Newspaper Page Text
YY •'
that will give good service, look nice, and
at a reasonable price
You, Will be Prosecuted by Law if You Don’t Wear Them.
Von will drive along way and wait a long time to get a quarter of a
cent per pound more on your cotton. A quarter of a cent per pound
amonnt* to only f 1.25 on a bale. If yon work eo hard to make this f 1.25
why not work at leaat a little bit to SAVE THREE TIMES that ram on one
day'* purchases. A dollar saved is exaotly the'same size as a dollar made.
We have a varied stock where all your wants can be supplied from a
PAPER OF PINS TO A SUIT OF CLOTHES. In each department we
have noli an assortment to pick from as can't be fonnd elsewhere in South
Georgia. Buying tn such quantities gets low prices for ns, Low prices for
ns means low prices for yon. Come and see for yourself. Next week we
will quote yon some prices.)
Your money may all come back to you if you area good guesser. Somebody is going to get the $500.00. Try a guess at the c (rn.
Yours Sincerely
Broad Street.
Thomasville Ga.
Near Monument.
If you want a pair of shoes for that boy or cirl, something
Better See Us, We can Satisfy You
Children’s kid in button or lace, only the best quality
leather is put in this shoe, half heel, patent or stock
tip, for service you can get nothing equal to it for
double the price, our price pair $1.25
Others in different makes, different leathers, at prices
from . 49c to $1.39
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it^may concern:
Mn.JMary Eubanks having, in preoer
form, applied to me for Permanent Let
ters of Administration on the estate of
J. O. Eubanks, late of said county, de
ceased, This is to citejtll and singular
the creditors and next of kin of J. O.
Eubanks, to be and appear at my office
on the^first Monday in October igot, nt
10 o’clock a. m., and show cause, if any
they can, why pemanent administration
should not be granted to Mrs. Maiy
Eubanks on J. O. Eubannk's estate.
Witness my hand and official signa-
turc£tbis 5th day oi Sept. 1904,
Wsi. M, Jones,
Yes this is it!
“The Pine Knot” genuine leather throughout, the
tliiqg for the rough wear of hoys, our price pair $1.25
“The Corporal” Vici kid with good heavy bottom,
genuine leather, an especially good shoe at au es
pecially low price .pair $1.49
If the above doesn’t answer, just drop In and see
our stock, at all prices, and all styles.
A. F. Churchwell&Co.
The Asbell”Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for its'self ip one days U6e. For
sale by all(bar(^yare dealers or the
WertzfManufacturing Co.
Tliomasville, Ga,
To all who it may concern:
W. R. Forster having, in proper form
applied to“me (or Permanent Letters of
Administration on thc*estate of E. S.
Bailey, late of said county, this i* to cite
all and(singular the creditors and next
of kin of said Bailev to be and appear
at my office on the first Monday in
October, at 10 o’clock a. m, and show
cause, if any they can, why permanent
administration shall not be granted to
W. R. Forster, on E. 8. Bailey's estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 30th day of August 1904.
Wm. M. JotfBS,
Public Hanging Every Day.
I negotiate flv») yean (loana on farm
ands at lowest rateet of internet. Com
miealon charges reasonable A i
abstract foe, oooaiatent with the amonnt
of work and trouble involved, will be
charged in each caee. Bring yonr chain
of title with yon.
Aetorney-at Law,
Bankruptcy Sale
In the District court of United Stats*
for Southern District of Georgia. South
western Division.
In the matter of B A and F. S. Nor.
ton Bankrupts in bankruptcy.
In persuauco of an order signed bv
refreo for the above raid Division.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may concern that the Trustee .will cell
the assets of the estate of said Bank
rupts containing stock of merchandise
notes nml accounts on the third 4ay of
Oct. I1KM at Boston Ga in the store
house which now contaius said stock of
J. M. Groover
dwlt Trustee
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Notice i» hereby given that the unde -
signed has applied to the Ordinary of
said county for leave to sell land he
dging to estate of John B. Dixon ftr
the payment of debts and for distribu
tion/ Said application will he heard nt
fthe regular term of the court of ordinary
for said county to be held on tha first
Monday iu October 1904,
This Sept. 5th 1904.
R. F. Dixon,
Administrator on the estate of John
B. Dixon.
I mean public banging of
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
Ordsrs bv’phoaeor raailgivcn prompt
. »— yi,
Atcntion. .Phone 15-5 lings.
Samples shown at your homes.
amples shown at your homes.
John Hinson. 3x1 Campbell St
Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment has
made a remarkable record as a cure for
stiffness of muscle and joints. It mat
ters not whether the trouble was caused
by a sprain or strain, rheumatism or
other causes. It will relieve the sore
ness and pain at once and Boon reduces
the swelling and removes the stifTness.
Every bottle is guaranteed. Full half
pint bottle 25 cents ut J. W. Peacock.
There will be’ held in the city of
Thomasville Ga, at tbe court hoose in
•aid city, the some being the only elect
ion precinct within the limits of said
oity; on the 10th day of November 1904
an eleotton to determine the question
whether debt shall be incurred bv said
ci y of Thomasville Ga.. to the amonnt
of thirty-five thousand (*S5,000.00)' dol
lars, for the paruhase of securing for the
city of Thomasville Ga., an electric
light and power plant for the generating
electricity to be nsed by the said city.
Its residents and those living in terri
tory contiguous to said city for lighting
and power. Those using said lights and
power to pay for same. That said debt
shall be paid iu annual installments of
four thousand (gl 000.00, dollars ouch,
the first day of Fcboary, of each and
every year after said plant shall be In
operation by the said city. The terms
of the contract under which said debt
is to be Incurred to be such that said
debt shall bear interest at a rate not
exceeding 8 per cent per nnnnm, and
that said annual payment of four tiions
and <g4 000.00) dollars shall be ap
plied: •
1. To the payment of the interest
due on said debt at the time of said
minntos of the City Council, of Thom-
asvilld, Ga., held Sept. 19th, 1004; and
this motion is published in pnnnance of
tbe action taken at that time.
K. T. Maclean,
9-WMt. • City Clerk.
To the principal of said debt, and
be further conditioned so that the said
city shall have tho right of applying to
the principal of said debt any amount
of net earnings of said plant not neces
sarily consumed in the maintenance of
same, and in snch extensions of its wire
system as may be necessary to make
available to the citizens of said city the
use of its current; and that the ballots
at said election sliall be worded as
‘•For inenrring debts for electric
light plant,” for the nse of those favor
ing the incarring of said debt, and
Against incarring debt for electric
light plant,” for the nae of thooe oppos
ing inenrring said debt.
Tills notice is a true extract from the
Hundreds of Tiiomaaville Readers Enow Means. .
Tho kidneys ara overtaxed:
Have too much to do.
They tell about it in many aclios and
Backache, sideaolie, headache,
Early symptoms of kidney ilia'
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Eriglii’s
Disease follow.
A respected man tells hero a certain
B. Sweat, Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public, residing at 52 Thomas
street, Waycross. Ga., says: "Insed
Doan's Kidney Pitls and can recom-
mend them very highly. I took them
for backache and kidney tronbio from
which I suffered for a number of years.
There was a severe pain across the
small of my back, constant, dull, bear-
ing down pain, and the secretions from
the kidneys were dark and fall of sedi-
ment. Since using Doan’s Kidcoy Pills
my back is stronger and the pain has
left me. I think Doan's Kidney Pills
are a verT reliable and a very effective
remedy. They proved to be so in my
case after I had failed to get any relief
from the nse of several other remedies.”
Emphatic endorsement can be 'had
right here in Thomasville. Drop tnt
R. Thomas Jr’s drag store and ask what
his customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Fo6ter.Mil-
torn Go., Buffalo’ N. Y., sole agents for
the United States. Remember the
name—Doan’s—and take no other.
Cleaning and Repairing,
G. C. Sparks, Manager.
230 Jack.-on Street.
9-6-d and w*Cm