Newspaper Page Text
rlr ^" '!
’ Inc.
In the
July Clearance Sale
Read the Reductions
and See Your Sa\ ings
Jack Tar Camping Togs,
Middies, Knickers, Shirts, etc.
AH Reduced
20 Per Cent Off
Coat Suits Reduced for
This Sale 33 1-3 Off
Beautiful Camel's llnlr Suits,
Navy Blue Box Suits, Navy
Blue Blouse Suits aH novelty
checks anti stripes go in this
sale. Better not lo c this great
Voile and Organdy
• Drosses
Special July Reduction for
Julv Clearance Sale
20 Per Cent Off
Bradley Bathing Suits
Reduced 1-' Percent Off
For womgn, mis"e/, hoys, men
and children, all nrv. ami frt’sh-
We will repiaie i»*y that’s not
perfect. You know what Ilrad-
ley means to o bathing suit.
Gingham Dresses
Reduced for Thin Sale
20 Per Cent Off
Now’s.-your chance to buy «
pretty Gingham frock -at ,,n
per cent off.
All Millinery Reduced
For This Si" induction Sale
20 Per C:nt Off
Wash Sateen, Wash Silk, Satin
and Tub Silk, white and all
colors- ^ _
20 Per Cent Off
All Silk Dresses
Light and dark color*, ill the
July Clearance Sale
20 Per Cent Off
Alt Broadcloth Silk
Dresses ,
In solid white, white witn pin
stripes. Ail rcuuced lor tni®
alo, better buy several at this
20 Per Cent Off
Silk and Cotton
Reduced for this Sale—Now
20 Per Cent Off
Capes—Silk and Woolen
All Reduced 33 1-3 Off
For quick selling. Como toon.
We have 100 lovely Canca to
choose from—misses , ladies
and children’s.
Baby Novelties
All New and Fresh
20 Per Cent Off
Silk Gloves
Chamoiscttc and Kid Gloves'
15 Per Cent Off
All Hosiery
Ladies’ and children’s Silk agd
Lisle for this July Sale
10 Per Cent Off
Boys’ Wash Suits and
. Wash Hats
Jack Tar M»k<- . .
20 Per Cent Off
(Colors arc gtnranteql.l
Slipover Sweaters
• , Reduced s r* .
20 Per
AJ* new and cli
autlful new Umbrellas ntid
the new *hallos,; including
15 Per Cent Off
Sleeveless Sweaters
Ncw ; Shipmcnt just unpacked
* Less
.15 Per Cent Off
Every color of the rainbow.
La Vida, Stylish Stout, Bon
Ton, La Camille and all B “
‘' CTC '20 Per Cent Off
•Voiles, Crepes and Novelties, all
reduced for July Sale*.
20 Per Cent Off
All Muslin Underwear for la
dies and children, all hand
made underwear reduced for
thia July Sale. " .
20 Per Cent Off
SOk and Woolen, pleated and
plain, all reduced for this sale.
20 Per Cent Off
White Georgette and
Crepe Dresses
Reduced for this Sale
2£Per Cent Off
All Sport Sill? Dressqs
Reduced fbr This July Sale
20 Per Cent Off
I ■! .... — "■ ■ --
Office 1201—By MRS. ALICE ADAMS— Residence 832.
. nnd Mrs. Harry Alexander,. Ring Mrs. J. J. O’Kelley on the
Ed Alexander and Mr., and jLexington Road.
Mrs. J. L. Walker of Waycross
and Mrs. Annie Fleming Smith of
Fredericksburg, Va., are guests 6f
flics. Frances Long Tailor at her
borne on Milledge avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Conolly and
(,wo children le*£c Thijr&day for
Clayton where they will spend sev
eral days.
Mr. T. R. Edwards has returned
to Atlanta after spending several
days with Mrs. Minnie Nash and
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Drcwry.
Mrs. O. Alexander have returned to
their homes In Cape Cleardeau;
Mo., after a visit to Mr. and 'Mrs.
L. Vincent Davis on Tallulah ave-
Miss Jennevleve Alexander
led for a longer visit with
Mrs.Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and
their guests enjoyed a delightful
motor trip to Tybee, Augusta and
through South Carolina last week.
—1$— i
Friends of Mr.a and Mrs. Paul
Conolly will be interested to learn
that their young son Sidney, is iin_
proving from injuries received In
an automobile accident Saturday
Mlss Alice Brunson of Chicago
h the guest of her uncle, Mr. Paul
Conolly on Wood lawn avenue. I
- -HB-
y.-s Sisson Pnrr of Los Angeles, j Jasper, ‘Ala.
(’alif.. is expected this week to ;
visit Mrs. C. Y. Wier on Lumpkin
Mr. Milton Lesser and Mr. Sam
Funkenstein leave Monday for New
York where they wll! pirrclmse
goods for "The Fashion Shop"
which they will open upon their
Mrs. Joe Warner and Miss Ray
Hannah Warner left Thursday for
Savannah to visit before going lo j Mr. Ned Ifodgson
Charleston, &. C., where thoy w“*
be the guests of Mrs. Sam Cohen.
Mr, mid Mrs. F. .N. Drewry and
! c hildren a-re visiting relatives In
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. f. ofnitb, of
Brunswick, spent Thursday In Ath
ens, guests at the Georgian.
Mrs. C. M. OTInrra of Orlando
Fin., and Mrs. R. J. Atkinson of
fJnenvflle, da., wl!* leave Frida}
for their horn% after visitng thcli
slater. Mrs W. A. Mallory on Dear-
return Friday from the -fsle o:
Palms where the spent some time.
Mrs. Preston Brooks has return
ed from Atlanta where she attend
ed a meeting of the Interracial com
Miss Josephine Weaver of Buen
Vista Ga.. Is the guest of Mr
Paul Holliday on West View Drive
Dr. William Henry Goodrich has
Pretty Screen Actress Is bcon e,cctod dcan 01 the Un,ver -
Principal in Palace
Wee k-E n d Offering.
Burlesque Comedy Also.
Gloria Swanson in *Prodlga
Daiighters" and a cotn.dp entitled
When Knights Were Cold" Is the
program at the Palace Theatre
Thursday and Friday.
Miss Hwnnson in the role of
'Swiftie" Forbes, proved a strong
attraction. During the absence of
het* father who is Ip Europe, "Swif
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Jennings of Crawford vllle. former
ly of Athens, will he grieved to
learn of the sudden of Mr.
Jennings which occurred Wednes
day In Atlanta.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Jarnigan
Prof, am*
Mrs. It. P. Brooks will motor U
JIcndcrgonyUle to spend the wed
end with Mrs. Ned Hodgson a
their summer home.
Min* Mottlo Mao Flermnn of
overly Hall. On., nod Misses
flora and Lillian O'Kelley arc vis-
ItJ ServiceStati
H IS word it the
L beat bond that
man can put up. We
have given Goodyear
oar word that every
customer who buys
a Goodyear Tiro
from os will get real
Goodyear Service.
We ere keeping our
word—and we are
eatiafying old cus-
tomersand winning
Aa Cttdytm 5«rdw Stmt
flwhri •* MfltiW me
fM new Gm^/i
thmm mpmfth ttmndurd
Mr. and Mih. Hoyt Pitncr are ir
Atlanta this week for the Elks Con
Mrs. Charles McArthur nnd youn*
son of Fayetteville, N. C. # nr*
t wests of Mr. and Mrs. W. a! Mai-
’ lory on Dealing street.
j Mrs. J. E. Hayes who has been
attending the Club Institute here
this week left this morning for »
visit to the Tallulah Falls school.
Mrs. J. C. Bloomfield pnd Mrs
John E. Tnlmnffjre have' returned
from Atlanta. ,
Dinner 50c
Noodle Soup
Baked Fish-Trout
Pickled Beets
Muffins and Biscuits,
Sweet Potato Custard
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
Supper 50c
FritH Chicken, Country Style
Hominy Grits
Buttered Carrots
Creamed Mashed Potatoes
Hot Biscuit*
Alee Pudding
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
has broken all rules of
vention. On his return he learnt
that parental discipline 1# a relic
of a passed age and that hln daugh
ter insists uponu continuing hot
adventures v without restraint
"Swiftle* ’ttfes life In Greenwich
Village and! fall into the tolls of
a gambler. ' »
In taking a last chance to
trleve her fast* dwindling finances
"Swlftle'V stakes herself again*;
her debt on the turr vt a card. She
loses nnd promises to marry the
gambler In sixty da*^ A few hour.*
before the appointed time, a Strang*
thing i.appens that would be un
fair to tell. Let it suffice to say
that ^Swiftle" nnd her youngei
sister who had accompanied her,
return hor*i*—"prodigal daughters.’
There is a tremendous climax.
Ealp Graves. * efficiently playt
opposite the star and gives n
spl-jndid presentation of the mod
ern young man-who clings to clean
Ideals nnd fights to preserve them
The cast generally renders excel*
lent support. ^
The comedy attraction Is a bur-
esqueon that very famous nnd re
markable picture "When Kjilght-
hood Was In Flower.”
Broughton Accepts
Jacksonville Call
IM Lon G. Broughton,
known in Athens where he Uae
conducted several Bible Confer
ences with Dr. G. Campbell Mor
gan, has accepted the call of the
First Baptist church of Jackson*
cillo. E:\ Broughton has recently
been in Richmond, Va. The Jack
sonville church is ipaking exten
sive Improvements costing $150,.
Goodrich Succeeds
Dean W. H. Doughty
sity of Georgia Medical College at
Augusta to succeed the late Dr.
William II. Doughty. Dr. Goodrich
holds the chair of professor of
surgery in the faculty of the col
lege. .'
End to Radio
Pest Is Planned
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON.—Interference by
different radio transmitting sta
tions, the bane of the radio opera
tor’s existence, may be largely
eliminated as a result of a series
of experiments conducted by phy
sicists at the AJnited States Bu.
rcau of Standards.
The experiments deal with two
man factors, directional antennae
for transmitting and receiving, arid
the use of exceedingly small wave
With few exceptions radio com
munication has been conducted on
wave lengths of not less than 200
metres, and there has been com
paratively little experimentation on
shorter lengths. The Bureau ex
perimenters are using a wavo
length of only ten metres.
(Bv Associated Press.)
MONTEVIDO. — Five steamers
are aground off this port nnd
hundreds of houses' along the
water front have been destroyed
a sn result of a violent storm
that has raged along the coast for
three days. Due to the unprece
dented rise of the River Platte,
part of the water front has been
inundated. Relief h*s been sent to
the sufferers.
Notice to the Public
Henry G. Brad|e c et al vs. Gaines
ville Midland Railway.
Notice i* hereby given that ap t -
plicatioh has been filed by the
receivers of the Gaincsviilo Mid- j
land Railway to His Honor W. H.
Barrett, Judge of the United j
States District Court 'for the j
Southern District of Georgia, to,
discontinue the operation of both j
freight and passenger trains on i
the Gainesville Midland Railroad
from Belmont to Athens and this
matter is set down to be heard by
Judge 'Barrett in the United
States District Court room at Au
gusta, Georgia, on July 21, 1023,
at 18:00 A. M.
1920 Seven Passenger Bq’ck
Bulck Touring, $200.00.
Chevrolet tally Grand, $160.
The reason for requesting leave
to discontinue this branch of the
railroad is because of the contin
ued heavy losses in the operation
of the road and in hopes that by
discontinuing this part of the rail
road the Receivers may be able to
make operating expenses on the
remainder of the line.
The discontinuing of that part
the railroad from Belmont to
Athens will in nowise delay or re-
tard the prompt handling or all
freight from Gainesville to the
Seaboard. Georgia and Central
Railroad connections, or from said
connections to Gainesville and in
termediate points. In fa'.t this
change will leave us sufficient
rolling stock and cars to make all
such deliveries more promptly
than heretofore.
Receivers Gainesville Midland
Fird Coupe*
IP"*' Hedge Touring.
E..* ptirnaPy good Buick
New Star Touring.
Gcod Dodge Truck.
Entirely Rebuilt Chandler
Seven Passenger.
These t«
in good
done no ’
j car s cecnw to be
hape, .but we have
ork on them.
$8.50 and $10.00
^Si>olllinc System!
Clearance Sale Price
• $2.98
♦Collins Inc.
.. ■ *V. r.Mlii
Wednesday July 11 192?
Tuesday morning 1* the' end ol
the official week at camp, and th<
prise of two fried chickens Jn de
livered at supper to the ihacl*
which has been" kept the best dtir 11
Ing the past week. Yesterday
marked the end, not only of a very
successful week, but of the firs!
half of the boys camp. Three won
derful weeks have passed: three
weeks* that promise tc be cvcir
fine lie ahead.
Shack Teh had four fried chick- J
ens for supper last night.* They
won two chickens for the cleanest
shack as well ns one for winning
tho younger boys shuttle cock
tournament and one for the young
cr boys horse shoo tournament.
Their teams wore, for shuttle
cock-*-S. J. Moss and Tommy Ger-
dine: for horseshoe Gerdlne and
Morton. The leadpr of Number 16
Is Ed Hodgson. '
Shark Three won twt chickens
yesterday when they won both the
shuttle cocok and horseshoe tour
naments of the older boys. Their
team was cam posed of Buster Kil
patrick and Jimmy Harris.
yesterday afternoon After th»
tournaments webe over, almost all
the campers hiked over to Hickory
Nut mountain, coming back
Talulah At tho evening Bible class
Frank Dudley, a member of
camp cAblnct was the speaker
Our morning meetings this week
are featured by the talks of J>r
Wilkerson. Wo are delighted tc
have Dr. WUkersdn with us and
enjoy his talks Immensely.
Thursday of this week will be r
big day up here. The Y. M. C. A
Directors, the Klwanls arid Rotary
qlubs wll be her* for tho day, i
barbecue will be served and enter
talnment features. Including a big
baseball game, Is being planned.
Tho camp team has challenged
tho three visiting bodies to organ
ise a team of their best players
The result should be a fast game
Klwanians, Rotarlans. Directors
e expect you.
Following is thp standing of the
Boys’ League:
W. L. Pet
Moll s l .?5f
Burkhalter 2 2 .501
Tate 2 2 .600
Morton 1 t
T. F. GREEN, Jr.
Poisonous Gases
Used In War On
Texas Rattlesnakes
(By AuocEattd Press.)
SAN’ANTONIO, Tex*«.—*•>n-
ous sues wiU he seed lo th! dee.
(ruction of Texas rattlesnake*, ast
cordlni to preaent plan* of the pre-
dntory animal bureau of the u. S.
Department of Agriculture, assist
ed hr the chemical warfare service
of the Eighth Army Corps Area.
Ilfaior George M. Hslloran. chemi
cal warfare officer of the corps,
will begin experiments soon to de
termine which gss Is the most ef
fectlre In killing snakes.
Phosgene generally la considered
by the bureau to be among the
moat fatal to animals with respire,
lory systems and will be tried
tint. Other gases which mar he
used In the experiments are chlor
ine, which uplftxistM, and mus-
t»rd gas. which naan or burn*;
The preliminary testa will be con
ducted at Fort Sam Houston, under
the plans.
The First Thing
To Learn
T HE first thing a child ought to
learn is to save money. It is
as necessary to learn to save
money as it is to learn to Walk, for
that is the only way to walk to
success. *
Iuuu . . i • Ji. "
Commercial Bank of Athens
Member Federal Reserve System
^HAT price would you think two pieces like
,the above sketch would sell for? -
Yj/HAT would you lie willing to pay for two
really good pieces like the illustration?
THfi Davenport is 82 inches widc^thc up
holstering is all done over oil tempered
steel springs—the springs are deep and lux
uriously comfortable—the covering is a high
irrade velour—backs in the same material as
fronts. • ,i
ONE of tiie newest sets in our store, it was
bought to sell for $260. Our REMOVAL
SALE brought the price down to $195 and has
made a wonderful bargain for some discrim
inating buyer.
v ' -V
Dorsey Furniture Co.
Quality Furniture Since 1884.
A Store Filled With Articles of Charm
and Usefulness That Cause Expressions of Delight.
Women delight to shop at McGregor’s—where the store is filled with hundreds of
items htat are hot only useful but of beauty and charm, and the price is always at
tractively low. . i
Fine stationery for milady’s personal use—choice books, magazines, photograph al
bums, artists’ materials, art novelties, bridge-sets, leather goods, gold and silver pens
-*■ and pencils, boudoir lamp£/etc. - ,
We are offering a beautiful line of Jantzen’s and Spalding’s Bathing Suits at ONE
FOURTH off the regular prices this week/ Right in the midst of the Swimming sea
son and just at the beginning of vacation t ime you have a wonderful opportunity to
get a bathing suit at great savings. , ,
The £Mc(}regor Co.
a.rsOlayton Street
‘ ~ w *