Newspaper Page Text
O. A. Bricker, Atlanta; D. P.
I • Blake. Griffin. Ga.; Mr. and Mrs.
I T. H. Freeman. JackaonrUle. Fla.;
Mrs. L. B. Jones. Jackeonvlle. Fla.;
Eugene Nolan. Philadelphia.
G. G. Carswell. Macon. Ga.;
Clere Glngsley. Franklin. N. C.; P.
O. Lain. Atlanta; J. W. Blood. At
lanta; George C. Shannon. St.
Louis; G. C. Beck, Birmingham;
I hereby innouccc u |
date for Alderman from the Foam
Ward, subject to the Dementfe
Primary, Norember 27th. *
Read Banner-Herald
Want Ads. ~
act will be seen again tonight for
the last time In connection with
Buster Keaton in "The Three
Mrs. F. E. Boswell or Greensboro,
spent Thursday In the city.
agriculture and home economics
’ are taught. The pageant was pre.
ceded with a parade of old pupils
with two of the schools earliest
teachers present. Captain T. H
Hosier and Mrs. Ella Haines
Among the old pupils were John T.
Pittard. W. R. Tuck, J. M. F. Wat-
son. Captain J. W. Barnett, M. I*
Anderson. Mrs. W A Dunlap, Mrs
W. A. Jones. F. H. Kroner. Mr.
Watson was the oldest pupl: in :h«
Banners showing the numbe* of
graduates of the school attending
college were prominent In the pa
rade. They pointed out that «er-
enteen went through the civil civil
war. twenty-one In the world war.
two Spanish American war. two
went through Agnes Scott. ten
went through Emory College; twen*
ty-one went through the State Nor
mal School; five went through
Wesleyan, four Bessie Tift, four
Delightful Elixir, Called
f Aspironal, M e d i c a ted
With Latest Scientific
j Remedies That Are En
dorsed by Medical Au
thorities to Cut Short a
e: Cold or Cough Due to
£ Cold and Prevent Com
« plications.
“* Every Druggist in U. S.
I Instructed to Refund
3 Price While You Wait at
* Counter if You Don’t
Feel Relief Coming in
Two Minutes.
Pageant Depicts
Growth of School
At Wintervile Fair
VContlaued From Pag* On*)
rion Colic, was ons of the feature?
of the fair. Sixty-five peopl* took
part. "A Little Child Shall Lead
Them** was the title. j
The pageant depicted the early I LAST SHOWING BUSTER
history of the Wlntenrflie school. KEATON AND GEORGIA
I Georgia Four Big Hit Last Night, Will Sing Again
I Tonight At 9 P. M. Show. “Six Dai's”
Big Special For Saturday.
when It started In the Methndist! FOUR PALACE TONIGHT
church in 38ft and lat*r when th<* J La*» night to a packed house
community split Into two factions. the QeorxU Four entertained their
causing two schools. Later the j au< j| ence jn tip-top style responding
to several encores. This clever
Delightful Taste. Imme
diate Relief, Quick
factions got together, mainly
through the children, playing to
gether. Inter-marrying and other-
wire. The oneness of the commun
ity resulting In erection of a thrre
room school then followed.
IN 1lf9
I played by Maude George, Spottis-
wood* Alike**, Chat lea Clary and
- Evelyn Walsh Hall.
Engaged to Fir Charles Chetwyn
at the behest of her mother* foi
financial and social reasons, th>
young American girl, La line, lose;
her heart to Dion Leslie .son of :
famous actress appearing In Paris
They are imprisoned, along , with
Athens Visitors
The sensation of the drug trade
le Aepfronal. the two-mlnute cold
and couch reliever. authoritative
ly guaranteed by the laboratories:
tested, approved and moot enthu-
riastleallv endorsed by the hlchest
authorities, and proclaimed by the
people as ten times as OUirJc and
effective as whiskey, rock end rye
or any other cold -and couch rem
edy they have ev*r tried.
All dnic store# are supplied wkh
. the wood erf a I ellslr. 10 all yov
have to do to cat relief from that
.cold Is to etep Into the nearest
druc store, hand the clerk half a
| dollar for a bottle of Aaplronal and
tell Mm to serve you two teaapoon-
fuls. With your watch In your
hand, take the drink at one swal
low and call for your money back
In two mlnetes If you cannot fell
the dbrtreaalnr eymptoms of your
cold fadinc away like a dream with
In the time limit. Don't be bash
ful. for all drucal*** Invite you and
aspect you to try It. Everybody's
dotnc It. .
When your cold or couch Is re
lieved. lake the remainder of the
bottl- home to your wife and child-
ten. for Aaplronal It by far the
safest and moat effective, the
easiest to take and the most scree
•hie cold end couch remedy foi
children as well as adults Quick
est relief for catarrhal croup and
chokinc up at night.—
Magazine Prices Ad :
vance November 1st.
Phone us your order to
Send this cd and ton cento
Foley * Co. 2CSS Sheffield Are,
- User-’. tlL, writtac your name
Iildrtta clearly. Tou wIU re-
a ton cent bottle of FOLEY'S
HONEY AND TAR for Couch*.
• la. and Croup, alio fro* sample
l . cages of FOLEY KIDNEY
rlLLB for Backache. Rheumatic
I’.itna, Kidney and Bladder trouble,
LETS for Constipation and BU-
h -nese. These wonderful reme-
d.e, have helped mllllous of peo
ple. Try thrm! 8old everywhere.—
advertisement. -
for louoUpp*UU.ta4 brmth.
w (WUd tongue. UMNC
W'tkomt tripiag or tmtsta ,
Set your liver right—only 25c
Phone 88
Free delivery service
all over the city.
66“ VHONE^fo
Taxi Service
Day and Night
fellow CabCo.
At the cloee of the pageant a
barbecue for five hundred people
waa held followed by a carnival
conducted by the young girl*
the achooL Friday night the prize*
will be awarded. The exhibit* In.
elude those of the corn club*, cot
ton club*, pure aeed association,
poultry exhibits, home economics
school exhibits.
The judges are. Paul Tabor, ag
riculture'; J. W. Flror, cotton; A.
F. Gannon, poultry. If Isa Mary
CreswelL Mias Eros Proctor. Mist
Epsie Campbell and Miss Rosalie
Campbell, home economics.
The‘fate- |s one of the most In
teresting ever held In this section.
It is a worthy prodeet of Winter-
vllle community which la standing
out In the educational world by
virture of the fact that the com
munity life and that of the school
the other.
J. T. Pittard. President.
F. C. Chandler, Secretary-Tree*-
T." S. Gaines, Publicity.
H. P. Pittard, Premiums.
Mias Marlon Celle, Pageants.
Mias Susie Burton, Home Econo
Mrs. C. M. Bolton, Home Econo*
Mrs. Jaa. W. Merten, Program
and Recreation.
H. E. Dunlap, Poultry.
Fled Johnson. Ground*.
Undefeated Freshman
Team Meets Tarheels
Here, Double-Header
(Continued From Page One)
The Intermediate department of
the First Methodist church will
hike to the Bobbing Mill Saturday
morning for a weiner roast. The
party will leave the residence of
Mr. C. W. Crook on Milledge ave
nue at 10 o'clock. All the officers,
teachers and pupils are cordially
Mrs. Howard Abney and young
«on Howard, Jr. have returned from
Lumpkin, Gx, where they were the
quests of Mrs. Abney's mother, who
has been ill.
Mrs. Guy Roberts and Miss Dor
othy Roberts of Pendergrass were
visitors here Thursday.
Among those visiting In Athens
Friday were. D. B. Kendrick, At*
lanta Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen, Jack-
son rile, Fla.; James G. Flinn,
Grevttffcld; Ohio.
F. E. Land. Macon, Ga.; A. H.
Scott and H. P. Hawkins. Hart*
well; John I. Callaway, Madison.
Ga.; H. J. Johnson. Joliet, Ill.; H.
G. McMillan, Atlanta.
W. C. Driskell. Atlanta; Mr. snd
Mrs. W. H. Macauley. London. On
tario; Mr. and Sirs. Ed Keith.
Sarato, Fla.; W. F. Oldham, Lex
ington, Ky.
Boater Km ton in “Throe A-eg*
Ages'* at the Palace 9 p. m. per
formance. The program Is ojit
that everyone will enjoy and eqj
tains many new novelties* never
seen In pictures before.
Elinor Glynn has writtn an un
usual and most absorbing screen
rtory In "Six Days," which will b^
shown at the Palace special Sat
urday. The characters are sym
pathetic and vividly portrayed;
photography by John Mescail is
everywhere satisfactory and in
many Instances touches the highest
pictorial beauty. The direction of
Charles Brabln Is of the kind that
producers dream of but seldom get
for their pictures. /
The beautiful and charming Cor-
Inne Griffith heads the cast a* La-
line Kingston, a young American
girl engaged to Sir Charles Chet
wyn, a wealthy Englishman; Frank
Mayo Is featured with Miss Grif
fith In the role of Dion Leslie, the
lover; Claude King Is Sir Charles
and Myrtle Stedman, the girl's
mother. Oliver Important roles are
Eliner Glyn Who Wrote "• Days"
Palace Special Saturday
a priest who acted as their guide
In a German dugout which collaps
es when a secret mine is exploded
by touching a German helmet
.Facing death, the lovers are mar
rled by the priest. In their efforts
to escape, after the death of the
priest, they fall Into a chalk mine,
become separated and eventually
both are rescued. Believing Dion
dead, Lallne Is forced by her
mbther to marry 8Ir Charles. How
the lovers are reunited forms the
b!g exciting climax to Ui# picture
have a strong serial attack, and
an exceptionally good Use.
In the* Freshmen line-up George
Morton, Sherlock, Kain, Howell,
Hollis, CarroH, Cook, Hcbble, Bo*
land and numerous others from the
array of backs available. Morton
Sherlock, Kain, and Hollis seem to
have an edge at their respective
positions. The work of Morton has
featured this season, and his wort
Saturday will be closely welched
George le an Athena boy, and play-
ad for Episcopal High during bis
prep daya
In tha line the positions will
probably rest between Johnson
Howard, Curran, Duffey, Wilder
Groves, Walter Forbes, Armand
Mapp, "Big Six" Luckte, Elrod, and
Crowley. A score of others will
also be on hand and a strong com
bination wIU -be presented. Local
fans will recall that Forbes and
Mapp were members of the Athens
High eleven last season.
The whistle for the first kick-off
.will be heard at UN. One dolls?
la the admission price for both
The starting line-up for
Freshmen will be Johnson, R. E.
Mapp, R. T„ Forbes, R. O., Wilder.
C., Howard, L. E., Luckie. L T..
Groves, L. O., Morton, Q. B., Hoi*
lie. or Boland. L. H. B., Sherlock.
R B., Kain, F. B. Subetltuter will
likely be. Clay for Wilder, Hand at
guard, Elrod at Tackle, Curran at
end, Carroll, Cook and Hatcher in
the backfleld.
need not be endured Iona Dr.
Bell’s Pine-Tar Honey wifi scop
it quickly by clearing away the
heavy phlegm and reducing in
flammation In your chest and
throat. It combines fust such mod
em medicines as your doctor pre
scribes—with the soothing pine-
tar honey char generations have
relied upon to break up coughs.
Keep Dr. BeU'c on hand for all
the family.
Ail drugfitu. Be f toe to get
the |
DR. BELL'S Pine •Tar Honey
Mr. J. Massey Rhlnd. famour
•culptor of New York. Dr. Joseph
Jacobs of Atlanta. Dr. Hardman
of Commerce with others on the
committee were guests of Mrs
ranees-LCu» Tmyior and Miss
Emma Long Thursday at a beau
tifully appointed dinner. Mr. Rhind
ia to mxtks the life sire stature of
(he late Dr. Crawford Long In
Georgia marble in the hall of
Htatuet In Washington, D. C.
Wado Alford Stapleton continues
ill with tonrllitla to the regret of
hie young friends. > *
The friends of Mrs. J. A. Darwin
will be delighted to learn she Ifet
the General hospital Thursday, all
of whom wish for her a rapid re
covery from a very long and trying
illness from injuries received In an
auto accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler Truss ell
«pent Thursday In Atlanta. i
Miss Frances Cheney left thir
week for El Paso Texas and from
there will go to Denver to visit
CapL and Mrs. Frank Cheney and
on her return will be accompanied
by their little daughter Barbara
Alvls. Their many friends will be
delighted to learn that Capt. Chen
ey who is 111 in the hospital for an
indefinite rest Is Improving rapidly
Friends of Mrs. L. L. Stapelton
will regret to learn of the death
of her cousin. Mrs. A. M. Alford
of Hartwell who died Friday morn
Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. WSiIker visit,
ed their daughter ,Mr*. Bob Mc
Whorter. in Athens, Wednesday.—
Walton News.
Mrs. Toombs Roberts has return*
ed home after spending some time
with relatives in. Athens.—Walton
Sloan's Liniment—mu pent
ADervoux wreck and that Benedict*
ha* done her to much (ood that aha
would not can to bo without it
now. Wo could (how you hundred*
of teetimoniala like that Many
women who han been restored in
{■“Wt and bnuty .imply will not
be without It Get • bottle of
Benedict* from your druggiit to
PORT - AD - PRINCE, Haiti.—
When the American Sanitary Bar-
rice found Itself confronted w(th
an epldem'e of ruble. In IR)rt-au-
Prlnce, it went to the heart of tha
muter by coin, after the dote,
the numbering dim that infeat
tha city atreeta, and remind world-
widlo tnrelera of Conatanttnople,
ao they toll ua.
The cttlaena were (Hen due no
tice, end then a liberal aupply of
nolaoned meat waa dfatrtbuted
throughout the dty. The malting
mortality met the most sanguine
expectations, aad tha menace of
rabies came to an end.
Eastj toPrepare
Rolled Qats
are partly cooked at
the mill byaspecial
process. It is so easy
" ryou to do the rest
HfcxEk CttiA-Ccre^
Mrs.-0. H. Langston Is spending
sometime in Athens with
daughter. Mrs. C. 8. Taylor.—Wal
ton Newa. *
Mrs. Walter Warreifc Mis* Kath
ryn Warren and little Mlsa Harriet
Warren left for Athens Friday after
noon for a weeks visit.
Mrs. Hilliard Spalding and Mrs.
Ward Wight of Atlanta spent Wed
nesday with their parents. Dr. and
Mrs. Joseph Stewart on the uni
versity campus.
The friends of little Mis# Martha
Harrison will regret to learn of her
Illness with diphtheria.
and Mrs. Thomas Powell ra
ted from Atlanta Thursday
where they were called by the death
of Mr. Powell’s aunt.
Five Wounded in
Shooting Affray
At Hawkinsville
(Centinued Prom Pete Owe)
tried to rath on the place and Pol
lock opened fire, shooting twfee.
Ho paused a few second, and then
fired four more times, according
to the police.
But while Pollock wan shooting,
according to the police, n small
group' of men began shooting from
behind the pillars of tha Hmwklna-
ville Bank and Trust company, a
hundred yard, away. Them stray
shots hit come of the bystanders.
There ia aald to have been Ill-
feeling between nome of the par
ticipants In the shooting for aer-
eral days.
CHICAGO. — Chuirches, schools
and community centers are called
Upon to honor the aohlefWment, of
the Homemakers- National Ootid
on Homemakers' Day. October 21,
In n letter sent to the thoouadh
of members-by Mm. T. Vernette
Home, founder and execuUre sec
retary at national headquarter,
here. Special observance programs
are urged for the day. The fltth an-
nlveraary of the Junior Home
maker school, alno -will be cele
brated at the time.
COPENHAGEN—Dng teams atm
hold the leading poeitftm an a manna
of conveyance in the frosen north;
a certain type of power tractor ha,
been tried In their stead but found
wanting, in tha opbtlon of Lange
Koch, the-Denith explorer, who hat
jum returned In northern Green
land with the nmchlnes. Jt Is al
most Impossible to snbatltnte self,
propelled machinery for does, he
In the round package
.T ~ _ WJ' . .. .£
f Read (
t f Want Ads.
Sale of HATS Saturday
25% Off
We will offer over 500 lovely new styles in high class models, for
Ladies, Misses and Children at a reduction of ONE-FOURTH
OFF. Every model the very latest in style and color. Remember
this sale is for SATURDAY ONLY. Now’s your opportunity to
get the hat you had in mind at a big reduction.
New arrivals in Velvet Dresses, plain and fur trimmed Coats,
New Coat Dresses in Charmene, New Chappie Sweaters, New
Sport Skirts.
> {Vk’RerJBflL
Entertainment As Jazz
You Like It
W HETHER yon favor Grand Operal or are morn !tn-
pre,red with the lilting iwtng of the latest inis, yon
will find your dealren met on the Radio program, .
Wednesday evening WE HEARD LLOYD OBOROE Just
an clearly as If we had been In Pittnburg where he was
ranking hlo address We dlso heard him Introduced by Sec
retary of Labor J. J. Davis.
There Is an evening's entertainment for YOU EVERY
Vet, we will Install one on approval
Athens Engineering Company ?
711 Smith Building