Newspaper Page Text
Summer School Students
Have Learned . ,
—that the most delightful Ice Cream and the most delicious Foun
tain Drinks and dainties are to be obtained here. They come to
the PALM GARDEN where they are always welcome, aqd where
they can get the best refreshments, candies, light lunches, sand
wiches, etc,, and where there-is an air of refinement and delight-
fully cooling breezes supplied by our many electric fan3, and in
the cool retreat of our terrace tea garden, they can entertain their
friends and enjoy a social chat
-' Jj ■ .1 8HI' •' Georgia Hotel \fT t ; : ,, : V../)
l» Hal Codjran. - Dr » wl "S» *T Lee Wright.
,S-IUV JULY. 12 1923
I ean’t whistle under water," raid Jack. "Sura you can,”
d the wrttcrmtte. VUst.keep on doing that and the bubbles you
op will break into stand when they reach the ton of the water,
did and very, shortly he saw a great comfnotion just above him.
The Mizzines.s vie a pi o7I“(hey begin
* l v over again.*
Everywhere the Whirl les were
turnlg around and around and
ev^ry once In a while one of them
would stop and stagger and then
lull on li e ground.
Right near Nancy a Whlrlie
sapped whirling and began to art
so dizzy that Xuncjr caught him.' ,
“oh. don't.*'' he shouted. ‘Don’t
stop me!"
So Nancy let go and Instantly
the Whlrlie sat down w'th a
“Oh, It’a mo lovely.” he cried
Everything is going ’round anf
round and ’round. Everythin/ looki
like streaks, it’s better than a
merry-go-round. Hu, htt, hal Who
are you and whit makes' so
fat.' You look utt wide as two
houses, each of you. Now you'r
No there you are again.. And
your’o all streaky. y\y, my, my
What queer people ”
'illy." aa'.d Mr. Sky Row.
■ L «... » ) \\ 111' .111.JL ,iuxe*'AI
Nicholson Social .^^•f'will^inlcr ol TalludcRa
And Personal News AiiT’is vi»m n # b
—■ , . Wives and friends.
NICHOLSON Ca.—Miss Pauline' Rev. II. r. Sorrow lias returnee
Potts was hostess to a birthday
|>arty ut the home of Rev. and Mrs
W. M. Davis. Saturday ^veiling* a
six-thirty. The Invited guests wer«
Mrs. Vesta Llewallyn. .Willie Walk
er, Jew’ett Barnett, • Vardanian
Means, Misses Jewell Miller, Sadi<
Smith, La Ware McElhaunon, Wilm;
Lord, GussiC Wallace. The o-jea-
slon was beautiful In every par
ticular and the guests were serve*
a course of Ice creuni and cake by
the hostess assisted by. Mesdsonet'.
Bert Potts und Ad^lie Bailors. All
the attand&nls report a- nice' tlhie ,
Nicholson was represented at th< j Qulti
singing at Harmony, . Sunday by J attending th<
Messrs. Jewett Barnett. M. F. Webb(merce tIf2.pi
wife and little children. The day Mcadanus.
Was n reported success In the aom I n,t * IIo °d
land. • ' v
home from Copperhill, Ala., when
be Hold a icvival meeting.
Mr. Willie McKlhnnnon of Lex
ington was a visitor here with rel
atives a few hours, Sunday.
Rev. A. <>. Hood was in attend
ance at religious services at Macn-
donia church. In Madison count)
Sunday. . _
Mr. J. il..Davis of Maysville wai
the guest of relatives and -friend;
here the first of the week. 0
There will he preaching
meeting at Com
at week.
Floy ‘Stapler and An
re In .Commerce shop-
day last week. .
Mrs. Era Harmon ’ and children
M hea o TO^£ wh * st ^‘■Pj bgr that hi* master* wo« down”t'
of Mjc S«a. That 3 why he, too, jumped in and swam
er Jack had patted his dog's head the watermitc again suggested
hey travel along. Past beds of .'coral and soft swamps of
they walked And suddenly Flip darted ahead and started
,c a d)T^S * 1S k a catfish,*! shouted tjie watcrnjlte.
isn’t the,sc children whe ai'c eueer*• Methodist church Sunday mornln: I 01 ** visiting in MayaviUe with Mr
They aren’t fat at all jand evening by the pastor, Rev. J * f, d Mrs. J. H. Davis.
It’s your dizzy head that make: ,C. Harris of Center. The public it
them look hc." [cordially invited to attend these
"Why mo they aren't,” declared' services,
the Whlrlie, rubbing hl3 eyes. “Hovr * The singing
do do do! Welcome to-*Whirligig Misses Smiths
Town! Would you like to whirl
around and get all dizzy? I’ll show
you how. It’s loads of fun!"
"No thank you,” annvvercd Nan
cy politely. “Um not allowed. Be
.sides it give's mo u headache."
' “Then
self.” said the
highly enjoyed by
those preseat and the singing waj
good. ,
Preaching services were con*
ducted nt the Fire-Baptized Holt
nesa . church Saturday evening
evening by
- Say “Bayer” and Insist!
Prepared Especially for Infants
and Children of All Ages
Afother! Fletcher's Castoria has
been in use for over 30 years to re
lieve babies and children of Con
stipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic
and Diarrhea; allaying Feverish
ness arising therefrom, and, by
regulating the Stomach and Bow
els, aids th« assimilation of Food;
giving natural sleep" without opi
The genuine bears signature of
Jy Olive Roberts barton.
I fchfcW imilll»ll hotues .d Z4 mxi 100. Aspirin is
How Backache ud Periodic\
Unless you see the n«ine “Bay
er" on package or on tablets you
are not getting the genuine Bayer
product prescrloed by physicians
over twenty-two years and proved
nfe by millions for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Earache Rheumatism
Meuraigia Tain, Pain
Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspi.
rin” only. Each Unbroken package
contains proper directions. Handy
tin boxes of twelve tablets cost
few cents. Druggist, also sell
bottles ,>f 24 and 100. Aspirin is
Pains Yield to Lydia E.Pink- | Sallcylicacid.—ci Advertisement.)
ham's Vegetable Compound ‘ ^
■Olein, N. Y.—“Every moi
blood would go to mjMiead
ead and _
have such
a headache, nose
bleed, backache
and paina that I
could Tiot do my
work. At night!
could not get my
rest and nothing
seemed to do me
any good. Ij-ead
some of your tes
timonials about
what Lydia E.
Pinkham’ a Veg-
bo cried. "Everything is going 'round and 'round
| next place the Twins came tr
Land was' a funny one
\ quite as queer os ony place
a.l seen since they entered
K rain-bom*** \
y rubbed her eyes and Nick
I ha rtf. ~
•!“ chuckled Mister Sky Bow
"What’s the matter?”
•tit%—It’s those peopK" said
Nancy. "What are they doing that
for” , •
• ”Wh;», those *are the WhfrtlCs',”
paid the little fairy “They
v hlrl around like that until the)
get dizzy and then they stop. Whcr
By Condo
UITH f & ('■
i m
fs ffm
?IVC=R.c5.'f. . —l/v\ 4*^V
etabltf Compound had done for others,
so I decided to tolt. Ihsd only taken
two bottles wbenl began to be better,
and my back did notnnrt me nor my
bead ache. I felt like a new woman.
The Vegetable Compound Is .a splen
did medicine and I will always recom
mend it "-Mrs. A. p. Earls, 630 N.
6tb St, Ole an, N. Y.
Mr*. Kelsey Adds Her Testimony
Copenhagen, N. Y.—** I read your
advertisement in the papers and my
husband induced me to take Lydia E.
Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound to
R t relief from pains and weakness. ^ .
rss so rede that I could not walk 1 burn, and tnn blench because 11
at times. Now I can do my bouse* | doesn't Irritate,
work and help my husband out doors. I —Advertisement,
lam wuling for you to publ
Mfcc the Juice /of two
with three ouncee of 1
White, which any druggist .will
supply for a few cents, shake \yell
in a bottle, and you have & whole
quarter-pint of the meet wonder
ful skin softener and complexion
beautlfler. Massage this sweetly
fragrtnt lemon cream Into
face, neck, arms and hands, then
shortly note tho youthful beauty,
eoftnesa and whiteness of your
Famous stage beauties use this
harmless lemon cream to brlns
that' velvety, clear, rosy-white
complexion, also as a freckle.
^ »% l ’i«n“N T v n 'i DELICI0US BUDWINE
•ST, B.F.D., Copenhagen, N. Y. At A || FounU (n d in Bottioi 6c.
Slntchc hy U W. Reiner.
Color Uie picturn with naint
Miss Bessie Pearl Pierce of Can
a week end guest of friend:
In the city.
Misses Dorrls ,, Hawk3 and Berth;
Chastafn dined with Miss Wilms
Lord Saturday.
Mrs. J. T. Llewallyn was visit
ing relatives In Athens a part o‘
Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Allen wsr*
the guests of relatives at Martlr
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Fannie llarvey_. left for At
liinta Sunday for weeks ataj
with relatives and friends.
Messrs. Brooks.' Curtis Smith
and family of Lexington were
Itlng here one day last week.
Mr. G. H. Coleman und famll;
were the guests of relatives
Tuckstown Sunday.
Miss Sadie Smith has returned
home from a pleasant stay with
relatives near Lexington.
Mm Oliver Sailors and bab;
wer visiting relatives In Com
mcrec, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. .George Smith Is
Oglethorpe county whore he ha-
been with relaitves for a few
Mr. Lonnie Duncan and famll)
of Enterprise were week end visit
ors hire with relatives.
Mrs. Jane Sailors of Commerce i>
visiting lure, the guest of relative:
and friends.
Miss-Mattie Smith is spending
two weeks with relatives neu
Athens Business
Men Visit Camp
Sovoral members of ,the: Athens
Rotary and KltriniA* wo*t
to tho Y. M. C. A. summer camp
near Tallulah Falls 'Thursday,
wher* they were, the guest of tho
“Y" campers.
Thq Y. M. C. A. camp has ho- of tho most famous In
tho i^utlicaat ami the members of
the two Athens civic clubs onjered
the gy^Immensely. Tbey.vreyo en
tertained with a barbecue and
spqclql athletic stunts put on by
tho bpys on tho camp, numbering
over ilxty.
Our Attractively Low Prices on
For Mid-Summer Wear
Never have \ye had .such Shoes—combining all of the latest and
newest combinations and colors—and having the added*winning
incentive of quality and low price,
eentive of quality and low price.
Begin Probe of
i Brown’s Dept
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA, Ga. — Tho hougc
Thursday passed a resolution by
McCorry of Schley calling upon
the Department of Agriculture for
a report on its activiites in the in
spection of gasoline. . The resolu
tion also asks the number of cm
ployees engaged in gasoline >
spcction and tho duties of ea«
and inquiries into the cost of co
ducting tho inspection.
Indians Shot For
Robbing A Trai
(Bv Associated Press.)
MEXICO CITY—Summary vei
geance has been exacted by tl
government for the attack on tl
Intcroceanic Railway pnssenn
train June 8, between Amozoc
Senoret, nenr Puebla, In which tv
were lost. Five Indians, tv
of them residents of Aniosoc, ha'
been shot after summary cou
mnrtlals nnd 12 others, who:
names were given by those execu
s members of the band of rol
hers, are being hurried through tl
mountains by numerous detaol
mints of federal troops.
Photographs of the five dpa
robbers, taken while they
falling jinfter the bullets of
firing squad nt the edge of
graves dug /or them, have bee
distributed throughout the Mallnt:
mountain region ns a warnin
against further similar outrages.
THE very fineness, the richness, the stability, the power and
the lastingness of Jewelry are symbolic of the strides towards
success and the attainments of t'he students who are here at
tending the University Summer School, with a view of fitting
themselves more completely to teach the boys and girls' of the
country and prepare them for a successful and useful career.
You will find in oqr store appropriate watches,, chains, cuff
links, silver and gold pens, fountain pens, bar pins.-ringsf
beads, gold knives and many other articles that you will like
to own and which will prove useful,' or which you will want
to choose as a gift to a friend or relative.
We have a compile stock of Fine Silverware, Cut Glass, Fine
Imported China, Pottery and Art Goods of many kinds that you
will bfe pleased with, and our prices are very reasonable.
Jewelers and Optometrists
Read Banner-Herald Want Ads
p.lac. Special Showing Today and