Newspaper Page Text
T he Franklin Life Insur.
Springfield, Illinois.
Organized 1884.
Below is given the'rates for different forms of participating policic
companies doing business in this section.
R.v. A. J. Quattlebaum Discus,,,
Ochlockonee Happenings.
■ 141 came from Cairo on the early
morning train.
Editor Times-Enterprise:
On Sunday the poetiqaster at Ochlock-
onee found the following anonymous
card jnthe letter-box at tile post-office,
"OUsouh of Oolilockneo
there is a before day club at your
plase and tom mnddoxand simdn smith,
and irael Jonse is leaden fo it. i wdi
not give my name as i am a negro for
they would kill me.” ,
The finding of the card naturally
caused some excitement. I do not believe,
(and a number of the best citizens of
Ochlockouee agree with me) that the card
is the work of a negro. I know some of
the negroes mentioned and I do not
believe that they are concerned in such
an organisation. 1 think better of the
oolored people of this community than
that. I think a publication of the
matter a wise idea in order that 'any
excitement may be allayed.
, A. J. Quattlebaum.
franklin Life.
03 (U)
Or 63
67 72
67 47
60 21
69 01
68 82
69 44
68 20
New York Life
Mutual Life
Massachusetts Mutual.
Pena Mutual
Illinois Life
•Hartford Life
Rates of our new 20 pay 40 percent. Guaranteed ^Dividend“Policy—not written id
this exact form by aij other company.
Age. Premiums.
21 — 27 15
22 — 27 B9
28 — 28 23
1 24 — 28 78
25 — 29 34 .
27 ~ 80 68
80 ~ 82 71
82 -* 84 42
83 — 87 25 1
A few applications will remove un or
sallowness and restore tbe beauty ot
Sattnola is a new discovery, guaran
teed, and mcncy refunded it it (ails to
remove Freckles, Pimples. I.iver Spots,
Blackheads Discolorations and Erup
tions. Ordinary cases in 10 days, tbe
worst in 10 days. After these defects
are removed tbe skin will be soft, clear
and beautiful. Price jo cents at drug
stores or by mail. Thousands oi ladies
testify to tbe merits of Satinola.
The daughter of an eminent physician
Memphis. Tenn, Jan. 11, loot
Gentlemen:—I have used Satinola and
Egyptian cream for a year or two, and
unhesitatingly recommend them as the
finest preparations I have ever used to
remove pimpl :s, freckles or any other
facial discolorations, They clear and
beautify tbe complexion as no other pre
parations wil.
Mrs. Evelyn Porter Ringwaid.
National Toilet Co., Paris,iTcnn.
Sold in Tbomasville bv R. Thomas, Jr
and ail druggists. .
Twocf Thonuisville'a popular young
people see to marry on November ninth.
They are Mr. Jonathan Hiller and Mise
leesie Sanford. The marriage will take
plaoe here at the- home of the bride's
parents. Both yonug people have many
friends to witli them well.
Susina News.
(By 8. M. Bench.)
Capt. K. T. Maclean, ot Thomesville,
osme down Inst Wednesday on business.
Mr. J. B. Talbot who hat been over
seer of the Satina plantation for near
ly two years, litas moved to Thomas-
Many of our citizens took in the
Thomasvilie picnic, and all say they
had a good time.
Mr. T. B. Andrews le visiting old
home folke at Ozark, Ala.
Mr. J. B. 'Mitchell, of Thomasvilte, la
visiting his brother Mr. Henry Mitch-
in -an mat constitutes true excellence the FRANKLIN LIFE leads. A careful
selection of risks enables us to enjoy the Most Favorable rate of mortality—the locatic- of
the company in the middle west enables it to earn a higher rate of interest than would be
possible in the eastern money centers.
he rate of interest earned by the Franklin is a little over c r-2 percent, against an
average of about 4 per cent, of Eastern companies (some are as low as 7 1-2 while others
are as much as 4 1-2 per cent. WE can afford to let Figures Talk
Agents wanted-Best Contract. DAVID C. BARROW, General Agent
^For Southern Georgia,
' Thomasvilie, Ga.
Superb Dining car Servioo.
Min Annie Lon Bhckahear, who hu
been vizi ting in Cairo, roturnel home
lazt Snndav.
Mm. W, E. Stanaland and child of
Boiton have joined Mr. Stanaland here.
We are pleazed tg welcome them
among, t uz.
Cards are ont for the marring® of Mias
A. E. Mason and Mr. H. E. Butler ou
the 8th of October at Gormantown, Pa.
Mizs Msaon in the only daughter of Mr.
and Mrn. 4- H. Mason, who have for
many years have been spending their
wiuteri at this placi- and have a beauti
ful homo here.
Free Samples
You Ca/t Gat On*.
Colored Man Shot Nagro Woman nnd
Made Escape.
Coroner Charles Gandy went, up to
Ochlockneo Sunday afternoon to hold
an inquest over the body of Goeaio
Brown a colored woman who was killed
late Saturday night. Tlio evidonco of
another negro man named Foster went
to show that the killing was done by a
negro man named Dock Everett. He
had been drinking all day and Saturday
from him
Stop Oven, Going and Returning; at
Atlanta, Knoxville.Ixmisviile, Ashville,
and Principal North Carolina Mountain
See. High Bridge (highest railroad
bridge in the world) Famous Blue Graz*
Region, Lexington and Loulaville.
Free reclining Chair Can and High
Claza Day Coaches Through Pullman
•leepingjeare Jacksonville to St. Louit.
Folder*, rates, etc., cbeerfullyl for-
nishon upon application.
tRtfJ. 0. Luak,
District Passenger Agent,
108 Weat Bay Si
Jacksonville Fla
the Brown woman' took
two revolven and a number of cartridg
es. She gave one of the'revolven to
to another negro, aud Saturday night
returned the other to Everett. He de
manded ills second gun and when it was
not forthcoming shot her throngh the
breast. He made his escape and has
not been captured tnongh the officers are
ou his trail. Tbe verdict of the eorner’s
jury was'-that the-deceased came to
her deatli from a pistol shot at the hands
of Dock Everett, and we Hie jury pro
nounce it murder in tile first degree.”
P. P. Dixon was foreman of the jnry
and the other members were D. L. Bul
loch, Wm. Sanders, L. M, Long, R. A.
Pony and W. H. Buckhalt.
It is a peculiar coincidence that a ne
gro woman uear Boston died from n
wound in exactly the same place. Her
assailant gavo himself np.
They Are Fine.
Plymouth Rooks and white Wyan
dotte, chickens young stock at a dolls
each. C. W. Cochran A Brother.
medicine* and am now sound and trail,
having bean cured completely by Black
Weed. At the same time I had an ag
gravated caw of Catarrh nt tbe head
and throat Black Weed has completely
oared this, and my hee’ 1 le now w clear
wa bell.”
BLACK WEED la (Old by all drug
gists ut 11.00 • bottle, e* we will end
prepaid upon rcoeipt of price.
Send Your Mamer^
a trial sample of Ibis great remedy,
which will be sent abeolutely free, to.
gather with oar book containing valua
ble Information and endorsemssito
Please menti is this paper. Addrem,
Block Wend Medicine Ce H
Jtlloale, 6a i
Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment ha*
made a remarkable record as a cure for
stitTuess of muscle and Joints. It mat
ters not whether the trouble w»* caused
hy a sprain or strain, rheumatism or
other causes. It will relieve the sore
ness and pain at mice nnd socn reduce*
the swelling aud removes Ilia stiffness.
Ever}- bottle is guaranteed Full hall
pint botilo iS cents at J W. Peacock.
A Boarding and Day School, including
Primary, Intermediate, Grammar and
Normal Departments. Special attention
given to Sowing and Cooking. Instruc
tion given in Piano, Organ aud Voice
Fall temi opens Tuesday, Oct. 4th.’
For terms uud further particulars ad
dress the Principal.
Mias A. B. Howland,
9-0-ltn Thcmmville, Oa,
Sick Headache.
For several .vents my wife whs troubl
ed with wlmt physicians called sick head
ache of a very severe character. . Site
doernrefi with several enimant physici
ans and at a great i-xpense, only to grow
tver-e DtifiJ until site was nnnhlo ro ilo
any kind of wore About a year ago rJ-.s
began taking Clminberlaiu s Stpinach
There was not a single case mate by
the officers against anyoue. It was tbe
biggest and most orderly crowd ever
seeu is Thomasvilie.
There were 1000 vehicles ou the street
and every one brought at leact 1 people
and tome of them six. This besides
those who came on the train constituted
the crowd.
• The secret orders printed 1600 badges
and the supply ran short.
By common consent the prize for the
beet time was awarded to Uncle Reuben
The lemonade stand was a popular
place. Eight barrels of the fluid was
consumed. '
Any lost articles, baskets not returned,
eta, can be found at police barracks.
Ask afiy officer or A. W. Stuart for yoor
Everybody was so well pleased that i^
was unanimously voted to have it over
next year. Next years picnio will be
bigger andbette.- than this one was.
The ladies worked hard and the re
sult* showed that .they worked welL
Everybody bats off to the ladies.
The merchants were busy but they
do ted from 19 to 2.
Extra coaches were put on every train
ont ot Thomasvilie Friday (Ten
Many Odd Fallows remain-d Friday
night stud enjoyed the reception at Odd
Fellows’ hall.
A new use was discover, d Friday
for the bigywire trash-baskets. A baby
was discovered safely eusconsced In one
during the races yesterday afternoon.,
They make a fine protection for the
Uttle ones. 0
The committees were tired
happy last night.
Wasn't it the beat natnred crowd you
over saw?
Tilt railroad -commissioners left at
7:40 a. m. for Atlanta. They were
sorry to leave sad well they might be
for they missed the biggest event of tlio
year in South Georgia.
The crowd was very different from a
ofreus gathering. But few Degrees wore
seen It was white man's (lay.
Tlio decorations gave everything a
festive air.
Charley Sharp and Iko Hartsflold who
beat two other negros in the water fight
Friday are feeling good over their
victory. They want to challenge the
state of Georgia in their lino.
One of the regrets of tlio day was the
absence of Hon. John W. Bennett grai d
. master of the L O. O. F. Ho had ex j
jgjcted to come but was prevented by j
legal business. Ho is solicitor gei;c:sl
and was holding court yesterday.
Miss Mason to Marry.
aoug the oldest and moat popular of
uasville's a it-ter residents are the
ly of Mr. A.- H. Mason, of Pltila-
lia. The friends of the family in
loath will bo interested in the an
cement of MUs Alice Eleanor Ma-
engagement to Mr. Harry Emer-
lutler. The marriage is to take
ou Saturday evening, October Sth
Calvary Episcopal church, in
lantown, * Pennsylvania. Tire
g people Will be at homo after Jan.
loth., at Plainfield, X. J. Mr.
ir has also visited Thomasvilie, and
d his charming bride will be warm- j
[corned when they come to Thom-1
. 1
another teacher
8chool Board Adda to Colored
T[te city School Board met last night
and elected Emily Robinson a grand
daughterof Randall Mitchell, a* an ad
ditional teach* in the olty oolored
schools. The attendance had grown to
such proportions that the three teachers
ho have formerly constituted the col
ored faculty, were, utterly unable to
baadle the situation.
You get your money'* worth when
you buy Elliott's Emulsified Oil Lini
ment. A full lialf pint bottle coats bm
2» cents and von get ycor money back
if not satisfied with resul*. You’ll
not be disappointed. J. W. Peacock.
Winter Oafs.
Sow Earl; For Best Results.
Oar Trade Mark- Brand is tbe
best und cleanest quality that
it is possible to procure.
Hairy, or Winter Vetch,
Sown with Winter Oats, snakes
the largest possible yield of the
best and most nutritious hay.
Write for prices.
Tell* »li about seed* for fall
sowing. It Is the most valua
ble and helpful publication of
the kind issued in America.
Mailed free on request.
1, Va.
When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by tbe I
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causeb heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up t
whole system, and the diseases that
resulted from disordered Kidneys disapp
because the cause has been removed,
-mence taking FOLEY’S KIDNEY Cl
at the first sign of danger. Do not
having Bright’s Disease or Diabetes
' Mr. Robert O. Burke, Btnora, Saratoga Co., N. Y., wrltes:->I am glad to hoy# an oppor
tunity of telling what magnificent result* I have had from using FOLEY'S KtDNKY
CURE after having tried other advertised medicines and several physician*. Before 1 began
it I had to get up from xa to so times each night to relieve my bladder. 1 wash!! bloated up
with drepsy and my eyesight, wes so impaired that I cduld scarcely are on* of my. family
across the room. In fact, I was «o badly used up tftat I had gfven up hope of living when I
was urged by a friend to try FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE. One 5>cent bottle worked won
ders, and before 1 bad taken the third bottle the superfluous flesh had gone, as well as all
ether symptom* of Kidney trouble. My friend* were surprised that I wa* cured, a* they
all thought l was going to die. Every few day* some one comes from mile* away to learn
Via name of the woLderful medicine that^tur^aTne of Bright's Disease, and not ont that
has trifd it bis failed to bo lene^ttcd-
Two Sizes, 60 Cents and $1.00*
J. W. PE VOX ✓