Newspaper Page Text
Coughs annoy
f Cheek those violent coughing spells
that bring upon you unfavorablo
Utoiticm. Dr. King’s New Dis
covery stop* coughing.qujckly by
gently stimulating the mucous
membranes to throw off dogging
accretions. It has a pleasant taste.
All druggists.
Time to Face the Facts
Office 1201 — By MBS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832
"So much baa been said against
ic use of patent medicines that I j
Jjsve had a strong prejudice I Vet there
A smile is lovely anywhere;
A symbol that no hate is there,
A touch of grace which all may
Rich man or poor or great or low.
This common bond of nature known
Their happiness a smile will show.
Though young or old the face may
The loveliest maiden, golden
In aII he r silks and laces dressed,
Must smile to look her prettiest.
member of the Daughters of the
American Revolution and the Co
lonial Dames, Mrs. Grace occupies
an enviable position in the estima
tion of leading members of G°or-
gla patriotic societies.
should not be "dosed." Trek,
them externally with—
Over tr Mitlmm Jan Urn* Ymmrb
and was awarded by Mrs. Ada
Tamp Walden, of Augusta. The
Alice Mitchell Walker loving cup
given by Mrs. Frank Harrold and
igalnKt them. But after tow years
iloctorlnfc with six different doc
tors. without results, for ac#te In
digestion, gastritis, constipation.
« pendicit* nnd other aliments I
s said to possess, I was encour-
;ed to try Mayr's Wonderful Rem-
seeing what it had done for
friend Mmllnrly afflicted, I oi-
was entirely relieved of my
and am sure this medicine
frill do nil nnd more than is claim
for it.** — * - • •
i operation
smiles, though fair
Which are the gifts of flattery.
And ns false as false can be.
And some will smile when they are
Recalling happy hours they've had.
Old hearts must oft pretend they’re
And yet the^falrest smile of all.
Which age may see and long recall
s a simple, harmless* Is that Ood gives a baby small,
it removes the
**« true It IS, so filled with grace,
Surely nn angel bends to trace
The smile upon a baby's face.
Grace, of Macon. qras
Mrs. W. 8. Coleman, of At'anta.
who has been first vice president
of the division for four years, was
made an honorary president of the
division in recognition of her splen
did services to Georgia and her
fine spirit of sacrifice in refusing i D. DImmock, of Waycross.
to allow her friends to present her I * —ffl—
home in opposition to the choice of I HIGH PRAISE GIVEN
the nominating committee. I MIS8 MARIE HAINE8
vest festival and helped made II
sdeh a huge success, Js given our
most sincere thanks and appre*
The members o fthe “Lend a Hand
Circle III of the missionary soci
ety of the First Methodlri church
met with Mrs. G. F. Venable Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs, Venable has
awarded by Mrs. Lee Trammell, to been the beloved leader for four
the chapter bringing in the great- | years, and as the next conference
eit number of world war records J will remove Mr. Venable as he will
tracing the routhorn mileage of have rerved his fulj time allowed
world war soldiers, was won by| a presiding elder, the occasion was
Waynesboro. J most significant. The hostess was
Atlanta won the Alice Baxter I presented a lovely silver sandwich
loving cup for the largest Increase | dish In affectionate appreciation
of members between 18 and 25, and ] D f her valuable service to the dr-
also the Margaret Carter Hunt C | e an( j ^e great pleasure she has
loving cup for‘greatest Increase In contributed to the members as w*l'
Ing, Kathleen Saye, Myrtle Aiken. I
Pageant Witches, Mary Alice'
Aaron, Elisabeth Leister, Eula Lee
Feature “How Miranda Spoiled
the Wedding.**—Wesley Mitchum,
Rasbuu Xbudeiiiau, Claude Cham
bers, Nellie Kirk, Cora Hardeman,
L. H. Ginn, Worth Dooly and oth
ers will take part.
A small admission will be charg
membership, the first award being
made by Mrs. Lila Morgan, of Car-
tersville, and the second by Mrs. E.
rrhal mucu^ from the intestinal
ct and al|aVs ; the inflammation
Ich causes practically nil atom-
h, liver and Intestinal ailments
icudlng nppendicitiy. One done
11 convince or money refunded
»r sale by nil drughts every-
‘/'Could not stand nor alt and .was
farced to cry out from intense
pain," writes Henry Williams,
Tarklo, Montana. ‘The doctors
said I had inflammation of the
bladder and an operation was nec
essary. Tried Foley Kidney Pills
and improved at once. Tell all my
friends about Foley Kidney Pill* as
will save many from suffering
end perhaps, _as in my case, a
dangerous operation." Bladder
and kidney trouble demand prompt
treatment. Foley Kidney Pills give
quick relief.—Advertisement.
president of the Georgia division
United Daughters of the Confed
‘ racy, at the closing business ses
sion today of the 29th annual con
ventlon, which has been in session
in Augusta for three days. Mrs,
Grace succeeds Mrs. Frank Har
rold. of Americuf, whose term of
office expired by limitation at this
session nnd who has been presi
dent for the past four years.
Mrs. Grace has been vice
president during Mrs. Harrold’s
two terms as president nnd wan for
rlx years president of the 8ldney
Lanier chapter In Macon. As a
Mrs. Ida Evans Eve, of Augusta,
fonner president of the divlson for
tour years and a daughter of Gen
eral Clement A. Evans, was nomi
nated for the same honor by
Augusta chapter and wan elected
an honorary president of the divi
Other officers elected were:
Mrs. Zebulon Walker, of Canton
first vice president. ,
Mrs. P. H. Jeter, of Decatur,
second vice president. •
Mrs. Leroy Hankinson. of Augus
ta, third vice president.
Mrs. Oscar McKenzie, of Monte
zuma, recording secretary.
Mrs. J. A. Seiden, of Mn'con. cor
responding secretary.
Mrs. O. P. Folks of Waycross,
Mrs. J. F. Dixon, of Thomasville,
[ Miss Rebecca Black Duponl. of
Walter Savannah, recorder of prosses.
elected Miss Mildred Rutherford is his-
Ask For No. 4760
The tdeo! shoe tot Fall end
Winter wear. A decidedly
matt Tan Cab Oxjotd
mth popular Military keels
m Ik rubber keels attacked:
«/>• inmjt Novelty« Periora-
/ass. A wondenut value
torlan of the division for life.
Historical evening brought to n
brilliant close the most successful
convention of the Georgia division
and was featured by presentation
of the new officeri* awarda of
prizes and by an address on “His
tory as It Should Be Written," by
Miss Mildred Rutherford.
Miss Rutherford made a stirring
plea for protection of the glorious
record of the south in all histori
cal documents and urged the U. D.
C. to greater care regarding state
ments contained In textbooks used
in the public schools. Prize awards
were made with full ceremony and
among them were the John
Perdue silver vase, awarded by
Mrs. Perdue, of Atlanta, to thi
chapter of Children of the Con
federacy enrolling the largest num
ber of new members during thi
year. The award went to thi
chapter in Jackeon, which captured
the award of 1920.
The Anna Bryan Lane medal giv
en by Mra. SSubulon Walker, went
to little Mies Eugenia Rawls,
) Dublin, 9-years-old, who won it for
| the best declamation at tho annual
; convention of the Children of Con
federacy. The Raines banner went
to Hawklnavllle for the largest
chapter Increase per capita of city,
Trimming of Fur
By Atlanta Constitution
"Miss Marie Haines will give
new series of six talks on Interior
decoration at the Atlanta woman’]
.These talks will be made inter
esting with large drawings and car
toons and examples of craft work
showing how the woman who isn't
a “real artist" can do delightful
things for her home.
The subjects to be discussed are
“Ancestors of Our Furniture,'*
“Screens,'* “Mlnrors,* “Tapestries
and Wall Hangings," • and "The
Color 8ehemes." *
The first a talk on period furni
ture, will treat of Jacobean and
Italian Remmalssance styles, with
a brief and interesting atory of
old furniture nnd practical sug
gestions for adopting these popu»
lnr periods to our homes.
The second will deal with the
later English- nnd American pe
riods in the same manner.
Athens, Ga.,
Oct. 24, 1921.
The Editor of the Banner-Herald,
Athens, Ga.,
Dear Mr. Edior:
The members of the “Len a. Hand
Club" deslro to express their deep
est thanks and appreciation for the
amount of publicity space given
them in the Banner^Herald con
cerning their Harvest festival.
tf Sec. “Lend a Hand Club."
To each nnd every person who
so kindly helped ua with our hart
as nlf who have had the privilege
of her companionship.
After the urual business meet
ing a social hour was enjoyed and
delicious refreshments served.
, The attractive home was bright
and cheery with beautiful fall flow
ers and glowing fires.
The Rev. and Mrs. Venable have
made countless friends during theli
residence here and their departure
will occasion sincere regret.
flP .
At Oconee Street night School
Friday the 26th at eight o'clock.
Halloween greetings—Annie Lee
The Ghost—Lucy Kirk.
The Halloween Moon—Kathleen
Music—Misses Davis.
Halloween Magic—Thelma Mote-
man, Elsie Herring, Thelnia Ginn.
Posing by Marie Wilson. Era
Yarborough. Eula L. Lindsey, Ell*
zabeth Kngrum, J. Kirk, Paul Herr-
| A»k For 9323
[ Mighlr PopHkr
! Swjggtr Set Broun
Flinch Tot Last:
Six Rom Fikj SUtUeeim Tip
f Vamp. Urine Seta. Rubber lh
Also Equally
Values at
Nearly five million smart drawers in 298 cities eTcrf jear
weir NEWARK Wonderful Shoes became for Style, Qaahty
end Value NEWARK Shoes offer them the Greatest Value
hi America. You too will lay to after you hive sera the
wonderful styles at $3.50 and $5. Why Pay More.
There it a etyle for every occasion, drew or work, and its
the biggest enoa value you ever bought in your ura. I fie
season’s latest styles now on display.
The Urs-t CM* .1 Sbe* Sum to the U*ilW Sul* *
Athena, Ga, Store, 151 Clayton St, “Nest to Krcu.”
Ail Newark Stores Open Saturday Evening fo Accommodate Cudomcn
Binds of fur ere used to trim
ell the new winter costumee. Nar
row bends finish the ftot flounce*
or emphasise the circular fleres
of afternoon dreeses.
'Wider bands ere used for col
lar* of autumn coat dresses. Wide
bends and patches trim the cost*.
ed. -
A pleasant time and a large
crowd la expected.
There will be an intermission
during which refreshments will
be sold for the benefit of the school
book fund. Halloween games will
be played, aide *hows visted, etc.
The evening will close with i
There will be a public meeting of
the League of Women Voters,
Tuesday afternoon, 4:10 o'clock, at
the City Hall. Judge Blanton
Fortson will apeak on the forma of
city government, Aldermanlc, City
•Manager Plan, Comlaalon Form.
The public ia invited.
Organization F o s t ering
Excellent Work Among
Journalism Students At
Georgia Forined.
“The Quill.’ ’(■ the name of a
new organization that la, being
formed among the itudtntd in the
Henry W. Grady School of Journal-
turn at the University of Georgia.
The organization !■ a# yet in Ita
embryonic form, but in the course
of a few weeks the plana for this
now society will be completed, ac
cording to journalism students and
faculty members wfu> are backing
the movement.
The sole purpose of the new or
ganization la to foster a high stan
dard of excellency among '.he stu
dents In the ‘School of Journalism,
It la stated, and merit will he the
only basts for membership. There
will be no,charter for the organi
zation and there will bn no honor
ary members, It Is authoritatively
Intimated. Both men and women
will be eligible for membership
and the rotter of the members Is
to be made up from Journalistic
students and Che members of the
i «• vin th. nmn The tentative announcement of
.J, I of -T-‘ he ">ovem«nt to orga«so th.
that I arrived at th. age of wo- dectanMl th , t lnlMa .
tloa tee will not be tors., that
Health Is the Most
Precious of All Treasures
Athena Klwanlana' were Thurs
day delighted at- the entertainment
provided by members of the Nor
mal School quartet composed of
Misses Reba Meadows Koslyn
Heilman, Martha Barnwell and Lu
cia Story under the direction of
Mis* Esther Benson, who was al
so a guest of the club, winning thf
attendance prize, a box of candy.
The club held Its meeting*Thurs
day at the Georgia hotel. One 'of
the features was a talk by Kiwani-
an C. J. Decker on his experiences
as member of the U. 8. Navy. Mis*
Benson won the attendance prize.
Pinna tor the Halloween party to
be given by the club and to the KI-
wanlanestes next Thursday night
were outlined by Walter Hodgson.
Harris Jones, Jr,
Goes Into Finals
Harris Jones, star golf player of
the Cloverhurst Vnka, has won hl>
way Into the finals for the Gover
nor's cup. He defeated Billy Phin-
izy Thursday afternoon four and
three and meets the winner of
Hodrson-pocock match. These two
play their match Friday afternoon.
Jones has al.-cady won the Gov
ernors' cup once.
Great Auction
Sale of J. Bush
Jewelry Stock
The auction sale announced by
J Bush, the well known Jeweler on
Clayton street, Is attracting wide
attention. Mr. Bush has thrown
his entire stock of silverware. Jew
elry, watches, diamonds and every
thing in a first class stock to be
found In an up-to-date Jewelry
■tore on the auction blrfck to bring
what It may—the highest bidder to
receive the benefit
This sale will commence tomor
row, Saturday, at 2:20 p. «n.. the
first twenty five ladles entering
the store room will be given
handsome souvenirs and every day
during the auction, which will last
until Christmas, souvenirs will be
given dally.
The people of this section will
find thin auction sale a great sav
ings in the purchasing of ih- .t
holiday'and Christina* pr***ot«
Every article in the store will !>*>
sold regardless of cost and to the
highest bidder without reserva
cows IT
Chronic coughs and persistent <
ead to eerioue lung trouble.
stop them now with Crtomui-
emtileifled creosote that
alon, ....
pleasant to take. Creomulsion Ij
new medical discovery with turofi
action; It sothes and heals the
flamed membranes and kiila
Of ail known drugs, creosote I*
recognised by the medical frater
nity as the greatest Healing agency
for the treatment of chronic couu'n
and colds and other forms off throi.t
and lung-
contains. In addition to creosote,
er healing element* which *w..„
and heal the Inflamed membrane*
and stop the Irritation and Inflam
mation. while the creoaote goes on to
the stomach, ia absorbed into the
btood. attacks the seat of the trouble
SOSES?“ rm * l “
Orw.mI.lon to cu.rmnt.wl witl--
factors In th© treatment of;; ■
coucho and cold,, bronchial a*th,im„
catarrhal hronchlll, and other fl.rma
d/«e*ae*, and la
excellent, for bulldln* up the riyatem
after cold, nr the Tloo. Money r c-
['‘L" 1 ;; 1 *"f couth or fold, n,/m e
ter of how lone .tannins to lurt re.
Ileved ofter laklnt according
£*!!?"*• „ A,k rour druclet. Cren-
mulalon. Co,, Atlanta. . OnAdv.r-
Squar. yaur nhoulders to the world
*n,y to give In—
Uft your chin a little higher!
You were made to win.
Orlt your teeth, but emllc, don’t
/ We all mint bear our bit
ft'a not the load that welghe ur
Read Banner-Herald
Want Ads.
--. —
manhood I became so delicate and
frail my parents thought I was go*
ing Into consumption. Acting
the advice of a friends they began
giving me Dr. Pierce's Favorite
{Prescription and Golden Medical
' Discovery. I picked right up in
few months, and became as stout
and healthy as anybody. 8ince I
married I have taken the 'Favorite
Prescription,' and my husband has
taken the *Go!den Medical Discov
ery.’ We know the ’Favorite
Prescription' is all and more than
Is claimed for It as a woman's ton
ic. and that the *Golden Medical
Discovery* ia the beat blood medi
cine and general tonl\;’—Mra. H. J.
Kage, 200 Church Street.
Dr. Pierce'a famous remedies can
be procured from your druggist,
tablets or liquid. Write Dr, Pierce,
president Invalid's Hotel In Buffa
lo, N. Y., for free nr f die a 1 • advice.
Send 10c for a trial %.t any of bis
there will be no “polttfca’’ In the
organization, and that Its main
son for coming i*nto existence Js to
encourage excellent work on the
part of the students of Journalism
at the university.
The Henry W. Grady School of
Journalism at the university Js the
youngest school at the state uni
versity, but within, the few .yeai*
of its existence it has shown re
markable growth and today more
than 160 are ta^ng work In that
department, pr. a V. Sanford, one
of the south’s foremost educators
and leaden In educational move
ments la at the headTif the sclido!
and assisting h(m In giving the
professional courses Is John H
Drewry. The remainder of the fac
ulty of the school Is likewise
Local Gas Company
Makes Improvements
For Athens Patrons
A fire very seriously damaged
some of the apparatus at the Ath
eng Gas Light and Fuel company's
plant several days ago and as a re
suit the service in the city was
somewhat hampered. The repairs
have been temporarily made
equipment has been ordered
.. 'blotehaa~on fera unkTraa or!*™* wm *• "“tolled a. soon ag It
body, you do not have to wait for ftr LV ,ea * . „ , ...
relief from tortura or embarraaa-1 T [to InaUItollon of thjg n»w
ment, declare, a noted akin equipment will man gn Improve
allat. Apply a little Montho-Bul-1 "“»* '» presaura and tb,
phur and Improvement ahow, next ( l ual "r of the gaa furntohad. It 4a
day ; mated. Every effort la being made of ita germ de.troyln,! *"• «'>‘ h «'*»£
properltl... nothing ha. aver been ‘VJSld
found to take the place of this sub
Broken Out 8kin and Itching Ec
zema Helped Over Nipht
For unsightly skin eruptions, rash | r
phur preparation. The moment
you apply It healing begins. Only
i those who have had unsightly skin
I I troubles can know the delight this
(Mentho-Sulphur brings.
Sates2% ritaesasmircfias
j fiery. Itching eczema Is dried right
Get a small Jar of Rowles Men-
tho-Suipbur from any good drug
gist and use It like cold cream.—
Magazine Prices Ad
vance November 1st.
Phone us your order to
of gas, it is. stated. Many needed
Improvement# are now either un
der way and planned and when
these are‘made it i» believed that
the gas here will be unexcelled by
Even' any 8,n > ,,or plant.
Sister of Athens
Man Dies in S. C.
Mra. John H. McDonald, sister of
E. O. Boatner of Athens died at
her home ,fn Seneca, 8. C„ Tuesday
evening. Funeral eenlcee were
conducted In Marietta Thursday
afternoon. Mr*. McDonald to sur
vived by tier husband, six children
and four brothers.
Besides the^many in
bteok, every etylieh
Autumn color Is Jbcau-
titully presented....
Choicest of the new styles
revealing a wealth of
charming effects — shown
here for the first time . . .
Their striking originality,
fine fabrics and exquisite
styling bespeak a far higher
price than we have marked
them for this one day sale.
' a
Come Early l
Corinne Griffith ^
and Frank Mayo