Newspaper Page Text
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i— : r
You have learned toes:-2
pect the nn usual-fit this store. S
When we announce a special §
sale, you are quite sure of 2
finding the goods specially 2
underpriced' and strictly as 2
represented. Our prices, at 2
all times lower than else- 2
where, make . this sale a 2
double savingo you, 2
LADIES dress skirts S
Made of all wool cheviot, §
trimmed with straps of saute g
and Midallions of wool silk g
braid. Black atid blue only g
our regular $5 00 skirt-Mon- g
day and Tuesday $3.98. g
Made of all wool Broad cloth, trimmed with straps of 0
same and buttons plain tailoied seams and stitch-jj-
ed bottoms. Sewed with s : lk throughout A 2
stylish and well fitting garment.' Opr regular 8
$6 98-kirt. Monday and Tuerday $5.00. g
Ur. Sam Sutton, of the Djtou Ma
ohin^-Wort 8. happened to a painful ac
cident a few days ago. While doing
some work in hisline a email piece of
a chisel flew off and stroek on the ball
of ills eyes. It wasj quite painful, but
after several I,ours lie went to Dr. ls-
lor’s oflioe and was t rqroptly relieved.'
Mr. and Urs. 0. E, Boswel', ol' Ca
milla. wore here Sunday
Miss Annie Newton, of Tliomasville,
who has been r. pleasant visitor for sev
eral diys at the Miller honso here, re
turned to her home Tuesday.
Mr. O. R. Hutching*-, after a short
visit to his home in Middle Georgia,'has
returned, to this place. His many
friends fire glad that he flndi matters
so congenial in these ports.
The work ou tlie big brick warehouse
and the whi lesale house which is also of
o Made"of a’l wool Broad cloth in black onlv-trimmed 2
o’ with two rows .of Taffeta bauds and one of wool g
2 silk braid-our $5 00 skirt, Monday and Tuesday g
2 $3.98. S
0 o
o Made of all wool black Kersey. Plain wi b stitching *
o around bottom; Our $4.98 skirt Mon- g
rl/111 rm/1 Tnaerlovr ( If
day and Tuesday. $$98.
g Thes e are but a few of our large line of skirts, which £
incluaes tvervthiug from the best in ordinary |
skirts, up to the finest in silk. proportionate
reduction covers every .skirt in the house.
Williams S Mitchell, prps.,
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Cotton Seed.
We buy all kinds Country produce ind piy the highet mark
et price atall times When you have something to sell, see us
brick is going on. Before the arrival
of "Miss Joanna,” making the air re !o-
lent with hereweet perfume, this .splen
did bu'lding will bo resdy for tier re
ception. ,
Some one, I don’t know who, has
trimmed the trees 01 Church street.
Tlie tlienke of the church-goers will go
out upon the mellow Sabbath a r, next
Sunday, when they fiud that they can
travel that street without getting mixed
up with the limbe of Die treea,
During the flight Indisposition of
Marshal Arline, Mr. U G. Battle ‘il
wearing his badge and taking care of
Me olub.
Meiers. J. H. Pollen and W. H. Van-
laiqjlugliam have purcliaied the buci-
nest of Mr. J. R. Macon, dealer in gen
eral merchandise, and will hereafter
conduct the businese under the firm
name of J. H. Pollen & Co. These two
geutieUicu are well known and will get
their share of the best trade.
We had hoped .that the City council
would before long, make a move to
ward! procuring a teacher for nett
year. The gentleman selected eeverai
mouths ago resigned soon afterwarda
on account of ill health. Ho town in
Georgia of the sixe of this, has a finer
house por a better set of pupils, and wo
see nothing in the was of a most floor
tilling school.
The type made me say last week that
Mrs. Elmer Singleton, instead of-.Mre.
Singletary, had been elected as assis
tant in Center Hill soliool.
Several of our merchant, have opened
up a large lot of.Obrletmai goods,
appears that they displayed very flue
taste in buying the beet quality of ser
viceable artioles. The publlo appreci
ates this, shown by the fact that large
quantities of these good! have already
been sold.
The season for shooting birds is now open. If you are
ning to make any reputation as a marksman you must have
good Gun, If you wish to achieve the best results you must
ave the best Gun, You may get the best for any game
Jno. G. Burney's
Hardware Store, Boston,da.
verything in Hardware.
mt fVfvvtvTvvvvvvvrv*
If You Want Your
'o be good Buy the imgredients from '
Everything necessary to make perfect Cake now in stock. 5
ULW xxxs^tsxisMtMtitm»MM**xAtAM
mott’S pennyroyal pills
They overcome Wek
ness, increase vigor
They are “LIFE
SAVERS,” aiding development of organs end body.
hem Cannot do harm-life becomes a pleasure. 11.00 PER BOX BY MAIL.
j DB mqtT’S CHEMICAL 00., Cleveland, Ohio.
Christmas is a time for making people
happy. The tendenoy seeme to ,be
growing, and it ought. It eostt but lit
tle, and the seeds of happiness town
have the effeot of making one better,
laee selfish and more grateful.
Lumber for the reeidenoo of Mr. T. R
Oerter ia being sewed. The work of
building wUl begin us soon a- the lum
ber ia 00 the ground.
Mr. W, H. Vanlandingbam ia off for
aavaaldaye on a jaunt to
pridg-, Fla. He is the popular oastysr
of the Bank of Meigs.
Surely- that overcoat of mine la at
least three tent out of style, being of the
abort kind, wood it selling at fifty cents matter bow email the amount,
butter by the cake, and 00m by the ban
rel. All theee oalamftlee are on me at
once and Chrlstmaa in eight! Soots!
It is a pcouliar state of thing*, but
during the brilliant moonlight night*
lately,every street lamp in this town
waa burned during the entire night and
vied with the moon, in taking care of
the beUCted clubman or lodgeman, but
this week when every thing is in the
blackest of darkness, not a lamp “ap
pears to shoot a silver ray” to guide
eveh Benedicts on their early (7) pil
grimage home. Some of the lampe
horned last week until eight o’clock in
the morning.
The King Comedy Company played
A Sou-hern Romance" at the opera
boose here last Saturday night. “East
Li line’’ was advertised for Friday nisht
but they failed to stiownp tntU Safer-
day night. The company played well
and the people enjoyed it.
Kext Thursday night the.Odd Fellows
will install quite a number of measure
at their hall, after which s-i.iy will terve
oysters. Upto ih’sldite I have tot
been invited, wh:oL n.'p-ar- to. me to
bp very ”(jBd."
Rev. Clias. R. Jenkins pastor of the
Methodist anarch lien was made by the
Conference e Professor in Wesleyan
College. Tlie people of his circuit would
have been glad to have him back. Rev.
G, 0-. Revimv) will I o pastor of the
Methodist flock here for the next Con
fereuce year.
Mr W.. 0 Braneu. of the firm of
Branao & Aultmao, druggists, of this
ptaco, hat sold his in'crests and has left
for has homo nt WhitesBurg, Ga.;
Dr. VriddcU and family, of Whites-
burg, G&., will arrive Wednesday af-
ternoon end make tlieir* abode for the
time at the home of Dr. Crowell. Dr.
Friddell will praocice medicine here.
He comes highly leoommended aa a
' Mr. Lyonp, n very popular yoaug
niau of Girard. Ga., was looking after
some personal matters here this wtek.
His pretence c tuned great uneasiness
among certain of tlie boys.
The wooden building in which was
sept tlie barber's shop, and tlie store
room adjoiuing have been torn away
and removed. Two handsome brick
stores will be pnt there Instead.
ThfB town, though not on a boom, is
slowly building' up the open space be
tween us and Pelham. . ,
Atkinson & Simpson are building a
nest dwelling on Mill Street for Mr. E
L. Harrell.
The school at this plaoe was brought
to a sudden termination last Tuesday
as a result of a conference cf- the town
council. Prof. W. A. Gobble hud been
employed to teaoh a short term, but the
attendknue has been so email that the
council perhaps, thought it beet, at
least In a pecuniary sense, to close the
school. Prof Gobble will leave for his
home in Tennessee Thursday,
The voung folks of this town are ar
ranging for a Chrlstmaa tree for Mon
day night of Christmas week. 1-et-
every body poll himself together and
get willing to help.
Mrs. Oils*. McDonald, ofj Moultrie,
spent several days of this ' week bare
with relatives.
Many new pupils entered the speolal
Arlthemetio and writing sohoot at Pine
Grove school house near town this week.
Others will come iu next Monday.
This town withont doubt needs'auoth-
er boarding house or two. Hreaueiitly
people are troubled to Had u boarding
Bauds petitions H sard, routine Rd
ports—and 3111*' Pa’d.
Board met in regular meeting,
Minutes read and with corrections ap
Clin Committee on Payne road mat
ter made following report, wliioh was
adopted: *
Iu tlie matter of tlie toad across tho
land of O. H. Payne, bought from B.
Steyermnu, 'tlie road ss need by Mr.
Bevyly is not such as nuder the law
makes “a private way” and there is
therefore nothing to prevent tlie stop,
ping up of that road by Mr. Payne. ns
to tlie offer of Mr. Payne to open a
road end keep it up at his own expense,
that should be done, and there seems
no better way to make-that secure and
binding for tlie benefit of all parties
than for thu.contract to be made be
tween Mr. Payne and your honorable
body, so that it may be on record for
benefit of all, parties, bat the County
Commissioners nave no authority to
oompel the closing of one or the open
ing of the other.
Clias. P- Hoosell,
E. M. Smith.
i spt.^Smith reports in favor of paying
Dr. Taylor $20.00. R-.port approved.
On motion Ten dollar* was app upd
ated to Anaca Young a pauper for tills
month and J. D. Barrow woe appoint
ed to look osrefally into'tho condition < f
herself and family, and report at next
Jack Singletary end Elijah Staoy ap
plied for help. Their eaaea were refer
red to Capr. Smith and the County
Petition for new toad signed by H.
Hurst and F. J. White and othen re.
ferred back and petitioners to have sur
vey and plat made of said new road.
From.Heary.MiicheU: . ,
Road fines Duncanville Diet
From E P, Clay:
Road Fines, Cairo District..
bnildiny It d re* i isii,y. um
iionse. jnii, Li mges, /writ a,
and otl or public improve
For sheriff’s, jailer's, snd other
officers’ fees. 449.28
For coroner's inquests.......... 23.50
For bailiffs at court, nou-resi-
.dent witnesses in criminal
cases, rert ant litre, stationery
and the like . 87.88
For jurors at conn 124.60
For support of the peer of tlie
county ; 106.68
For insolvent costs 168.00
For othor lawful charges. 158.00
Cush—Balance on hand <1,281.99
Til- to lowing bills were ordered paid:
E. M.Smith..., - s 00
W. a. Pringle., . 6 00
H. O. Copeland. 5 00
J. D. Barrow 6 00
J. Q.Brynn .... 6 00
O. P. Han ell 84 38
L. B. Bom h-lle 20 00
•I. S. Montgomery 10 Op
Joe Callaway..... 16 00
Marian Blalock, pauper..,-,.. .... 7 00
Gordon Hattlway, pauut-r 6 00
P. Hoskiu*. peeper 5 00
Hur l) Godwin, pauper, 6 00
Mr . Wright Warren 5 00
Clias. Brooks, proper 6 00
W. A Pringle 8 95
J. B. Grant, plumbering . 74 90
Mr*. Lanri i 10 07
Kirby PI iniug Mill *80
J. F. Parser. Com ..107 25
W. B. Fanil-ro,lumber 1 60
Eleo.ric Light Co 6 00
W. H. Bareli db Son, wood....- 6 76
Heel Bros 6 75
C. H. McKinson, wood ,.
Bibb aud Olliers, election.
Telephone Go
A. P. Taylor
. *
46 0
10 00
10 60
20 00
12 SO
giving distance from Other pnblio rosds | ® Tan * * SoD ' P*P*
The same request was made -of another I Dekle * Bnrm “’ lomb » r IL19
Dr J B. Palmer 6 UO
Petition For Guardianship.
GEORGIA, Tiionis County:
R. R. Hopkins, a resident of laid
•tale, having duly applied to be ap
pointed Guardian of the perton and
property of Joliet 0. Hopkins, an to'
mate of the Goorgia State Sanitarium,
over the age of 14 years, of Thomas
County. Hotioa ls hereby given that
said Application will be passed on at
tlie regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary to be held on the first Monday in
January 1906.
Dae. 5tb, 1904. Wm. M. Join t.
19-1041 Ordinary
Application for Dismission.
GEORGIA—Thomas Cbunty.
To all whom it may ooncern:
M. A, Fleetwood, administrator of
the s tate nt Cor* Ziegler having made
application to me in dne form to be dis
missed, this ia to. cite all persons non:
earned to show cause before in*. at the
regular term of the court of ordinary
for *aid county lobe bold on the first
Monday in Jan. 1906, why mid dismis
sal should dot be grunted.
Witness my head and official signa
ture this 6th day of Deo. 1904.
11-2-4 Ordinaiy.
Georgia, Thomas County:
To all whom it may oonoem:
Mrs. Amanda Carroll having In proper
form, applied to me for permanent Let
ter* of Administration on the estate of
J. W. Carroll, late of said County, this
is to cite *U and singular the creditors
and next ot kin of J, W. Carroll to be
snd app-*r at my offifo within the time
allowed by law, and show cants, if any
they can. why permanent administra
tion should nos be granted to Mis.
Amanda Carroll an J. W. Carroll’s
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 21st day of Hovember, 1804.
Win. M. Jours,
11-J 4t Ordinary.
new road to begin at Egg road.
On motion of Mr. Pringle all the lot#
in the City of Thomatyllle belonging to
the County are ordered advertised for
sale on first Tnesdar in Janoarr 1905.
On motion of Mr. Barrow $87 60 was
appropriated as one half the purchase
price of a Typewriter for Clerk’s oflioe,
tho Clerk faying the other half and he
to be charged with the care and repair
of xame. ,
Bond of J. F. Parker County Treae
urcr.for $40,000 waa approved by Board
Both jail and poor honae are ina health*
fnl condition. At the Utter two have
been admitted, pone have died, none
discharged. y.
L. B. Bonohelle.
Hon. County Oommissiooen,
Gentlemen—Slnoe my'laet report I
have collected and piid over to County
From County Court Costs. $68.
“ Jail feea.,;...,. $5,60
“ Hire o6 covicts, net $116.06
Het to County. ....
From Fines and Forfeitures-
“ 188.56
, “168.
Chat. P. Han tell. Judge 0. O.
(To be continued.)
—or— ,
Thoxas OotJSTT, Georgia.
For themonthjendlng Deo. 6,1904.
From Balance on hand as per last report
% $1291.95
From E. M. Smith. Ohm.
Sato of land. $805.00
8aleofoidiron$ ” 7.8) J 812.85
From P. STHeeth, T. 0. T. 0.
General Taxes for 19 4 $6438.00
From Cher P. Hantell, J, O. O.
Court Costs $ 69 00
Convict Hire ..$110.05
Fines and Forfeitures..$168.00
Jail Fee* 3,60 $ 840.65
From Decatur Conntr:
Fur Hadley B5idg<- “ 828.62
| E. M. Moore, lumber II 45"
IR. L. Stator, ferryman.. 87 67
Adam Arnold, B. A B. ...> 75
W. A. Duron and othen, eleotton 14 00
J. L Ingram and others, election. 14 00
R. F. Dixon and others, election. 14 00
B 0 Johnson and others, eleotion 14 OO
MoMelloti andothers.election.... 14 uO
W. J. Willis and others, election 14 00-
J. H. Horton and. others, diction 14 00
Henry Mitoliellundothereelection 14 00
R. B. Milton and others, e’eethm 94 00
J, T. Redfnun and otliat a election 10 00
H. E. Turner and others, election 10 00
R. Thomas 4 26
S. D. Clark and others, election.. 8 00
J. B. Everetk.....:..:.......... *5 00
M. Pope and othen, eleotion 8 0i
From Hints Treasurer
Convict hire 8rd Quarter.. .88.507 (7
Panly Jail Co .
J.F. Howard Com..
T. J. Bight, Sheriff........
Robt. MoMUIln, wood .....
O.O. Wl
J WH Mitchell and
Ohaa. Gomly. Coroner.
A, J Cumbasr, poor house.
Times-Eaterprise, printing.
Arnica Young, pauper J....
Robert Dekle. lumber.
J. R. Burch, lumber 66 9
W. W. Dekle, R.0....10 0 *
D. B. Anderson 5 (.
T. C. P#v,rly, lumber. r 9 41
Oslre Messenger, printing.......' 601
Press Pub. Co., printing 6 00
J. D. Cooper. R. 4k. B 19)
J. T, Pittman 4k Son, poor house. 41 50
James Watt 4k Bro. R. & B 14 13
Q. W. Swift and others, eleotion. 8 CO
W. A. Darin andothers, eleotion. 10 CO
B. F. Dixon and others, election. 10 00
B. Singletary,R. 4kB ......170 60
W. M. Hammond, salary ...17C 00
J, W. Grover, typewriter 8: 60
Bond adjourned.
E. M. Surra,'
J. S. Mi
.70 00
.263 17
! 73 7’J
. 5 0)
14 0
How.-rd N. Stantnn
Plans and 8p tcifica tici s luinlsl--
Estimates chusrfally given.
Personal attention g'rmt to aU wr.
Office; Parker BuiMlng, nex*d
Tinuw-EnwrpriM oPi •
Chamberlains St
Tablets ate' leoomt g a
stomach trouble* and
sale by J. W.Pbacot