Newspaper Page Text
Oi-rnsv. s column* carry a story from
Atlanta stating that Hon. Clark Howell
will at the proper time anuoauuo
governorship to soeoeed Got. Terrell.
Ur. Howell does hot wish to precipitate
a campaign upon the people of Georgia
at this early dav, bat confirms what his
friends hare long believed and desired,
tliat he will beg candidate." Ur. Howell
lias long been a figure in state and
national politic*. As the editor of the
south's gieat daily, the Atlanta Const!
tnllon tie has a repareaou that is
national. He wonld grace the governor's
chair will! a most charming personalty
and would bring a keen bosun**' acun ei,
and sajwrb intellect to the affairs.. t
Mr. Howell’s friends wil base ilmn.-
seives in his behalf, for their cauduiai.
wil! be opposed byCoL.John H. Est d
of religiiD means an increase at benevo, afid Hon Boykin Wright, two uf i ie
fence. At tlie same liiro the charity ableat'and cleanest men In Georgia,
donation would-probably hare remain- There may be other entries inn he race
td itngirr n had it not been for theeaus- but thcte itinie will probable lead, a_d
tioeritirism of I ho uuortliordoxmln ste", whichever is elected will do honor to
and viewed in that l ; ght the criticism the exalted position.
| -WhuIt'Rorae criticijmalways does
good,, Tlie city of, Ail iota lias just ex
perienced a tutil stirring religions re*
vival trader t)ie influence of which thou-
<$aods were converted. The ecng» of
thejedeemed were mill echoing in the
churches when a TJnivemUst preacher
made* scathing criticism of the whole
New* and Notes of the PoeptoofThat
Thrifty Community.
—That’s what a prominent
druggist said of Scott’s
Emulsion a short time
ago. As a rule we don’t
use or refer to testimonials
in addressing the public,
but the above remark and.
similar expressions are
made so often in connec
tion with Scott’s Emulsion
that they are worthy of
occasional note. "From
infancy to old age Scott’s,
Emulsion offers a reliable
means of remedying im
proper and weak develop
ment, restoring lost flesh
and vitality, and repairing
waste. The action of
Scott's Emulsion is- no
more of a secret than the
composition of the Emul
sion itself. What it does
it does through nourish
ment—the kind pf nourish
ment that cannot be ob
tained in ordinary food.
No system is too weak or
delicate to retain Scott’s
Emulsion and gather good
from it.
, We will seed you a
temple bee.
ffkt, nfa B«aur« that this picture in ths
VPi I form of *Ub«l Is on the wrapper
11 If Chemists
409 Pearl St., N.Y.
50c. aril $1: all boetfah.
Published every. Friday by the
Tiji:s*Rn(erprisc Publishing Co.
Wilson M. Hardy, President.
John D. McCartney, sec.& tress
At tho I'iine-Entcrj'n-■ Building.
Thoinsarille, Ga
d at the postofllce at Thomas-
Ga., at second class mall
Weekly, One Yeat....
" Six Month*..,
•• Three Mouths.........
Daily, One Vear......
" Six Month*
• Three Months
One M'.nlii
U is served.. Another factor is the
temper of the' people,, wlro eat. The
table should not be' made, a clearing
house for irooblei. Don’t wear yonr
business frown or your kitchen scowl to
tlie table. If any one contd patent n
temper proof dining room, where 111
humor and worry conld not enter, then
good digestion would wait on appetite
and health on both.
Most of ns work hard for oar three
meals a day,'and we enght to get oar
moneys worth.
Official Paper of Thomas
Guaranteed Circulation 2477.
The trn>li Is geteraUt more iuterest.
ng than n lie.
If oak man owned tho deposits in
ThomnivtlU'.i banks he wcnldbe slmoct
a millionaire.
A great many good people took at-
kouce at revivals believing that the sud nt uUHO lint,
dsn protestation of faith founded on The Atlantic Coast Line* h dlscossed
emotional excitement, it ephemeral in by the Charlotte News and Observer in
its nature. It is sadly true that the the following complimentary fashion:
man who leaps with a single bound to “Is there any other rsilroad in Annul-
•the heights -if religions fervor often ca that can show an equal record of in-
sinks into the depths of unrighteous in- tegrity and justice tosmAllstockholders?
difference. It is likewise true that the In an era of stock-jobbing* graft, and
last state of that man Is worse thau tl e quick tortonrs madejiy railroad wreck-
first The most beautiful Onristlan ing, the omnie of the management of
life is based on the gradual unfolding I the Atiantio Coast Line cannot be too
mid evolution of character, on many I highly commended It has m ver been
straggles With self, on many triumph* I ‘reorganised’ iu order io frneu ont the
over temptation, On mature reflection, 'gullinie pubifo who bought its shafts,
profound deliberation auda oalm do* It In s never sqnnodcred Its earnings
otston that the Christian part is the hi famiy salaries to enrich its offioers;
better part it has not spent the moooy belonging
Still, many are reached by strennons to slookholders to maintain ootrnpt lob-
methods that otherwise might grope bios to dictato politlnal action; it hss
through a slnfnl life to a godless grave, resorted to none of the flagrant abases
It is doubtless proper to take the Tiew and steals that have made small invest
that if one sonl is saved all the effort Is meats In railroad stocks extra ha**rd-
well spent. A northern preacher naed on*. To the smaU stockholders, the
to teU of a month's meeting at which management has liecn Uir and jast,
only one little White headed boy wat eetting an example to aU other manege-
convorted. Yet that little boy grew^to ere of great properties,
bo. Bishop Simpson, a power In the “Thle record is onu tliat deserve* to
Methodist ohnreh and a resultant foroe oommended and cmpjiaalzed, for it fa
tor goad worth a'tbonsand revivals, honorable to the. progressive manage-- i
Atlanta by combining charity with meat of the system and sets the paoe for
piety will do much to sflenoe than who others who aregiven similar groat traits
sorp at revivals. Her sxamp'e la a to execute." ’
‘Brealure comfort” is
not to be despised, A modern reformer
who would prcaoi: the gcspel of good
bods to sleep in and good meals to eat
ought to roeskwith great sucoeas. - ■
Winter tho great peace maker has
stopped liostiltth’S. between the two
armies In ihesost.
The term one hone has some
times bepn nod in n slighting sonic,
Tho ono horse farmer is herb with the
goods this year, lie lias money in the
bank and is happy and prosperous.
The man who loves ids town Is pleased
aii the air of activity In every olroleof
life. It Is the beginning of tho winter
season and everybody Is propsring fop
the increased business Incident to tho
iuflaxof northern visitors wiio flock
hero by the hundrodsln the winter time.
How did It ever occur to you, how much
tho town would be benott el' If th s
same spirit of aouvity and iuterorost
was kept op all tho year round. Very
few of us work up to the limit of our
oapaolty. Wo may .think we do bat
whero occasion arises we flud that it Is
possible to pnt on alittlo more steam.
It wonld be a mighty good idea to keep
steamed up daring the winter and then
run on at high pressure speed all through
tho summer. Then when winter comes
again wo would surprise even onraolves
by still mure steam. Keep up tho ac
Quitman gisua free excursion to town.
Tnomasvlllfl pays your railroad fare at
any time.
Tho lati at gubernatorial possibility is
Hon. Hnrvio Jordan. He knows every
farmr r in the stale and the farmer voto
Tho Telfair Enterprise brings tho news
tliat tho town Is making big prepara
tions for the Mouth Georgia Conference
o! the M. E. Church Booth.
Geography is a great thing. Turkey
are thirty cents a pound in Now York
and ooal is high. In Goorgta wood Is
cheap, and gobbler meat too.
A number of stats otholals are on-
doavorlug to foist the oredlt of winning
a railroad oase, off on eaohof the others.
Can it bo thattho passes are endangered?
The Bank of Pavo.
The statement of the condition of the
Bank of Pavo appears in this mornings
paper, and a good one it is. This Bank
is a new one. bnt has been tnooestfnl
from I he very start and has Justified tho
wisdom of its promoters. Its showing
Is a sonree of gratification to every One
in Tliomas county. . i
The Miami Metropolis tells of the fol
lowing gruesome moneymaking soheme
was prompted by an ingenuity worthy
of a better cause:
••There are all kinds of tricks, ways
and means of taking the pnblio and
making- a (living, bat the most
graesome and palpitating fnnd ever
perpetrated or exhibited in thiketty la a
model ot a deltoate feminine band
mounted on a wooden pedestal end
holding an extinguished torch, whioh ts
offered for sale by a man who informs
his vietim tliat the hand is a model of
tliat which applied the torch and burned
the two negroes at the stake at States-
boro, Ga, a short time ago. It la need
less to say that the novelty oreonvenlr
Is repulsed by the pnblio generally,
though there are doubtless some who
will be faked Into baying the supposed
memento ot this graesome and appalling
W. W Osborne the shrewd Savon-
nlah, organiser of oluba and poller of
wires, has had ona of lira organisations
indorse Col. John H. Estlll, editor of
ue SsTsnuah News for governor next
t me. The colonel made a phenomenal
raoo three years ago. He' was practi
cally unknown in the slate bnt he broke
the ground.- The oropof voteehewtll
reap in 1806 will surprise a few North
President Roosevelt has irioed a state
ment that hereafter he intends to ap
point Ml postmasters himself and that
senators and congressman shall.only
suggest not select. This lee.ent tho
crowd behind the pie oonnter bnt not In
front of it.
Pavo, in the State of Georgia, al
the cloee of bnsinese, Tuesday Novem
ber I Otli, 1801.
Good advice to bnsinese mnh is given
lu the following from tha Ga'nesvillo
"Ah, they are wise who advertise
In winter, spring and fall;
s Bot wiser yet are thay, yon bet.
Who don’t let np at ell."
The NashvtUe Herald has evidently
been having experience*. It says:
Rvery newspaper la at times called
down for not publishing the nets. If
all the news that is suppressed In this
town was published, there would be
plenty for a good rind book and then
therewould be some tall hiding oot.
The thing to know is what to publish
and then publish it.'
Curative Bitters
Served in Any
Style and any
.$ 86.666 84
. 67,016.38
Loans aud Discounts,.,.
Demand L-wni...
Banking house
Furniture and fixtures.
Doe from I anki and Bank
ers lei the State .....
Doe from Banka and Bankers
In other State*......,...,
Silver, ntokels and pennies.
Valdosta Times; It Is not what peo
ple eat, bnt what they digest, that
makes them strong. It la not what they
gain bnt what they save, that makes
them rioh. It is not vrbat they read,
bat what they remember, that makea
them lea.-ned. It U not what they pro
fess bnt what they praotiee, that makes
them righteous.
A sonny tempered exohange says'
Yes, there's shadows in the valleyr,
bnt there’e sunshine on the hills, and
there’s daises in the meadows, and
there’s laughter in the rills. What
though to-day be oloody, to-morrow
may bo bright I TeU aU the sun-beams
howdy, and to gloom bid a good-night.'
There is a paper'in Alabama called
the Thomaaville Echo. It coalurit do
Qepltal stock paid in.,......
Undivided profits, lees ex.
penees and taxes paid
Dae Unpaid Dividends......
Individual deposits subject to
In writing to Ool. John S. Moeby
President Roosevelt stye: “I have
always been saddened rather than
angered by the attacks upon me in the
■oath. I am half a southerner myself,
and I can say with aU possible slnoerity
that the interest* of the south are ex
actly as dear to me as the interests of
the north.” Well, he has foarytSareto
prove it. ;S" ,
There a-e 800,000 Baptiste in Georgia
and they are aU good peoplejto.
It is said that Whltelaw Retd, editor
of the New York Tribune, is booked to
soeoeed Joseph H. Choate ee ambassa
dor to Ragland after March 4 next. Mr.
Reid is an experienced diplomatist. He
has been emhsmsrtor to Franoe and waa
special envoy to King Edward’s corona-
The season for shooting birds it now open. If yon me
going to make any reputation as a marksman you must have
k good Gun, IE you wish to achieve the best results you must
have the best Gun, Yon may get the best for-any gane
An exchange brings tha story of a
school ma'am not a thousand mile*
away fonn 1 a lad in the geography class
w ire was deeply interested in learning
til-! point* ou the compass. The teacher
sti-i: "You have found in front of you,
the north: on your right, the east: on
your left, the west. What have yon
behind?" Altera few miuules’ reflec
tion Alien exclaimed; "A patch ou my
pants. I know yon’d soe it. I told ma
.you wonld.
While everybody is making nomina
tions for Governor we would like to
present the name ot Oapt. John Trip
lett. He wonld be the beet loved gov
ernor Georgia ever had.
Jno. G. Burney's
Hardware Store,- Boston,Ga.
Everything in Hardware.