Newspaper Page Text
3e and fine, best quality,
% cotton sacks. They go
as they last at
107 sacks sold Saturday. Bett
Before they are all gone. Oth
things in every department.
Yours to Save Your Money
>ad Street.. Thomasville Ga.
Best Goods at Lowest Prices. Only 5 more days until Dec. tsfc" Get in in y"i
Remember that somebody gets the $500.00 on Dec. 1st. Better take a guess quick.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia Thomas County:
i Under and by virtue of an order patp-
, ed by the Hon. Wm. M. Jnnes, ordinary
of Thomas County Georgia between the
1 legal hours ot sale before the court
1 house door in tlio city ot Thomasville
: will be sold . I bo fol’owtug deferibrd
• property to wit:
All that trsot or panel of land being
tho north half i f lot of land No, 147 of
the 14th dlstriot of' Thomaa County
Georgia oontetnlng 930 acres more or
Isas, abont 166 acres of the same being
in the County ot Jefferson State of
Florida. Terms of sale cash.
T. W. Lewis, Administrator Bat. of
'Wilton N. Lyona, deoeased.
■aoitwd the “MI.M Have Been."
“Yes,” said tbo_gentlo optimist, ‘1
eon fees I am superstitious enough to
wear a lucky stone.”
“And do you really think It gives yon
- “Oh. I am quite sure of It” •
“Did you bars It with you yester
“And In spite of It yon loet a fire dol
lar gold piece, tore yonr cost by catch
ing It on a Uafl, sprained your ankle
and fulled to close the business deal of
which you expected so much.”
“True," replied the gentle optimist,
"but think of what might hare hap
pened to me It I hadn't bad my lucky
stone.”—New York Press.
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Thomas Oonnty.
To the Superior Court of said Oonnty.
The petition of J M. Simpson, G. L.
Duron, T. J. Willis, J. N. Carter and E.
E. Wilkes, respectfully shows:
Sheriffs Sa!e
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold on tho First Tuesday lp
Dm inter HC4-trlwtfn lieuiusl lega
lionr»,of sale, b-.ft-ro the coart house
door In Thomas Cono'y, Gs, to the
highest bidder for cash,-the following
real property, to-w it j All that tract or
parcel oflaud, situate, lying and heiug
in the ISth. district of Thomas county,
pm and being that part of lot of land
number thirty seven (57) in said dlstriot
bonndsd as lollows; Commencing at
the county line road at tho oorner of
what was formerly Barnett’s land and
running thence along the Booth line of
tho aald Barnett's land forty one ehalns
to the Albany branoh of the Atlantlo
Coast line Ball Road, thenoo along the
ine of Banyan Young's land to tha
oorner of the Emanuel land35:80 chains
to the County Line Boad thonco along
the Oonnty Line Road »;41 chains back
to the starting point, containing thirty
— Sitsrlf’s Sale.
GEORGIA -Thomas County:
In and by virtue of a mortgage. ftfa I
.Will tell at publlo sale before theoomt
house door, In the oityof Thomasville,
Os., within the Itgalhenrtof ale on the
first Tuesday in Deo. 1901, the following
slsaoribedproperty towlt: All that tract
of land lying and being In the County
«f Thomas, Btsts of Georgia, better
known aa follows: Commencing at the
southeast oorner of the tract of la: d
deeded by Ellen Coleman to Ella Cole
man, running thence west 18 chains
and 95 links, thence sontli 7 chains end
SO links, tkenoa east to chains and It
Unas, thonoe north 7 ohalnt and to
links. Said tract of land being In the
ebspoof o, rectangular parallelogram
oontaiflng 19 1-9 acres mors or leas.
Adeline Mitchell yi J-hn Mitchell.
To John Mitchell;
You are hereby cited lo be and ap
pear at the next term of Thomas Superi
or Court, April term 19.15, In the case
shove stated and show cause, if any you
.have, wh/ divorce shouldnot be granted.
In default thereof the court>t]| proceed
as justice may appear.
Given under my band and,
J. W. Groover.
■ • Clerk supetior Court.
1. iliat they desire for themselves,
'loir associates, snooesaors and assigns,
to beoomo Incorporated under tha name
and style of "THE PLANTER'S
W kREHOUSE CO ” with a capital
stock of 13500 00, divided into share* of
$100.00 esoh, with the "privilege of in
creasing said capital to a stun not ex
ceeding 910,000.00 upon two thirds vote
of tha stockholders
9 Petitioners propose, and ask an-
fhority for, to conduct a general ware-
bone* bnsiness, to boy and sell, lease
end mortgage real or personal property,
to buy and sell oottoo, cotton seed, oorn,
fertilisers and any and all farm pro
duct!, and to store and reoetrs compen
sation for commodities of erery kind.
9. Petitioners desire to beinootpor-
ated for tbs term of 90 yean, with the
privilege of renewal at the end ot that
4. The object of said incorporation
Many fanny stories are told of the
early Thanksgiving days. The town of
Colchester, for Instance, calmly Ignored
the day appointed by the governor and
held its own Thanksgiving a week lat-
Forty million bottles of August Flow-
er sold in the United States slone since
its Introduction. And the demand Is still
Trustees Sale.
By vinos of an order of the Superior
Court of Thomas County, Gs. made at
the October term, 1904. I will tell at
public outcry at the court house door at
Thomasville, on the first Tuesday in
Dec, nest, for oash, the water mill situ
ated on Little Tired Onek in said coun
ty, togather with thirteen acres of Ln
constituting the mill the end fully des
cribed in a deed from W. G. Baggett
and wife to Ur. J. O. Ragan. Nn bid
lets than 9509.00 will be rsoeived.
Nov. 1st, 1904. 11-4—It .
Bottle O. Trail.
Is pecuniary gain and profit to Its mem-
A Petitioners show that mors than
lOpdr cent, of the said capital stock list
Levied on and sold aa tlio property of
A.O. Grant and Mrs. J. S. Hoffman to
satisfy two 11. fee. Issued from the Bupei -
lor oourt of Fulton oonnty, Ga. to satisfy
the principal, interest and cost dne on
on said fi, fas. Notioe given to defen
dants In writing of this levy.
This Nov. 8 1904.
T. J. Hight,
114-4t Sheriff.
Administratrix Sale.
Georgia Thomas County;
Under and by virtue of an order pass*
ed bv the Hon, Wm.’ M. Jones, ordinary
win be sold on the flnt Tuesday In Do-
cemborJ904 between legal hoop ot sale
before the oourt houee door ln Thomas
Oonnty Georgia following described
property, to srit:
One tinndred sons of land more or
less of lot uamfeer 909 in the 13 district
of Thomss county Georgia aa shown by
• Merely Existed.
A number of lawyers were exchang
ing stories of their experiences with
wltnsfaes under examination. One of
the parties told the following: He was
questioning a witness and said: "Yon
hare Uved ln New York a number 0
year*. How long?" “Jnst twenty-fi
years." “Where did you lire before
that timer asked the lawyer, hoping
to prove an Important point. “I didn't
live.” replied the witness. “I was sin-
actually been paid in.
6. The principal ofioe and place of
business of said proposed oorportion is
to be in Meigs, Gs., with the privilege
of establishing branoh offices.
Wherefore, petitioners pray that they
may be incorporated under the name and
style ss aforesaid, entitled to all the
rights and privileges of the law.
♦103 REWARD, glOO.
Petitioner's Attorney,
I, J. W. Groover do hereby certify
that the above is a true copy of the pe
tition this day filed in mj office the 10th'
day of November 1904.J
O. S. O.
deed from J. A. Hnrst, Sheriff to J. W.
Pearce. Terms of sale cash.
Mrs. 8. A. Pearce, administratrix.
Bit. J. W. Pearce, deceased.
Mat a Bit Like a Cat.
Lady Visitor-Your little girl seems
to be very much token with me, Mrs.
Stepswell. .Mrs. Stepswell-Yee, and
she doesn’t often take to strangers. You
think Mrs. Klppur Is real nice, don’t
you, Agnes? Agnes—You said she was
a cat, mamma, but she doesn't look a
Notice is hereby given to all creditors
of the estate ot P.-F. Daren, late of said
oonnty, deoeased,' to render in an ac
count of their demands to me within
the time prescribed by law, property
made out, and all persons indebted to
said deoeased are hereby requested to
make immediate payment to the nnder-
stgnrd. This Snd day of Oct 1904. '
G. L. Daren,
Adtnt. Estate ot P. V. Dunn,
Application for Administration,
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
noiutllntlonal disease, requires a o-riuri-
rational treatment. Hall'* Catarrh Cute
is taken internally, soring dire- tly upon
the blood and the macros Bart ace* 01
I negotiate five yean loans on farm
anda>t lowest latest of interest. Com
mission charges reasonable. A small
abstract flee, consistent with the amount
of work and trouble involved, will be
ohsrged In eaohoaie. Bring yoor chain
To all » horn it may eouoern:
M A. Fleetwood, county administra
tor, having made anplioattou to me in
due form lobe appointed permanent ad
ministrator npon the estate of Steph
en Mingo, late of said county. Notice is
hereby given that aald application will
be heart at thefregnlar term ef the coart
ot ordinary, for said county, to be held
on the lint Monday ot December, 1904
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this fid day of November, 1904.
Wm. M- Jones, ordinary.
bit like one.—Exchange.
, . — -wwib nuiioccs 01
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of tha disease and giving
the patient strength by bnlldiugnp the
constitution and assisting nature in do-
7 1 * Proprietor* have *0
mooh faith tu its oufarire powers that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for au<
ease that it fails to core. Send for lie'i
of tetiimonUIs.
F ' J-GkeoeP & Ca.Totedo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall’s family pttla for constipa
tion. Max
Furnished houses and suites of
rooms to let. Am offering four desira
ble residences fur sals at medium
rices. J S. Mantgamsry. All-lfitf.
Pays for its>eU in one days use. For
sole by hliptardware dealers or the
Wert's Met rfrrtr lit Co •
Thomasville, Go,