Newspaper Page Text
South Georgia Progress..
FnbUihed every Friday by the
TlaiM-Enterprise Publishing Co.
Wilson M. Hardy. President.
John D. McCartnay, aao. & traaa.
At the Time-Enterprise Building.
ThomaayiUe, G». i
Entered nl the postofllce at
. ville, Ga , a* wwoud das* moil
. . ' matter.
■* Weekly, One Year
“ Six Months
“* Three Monthe
.... '25
Daily, One Year
•• Six Month*
•' Three Montli*
« One Month......./
.... M>
Official Paper of Thomas County
C »-»tititit* Circulation 2,400.
The admirera of the .brainy'Smith
have Hoke-hopes for Senator Olay'!
place two yean hence.
There la no Bring at the Manas***
manuvers. This ought to put the Sa
vannah troop* in the top notcl).
If nobody told the the thing! they
ahonld keep to' thia world
would be better, bnt lea* intereeti|g.
People who adrlae na-to emulate the
the little bnay bee erldently forget that
he store* op treamrea for other people.
Bohoole an opening all orer the conn
try and many a yonng American fee!*
that "the worla it all hollow and my
dolly stuffed with eawdnet
lillt vie Jut
aiegenf pnrebaaing wedding preaentt
would take the afDrmatiTe on the de
bate that marriage Is a failure.
A Republican by the naihe of Goree
la going to run for Congr'feea againat
Unde Lon Livingston. He will apell
hia name Gored after the election.
The following sentences aound aa i-
they might hare been prompted byth<
event! of the paat month:
"Increasing diaregard for law perva
de* the country—the growing dispon-
tion to aubetitute the wild and fariopr
passions in lien of the aober judgment 01
court*, and the won* than aavage mob.
for the executive mipiaten of joatice.
Account! of ontragea committed by
mob* form the ‘ every-day -mewa of the
time*. They Irnvo pervaded Uie conntry
from New England [to Louisiana; they
are not the creature of climate. What
ever their coarse may he, it la common
to the whole conntry."
Similar sentences are being penned
every day, bnt these, were written by
Abraham Lincoln and delivered aa part
of a speech in 1837, sixty-seqen yean
ago. Daring; all these 07 yean pre
diction! of evil and gloomy foreboding!
have been) voiced and penned with the
regularity£of clock-work. Sometime!
an affair likj the Stateaboro horror give!
rise; to acorn of them. Bnt tbo old
world atill keepa knocking along. Heat
of na agree[with those apoatlea of sun
thine who maintain that the world it
growing better every day.
A few momenta thought will'con
vince the moat petaimiatio that thia it
ao. For every nnklnd deed there are
dozen* of kind one*. For every out-
buret of deviltry there are hundreda of
oompenantlng good action*. The Ameri
can people are all right at heart and
their manifest deatiny eeema to be to
improve thing* and make them bettor.
Offcouhe the march of event!, la not
one grand smooth* onward aweep bnt
the lapae* at* only.thegbackward awing
of the pendulum whloh keepa marking
off [the ateady advance of right and
morality. Therefore tot everybody
keep tweet tempered and tunny aouled.
It’* easier aufl pleasanter for you and
your neighbor* to waar the mental Teat,
meat* of Joy‘than the inky plume* of
The terrible accident at the. depot
, yeeterday ; illustrates,, far better tium
-anything elae could do, the abaolutc no-
oearity of greater care on the part of tha
Ooaat Line railroad at tha depot oroaa-
tng. It la not ao mnoh a spe^J limit for
paaaecger trains that la incumbent on
tha city oonaeU, aa a law requiring a
Nagynai to praoade any train at tha
uaoaaing and clear the way for It. Two
people are killid, everywhere, by back
ing freight trains, to one by advancing
pi monger*. Of conn* tha (table oaght
kb have been latched before the Bnt
fame waa atolen, bnt then aa long aa
there are other honat left, It ia never
«o late to take care. The force of thia
lemon ought to be Impressed aa atronglv
aa possible on the Ooaat Line.
Editor Rainey of I ho Dewaon News Is
also' ([legislator. He knows and ad-
mine, one of ihomaavillc's trusty trio
and speaks of him as follows In the last
issue of hit paper.
"The friends in Dawaon of [Hoe. Fan-
dren Mitchell will be glad to know that
be lias agaiu boon chosen to represent
Thomas county in the, legislature. Mr.
Mitchell who la one of the ablest and
most papular young democrats in Geor
gia, is a prospective candidate for speak
(V of the next house of representatives,
and there are many who believe that if
be enters the -race he {will* pluck the
The court of inquiry has adjourned,
and the usual tedious wait for the pro
ceedings to be transcribed and submit
ted to tlio governor, will uow ensue.
Tlie court will report without recommen
dation, (Bid the governor can either or
der a court martial or doal direct with
the officers. From the'ft’ideacesu’miit-
tod he can scarcely fail to cxcmeratujthe
brave Irish boy, Lieut. MacIntyre, dis
miss Oapt. Hitch from the service, and
leprimand the yonng and inoiqierienfed
tlio, Hell, Cone and Grincr. But it is
a known fact that Oapt. Hitch' is very
near to the heart of Georgia's politi
cians and political influence which
sinam.Vitorioas way, tnay bring
(Investigation to the usual end—
A diacuaaion has been started In the
8outh Georgia newspapers aa to whetb-
er[cr not there are too many secret or.
dVre In the towns of this lection. The
Albany Herald aaya that there are, and
the Anerieoa Times Recorder thinks to
Most people, especially those who be
long to the ordergwill be inclined to
disagree with these two estimable news
papers. A multiplicity of secret order*
la as natural da a multiplicity of denom
inations in the Protestant thnacb- All
do[good, hot each appeal! to a different
Ml of men or to different oharaeterlaMca
In the tame man.
Fa war (lodge* would mean fewer
nights out for the married man. We
are not married, bnt we have heard our
friends who have had the degree of
matrimony conferred upon them, talk,
and in their eyce an onoericnal vacation
la an inestimable boon, Thfnk what it
means to a man who haq been ordered
(boat the store oroffloe aft day -by an
Irritable boas, to pat on a tin crown and a
purple mother bnbbard, and be hailed as
Unique Panjandrum of the Universe,”
In the awe stricken accents of tho better
brethren. [.Think wlist it meant to be
able to wear[|iteen varieties of braaa
badgoa onjyour manly bosom, and to
give the grip to[every second man yon
meet. Contemplate the joy of helping
ont distrained brethren who touch you
for your last half dollar. Perish the
thought that any of tlioee privileges
should be[curtailed.
But in all serionsnesg, every secret
xAir we ever heard of was baaed on
good principles. Their secrets eud flum
meries mav be foolish, but they are cer
tainly not harmful. If they give pleas
ure to the members let them increase
and multiply. Secret orders prevent
selfishness, widen one’s circle of friends,
and teach great lessons. The tnore[ of
them the better.
No two order* have exactly the same
characteristic. Masonry teaches its
troths, and morals, Odd Fellowship is
noted for its active charity, the Elks
scatter smishiuo as they go. and every
other has some distinguishing good point.
It would be a good tiling for every naan,
and Ilia family if lie belonged to a secret
ordor. It will not hurt to belong to half
a dozen.
The early fall i* said to witness more
cases of fever than any other time of
year. South Georgia has often been
unjustly exploited ae a hot-bed of fever
gems, of the typhoid, malarial and con
tinued type. Every part of the conntry
ia more or less affiicte with these dis
eases.] [For instance Now York’s hospi
tal* are now filled and overflowing witli
patients from an epidemic of typhoid.
There is no more fever here then in
other parts of the, state and county.
Indeed there ia not as much. —
And a great deal of wliat does exist is
in the minds of the patieflt. We are not
a Christian Scientist and not so foolish
as to believe that a rick nun can heal
himself by repeating “I am alright."
But it ia a fact that people wiio are sick
are made a great deal worse by brooding
over their real or supposed ailment. It
is a habit among people here who feel a
trifle bad from anyjcaase to pop a clini
cal thermometer into their-months and
then to pop into bed crying fever.
Any person who keeps hie house and
yard clean, wears clean clothes, takes a
bath every day, keeps out of the hot
sun, and doesn't eat too much is safe
from fever, or for that matter from
moat of the other ills that hnmag flesh
is heir to.
Cotton Picking Progressing Satisfac
torily In Syrup City Vicinity.
Tom Watson has been to the St. Louis
tsir and'they didn't keep him on the
Pike with theother freaks. The day of
miracles is not o'er.
A boa tithe only comfort wo Democrat*
can derive from the September election*
in Vermont and Arkansas is that a bed
begin!ng makes a good ending.
Tbo Savannah Press say*, "The death
of Mr. John B. Chisholm in Thomas-
Tills last week removes the last of four
brother*, all of whom were well known
in Savannah. The** are Judge Walter
8. Chisholm, Dr. Thomas B. Ohiaholm,
and Mr. W. W. Chisholm.
Editor Clark Howell, of tho Atlanta
Oocatitntioa. addressed the Democratic
editors of the conntry at their New
York gathering on “Democratic Sue-
ce« the Sorest Guarantee of National
Unity.” The speech was one of the
beat additions to the campaign literature
of tlio present day that has yet been
Paraonala and Happaninga From
AeroaaTho River.
. Lest Friday was a bony day with our
merchants. There was' quite a large-
crowd in town: 314 bales of cotton
were sold and tin, farmers went home
with their wagons loaded witli mer
chandise. Cairo ia surrounded by t
splendid farming conntry and our sec
tion contains some of the beet farmers
in the county.
Some very heavy rain* have fallen
recently. They have interfered witli
cotton picking considerably ttiongii tlio
farmers are making fair lie,-idway and
all are marketing the staple aa fast
they get it ont.
Rev. H. 0. Jones passed througn our
city Saturday enroutc to his lioroe in
Bostou. He had been assisting Rev. D.
D. Merritt in a revival meeting at
Bethel church.
Miss Kathryn Brown returned Sat
urday from a ve.y pleasant visit of a
few days to the family of Mr. and Mi*.
P. H. Herring,[in the Calvary nelghoor
Tax receiver Howard and daughter,
Miss Mamie, spent Tuesday In town,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Craw
"Before day dubs” seem to be very
popular these days, though we haven't
beasdofany existing in this locality
We tract oar colored people have mote
sense than to take any stock in things
Coolings Ethiopian Springs a Good
Joke. Local Happenings
(By H. B. N*-Mnll!i).
The recent rains have restarted the ^
progress of the farmer in gathering the j
cotton crop, whioh has been rushing
iliem on account of the scarcity of
Mr. J. -P. Stetson, President Stetson
Lumber Oo., of Macon, is a visitor to
Coolidge this week.
Mr. E. J. Rosser and his brother were
among those going to Macon last Tues
day. Mr. J. T. Carlton and Mr. W. H.
Adame, of the Chastain neighborhood
also joined the throng
Pastor J. B. AUigood filled his regular
appointment here Sunday and Sunday
night. Baptismal services We~ '
Sunday morning.
Mayor J. O Bell is again able to be up
and moving around on the streets,
contemplates starting Friday morning
of this week to North Ga , and perhaps
to North Carolina to recuperate.
There is to be an entertainment at the
school house on Wednesday night 31st
A package supper and balloting for the
most beautiful yonng lady in tlio town
or community. There will also be other
attractions for the occasion, and every
body is cordially invited to be present.
The question of theoriginof the color-
ed race was being discussed recently by
a number of the dusky sons of Ham,
when one of them said, “01 dats plain
enough. Dey sprang from Nigger De.
mss” (Nicodemut).
The T.J . Bell Lumber Co., have been
having their log engine repaired this
We notice Mr. W. M. Miller is again
shipping cross ties from this place. He
has been a very extensive shipper for
Pe-ru-na in Use in Thousands of
Homes. J 0
Congressman H. Henry Powers, of
Vermont, writes from Morrlsville, Vt.:
“ Peruna l have used in try family
with success. / can recommend it as
an excellent family remedy and very
good tor coughs, colds and catarrhal
.//anions *» H Urnrv Powers.
of fli!s[kiud a* it can result in nothing • the P** 1 year-
Yesterday was Hie Bret autumn
(lay of the season. This sample copy
was ideal is every way. Bracing breez
es, and soft sunshine made a delightful
day. We hope that tlio whole edition
will be printed Just like it.
(By A. W. lego*.)
Mr. W. H. Groover, a resident of onr
town, has recently sold ont hi* crop and
all fanning Implements *pd is now
located in M soon.
Mr. J. W. Singletary, of Grand Ridge
Fin., was in town two days leak week
looking after the shipping of the eats
and fixtures to the Sugar Mill which be
longed to E. R. Si.gletary.
Mrs. Alice Singletary lisa returned
from an extended visit to her sons at
Grand Ridge, Fla.
Mr. 0. F. Lognc of Aahbnrn, Ga.,
spent Sunday with A. W. Logno and
wife, hia sou and daughter-in-law. They
loftSnnday night for Cairo and Whig
ham, returning to hia homo Tuesday.
Cotton pibkors are not so source
they wore. Mr. Lewis’ wagon
through bore Monday from Thom!
ville, actually loaded down witli the
dark skinned neighbors, all fall of joy,
seemingly enjoying tlio ride as well as
If it was a moonlight picnic.
Mr. L. O. Clarke, our delegate to
the Sunday School Convention,
made a retain to (lie School last Sunday
which seemed to enliven and interest
the officers and teachers of the scliool
very orach.
The fall term of the Oehlocknee
school opened hero Monday morning
under tlio management of Prof. A. E.
Morton, The outlook for a good
school is good.
. Mr. P. B. Braswell began clerking
witli Mr J. H. Anderson the first of Sep
tember. He will continue witli him
through tlio fall and winter. He will
also took after and report ou nil delin
quent accounts. Mr. Brasweilis ((hust
ler and will doubtless make tilings move
where he goes.
. Mr. J. P. Singletary goes to Thomas-
ville today on important business.
bnt serious trouble for tliem.
W. J. White has purchased an inter
est in a mercantile business at Coolidge
to which place he will remove soon.
Tlie[0*iro High School opened Mon
day with 100 pupils. Under the effi
cient management of Prof. Kellam
aided by bis competent assistants Miss
es *Zent and Clark, tlie school bid*
fair to do well and prosper.
Rev. W. A. Hnckabee, agent for the
Methodist Otphana’ Home ait Macon,
will preach «t tlie M. E. church here
Sunday morning.
Earl Ward Pearce, wko waa to have
delivered a lecture hen Tuesday night,
was unable to do so, owing to the rein.
It it probable that Mr. Pearce will make
another date some lime in the near fu
ture, and that we will yet have the
pleasure of heeriug him.
Children Have two. More Days to Get
Their Names Enrolled-
Superintendent Berwick and Secreta
ry Montgomery were in the Times-En-
lerpriee building Thursday morning tor
tha purpose of enrolling the sohool chil
dren on thy books of the pnbllo schools.
They had a leisurely time yesterday at
only 23 appeared to regiater. There will
be boxy times today and tomorrow,
however. There are about 500 children
who attend the schools and there will
be a deluge of young folks In rtilaviciaity
There only remain two days to register,
this morning and tomorrow morning
from eight until eleven o’clock.
We will be pleaawl to have property
ownora in Coolidge to call and render in
their retnrna at once, as the boobs close
on Thursday the 16th inat.
THE LADIES favor painting their
churches, and therefore we urge every
Minister to remember we give a liberal
quantity of the Longman & Martinez
Paint toward the painting.
Wears and cover* like gold.
Don’t pay |15ba gallon for Linseed
Oil (worth 60 oents) whioh yon do when
yonbny other paint* in a can with a
label on it
8 & 6 makes 14, therefore when yon
want i4 gallons of paint, buy only eight
affection*. ”—H. Henry Power*.
John L. Burnett, Member of Congress,
Seventh Alabama District, writes:
“ I take pleasure in testifying to the
merits of your Peruna. At the solicita
tion of a friend my wife used it, ami It
Improved her condition generally. It is
a remarkable remedy. lean cheerfully
recommend Peruna as a good, substan
tial tonic, and a very good catarrh
Pe-rn-n* Cures Catarrh,
Half tho ills of life aro due to catarrh
and catarrhal derangement*. Perun«
In the only internal, systemic catarrh
remedy known to tho medical profession.
Peruna cure* catarrh wherever lo
cated. Peruna is not a guess nor an
experiment—it is an absolute, scientific
certainty. Peruna hu no *ubstituto»~-
so rivals. Insist upon having Peruna.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Pernna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
fall statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give yon hia valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Cleaning and Repairing,
G. 0. Sparks, Manager.
230 Jack sou Street.
9-(Wd and w-.’Jm
Planing Mill Manager Wanted.
. 8ome one competent to run sir nil
‘“a gaU °'“ PUra Un -Wing mill. Will make cither salary
.red 0.1 and thus get paint at I larlnmllip arraU(!Pnien , Adllrew
Disease lakes no summer
If you need flesh and
strength use
Scott’s Emulsion
rjir.mcr as to winter.
SV'd for fr«t nraplv
* SCOTT tk BOWNE, Chemists.
lass than 11.30-pcr gallon.
Many homes are well painted with
four gallon* of L. & M. and three gal*
Inns of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.
These Celebrated Paint* are sold by
O. W. Cochran, Thomasville, Ga.
G. L Daren, Ifeig*, Ga.,
i*» 2m
The Prices at Which Things Buy
and Sell-Corrected Weekly
E. C. Redfearn, Pavo, Ga. ;i 9.41
C. T. Gandy IBuyal Town Residence
and S. W- Brooks City Property*
The were but two legal sales Tuesday
at the'eourt house, but both were im
portant. W. B. Webo, executor of the
estate of Helen B. Foote sold a lot on
Crawford street, between [Smith Ave.,
aud Flether street, ajoining the Han
cocks place, having a frontage ot 79 feet
ou the street, and a seven room dwelliug
thereon. The purchaser was C. T. Gan.
dyand the [price paid was $2,300. A
half interest in four lots in-the town of
Boston and also ten acres of land 4 miles
west of Boston weie sold by J. P. Brook*,
guardian of W. J* Brooks. The land
with it’s accempaning house brought
the sum of $1,160 and were purchased
by S. W. Brooks.
LOCAL BUYiJfti Jilt/Ct8
Thomasville, Ga.,—Sept. U, ItKM—
[Egg. per do*. S4,to26o.| Best butter
36c. Medium butter. 30c to —©. Chick
ens, fries, jyte. 27Me; hen* 80 to iikj^c
Sweet pqStcei, #1.00 per bu. Fodder
per lOOroe, 75 to 80c. Country liny, i»r
lOOlbe. 60c. to60o. Old 8yrop, 20 to
36o. Conntry horns, 12 to I8e. Conn
try lord, e to 3j4e.
Tliomaevilio, [Ga.,—Sept. !>, 1904-
Coffee, Arbaokle* 15c. Green coffee,
fair 12 l-2c.' Choice 15c. White gran
ulated sugar, T9 eents.^ Brown sugar,
5 l-2o. Sal Soda per pound, Sc. Crack-
ore 10 to 20e. Stick candy lOo. Kero-
•Otic oil 20c—5 gals, 90c. Side meat,
per in. 11 to 121-2 Meal 80c. per bn.
Flour |0 00 to «7.00 per bbl. Western
hams til 141c. Lard, compound 9c. Leaf
lie. Hay, 31.35 per 100 lbs. Bran
31.50 per 100 lb*. Cotton seed meal
31.40 per 100 lb*. Cotton seed halls, 75c.
per 100 lbs sack. Seed Rye 33.00. Oats
00 cents.
Savannah—Spots at 10 11-16,
TliomasvUle, Local market 10 3-8c.
January, 10,50. March, 10,04.August,
10.8C. September, 10.94, October,
10.46. December, 10.68.
I negotiate llv*» years [loans ou farm
and* at lowest ratost of interent. Com
mission charge* reasonable A small
abstract fee, qoustotent with the amount
ot work and trouble involved, will be
charged in each case, z Bring yonr chain
of title with yoa.
Attorney-at Law.
81-'▼ Moultrie, Ga.
Pasts for Sale.
50,000 or mors cypress fane* posts.
They run from 6 1-2 feet and up, 5 to
6 inches. Heart at little and of posts
Address, J- P. Carter,
> Naylor, Ga.
m Shorthand and TypawritlnQ.
◄ Stenographic Work Neatly Exe-
1 CDtt?d ’ ’Phoue 273.
j Mias Janie Alexander.
I aktw N ext flour to Tiim-M-Enieiprise.
l)r. W. W. Jarrell,
Physician and Surgeon.
Tenders his professional services
to the public.
Ofllce, over Chisholm & Dillon’s
Phone 222—3 rings.
C. C. <Jooi*oft.
Thomasville, Os.
Pianos and Organs.
Representing Phillips & Crew Co
Atlanta, Georgia.
Steinway, Kuabe, Fischer Hardman. Pruu-tl
,,n » Kimball, Kadlo IMiimxn
Kimball Reed and P*ne ORGANS#
Remember * Wertz and Son’s IA
Annual Auction of Uncalled for Cdba
and many new Odds and Ends,
Gun e , Sporting Good* to Highe
9 9 2t
Removal Notice.
Wo desire to inform our] friends and * bidder » September 23rd
patrons that we have moved from onr | — *
former staud to the store adjoining the j GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH
old Sampson stand, at »08 Broad street. j_ You R*t your money’s worth wh
have your continued patronage.
SI-. 1 0 dk w J. F. Pfi’TMAN & SON.
A full half pint bottle costs hut
j *.5 cents and v 0a get ycur money back
it not satisfied *vith renal* You’d
luot be disappointed. J. \\. Peacock.