Newspaper Page Text
ri.iiliwinf ti will enter
mark «if the eeawi
stretch with Novemlier’" Hi*
Jeri the rchcduic. liaorgU.
•hire and Tecll proved one
to.* rr.any for the Ti*«ni a year a*u
Mild the going Win be Jn*l ufl rough
'!/" pepping up
* The
on the 1
;tjjijt' held in Lanx-L
High hero Friday because of an
injury, to the. shoulder. Just who}
till fill his shoes was not known .
at tlbis writing. )
A very light workout and a drill.
on aerial tact'cs was ibe menu fori
the club Wednesday while work of}
a similar nature will consume most I
of Thursday’s work. Barring the*
absence of Dudley the club is In
lip top shape and are ready In Double
S/^[ or T*> l e h V"7. SKI Staged on Sanford
hflvu seen several r.cZv formations
and plays that should trouble the
Invaders. Although outweighed the
locale will go Into the battle con*
Orient that speed and' strategy will
down brawn.
men, and they are determined that
their record. be maintained.
Saturday's opponents for the
Freshmen conquered the Clemson
Freshmen one touchdown better
than Georgia's Bullpups did. They
will present a tine team and will
give tbe-locale no little trouble.
The vkrslty reserves v|U engage
the Dablonega eleven to a game,
YTnariftf Will Rp 1 which ehonld he hardtfought
nedaei mu p>lg j Bennett, former star In foot-
* *'r* v *juaii nnu dukvidbu rv v«ur*ia,
R p F i II n i n d At 2l3(r ,;0 ‘ w:l1 ®* 0,8 visitors, and his team
u e g inning /it. *.ov h<|d &e Tech rrHhnth , cto „
Saturday promises to be s big
day tor football fans. A double*
. . It PdW and fllo .. ■
iTIneTup thiug.'s might lmv« •**«?•» niffet-
! «*nt imt nu > u- i.' i. ft ..i i* *'>*• «»"'
j «nJuriMP*4i>id tw» refills from the
MicfNbmrtt <.f the Ia*t >*'®r. «.ncn atiu
JtivWUlS»t%werr glwii a.i hame.
iSssfc& 'KffiMfcE sk
the leant, played like vet-
'dtrams while nil the <>l<l cuardt «'*jr.te
-Tiilly'Tip to nil expectation*, "f at
SWrence played uhat l^perhapa^the
l»ut' S Pitted* afful:^j, mi
J^aitcssllle product "huwed all-Aro*
qouliti''" ItimtH'lf.
Fortunately for the Plainsmen there
was not_n new Injury to any member
z tM tlw* wiuati mid l»V the time the hi*
«*Wflftr¥fartM with Denreiu November 3
should he "ufflrently
• (Mr f 1? ,n '*" rv
itilAllLetim uTT»e‘ thrown a*aiii"ttho "isTooit or At non H itign linn
JluidAgtt.' ' them**, res without tho services of
■ .n'vu'.o.'V’; I “Flsrh" Dudley, one of the main
A probable lineup could not b® 1 hc J dcr will he staged on Sanford
given at this wr',llng hut tt la a r , e | di beginning promptly at 2:30.
near certainty that the Maroons U, r „ s „ rV e S versus Dahlonega
will send In the same lineup that | „ be , he curt , ln .rmlser and at
•was used! against Royston last1 11;30 n, e Freshmen will play North
hrlrtay with Ashford or Weatherly c aro |j na .
W. *re—Sanford Field.
On tl» evo of their acid test the
Athens High find
In Dudley's half and Jackson (*n
the other back. Wingfield and
Davis will compose the remainder
of (he quartet. In the line the tame
eretv will be used while It Is pos
sible that Frank Stewart will be
The Hartwell team followed by
some hundred rooters will nrrlve
in the city early Friday. These lads
coiqc confident of victory and will
be mighty hard to stop. They will
probably direct tho.V attack at the
Maroons Vne In view of the fact
that all modes have faded in the
past two~gamcs. The outcome of
-this battle carries with it some
thin* tin the line of chamnlonsh'.n
onnrs for the Maroons. Although
Hartwell was eliminated by La-
vonla last week still If defeat *s
admln«}tcrcd to the locals they
ox* of tho machi'ne. The little
— prepare for cue cmunimts back will be unable to don armor will also he out of the Vace for
* dwMererf* Sli* afrwjg "lb* tiger* 1 1 ^ or the big tussle with Hartwell ) Northeast Georgia honors.
arslty game Is scheduled
this week, the Bulldogs preparing
for faeannualtllt with the Au
burn “Tigers," which will be play
ed Saturday week in Columbus.
Secret practice will bb observed
on Sanford Field all this week, by
by both varsity and Freshman
The varsity squad received no
serious Injuries in the Tennessee
affair last week, and should be *n
the best of condition for the game
wltr.t Auburn. 4
score. Reports have It that he haa
moulded a good team and nothing;
would please him, or his team bet
ter, than a victory over the re
serve*. So, It look* Vke a hard
Remember the place and time,
and the admission price for the
two games .will be one dollar.
Around Athens
With Cal. T. Larry Gaatt |
“That Georgia Four” to
Offer Added Entertain- 1
ment At Nine O’clock I
Show Eacft Night.
Every man knowa that disaster may hit him. Fire, accident ..a
theft respect no one. Great catastrophes have meant complain 5:.
aster to thousands. Save yourself, today,'from such a nosaihilii.
With there can be no auch thing as "comnlcta di..!'
ter" for you In any eventuality. Insurance will give you full fi
3ggmUAE£ l0, ‘- We can Kive you •“
Sacif Ni{
3HN E. Dl
Coach Bachman's Bullpups will
bo pul through a strenuous grind
this week, as they are expecting
the (Carolinians to wage a hard bat-
tldT Not a single pq’nt has been
j made this year against the Fresh-
T HE VICTROLA instrument line includes twenty-one
models of the three general types shown below at from
$25 up. Ask your dealer or write to us for illustrated catalog.
Victor Records provide the best music of every kind bv
the greatest artists in each particular held and the weekly
issues keep you supplied with their newest selections.
Out tomorrow
New Victor Records
October 26, 1923
Concert and Operatic
{teassts., hate} «»• »•«
Familiar tongs, ©I sacred and aetnlaaemd character, In rich
contralto. ‘‘Calvary" with iu Infinitely soothing retrain, and .
S<r Arthur Sullivan’s long o< the organ!tt who struck tha -one
clear chord to reach tho ears ol God."
I Qujercme Mucho (U n M.Dwrir)
A la orilla dc un palmer (M.1WP1M
II you demand beauty of sentiment In yow
V find it in these two Mexican love songs, In —
marvelous young tenor who never sings a note in
Melodious Instrumental
fNatoma—Digger Dance (Hobwt) Victor Herbert’s Orchettra
(Indian Summer (two VictorHerhert’a Orebestr
Two remarkably fine and remarkably contrasting numbers
tor tho lull orchestra, directed by tbs composer. The Nstoma
Tito Setups 1
Tito Sckipa [
929 1.50
Ofd^) 55200
Light Vocal Selections
The scacoast has been little heard from of late years in
American popular songs, but hero ere two excellent scacoast
songs, by a ringing bass voice with great clangorous bells.
», k .oH4Siss}'«»'-»
Popular waits songs. The “Dreamy Melody" which has so
inspired composer and lyrists it Drigo's“3«mi»de,”lntrodocad
as an orchestral interlude. I'm Drifting Back to Dreamland*
Introduces Bartlett's -Dream."
Dance Records 1 v
( What Do You Do Sunday, Mary ?-Fpz Trot J
.M-Pwre-i Pool Wfciicuuaud Hit Orchestral 19145 .75
Chanoonettc-FozTrot Paul Whiteman and Hia Orchestra J
fox trots. “What Do You Do Sunday,
features. i'Chansonette" is a number
tire heartstrings ei discriminating dancers.
, . Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Ckianl
{In a Covered Wagon With You—Foxtrot ._ } 19147
The Bcnion Orchestra of Chicago
Two ol tho greatest fox trot records ever made. "Easy
Jm gvoelest _
Melody” is iadead easy golnc-smooth yet hrely. In a
Covered Wagon With You- is in more riotous vein.
'ell All tho Folk* in Kentucky—Fox Trot 1
Charles Dornbcrfor and His Orchestra 119145
Midnight Rose—FnTrri Tho Benson Orchestra oi Chicago J
"Tell All the Folks in Kentucky" is a well-played stendard
big hit fox trot with a lyric sung by Vernon Daihait. “Midnight
Rose" la lullol color and makes a most romantically beautdul
-his master); voice”
look under the U4 andonthe labels for these Victor tndMUtis
Victor Talking Machine Compapy. Camden.N. J.
Mr. Wolfe Is a one-armed ex
Idler located in our city, and who
paints pictures and does nice cabi
net work. This ia quite a little
enterprise for Athens, and our
people liberally patronise Mr.
Wolfe, who is f deserving gentle
man and fine artist.
The enterprising citizen.
Wintervilie-will have a fair of
their own on October 26th, and
we predict in advance it will be a
eueceas, for Winterville ia a fine
town and surrounded by one of the
•best and moat advanced farming
sections in Georgia. Athana, later
in the aeaqon, will have a display
>f the products of the girls' can-
'ling clubs and other local exhib
i Tuesday, November 6th,
Oconee will hold an election t<
boose county commissioners foi
the next two years. The present
hairmtn of the board, Mr. C. C.
Parsons, is offering for re-elec
tion, and he has made a splendid
jfficial. Oconee is building sonieithe Un'ted States. Tney Include
good roads without any extra tax I Spaniards. Germans, Poles. Vkra
•‘Three Ages," the first feature 1
comedy of six reel length In which
Buster Keaton has starred. Is the
picture attraction at- the Palace
theatre Thursday and Friday. In
connection with the nine o'clock
show each of these nights, “That
Georif'a Four", musicians from
University, will give an act.
“Three Ages,” Is replete
laughs an dthrills and ettahll
Keaton permanently In big
length feautre comedies.
In “Three Ages" Buster apr _
with agility from sjde splitting ex
position of life as it was in tihi
cave man era to an hilarious ex
plsnatlon of life as It was In the
urlli an reign of triumphant Rome.
From Rome he carries us forward
to our rfwn age were he enjoys
hlnlself in a keen satire of the
modern world nqjgf losing sight,
however, of the h'Jmoroim, the pa
thetlc, the uproarious touches with
which modern life t's full.
“Three Ages'* has a cast of more
Chan two thousand people In sev
ere! of the massive scenes staged
ia duplication of the ago old Colos-
seum In Rome. This Colosseum set
is’said to have cost a huge sum a
and is the largest qct ever con
structed for a comedy.
Complete Insurance Protection
617 Holman Bldg.
Day and Night
Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone
gg Office Georgian Hotel gg
We Have the Sign erf
Efficient Shoe Repairing
MS. Henry, who operates a truck
_.jil general farm near Oconee
Heights, tells us that he has this
rear gathered four bales of cot
ton from six acres and will get
another bale. Five bain. Irom alx
acrea ahowa what can bo done un
der boll weeq’l condition. Farm
era say their cotton la turning out
better than Urey expected and
flelda they thought had about all
tile crop gathered are again white
with open bolls.
What la a far wore# Ion to our
section than the exodustlng dark
eys Is th« fact that a number of
voung white men hat, also left the
-tarma and* moved to tho manufac
turing centra of the north. Some
dozen fine young white men have
•eft one aettlement nnr Athens.
When they learn that wt an grow
cotton under twit weerqT condition.
It Is hoped that they will return
and the exodustlng movement halt
Harry Hodgson It right In urg
lag an organized movement among
bonkers, merchants and fertiliser
manufacturers to use ftsir best of-
'orte to Induce every former who
plants cotton to use poison. Tha
best and surest way to achlavs this
end |s to refuse loans or credit to
formers unless they agree to uas
poison, and than fertiliser dealers
refuse to supply thsm. Every Intel
ligent farmer now realises that he
cannot grow totton without the use
of poison and St only alias boll
weevils to destroy the crops of Ma
Nazi weak on oar Farm Page wo
will write up tho fine herd of
jersey rattle owned by Mr. Mc
Pherson of Athens tnd whose rat
tle carried off so many prises at
the Atlanta fair. This write-up has
been in the hands of printer for
several, weeks but wsa crowded
oat It will bo n revelation to our
cattle man and cttlsaha.
We ae, that Jasper county baa
two choose factories nearly com
pleted and a third <* being organ
ised. Jasper has gone largely into
the rattle and dairying business to
supplement the cotton crop. It Jas
per can build three factories surer
ly Oconee ought to have ont.
Frank Edwards has on his farm
In Oglttborpo county the finest
pecan grove wt aver’raw. The
tree, art very largo and ware act
out by i-Mr. Edwards about thirty
yrars ago. Moat of them trees
bear the largest size paper shall
data. If you an setting out n pecan
grove you should sen Mr. Edwards’
trees and,you can then judge what
yqur grove will bo V> throe decades
The College avenue bg'dge la the
narrowest, most winding and dan-
genus approach to Athana, with
steep embankments on each abut
ment to tho bridge. And there Is
no occasion to nse this bridge, as
It Is not much farther oror the
splendid River street bridge end a
better road. It la a wonder that
more accldenta do hot occur there.
Our country tn'enda are already
talking about tho Trade Weeks in
Athena. Onr city will be crowdad
with visitors during that period
and our merchants nap n cVch
harvest la trade. Every highway
leading lato our efty la now com
pleted and In splendid- condition,
the last work being on Madison
nvenno and tha Jefferson road. Wo
ought to have people In the city
from aa far north as Rabun, Towns,
and Unltxi. to tha vary gates of
Angnata. With <160 a hale cotton i
and full haras and smoke houses,,
the country tributary to Athens la j
in a highly prosperous condition. I
We should have visitors from come
fifty or more counttei la Athens, j
HAVANA. — Careful estimates.
place at 8,00(1 the number of Ini-1
migrants now In Havana, hoping
In aomc nay to be able to get to
nlana, and men from almost every
country In southern Europe. Many
of them. accordVig to Arthur c.
Frost, the American consul, were
lured from their native land—by
steamship agents who prom'sed
high wages In the ranc fields of
Cuba white waiting. And ,'n addi
tion there are several thousand
Chinamen whose only hnqp of en
try Is In being smuggled ashore at 1
some remote spot on the American
CHICAGO—The Malayan expedi
tion nf tha Field Museum of Nat
ural History has returned with
more than 1,000 new apvclmcne for
the extensive collections now on
exhibit In the Institution. Offi
cials of the museum announce the
most complete Malayan and south
eastern Oriental display In exist
When Shoe
'J’HIS sign i* removed by the United Shoe Repairing
Machine Company—its owners—when their expert*
find that the quality of work has fallen below >the re
quired standard.
We will gladly give you our booklet on Shoe Repairing
455 Clayton St >
Read Banner-Herald Want Ads.
Layer Cake is a Real Treat
by Stoe'et Rose
am k• tm ry
JUm Saif*
Y OU folks whs’ve
been making auch
good biscuits with Sweet
"Rose Self-Rising Flour
perhaps don’t realize that
you can get the same
wonderful results with
cake and fine pastries.
Sweet Rose is really an
ideal cake flour and once
you’ve tried it you’ll see
what a light feathery tex
ture and delicate flavor
your cakes will have.
Baking layer cake isn’t
such a job if you know
before hand that it’s going
.to “rise” and that the
result won’t be disap
pointing. i
With Sweet Rose Self-
Rising Flour there’s never
a chance of failure. Good
results are always certain.
The lightness and rich
ness of your cake, will
surprise you and the ease
[ with which you make it
will delight eVery one.
They’ll surely ask for
more—after the first gen-
erbus slice 1
Wholesale Distributors Athens, Ga.
This Red Panel Is on every beg of Sweet Rose—Plain or Self-Rising
rarrin tl _ _
ity. Your money *r
then fully refunded ity _
not **t lifted with your baking
Free Recipe Coupon "
aSaisft!; ES'-*®- 6 ”'
Rm. ref oh raw IMi paket of Em Rom
Colts ef oil UoJs-Uytr.
from the good miffs to bo
found in myntwSnett Koto
rtcipt focktt. It's gottto
up In bandy form rardy to
said to you upon receipt of
the attacked coupom Moil
it today and gel this neat
little package.