Newspaper Page Text
?n it is high time y
What gift to Give
Most Elegant Line ofl
Christmas Goods |
AH South Georgia. !
My stock of Brickabrac is replete with new stylish
attractive pieces, selected from the first importers
in the East. Anything you may wish from a
small cabinet piece to a set of decorated China.
You could not wish a more complete line of Silver
Toilet Articles, Manicure Sets. An elegant selec-
Hon of Brooches, Scarf Pins, Cuff ‘Buttons,
Ring . Waiches ia fact, anything in Jewelry.
J1 youpropose to
fail to Visit us.
Everything is
give a Christmas gift don’t
It can do no harm at any rate,
gladly shown whether you
? > Duality, ° ? reliabileSsSHI
MeaVY traffic
Come Now
Own Up
The wnanagers of. tin .tHiftreotelt'-
lion precincts of the cconty, accordii;:
to law, rntulo tlieir reporter the4u»'tl>»'
of ilie peace election! in tbeir.rt^ictlw
districts, ;Mo,day, The baljots ate
tealcil in anjenvclope and deposited wit!
comity clerk. J. W. . Groover. A : cop
of the retnrnt is sClit to the' Secretary i:
State, Philip Cook. . Ttjo nuuiagere
of the outlyiog districts, wort in tovu.
yesterday and made, tiie .following r».
1 1>orts of tlio justices for the next-loo
years: .*. .,U/'
'i'hoiussville, J W. II Mire-in-ll.
Spence, J. 8. E. Wilder.
Metcalfe, A. i\ Birr;.-.
Boston, H. O. Jordan. . ' x
Ochlockonee.'-J. H. Norton.
Cairo, J..J. Ragan, L
Glasgow A. A. McKoover colored.
Pavo, Benj. Reece. V
Merrillville, 'll.omasP.Blaeksbenr. .
Meigs, J. 0. Smith,
Ooolidgo, T. O. Smith.
A number of interesting incidents mark
ed the elections in the different districts,
In Pavo. Mr.. Recce defeated hisoypo.
m-nt, the present Incumbent, Mry Wilt
tarns one wte.. Mr. Reece was
not registered and higopponent refused
to rote on that accoont. Had Mr.
Mills rated for himseifc the result would
hare been a lie. to Giasglow there is
talk of a contest owing to some irregn-
larity in the ballots. McKeevca is the
only colored justice to tho ooumy. Ko
report was received from the Ways and
DonconvUls dktrietn For ssrsral years
there haa been no elective justice at
Duncanville 8 M. Beach. thcex otUdo
The city council Imd ti mtullng Mon- j Au interesting indication ot tho
day afternoon at which the City Boar.! ft owlh and prosporfty of this sectlou s
ot Registrars for 1001-1008/were ap- | the fact' that the traflio on the A..C. L.
isrlutod. Mossrs. John Triplett, J. H. , *“» outgrown tiro railroad bridge at
M-.mll. .1. S. Hopkins it nstitut..! Albany Toe Albany Herald it. treat-
tho board. Within thn next, few days , iu K tholmatlerroys;
they will set to work and purge the re- j A •«'» ‘’ridge - or each improvements
gistration list for tho city primary and i ®* Will inaka tho present strnotnra prao;
•will bo .constructed over
3ii«».ivay Uoq. Wm. M. Jouos held
tto n^otur tnrtn ©t ordinary’scourt and
% caruuW'ntLlo nmoout important
tmwiraretta wm traila*cCud. Mm. Sailio
(fatim was (granted a diachixrRO, (With
Nritt auii(<x ,> d rhowitu? her to bo tho solo
taanufK'i hry), na administratrix of.tho eft*
statu ot ilir> tale 8. L. H*yo«. M. A,.
Vlirniwood waft roado administrator of the
ttutaX* of Stopiiuii Mingo, colored
‘La&tom of guardianship over John Iler-
taft Carrol and William Komar Carrol,
aafcworH, wero gran tod to Mm. A maud a
jUkrrol. Tha eatato of Henry William*,
scArrcd. was distributed. Tho petition
K R. Iioitkiiui of Brunswick to bo
mmla guardian^of the estate ot Juliol
£Sp|*in*, an inmate of the State Sana-
Isran, was filed stating that the estato
wm of tho ralue of ten thoosaud dollars.
Rlllouinrii, Indltell
Sour Btonjffch, Hc»di
Colic, tic, and keep*
•yrtem in perfect con,1
by rrioiUliug the bo
PleeMQt to take.
plcNiant fn remit* t
promptly without grtpi
; ao cent* a bottle at \
You don’t like those gray
hairs, do you? And yourhus-
band certainly doesn’t like
them. Then why not fry a
bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor?
It restores color to gray hair
every time, all the deep, rich
color of early life. And it
cures dandruff also.
•• Icartalnly belle** that Ayer'* Hi'fVtgOT
U a splendid preparation for the hair and
•calp, for I have u««d It tnora or less for *lx
yean. I can cheerfully recommend It tf^any-
S2 tk°Hoyt, MinneapolU. $lun.
election. All on tha list who can uot f ‘icaUy now
shows clean bill of health as regards Flint river at Ibis point by the Atlan-
leugtlt of residence, taxes paid, an,l otb- D° Coast Lino railway,
crqualifications will be sttickeu from tho information which
IhshSI '■ Io*'«U railroad men have. It is a furt
- ;, well known that on Account of one of
I Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest Baars and sou, the spans of the bridgo now iu hervice
of Pensacola, Fiat are tho guestaof ^ being of ligh terns traction, the company
Dr, T. K. Blackshear at his coo ntry .has recently been pnt to a groat deal ot
* *-— * trouble and ax pease The heary In
creaio of traffic on the two lines lead
ing to Albany--one from Brunswick
and the other from Thomasville—has
necessitated the putting into service of
locomotives of the heaviest type used
on theeystem. lhfi*e loccmotivee^onac
count of the light spau In the Flint river
bridge, can not come into this dty, but
are obliged to stop' in East Albany,
svritrh engines tramferring both freight
and passenger ^trains across to the dty.
It is understood that an order has al
ready been placed with a bridgo compa
ny for a new span to replace the light
one in, Flint river bridge. The west
span will need no strengthening, nor will
any of the extensive trestle work. The
new span will be put In without inter
rupting traffic. ^
Rev. Walker Lewis, the well-known
Methodist minister, write*: "I have
used Dr. Motley’s Lemon Elixir in or
family with very beneficial results. . It is
an admirable medicine and e^celleri as
• tonic and liver regulator.* 4
Fot K-.iy Overhauled.
One :i Hi R ' TubuUr Boiler
It baa been tho custom of the Ep-
worth League for many yean to tend
a Christinas box to the poor ot the dty.
In factJChrbtmia would not teem lile
Christinas to TbomaariUe without tl Is'
bencfaOlou. The Leaguj members » e
now making preparation for the box:
and ask the good people ot tho city to
bear in mind thetr plant, aud be ready
to donate food, clothing or cash when
called open.
When your head aches, there
is a stor'ni in the nervous .sys
tem, centering in the brain.
This irritation produces pain
in the head, and the turbulent
nerve currcnt.sent to the stom
ach causes nausea, vomiting.
This is sick headache, and
is- dangerous,' as frequent and
prolonged attacks weaken the.
brain, resulting in loss of
memory, inflammation, epi
lepsy, fits, dizziness, etc.
Allay this stormy, irritated,
aching condition bv taking
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills.
They stop the pain by sooth
ing, strengthening and reliev
ing the tension upon the nerves
—not by paralyzing them, as
do most headache remedies.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do
not contain opium, morphine,
chlora!,cocaine or similar drugs.
tor a day or ao «t » tlmj. JDorEra
•• (q Jt't «Vertical -
- HR g "« • Locomotire" ' on
wheels, .. j . /:•
One to II. P. Vertical boiler and <n-
« ine - V /
I No. 1 DvLoacb Saw Mill, SimpKs
I—« Inch Inserted tooth saw.
• -Soule steam feed rope feed as good
. a* few. -•
1 —*5 H- P. center crank engine.
1-3S « . . ., «
good as new. .
i—B'd'on saw mantle.
1—Set 36 stringer ’ogging trucks new
a—Sett adpble i
1—tjf Duplex Steam pump, new.
1—a '•> Gardner gwvernafT
l-y* l-Z- - „ .*• ’ - goods'
MoUy Springs, Miss., March 34,1903.
While budding railroads in Tennessee
asMWlwctwe years ago a number of liana.
—Wiui.Uil fever sad various forma oi
Maud and skin diseases. 1 carried S. 3. S.
hay isuirai iaaary and gave it to my handi
weMhaaost gratifying results. I can re-corn*
— ad S. S.S. as the finest preparation fot
Vafcwia, chills and fever, aa well as all
W. I. McGowan.
K. H. Wight of Cairo, was to town ou
Sunday on his way to Camilla.
When In Cairostopatths Bet! Housa
Good moats, good service, good
rooms, reasonable tates- * 10-21
Mira Hill and MUa Black, ot Augusta,
will be the guests of Mix. & W. Mays
during-the Christmas holidays, A
nouil-.-r -if ,i, liclittul rre isl fuu.-tious
will be given to their honor.
Have Your Collars Launderied
Mtheei to the ThCMnnsille 8teem
Loandry. We hase entreat to ^almost
every town to Thomas oonnty. See
Mm about the goods.
1—z 1-t King governor.
1—a 1-2 Monarch governor.
I— 1 r-z Pickering governor,
iz—Sets. 1* Pickering Carriage trucl
new. the best made.
Prompt attention-.upon work “
will be prepared to (nrnlsb cane nulls
30 days. -v
thomasville iron work
■ Works near A. O. Ik K. R. Depot.
Washington, Dec. 8. — The. eenate
opened at noou today amid brilliant sur-
ronidinga.1 |Flowers covered the decks
of members and the galleries wero crow
drd. w - 7 .
After a session of thirteen mtontea the
senate^) joorned as a mark of respeet to
the lateLSenatorn Quay and Hear.
A merry party of Thomasville young
Indies whoypeut Saturday tind Sunday
at Ochtockenee wero Misses Lizzie Wal
ker, ;Ldl* Barrow. Josephine aud Lela
May Singletary.
fcJgjfsL-.- safe?.
"-For Rent.
^ Two imrse farm, good dwelling end
pil hoMna eise eroodlandpa.tnro.lo-i
cased in Oehlookonee, Ga Call on or.
vni.Mre.i.Eitotoi^a I
For Infanta and Children.
Tfis Kind You Have Always Bought
Pros. B. a En S . Co., South lisixl. Ii
Dr. Miles’ Antl-Paln PHI* are told
gawr^drucaikt^whp will ^uaraotee tfi
ZS-SHS'rSS^ 1 bu._
Miles Medical Co., Elklart, Ind ^-Why not gat that Cocking Range
| at Bait’s?