Newspaper Page Text
In His
Admiral Schley Uses
■■■ Pe-ru-na
Her* Are e Pew Region* In Which
■ Life Is Not j Joy.
As pieces of residence neither the
Bahrien Islands, in the Poraiah. Gulf,
nor the City of Yalduek, Siberia, have
ifilieh td offer In the way of climate,
says the Washington Peat
to Bahrien you cook and to Yaktuak
you freeze. Bahrien is said to be the
hottest place in the world. The then
mometer often registers between 110
and 120 degress, night and day, for
months at a time. This rather ’beats
Port Yuma, Arts., which Is consider
ed the hottest place to the Baited
Yektimk it Called the coldest city
to the world* Vckhoyahsk, id north-
eastern Siberia, biatm* tb bi* the bold
est inhabited place bn the globe, the
thermometer registering So degrees
bbib# lore id January. .
it also claims to he the place pos
sessing the most Variable cUmato, for
while it is SO degrees below m Jan
uary, it ft 85 above to the'shade to
August, during the day, with a drop
down to treesing every midsummer
The wettest place to trie world is
Greyfown, Nicaragua, when the so
dual rainfall is 260 taohas.
The ‘driest blace to tb* world la
probably the rainless boast of nbrto-
fcm Chile, They have a ahdwer there
about Ones to every tab yearn. Noth
ing' grows bn tola desolate strip ,ol
barren coast, and the dreary towns
tram which toe nitrates and toe min
erals mined to that region art shipped
depend for their subristenoe upon food
brought to them in toe Ships from toe
fertile stripe to the north.and south
of too desert
Northern Russia and the shores ol
toe French Congo an* said to be the
cloudiest places In the world and for
fog there is no region like toe Grand
Banks, too southern coast of New
foundland, and the waters of Novia
This region is ooa of fog for a large
part of the year, and too very home
of the fog Is the Island of Grand Ma-
nan, at, the entrance of the Bay ml
Fundy, where, the sailors declare, toe
native* manufacture fog. When a
bank of specially thick fog is teen ap
proaching over the waters, toe mkr-
toera turn to each other and say "The
Grand ttonanem are at work."
Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Gentlemen:—“I can cheertnlly state that
Mrs. Schley has taken Peruna and I be
lieve with good effect.”
Miss Agnes MTUer/of Chicago, speaks
to young women about dangers of the
, Menstrual Period—- how to avoid paitt and
suffering and remove the cause by using
Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
“To Young Wombs—I suffered for six yew
rnea (painful periods), so much so that I dreaded
tatow it meant three or four days of intense pain.
this was due to an inflamed condit* * tEr -
by repeated at\d neglected colds.
If young girls only realized how dangerous It Is to take oold at
this critical tune, much suffering would be spared them. Thank God
lor Lydia EL Plnkliam’s Vegetable Compound, that was the only
1 J 1 ® 111 ™® which helped me any. Within three weeks after I started to
' I notioed a marked improvement in my general health, and at
the time of my next monthly period the pain bad diminished consider
ably. I kept up the treatment, and was cured a month later. I am like
another person since. I am in perfect health, my eyes are brighter, I hove
added la pounds to my weight, my color is good, and I feci light and
happy.”—Miss Aonxs Miller, 26 Potomac Am, Chicago, 111.
The monthly, sickness reflects the condition of a woman’s
health. Anything unusual at that time should have prompt
and proper attention. Fifty thousand letters from women prove
that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound regulates men
struation and, makes those periods painless.
“Dear Mrs. Pinkhak:—Lydia E. Pink-
{flreggKsjEgn ham’s Vegetable Compound has greatly bene-
fitted me. I will tell you how I suffered. My
trouble was painful menstruation. I felt as each
month went by that I vras getting worse. I had
ySM gB severe bearing-down pains m my back and abdo-
w nON* ^ wHr men.
vi Jar “A friend advised me to try Mr*. Pinkham’s
__a V* ff 1 medicine. I did so and am now free from all
_ Jfo pain during my periods.?—Jessie G Xjxdbzox,
S RIKK infti MU C4-v. AA l Til
railed—it# popularity as g catarrh remedy/ its national impor
tance, ite extensive titf* .....
One asked his opinion. Without a moment's hesitation he
said: “I can cheerfully say that sirs. Schley has taken Peruna
and I believe with good effect/' ■
Like the battle of Santiago, the thought was sprung upon
him without any warning, and he disposed of it with .the same
tig amj decision at he did with the Spanish fleet If d by the
His words Ctfn’cernipg Peruna have gone out into the world
to be repeated by a thousand tongues, because he ha* .said
■ them. \
Like the new* of hi* victory over Cetrer*. his words con
cerning | - ' "-—-—I Ferucs
will be ADMIRAL’S WORDS CARRY WEIGHT.! caught mi
by the 1 1
Bpcnlsh s — —■** | Armada
has there I A N GREAT NAVAL BATTLE. I b e t n a
more ep- ■ . ■ - och mak
ing victory in the onward march of civilization than in the
notable event of July 23. 1898, in which the great hero. Ad
miral Schley, took a leading part.
It waa a great naval battle. Without a moment’s warning
it began. Quick decision, undaunted courage, excellent disci*
pline, resolute self-confidence—these combined in Admiral
Schley to produce that dash and daring so .characteristic of
the American soldier.
A man must think quickly in these days. There is no time
for alow action. Haw enterprises arise in an hour. Old ones
pass away in a moment.
A multitude of great themes clamor for notice. A man
must take sides for or against by intuition, rather than logical
One dey this fighting Admiral, Schley, happened to be in
company with oth
ers who I ADMIRAL’S OPINION OF PE-RD-NA. I w e r e
talking I ■ „ 1 . ■ I on vari-
Qua topica of popular interest. The subject of Peruna waa
with dyamesor-
*ry month, as I
, ,— The doctor laid
ltlon of the uterine appendages caused
srsntfed to rira perfect rt-
)RUQ CO* UplonrlUe, Mo.
suits. Ask deolw or w> will —nfl p—t paid st lQo a yacltsys. Writs for fr— booUot-How to Dye, Bloch Sad Mix Colors. MOI
"Sick at your stomach, eht” laid
the boy’s mother. "Whit made yon
that way f"
“I gue»»,” said tie hoy. reproach
fully, "it vrae that bread yon mad«
me eat at Inneh time."
“Indeed? Where have yon been all
“Over to Old Man Peterf efcpl*
orchard.’’—Philadelphia Pres*.
The Freneh Gambler.
"A (nod many of the famoue end
lone established restaurants of Parle
have gone out of bualneae of late,"
said Mr. W. Wright, an English gen
tleman who has lived many yean at
the french capital, to s Post reporter
it ton Shoreham. -
"Thane were generally resorts where
the cooking was superb and the
Charge* high, plaov* where toe aver
age patron would give from 26 to 80
franos for hi* dinner. These high
priced establishments found tint busi
ness woe leaving them, and perforce
closed their doom. Nowadays 11 you
me people (n a Parisian roataurant
where toe tariff 1* high yon can gam
ble on them being foreign**-*, usual
ly Americana.. A Frenchman of to
day li nothing If not soonamtoal. If
be is Inclined to gamble, -be trill go
to one of too numerous -baccarat
clubs, where he will get a dinner for
PITS permanently oarad. Ne fit* ornervona-
nes* after lint day'* naa of Dr. Kllno'a Orea:
KenreReatorer,tat rial bottleand tnative free
Sr. B. H. Xu*e,Ltd.. Ml Arch Bt„ Phils., I'a.
There la $300,000,000 worth of Engliali
money invaated In anbmarina cablet,
riao’a Cure to tha baat medlolne wa aver uaed
for all aSaenone of throat and lungs.—Wit.
O, XypaLav, Vanburen, Ind„ Pah. 10,1900.
Texas has 882,190 aeparate farm*, more
than any other State.
4 flLOTHIKcl
Mother—You *ay you dldn’t let him
-hug you? Why, Ethel, 1 waa sure I
taw you hugging him.
Ethel—'Well—or-I thought if I
only oqueexefl him real hard I might
make him let go.—Philadelphia Pres*.
A Thousand Waye of Lying.
There are a thousand ways of lying.
not matter whether you w»r Hes, tell
Hee, act He*. or Uye lies, your char
acter it ruined all toe same.
There It no more democallring In
fluence in modern life toon toe un
natural arrainlng to seem other toon
we are. Nothing else *o quickly low-
em self-respect, takes toe flue edge off
honor end blunts toe oonoctenoe as
toe ranee of being a sham, a glided
frond, or an unreality. It eheapent
standards, Iowan Meals, taps ambi
tion and takes the spring and Joy oat
ofUvtag. No man can make toe most
and toe beet of blmaelf nuttl he is ab
solutely honest wtto bis own tool, and
unfalteringly true to hfa highest
Mealt, and toil is Impossible while he
is Bring a Be.—Succe**.
Malsby & Co.
4| South Forsjlh Si., Atlanta,‘ii.
1 Dari-, B. C. Orleblon. Boottaaria*
igenMDt twice that sum. The reason
to keep toe players in toe house, the
proprietor knowing tost after a man
has had a good dinner he it in toe
mood for farther encounters with for
tune. If allowed to go away he would
satisfy hie hunger rise where and
probably omit further gambling Her
that day.’’—Washington Pott •
Australia’s New Postal Service.
! They hare Just introduced a really
•desirable coln-ln-theelot machine la
; Australia In toe form of a -mail collec
tion box arranged so toot if a tetter
its dropped into one opening and a
penny Into another toe word* "one
‘penny paid” sue impressed on a cor
ner of toe envelope sod toe postage it
'thus shown to be prepaid. TMa- Is a
•groat convenience when one hat no
atampe In flit pocket!, but it must
snake toe corner drag stores look rath
er lonesome.—Boston .Transcript
Louisville and Nashville Railroad.
If yon are going to the World'* lair yen
wont the Deri rest*. Tha L. * N. la the
shortest, / quickest and bait Una. Three
train* dally. Through Pullman Sleeping
Cam and Dining Cam. Lew Bart* Tlokat*
•old dally. Gat ratae from your local agent
and ask for tloketa via L. A N. Srororta
All kind* of Information furnish ad on ap
plication to J. O. HOLLENBECK,
DlsL Pam. Agent, Atlanta, G*.
> Wu«»nesirt, bnorinau
writing Collet*, LouUville, Kr.,op
r*xr.Bwd*nt* can *nt*r »ny time.
t*on»bIe and Statlonarf •
Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills
Complete line carried In etockj. *
IUMEDIA TE shipment.
Beet Umchlnerr. Loweet Prlcei and Bg*l Term*
Write us for catatoKue, prices,
ate., before buying.
tWiTaliThompion'* Eyi Water
"I remember Schemer waa a great
chap for thinking out plans for get
ting rieb. I suppoie now he’s wealth
ier than any of his friends."
"O, no; his friends need toe plans
while he was dreaming oyer them."—
Detroit free Proas.
Score* of limited Habiltiy eompanlt*
are being formed In Elnglanl for toe
purpose of exploiting Thibet The ex
ploiter I* always careful to select a
strong flag to follow, says-toe Com
Our Soria! DUUutUsna;
“But,” said tbs foreigner, “yon hate
nothing her* to exhibit your eoclal die-
Dodged the Constables.
Jersey gams - wardens and con-
tlnctlon*. Yon all hard- together every
where. Yonr upper end lower classes
are'on toe same footing^
’■Yon’r*' mistaken.
Oav ar,-;«
t,rr mi.1 to.
w- rtt ft
out of tom State contrary to tom game
laws. The shooters from toe Penn
sylvania side of to* Delaware ore
equally Industrious In evading their
rigllaooa Ope gunner was success
ful yew'Juriay In bringing Ms came
across, despite toe watchfulness of
two constables on to* Uotaoot for,
toetr shams of to* fines.
The shooter walked onto toe ferry
boat, carrying his gnu and lending a
eoupto of retriever*. The constables
eyed him sharply;' they crowded
against him a* he passed down toe
gangway, hut ooald not detect any
thing to Justify a search. He took a
61 at in toe men’s cabin until toe boat
woe well out In the etnem. Then
he walked oyer into toe women'*
cabin, and Mating himself by the side
of a stylishly' dressed woman, who
had a large dresswott esam si her fleet.
W* bar* sanl-
tarlnms and lunatic, asylnma.”—Chi
cago Record-Herald.
Falconry is' haring a revival among
rich Frenchmen, bnt os' it Is con
ducted with automobiles, Instead of
horses, it can hardly be called a
"knightly sport” any longer.
Brawa. 1U rrankllo St.. BrooUra. N. T.
Best For
The Bowels
can cere ATMAsnc
which were exceedingly variable, some
time* excessive and at other time*
scanty. The color-waa high, and pass
ages were accompanied with a scalding
sensation. Doan's Kidney Pills soon
regulated the kidney secretions, mak
ing their color normal and banished
toe inflammation which canaed the
scalding sensation. I con rest well,
my back Is strong and sound and I feel
much better In every way."
For sale hysll dealers, price 60 cents'
act-box. Foyter-Milbura Co, Buffalo,
obligations made by their firm.
WiAT^a TaCAT, wholOBU* Drufglata. To-
Wxuixo, 'Kinox A Has vis, Wholeaala
Dragiistf, ToUdo, Q,
Hall’* Catarrh Cura is taken Internally, act
ing dlraeily upon tb* blood and mucous aur-
faces of tha ayatem. Tactimcnlals scut free.
Price, ?6c. pcrbcttl*. Bold by all Druggist*.
Take-Hall's family Pills tot constipation.
Hex Opinion.
"I bare been very much Interested
in toes* experiments with tetrahedral
kites," said tot man with to* geld
“Yea," answered Mrs. Oumrox, com
placently, “bnt I hare abont concluded
that the rarest way to get rid of all
such things Is to bon to* drinking
water, ’—Washington Star.
A New Revelation for Men.
! something different, better than any other specialists or medloal instltu t Ion
» patchwork about our treatment. - Tha cun It perfect and permanent.
r«rt aU diseases; but wa earn those we treat. A prompt, permanent and
all eaeasMMutad for treataeat. Nothing but curable eases aoceptod.
a AUufk. ^a h- * * — .,.4 v.AAf.-a be vsfiirit rn kl 1 f ffifi
"Well, they didn't get ns tots time.
Have you the Mrds all rightT’
"Sure," woe to* reply, "add they
fill too case pretty fall. I could
hardly got them all in.
Sbe wm* too gunner’# wife and had
met him by appotatmeot on the Cam
den ride to bring to* game home and-
Doctors Leatherman & Bentley,
,V£rato p '£-. Cor. Marietta and Forsyth Sts,, ATLANTA, GA,
Singleton—Do you believe that mar
riage la a failure?
Wedderiy—No; merely an assign
ment In which toe wife Is a preferred,
creditor.—Chicago Journal.
To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c.
*•18 SLOAN’S