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nMKS-KM KRPKIdH. i’fl- ).M A B VIU.K.Gr'lRi} 'A, DECEMBER fl (BOI
Well, buy now. Or is it an Organ you want? Well, Buy now, and maybe you will ‘get it free. The days are slipping
■' ■ - . . away and 1904 will soon be history. ^ ^ ‘ .
It Wi(.\ be Historic indeed if you buy a Piano or Organ from
An cl find you don’t have to Pay for it.
That’s what somebody will have done when the
guesses are reviewed on Jan. i, r 9°5i an ^ '*■ ' s nECer "
taiued who the fortunate person was who guessed
the nearest number of pianos and organs we sold dur
ing the year 1904 During May the sales amounted
to 228 Can’t yoiustimate the total fromjliat? <
Anybody who'buys or has bought during 1904
a piano or an orgati from 11s will he entitled to a
gtiess, as will all othet of our customers whose ac
count may' be-paid up to date ou Jan. 1, I9°5
Buy now and guess now. Your chances a*-e di
minishing as tie.days of 1904 that remain diminish.
ThU U Good for $23.00 on the
, Purchase of a Piano.
sun, THIS TO
Valdosln, Ga.i Tifton, Ga ; Savannah,
Giw.^iLnd.den & Bates): Tampa, Fla,
ii & Bates), or'delivor it to ouo o c
rriiresentatives, filing in the fol- „ ’
hlauks: ^ <
The Offer U Good up to Jannnry 1,
Even if you should chance not to get your piano
or your organ free, you will have the satisfaction of
knowing that you have bought from the most reliable
* tfi&
the most progressive and the' most famous music
58COK .. r
house in the South. Every instrument that goes from.
our stores is accompanied by fhe Carter &
guarantee. That’s as gr.od as a'certified check-out t
1>ank of England. Carter & Dorough have aone hits*
mess for many years, and no better guarantee of re
liability can be offered; This is hot the only induce
ment we offer you to buy now. If you buy before Jan
uary i the accompaniug coupon, presented to us, is
worth $25 to you when you buy your piano.
Yalta Fia. Or,..
Tifton, Ga.,
Savannah, Ga., (Ludden & Bates). Tampa, Fla, (Ludden & Batts
The Days of Buying expensive
Nothings and • presenting
them to our friends
—has past—
In this modern age
We have grown more
Econommical, aHd when we
Anticipate making a present we
i Cast our eyes aloul in search of something that wll
proveto be
. Ibte. VahaVic mi Serviceable. §
I If yon will come and inspect our
Cloihing Deparlmeat |
i You will readily recognize that youg
I Have found the place to buy and g
1 meet all the requirements of g
| a Christmas Gift. §-
| Rain Coats, f|
1 Vi - Over - Coats, and g
1 Suits, all hand made by the g
1 Three Clothing leaders of the world, g
Rav.J. M- Outl*r, come* Her*, Rev.
Cook is P- E.
ThuTs" Steyerman
• Rroad and Jackson Streets
The toplo of 'interest yesterday in
church circles, was tho assignment of
tho Methodist ministers to the various
posts of duty in tho South Georgia con*
foreuco. The appointments directly
touching Thoma8vilie are those Of preil-
ding elder and minister of tho church
here. Rev. Ed. F. Cook, whoso work
ou the dlstiict during the past two yean
has been - so eminently successful has
been returned for another year in the
same position, and will coutiuue to make
his headquarters in Thomanvillo, Rev.
K. Read win has beeu pastor, of the
local church for one year goes to the
position of presiding elder of tin; Way-
cross district. During his twelve months
residence in this city. Mr. Read has
proved himself to be a man of fpteodi J
character and ability, well versed in the
doctrines of bis church. His Dow ap
pointment is in the nature of a promo
tion and comes as a recognition of. these
qualities There are many who Will re
gret the departure of this good man and
his charming family. m ^ ^
- life successor is Rev. J M. Ootler
Mr. Outler is a young man aboat*8C
years of ago, married with two young
ehild-cn. For four yi trs ho hasbeen
It* Mti,.!. rsui!<\ (; 1. Hr rail
prominence when tho conference met
in - l.t-f y.-ur. ITose-.Who
know him say lie is energetic, talented
a »d a good preacher, and that there if
no doabt be* will fit tho place. The
other appointments in this district %re
as follows. -V
Albany. 15 S. S-nMl: Hainbridg#^.
T. Ryder; lilakely, W. tl. Budfl; Boi-
ton circuit, H. O. Jones; Dixie circuit.
T. B. Kemp; Metcalf circnit, R, M.
Wesley; Cairo and Wingham, L. W.
Colsou; Foircloth circuit, A. M Spray-
berry; Bold Spring circuit, supply J,
\V. Hines; Climax circuit, C. E. Cook;
Attapulgus circuit, M. \V. Carmichael;
Brinson circuit, E. E. Rote; Jakin and
Donaisonville, W. M. Biitch; Pelham
dire nit, G. P. lioviere; Camilla and
Baconton, C. T. Clark; Hilton 'mission,
H. P. Stubbs; Arlington circuit, O. M.
Ledbetter; Newton circuit, supplied by
Reeso Griffin; Facovilio missin, D. B.
The principal changes arc that Rev.
E. E. Rose is transferred from Metcalfe
to Brinson, Rev. G, P. Roviere from
Cairo to Pelham, Rev. O. R. Jenkins
from Pelham to a professorship In Wes*
leyan Female Uollcge at Macon. Rot.
H 0. Jones mnch to the gratification of
h'a flock returns to Boston. Her. J. P.
Wardlaw who was pastor here for three
years goes bsok for a sooond year at
Americus. The next conference will bo
held in Americas in 1003.
L 1
The oonrt bonse yartT was thronged
Taesday by citizens who wanted to
buy-some of tbe property offered at ie-
gal sale. Thirty one acres near town,.
In the Grant Hoffman tract went to Mr I
L. Steyerman for 4327. One hundred/
acres in the thirteenth dlstriQt belonging |
to the estate of J. W. Pearce beoamo the
property of Mr. A. H. B. Uooke for tbs
■am of 1518. The water mill and sito
of 18 acres on Little Tired Greek sold by
Mrs. Bettis Trail, trustee, brought
(SOt tram (). M. Mnggridge. . The fl fa
on 12 I-S seres belonging to Louisa Cos-
ton was settled and the property .was
not sold.
The Great Gilt Giving Event of the
\ ear is Coming on Apace. he same old story. Preseatshavegot to be bought, for every.
body bays something for somebody at X Mas. Better then;
begin now toniakoyonr se'eotions By all means don’t defer
yourehopping'until the last moments. Those in search of
gifts suitubEe for
<Gift* of the,sensible acceptable kind, just such as the “Lords cT
Creation” dote upon, will do well to give us a look, before
• making their selections
Mr. J J. Hurst, of the Osiro district
Tisited the city Tuesday. Mr. Hnrst
is one of tho many good residents of
his-section that are suited with tbe
present county lines.
Served in Any
Style and any
; We’ve arranged the following memoranda which fairly renrtfients
^ wlmt we have in stock.
A genteel Sait of Clothes, or a nice warm overcoat, either would
make acapital X Mas gift. Bat if you must be more eco
noinicul, then choose from the following:
ng in price
Everything in Hosiery nnd Gloves, the formtfr rang
from 16o to 76o the latter from 26c to 52.00
GORGEOUS effects in Neckwear from which to Select.
Those who may nothave time during the day to do their shopjag
wilt find us open efenings until 8 o’olock-Saturday later-
We’ll await and watch your coming, and promise to make your
task of finding something -suitable for “His Stocking” aa
The best goods at least money at
a - fit'ers for all Man-kind.
◄ —
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