Newspaper Page Text
Dou't feel too good. Remember Con
gress meet* In two weeks.
Ti e ma ing of syiup is a delicate and
D cem> Voter to requir-
Ire eboot tid e for tbe kids to begin to
write tellers to Panto Clogs.
difficult task,
ing tlie Iiormlessuess of a duie, and tin*
Ro many thing-
wisdom of a serpent,
elect the r^rnU bet when-the wotk 1»
C*refnhy done the product repay* ai-
lab jT and rivals the fabled litc[or of
the geds. Along this line the i»tt«»W
the government espierment s-a'lcu/ni
Wayrroii is of interett wryTaji growrir
and ryrap eaten everywhere, ‘.For tie i.
known that good oyrnp once mi d. does
not end the trials of the syrup man 1'
dnsu’t all stay good but ferments or
sagiirs; At the Waycioss station. Mr
6.veil, the government expert, says till'
syrup now being made will not ferment
or *ut,i r To p-. vest fermentation the
ayrnp is cooled slowly in steam evepo
nnis real lu s twenty live de-
grers Beanme. Then the ettun is turn
ed on fait heat and tm cooking is dove
rapidly nntl it readies thirty-five de-
gr.ies. V- hen it is lurutil off. tie syrup Is
res ty for packing. The lari ten degress
is cooked in ten minutes. The rapid
Cooking at I ho end also preveuts the
eyrnp frcm sugaring. The thorough
cooking and r'e high degree to which it
can be cooked ou the steam evaporator
.without mgartog mskssit proof against
Monltrie is planning for a T. M. O. A.
Couldu’t plan fotrenrthing tetter.
The Baptists missrd a go'd thing when
they decided not to .• 1 liomasvillo.
Congressman Brantley has evidently
Seen thinking about - bat Governorship
matter. ' .• ,
For nearly 12 years we • t havc
been offering to the public
the best grades of shoesonly.
Scat’s cos ears \o $6:11!
The Rome Tribune says Port Arthur
is standing np against that (bell game
like a veteran.
There is lots of talk about the new
an tomutic voting machine. Bet it can’t
beat those Savannah boys.
grgjHE above picture of the
M H man and fish is the trnde-
8 B murk of Scott’s Emulsion,
and is the synonym lor
strength and purity. It is sold
in almost all tbe civilized coun
tries of the globe.
If the cod fhh became extinct
it would be a world-wide calam
ity, because the oil that comes
from its liver surpasses all other
fats in nourishing and life-giving
properties. Thirty years ago
the proprietors of Scott’s Emul
sion found a way of preparing
cod liver oil so that everyone can
take it and get the full value of
the oil without the objectionable
taste. Scott’s Emulsion is the
best thing in the world for weak,
backward children, thin, delicate
people, and all conditions of
wasting and lost strength.
Arad tot ttf t&mple.
The Angneta Belaid comes forward
with the cheeifnl suggestion that three
feet of crape might be called a grave
Our method has been moderately successful. But we want more
customers. We want the trade of everybody who are willing to buy good
Shoes and pay what they are worth. The fellow who is looking for the
bigyest thing his money will buy is loosing time heie. W- believe there
are enough good business people in the county who know the best to be
the cheapei t to keep us going. They are the ones we are after. You have
no doubt been.bit lots in Shoes..
Come to us and let us show
you What We can do for you.
Archaeologist! report t he unearthing
ofaatatneof King Dada. 6,u00 years
old. Ki-Jg Duda isn’t in it with Queen
Mania tL'eie days.
Atlanta breaks into fame again. Ac.
true slapped hotel clerk and the afftlr
gets more space In the papers than the
freight rite fight.
There is some talk that Judge John
W. Akin of Cartorsvilie may enter tl.e
raoe for tin* govemorUiip. Be hat said
nothing definite on tlie subject, bat he
U understood to have some decided views
o t the part corporations take in polities
and it weald not be a it rprse it lie en
tered the race.
The Honston Texas Post thinks that
“with two editors running for governor
in Georgia, the affairs of that State will
wlUsoon be all write.” j
An Atlanta police judge said he had
rather be a dog a.d bay at the moon, or
• b< a constrictor in Africa than a mem
ber of a quarreling family.
Colonel J. Pope'Brown, when noted
»1 ■a intended to'rnn for governor, ss'd;
| * “I am not -running yet.. I i.'m farm-
i tr, trading a little and trying to be a
rdroad commissioner.”
A Rome man named Brooke-gave
15000 to millions at tl.e Baptist convent
ion. Ho is entitled' to be called the
noblest Roman of them aU.
S y Official Figures of Octcbv-
Westher Report.
Lamar’s Lemon
Tho groat family "tmilnlno
for Constipation
for Disordered Liver
for Indigestion
for Headache
for Biliousness
for Dizziness
Use it often and pre
vent Malaria.
Sold by good druggists
Mmuftetutsd only by
Lamar, Taylor & Riley
Drug Company
A Cairo men is traycrof Thomas'ilia
on l -a Thrmasville mar Is mayoT of
Bran wick. That’s low things even
The report of the "either bureau is
Sned Yesterday shows that the distingu
ishing feature of the mouth of Octobe
wet the extreme drought aU over the
■'ate. The rainfall was l».s than a y
October in thirteen years. Thomas' itie
had ouly two relur days and the tore’
amount of precipitation was .it of an
Inch, 3.57 lea thou the normal. The
temperature here was high the nmmlilt
mean being degrees. This was t e
highest in the stato except ouly Albany
which was 72.4 degrees. The higlies
point reached by the mercury woe V4
degrees on the flrsr. There wss no
freexe in the month the lowest being 85
degrees on tho 24.
Dorn AS. AlJt., Apr. IS, IKK.
Hi’siirs.'Litniar, Tar lor A
tutor I'-ruu <’o,
Macon, Oa.
o-attemons—t have two
Mill s humor's Lemon J.u.\
i.'itn [or s.-ins unlit an 1
rue- nimcutUttoailwhoact.
Icr irom disordered llvor or
auv other Mlim-iii that it is
re.’oniin-aucd ter. I Ilka u
Tite claim of oorjjchief exeontivo to.
r.rennoslty has twen folly established.
He saw the whole World’s Fair in one
day. and made no comp&int of mental
indigestion or corair feet.
The Savannah Prase suggests more
corn bread op a substitute for pills sod
A Nebraska man hasn't sat down for
seven years, for fear the devil would
catch him, if he assumed a sittlngpos-
ture. It would be a splendid thing IT
some of Georgia's lazv men would
catch a similar hallucination.
Yours respectfully,
/. kTYouho,
The Macon, Dublin and Savannah
railroad, recently porehasad by the A.
O. L is in a mass of litigation calonla
tad to bewilder tbe ordinary layman. A
receiver is ask ad for, and the farmer
owners will endeavor to prevent its
transfer to the gnat corporatism.
.Use old nawspap, rs to underlay
your oarpats. Buy them at the.TImea
Bead J. W. Peaoook’a Gaarant.e Bond
that Mi-o-naWiU Core the worst Osao
bf Dyspepsia.
An old campaigner writes to the New
York Son that in 1880 he voted a prcel-
dmlial ticket with the names of Doug
las and Johnson. He wants to do tho
same thing in 1008. In 18C0 be voted
for Stephen A. Douglas of IlUnoia and.
BanehelV. Johnaonof Georgia. Next
time he wants to vote for Douglas of
Massachusetts and Johnson 'of Minna-
Tito nuiqae plan on which Mi-o-na is
add is mo e than ’air. Unless it cures
For Use in Residences, Stores, Fac
tories and Public Buildings.
I Iftreby agree to refund the money
paid for Mi-o-na on retnrn of empty
box, if the porcharer tells me it haa
failed to care dyspepsia or stomach
trembles This guarantee covers two
boxes or a month’s treatment. Price,
50c. per box.
(Signed)........ „.r.«...\
The decision whether Ut-o na costa
yon anything or not, rests entirely with
yon, and you word decide] the whole
matter. \
Many cases of seemingly ehronlo and
incurable stomach troubles in Tbomas-
vllle, bare been cored by this simple
medicine, aptly termed, nature’s remedy
for dyspepsia.
If it were not practically Infallible In
oaring dyspepela and the mebnohoUv.
sleepleasures, and weak nerves caused
by that disease, J. W. Peacock, Jr ,
could not afford to sell the remedy in
this way. lb. Peaoock’e faith in the
medicine is so implicit that the guar
antee bond is'liven with erary box Mr.
Peacock tolls.
Begin the oat of,Mi-o*na to do , as a
few days treatment will give releaf end
Pa continued nee perfe t health.
The Savannah Praia publishes a story
from Jssnp about the garernorahipi It
tells about a "vary prominent gentle
man” who aays that ax Capi. Robt. M.
Hitch's name eras practically placed be
fore the people of the rtate at the Ma-
aooio convention as a candidate for gov-
enter. This Jejune effcaion at am*
correspondents immature brain, would
bo .painful if it were not a musing, Tho
Maaonio fraternity isn’t going to enter
politics in Georgs, and especially not as
the tail to ex-Gapt*s kite.
Cheaper than Kerosene andBettei
Than Electricity.
It does aw»y with all trouble incidental to the old style of generator and'makes
pare light Filters the Gas and does not clog the Burners. Entirely Automatic.
Write to
Acetylene Generators Repaired, Overhauled and exchanged for new.
Boston gas lighting Co
Acetylene Engineers, BOSTON, GA.
I J have a number of de-
: stable, completely furnish*
: ed Cottages for Rent for
1 tbe “Season.” Also suites
I of Famished rooms.
I E. M. Mallette,
* ’
• Mitchell Houea Block
* Thomaaville, Ga.
The Wayeroaa payers are very arena-
ing them daya. A' number of promi
nent cltiaens have “consented to allow
the nse of their names’’for aldwmoa.
They are not candidates, heaven forgive
the nse of that vulgar word, they have
merely “yielded to the importanttiee of
many friends.” Before the thing la
over three gentlemen of tender acuii-
bUitiea wm prbbaMv. leant that bon-
oaty of exp-aaskm payi in politica. It is
no disgrace to want an offloe, no Ate- ‘
honor to mak for it. and the sooner tho
basiled fiction of reluctant auhmisakm
to importunity is relegated to the rear,
the better it will be.
work any where, one boggy, one milk-
cow, will be fresh this winter, one year
ling better, ana Denton stalk cutter of
the latest patent, two, two hone walk
ing taming plows, one oora and long
oottbn dropper, several plow stalks,
three rets of plow gear, a quantity cf
oonstye and sheaf oata, 100 quart bot
tles of ayrnp, 100 pint bottles of syrup,
on sixteen inch toller Morgan cane
mill, one eighty gallon kettle, ooe two
hone wagon, one one hone wagon,
flvebnsheUof peas, all of my house
hold goods, one organ one Davis sewing
Iwrili sell at public auction at mj nc-
sdanre, two miles west of P»vo, known
ms tite Jeff Si turnons place, on Saturday
Sen. 17th. 1904 at 10 o'clock sharp, the
Wlawing described proiwrty 10 wit:
Owe Appleton frictijn drag saw, 000
Soar hoarse power engine, the two go
together, having the capacity of sawing
Fran twenty five to forty cordsof wood
gw day. Ono spaa of larf e black horse
eudoe, eight an 1 nine years old, will
When In Cairo atopat tbe Bell Heua
Good meals, good tervlce, good
rooms, reaaonabla rates- 10-21t I