Most of tho gunners aro boy
DAVID C. BARROW, General Agent
For Southern Georgia,
Thomasville. Ga.
Free Samples
Hyom.l’g Novel Way of Cutin* Catarrli
•7. W, Peacock Gnnrautces a Cure,
You Can Get One.
* '
BLACK WEED, the (real TegetabU
remedy for Rhetun&tiam, Catarrh, and
Kidney and Bladder complaints, has met
with almost instantaneous success bs-
cn.ua0 it has made soma noteworthy
cures of very severs cases.
Mr. Joint Post, of the Atlanta Firs
Dept., writes:
“ For months I suffered with my kid
neys. I made every effort to got relief,
but failed until I accidentally come in
pofsession of ft botfie of Black Weed.
The relief obtained from its use wau so
eat before half the first bottle had
Two or. three years ago wheu a phy
sician bad a patient who was troubled
wityoatarrh, the proscription would be
irding to his means, cither to soek
a change of climatt.\*Of to take a tonic or
blood purifier. Today, the advauced.
apjsiciau will tell his caturrh patient to
breathe Ilyomoi.
This novel treatment lor catarrh con
sists of a hard rubber inhulor of a size
conveuiout to bo carried iu the vest pock
et or purse, a meclicine dropper aud a
bottle of Hyornei. By its use it ispossi- ■
ble to breathe while at home or at work
ST uiKn with I hat
medicines aud am now sound and well, j of the mountains and health resorts
tt Mth C ™SgTftJSTj^ ithe air to laden with healing .ad
gravated case of Catarrh of tho head | lienlth giving balsams.
| aud throat. Black Weed has oompletoly ■ x . .
oared jhis, and my head is now as clear °thcr medicine gives such prompt
relief as* Myinooi in tho treatmont of
Memphis. Ttnn, Jan. if, iq':4
flentlcrncn:—1 have used Satiuola and
Egyptian cream for*a y^ar or two. and
unhesjt.itingly recommend them as the
fm-st prt pa ration : 1 have ever used 10
remev. pimpl n», freckles or any
facial discolorations. They clear and
beautify the complexion as no other pre
paration*; wi 1.
Mrs. E-'d!yn Porter Kingwald.
Nttionot lose! Co, Paris.iTcnn.
Sold :n Thomasville in R. Thomas, Jr
Send Your Mame
tui all drugji
catarrli. The first breath soothes and
gists at 11.00 a bottle, or we Will send j he.ils the irritated and smarting air pas-
prepaid upon receipt of prioe. • , .
and address IlU(1 itA re ^ nIar UF ® for tt day®
onos for ! or weeks will euro tho most stubborn
a trial sample of this great remedy,! cn ^ e8 *
which will be senf absolutely frse, to- j •*. W. Peacock will sell a Hyornei
gethor with oar book containing vain*, j ftu lfit with his'persoitul gur.rairteo to re-
bls information and tndorscmsnt* fnn d tlio money if it docs not cute. You
Please mention this paper. Address, | flin *‘0 risk whatever inbuyiug Ilyomei,
| or your word decides tho. question ns to
Black (Deed Afadlcint Co,, whether you pay for the remedy or not.
^ Ga, [ The complete Hyomei outfit costs $f.OO
“ —— j aUf | comprjj,^ an inhaler, a bottle of
Mr J. S. Stewart came homo yestor- 1 Hyonue and a dropper. The inhaler
warning is given not to spoil sport ^ from a three weeks visit to St. Lou- ^ as ‘' a hfo time: and additional bot*
(.-save sorrow. to and Ids old I onto in Non!, Carrliu,' t,B * ot Hyomcl ** tmtOo.-
who are evidently ignorant of tlie pro
visions of what is known as tho Amlo-
hou bill. This bill makes it a misde
meanor to kill insectivorous or song
birds. The bull-bat is a great devourer
(>: hugs and mosquitoes. For this rea
son and because it is against tho law
tl.■: boys should let then alone. In case
t .«*y do not the grand jury migut have
-n; . thing to say to them iu October.,
Wood’s Seeds.
Winter Oais.
Sow Early For Best Resuits,
Onr Tra/le Mark Brand is the
beat and cleanest quality that
it is possible to-procure.
Hairy, or Winjsr Vetch,
County Court Cases.
<t>wnty ‘ ourt operated Monday af
rj!,u-40L on trio of colored crimiuals.
.Tisha Taylor, for rilling on a train; got
xu.l costa or tt montlto. Ji.d
a gambling man, accnmnlatcd a
.520 and costs or f ! mouths. Milton
m, for astault and batterr, ac-
$25 and costs or 8 months.
Sown with Winter Oats, makes
the largest possible yield of the
best and most nutritious hpy.
Write for prices.
Tells* all a!>out seeds for fall
sowing. It is the m<5»t valua
ble and helpful publication of
the kind issued in America.
Mailed free on request.
Seadsatn, - Richmond, Va.
When the Kidnr3 to perforin their functions properly by not straining out the poiscwi'
011s waste matter from the blood as it passes through -them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every
trouble, stomach troi
pert of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes, heart
sluggish liver and a host of other ills, ail due to deranged Kidneys.
nd cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the
whole system, and the diseases that have
resulted from disordered Kidneys dfsappear,,
because the cause has been removed. Com
mence taking FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE
at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
jhil having Bright’s Disease or Diabetes.
Two Sizes, 60 Cents and $1.00.
. Y,, writes:—I im triad to h*ve an oppor-
e had from urin* FOLEY'S KiDNKY
• ft id several physician*. B-fore I began
relieve my bladder. I was ail Moated up
» I could scarcely see cnecfmy family
1 .at I bad divert up hope of living when I
CURB. One 50-cent bottle worked won-
superfluous flesh had gone, as well as aH
e surprised that 1 wa* cured, as they
lanecam'-i from unties sway to learn
cf Bright's Disease, aod