Newspaper Page Text
Go. of Cairo. The low of raw material
and tluiahcd prod tic t waa 11300. In-'
surunco iJIOOO. Tlil.was an Important
industry to Meigs and its lost. ia greatly
regretted especially at tlill particular
lime when barrels are so In demand;
reinioii held In Slirtffbport, ]§f .'Decem
ber 13 tp 111. to discuss the ipread'of the'
bo'.t we- Til andother attain of dial in
rerijst' to this iectUhr Gorernor doseph
M. Terre( |ia»appointed pr^M. B. Mai-
letteof this clty.aBoue of th^.delegates
from the Second Oougresiioual.djstricl,
to thei conception., ...... ■» ,,.
For Th'rty Cent* you can ; g,t if
S60 00 Cooking Rang*. Buy a oan
of ‘ Dsiiy: Brand" Baking Powder for
33 cents and you gat a tlckat which
It proving the lucky numbor.wlll give
you tha atova.
The powder la guaranteed ad goes
aa the beet and worth your money.
T J .BALL'S. Grocery.
Eggi), Cntckena or Potatoes taken
l.i exchange.
§trouse 5 Brothers,
This offer holds good for one whole
week only. It is in our humble opinion,
a liberal offer prompted by the doubler
fold purposes of securing the cash and
making preparations for the holidays*
S un Davit of Paro was in town <n
Soudiy. ~ ■
Miss Aromtucn Culpepper left Sunday
momiug far a week's vltit to Atlanta.
Mrs. M. B. Wiioeler left Sunday
m irning for her home lu Grand Raplda,
Mias Harrison poel mistress .at. King-
ood. Ga.. and her .lister Miss Myrtle
’■ire Sunday visitors to Thomosville.
Alex $. Manager.
- * r ' r IJ8 Brdid Street
The Robison book store is being paint
ed np in green and looks as fresh and
clean aa any of it| newly decorated
Miss Cora Stephens snd Miss Doroty
Durant hare gone toCberrr Lake toen-
joy sugar boiling] and visit relatives.
Outfitters for all Man-kind.
' TIMfiSiBSTEIT BI*E, THOtomisE. GHORUiA, SoVEMBkifSo' i«04
A 3 1 linen fast
worth, $1.75
One week $i 49
A splendid all
lineii 5-8 nap
kin worth $225
One week $1.73
Our Standard
$2 50 'napkin
26 inc| Extra
heavy [quality
napkin jformer-
ly soldi $300
One wefik $2.23
SO dozeii Union
Linen Towels
size 28gby 34
one week $1 4S
per dozen
30 Dozen
Towels size
18 by 36
one week $1.73
25 Dozen
Colored horde.
one week $1 9S
Everybody likes to
create a good impres
sion, especially about
ones home. A stranger
crossing the threshold
of your home always
looks about him to see
in what style you are
Should your table
vfef week spreads etc., be
worn and soiled then a
bad impression hasbeen
created. On the other
hand it they are clean
and of good quality,
then the desired impres
sion takes hold of him
and after leaving your
home he will always
speak we'l of you.
Tab)e Linens
72 nj. Damask
Silver bleached.
$ qo qualify i
one dreek 82cyd
72 inch Extra
heavy Silver
bleached dm.
one week 98c.
72 inch
heayy Silver
bleached da.
always re.ailed
at,; $1.50
one Vte&liftji
This space is surrounded
by good values and you
should take advantage of
them and fix your Thanks
giving Tatle.
72 inch
double satin da
worth $f.75
one week Si .48
mT MarseillVs
ipreads regulai
$1.25 kind
one week 98c.
P,opt»bfWest Thoms* wtil Meet
ing tor Friday.
The people of Cairo snd of the eight
eiutli district, are taking aotlvo steps
looking to the formation of a new conn
ty. 'J hey have issued a osl 1 to the .two
pie .of ripvUee, Ochlockonee, .Bio.lip
Care,'Like Sink,jBprfug.HilliWltig-:
iMin, Pearce R-igui s utid Otliar* i t i>
triots, (llitsa beiug locked: in the rniu
urn p,rt of DiA-ntnr and and tlie west
ern partof Thomas o muty) to meet at
10 A. M. ou Friday November 331h. u(
Tlie acting executive committee in
charge of the matter are tiiw;(oiio'wli)g
Cairp citizens: Ci .J S
Dr. W. A. Walker. Julia Booth, K.L.
VanLandiugham, J: B. Wight, W.
Roddinbery, ft. - ti. ; Rushtti, AjwL®
Wight, Jno. L, Poulk.
The object of tiie Meeting a; steteil in
the call Is as 1 follow*. 1 J 1
‘Everybody interested in the new nun-
Metcalfe Mentions
Mr. audiMrs jl R.: White aryrisiriag
in (Jitney, Fla-, this week * ■
Misses Laura Wylly aud Jeu-
fc us, of Thoimisviib, spent Sunday here
with Mrs. O. L Russell.
Dr. Montgomery ot Merillville came
I iwn Suii)!„y an I greeted friends he/e,
a ho were glad to .ee him*
f Sir. G. C. Lil[r, wlip has been boojt-
■cuepeffor Mr. Mayo, ThornHiville, is at
hone again, before returning to school
tjtfMu^ion. * ? ■ k t' | . 'y.
Messrs S. F. Freeman of Live Oak,
>'u , and C. (p. Freeman ot lliomas-
:[ie, jtvete cedent /tsitorsi tb elieir jfes-
ents, Mr. and Mrs." S. P. Freeman.
bsppudiug a levy days with her
JiStBite near Jlliomiiivillu, Mrs J. W.
’Horne reTarned'luilkikSXturdoy.
Mr. Ivey, who isrwith the Southern
ibjp/e.k <oiip*iiy injThomasvtfle,
home Saturday night aud stayed over ti 1
next d|iy;Wlth M/e.JE. F tiler. ( r f
kMr.knd Mrs. it Si. Kemliiil accom
panied by the Misses Harrison ot
iy movement shouldibeOu.Uand pnaui- ;
nally at the boar named at ’wliioh time’
a boundary and a ways nnd means com-
tbitteh Will be named to look after the
prelimiuaiies necessary to the formation
ola new county.” •
.11-4 Heavy
Mars jibes
Spreads $i 50
quality; ■
Arctic $1.33
I 1-4 Extra
spreads always
sold for $2 25
one week Si 93
Louis Steyerman
'Frrfd and Jnkson Streeis
(By T. IL Tiller ) ^
Bftiubridgo. XJu., Nov. ili 1964—XJie
case <f tKo .State Vi. O. ti. Sutton
. .ilmrued with Irldnap^Jng Alicp ^kelt^ii
^K-an begun thiir morning before Jadge
•y. N..Spence, in a crowded court room
with intense interest. Contrary to ex
pectation np change of venae was asked
and the State begau v its case at once.
After introducing the evidence of tin-
little girl, her. • father ” and mother,
the state rested. The cliila told, of
Skelton’s attempted criminal nUault
ou her. This however comes up fer
trial under a separate indictment after
the Uidnnpping case is finished. The
evidence was similar to that already
published in the newspaper?, no new
points being introduced.
The defence begins its introduction o
testimony Tuesday moralug„ aud will
probably consame the entire day.
Mocjltrie, j Uft ( fortltejWptFsjlr, ^t.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carter of Morgan
Gitffitar., who ;till two years ago were
residents of our town are visiting
among friends and relatives in our
Mr. \V. O. Speed, of Owensboro,
K;., wito has spent several wintersrhere
previously, arrived in toivn a few days
since find lias engaged rooms with Dr..
<tu 1 Mrs, E. R. Youug, for the cqmiog
wiuter. liis hosts of fiends here are;
•glad to have him among them oned;
more,'a;.. tr . . *'
Weubte a "‘challenge from tho ul Mer-
ri^ville corrospoudeut to the 'Timos-En-
orprtse, .for any other place in the
oooniy to’ produce a porker sucli as he.
mentions in his last weeks letter from
t int point. Evidently the gentleman
f *• the moment forgot to reckon with
v’etcalf, belonging to tlie ccunty.
Messrs H. Copeland and Co. here have a
h \, f a little more than, two years old
w dch weighs 800 pounds and ont*
aSout one year old weighing 400. Who
b. SS a rule r r(Ciivid by bli fellowmen. A diamonJ in the rough majr^be_of un
told value, but in order to be fully appreciated it mast be cut apd well'
su. The same applies to man, to appear to the be>l advantage, hit
clothes should be in keeping with the timet, not neerssarity expensive
bu> up-to-date. And this is exactly the pojnt we hive in mind when
we refer to our -uiti irom '
Toe very .op notch of faiblon eaten into every angle of their make up, and »>-e
price/every thing considered, it ridiculously law. Bear in mind we ..
can fi/ you out li o n bead to to it. Everything. 6h<>e» excepted.
At. thp residence of Judge J, S. Mont
gomery od Snnday afternoon, nt half
past three o'clock it marriage of’much
interest was performed by Bev. AloxW,
Beider. At that time Mis, Lily: E. Clarke
of Montecello became ihe btide of J. J.
Ttirnner of Merrillville. The qfe'iet wed
ding yrawwituesied hyMr aud Mrs. J, S.
Montgomery, Mrii, ,6. C. Hull, Messra
Perry Stricklapd and C.- A, -Keith and
Dr. D. C. Montgomery of Merrillville.
ifro liapily yonnJp "pei^ile ‘fK,i J leit Ibr
lit, home ’c[t'y of the grooik'where iljey
wtU-tn’fBtufe reside, The K'-ocq/e ope
of MerrillriUo'e prepninent; merpi'ant*
whofo iroqucnt business mid seclnt vis-
iiH t,o Tliomasville have tunght the peo-
rple of tltia city hie sterling Worth/’ His
Ulepaitnerfa. a Tonng lady'it mini,
fine quail tin andc!arms of manner.
A Cclumbua Wedding.
Invitations were received bore yester
day to tlie mirralge of Mias Miry Goet-
china McKinley and Mr.-Bamnel Mar
shall Wellborn. - This interesting event
t .tes pla-w m Golnmbnk, Ga on Tlihrs
day. December ei/llt at tlie Fiitt Pres
byterian church. Mina Marion Uayes
Of this city will be maid of honor. Both
of,the contracting parties are known
in Thomakville. Miae. McKinley has
visited Miss Hayes liere, end Mr. Well
born baa been here and eutorol aeveral
of hia dogs in thd field trials of the
Eastern Club, during the last two years.
Tlie announcement is of great - interest-
thronghont the state. • - - **
This us' a’novel plau of selling com.-
mhndablei^oods in modern merchan
dising. I;t is simply giving you a
; share w bur profits as a token of our
appreciation of your patronage.
Our Check Rebate Plan
/ p-: q j Gopciis Goldl
JQc/ JOc 10c , 10c 10c 10c Wo tOc
Cut this out and bring \% to us and
get 10c in trade where youf purchase
amounts to one dollar.. c
As inducemeats of our good faith,
and low prices we are offering many
bargains for this wrek.
$2 00 Nickel plated Lamps $1.25
20c heavy glazed Cuspidors
in attractive colors each
15c pish Pans ^
•; 9e ;', o i
20c Glass Brtter Dishes
■ 9c-
10c Glass Creain Pitchers
65c White Porcelain Teapot
- Made of English material ••••
35 c
d ■ ■■•>: SmhF -.'Mi
.'•rv l A'
r .* - fi’i hi.-. tu\ • rf ' w ’-
Boys Pants'were. S5c now'
-. ' . s; : w*
1 19c
Boys Caps were 20c now ^ “
9C- -
26e Veiling will-let-go ! a^ -
Ribbons* odd’ cdlprs just half
And many other bargains.
'"r v V ^ "i i»