Newspaper Page Text
jnrgjHIS is a common expres-
jH ■ sion we hear on every
™ ' side. Unless there Is
some organic trouble, the con
dition can doubtless be remedied.
Your doctor is the best adviser.
Do not dose yourself with all
kinds of advertised remedies—
get his opinion. More than likely
you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your blood and tone
up the system.
Scott’s Emulsion
It is Under«tood2That;8s tl« Will, bo*
Offered Sooner or Lstsr
Tines -Enterprise . Guest With
- Party Had Oellghlful Vfait
Miss Alice Garter, who wae r* ted the
p-irileire of vleitiug the World s Fair at
he goeat of The Tlaie'e-Euterprixe.-ro-
tallied early Thursday [morning from
her trip. Mt.e Garter ni accomplice I
on the trip by Mr. .aud Mn. W. H.
Boswell-and Miaa Emma Boewell and
Mr. and Mr*. J. Carter of Meige Tin
Utter -couple were oompelled to hqrrt
home to day in advance of the main par
ty. Mr. and Mrs. BoeweU and Ki r
Knma went on to Meigs Friday, bat
Mlaa. Carter remained over to be the
gnaat of Mre. Stringer for a short time
Mn J. M. Henry la in Tbomasvillu
in Dr McIntosh's Sanitarium, where
hsr friendt hope, ahe will .non be re
stored to lieaith,—Monticello,Neva,
Tokio Dec. 3 Ii is the opin-
iouiie-e titan tlie Port Artl-ur fieet wiU
attempt in make aVortie wiwi the har-
Inir l-eccmefi untenable, or wlien the
Bue-i tn pi-us for eae pe mature.
It t-'eudent riot njost of ihe ships ate
■lumaged and null, for tervi e. bnt they
have fighting power The.Russians are
clearing the harbor of mines, manifest
ly to prerervehn arena-of .escape.
'If o nearly 12 years we
been offering to the public
he best grades of shoesonly
6af s t&e onf^ SiHrel roe ears
Armistice to Bury the Dead.
Tokio, Dec. 8—The flyst armistice
between tie combafants at Port Arthur
was declared yesterday for the porpoea
of bar; log the dead. It laated for aiz
hour- • ^
"Our method has been moderatey succeisfi But we want more
■customers. We want the f rade of everybody who are wi ivg to buy good
•Shoes and pay what they are worth. The f: ow who w looking for the
bigpest thing his money wi buy is oosing time here, W~ be ieve there
are enough goocTbusiness people in the county who know the best 10 lie
the cheap: -1 to keep us going. They are the ones we are after You have
no doubt been bit os in Shoes
Come to us and let us show
you What We can dn for you.
Is just such a food In its best form.
It will build up the weakened
and wasted body when all
other foods fail to nourish. If
you are run down or emaciated,
it cannot hurt
Caa. In County Court.
In county court Saturday Nelson
Lane*colored man Was tried on two
charges, rarring a pistol, a ml-pointing a
gun. He waa (quitted on both chaises.
Colton Market SI mpe on. This As
tcnlehlno Showing.
give It a trial
you. It is essentially the best
possible nourishmeni for delicate
children and pale, anaemic girls.
We will send you t sample free.
"1 had a severe bilious attack and
telt like my head waa kbont to buret!
whan I got hold of a free sample of I
Ottsmberain's Stomach find LiverTel*
lata. I took a doea of tin m after sapper!
end the next day felt like a new man'
aud have been fmliug happy ever since,”
«.-j* Mr. J. W. Smith of Jiiliff.JCexas, '
Tliase who lia*j bean talking about
•short crop, boll weevil and the like,
Ittda crimp pat in their prediction!
S.lurdsy when the government crop
| report came in estimating that tlie total
mmber of bslee of cotton produced for
' the enrrent year will be II, 162,000 bales.
This surprised even tlie bears, nurPTn-
tnn s look a slump of So polntr, Jatm-
ary cioait-g in New York at 8-Cei.t-. In
the local market spo i declined .4 8 of a
cent good middling landing at 7 6-8.
This estimate If fulfilled will make the.
largest crop since 1888.
Be fare that this picture
Uw form ole Isbells on
« wrapper of evtry hgltlc
' Enuihlon von huvT
ef Eawwaa yea boy.
4*9 Petri Street, New York
Fur b llfouern sr, stomach troubles and
uuetinatton. Price 13 cents. For solo
by J W. Peacock. dandw
H M Ths $ 1.00 tvttla eortilAS 214 times tbs trill rtr-. which Mils for 60 ceris
W M saanasD oauv at raa Umunua* os
by Bracy Pharmacy, Co-
Cast Whitaker's Stable.
Oapt. E. 1>. Whitaker, for many
year* proprietorofthe Kentucky stable!
is preparing to re-enter the livery bad
ness. - Tlie barn on Jackson struck. for-
marly occupied by J. J. Cone and own
ed byW. L MacIntyre.ii being made
ready for U^tue.
Furnished Cottages.
Try £' '
it for
Horses and Mules
Tim who wiitli »mv tw.nrd or ptra»
Ant ntvn« wl»!i <nn lw «ceon.
d»r«d Riwrn'iiiuf flmm. couifortablA*
au »•** sictihu. KtnH nit*I Mirrioi
tiiven mult , Plion* 171.
OMAV^'^^'s-'vrrM- '-' 1 Vi Y.>
. =■ V
1'rrt.e*syen hav.* ti-y r •himght oi
It but ti e mmo.' l-- a| |« ear i ever?
••i s tint ccim 11 if Inn Is rnn-etl by a laid
o y.'-r *n the mid the US of
1 resit - >-pli rt o. L a the old t -ahicnad
pil'e only makes a tad matter worse.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-
lets are maoh more ndld and gentle in
[heir effect, and when the proper does
la taken tlielr action is so natural that
one cun <aali» it tat lie effect of a mad-
hot*'. Try a IS rent bottle of them.
Fur sal„ i» ,t,. W. Peacock DAW
KaeB^,^Ear .Syringes, Nasal I
SjpTfiysTnftii'aU soris *if appli-
mnets for ffboreiicf of the suk
cxaujiuuMtlcd'witli caie.and ac-
enraoy. .'AU thedrugs we use
adtaeli are ithe purest aud
Pianos and Organs.
Representing Phillips & Crew Co 1
Atlanta, Q.orula, '?•,
kt eta way. Xnabe, nackerTlardawa. Plane |
- Hu, Uarrmgtan, Ktmltall. KMUe Pin ana.
Kimball-deed and P-pe OKOANS.
a Buya add Wilt Build.
Mr. B. Edwards yesterday purchased
two fine residence lota on Olay street,
near Jerger. They jrere formerly the
property ef Mr. H. N. Stanton and
Mr. Joe Goldberg. Mr. Edwards will
n the near fatorv build * handsome me-
Idenoe on hie new acquisition ami wilt
ojeupy it with hie family.
E. M. Mallette,
Mitchell House Block
ThumaevlUo, Ga.
Dr. W. W. Jarrell,
Physician and Surgeon.
Tendart hit professional service*
Office, over Ohiebolmdt Dillon's
Phone W-3 rings. . j
y Tdomasville Pawn Shop
Poor Man’s Friend.
If ..U W IWWI' t|l>lt,HM|.|(IIW
me, .bus d •Vi forget to hnittt your
Watches, din nonda all kind* of Jewelry
tnrnlture. do htnv and all ntltn. valua
ble ertioles. Don't forget to look for
the three belle rad you are to flud roar
U. ATTALD. Proprietor
Metcalf Mentions.
Read J. W. Peaoock's Guarantee Bond
that Ni-o-na Will Care the wont Gate
of DyepopeU.
Contractor and Builder.
jpbomasriUe, Ga.-
Work executed according to lata
■ ' ' have been rieiting the family of Mr. &
P. Freeman, returned to'their borne
Regular Use of Hyomel Corel Mott in lire Ook, Fla. Monday, acoompan-
ptubbom Cate of Oatanh. led by Mies Cleo Freeman.
Little Mi« Maidie Lilly returned
No other medicine gires inch prompt from Boston Friday. She was aoeom-
rhiet as Hjt mei in the treatment of^ tied by her oenaiit. Master Ernest
catarrh. • Knapp.
The Bret bleaihifthla remedy soothes u ,„ . ...... ... ,,
■tnd heal, the irritated and .m.rllngalr with Mre. Ed.
paaeagev, and the regular nee for a few 0,rt “' , * ft 8ond * T for “ extended
daye or weeks will care the most stub- risit to relatives in Lloyd, Fla. .
mciread like miracles. be *° vetting reUtives near town n-
johu S. Gray of-Redmond Bills, Pa., tuned to their home in Beaton Sunday,
writes: “I am 83 yean old and have Mr. C. O. Lilly haa accepted an im-
^^TlCdocre^^ “ 4 *•«
many eiwciaiute and they ail told me Wednesday to take charge of earns,
that tlie dleoaee was inonreble onto- Mr. and Mre. Cay, Ot Tallahassee,
cmuit of my age. After using Hyomtd, who h» Te visiting the fsmil _ a
a short time I was greatly tanefitsdand u , „ „ '
can now say that 1 am entirely cored. 8 “■ BenUy. returned home Thors-
It has been six months since I stopped day accompanied by Miss Kirby Bently.
using the remedT end l still remain Messn. W. Newell and R. L. Smith,
oa ™ d " . „ ' " of Atlanta, came down Saturday night
The complete Hyomei outfit costs bat . ... . . . . . ^ .
gl 00, consUUng of on inhaler, dropper “ d wfll m * ke W ho * for dnck » »»*
and ntfficientHyomei to Let eeveral q»aU, down >: IMiocomtkee Lake for
weeka This will effect a cure in ordi the next few weett, *
easy casta, but for chronic end deep- Mr. A. M. Dixon, of Thoarnsvill-
teated tarn of catarrh longer use may . .
be naottaury, and then extra bottieaof *P« n t Sunday In town,
Hyomel can be obtained for SOc.
Probably the wrongest evidence that
can tie offered as to the powers of Ohambkrlataa Stomach and Liver
money if yon say that Hyomei has not “««nach tnmbiaa and oonsUpation. For
helped you. - - . tale by J. W. Feaooek. D. A w;
The unique plan on which Mt-o-na ia
■aid to more thaa^'air. Unlesa it onres
dyspepsia and at! forms of stumaeh
■iroibU the porohaeo pnoe le returned at
once In accordance with, the foddwing
guarantae bonl:
low simple aud lialo'it is:
I htreby agree to refund the m* ney
paid for Mi-o-ua ntt return of eupty
box,if theporcliarer telle me it tea
failed to core dyspepsia or atom oh
troubles. This guarantee coven two
boxes or a mouth's treatment.' Price,
Mu. per box.
‘ The decieion whether Mi-o-na cotta
■ yon anything or not, recta entirely with
yon, and yonr word deoldt s the Whole
Many ooaas of seemingly chronic and
1 incurable stomach troubles ia Thomas-'
viUe, bars been cured by this simple
‘ medicine, aptly termed, naiors'irewedy
I will sell at public aOctloo at my res-
Idenoe, two mUes west of Favo. known
as ths Jeff Simmons place, on Saturday
Deo. ITth. 1904 at 10 o’* lock sharp, ths
following described property to wit:
One Sppletnu fncti m drag ssw, ote
four hourre ttourr rngtue. 'In It* ,u
together, haring the reietcity of sawing
from twenty five 'o futty cords of wood
per day. One spnn'of laryo black horse
moles, eight aud nine old. will
work any where, one boggy, oue milk-
cow, wiU bo fteali'ihii winter, one year
ling lieffer. one Canton stalk cotter of
the latest patent, two, two hone walk-
log turning plows, one com and long
cotton ‘dropper, eeveral plow (talks,
three tats of plow gear, a quantity cf
com, I ye and sheaf oats, 100 quart bot
tles of syrnr. 100 pint bottle* of sjrap,
one sixteen inch roller Morgan cane
mill, one eighty gallon ke'ile, one two
hone wagon, one one ltnrie wagon,
five twah-le ->f pe.11, all *f my house
hold goods, one orgus oue DsvTs se wing
machine two rookets, gt id bed steads,
oue oook etdve. AIxmt twenty Itead cf
hogs on pinden, other thing* too numer
ous to mention:
Terms of sale. A*t turns of len dol
lars end under cash in hand, over tliat
amount a credit of tea month* will to
given, the pcreltaeer giving a bankable
note. Alt parties most oomply with
AUttli Adflc# About Diamonds
Wheua person buya Dia-
uzunda, he wants nothing bnt
CfaeVest They are one of the
•lnqrs that coi’t permit of
ThomasTilie, Ga.
'.'hone 110 *.
hUbbtss. Diamonc’s are
Uemsof purity and smeer-
. V«u-can’t afford to Rave
:-emblem faulty, our Dia-
ids ate beautiful. Come
Durban, Natal, Booth Africa, says: f
“Asa proof that Chamberlain's Ooogb- "
Remedy is a core Suitable for old and c
yonitg, I poo ths fol'owing: A neighbor
of mine n child Jnt over two months old. *
It had a Tory bad cough atxd the parents 1
did not know wtat to gtre it. I sag- 0
fasted that if they would get a bottle of 1
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and pat „
some upon a dummy feat the baby waa
making it would no doubt ;onre the
child. This they did and brought about '
a quick relief and cared the baby." This
remedy to for sale hyJ. W. Fealock. t
D.* W.
hamherltun’s Pain Balm is cobsid-
m best Unimeat on Ihe market,''
Rat <& Bliss, of Georgia. Vr.
Star- iinimeot stilt heal a oat or
■ c ruvimptly. No other affords