Newspaper Page Text
(By Auociated Prew)
DirraliT *
I SOUTHJiBEND, Ind.—Th* Gold-
rn Tornado of the South—Georgia i NOTRE DAME'8
Tech—expects to make its Strong | PULL STRENGTH
p*t showing of the season to date
■when It blows against Knute
Jtockno’s Notre Dame eleven, rated
as the beat in the county. Saturday.
t The southern eleven has not
*2*=?*==***^^ I
At Mobile, AU., Sprlnfhlll col
lege vs. University of Alabama.
At Jackson* Miss., Union vs.
Hoawrd college.
At Auburn, Ala., Fort Banning
vs. Alburn. >
At 8L Lotff. Mo.. University of
risisalpnl vs. St. Louis universi
ty'. ‘
At Tampa. FI#.. Wake Forest vs.
At Memphl/i. Tenn., Mississippi
A and M. Vs. Tennessee.
At follego Park. MA. University
of North Caroi'na vs. Maryland
At Elon, N. C.. Emory aud Henry
■.-El On. 4
At Guilford, N. C., Lenoir vs.
At Clinton. S. C„ Citadel vs.
Presbyterian college.
At Hampden Sidney. Hoanoko
r. Hampden Sidney.
At New Tort News. Va., Appren-
Not-re Dame will start the game ties sdrool vs. Lynchburg.
*th full strength Saturday, with| At Bristol. Vn .-Tenn.. Johnson
tlie exception that Elmer !*ayden, city normal vs. King college.
, made the -record this year It hus
l]set down in past seasons. The Tor
nado still ft Woylng triumphantly,
but thp latte scores it used, to
pile up attest' exponents have
not be«u regirterediroflr^ear. Des
pite the loss of Barron imd'BreW
I ter and several other stars of last
fyew;,-Tecli is considered one of
the strongest teams‘fn the south
atfd several experts htve Express
ed the opinion the Georgians have
j been holding something back in an-
i ticlpation of the clash with Notre
| Dame.
i No metal can touch you
J|Sc~ -
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smoothly and are extremely
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"3000 Hours of
Solid Comfort ’
-V- ;cmesh09 ~~
star back, will not participate,
cording to present plans, owing to
Injuries. Layden was injured In the
contest against the Army. H»play
ed part of tho game with Prince-
[ton last week. The southerners are
! not expecting injur'.?* to bold them
I back. They are Min’d to be depend-
Ing In a larfce degree on Wycoft
land Albright to make a good* show
| ing against Rock tie's team.
I Ivan Wllllamh. Tech halfback
I who was Injured In list Saturday's
game with Georgetown of Wash/
I iigton, is exisjcted to bo shape
for tho battle Saturday. Fames-
worth, another hackftcid star, bar
I been suffering from water on the
knee, but fg scheduled to ctact In
the game. Hufflnes, Carpenter
Staton, Fair, McIntyre ind iornel
ore expected to be strong contend
ers when Coach Alexander selects
his linesmen for the game.
Notre Dame baa won all its
games this heason and has made
such a eon spf cions r ho wing as to
attract nation wide attention. Tech
has not lost a game, but tve pow
erful Florida eleven held it to a
7 to 7 tie, trifle Oglethorpe,
Georgetown and V. i.\f. I. held the
tor-iado to done victories.
i ’ i
Following are Ihr Important ir.'d
battle of the South eeheduled for
Saturday'. October 27th.
At South Bond. Ind., Cecvgla
Tech, re. Notre Dame.
At Atlanta. Oa., Sewanee ra.
At Naahvlllo. Tenn.. Vanderbilt
va. Tutane.
At Richmond. Va.. Furman va.
Richmond. 1
At r-harlollearllle, Trinity va.
Uiuveraity of Virginia.
At I.ynehburx. Va.. V. P. I. va.
Waiblnston and Leo.
At Lexington, Va., V. M. I. va.
North Carolina State.
At tVIIIInmaburg, va.. Randolph*
Macon va. .William and Mary.
The Golf Player
likes good coffee. Morning Joy Coffee meets
the approval of Ihoao who play as well aa
those who work. It U refreshing, invigora
ting. and dalhrhtftil in nromn- Hundreds of
thousands t.f"families uso it all tho tfcfce.
Aak your grocer.
New Orleans Coffee Co* Ltd*
New OrbsaSgU. ,
J^ormng Joy
Judge SibBey Convenes
Federal Co urt Here No
vember 5tli. Grand and
Traverse Jjjry List Com
Federal court convenes in Ath
ens November form, opening on
November 5th. JiRdge Samuel Sfb-
ley will preside.
Jurors for the grand and tra
verse juries havo been selected as
iy < r
Wilbur Hendricks, Bowman; John
J. Nix, Colbert; Oble D. Calloway,
Greensboro; C. Jule Davison,
Woodvlllo; BenJ. F. Hardeman, j
Athens; James N. Durden, Bow-
jmn; T. Rucker Ginn, Athens; C.
Henry Jarrell, Comer; E. Bowden
Welch*!, Jefferson, R, F. D.; Wm.
D. Taylor, Greensboro.
Water Wright. Buckhead; Earn-1 ^ ..
est S. Vandiver, Canon; M. Ginn [Declare No Other Cotton
Candler, Royston; James D. Burt
Pt. Peter; E. Corn’e Maxwell, Lex
ington; Robert F. Morton, Atuens;
J. Herbert Smith. Ashland; Geo.
W. Whitehead. Comer; John P.
Vickery, Toccoa; Hubert Tow,
Martin; John W. Haley, Dewey
Rose; Henry M. Spinks, Greens
boro; c. Barn Moore, Maxeys;
David B. Martin. R. F. D., Colbert.
Howell J. Cox, Toccoa; Jesse A.
Is As Good As That
Grown in This Section.
That Athcnn entton is again In great
demand in Eastern nnd foreign mills
Is evidenced in repnrta reaching the
city.. A New England Mill stale* that
they are very well pleased v. -tb
staple coming to them from this
ritory, ami that It will satisfy
World Shipbuilding r “ nder coniinictlon ’w. s " 2,052..
Far Below Tonnage feg
Of Pre-\yar Record lj^§ est pre ’ w,r OP«* ot j u “ e ,
There arc 28 steamer, and mo
tor Toaela with a total tonnage of
178.590 tons being constructed for
the carrying of oil in *«£}• The
continued dovleopment of fitem.l
combustion engines is shown by
the fact that 2« 1-4 per; cent of
ino tonnage under construction in
Great Britain and, Ireland again
shows d decrease for the quarter
ended September 30, the tonnage
under construction being 1,271,196
tons or 67,000 tons less than in
the previous quarter* according to
Lloyds Register of Shipbuilding
Returns. Making allowance for
work which ha$ been suspended
for some"time, amounting to 242,-
000 tons, the tonnage actual!;
... under construction is only 1,029,
*" 1 ' i AAA 4nnci tk„ Imt-naf i-oi-nril Sfl 1
Frank E. Sadler, R. F. D., Roys-
ton; David W. Nelina, Athens;
Richard W. Bailey. Athens; Geo.
Collins, Athens; Darfd L. Milford,
At Orlando, Fla., Piedmont vs.s
At Fort Worth. Texas. Texan
ebritian unlverlty v. Centenary.
At Shreveport. La.. University _
of Arkantas. v*. Louisiana State. .Commerce; Jasper *M. Thompson,
lioschton; John H. Warren, Hart
well; John T. Da via. R. F. D., Hull;
Benn Hill Cawthen, Greensboro;
\r. Rnht Blnue, Gr^nsboro.
C.. Douglas Flanigan, Athens;
John W. Chlpley, Atliens; Eugene
W. Carroll, Athens; J. Lewis Frye,
Hartwell; Leonard* S. Brown, R.
. F. D.. Hartwell; James B. Bur-
j roughs. Dan'elsvlDe; Thomas F.
i.Murray, Elberton? Herman
NEW YORK—The citizens of
Soarsdale, N. Y. a small residen
tial village on the Hudson River,
have formed an organization known
the Hearsdale Koundutl
•eeeive ,
d disburse gifts by wRlJ Mobley, Jeffersonif Marshall N.
*r otherwlre for public educational.; Pledger, Athens; Mallory J-Brown,
dinrltabla or benevolent purposes.". Elberton; Charles M. Waddell,
Murrow, Farm
ington; Chas. W. Parr, Athens.
John N. Williamson. Athens;
Win. B. G. Jones. Middleton; John
The foundation, which will aid nil! White Plains.^ John
residents of the village who have! Madison; David R. Ml
run up against misfortune,
started by a fund collected for the
purpose of caring for the wife and
chlldhen of Sorgfntit John J. Har
rison, a soldier who loft his life
In the World War. Later a com
mute of citizens was formed to
establish a standing fund for the
relief of such cast s os might arLe
best farm display at the Geor
gia Htats fair at Maoon. this yeaf
was won* by Treutlen county. Mr
nnd Mrs. John Spivey of Soperton
had charge of the Treutlen display
nnd the arrangement wan made by
them. Other awards for agricul
tural dli plays were given to D. L
Patrick, Spuuldrng county, Griffin,
second prise $400; Coshocton coun
ty, Ohio; Jny Lawrence third, $300;
Worth county, Oa„ Mrs. F. W.
Monk Sylvester fourth, $200. Ln.
county. On. O W. Pippin Cul*
loden, fifth $100; Clarke county
Ohio, sixth, X. P. Cater $100.
W. Jordan. Royston; Samuel
Funkenste’ji. Athens; Mathew c.
Wright, Greensboro; W. t Polk
Boggs, Jefferson; George W. Steed,
It. F. D., Winder; Walter S. Lanier.
White Plains; Grady H. Toggle,
Union Pq*nt; John D. Vaughn,
Maxeys; Wm. J. Ethridge, Carl;
Ira <C. Phillips, Farmington.
Zimrl A. Tate. Middleton; BenJ.
H. Turner. Lexington; Wade H.
West. Greensboro; Horace L.
Garebold, Athens; Wm. G. Havant,
Union Point; Edward H. Dorsey,
Athens; Frank M. Clark, Elberton;
Sinclair M .Richardson. Hartwell;
J. Oscar Voyleg, Mays Vile; Chas.
H. 'Phlnlxy, Athens; John O. Mont
gomery, Commerce; J. M. L. Thur
mond, Statharo; Harold Lamb.
Union Point; Wm. A. Capps, Ath
ens; Ilatvy Hodgson, Athens; L.
000 tons, the lowest record in 14
years. Tonnage launched during
quarter was 66,474 cornpam?
Union Point; John T. Heard, El- demand for I-l-lC Inch staple, hwu ^ 239,373 In the previous quar-
Fortson, KIbertn; Jultvs E. Carlton, [dw-larcd that no <»ther cotton a« g«HN|| ter am j w 2 r k' commenced i* giver
berfon; Cicero D. Stark. Com- *» that from Athens has been reeved M 09 vessels of 111^60 ton*
mcTce; J. Vandiver Duncqp. R. F. from other sec tions of Georgia., n,! d | aKainst 77 vessels of 241,283 tons
D., Hartwell; Myer Stern. Athens; auprire w*» exprcMed at the ability in j uno quarter.
Jos. 4 Bolchin, R. F. D., Mi'ddleton; of firms to obtain cotton of each Merchant tonnage building
John H. Porter, Winder. 'quality. 1 abroad is given ns 1,106,502 tons,
— — I »*rior to war conditions cotton from n ( which Germany and Danzig aro
MEN OP WEALTH SELL Athens territory was In demand even building 345,985 tons, United
THEIR ESTATE8 IN I RELAND; "here, and was widely known fo r Its States 99,383, France 142,660
I excellent body and staple. R sold at a Holland 104,491 and Italy 145,423
DUBLIN—There is today an exo- 'premium over cotton from ether roe- tons,
dus-from Ireland of members of tlons, and was very popular in New The total world tonnage actual
the wealthier classes. laird Oran- England and oth*
more and Brownei n feeling his
property in Mayo, nnd other terri
torial inngnnte* are taking thr
same course. Their estates In land
come und*r the operation of the
Land Purchase Acts, which trans
fers them to the tenants at a fixed
price, nnd they have nothing left
but their mansion hour** and
demesnes. 1
FITZGERALD, da.— The cause
the world wiU be fitted with this
system of propulsion.
health authorities
MANILA.—The Philippines de
partment of health and the Rocke
feller Foundation will hoog Hart a
campaign to rid the island of mos
quitoes whlcjh novo become’ num
erous and because of their con
tinued piesence in many-homes,
dangerous. The department ot
health hos Issued a warning to the
people to fight- the “rcstdentier
mosquito aa they would a bitter
enemy. The inaect blamed tor
tho frequent recurrence of dengue
However with the war came a scar
city of fertiliser and bdUrttvIi
illtlon* caused farmer* to %-•< k tarty
maturing varitie* of cotton. Yh • »•< n-
sequence was that sight of quaUt;- of
Issly and staple was lost sight of and
our prcstsge a* cotton producing »cut
er was almost lost eutire-lly. Mills l»e.
gun to turn elsewhere for the ri.wredi
quality of cotton and Athens cotton no j
ted posit.»11 a
By Condo
for the lack of irlmlpal eases and k ’ n *' r h ' l<l "*
felonl-s on the Ben Hill county Producing center,
docket .this year Is believed to lw • To •he Slate <-’ollrge of Aeik-ulturo
n re.-ult of the ban placed on «“'• ‘h 0 ere- 111 ■« “ '“rg- m.eoi.c for
liquor. Although a large docket .«*<■ Improvement In llie sta|4o .4 cot-
of rlvll caaea there la only a (ifr |ton In this terltory. When lh) iirnduc-
c'lmlnal casea and no felonlc/ -ra turned to the Inferior varlrlV i in
Ihlf term of court. Prohibition is « ,ri| er to gut an early maturing er.lnm
rapidly •milling the .Jails In this U was illseourageil. Iieeaiiso II »aa
county It Is believed as before the known thnt these varieties would not
ban was placed on liquor the’veald the quality of cotton -l.-sired oy
crlmlnnl diM-ket waa always larger Ike mills.
than It Is at present. j The College has beaded, every eff.-rl
i toward the pmdurlloo of a snrlel;- In
Read Banner-Herald i"' 1 "™ 1 ’ lu, l * • I ~"" orc ' 1 ,hc rvm -
i*r a * j munity prn«lurtlf>n «»f a v.»rict/. -.f
Want Ads. [which WlntervtUg Isa notable
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Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
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Accept only "Baver” package which contains proper directions.
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The cleanest house in the
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op all sorts ol unwelcome
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nated quickly by proper
use ol RED SEAL Lye, used
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Booklet of uses on request.
FuU directions in each can.
Be sure and
buy only the|
genuine Rbd^
Seal Lye.
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Phone 75
J. BUSH, Jeweler
2:30 P, M.—7:30 P. ML
Until Christmas
Tomorrow, Saturday
OCT. 27
J. BUSH, Jeweler I
2:30 P. M.—7:30 P. M. I
Until Christmas
Entire Stock of^Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass, Silverware
’ 7 Hp Limit No ‘•Observe oAll SMust Go
A Free Souvenier to the First 25 Ladies that Attend
165 Clayton Street*
Next Door to Kress’ lOc Store