Newspaper Page Text
beeir-oftenisgitoTtne IpuMic:.
me eere {6
Qur roetKodiliasibeen moderately suc^enaful,. But ■tffei.wanf more
i-ttrmers, We w tut the- trfide of everybody whc are’ willing to buy gootji
iioes and pa / what they' are tforth. The fellow'who is looking for, the
cduhfy,'wlib'ktjow, v the best to be »
:h^aMfrMke?ip ; V:SP it ’^'' ? lie y ?* e the,ppesjwp iare, after. You have -**'
Caring For Mannre,
! The Weal way of caring for manure
is to keep it under a covered shed and
I over a cement door, so tjwt ng,extfa
f- watfr can jeacb-' tliroUgn.^t: afe loss
1 1 by leaching will run all the way from'
, j 15 to CO per cent of ienuizlfig value,
I depending upon tbe case with which
: I the; Wjlter waghp*, ttmftgtt, ibV -plte-I/
There is' more or less drainage through
any soil, though , the bawl., .days. will.
hold most of the liquid. A floor Of con- j,i n , would
Crete under the mahnfei wiil ,paji for jmp trusted to ttgr-uorHUMU} ;h«*« i— , : „ f
itself. We should put some roof over forewarned, she'wtfaid' Slim beTore- wtre leaning against, the bug of
the'manure In jjrtler, to iregtdate the tnna l. And she felt helplessly furious bqat on the farther side. 1 'But it
supply of njolstare. Where cownnd to realize that she bad grown cold and only after she had spoken that she
horse msnures arc mixed you are not wWt< , the instant be sfxid-before her. jrogntap
mm im***-
jQoprwt, 1904, h» K«ts n. cum
■- Isabel bad kaown-ttSf the tneeting
- o& quailed a little before the grave
scira ln her eyes. / [i
r "Yoti would have me ; bceak my
i pledged vows, degrade my loyalty,
bankrupt my life—for what ■" She
1 paused, shaken by tbe revulsion of
feeling that overwhelmed her. Was
J this her ideal -lover.?. Was this man-,
peevish, passionate, wearisomely per
sistent—the liero she bad enshrined hr
her heart? 1 ‘ “
“Oh, hush!” she 'said brokenly,.
ognized her hushand’B voice.
likely to be troubled with beating- or "g£ ne bcin isossfcg'to the! fcirior f -If it, were not for a certain knowl-
flrefauging, ns you would bo if the tbe ammg room, after, luncheon edge I possessed, Trq^ip,” he was say-
ho«e munme were kept-aloae. ./t I* , when:-Roy Cameron' tt#’tome vuong
sometimes necessary to put water on ^ j, a y. ' __'
Oie ptteito prevent thhPholtbs-'Sural ■' ■•Isabel!" be exclalroedr his voice low
X&hr Yorker. A.-,. ,, -v,?, l&dWgntficsnfc
; She.was.raorehettutlful'thaaithe.glrl:
breeding turkeys from those .Intended
era'™ h^ marr^e. An“ he
.1-™- la! >und, this now charm Immensely at-
that tliejiand
ffcoirt ihrlfty for market uinl: keep,.the ngSjXo'
•least matured for- - producing stock. nimTJ ihSnht'tremhled <? lh
^hlyjfo great»e very to* ■**%**? *£ **£“?“" *" WW " te
should be selected for producing stock £
and the restated for market Thom in fnschtatlon upon
;homdte«cTekTorproduc.gst|k ,**• ^ But hi, eyes, that dweltas If
sad the rest 'fel for movket” S ,T& ™ e , darfc
selected: for use In breeding, hiiiVovcf, ’wtt^nngWmhlor^mctt^^
pe separated’andzfed liy them- <h. fl !* t h-ord* were piteously defen-
W* in the
e,ciirn, a
i hcsilthy i
ugh of lief
'wti!c^SS.'*m i,kd^“ tb^ 1 •*»»*** tw>
good healthy,.condition «nf qjuit^.fiiji d ‘S t ^hhfr n ,t tliat It hid bien'" he
enough of flesh. It Is a mistake to I wMi fp ttgM* .{W , Pf,
keep as! prodUrwrs'fOwls pool <k te in ®hTpa^nately.
in flesli.i They, must be In good wadi-,
turn, plujnp. but not oyerfat—I'eatbere, w^pulled the Hponlsh kalfe out of my
ArvJhlr.. Are Coral FoMi«*«. f She shaaldevea her sweet lips pall%.
Governor C. J, Bell of .Vermont is a ¥«•„>«» well; quite .like
- - 1 —mis ikitf elu< u till tt MV lull-tit* •
practical dairy farmer and keeps a your old self, site,said iiq^hiujl..,
large held of Ayrahirea for proSt, says “ <l,u 1 *>“* < ’ v *' t ;‘?J lll . l !^. ‘^L r ^ t ;.
Aluerlean Cultivator. As eOmpated e * o£ter 1 Kct , V'lL'?
with the ilolsteius, ■Govemsv pm!** hat and cpme down on. thU Lcafh,
thinks the Ayrshhcs are inove suitable, I 'nlkA^.lhat lA, if-.yoUT‘huihoa.l diwia t
for his cshdltlous; becauoe they **‘/‘H c : 1 '. W ^
.... .... .OhdIHoiw, ...... , . ,, .... ...
rohre'easily forage for a living on the tic carl of h-s lunxlso tvo llpi'
rough hillshles. ■ lila cttttle: are fed *u-; She drew benwhT up piwKW;*- , :
sllaso and dry fodder daily, during thg Jlj hus.mnd, s,.e s.iidcqidly. pl)-
wlnlerj being taken Hot to feed the J*vts fa uo'.htng tliat 1 dm 1 will go
ensilage Just be.ore mllkiugChi older With you fur a short walk.- __ -
to avoid tainting the atilk. : The U-1 to Ui herself the while; she
vorlte grain Is gluten uud .middlings,
with a littleforimiail.' Afilalila Bnlw
oondltiofl. are given a little suit"dull}',
'His herd iuciuues a u nuuer of he.feii
and partially dry cows and averages
.more than a cdd'or' clgiititud a half
Winter Qnkrlen For Sine.
Good, eotefortalilo, iwomy sheds are a
necessity where cheep are to bp wln-
.tsreiii Three ueoi uot b* oxpeusiv^
but should i/e v.'eil veut.lsted, free from
drafts aud,<1 on dry ground. A
large cipa yar.l, apart froai thft oecn-
pled by. oilier animals, should lie pro
vided for Cicrc/u. Too moeb conllne-
meut la orerwurm or lil ^ieutllated
stablei Is fatal to suecees with sleep.
On the other hand, i-ouitortable quar
ters, regular amriibcral feeding, plen
ty or piup water aud a sttlik-ieacy of
ealt'wlll go fur Ward Insuring their
auecOMful wihteriug and n strong crop
of la nibs In’ tbe cpriug.-trSVoo! Markets
Sung ou her golf cape and crushed ii
little scarlet Tam o' flhiinter down oil
her -dark hair; with hands''that;still
shook that this was the, only time ake
would speak witii hire alone. She
owod h'« an cxpliniatidn. ‘ and he
should have it. He must not-be per
mitted to construe her emotion at sight'
of hint into belief that she still linr-
burad a romantic attachment toward
.„ 0 . . jivouid not bavc urged tbe’child
to°bc ruy wife, long utid dearly thdugli 1 -
I had ldvod ber. . It w«» not eveq that;
I could be)p hpr family pyt of a dire
^Mlictiltr were I one of them nor yet'
wholly Ibeea
wholly'because I* was hware of the • •
unstable . character of tbe man ; for. .
whom sbe bad/1 understood, a girlish
prcferertce. It wiiS chiefly bectmsb I,
knew I could not live long. ■ I’ve heart •
trouhle-U)f an., incurable kind, ,ipy doc- ,•
tob teli me. She does not suspect, of
course. ! She Is all that is sweet and - '
pmy a lid womanly. ,
cowl toj kn^w that ,ono of..tpeae -days *.., <
Wfceii eie Is/free again she will have
tiyj protection 1 ‘Of "myname/' etetf- '«•
though I. am no longer wlth.bef. 6he ;
will 1 be still a young, and beautiful wo- y . j
man and a very wealthy one. Ton'
understand, l ati Only telilng thlS ; to t v 1
you. In : confldencie. because you .are ; ': u
siyif art old frlend. nqd .1 could -pot . .
t>AiKto,havS yon doubt my motiv«i.
Shall we walk on?”
‘They went back' toward the. town,-
obiivlouf of the two In tl^ shadow of
tho4joat ' !
Isabel: rose quickly and looked out '
over tlni tur.iaUuoufi n'Htfte of waters^
A fluctuant color was hot In her che^k.
iller*ey<* Were full‘df a brooding brll-
Lpu'.e Cameron lmd never keen In
them Ufore.. / .... ... . . -
“You beard? 4 * she nsked him. “You
knew: tiint T\*a.s my husband wbo‘
BpoUcVr*: *i- • <• : • . : - : .
He uodtied, misunderstanding her
emotion. “If what he said is true^
Isabel, t—will Walt.”
She flam* out on him then. He i.
wouid Walt. He. was not fit to brush . .
the slux*< of that oilier man whom he
r 1 ' I
lambs In
l KW
f * J f.
Booflh Blojida i.FMr : snd A!id-Winter
Krpocitioh, ‘Twap»*’Flft', Novi
14-86, 1004.
'»Ml i,i.N :0
Tbe AtlsSlrrt-.' Coa."i UiVe ’ will Veil' cut
No,. 15th tickets to Tampa at one fare
pin* fifty cents with Boat limit flftovu
?* H .75 m’cT f cni
eii Ar t ^*TMtnajt„pit..
».g.,. wum^tMrtoj,.$.,q,
ttm't hut "pt-i’-.•t.i.fe.
♦t* - - vu 1 - v ; -
At£t,«tic &
«. uaisimv racuuui ( aouisi.ui.i
I’nichaseTEkodiition, May T, Novem
ber ye, (404. 1 ' ■ --' ' -
. BrenaBreareton Tickets wiil be sold
daily. begto»h*g April .gfitb, end eon-
t the, pprlod of the ^xpo-
al limit December 15 liioi
rate lr-im ThomasvUIe
Sixty day excursl.m tickets trill b>
cold daily, begihnlng April '25th, and
og*duria, the period of the Kx-
with- final, data to leave St.
, sixty (00) days In ad-
yinal d »te.i n po
15th 1004.
fiVi'tlo^ihWerrdt-"- 1 v '
To plaster t'lm-aching Wolt, ' : '
To rat with liniments rheumatic
jUltiiti, 3 , .OMIIWS a.Mi a ta dmi
When 1 he troublo comes from the
addition to ditto-iA 1 ailey v Sde]'- kl ?f* y *,'
. Doiips li-JnayrPiliC 0040 <atl kidney
'lift ’ cv-iiM ,.rt-0 •hebftu
T, W.'MoNlolu clerk, residing at 134
W-. Brrau atreet, Savannah, Ga., saya;
tTfoogd TcdnVKidnOy Pills Kt be all
t\ieywcr< roprentwedjto be.- 1 hare
suffered e.veryt||ii|*bq^, thmill.wllh »|r
back and kidneys., I bred every remedy
that’ I ceil Id get hold of," rhfibedtny ijacr
'With- linb lOOtt,' Tiiado hoV appUoatlont
(Wl \VOto kidney, plaiten. My cbndi-
tion hnd beep thia way for revaral-year*
mjd .1 rhahght I was. hoyond t^.-^of
tnodicines and hnd almost stopped try
ing to find anything to help hie/ 1 was
attracted by adveftilemems of Doan'e
Kidney PIUs and got a box -of thOTT. T
fplt bettpr inside, oftwenty-four ltonre
after taking th^ first dose. -.1 continued
to take thnni and haVe need litres boxes
-inrinw >i,. .t in all. If I had spOBt one hnudreddol-
’S^lUmltD^mLrlilWA 1 “™ ,ortl,em 1 «mld consider the money
0 yell.pent. x My hack has gotten strong,
does not paid meat alL Yon can put
me down ag a friend of Doan’e Kidney
Pills every ,time.'' _
Plenty more proor Uke this from
ThomssviUa peop'e. Call at R. Thomas
Jr.'s drag store and ask what his cos-
O; O. <j<»ot-ol t.
Tbomatvlllc, Os.
Pianos - and .-Organs. ■ -'
Representing Phillips S Crew Co :
HtelnwHjr, KbiiIjc, KUctaer Hardman, J'raiih:
lln, Ilnrr ( icgn»rt, KlmbaU, lludii* Y'luno*
Kimball Reed and P«pc ORO\N&
: Calves 'After Wean I
Good growth'n-ill be coutlmied H the
calf When taken from Its mother It
•fedAsh*;lit"! ••ora. with-.A-litUe-oMn
meal, supplying at all tlfoee no nbmr
dance of, djy hay, qr wqil cured
fotifler, ; sa^B • Anierfcsrt' Agricuit
Nothing Is better than pasture grass
gptwlng beef calved. "If the wean
ing time fx
. Ww W.Jarrelli - i •
Phjfftlcian apd Si|fgeon.
Tedders his protesslonal'serrioes
'rtwm.. j tO ths public.
OIHco, 'over Chisholm & Dtllon'i
.Phone 329—3rings/
' W: SV B 'QWrt, ;; v
:U dihvjtl' tv,!t . it-
’ (Mice over Natioutdl B-pk, , ;
j ThomasviUa, Ga
-Ti .mui '-®Wt] W3M0H JU1
Offloo Phone 197. Residence Phone 878.
Pr, Frank C, -Titus,
No charge for examination.
Oflloe I2i Orawlord, Horns:.
^ ‘ 9toi2&2to5.
tomers report. t -
For sale by ail iiciient. Price 50 cent,.
Foster-liilbnrn Oo., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for tlte Ucited States r
Remember the name—Doan's—and
take no other.
Public Hanging Every ay. :
* mean public .banging of
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
Trders by ‘phbhe ok mkfl gtrea ’prompt’
attention. Phone )S,g rings. ,1
harpies <bown at your homes.
|ohn Utnson. 311 Campbell
Have Your Collars launderied
8oud them to the ThomMville Steam
Laundry. have an agent in;almoet
every, town. in Thomas county. See
Mm about the goods. , .
Served in Any
cStyle and any] ;
O* «;c f .‘.x I»Jt'
Ti«».; "v-Sg”
.3 xi-'
it l-sr-Jui l:r
.occurs in the winter It lx
t*‘essentia I that the stockman, ,b«v*
g goopgiipPly df tijots or silage. ' *
, ’ Care mpa Fred For. Plxtepn* . _
:A small yaul or .flight covered with
wire netting -must' he provided for
pigeons to order - to: keep; them ,from
fcturnhrg home whop tnj— *
lort,...Old ptgeoU8 must al
|n tueh.a'Plate-*hif thelyirtmg on4*
ridked'lh the Jolt will not -fly;iaway,
mixture of
eracketl-eo’rn. wbeht.\em^ seeth^ieas
and other small.Seeds, 1b generally fdd.
t-»;t is-,;;*-■
I V KnowIrSx. Inerea... Crap.
I'u.'.lug thi/' lalit tocritj' flve 5*011 r« the
Inere-fise In. tile ylehl ef eraln crop*' in
DeHtinirU per pets has , l(een, over.A?
per.‘cent for barley."it per cent for
outs. 23 per coat for wheat Potatoes
Knye lucreast- l ID pcs rent In yield per
aMx&WtnlalgtUtfiwviBre sreolt fheilo-
crease l.trgey • to’gsverin'.icut 'IbJffuc^•'
tMiis and iteachlug la the best methods
of ngrleul|
'.•.q'i-.'Mw-lit.-l 1) :•* V
•„ ; Pall; Plowing- ■-;l weli plpwcd In autumn
ready- for early ’sprit.;' seeding, and
thus uonslt’ernble time is-saved, says
American {Cultivator. Wltll the deep
puiverixlng 1 harrows In use tbe fail
plowed land esn easily and qnlritly be
put In excellent condition for seeding,
nearly or quite equal to ap extra, plow,
ihg. '. •
went bn taMsWKWMjf.'--;
engagod.fa ite.* !: u;, n,» tU -ow a.!
. -“They.told mo you were dead In the
’Philippines!'' she burst out harassed
km. Bltadm InJ&rtou-
Ail expert borsemen long ago aban
doned the ttse of bltaders. They are
not permitted in nny cavalry service,
and.horses that pall Are fighting nppa-.
rntus and have need for all the eyes
they have never wear the obnoxious
squares of- leather and brass.—Farm
and Ranch.
The Good lira f. Bob,.
Wheu, yoa see a hen -that Is aTbnsy
aerator pud Ufeless forngcr you pay.
that she la also a .good'
layer and a model Vn other yespects.
; Pair, rtenslla.. , - ,, ,,
In twyliig dairy utensils It is a' goqd ,
ptqh to get those Wltb as few seam, '-if *
and itorigh sarfacea na,pot»lble. They ’
are much easier to keep dean.
Towering cRffi hid them from the
sprawling. fsaUunabte (own. - The roar
of. the surf came, tip to them in a low.
booming, thnmlei-ooi rtionbiono. Ahead,
behind, over the vistas of aand and
vest surges of tlio ocean,, hung a fog,
dense, utmory, silvery, mysterious. In
Its rifts phantom, shlps wcre visible,
dipping' anil' courtoytag bn fbatr noise
"It's nil very tririnonlons,” said Roy
Cniheron -grimly.' “Might haw been
made to order us a setting for oar lit-
tlq eomnly, eh? Nothing .around
but vii'gne obscurity—and We thi
the meet hopeless of all the’ghosts that
wnikr, .j;■ ...- ;» ; ; L ..
“We-three?" she repeated, not com;
prohendhtg. ' ■ •' ' " ’ ' l ' ’ '
l . "kbb'iinnd -1—end the gtbst"Otaur
vnnisltod: happiness!" ,be said...
■ l>Ohr she imiruiiifwl. Then for
Jlttle while they wnlkwl dri ln silence.
-Isabel,'Vbe asked suddenly; -bending,
d to
Mdr w
arms at. the linsmuatlau.
Olgnantly. im-lii good’mxif-a krIM inspect-t]
and Itonohible
1 eager to have the tnlkmver. “My
matter... And tlien-tben Robert asked
roe to be his wife. I knew he eoukl
ftx np evcyylhing,, Rcsklca; I'WSXvver*
fond; of; him. I s(ways adatlrcd him.
very much!" she ended defiantly.'
•'Ah!? he -sjhl qttletlyitoo fialetly.
“That iliras the-way, was tt?"
Tltey lord walked rapidly, quite out
stripping all the others sauntering’ In
the same direction.: Isabel was hretith-
from ba s te. -Tbe.hplk of tnrold
boat drawn high on the beach offered,
abetter from the rising' wfnd'and the
too Insistent clamor o£:;the WStea.
Mrs. Groeme cat dowp on an embank
ment of saul some children had nude
In the shadow of -tbe tuaC ‘
“I shall rest a few mluutes, Then
we will go ,back,” she said. ,
She wna‘wholly unprepared tor tins
violence with which he’ broke''InVo
tpeech. : -
Back! ; Yon Would go back to him?
When it Is 1; Isabel—1. who have the
pest, first real-right to yon! If it
were not for that aqeursod; bhtnder
my death you would have beei
Waiting for me still."
White, ptrlcken, shocked; she" eat
there while be rayed on. She had nev
er- Imagined sacii madness nor such
iclfisbness, fair It was all ot himself be
spoke—all'for hhnself he cared.. He
woald.mlsi;. lier so- He,had great pas.
WOUIUiUIIBB. UC 1*,. Itf .lUU gSVUL gwra-,
•Ibllltfea, which only she could inspire.
If the would only'go a way -for flwttlle
—Iet;Graetne get a divorce fey dflser-
Uqnt. Then they couhl be roarri^iPnd
leave this part of the world. He knew
/ part <
opening In Havana.
,love„4h«ald make recompertne to heru-
She found her voice
“Lover sbe repeated. "Lover And
flouted!' That other man Whom shu
Jiouort/d—whom she-loved! She spoke
in no ttncertaln terms. He quivered
with tlie merited sting of her disdain.
But bo nnderstood at last. And when
site had flung away front him and was
walking-rapidly back alone be follow-
ed and cuught up with her.
"I'll go nway tonight. Forgive me If
you can. gee, the mist la clearing off,’.’
The silvery rail was rolling up like
a scroll from tlte tsopslqg. poevlsli bil
lows, and tlie sun Was shining forth,
dazzling, resplendent.
"The mist has quite cleared,'' sbe
Bald. And then lower, "Thank God!”
That' ijlgbt Robert Graeme, marvel
ing at her greater geutlenes^pf words,,
tlu new Iteuderneas of her smile, thrill
ed ta th|nk that perhaps' his one wild
dreaiu eyas coming true after' all and
that he! might win the love, lie sn
craved, r 1
“Dear.f she trim. 'It Is such
a beautiful woy|d. I am finding .out
that—I tun happyr;., ,7
Hp bojvM h’ls bead ovef her ' hand]’
that she! might riot-see' the' rapture In!
‘ ‘ re.! Ac
bis eyes.; Atul both found the silence
r- <'ts
Kbw York TeBemCnta.
''' “It Is -surprising ,how many New
Yprt;era jthere are who do not know
’that ibsy ‘ awr- Kvlrig In “ tenement
honses,” ,sa!fl one of the Inspectors of
the tcnebent house eoratplMlon,. “I
w.ent.lnti>' a tebemenf hotfse in hiwet
Lexirigftgj'kveidloen'eB dfflcMI Visit to
plumbing. It is one «t otll
phl hqnrics of the downtown district
and not a tenemenrtn'fffiythlng but the
’otmial wprillng of tlie law. 3 j; Q 3
lo-s^rwant to Inspect title tenement,’ 1
wW -iPtfe JYI
door of tpe second Boor apartment
»" 'Whot did yon call ’ It?' she de-
jn.n.1^1 idrarafl ■'t; ■') ,/ 0)t* ll ; 1
explalncti ‘nnd'fhe law says'— ,,
“Site ditr hot 'Wf- roe’-'get 'OnjI' fUrtiief.
but burst! in ■ With: Trl lutVc -you know
this Is nol q.tepcment. It's wrespecta;
'Ble-ii'partlncnt house.!
, !'I kpqw’tnf’auiy.-iirid Y Had.i lohk
at the pfnmhlng In spite of her pro
testfe r'lnnllJS . ngnlijst her, will, she
wns eontiriced that ft repily vq a ten
ement, house ’trtdef fW law. - •
, '“Well, Just -enlt tm iny hntband
that we IWere-living-in'-'* tenement
bouse and had to be Inspected f :"—New
York Tribune. , •
The Seasods.
An east side educational worker who
Is- teaching In a night school for newly
arrived Russian Jews, .was remarking
on the. dlfilcUltlcs of grounding them
In English-sttWHSb. : '<• - ’’ '•
“Some of them come, to us with tho
barest smattering of. English words,’.'
he said, “and no knowledge of Amer
ican cnainras except tlie few ideas they
Uaveppleked. up since, landing. I was
trying to teach a small class,the sea
sons of the'year the other day. For a
an .iJf
- nolo
t< '{bn*
at “i'tj
i> :I
time they did nqt seem. to r understand
whnfl Was drlvtiig
Whig it. Then the light
broke over the face of-one young fel-
I 0 * - - . ,.
“ 1 know- aensons,* he declared.
“ 'How many-eenkoa* srethere’ta tm
* tVifi frrvn * vs
I " ,™j t . cr-jc,"
rWhatare theyF.I asked. ■ ■ a?
. . 'Row season , and, slow seanon.’, ;
critae the answer, qntte promptly.
1 ""Tfist-young man will barb's An-lrijre ' "
bank account before he has been bora
six months."—New York Tribune.